madjazzed · 2 months
Intro to Alternian Biology: respiratory pigments
Like the blood of most species on Earth and Alternia, trolls' blood derives its color from metalloproteins used to transport oxygen. Unlike most species on Earth and Alternia, troll blood contains multiple types of oxygen-transport proteins--five in total.
HEMERYTHRIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein in the blood of seadwelling trolls, and is also present in significant concentrations in purplebloods. It is violet-pink when oxygenated. Much Alternian sea life uses hemerythrin as its sole or primary oxygen transport protein, as do many Earth marine invertebrates.
HEMOCYANIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein of landdwelling highbloods (blue and purple) and present in significant concentrations down to olive. It is dark blue when oxygenated. Hemocyanin is also found in the blood of many Earth mollusks and arthropods.
CHLOROCRUORIN is present in very small quantities across the hemospectrum, and in high concentrations in greenbloods; it was the primary blood pigment in limebloods, which are now extinct. Chlorocruorin is a dichromatic compound which appears light green in dilute solutions, including normal blood, and red when highly concentrated; an uncommon mutation causing extreme overproduction of chlorocruorin thus results in bright red blood. On Earth, chlorocruorin is mostly found in worms.
COBOGLOBIN is an important oxygen-transport protein in low and midblood trolls and is most highly concentrated in goldbloods, the only caste for which it is primary, with significant concentrations occurring in every hemotype from rust to teal. It is yellow-orange in color when deoxygenated. Coboglobin is the only Alternian blood protein that does not occur in Earth biology.
HEMOGLOBIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein in rustblooded trolls. The highest concentrations occur in burgundy bloods, and it is present in significant quantities in all blood castes up to olive. Fuschiabloods also have hemoglobin in relatively small but still significant quantities, notably more than in any of the other high blood castes. It is dark red when oxygenated. Nearly all Earth vertebrate species rely on hemoglobin for oxygen transport.
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Additional notes:
The gray color of trolls' skin comes from black eumelanin and blue-gray carotenoproteins in the skin cells, the concentration of which increases with age. The yellow color of trolls' irises comes from yellow carotenoproteins. These are present in most troll tissues, but their color is usually masked by the darker skin pigments or the more vivid blood pigments. They do, however, contribute to the color of yellow blood, the only hemotype dominated by a transport protein which is colorless when oxygenated.
High concentrations of chlorocruorin are correlated with conciliatory impulses. Sopor slime is a highly oxygenated fluid containing significant concentrations of chlorocruorin, which give it its green color and are believed by many to contribute to its dampening effect on sleep rage and daymares, though the mechanism is not known. No surviving castes have as much as 50% chlorocruorin, while the now-extinct lime bloods had just over. Trolls with the rare cherry red mutation, however, have over 90% chlorocruorin, twice as concentrated as any other surviving caste.
It has been theorized that the cherry red mutation is a throwback to a now-extinct subspecies of troll which relied solely on chlorocrourin for oxygen transport. There were many subspecies in Alternia's evolutionary past, some more successful and widespread than others. In prehistory it is thought that none used more than one oxygen transport protein, as is typical in most planetary ecologies including Earth's. However, early hybrids benefited from the adaptive advantages of diversifying oxygen transport, and the mixing of subspecies through kleptogenetic reproductive strategies eventually resulted in the distribution of diverse respiratory pigments seen in the modern hemospectrum.
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Image ID: a diagram of different types of blood and their colors. Bit of a long description, sorry.
1.) Most things have hemoglobin, which is red. The iron in hemoglobin is what bonds with oxygen.
2.) Some mollusks and arthropods have hemocyanin. It works best in cold environments with low oxygen pressure. Hemocyanin is blue when oxygenated and clear when not, and has copper instead of iron.
3.) Some marine worms and brachiopods have hemerythrin. Hemerythrin has a much lower affinity for carbon monoxide than hemoglobin. It’s a pinkish-violet when oxygenated and clear when not, and binds to oxygen with iron.
4.) A few marine polychetes have erythrocruorin. This one kind of sucks at binding with oxygen. The colors are also a bit fucky, when the blood is undiluted it appears as a light red, but when it is diluted it looks green. Erythrocruorin also uses iron.
5.) Artificial oxygen carrier! Coboglobin! Sources on color are notably varied and a little bit fucked up. The first set, amber when oxygenated and clear when not, from what I’ve read is probably the most accurate? But this is for fictional sci-fi so who gives a shit. The second set is pink when oxygenated and amber when un-oxygenated. End image ID
I encourage everyone to straight-up color pick from these if you want. Credit me if you want to, don’t if you don’t, i don’t even know how accurate the stuff after the grey line is. I just wanted to find out wtf blood was.
While I remember- I made another one of these for what gases are used in respiration. It’s under the tag ‘this is a graph (biology)’ which is the last tag here too ;)
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abelflints · 9 months
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Interesting.. the colour Tyril blushes with has changed? 😮
In all likeliness it's just a teency continuity error, because who sits there memorizing the colour of a man's blush (except me, but I am an outlier, and should not have been counted.)
But it does leave me wondering - what is the colour of this man's blood? 🩸
(theories and headcanons under the cut!)
The colour from blush comes from your blood beneath your skin, your skintone does contribute to the overall appearance of your blush, but Tyril's skin is a very light pastel blue and I'm no scientist, but I don't think such a pale blue would have as much of a bearing over the colour of his blush to turn it fully blue, if his blood were red. With red blood and pastel blue skin, I (not a scientist) might expect maybe a lilac or a purple blush like he's described to have in book 1?
But it being described as a blue blush in book 2 suggests that he could have blue blood, which is fascinating to me, I might have my facts wrong but octopi and crabs have blue blood instead of red because the makeup of their blood is slightly different. So us humans have haemoglobin in our blood, which contains iron, and when iron reacts to oxygen, it turns red, which is why our blood is red, and why rust is red.
But octopi and crabs have hemocyanin in their blood, hemocyanin contains copper instead of iron, and oxidized copper is blue. I can only assume hemocyanin is called that because cyan is a shade of blue.
So we have a case for him having red blood, and his blush just looks purple because of his blue skin on top (once again, not a scientist), or blue blood, but also, we could have a case for him having purple blood, because he does blush purple in book 1 and when he gets injured by the ghasts in one chapter it says a strange purple substance comes out.
Although I hesitate to consider the strange purple substance his blood, given the nature of the injury and how it was made out not to be a natural type of injury because it was magical. Also, though this could definitely be chalked up to it being a game and this being such an inconsequential and unimportant variable that it's not worth including when you consider all the much more important variables to program and test, but the description of the substance is always strange, even if you are playing as a blue elf MC, and Tyril is a blue elf, so, if we were to assume that their blood colour is the same, if that truly was his blood, why wouldn't the MC recognize that? So I'm not as set on his blood being purple because of that.
There are species in nature that have purple blood though, peanut worms have purple blood, because they have hemerythrin in their blood, which also turns purple in reaction to oxygen.
And in support of him having different coloured blood in general, we see a few different members of the shadow court bleed black blood, so different coloured blood is not completely unheard of in the book.
Most likely his blood is just red, but I do like thinking about the headcanon possibilities and whether or not the elves and the orcs could have different blood colours, or maybe even our MC.
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a-noone · 1 year
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Humans have hemoglobin
Andorians have hemocyanin
Vulcans have chlorochruorin
Klingons have hemerythrin
Ferengi have vanabin
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grandma-susan · 2 months
"Eeeeh! You're all bathing in red. Where's the hemerythrin?! The hemocyanin?! The chlorocruorin? Or gossamer?! Add a little lampshell plum. Some squid blue? Leech green!"
Susan grumbles with disgruntlment.
"Hemoglobin red is boring. Everyday is red, red, red, red. Sky is red. Rain is red. Ground is red. Plants....ARE RED!"
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lockejhaven · 2 years
↪ the locket
blood types in alatheia
Surprisingly, life on earth has a rainbow of different blood types and colors! Where Alatheia and Elysia differ, however, is that not all mortalis have red blood.
Red-Blooded Mortalis (I)
Those with iron based blood. This type is the least common in Alatheia due to the higher levels of oxygen. Some fauna can be found at higher altitudes.
Most common in elysians
Some mythics, primordials
Yellow-Blooded Mortalis (V)
Yellow blood contains vanabin, found in vanadium. This chemical allows yellow-blooded creatures to survive with less energy than most other creatures. It also allows such creatures to take in excess energy from an external source and strengthen themselves. Yellow blooded creatures are also hemerythrin based, however the color from the vanadium completely overpowers what would have been a violet-pink color.
Lunar Humans
Green-Blooded Mortalis (CA)
Those with green blood inhale carbon dioxide/monoxide  and exhale oxygen. With chlorocruorin in their blood, they have a weaker affinity for oxygen, and a higher carbon monoxide affinity. They tend to live in areas with lower levels of oxygen, and away from floral life so as to lessen competition.
Some minae
Blue-Blooded Mortalis (C)
Blue blood is copper based, and is less efficient at transporting oxygen.  It is colorless until oxygenated, causing those who have it to seem a bit translucent. Those with copper blood live in more oxygen rich environments, and have the hardest time adapting to low level oxygen environments and atmospheres.
Solar Humans
Some minae
Purple-Blooded Mortalis (CH)
Those with purple blood cannot survive with copper based blood alone; there is a small bit of hemerythrin to aid in the transport of oxygen, and as a result, the blood turns a purple shade. They have a bit of an easier time adapting to lower level oxygen environments, compared to that of pure blue blooded creatures.
Adaptable-Blooded Mortalis (HC)
Those with adaptable blood have bodies that can adapt to their environment and atmosphere, allowing them to survive in different levels of oxygen. Their blood is mainly copper based, however their bodies can produce more or less hemerythrin depending on the necessity of oxygen. This can cause their blood to range from blue to all shades of purple to pink. They have the easiest time adapting to different planets and oxygen levels.
Violet/Pink-Blooded Mortalis (H)
Those with violet-pink blood produce more hemerythrin to survive lower oxygen levels. They have about the same amount of ease as those with adaptable blood when it comes to traveling to Earth. They often live in higher altitude areas where the atmosphere is thinner and there is less oxygen.
Colorless Blooded Mortalis (O)
Those with colorless blood live in the cold depths of the ocean; due to the fact that cold water holds a lot more oxygen than warm water. Therefore, chemicals that aid in oxygen transport are not needed in such high concentrations. They are unable to adapt, and do not leave their home environments. Creatures that flicker between planes of reality also have this type of blood.
Certain types of Kalithae
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carnassial-s · 1 year
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↖ thinking spec bio thouts
explanations and text below cut vvv
ok so basically:
purple text: “muscular insertion locations” pointing out insertions points for ears and antennae
to the left: “mantle patches (can shift with age)” and below that “Bands are like beauty marks & can shift with age)”
to the right: “(pointing at neck) indecent”. lower theres a quick drawing of a cut off limb, it says “If drained of blood: musculature becomes white/lilac”
As for the meat cube (the *s are reminders for me to type out explanations lawl):
uppermost layer is the epidermis/cuticle, despite painting it a color thats just for easier readability, its a translucent layer similar in function to plant/nematoda cuticles. Unlike plants its made of collagen, its probs a bit like serous membranes, it has its own basal strata from which it grows which is transculent as well
second layer: “photosynthetic layer“/dermis. here is where chloroplasts housed in specialized connective tissue cells reside. very rich in microvasculature, there are more components like equivalents to sweat glands but if i drew those it wouldve been too unreadable. also has its own basal layer from which connective tissue grows (i cant decide if itd be fast or slow replacement rate though)
third layer: adipose/subcutaneous layer, they dont store carotene in their fat so it is white in color. usually theres not much fat even in overweight individuals, instead theres fluid accumulation in this layer
fourth layer: muscular layer: its muscle, in some individuals it might even be the only visible subcutaneous layer. its natural color is white (think squid/octopus meat, in this case they use hemerythrin/purple blood which is colorless deoxygenated). it is connected to the skeleton via tendons.
Final layer: covered in “periosteum”, the final layer is the structural shell. its more flexible than vertebrate bone, closer to cartilaginous bone. the skeleton is not a “complete” skeleton like ours esp in limbs. limb structure is kept stable by muscular tonicity.
All the basal layers (bar the first) are the same color (dark purple), once again just different for clarity.
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greenfrog04 · 1 year
Genomic analysis of a scale worm provides insights into its adaptation to deep-sea hydrothermal vents 
Published 4th July 2023
A study investigating the molecular adaptations of the scale worm Branchipolynoe longqiensis to an extreme environment using genome sequencing.
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Image of Branchipolynoe longqiensis and graph of mean GC content,sequencing coverage and NCBI species hit of the genomic assembly.
Results show Branchipolynoe longqiensis has increased usage of the positively charged histidine and decreased the use of the negatively charged aspartic acid and glutamic acid.
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The genome size of Branchipolynoe longqiensis is also larger than two other shallow water polynoids (H. impar and L. clava).
Genome assembly with Hi-C data on the three polynoid scale worms revealed 18 chromosomes for all three species investigated. However, a macro-synteny analysis revealed two inter-chromosomal rearrangements were found between Branchipolynoe longqiensis and the two genomes.
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High hydrostatic pressure can change the organization and structure of various cytoskeleton proteins, including microtubules. The enrichment of genes related tomicrotubules in Branchipolynoe longqiensis may benefit its environmental adaptation to the high hydrostatic pressure in the deep-sea vent habitats. The expansion of “synaptic vesicleexocytosis” related gene family may be linked to novel cell-supporters found in the nervous system of vent scale worms.
Among the gene families expanded in Branchipolynoe longqiensis, the copy number of extracellular single-domain hemoglobin was increased compared to the two shallow-water polynoids. In addition, the tetra-domain hemoglobin was discovered in the Branchipolynoe longqiensis genome, which is consistent with that in the other two deep-sea scale worms Branchipolynoe symmytilida and Branchipolynoe seepensis.
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In the Branchipolynoe longqiensis genome, a tetra-domain hemoglobin was found in close proximity to an single-domain hemoglobin. The close location, as well as the phylogenetic position of these two hemoglobins, suggest that this tetra-domain hemoglobin could have been derived from the duplication of BlonSD5.
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The tetra-domain hemoglobin is common in the Branchipolynoe genus and could be an adaption to the hypoxic environment in the vent fields or the mantle cavity of bathymodioline mussels. None of the three polynoid genomes contains genes encoding hemerythrin, a non-heme protein that can also bind oxygen used by many annelids, indicating that hemoglobin indeed plays a major role in oxygen binding in these scale worms.
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 3 years
Ahtapotların Kanı Neden Mavidir?
Ahtapotların Kanı Neden Mavidir?
Ahtapotların Kanı Neden Mavidir? Kan deyince muhtemelen hepimizin aklına kırmızı renk geliyordur muhtemelen. Kanı tuttuğu takımın renkleri akanlar hariç herkesin kan rengi kırmızıdır, bizim dışımızda omurgalı hayvanların çok büyük bir kısmı da kırmızı kana sahiptir. Ama omurgasız hayvanlara baktığımız zaman başka kan renkleri görebiliyoruz; mavi, mor, yeşil gibi. Kan rengini belirleyen temel…
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love how the hemospectrum is basically “the colder your blood color the higher you are” bc like. purple and violet and fuchsia need warm colors to be made….you can classify fuchsia and maybe even violet as warm colors……..if the “colder your blood the higher you are” thing is true then that means bluebloods are the highest…it’s just so funny to me
The hemospectrum failed color theory 101 on all accounts (even color names) xd
Jokes aside, If their blood gains those hues from similar things as Earth animals do, it's not too far off. Hemerythrin makes violet blood colors in some marine animals, hemocyanin makes blue blood in some spiders and biliverdin makes green blood in skinks (it's toxic for other animals tho cause it comes from excessive liver waste). Plus the amount of oxigen in the blood determines how dark or bright it is
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mrarchewannabe · 3 years
First Contact and it's Complications: Part 2         Biology Lesson 
This is head researcher Bea'zikal following up from my previous reports as I stated before, I do apologize for the lack explanation and detail in those entries and I will now give you the full documentation of what I have observed with my time spent with Humanity and more specifically Human Head researcher who is referred to as Jamal Alteriq, a very fine scientific mind and excellent guide as he was the one to be our ambassador through Human space and of course to keep eyes on us. We saw many incredible things on our journey and I will explain in due time, but I thought it wise to give a basic run down on human biology to better help visualize the scenes I will explain in later logs. (Note: I advise you to open the attached encrypted files for observation while reading)
Humans are lightly Haired mammals that evolved on a rich but highly diverse Planet that was covered in approximately 71% water with humans living on the 29% of Land, resources were plentiful but competition was fierce as many species competed for control of those same resources, the resources in question being food and 'fresh' water which is a specific term as humans cannot drink water that is above or below a certain Ph. Level or a has a heavy imbalance of minerals;They also cannot drink any water that is contaminated with parasites, or Planetary elements such as dirt. This of course isn't to say humans have entirely weak stomachs as they are capable of consuming certain acids such as Malic and Citric Acid which is used in food flavoring, and of which would result in violent death should either substance be consumed by a Zeatikian, in addition to consumption of such compounds they can digest Certain forms of Alcohol and many forms of Capsaicin which many of course know isn't poisonous but considered non-edible to all Zeatikians and instead sees a use as a defense weapon. Moving on from the topic of consumable and non-consumable liquids brings us to eating habits; Humans specified as Omnivore 'Persistence' Predators, and can consume a wide variety of Meat and Plants, which a balance of both is needed to maintain peak physical form and a healthy digestive and immune system. From what Human Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq has told me ancient human hunting wasn't chasing down prey at high speeds but rather simply outlasting it in a slower walk chase(Note: Humans have a extreme amount of stamina and can walk for hours at a time as they evolved to efficiently maintain a pace of speed) and when the prey was tired and unable to continue on humans would slay the creature and bring it back to be cooked then consumed. (Note: Cooking is one of the few things that are shared in Both Zeatikians and Human evolution) Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq also informed me that eventually ancient Humanity began Agriculture and that is what primarily began to start up human culture and civilization.(Note: again one of the few things that are shared amongst our history)
Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq told me of the Human Life stages which are of a very different cycle of our own from our People the Zeatikians, conception of offspring is relatively the same between our two species, but with various degrees of success in humans as their method of reproduction is relatively different between Human to Human. Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq Suggested that's all we do to speak on the matter and I obliged his request how ever odd I thought it was.(Note: After doing research on this topic myself I also now recommend that all Zeatikian researchers stay away from this topic as well as it's very traumatizing to look at) Humans generally can only have one child every half a cycle but it can be more numerous if chance allows it, and human offspring is extremely vulnerable and must be cared for by it's parents constantly otherwise it will most likely guaranteed to perish; of course in this time human 'infants' (Note: Infants are the name for children that under a cycle and half old) are cared for by not only the parents but also other humans hired to be care takers as well that can give the infants whatever they need at anytime while the parents set off to complete tasks. 
Humans possess what is called an Endoskeleton(Note: Observe attached files) which gives their bodies structure and allows an anchor for their extremely complex muscular system as well as keep internal organs safe and secure. This Endoskeleton is made up of bones of very high calcium content and is extremely durable and strong, shown being able to with stand many hits that could cripple, paralyze or downright kill a healthy Zeatikian. Infant humans start out with more numerous but weaker bones and cartilage numbering around 300 individual structures but eventually after many cycles they all fuse into their respective positions and become stronger and thicker; this is most prominent around what they call their 'Skull' which is a bone structure that contains their brain and connects to the spinal column (Note: Observe Highlighted Area) and starts out segmented and eventually becomes fully fused and one solid structure in about 22 cycles. Part of the function of the skull is a basic one hinged jaw that contains anywhere from 32 to 36 bone structures they call teeth which allows them to tear through tougher foods and aids in digestion, the human jaw is relatively weak surprisingly only able to produce 300UPSQ which would absolutely be enough to hurt a Zeatikian so I would advise you be careful.
Adolescent Human offspring undergoes a change around 9 Cycles in males and 7.5 in females, as they approach sexual maturity they begin to swell on muscle mass and increase in growth exponentially over a time period of 4 cycles, during this time hormones are pumped through and over about 1.5 to 2 cycles the voice deepens and body hair is increased, this incredible change is known to cause certain behavior changes as well as changes in diet and appetite. Many human females have certain large orifices located on their chests that are used primarily to feed their young, which should have been obvious seeing how I have already stated they are indeed mammals,(Note: I have been told to report on this much only as logging anymore would make many among the human population uncomfortable, I do not know why but I shall oblige) and as mammals they are indeed warm blooded, which means they do not take too well to fluctuating temperatures as Being in below freezing temperatures for too long can lead to a humans death in about 20 minutes should they be naked in said weather; and so if in the future you have humans boarding your vessel be sure to keep it atleast a median temperature of 400TM and provide them with necessary heating elements if they do not have any.
Humans possess a 'Circulatory system' much like our own that pumps blood all across it's body at a very steady rate of 60 to 100 beats per tick, which is quite slow compared to our 120 to 150 beats per tick. Humans also possess a blood color that shines a bright red compared to that of a Zeatikian that has a bright purple hue, both of our species have iron in our respective Hemoglobins but our kind carries what they call 'Hemerythrin' while they carry whats called 'Heme' and thus that's what gives the difference in blood pigmentation. They also possess various different organs that process everything from sugars and proteins to alcohol and carbs, the 'Liver' which is described as a 'Blood Filter' cleanses the blood as it passes through it, while organs like the 'Kidneys' process liquid waste, sugars, salts, and all minerals to help keep it stable within the body.
The Human 'Immune system' is a very strong and very important system in the human body as humans do not have segmented Carapaces like all Zeatikian's have, rather they possess a skin of 7 layers and this layered skin protects the body from the outside world, when penetrated or slashed open blood will began to flow out much like a broken carapace or cut joint segment would, the cells in the human would try to seal the cut with platelets which will form a scab, which is a temporary seal while the skin is being repaired anew; as this process does share similarities with the way our Carapace heals itself our process is much slower while the humans can heal their skin in a matter of a few rotations depending on the severity of the injury. Of course during the cut possible bacteria and other such microorganisms could have infiltrated the bloodstream and usually once successful they become targeted by the protector cells or as humans call them 'white blood cells' for destruction.
The 'Digestive track' is relatively self-explanatory so I will be brief on the subject, when food is consumed it is first chewed and made wet by the 'Saliva' a human produces in their mouth which helps break it down further and eases the transfer of food from the mouth down the 'Trachea' as they call it and into the 'Stomach' which becomes broken down by 'Stomach' acid,various compounds,and gut bacteria that absorb the nutrients and forward the waste through what humans call the 'Large Intestine' which then transfers through the 'Small intestine' which is the excreted by the Human, relatively the same processes any Zeatikian goes through.
Humans of this modern era however are nearly perfect as about 1000 cycles ago an event on their home world that was put into motion made humans as nearly perfect as they could be biologically, but this change however was not a instant process as the changes would only take place slowly after every generation, each one living longer then the last, getting sick less, and less in the population being born with genetic conditions that had debilitated humanity for eons. Nowadays it is rarer for humans to catch a sickness, but impossible for any human being to be born with a genetic condition aside from the few they found desirable. Many live long fulfilling lives from what I'm told by Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq, some living their full total lifespans of 200 cycles which I can only dream of living a mere 40 cycles let alone a long 200 cycles. 
This concludes my report on the basic biology of humanity I hope you found it informative and helpful, I shall work on my next log about human economic and social status, which Human Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq Helped immensely on. 
Head Researcher Bea'zikal Signing off
(I hope you enjoy the sequel to what I wrote first I'm really proud of this one but please tell me if there is anything I could do to better my writing? Constructive criticism is appreciated, more parts on the way)
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Making some bases for my versions of the tribes, and saw an excellent opportunity to nail down all those tasty blood colors. It’s less scientific than I usually go for but. Here we are.
Skywings/SandWings/Nightwings all have bright, high oxygen blood to deal with their high altitude environment.
Mudwings/Silkwings/Hivewings all have darker lower oxygen blood (outside of the arterial)
Icewings have their famous blue blood, though I couldn’t decide if it’s a Hemocyanin thing or just a our-whole-tribe-was-warped-by-magic-so-long-ago-we-forgot thing.
Leafwings/Rainwings both have green blood! However, leafwings get far more out of their photosynthesis (they have delicate, flat appendages for daaays) and need far less to eat than rainwings.
Finally, Seawings have purple blood. If it’s ever confirmed that the Icewing’s color comes from Hemocyanin than I’ll say it’s due to Hemerythrin but it hasn’t so here we are!
As for Darkstalker and Whiteout (and other blue/red hybrids), they have blue blood but appear purple if not actively bleeding (muscles and veins and such).
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cadavertrolls · 3 years
Uhhh blood colours and shit??
I saw a post on black bloods and I wanted to make my own post about blood colours that’s probably full of mistakes because I'm going off of shit I already have sources for and offhand knowledge.
Honestly, you can pretty easily excuse black-appearing blood as an abnormal amount of methemoglobin, a form of hemoglobin that has been oxidized but doesn’t bind oxygen. Blood from methemoglobinemia appears almost black when drawn into vials and is like a dark brown when laid out
Example of what it looks like can be found in Figure 2 in this case description and diagnosis of hereditary methemoglobinemia in a cat(who is now perfectly healthy after treatment).
Hemerythrin/Myohemerythrin and Hemocyanin was mentioned in the post and some of it was wrong so uhhh more info
Hemerythrin/Myohemerythrin are non heme oxygen carrying proteins that are mostly colourless until exposed to oxygen, then they turn violet/pink. All of the complicated shit is mostly explained here but the takeaway is that it’s violet/pink.
Hemocyanin is copper containing and appears blue when oxygenated and also mostly colourless when in its deoxygenated state, and all of that is even more complicated and I literally cannot explain it so go here for that.
There’s another one called chlorocruorin that CAN appear green, usually only in dilute solutions but red in concentrated solutions. Wow these explanations are getting shorter and shorter the less I know about them so go here and here for more info on that, or google it idk.
You want another weird blood colour and an excuse to make a white blood? Here is an article about an ice fish which literally evolved to get by without hemoglobin.
TBH you can probably mix some of these and get pretty close to black blood without methemoglobin but how that would function on a biological level and what impact that would have I have no clue.
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cuteiemonster · 2 years
so hemocyanin is blue because it’s copper based but hemerythrin is “ purple” because it has more iron in it than hemoglobin??
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bcbybats · 2 years
rank these blood types from most to least edible for the triplets: colorless (no red bloodcells or hemoglobin); yellow (vanabin + hemocyanin); green blood (high biliverdin levels); blue blood (hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin); violet (hemerythrin + oxygen)
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          Nearly all blood is edible with very few exceptions, if it BLEEDS, it lives, and life is their true food. Taste on the other hand, BLUE :  Colorless : Yellow ( pure plasma ) :  Violet and than green blood would definitely be the least popular. Notable supernatural creatures with delectable blood is ELVES : Fairies : Witches : Mermaids : VIRGINS.                                                                         Aluin likes werewolf blood. 
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lsmontoya · 4 years
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What’s your blood color?
In most vertebrates, blood is red due to the presence of iron in hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.
Crustaceans, spiders, squids, and octopuses have blue blood because of hemocyanin, the equivalent of hemoglobin. Instead of iron, hemocyanin contains copper.
But there is more. 
Sea cucumbers have yellow blood because of vanabin, a pigment that is not related to oxygen transportation. And there are marine worms with purple blood because of hemerythrin, another oxygen-binding protein.
What about dichromatic blood? Some marine worms’ blood is composed of chlorocruorin. When diluted, it appears green, but in high concentrations, it looks light-red.
In your worldbuilding, what would be the implication of different blood colors in your species? For example, hemocyanin is not as efficient as hemoglobin at transporting oxygen, unless you live in an environment with low oxygen pressure. How lower levels of oxygenation affect the stamina and behavior of these species?
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