omntti · 5 months
another lore dump for my dnd campaign :)
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sister wizard-demigoddesses teitoca (on the left) and mao (on the right.) teitoca was the goddess of chalk, and mao was the goddess of salt. they grew up during a time of strife, with their secluded home-village of lo'kureen threatened by the machinations of another, much older goddess: ruee, the goddess of blood. ruee had spent about 20 years prior to the girls' birth leading a crusade on the eastern coast of tunturioma, turning the land inhospitable to all but the hemoids over which she ruled. with starvation rapidly becoming a problem in lo'kureen, teitoca and mao were chosen to lead the townsfolk on a pilgrimage to find a new home.
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teitoca, the goddess of chalk, collaborative magic, and ceremony. four years older than mao, teitoca was decisive, charismatic, but decidedly cowardly. she was the first to propose evacuating lo'kureen, suggesting that they seek a safe, hidden area in which to settle. about six months into their journey, by which point already had many lo'kureenians perished to the perils of the road, the walking town discovered a small, angular, concrete shack in the middle of the jungle they were passing through. this shack stood inconspicuously above ground, betraying neither its origin nor the sprawling bunker-complex buried underneath it. teitoca knew instantly upon descending into the bunkers that it was exactly what she had been looking for. she moved in that day, cultivating the underground community with her magic for years to come, christening the newly founded settlement "dur'elesh."
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mao, the goddess of salt, abjurative magic, and resilience. more cunning and ambitious than her older sister, she devoted herself at a young age to the practice of battle magic, quickly rising the ranks in their town to become an official guardian of lo'kureen by the time she turned 17. around this time, with ruee's dark magic beginning to overtake the surrounding lands, mao took up the helm and started teaching defensive magic to the townspeople to ensure they could defend themselves. once lo'kureen was evacuated, this preparation proved invaluable, drastically reducing much of the risk of travel. upon discovering dur'elesh, a massive rift suddenly formed between mao and teitoca. despite being an optimal location to remain undetected and stay safe, living in dur'elesh would mean being near-entirely severed from the outside world. despite teitoca's pleas to stay, mao left dur'elesh, continuing west. during the continued travel, mao grew ever-stronger and ever more adventurous, establishing a distinct sect of warlocks who drew immense abjurative power from her. she and her group roamed for almost 5 more years, before finally discovering a frigid swath of snowy land at the northern tip of the continent, on the opposite side of a treacherous mountain range. it was here she founded the town of "mejya'nul." with mao's warlocks to keep them warm, the people of mejya'nul slowly developed the city into a thriving bastion against the cold.
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megamangx · 9 months
MIGHT jenkins was called to the site 19 command centre
aothers note read my other scp fics to know who might is
doctor eliet shaw saluted him "we have problem yule man is attacking the northern hemoid sphere witch is where englands is but also cold countrys and he is killing childrans and putting familys into presents but we can not stop him" doctor shaw shugged.
"get doctor gears and kane porto crow we need the best minds to have a round table tonight" might ordered and doctor shaw nod.
at the meeting the commanders had come in and doctor crow who was half dog "do you have plan to kill yule man" asked gears
Might nodded "have you heard of kevin mcclaster back in the 1980s he killed two men that broke into houses and even beat them up in new york he can take yule man down" might said and doctor crow got on the phone.
chapter 2 the mission
it was snow and windy as the scp helicopter came down and might and doctor crow where in there snow jackets "you think this guy still has what it takes" crow said in the bizzard "yes hes the best and hes ready to prove it" might said as kevin gotted out of the plane he was like 40 now with a lumber beard but also mustles becuse he worked out hard "so you want me to kill something INHUMAN HUH alright give me a house and a bed" he said
the scp task force 15 takened kevin to a house with two floors and rooms "this is the cameroon house we sent them on holdays so you will stay here we know yule man is targeting it" might said.
Kevin gotted into house and started to build traps over the next day while the yule man was at window watching in distance.
kevin was sleeping in house whiole might jenkins and the mobile task force where in garden shed watching cctv "this is it" might said.
yule man comed in though attach and creaked roofs "i am going to cut you up and turn your family into presents then make you work in my slave cave" the yule man said in a demonc voice crawling downstairs but then a chaingun turret opened fire hitting him real hard as he fell down staurs onto deadly lego "motherfuck i kill you" yule man said running on all 4s like cresture but kervin shot him with a shotgun then went into room as flamethwoer can opened on yule man setting it on fire "aghgaga you fired me!!!!!" he screamed now angery as he gotted his claws "come get some yo horses ass" kevin laugh and and the yule man runned into living room rolling all over painful tacs "HAAAH AGGG I FUCKING HATE TACS" he screamed in pain
the yule man chased kevin into the garden but then a machine throwed axes into his head and he screamed as might and the task force cam eout firing 100s of machine gun rounds of urieium bullets making yule man radation "agagagagagagagagaga" it screamed as they captured it.
chapter 4 end of yule man
Doctor shaw sent the yule man to the GOC who threwed him down a volcano killing the threat forever and everyone had a party because the keter was dealed with.
"kevin why not join us you could have your own mobile task force" doctor crow said but kevin walked into the sun set "i work alone doctor crow but it was nice working with you" and kevin left.
"damn he was good at what he did but still the work of the scp goes on" might said.
the end
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