#help wtf loveme
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“I’m canceling my 2021 subscription cuz da 7 day free trial was not at all impressive...” 🤯-Max #max #pug #dog #newyear #wtf #agh #next #yikes #not #again #noway #wow #help #please #loveme #love #loveyou #loveyourself #kindness #getout #hugs #kisses #puglove #cometogether #imagine #doglover #loveyoutothemoonandback 💋 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7Bbf1nGWC/?igshid=odwitoheg2k8
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foamremaking · 6 years
@htrp this is for u bubba,!!!! Ur asleep rn but hopefully u will see this in the morning and know that i love you from the very bottom of my heart, to carry tradition here is a post from me to u,,, ill probABBLYYY BE BUSY WORKING ON MY GIFT FOR U. . IDK IF ILL HAVE IT FINISHED… BUT KNOW THAT I LLVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND THAT IM PRPUD OF YOU AND IM PRPUD OF US FOR MAKING THIS FAR DESPITE THE HARDSHIPS WE FACED…. and to those reading this, u_u im just gay so uMyEAH…… LETS… GET THIS PARTY STARTED. .
when i had first met u admittedly you gave me bad vibes (but most ppl did) and u met me when i was in an all time low, where i was unbelievably depressed and felt like love and friendship were false and fake. (lol i identified as a/rom/antic because of it) & that it was just a waste of time frankly!!! when we met it was through me kinkshaming u ajgGdhshshhdh I HATE THE FACT THATS HOW WE MET… IT WOILDVE BEEN CUTE IF WE MET DIFFERENTLY BUT… im glad we met then, becayse u pulled me out if a dark area that i thought id never leave. i was insecure, afraid, and i built walls around me to protect me from being hurt. i was used to heing ditched, i was used to people leaving, i was used to being forgotten and left behind. i had abandonmwnt issues that forever took hold of my anxiety of interaction and friendship. but u persisted!!! u kept mwssaging me in pms cuz i didnt talk a lot in our group, u would talk to me everyday and would be subtly flirtatious @ me. and it worked. i fell hard for u, i was thinking abt u everyday and looking forward to messaging u, i laughed at the fact that we were both from oceania.. kiwi & kangaroo… lmao… i rmb calling u as much as i could, i rmb showing u me cooking, i rmb talking from day to the early morning with u. i felt happy, i felt so happy. eventually we began flirting back each other??? just confused?m at the same time what we were doing lol!! every1 thought we were dating cuz of how gay we were… especially the day u gave me the nickname queen u////u and saying u were my king. it was gay lol.. AND U KEPT CONFUSING ME… cuz when ppl asked if u wanted 2 date me u were like “depends on them!!” like!! bish!! wtf!n u sending me mixed signals!!! >-< + i had to be rlly subtle and smooth w/ asking if ur single or not but mentioning how i broke up w/ my ex in hopes itll spark convos abt being single!!!! and u were!! single when i thoight u were taken!! omg!!! so we.. hit off rlly well, i was in love w/ u & i didnt kno how to handle that. but then.. like.. during a late night call around 12oclock i went silent to pm u on skype asking what u feel abt dating. the whole day j was thinking abt askkng u out and before i did i was panicking so hard!! i coildnt breathe and i was shaking so hard!!! & yet again u gave me a confusing response like “mmMmmMmm idm either way” and i saidyes i want to date u!! then we started dating!n and giggled in call and every1 knew what happened!!!
we would talk everyday and be there for each other everyday, i opened up to you more and more until u could reach the very core of me and dissect everything abt me so easily, you understood me better then i knew myself and i was stunned rhat foe the first time in never did someone finally understand me… someone i could talk 2 & could help me through anythig, my favorite line… my favorite phrase was constantly bring up how we are a team, and to this day we still do!!! say that a lot!! a nd i love it cuz i see our relationship as a team, as we work together through anything. together we cna get through anything!n admittedly there were rough times, hard, and we were going through many shit!! drama & w/e + all that shit w/ ex friends and those gross ppl… but yknow, in the end we stayed together cuzwe established undeniable trust while also making sure to communicate everything & anything to each other cuz we had to have trust in one n other. sure we are still tumbling around that sometimes but ive never been so open to someone as much as i have w/ u, i can b myself w/ u w/o being afraid cuz u truly loveme for me and j truly love u for u 💕💕💕💕💕 we may have stumbled here and there but i am confident that we know rach other so much and we are wAYYYY MORE OPEN THEN WE WERE AT THE START!!!! i could say anything & u could saying anythign and we dont minda aaaaaa im jusg lucky to have someone who i can be so openw/ ;_____;;🌸🌸🌸✨✨✨💕💕 you know my flaws and i know yours, we tell each kther off and thats what i love, is being able to recogniZe eCh others weaknesses and handling them well.
and i truly do want to marry you one day, and i will make it happen. and i will make sure that you’ll be happy, ❣️❣️ thank you, for choosing me, and for letting me be with u for so long, and trusting me. 💕💕💕
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Let’s see how this goes...
How tumblr? Such posts. wtf
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