#helping connor try new foods and drinks as a love language??? you fucking BET
freetheworms · 2 years
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I’m gonna harass u with aus until the day I die ur welcome also here’s a new one wizards Not like Harry Potter type but entire universe is super magical and almost everyone knows how to do magic and those that don’t are kinda second class citizens??? And one if these magicless people is Ona and idk she bumps into Connor and Richard???
omdfghdjkhfk okay this is a lovely concept!!!
Connor and Richard being high class wizards, very powerful ones with a very important role wherever they go... and they bump into this magicless, pretty girl, who fell flat on her bum. On a rainy day. Oh well, she can do a little spell and she’s going to be dry and clean in no ti–
Something is... off. Why isn’t she drying herself? Why is she staring dumbly at the floor just about to cry or no wait, maybe she’s actually cry–
Oh. She’s one of them.
They normally don’t do this. They pay no mind to those who aren’t born with the gift, so for them to stare at her crying in a puddle while rain pours down, thinking of ways to make it up to her...
“...this was my best dress”.
“Pardon me?” Connor wasn’t sure he heard right.
“This was my best dress! How can I go to that interview now?” her face was wet and red, hiccuping now and then. And angry, so angry. “What am I supposed to do now?!”
Connor’s first response was to say “what do I care?”, but something made him shut the hell up, take that answer and kick it into the sun. Instead, he opted to look like a fish out of the water, mouth open and still trying to think what to say to an enraged, magicless woman who is also tiny and very, very cute. He really shouldn’t go chasing that thought.
She stood up on shaky legs and tried in vain to keep her drenched hair out of her face. The boys bet it would have been a a fluffy mane of hair, judging by the curls that fought against the water.
Richard took a handkerchief off his pocket. To this day, he still doesn’t know what the heck compelled him to take off a handkerchief and offer it for the girl to dry. It’s pretty much kind of useless, given the pouring rain. He never saw someone look at him as if he was fucking stupid. 
“Really?” even if she had hair in her face, her glare was fierce.
“Uh...” Richard took it back, feeling self-conscious of how stupid this it was.
Connor looked at her, looking so miserable and wet, and he felt sorry. It really wasn’t his business, he was an important wizard with important things to do and places to be, he had no time to spare to a magicless girl like her. But... his heart felt a pang, he didn’t know why and wasn’t sure he wanted to think too much about it, but it felt as if some strings pulled at his heart. He glanced at his brother and saw his conflicted expression, not knowing what to do.
It wasn’t their problem. She wasn’t their problem. She...
“Let us make it up to you.” Connor didn’t know if Richard was in the same page, but Connor had a hunch he did.
The girl stared at them as if they suddenly grew a second head.
“...What.” the girl squinted her eyes, a tad suspicious about them both. They were clearly wizards, judging by their expensive clothes and air of superiority in them. They never mingled with those who weren’t magical, even viewed them as inferior beings. So, she had her suspicions, why the hell would they help her out?
“Let us make it up to you, miss...?” Connor tried again.
“Miss Ona!” Connor offered a smile, making room under his cape and floating umbrella. The girl took prudent steps, not really trusting them. But, what could she do right now? Either way, she’s screwed. “I’m Connor. This is my brother Richard.”
Huh, the names ringed a bell.
“Please, allow me.” Richard took a step towards Connor and Ona, and with a flourish of his hand, she felt and saw the water float away from her clothes, hair, body... and then join the rain. She was still cold, though. Less wet but cold.
“You may not be used to this, so please hold tight on me.”
Ona looked at the one who introduced himself as Connor, frowning. What did he mean by–
She let out a scream followed by colourful curses in another language Connor and Richard vaguely recognized.
Ona found herself in the very private and enormous home of two of the most important wizards that walked the earth, making her a warm cup of tea while her clothes were being cleaned and mended by some sort of spell. She sat in a plush sofa with borrowed clothes far too big on her petite form.
The tea was delicious, though.
“So, interview you said?” Connor tried to make small talk, taking a sip of his cup.
“Well, I can say goodbye to that and to my chances of being hired.” She was so late for it. Goodbye to her chances of working in the big city and earn a decent enough pay.
“Oh, so you’re looking for work?” 
“...Obviously?” was the blue-eyed brother and idiot? 
It seems he realized his words and looked a bit embarrassed by his lack of thought.
“What kind of work?” Connor tried to divert her attention from his brother.
“Honestly? Anything. Right now I’d do about anything.”
Richard had an idea. It would be crazy, even more knowing she was not one of them, but... It seems today fortune smiled on her.
“Are you any good with plants?”
“Well, I worked at my grandma’s florist until she was forced to close it down.” It was a bittersweet memory. She loved working there, she loved the plants and flowers, the calmness and feeling the earth on her fingers, walking around to see the plants green and healthy... only to be taken away.
“How so?” the blue-eyed brother, Richard was it? Spoke to her, seeming concerned. Why would he be?
“You can guess it just fine, seeing I’m not gifted as you are.”
“Oh indeed.” She took another sip from her cup. She’d love to know which blend was it. “So yes, I know my way around plants.”
Richard hummed and glanced quickly at Connor. They had the same idea.
“What would you say if we offer you employment?” Connor set his cup on the table, crossing his legs and putting his hands on the raised knee. Richard kept drinking, staring intently at the girl.
“I would ask if this is a joke and if I can go home, because it’s not funny.” The brothers stared at her in confusion.
“We offer you accommodations, food and a salary.” Connor tilted his head to the side, pursing his lips.
“Your job would consist on tending to our garden and greenhouse, since we cannot do it due to our busy schedules.”
“...but?” This was too good to be true.
“But? No buts. You take care of our plants, we pay you for it.” Connor was frowning now.
There was an awkward silence. Ona was thinking about how crazy this was and how there should be something, a red flag somewhere. There was a ruffling sound that distracter her from her thoughts, and saw her clothes floating to her, neatly folding themselves on her side. They were the cleanest she has ever seen them. She was afraid to touch them in case she dirtied them again.
“Think it over.” Richard took her out of her reveries.
“Uh, well...”
“Contact us with your answer.” Connor stood up, smiling, and with a snap of his fingers he opened up a portal. “This will take you home. Go on!”
Ona felt herself be pushed to it, trying to make her mouth and brain coordinate to say something. Just on the final moment, turning away while feeling the portal suck her up, she had time to spit out something she hoped the brothers would understand.
“But how am I supposed to contact you if I’m not–”
And the portal closed. Ona found herself on her front door, arm raised and her clothes smelling of lavender. Once she stepped in, she went to sit down on her tattered sofa, leaving her clean clothes next to her.
A week passes and the brothers were annoyed she didn’t reply, so of course they go to her. She owed them that much! 
They follow the path she did on the portal and step on her front door, ringing incessantly her doorbell. When she opens the door she almost falls on her ass, again. They looked angry and when a wizard was angry at a non-gifted, that only meant trouble.
“Are you incapable of following a simple request?” Connor’s foot was tapping at the floor, clearly annoyed. Richard had his arms behind his back, spine straight that made him appear bigger.
Ona gripped the handle, but fuck it if she wasn’t gonna go out leaving a piece of her mind.
“Are you two deaf or just plain stupid?” both brothers looked greatly offended at her words. How dare she!
“Listen, you non-gifted–”
“No, you listen you stupid wizard,” Ona puffed her chest out. Fuck it. “What part of “how am I supposed to contact you” do you not understand? I have no magic in me, no training, no idea, nothing! How do you think I’m going to be able to send a message or something if I have absolutely no idea to reach you?”
The brothers were taken aback by her outburst. 
“Did you seriously expect me, a non-gifted, to send you whatever the fuck you wizards use to send messages?” She pointed her finger at them, poking their chests. “For all those airs of grandeur you give yourselves, you’re so fucking dumb.” 
At least they had the decency of looking ashamed.
“And for the record, I would have said yes.” She took big breaths after giving them a piece of her mind. After a big sigh, she opened her door further. “Do you want a cup of tea?”
Ona never thought she would have two powerful and important wizards on her tattered sofa, looking like two scolded kids and trying so hard not to anger her further.
And also, she never thought she would be working for them after all that happened. Fortune smiled at her, indeed.
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