#help my friend is a kazuichi kinnie
skull-b0y · 3 years
Unusual Quotes of Nico (me) Part 2:
"Shut the fuck up, oil shark kinnie." -me, 2021.
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hajimesbraincells · 4 years
🍀 𝙸𝚃'𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙻𝚄𝙲𝙺𝚈 𝙳𝙰𝚈 !!!!                                            ( 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝! 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚝 𝚞𝚙! )  🍀
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✃ anonymous requested;
can i get a kin positivity thingy.. CW self hate uhhh. so i am a kazuichi kinnie and thats my only kin.. but i do NOT like myself and i feel like all my friends and family and boyfriend are lying to pity me when they say they like me... i am a menace like u dont have to lie to me... yes i have diagnosed anxiety and MDD yes i go to therapy and drink water i dont wanna be patronized.. just goin thru a bout of self hate rn ahahahahhahaha every day is exhausting
hey, kazuichi! i am so sorry to hear about your insecurities. it can be so difficult to deal with thoughts of self-deprecation and i know all too well its not as simple as "don't think those things!" sometimes you can't help it. i'm happy to hear you have therapy, that's always a very good thing- but i totally relate to your want not to be patronized. just remember this one thing; even if your brain says you're horrible, other people do not hang around you despite hating you. realistically, that many people wouldn't actively choose to be around you if you were as horrible as you think you are. your boyfriend, your friends, your family... their pity for people only goes so far... and only for so long. if they have said time and time again how they care for you, they must mean it by now! i think that the most wonderful people always hate themselves the most, and it saddens me deeply. i hope one day you are able to see how great you are. ask your loved ones to point out specific traits of yourself that they like... maybe it will help. and even though this next option may seem like utter garbage- please try and say good things about yourself, even if you don't mean it. eventually, those words will start to make you feel even a little bit better... and that's enough, to start. i hope with all my heart someday you really truly believe that you're a good person, too. 🍀 — mod makoto (don’t lose hope!) ✽
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I see kin list drops, so I'll drop all my Dangan Kins: Gundham, Kazuichi, Kaito, Tsumugi, Yasuhiro, Chihiro [Also kinsidering both the luck bois, since I've gotten Makoto in so many who are you in Thh and sometimes Nagito kinnies are too dang relatable] (also they/them pronouns,, you usually default to them but I'm not a specfic named anon so, just in case 🤘)
I spy with my little eye...thembo behavior. I instantly love you, I think you might not be as dumb as you think you are, but all these characters are so comforting that I can't help but think you're the same.
Kind and compassionate, if not a little abrupt. You’re very chill and laid back most of the time, but get very dramatic in certain cases. I just know you're a great friend. I think that a little less self deprication would do you good. You rock!
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gayfanficsanonymous · 4 years
my first impressions of the danganronpa v2 characters in a school setting
nagito- the kid who’d have a mental breakdown because he couldn’t remember how to make orange in art class.
hajime- the kid who everyone, regardless of friend group, seems to be chill with. possible drug dealer, but nobody knows. 
chiaki- the gamer girl who always plays smash bros with her friends during lunch and would cry if she accidentally fell off the ledge and died. mains kirby because “it has such a cute look”.
sonia- uses her popularity to help others with difficult situations that they are in. a wholesome girl.
akane- the bitch to do tiktok dances in the back of the gym during gym class.
ibuki- the chaotic bisexual mess who would not hesitate to curb stomp a homophobe
hiyoko- probably saw mean girls and became a regina george kinnie.
mikan- the girl that hangs out in bathrooms bc she has no friends. also tried to cut those bangs herself bc she thought that she’d look cool.
peko- a lesbian who protects the baby gays. all hail her. *looks at friend who’s asking me to do these* i’m fucking calling it. she’s gonna be my wife. (i was right)
fuyuhiko- that kid who thinks that talking back to the teacher is cool. is super close with the english teacher. gay? who knows. is he? maybe.
mahiru- gay for peko and mikan. is a cinnamon roll. gives sandwiches to the people who either forgot to bring lunch or can’t afford school lunch
nekomaru- the dude who thought that he’d get hella hoes if he looked like a JoJo’s character. he’s wrong. the only female attention he gets is from his mom.
byakuya- the guy who loves to rant about history but is wrong 99% of the time. won’t hesitate to cut a bitch for eating his tater tots.
teruteru- the kid who got expelled for hiding in the girls locker room to see some titty. got his dick almost cut off because of it.
kazuichi- he’s gay. just a punk gay and i want to marry him. he’s so precious. does really well with sports because he binge-watches sports anime (for seeing hot boys but ends up learning a lot about the sport in the process)
gundham- the one emo kid who showed up stoned once to math class. loves the teachers with class pets. eats snacks in the back of room and gives lettuce to the rabbits. blasts emo music in his headphones during work time. talks only to kazuichi and sonia.
monokuma- the teacher who loves seeing videos of the kids fighting. just lives for drama. that one teacher who everyone hates. hates their work and wants to be an actor but doesn’t have the money or talent for it.
usami- the one teacher that doesn’t assign homework because she doesn’t want to stress the kids out. is the teacher who calls her students her “kids”. a (barely) managing lesbian with a kitten and a puppy.
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bumblebeebubs · 3 years
Did any Kazuichi or Gundham kinnies/cosplays have a weird dream last night where they were at like- A small cosplay party and there was a lady with light blue hair who was short that was hosting it? Please if you did y'all I miss you both already I hope y'all weren't just random dream people ;0; Like I specifically remember befriending the Kazuichi first, and me going up to him and asking if we should also make friends with the Gundham. The Kazuichi was all like "Yeah I got their social earlier" and the Kaz messaged like 'Hey do we drive you crazy >:D' like jokingly, and we all became like really good friends- Also the Gundham was helping my grandma put away decorations for some reason- thanks Gundham cosplayer ;v; Please if y'all are out there ;0;
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
What made you feel in love with giovanni potage?
I think the better question is what didn’t
If you were to make a Venn diagram of my favorite character types, that would be too complex for me to actually attempt here, but Giovanni would be in an overlap area of SEVERAL circles. Goofy comic relief characters, teammates who bolster their friends with aggressive positivity, criminals who just like to cause chaos...hardly ever do you see all THREE of these wrapped up in one, but boy howdy, was Giovanni ever.
I also love characters who are just exuberant and confident, on the sliding scale from smug to silly. Giovanni is an attempt at Smug but actually more toward Silly and I love it.
I kind of have this joke that Giovanni is a “hell mashup of every character I’ve ever liked.” Aggressive positivity like Papyrus and Kaito Momota! Theatrical during heists like Roman Torchwick! Outgoing like Sora! Built from a place of humor similar to Yzma! Ends up being a morally gray goofy villain like Globby! Even some weird little things, like how I hear Danny Cooksey was originally considered to be his voice - I’m glad we got Igneczi instead because Cooksey would’ve just done Jack Spicer 2.0, but the fact that he almost was actually Jack Spicer 2.0 - well, given the character types I’ve just described, I don’t think I have to tell you I adore Jack. The voice Igneczi gives him combined with the all-yellow Blaster uniform gives me serious Megavolt vibes, and Megavolt was one of my first kinnies (I am not shitting you). And though I mentioned Kaito first, my ultimate favorite DanganRonpa character ever of all time is Kazuichi Soda, and ANYONE AND EVERYONE in both the DR and EE fandoms noticed RIGHT AWAY how these fellas both have that bubblegum-pink hair with shark teeth.
All this is background for when I tell you that when I was first watching EE ep. 1 out of curiosity - I had it rec’d from a friend, and was just dipping in a toe to see if I’d like it - the MINUTE he blew through the wall and announced he was robbing the place, MY “JCMORRIGAN FAVORITE” SENSORS STARTED BEEPING. Like, I could tell RIGHT AWAY he was my type.
Selfshipping is a relatively new venture for me. I’d had some crushes in the past, and some f/o’s I didn’t realize were f/o’s but weren’t a good fit for me, but the modern era of JCMorrigan selfshipping didn’t begin until 2019, when I reblogged a “ship me with a fictional character” post for LOLs, a certain best buddy of mine who KNOWS WHO HE IS sent me XR from BLoSC, and all of a sudden I start writing an AU in my head around what would happen if I were XR’s love interest and suddenly ohhhh noooooo I’m my favorite ship for him, which NEVER happens. So I start looking more into selfshipping, and after establishing that yes, XR was my f/o, I realized that with my villain problem (i.e. what I call my obsession with villains, which is not actually a problem), I needed to find an f/o who was more morally dark. So, for the Evil JCMorrigan Universe, I rounded up Tony Dracon from Gargoyles, who is an old nostalgically important character to me. And, since I had one good and one evil and I generally prefer to ship weird crossovers (therefore wanting characters to be free for me to do that instead of all locked into my harem), I swore I was going to stop there.
Until FUCKING Giovanni.
Thing is, I’d known XR and Tony for a while and it still took a domino-chain of factors for me to decide they were my f/o’s. The FUCKING MINUTE Giovanni crashed through the wall, I was just like WHOA MY GOD. HE...IS WONDERFUL. HE IS ATTRACTIVE AND CUTE AND REALLY FUN AND I WANT TO BE HIS PARTNER IN CRIME.
And I tried to tell myself no! I already had two f/o’s! Buuuuut...then came the ep where he listened to Molly talk about her broken home, and - look - I have a regular lasagna of layered mental issues, and all of a sudden I have the textual evidence that Giovanni is ready for that, that he’s gonna catch me if I fall, and he would be my beacon of hope. (And is, in a way. I have a particular document on my hard drive I call my “Giovanni Journal” where I write to myself as him in a bold pink font and this helps me work through things.)
Eventually, I had to give in. The magnetism was too strong. And the best part is that he rides a line where he can be good OR evil but not too much of either, and that’s a nice midpoint! I can be the hero or the villain with him.
XR and Tony are still around, don’t get me wrong, but Giovanni is...everything I wanted, basically. My RL men standards are now that much higher and I pity the guys who realize they have to live up to the Giovanni Potage bar
(Also, I legitimately just love soup.)
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