#hendery huang
nuoyipeach · 1 year
Healing Scars
Kim Yerim X Johnny Suh × Hendery Huang
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warnings: a lot of angst, mentions of very slight physical altercations (nothing violent)
Yeri loved the old man. He was one of the top donator of their community church, and was very loving to everyone, especially the youth. Yeri held a soft spot in him as he watched her grow, from being in the kids’ choir to singing solo as an adult.
When her parents passed away in an accident, he immediately took it to himself to fund her every need. Even when she started working he still sent in allowance every month out of endearment. She never took advantage of it and he loved that about her.
It was no surprise when he finally invited her over for dinner with his family on Lunar New Year, now a young and beautiful 25-year-old. She knew of most of the family, the elder man, his wife, their son and their daughter. This time, instead of the daughter, she saw two unknown young men at the table, looking around her age.
"Come Yeri." the elder man called as his own wife sat her down. "Meet my grandsons. This is Johnny, the elder. And this is Hendery." The two greeted her, the elder looking more stoic, while the younger smiled softly. "You both know Yeri, the girl I love like my own." he laughed and the rest joined in.
Except Johnny. She noticed how he kept a straight face throughout the introduction, even when they all sat down to eat. As they ate they made small talk, she talked more with Hendery aside from the two older women, and found out about what he's been up to.
"I'm just working as a manager at granddad's hotel in Seoul. Johnny hyung leads the main thing though."
"Oh are you brothers?" Yeri asked, noticing his sudden silence, as well as the others as they overheard her.
"We're not, he's illegitimate."
"Johnny!" Yeri was shocked as she saw Johnny's mother yell after he answered, which also shocked her at his complete indifference. She turned and noticed Hendery looking down, clearly upset.
The grandfather cleared his throat. "That's enough. Yeri, I'll explain. Remember my daughter? Well, she had a relationship with a man whilst studying in Macau, and well, had Hendery. As much as it hurts my pride to say, my daughter isn't a good person, especially to raise a child on her own, so we kept him with us, my son and his wife raised him."
While listening her eyes stayed at the man, noticing his eyes still sullen. She held his shoulder, and he looked up to see her smile at him. "You're no less family than anyone here is." he smiled at her words, until the two heard a scoff coming from Johnny's direction. Yeri scowled at him before they all continued eating.
As they finished desserts, the elder man cleared his throat again. "Well, I actually have an announcement to make." he stood, wobbling a bit until his wife helped him balance, then looked over the table. "I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know how much longer I have until my time is up. One of my hopes is to see at least one grandchild get married."
Being the obvious older one, all eyes peeked at Johnny before looking back at the man.
"Now, another thing I would love is for Yeri to become my family. Actual family." this was an obvious shock to everyone, even Yeri herself, and they were all clear about it. "She's a great and hardworking person. I'd love to leave some of my assets to her as well, but I sadly cannot without any family ties, and, though I know all of you here wouldn't, the last thing I want is for my siblings and their families to start fighting her for them."
Her eyes shook as she peeked at the rest of the family, who all were still in shock, but noticed they found reason with his decision. The elder lady suddenly turned to her with an understanding smile.
"I understand you're not in any relationships, right Yeri?" she shook her head. "Anyone you fancy?" she responded the same. "Well then... if its alright with you, we were thinking that maybe you and Johnny could marry."
Yeri had agreed. And now she regretted it. It was the biggest regret she had ever had, evident as she sat in her closet crying her heart out. His impression from that dinner should've been a sign of something, and she still doesn't know why she said yes.
For granddad... its for him... The only reasoning she could think of.
It had been couple of months, and the family was great. She really felt at home with them. Who would have thought her biggest problem would be the man she married.
Johnny was anything but welcoming, or nice. It made her think how did such a man spawn from such a warm and loving family. He constantly disregarded her, treating her as if she was beneath him, and when she spoke up about careers he'd have the same reply.
"What career? Aren't you just here to take from our grandfather?"
This time he went as far as hating her for the way she dressed, telling her to change her outfit, which was an sleeveless floral dress down to her knees, to a boring office blouse and pants. It shattered her, breaking her heart more than ever. If there was one thing her church had taught her is to respect and love everyone equally, yet here the grandson of their biggest donator was doing the complete opposite.
Drying up her tears, she got up and got ready for a family night. These were the only thing she looked forward to, some time away from her husband with the people she felt loved. She especially was excited as it was the only time she could meet Hendery, as it turned out they were the only two of the same age, and they immediately became good friends, despite Johnny's constant reminder of his mother.
Same as always, she separated right away as they entered the grandfather's mansion, and headed for where she saw Hendery. He smiled back at her and they started to talk, Yeri invested in the story about his mother actually coming to see him for a day. It was a rare yet common occasion, the lady would simply swoop in unannounced, catch up with Hendery about the family and himself, then leave for weeks again.
After dinner the two returned to one of the few lounge rooms with their drinks and continued their talks about everything and nothing. Yeri felt happier than ever, at least since she's been stuck in this marriage with the man's cousin. As she stared at him talk about something else (she wasn't quite focused at this point) she wondered if things would have been the same if she married him instead.
Stop it... you're married already... she shook her head off of these thoughts, but they still gave her outcomes.
Nothing much would have been different, other than the possibility that she might have a better husband.
Before they knew it, especially with all the drinks they had, the two were sat very close to each other, teasing each other about random things again. With her feet aching from the heels, she lifted them up the couch for a bit, and Hendery unconsciously started massaging her ankles, neither realising anything.
Not even when someone stepped into the lounge room.
"HANDS OFF YOU B*STARD!" for Yeri, her immediate instinct hearing that voice was to drop everything and stand up, and to no surprise so was Hendery's. They looked towards where Johnny stood, eyes red as blood as he stomped forwards and grabbed Yeri's hand tight before roughly pulling her with him. "Keep your lowlife morals out of this house! My parents worked their asses off to raise you, have some decency to not ruin that with your mother's actions. That b*tch should've died along with you."
Yeri was shocked to her core, even more seeing Hendery simply taking the insults with no fight back. She struggled as Johnny kept pulling her out of the room and down the stairs, her yells catching the family's attention and stopping Johnny.
His grandfather stepped in, clearly mad at the commotion. "Why are you dragging her across the house like some rag doll?!"
Johnny scoffed, hand still holding her wrist tight as his mother tried to get his grip off. "Why don't you teach that grandson of yours morals of not touching another man's wife? Or teach this woman you love so much to maintain boundaries?"
All eyes turned to Yeri, who simply broke down as she finally pushed off Johnny's hand. Her mother in law held her and sat her down on the ground as she tried her best to talk.
"Nothing happened... please trust me... we were just talking... just talking..."
"Then why were his hands all over your legs?!" Johnny yelled, his mother shushing him to let her continue.
"I was just massaging her ankles because they were red from wearing the heels for so long." everyone turned their attention towards Hendery who came down the stairs, head still down. "I do it for grandmum all the time. Nothing else happened, we just talked and I did that, that's all. Stop hurting her like that please."
Johnny fumed and stormed towards him, grabbing him by the collar. "You're only still here because I respect our grandfather enough not to have fired you and kicked you out myself. Keep your hands to yourself, and your nose out of my family."
Yeri watched horrified as Hendery nodded, and walked back upstairs once the older pushed him away. She hated watching him get bullied when he did nothing wrong, and no one had a problem with him except Johnny. She stood up out of her mother-in-law's hold and ran towards the two cousins.
"Hendery wait!" she called him causing him he stopped and look back. She then turned to Johnny. "Apologise." her husband stared at her in shock and anger. "Hate me if you want, but apologise to your cousin. You had no right to do and say all that! I don't care that you despise me, call me a gold digger or whore, but your wrong is your wrong."
Johnny scoffed, glaring back at her. "And what, having his hands over a married woman isn't wrong? I guess that's why you stayed there huh? You're really just as low as him huh?"
"Yea sure, call me that. Say it. I don't care. Do you think if I did, I would've been alive today? Your grandfather is the only reason I decided to live this long. Did you think coming from a struggling family made me happy? That losing my parents felt like ecstasy? All that I have left praying for at the church was your grandfather. So go ahead, say what you want. I won't lose hope in myself, not as long as he's alive, because guess what, I'm a human being who actually respects people. It's actually sad that even by being his blood and so called legitimate grandchild, you don't have any respect for people."
Johnny's anger had reached its limit, she could very clearly see that from thr way he glared at her up and down. And it was more evident when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her away with him, leaving the house. He ignored all the yells from his family, and Yeri struggling, and practically threw her into the car before getting inside himself, and started the car.
Yeri had but one thing in her mind at that point. She didn't care about her wellbeing anymore. She didn't care about the properties she'd be willed to. Just as the car started to move, she opened the door and jumped out, tumbling on the road in the process. Johnny hadn't yet processed what happened as he drove towards the main gate, and the few guards outside stood in shock as they watched her pick herself up and run back inside the house.
Of course everyone inside saw what happened. They were at the door and windows ever since Johnny had pulled her out, and now they watched as she ran back inside, ignoring all their calls, and went upstairs to a guest room. She locked the door, even blocking it with the bedside table, and just sat on the bed, finally being able to breath.
She heard the voices call to her from outside. First her mother-in-law, then their grandmother , followed by Johnny banging on the door, and his father yelling at him to back off. She didn't hear what they said, but could tell he was in for a big scolding.
Finally she heard someone who made her heart break. "Yeri... I'm so sorry sweetheart." the elderly man spoke loud yet softly. "I shouldn't have fixed you up with someone you didn't know. All this is my fault. Your pain, it's all on me. I was wrong, I thought he would be good at being a husband as he is being a business man, but I was wrong. I expected too much of him, and I let you suffer the outcome of it..."
Yeri listened silently. She couldn't even cry. She simply felt numb. But she was sharp, and heard the soft sobs of their grandfather. It broke her heart even more, and she finally stood up and went to the door. She held the table, slowly pushing it away, when another voice came.
"Yeri... please come out."
Sighing, she unlocked and opened the door, still careful of Johnny's sudden appearance. Peeking out, she noticed he was there, but blocked by his father. She looked around more and saw everyone still there, but their grandfather. Hendery approached her first.
"Granddad asked for you to go see him in his office." he said while pointing in the direction of the room. She nodded and walked away, not wanting to face the crowd any longer.
Peeking into the room, she saw him sitting at his table, face hidden in his hands as he breathed hard, clearly still in despair. "Close the door dear." she did as told and sat next to him. She felt bad about what he was going through, it wasn't like he knew how his grandson would be like behind closed doors.
But maybe she was wrong.
"I knew it all..." he suddenly spoke, eyes still down at the table. "I knew he was heartless. He's good at his job, but that's sadly all he's good at, and it made him have a heart of stone. I thought that maybe getting him married to an extraordinary woman like you would have opened him up... but I was wrong, and instead, I hurt you..." tears dropped onto his lap, and Yeri gulped as he slowly turned to her. "You should not forgive me, but I still am very sorry. You went through a lot, yet I caused you pain... I'm so sorry my child..."
She couldn't take the pain anymore, and quickly hugged the man, hiding her face in his shoulder as she silently teared up as well. They sat like that in silence for a while, only the sounds of his soft sobs in the room.
After some time he pulled her out, wiping his eyes before speaking. "I understand if you want to divorce him. I'll get my lawyer down here immediately, just say the word."
Yeri thought about it. She did no longer want to be his wife, living with him was like hell, and he was a cruel man. But one thing concerned her, and made her have unwanted second thoughts.
"Granddad... I still want to be family to you." she saw the shock in his eyes. "I have no one, and I love the family, I don't want one bad apple to be the reason I'm no longer part of you. It's not for what you want to give me, I swear, I just really felt like home here..."
The elder man looked away, nodding his head as if in thought. "Well, it's too late for you to be adopted into our family, you're an adult." he sighed and looked back at her. "I think it's best you divorce him first. And don't worry, you're no less family to us with or without legal ties. I'll get you moved into our house here, you're welcomed to stay as long as you wish." he saw the shock but happiness in her eyes, and smiled petting her head. "About my assets... we'll figure it out later. I haven't signed off my will yet, but I will soon."
Yeri left the room with a soft smile, greeted by Johnny's mother and Hendery outside the door. Her mother-in-law stepped forward first, and hugged her tight. "I heard what he said. And just know, married or not, you're always welcomed as my daughter." she let go and faced Yeri, smiling sincerely.
Yeri knew they all meant it, and was happier than ever that she could have a family on her own. As she went downstairs, she saw Johnny sitting in the living room. Their eyes met, and this time, she kept her stare on him as she walked closer. Once they were face to face, she spoke.
"I'm free from you." she spoke with her head held high. "I hope you find what you really need."
Johnny scoffed. "Definitely wasn't you."
"I know."
As his time went by, his health only deteriorated. The Seo grandfather was already telling his son all his plans he had fixed for his works, who to pass them on to and etcetera. But one thing still worried them, which prevented him for finalising his will.
How will they let Yeri inherit without problems? All that was left was his real estates, which Hendery had stated he refused to inherit. They knew it was because of Johnny's constant bullying, but he made it clear he also wanted to start a career himself, and the olders had no choice but to respect his wishes.
However, their grandmother was quick to notice something throughout the time Yeri lived with them, and she knew this could be the loophole they were looking for.
It had been almost a year since she moved in with the rest of the family, away from Johnny. And eight months since she was officially divorced. All this time she spent her time after work at the house, doing small errands like helping with cooking, or helping them with their business works. And the thing the elder lady noticed was her bond with everyone, but most specifically one person.
The smile on Yeri's face when she was with Hendery, she recognised it anywhere. And Hendery was clearly not one to hide his smile back to Yeri.
"I know you regret the first set up," she spoke to her husband, holding his hand, "but I know love blooming when I see it. How do you think you've been with me all these years? And how do you think I know you've loved me back as well?"
The man looked at his wife, and knew there was no hiding his feelings for her, and the same went for her feelings as well. He sighed and looked away again. "What if it's a mistake again?" his voice shook as he spoke, evident of his weak health. "I can't put that angel through pain a second time..."
His wife touched his face, turning it towards her. "Hendery's not like Johnny. Why don't you propose the idea to them and see? I know it'll work out, trust me."
He trusted his wife, but he wondered if it was ever a good idea as he sat in his office chair and looked at the two adults who sat in front of him confused why they were suddenly called in. His wife stood behind him and held his shoulder in reassurance.
"Well..." he started with a sigh. "I need to finalise my will, and, I still need to write Yeri as an inheritor. I have a... proposal to make it work out." he pursed his lips, wondering how to say it, picking up the courage to speak again. "I want both of you to be completely honest with me, no more pleasing me, only yourselves."
Yeri and Hendery looked at each other as if confused, then back at the grandfather and nodded.
"How would you feel to get married, to each other?"
It took a few days, but a sudden encounter in the backyard one night and they agreed. Yeri was simply outside at night, wanting some fresh air as she was unable to sleep. Hendery had stepped out for the same reason, and they ended up talking deeply, especially regarding the elder man's proposal.
One line from Yeri had them both realise their answer.
"Do you have any regrets?" he had asked her
He looked at her shocked, confused how did she not regret the time spent with Johnny. "Why?"
She looked at him and smiled. "If I didn't go through what I did, I wouldn't have known you this way."
The next day, they accepted the idea, and within a month both their marriage and grandfather's will were legally registered. They didn't rush things though. They stayed in their separate rooms, took their time going on casual dates, getting to know each other better first, and going through anything that might cause them issues.
It was safe to say for Yeri, there were less things to solve than before.
Hendery smiled looking at her as he helped her plate dinner. She had taken it to herself to cook for everyone that night, so he decided to help knowing it would be tiring to do alone for so many people. Once he finished his task, he saw her still arranging the side dishes to make them look pretty, and came closer looking over her shoulder.
Letting his intrusive thoughts win, Hendery rested his chin on her shoulder, taking Yeri by surprise. She peeked at him for a second, before feigning ignorance and going back to her task, when he suddenly spoke. "Is my head heavy?"
This caught her off guard even more, and Yeri couldn't help start laughing. She looked back at him as he moved away. "What kind of question is that?" she shook her head at him.
He shrugged, hands still up when replying. "Just asking, didn't wanna burden you." he sounded so serious, Yeri could only laugh more. Once she composed herself she shook her head again, before finishing off the task and passing it on to the maid to set the table. She then looked at the food Hendery had plated and smiled at him.
This time she decided to let her intrusive thoughts win, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. It looks neat."
Everyone in the family seemed happy with the new couple's arrangement, though there were two who were still unaware of it. It wasn't until another family dinner night, three months later, when those outside of the house found out, that was Johnny and, to everyone's surprise, Hendery's mother.
Johnny noticed the couple sitting together, but paid no heed until after everyone finished eating, when their grandfather suddenly asked for their attention. "I have finalised, and officiated, my will with my lawyer. My time is coming soon, I can feel it..." he went quiet for a while, as did everyone. They all noticed he was definitely on his last leg, but no one was ready to accept it. "I want to go through it one last time tonight with everyone here. After this, we can all forget about it until the future." everyone nodded, and Yeri didn't miss the oddly hopeful look in her new mother-in-law's face (it was weird calling her when she was yet to know her son's marriage).
"My position as chairman will obviously go to my son, and he will foresee all my assets as well, along with his wife of course. As for the hotel, I leave it for Johnny to inherit. Hendery will also no longer be working for you." at this Johnny's ears perked up. "He will be working under my real estate agency."
Their attention changed when Hendery's mother suddenly cheered, and Yeri got the hint why he was so persistant in not wanting to inherit anything. Their grandfather was shocked, but understood as well, and was quick to continue reading. "As for the agency itself however, I leave it to my granddaughter-in-law, Yeri."
"WHAT?!?" both Johnny and Hendery's mum stood up in shock, simultaneously screaming as well. Johnny's father shushed them and strictly motioned them to sit down, but his sister was definitely not happy. "What in-law? Who is she even married to?"
"I'd like to ask the same." Johnny added on, for once taking side with his aunt. "Because last I remember, we were divorced." he side-eyed Yeri, who sat with her left hand on the table, and that's when he noticed. She wore a wedding ring, different from the one from their own marriage however. He then peeked at Hendery, who drank water as he got nervous, and noticed his hand as well.
Matching rings.
"Well," his attention turned back to their grandfather, "Yeri inheriting that was always my plan, but you obviously gave me quite the dilemma with your marriage behaviour." he eyed Johnny. "While living with us, your grandmother noticed them. I don't care how much you won't like me saying this Johnny, but Hendery is much better at being a husband than you could ever be. Of course this time I allowed them to choose, and they did, they accepted the marriage, so now Yeri is again legally family, and I have every right to pass on inheritance to her."
Johnny could only scoff and turn away. Though thanks to his business brain, he realised that was the best move considering his grandfather's decisions. There was still one person who was not on board with the idea, and she now stood up angrily pointing at Yeri.
"Who is she to inherit from you? Why isn't your actual grandchild inheriting that? She's only gonna use your money, and next thing you know she'll leave Hendery and take it all with her!"
Yeri was quick to hold Hendery's hand, stopping him from standing up only to add fuel to the fire. He looked back at her, saw she shook her head, and sat back down with a sigh. They looked back as their grandmother now spoke instead, standing up as well.
"You were never in Hendery's life, so why do you care? Let me guess, you were hoping he'd get the agency, and you could use him for money? How pathetic!" everyone stood shocked as she said what they all didn't have the heart to. "Yeri is more family than you, and for your information Hendery was the first in line to inherit, but he's made it clear he doesn't want it, and we all see why. You're the one who's going to use him, not Yeri. I'm ashamed our only daughter turned out this way."
His mother clearly didn't like hearing anything so far, suddenly grabbing her wine and spilling it at Yeri. Everyone gasped, and Hendery very clearly had had enough as he stood glaring at his mother. "Why don't you just leave like you always do!? Go spend your new boyfriend's money instead! Stop coming after me and my family!"
"You're only a part of this family because of me you ungrateful brat!"
Yeri's eyes widened, the whole room falling into silence, everyone's movements on halt. All eyes were on Hendery, even Johnny's. The man in question stood heaving breaths, before he relaxed his shoulders and without a word left the table. Yeri watched his figure disappear, when suddenly she heard a soft weep, turning to see Johnny's mother holding in her tears.
Suddenly she stood up as well, letting go of her cries as she spoke to her sister-in-law. "You have no idea what that child has been through! To hear him say that, as the woman who actually raised him, you have no idea how hard it was when his cousin, my own son, wouldn't accept him! I have no regrets having had Hendery in my life, but you have NO RIGHT to say you did him any favours!"
Yeri couldn't take it, and stood up and followed in the direction Hendery had left. She found him outside sitting by the small fountain, face hidden in his hands as he leaned on his legs. Her heart broke, as long as she's known him, through all the insults Johnny had thrown at him, she had never seen him this broken before. Slowly she walked to him, wine stains still evident on her dress, and sat next to him close, their shoulder just barely touching.
She heard him weep, which broke her even more, and she finally gave in to the distance as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "Don't say that again, please." she whispered, leaning her forehead against his shoulder. "I know it hurts, but don't think like that."
"I'm sorry..." she heard him say softly, wiping his eyes as he tried to compose himself. "To be honest... after you'd inherit it I planned on leaving." Yeri moved out, staring at him wide eyed, in shock and confusion from his words. He looked at her, and she saw his eyes red from crying. "I was doing granddad a favour, it didn't matter to me..." he looked away before continuing, "nothing does. What's the point? Without me, it won't make a difference."
"HUANG GUANHENG!" Yeri yelled as she stood up, clearly upset by everything he said. She rightfully had to be, it hurt her deep hearing him say he had no reason to live. As she processed it more, she fell to her knees in front of him and grabbing his face to look at her.
"How can you say and act like you have nothing to live for, when you have me? Aren't I enough? Do you think I only did this to do granddad a favour? I..." her eyes welled up as she thought about her next words. "Hendery... I genuinely love you. You were there for me when I didn't know who to talk to, you made me smile after those days I couldn't. And after all that, when it became us, you made me regain trust in a relationship."
Feeling her emotions take over, she let go of his face and looked down, and Hendery could see the tears falling from her cheeks. "Even... even if you wanted to run away, I would have supported you, I would have followed you. But, you want to die, because you don't think anything matters..." she looked back up, her face wet, and choked on her cries. "How do you think that makes me feel? How can you say that after everything?"
He was speechless. He knew he hadn't thought of her in his initial plan. He simply figured it to be a convenience for his family, and that after his job was done, he'd leave for good. His role wasn't needed. And as he stared back at her in silence, Yeri stood slowly and shook her head.
"You really didn't care about me did you?" her voice broke as she spoke. When he was silent again, she looked away and wiped her tears. "I get it... I was the idiot for thinking it would work this time." she looked back at him, and what she said felt like a stab in his chest.
"You're no better than Johnny... if anything you're worse. He was my enemy from day one, but you pretended to be my friend, only to betray me... you're the worst kind of person!"
She ran back inside the house, and he heard someone call for her as she continued to run. He looked back down at his feet, grabbing his hair in frustration as he realised what he had just done. Life had given him a chance, but he threw it out without a care, and he hurt the person he vowed to never do so.
"Stupid idiot!" he grunted, his hands fisted hitting his head.
"You really are." a voice caught his attention, making him look up, shock taking over at the sight of his cousin. "You really are an idiot. The fact that you can see it yourself is the only guarantee for me that you're still smart."
Hendery didn't want anything more than to drown himself in the water behind him, and seeing the cousin who hated him all his life just made him remember why. He looked away, wiping his nose as he feigned ignorance. "Go away, you never have anything nice to say, you're the last person who should be here right now."
"Shocking isn't it." Johnny replied, monotonous as ever. "I've hated you all my life because I thought it was unfair how a kid dropped at our door was getting the same love and attention as me. I hated you more hearing about your mother, the disgrace to our family." Hendery rolled his eyes the more he heard the older man speak. "But, I hate you now because if there's one thing that bugs me most it's losing a good deal that's right in front of your eyes."
At this Hendery turned, confused what he meant. "You're smart, but you let emotion get in the way. I hate that. You're so stupid for it, and even more now that you're letting it get in the way of the chance of having the perfect life with someone."
Hendery sighed rubbing his face, and got up to eye level at Johnny, though the man was much taller. "Since when do you care about me, or her? You hurt her, you hurt me, since when do you care about our life?" he asked, voice rough from holding in his tears.
Johnny scoffed rolling his eyes, then looked back at him with a serious look. "I only hated her because she was an unwanted obstacle in my life plan. I never planned on getting married, even now I still don't. I'll admit I was heartless, but I hate having to come home to have someone on my back asking me stupid questions like how was your day or have you eaten, it's a waste of time." he suddenly walked closer, poking at Hendery's chest.
"You however are the exact man for a life like that, and yet when the chance for one came so easily you decided to let it go? I don't think I've met someone so stupid before in my life. I've thought many things about you in my life, none which are good I'll admit. But, I never thought you were stupid. Stupid for thinking emotionally yes, but not literally. When I heard your arrangement earlier, I knew it should have been you from the start for something like this. With me it was a dilemma, but for you it would have done good to both granddad and you."
Hendery listened silently, absorbing everything he heard. "I still don't get why you care so much." he managed to say, genuinely confused why his cousin suddenly gave him this talk.
Johnny put his hand down, and answered in the most nonchalant way possible.
"I don't want granddad's hard earned work to go to waste, to someone who's only gonna ruin it, that is your mother."
By the time he went back in the house, a maid was already wiping the table. Sighing, Hendery went upstairs, heading to his room. As he walked on he passed by Yeri's, noticing the door creaked open slightly, and heard soft sniffles inside. Unable to hold himself, he peeked in, and she her laid on her side on the bed, something shiny in her hand that she played with.
Their wedding ring.
He watched her silently, seeing she was in deep thought, when he lost his balance and fell through the door. Yeri screamed internally at the sudden intrusion, hand on her chest as she realised who it was.
Hendery looked up at her from the floor, neither knowing how to react anymore as he scrambled to stand up fast and dusted himself. "Uhm... sorry. I just... tripped." He managed to speak.
Yeri sighed and turned away, staring at the window out into the darkness of their front yard. She didn't have anything to say, or talk about, and decides keeping her eyes off of him would be the best option for him now.
Hendery didn't like seeing her this hurt, and after much hesitation, he walked closer and sat on her bed, leaving some distance between them. "Can we... can we talk? Please?" his voice softer than ever, even more than when getting yelled at by his cousin. Yeri turned her head, but kept it straight, still not daring to look at him.
He decided to continue, and sighed before speaking. "I'm sorry... You were right, I should have thought about you. I thought I was doing you guys a favour, but I never took your feelings into consideration. I'm... I'm no different than Johnny, I'm worse. I made you think I cared, which I did without a doubt, but... I don't know, I just never really think into the future that way."
Yeri finally looked towards him, but saw his eyes down at his feet, a tear dripping on his cheek. She was still mad, but put her anger aside for a short minute as her feelings took over. Hendery froze as he suddenly felt arms around him, his body turned slightly as she hugged him, head on his shoulder.
"I understand everything you've been through, and I have no problems with what you suffer or how you act about it." she pulled away just enough that their faces stayed close. "Just... please consider me in your life. It's selfish to think the way you did, when I'm here. I need you, and I'm also here for you."
Hendery pursed his lips to stop them from quivering obviously, before he threw his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug, something they both felt like they needed.
"I'm sorry..." he mumbled, voice clearly broken.
Yeri choked back some tears, though she was confident something was now different and she no longer had to worry about his previous plans. She held him more gently, snuggling into his chest somewhat, feeling content after the longest time.
"We can heal together Hendery, you don't have to do all the work." they pulled away a little and looked at each other, Yeri smiling this time as she spoke. "You're not alone anymore. I know it feels weird at first, but you'll have to get used to me being in your life every single moment now."
His heart felt weird, but in a good way, and he hugged her again, feeling the most comfort he had ever felt in his life.
The door was left open, and Johnny soon walked past noticing it. He saw two sets of legs dangling off the end of the bed, and let curiosity get the best of him as he peeked in a little, scoffing at the sight of the couple laying in bed asleep. He saw Hendery hugging his wife like a teddy bear, his face relieved as if all his problems were washed away.
so this is based on a dream I had including the characters (though Yeri was originally Irene but the age gaps weren't working irl so i switched it heh) & idk how it got so long trying to include all the main events that happened (as far as I could remember lol)
Hope you guys enjoyed it! Feedback is much appreciated♡
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djxiao · 11 months
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kj0ne · 8 days
Nct fic rec’s
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A collection of some of my favourite fics i have read that are mostly nct but i may add some other groups!
Includes fics/series, smaus, oneshots,drabbles, headcannons and time stamps
S - smut | SG -suggestive | F - fluff
A - angst | M - mature
All credits to the writers! If you would not like your work on here please lmk!
*lm still new to posting on tumblr please lmk if anything is or looks wrong*
(Im a sucker for family au so please expect alot of that here 😅)
Nct wish are not included!
Nct 127
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Johnny Suh
Lee Taeyong
Little taste of heaven | M,F,A - @taelme
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3
R U Ridin? | F - @writemekpop
Taeyong is a mafia boss, and he hides it from you... but what happens when his secret gets revealed?
Nakamoto Yuta
Dad!Yuta | F - @jwirecs
Kim Doyoung
Heaven, fallen | M,F,A - @wincore
6-7am | F - @nctinthehouse
You were beautiful | F,A - @jaelvr
Jeong Jaehyun
Kim Jungwoo
Hard to say goodbye | F - @by-soleil
1:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Part 2 ⬇️
8:25pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Mark and Haechan in dream down below ⬇️
Nct Dream
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Mark Lee
4:26 | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Most couples use pet names for each other, some people would expect you and Mark to do the same, especially since you’re getting married
3:50 | F - @skyrohyucks
The cure | F - @mins-fins
mark shows up to your place bleeding red, and red is your least favorite color.
Madly in love | F - @p0ckykiss
mark had always been the hopeless romantic type
Huang Renjun
Beat you at your own game | F - @cafelattaes
y/n has a crush on renjun, who's not that great with people. despite his standoffish nature, she makes an effort to be friendly. but things take a twist when she starts to ignore him.
Lee Jeno
Glitter | F - @kyufessions
you walk in on your daughter giving your fiancé a makeover
All night long | F - @writemekpop
You’re pregnant, and the baby’s kicking makes it impossible to sleep. Luckily, Jeno knows just how to take care of you. 
Lee Haechan
Na Jaemin
Putting mascara on BF!Jaemin | F - @scarletwinterxx
Day in the life | F - @saturnznct
9:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
In which jaemin does his own take of a trend | F - @lololololchips
in which jaemin does his own take of a trend that shows how he tried to confess to his crush over various instagram stories
One bed trope enemy!jaemin | F - @jenosbliss
Bittersweet | F - @polarisjisung
it's routine— you patch up his wounds and watch them heal, he salts your wounds but doesn't stick around long enough to watch them grow.
Love without labels | F - @mystverse
Zhong Chenle
Park Jisung
Naps with bf!Jisung | F - @ofdreamsnwishes
Motorbikes and melatonin | F - @polarisjisung
sleep doesn't find you in the comfort of your own home or under the covers tucked safely into your bed— sleep finds you in the warmth of park jisung's arms
BF Jisung text | F - @polarisjisung
Score that goal | F - @lqfiles
after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.
or in which you mindlessly join the football club in hopes of catching your crush’s attention (and to maybe secretly check him out too) who cares if you can’t even kick a ball up in the air?
Sleepy Jisung talks | F - @wonbin-truther
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Qian Kun
7:16am | F - @theficblog
Ten Lee
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
Nct 127
Baby 127 calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Nct dream
Moon and enthusiasm | F - @handlemehyuck
Baby dream calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Boyfriend texts | F - @handlemehyuck
Orange peel theory | F - @hyuckswoman
7dream nicknames for their partners | F - @swee7dream
Dream on dreaming | F - @diorcities
WayV reaction to a pic of them sleeping | F - @tigermark
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nctsworld · 6 months
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neodreamgirl · 4 months
i feel like people don't take NCT seriously as performers and that shit gets on my nerves
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sinisxtea · 4 months
nct zone memes have returned 🫡🫡
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a-fan-world-blog · 5 months
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Some soulmates of NCT.
From facebook.
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leejenoenthusiast · 14 days
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No, because same.
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keehomania · 17 days
hiiya! can i please please ask for something, ANYTHING about hendery? i kinda want to see him subby, but it’s more like him being whipped but then he takes the lead. do whatever you want with this
✧°, MDNI
field trips were often the same, no matter the school. Herding into buses with chatter buzzing, students bemoaning the long ride or rolling their eyes at the thought of a mundane museum tour. a typical day out of the classroom, yet not much different from sitting at a desk. teachers barely holding the reins, students sneaking off for a smoke or gossip in secluded corners. for most, it was a rare break from monotony. these excursions usually ceased after the third year of high school, as if to mark a rite of passage into adulthood, where such frivolities no longer held space. but your university—oh, it was different.
here, nothing followed tradition, least of all the idea that field trips were for the young and naive. your university wasn’t bound by convention, and why would it be? prestige and wealth had a way of bending the rules. field trips continued well into your final years, an indulgence rather than an obligation, a reflection of the privilege sewn into the very fabric of your life. you didn’t mind. in fact, you’d grown to love it, this life shaped by the whims of the rich.
money came easy, after all. so did publicity and popularity, two byproducts of your academic brilliance and sharp athleticism. it all fit together like a carefully crafted puzzle, each piece adding another layer to your identity. it was a package deal—the intelligence, the skill. you had learned to navigate it seamlessly, embracing the unspoken power it gave you. you knew exactly who you were and how to wield that knowledge to your advantage.
your only flaw, some would say, was that you were a bitch. you weren’t ashamed of it. why should you be? the world you lived in didn’t reward kindness; it rewarded control. and you had control in spades. no one had their way with you—no one ever would. you were sharp, unyielding, and yes, at times cruel. it wasn’t something you denied, not even to yourself. the whispers in the hallways, the glances exchanged in the bathroom as girls fixed their lipstick in the mirror—it was all the same. they called you a bitch, and you owned it. better to be feared than forgotten.
the only person who didn’t seem to see you through that lens was kunhang. where others whispered behind your back or trembled in your presence, he adored you. bright and bubbly, he was the rare exception, the one who refused to believe you were anything but assertive. he defended you relentlessly, as if worshipping your very existence. he was infatuated, and it showed in every wide-eyed gaze, every laugh that burst from his lips when you were near.
you had thought it was natural for a boyfriend to be protective, to spin the narrative in your favor, but kunhang wasn’t faking it. he looked at you as though you hung the moon, as though every sharp word and cool glance only added to the mystique that made you irresistible. whipped didn’t even begin to cover it. he was enamored, and while you didn’t let many get close, he had earned his place. perhaps it was his earnestness, or maybe the way he never flinched in the face of your cutting remarks. he didn’t just accept you as you were; he adored you for it.
you allowed yourself to be softer around him, just a little. when his hand found yours, you didn’t pull away. at first, the gesture had felt awkward—foreign even—but over time, you grew to hold it with pride. kunhang, ever affectionate, was quick to pull you in for a kiss or wrap you in a hug, and while you rarely initiated, you never denied him. his adoration was intoxicating in its simplicity, and in those moments, you almost forgot the weight of your reputation. you almost forgot that in the eyes of everyone else, you were untouchable, untamable—a bitch with no patience for weakness. but with him, you let yourself lean into something softer, even if just for a moment.
the only reason you had walked hand-in-hand through the dense forest toward the campsite, surrounded by your classmates, was because of him. kunhang’s grip on your hand was tighter than yours, but you didn’t mind. his smile, bright and pure, was contagious enough to make you forget the slight discomfort of the heat or the uneven path beneath your feet. as you both neared the site, his eyes lit up with barely contained excitement. “we’re gonna share a tent, right?” his voice was laced with eagerness, the undertone making your smile widen.
“i was thinking of sleeping alone,” you teased, letting your tone carry an air of false seriousness. for a moment, you saw his grin falter, a frown quickly replacing the earlier joy, and you nearly regretted your words. “i’m just kidding,” you added, the corner of your lips quirking upwards as relief washed over him, his radiant smile returning.
the campsite was nestled between towering trees, their branches draping like a protective canopy over the rows of tents that your classmates had begun setting up. the scent of pine hung in the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the damp ground beneath your feet. it was simple, perhaps too simple for a group as accustomed to luxury as yours, but there was a certain charm in the ruggedness. the makeshift fire pit in the center of the site flickered with the beginnings of a small flame, casting long shadows across the clearing. logs arranged in a circle around it served as seats for your group, who laughed and chatted as they worked to establish a sense of comfort in the wilderness.
you leaned back in your folding chair, watching as hendery—no, kunhang, to everyone else—struggled momentarily with the tent’s poles. his tongue poked out in concentration, brows furrowed in determination. it was amusing, the way he worked so hard, so focused. he wanted everything to be perfect, to prove himself capable. and you—well, you were perfectly content admiring him from a distance.
“nice job, kunhang,” a voice chimed in from nearby, and you turned to see one of the girls from your class offering him a thumbs-up, her face lit with a smile. she seemed harmless enough, but the sight of her addressing him so familiarly made something inside you tighten. to everyone else, he was kunhang, the boy with the easy laugh and friendly demeanor. but to you? he was hendery, your hendery. the nickname was yours alone, something intimate that others had no right to touch.
“keep walking,” you snapped, your voice sharp enough to slice through the air like a whip. the girl’s smile faltered, her eyes darting to her friend for support before they both hurried off, the lightness in their steps fading into an awkward shuffle. hendery couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped from his lips, amused by the situation. he glanced at you, eyes filled with that familiar adoration, but said nothing.
the dinner that followed was as expected. adequate. passable. you couldn’t expect much from camp food, after all. it was edible, at least, and that was enough for the evening. you ate in silence, content to let the sounds of the forest and the chatter of your classmates fill the gaps. hendery, on the other hand, watched you with a quiet smile, the corners of his mouth twitching as if he was holding back a secret. you met his gaze, raising an eyebrow as you chewed. “what? is my makeup creasing?” you asked, feigning concern while your eyes glinted with humor.
he smiled softly, shaking his head. “i have to stare,” he murmured, his voice dropping low, almost reverent. “you’re so beautiful.” compliments had always come easily to you, especially in this world of wealth and admiration. but his words—his simple, unadorned praise—held a different weight. they felt genuine in a way that made your heart stutter, your cheeks warming under the softness of his gaze. you could never quite get used to it, no matter how often he said it. there was something about the way he looked at you, something that made you feel seen in a way that was both flattering and unsettling.
tonight, though, his gaze lingered too long, and it wasn’t just admiration that danced behind his eyes. there was something more—something heated, almost guilty. his eyes roamed, caught on the way your shorts hugged your legs, the loose strands of hair framing your face in the gentle evening breeze, the smudged remnants of your makeup after a long day outdoors. it was nothing special, nothing you hadn’t worn a hundred times before, yet his gaze made you feel exposed, almost vulnerable. you knew that look. it wasn’t just admiration; it was something far more intense, far more complicated.
“you must like me a lot if you think i look good like this,” you teased lightly, finishing the last of your meal before rising to take your bowl away. you expected him to laugh, maybe to throw back a quick retort, but when you glanced down, you saw the unmistakable flush that colored his cheeks, the way his eyes widened in sudden panic. it was an accidental glance, something you hadn’t meant to see—but there it was. the bulge in his sweats was impossible to miss, painfully obvious, and the shade of crimson that darkened his face only confirmed it.
“no way,” you scoffed in amusement, the laugh bubbling out of you before you could stop it. he moved quickly, bringing his hands up to cover himself in a desperate attempt to hide the evidence, but it was too late. his stammered apology came out in broken fragments, his voice shaking with embarrassment. “i’m so— i’m so sorry—” he didn’t know where to look, how to explain, and the sheer mortification on his face was almost enough to make you feel bad for him. almost.
“move your hands,” you commanded, your voice cutting through his flustered panic with the same authority you always carried. hendery hesitated, but he always did as you asked. slowly, shakily, he let his hands fall away, his eyes darting around to make sure no one else had noticed. but it was just the two of you now, and your laughter echoed softly in the quiet space between you. “you’re joking,” you muttered, half in disbelief, half in amusement. but no, there it was, even more prominent now, standing to attention as if mocking him in his helplessness. you met his gaze again, and his eyes, slick with unshed tears of shame, only made the situation more surreal.
acoffing, you set your bowl down with a sigh before reaching for his hand. you didn’t give him time to react, to protest, as you pulled him out of his seat and away from the others, leading him toward the shadowed cover of the forest. “what are you doing?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper, sniffling in confusion. you tugged him along with little regard for his unease. “no one’s looking. come on,” you paused, turning to face him, “don’t cry just yet.”
the forest around you felt silent and still, the distant crackle of the campfire muffled by the heavy, thick air that clung to your skin. you didn’t care about anything else—not the others back at the campsite, not the thin veil of night creeping over the treetops. it was just you and hendery now, and the pounding of his heartbeat that seemed to echo through the night. you pressed him against the rough bark of the tree, the jagged surface biting into his back, and his breath hitched in his throat. his chest rose and fell in uneven, jagged breaths, each one sharper than the last. his eyes were wide, glistening with unshed tears of embarrassment, and he stared at you like a deer caught in headlights, his lips quivering as he struggled to hold back.
you leaned in closer, your breath hot against his face, and his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, his whole body trembling beneath your touch. “didn’t i tell you not to cry?” you asked, your voice rough, almost daring him to break the command. the weight of your words lingered in the air between you both, heavy and suffocating.
his response came in the form of a shaky nod, his hands gripping the tree behind him for stability as he wiped hastily at the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. you watched the movement, your gaze unwavering, hard. but then, as you let your eyes drop lower, to the obvious bulge in his sweats, it was impossible to ignore the way it strained against the fabric, pressing insistently as if begging for attention.
you tilted your head slightly, smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. “what’s all the fuss?” you murmured, your tone shifting, softening like silk draping over his skin. the change in your voice had an immediate effect on him. you watched as his dick twitched visibly through his sweats, a reaction he couldn’t hide if he tried. a choked sound escaped his lips, something between a gasp and a whimper, and his cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson. the embarrassment in his eyes was replaced with something else now—something more primal, more desperate.
“are you really that desperate?” you asked, leaning in closer until your breath was ghosting over his ear, your voice dripping with amusement. “are you that big of a pervert, baby?” your hand dropped lower, nails lightly grazing over the length of his clothed shaft. even through the layers of fabric, you could feel it—the way it pulsed, hard and warm, straining against the confines of his sweats as if begging for more. the touch was light, teasing, but it was enough to make him tremble, his knees buckling slightly as he leaned further back against the tree for support.
his mouth fell open as a whimper finally escaped, his head tilting back against the rough bark. “i’m sorry,” he whimpered, his voice broken and small, almost pleading. “i’m so sorry.” you scoffed, unimpressed by his pitiful apology, and in one swift motion, your touch went from teasing to something far harsher. your hand tightened around his bulge, squeezing with just enough force to make him cry out, a loud, needy moan spilling from his lips before he could stop it. his body jerked against the tree, and his breath came out in shallow, desperate gasps.
“you’re sorry?” you mocked, raising an eyebrow as you loosened your grip just slightly. his face twisted in a mixture of shame and pleasure, and you could feel the tension in his body, the way he trembled under your control. “show me how sorry you are.” your words cut through the haze of his mind, and before he had time to process them, you were on him again. your hand tightened once more, eliciting another loud, desperate moan from his lips as you pressed your body closer to his. without warning, your lips crashed against his, silencing his moans as your mouths moved together in a frantic, messy kiss.
he kissed back immediately, unable to restrain himself any longer. his lips moved against yours, hungry, desperate, his hands scrambling to find purchase on your body as his mind spiraled out of control. it was all too much—the way your hand gripped him, the way your lips claimed his with such possessive force, the way your body pressed against him, making it impossible to think, impossible to breathe.
every whimper, every moan that slipped from his lips was muffled by your mouth, and you could feel the way his body responded, the way he shuddered under your touch, utterly at your mercy. he kissed you like he was drowning, like you were the only thing keeping him afloat in the suffocating weight of his desire. and you knew, from the way he trembled, from the way he gasped into your mouth, that you had him exactly where you wanted him.
you pulled back from the kiss, leaving him panting, breathless, lips swollen from the frantic mess you’d made of him. his head hung low, hair falling into his eyes as he tried to collect himself, chest heaving with the weight of every desperate breath. his cheeks were stained red, a shade darker than before, and the faint shimmer of tears still clung to his lashes. “look at you,” you whispered, voice low and sharp, like the edge of a blade grazing skin. “what would they think if they saw you like this? if they saw how desperate you are for me?”
your words hit him like a punch, and his whole body tensed against the tree. his eyes shot up to meet yours, wide and panicked, as if the thought of anyone else knowing what was happening between you terrified him more than anything. but there was no escaping it, not now. you could see the conflict in his gaze—the lingering embarrassment colliding headfirst with the raw, unfiltered lust that was consuming him whole. “i—” his voice broke, small and weak, as he struggled to find the words, shaking his head helplessly. “i can’t help it,” he breathed, the confession falling from his lips like a prayer. “i’m desperate for you.”
his answer hung in the air, heavy and thick with tension, and you could see the shame in his eyes, the way he was utterly, hopelessly whipped for you. it was almost pathetic—the way he looked at you, wide-eyed and trembling, like he’d give anything just to feel you again, just to hear you speak his name. “desperate,” you repeated, tasting the word on your tongue, savoring it as you leaned closer, your lips ghosting over his ear. “is that what you are, baby? desperate?”
his breath hitched, a soft whimper escaping his throat as he pressed himself harder against the tree, as if trying to disappear into the bark, trying to hide from the humiliation that was burning him from the inside out. but he couldn’t hide—not from you. not when you had him pinned like this, trapped under the weight of your words, completely at your mercy. his eyes squeezed shut, his body trembling with the effort of holding himself together. the humiliation was etched into every line of his face, every breath that passed his lips, and yet the bulge in his sweats only seemed to grow more pronounced, more insistent with every word that spilled from your mouth.
“tell me, baby,” you continued, your voice softening, a cruel sweetness seeping into your tone. “are you ashamed? do you like being this desperate for me?” he swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper as he answered, “i—i can’t stop. i—” he broke off, breath catching in his throat, eyes flicking up to meet yours, pleading. “i just, i need you.”
his confession was raw, dripping with need, and it sent a thrill through you, a rush of power that made your lips curl into a smirk. you let your hand drift lower, fingers brushing lightly over his clothed length, feeling the way he twitched under your touch, the way his breath hitched in his throat. “of course you do,” you murmured, eyes darkening as you tightened your grip, feeling him pulse beneath your fingers. “but you don’t get to have me until i say so.”
a sharp gasp tore from his lips as you squeezed, his body jerking forward instinctively, as if trying to chase the touch, but you pulled back just as quickly, watching as his face twisted in frustration and need. his hands clung to the bark behind him, knuckles turning white with the effort of holding back, of staying still, of not falling apart completely beneath you. “such a sweet boy,” you mocked, the words dripping with sarcasm as your other hand slipped up to his jaw, forcing him to look at you. his eyes were glassy, tears threatening to spill over again, and it only made you smirk wider, relishing the sight of him so undone.
he opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat, and all that came out was a soft, broken moan as your hand drifted lower again, fingers slipping just beneath the waistband of his sweats. you could feel the heat radiating from him, the way his whole body trembled under your touch, and it made you laugh softly, a dark, amused sound that made him shudder. “you’re already this hard,” you noted, your tone a mixture of disbelief and mockery as you tugged at the waistband, pulling his sweats down just enough to free his length. it sprung up, hard and eager, and the sight of it only made your smirk deepen. “are you really that big of a pervert?”
his face flushed a deeper shade of red, and he bit down on his lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape. but he couldn’t stop it, not with your hand wrapping around him, stroking slowly, deliberately, your grip tight enough to make him squirm. “i—” his voice broke again, barely a whisper, and he whimpered as your fingers grazed the sensitive tip, teasing him, driving him to the edge without giving him what he so desperately wanted. “please.”
you raised an eyebrow, leaning in closer until your lips brushed against his ear, your voice low and taunting. “please what, baby? tell me what you want.” he shuddered, his breath coming out in ragged gasps, and he tilted his head back, eyes squeezing shut as he tried to find the words, his whole body trembling with the effort. “please,” he whispered again, voice cracking, “i—i need to fuck you.” your smirk widened at his desperation, at the way he was so willing to beg for you, to completely submit to whatever you wanted from him. and you weren’t about to let that go unrewarded.
with one swift movement, you pulled his sweats down further, exposing more of him to the cool night air, and your hand wrapped around him fully, stroking with just enough pressure to make him gasp, his hips bucking instinctively into your touch. his moans were soft at first, barely audible, but as your pace quickened, they grew louder, more desperate, more needy. “you like this, don’t you?” you whispered, your voice dripping with amusement as you watched the way his face twisted in pleasure. “being so completely at my mercy.”
his response was a broken, breathless moan, and his hands scrambled to find something to hold onto, fingers digging into the bark behind him as his body shook with the intensity of it all. you could see the way his tears threatened to spill over again, the way his whole body trembled beneath your touch, and it only fueled the fire inside you, the desire to completely undo him. leaning in, you kissed him again, hard and unrelenting, swallowing his moans as your hand continued to work him, the heat between you growing with every passing second. his lips moved against yours, messy and eager, his desperation seeping into every kiss, every touch, until all that was left was the sound of his broken moans and the sharp, needy gasps that filled the air around you.
you pulled back, letting him pant against you, his eyes blinking open to meet yours, glazed with a mix of passion and despair. “you wanna fuck me? fill my pussy up?” you asked, your voice a low purr that sent a shiver down his spine. he nodded frantically, his breaths coming in short, stuttering bursts as he choked out a single word. “yes, please, fuck.”
you stepped back, your hand sliding away from his cock, leaving him standing there, exposed and desperate. your eyes raked over him, taking in the sight of his shaking legs, his flushed skin, the way he was barely holding himself together. “not yet,” you murmured, the smirk never leaving your lips as you turned away, heading back towards the tents. he stumbled after you, sweat glistening on his forehead, his eyes never leaving your retreating form.
you reached your tent, the one you’d so confidently claimed earlier, and without looking back, you slipped inside. you could hear his footsteps hastening, the sound of him tripping over a root, his gasp of pain muffled by the thick carpet of leaves beneath his feet. you didn’t bother with the zipper, letting the flap fall open behind you as you moved deeper into the tent, his eyes following you like a starving man watching food being dangled just out of reach.
his eyes never left yours as he stumbled in after you, his movements clumsy with desire. you let your shirt fall to the ground, revealing your lacy bra, your breasts heaving with every breath you took. his gaze dropped to your chest, his mouth watering at the sight, and you could see the way his cock twitched in response. “you sure you want it?” you taunted, cupping your breasts, your thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. his eyes snapped back to yours, a silent plea, and you laughed, the sound echoing through the tent.
you stepped closer, your hand reaching out to trace the line of his jaw before sliding down to grip his neck, your thumb resting against his pulse point. it was racing, a frantic drumbeat that matched the thundering in your own chest. “you can have it,” you whispered, leaning in until your breath mingled with his, “but only if you can handle it. can you handle me, baby?” your voice was a challenge, a promise wrapped in a warning, and he nodded, his eyes wide with need.
your hand slid down to the base of his throat, your grip tightening as you pushed him back onto the makeshift bed, the sleeping bag rustling beneath him. he lay there, panting, his cock standing tall and proud, begging for attention. but you weren’t done playing yet. with a wicked smile, you straddled him, your legs on either side of his hips, your pussy hovering just above his dick. the warmth of him radiated through the fabric of your shorts, making you wet, making you ache for more. you leaned in, pressing your chest against his, the feel of his heart hammering against yours as you whispered into his ear, “are you sure you can handle this?”
his only response was a desperate nod, and you couldn’t help but chuckle, the sound dark and thrilling. you reached behind you, unbuttoning your shorts with a flick of your thumbs before sliding them down, your ass cheeks exposed to the cool night air. his eyes followed the movement, his pupils dilating with want, and you knew you had him exactly where you wanted. “just like that,” you murmured, the praise sending a jolt of pleasure through him. “now, let’s see if you can be quiet for me, okay?”
you ground down onto him, the fabric of your panties rubbing against his cock, the friction setting your nerves alight. he groaned, his hands coming up to grip your hips, his fingers digging into your skin. but you slapped them away, a smirk playing on your lips. “no touching, unless i say so,” you warned, the words a hiss that sent a shiver down his spine. his eyes searched yours, desperate for understanding, for reassurance, but all he found was the same cold, hard stare.
his breath hitched as you reached back, sliding your panties to the side, and you could feel his cock, hot and insistent, pressing against your wetness. you took a deep breath, savoring the moment before you sank down onto him, the head of his dick parting your folds, filling you inch by delicious inch. his eyes rolled back in his head, a deep, guttural moan ripping from his throat as you took him fully, your pussy tightening around him like a vice.
the tent was filled with the sounds of skin slapping, the wet sounds of your pussy taking him, the harshness of your breath as you rode him, his muffled moans as you dictated the pace. it was intoxicating, the power you had over him, the way he was so desperate for you, so completely and utterly lost in your control. your hips rocked back and forth, grinding down onto him, each movement bringing you closer to the edge, your eyes never leaving his. but it took a turn, one that you could clearly see in his eyes. his expression darkened at the sensation of your cunt clenching against his slick cock, and you could feel your ego dissipate as he grabbed onto your hips. his hands were rough and stronger than anticipated as he pinned you down, his dick never daring to slide put of you.
his thrusts grew more demanding, less submissive, and a thrill shot through your body at the sudden shift. his eyes bore into yours, a silent challenge, and you felt something within you unravel, something that hadn't been touched by anyone else. your breasts bounced with the force of his thrusts, your nipples tight and sensitive against the fabric of your bra. you could feel the beginnings of your climax, the tension coiling in your belly, but he was relentless, driving into you like he was trying to claim a piece of you that you hadn't known was yours to give.
his teeth grazed your earlobe, his breath hot and needy as he whispered, “this pussy’s all mine.” the words sent a shiver down your spine, and for a moment, you weren’t the one in charge anymore. you were just another person, a body that was his to use, his to claim. your pussy clenched around him as he fucked you harder, the sound of your slapping flesh echoing in the tent. you threw your head back, moaning loudly, and the vibration of the sound only seemed to spur him on, his grip tightening, his thrusts growing deeper.
his eyes searched yours, looking for approval, for a sign that this was what you wanted, and you met his gaze, a silent understanding passing between you. your hand reached back, grasping his neck, pulling him closer until your mouths met again in a kiss that was anything but gentle. your teeth clashed, your tongues battling for dominance as you both gave into the carnality of the moment. his fingers dug into your skin, leaving bruises that would last a long while. “some power you have over me,” he mocked, pausing to pull out before slamming back in with a growl. “what power? so bold while i’m splitting you in half.”
you threw your head back, a gasp escaping your throat as he hit just the right spot, the one that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back. “keep going,” you managed to murmur, your voice strained with pleasure. “don’t stop, hendery. please don’t stop.” and he didn’t. he kept fucking you, hard and fast, his grip on your hips unyielding, his rhythm punishing. you could feel yourself getting wetter, your pussy gripping him tighter with every thrust, and it was delicious, it was maddening, it was everything you hadn’t realized you’d been craving.
his hand slid up to cup one of your breasts, his thumb flicking over the nipple through the fabric of your bra. the sensation was electric, shooting straight to your core, making you arch your back and push down onto him even harder. “you like that?” he asked, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. “you like when i use you?” you nodded, unable to form coherent words, and he chuckled, the sound dark and triumphant. he pulled the cup of your bra down, exposing your nipple to the cool air, and took it into his mouth, sucking and biting until you were writhing beneath him, your cries growing louder and more desperate.
his other hand slid down to your clit, rubbing in tight circles that had you bucking your hips up to meet his touch. the pleasure was almost too much to bear, pressure building within you that threatened to consume you whole. “cum for me, baby,” he murmured, his voice a command that resonated through your body. “let me hear you fall apart, fuck.” and you did. with a loud, guttural cry that seemed to shake the very earth beneath you, you came, your pussy spasming around his cock, your body shaking with the intensity of it all.
he didn’t stop, though, his movements growing even more erratic as he chased his own release. you could feel the tension in his body, the way his muscles tightened and his breath grew ragged. and then, with one final, brutal thrust, he came, his cum filling you up, the warmth of it spreading through your core. your eyes locked onto his, the intimacy of the moment so intense it was almost painful. for a few seconds, you just laid there, panting, your hearts beating as one, the world outside the tent forgotten. however, it wasn’t.
a/n: this was lowkey rushed but it’s 2 am i’m so sorry
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djxiao · 11 months
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1winwin · 22 days
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00127am · 7 months
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@ cupidshootstokill! pretty boy point guard huang guanheng is far from a hopeless romantic. or so he thinks until he's struck by cupid's arrow (literally and metaphorically) for the ace archer of NCIT : you. the only problem is that his newfound cupid seems to be shooting to kill.
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taglist. @yangasm @trourevaille @ikozen @90s-belladonna @hyuka-bby thank for you for supporting cupid shoots to kill! ♡
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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solaris-amethyst · 3 months
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🪻Please save Mr. Fishy🪻
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✨Pairing: non idol!Hendery x vet!gn!reader ✨Prompt: You're a vet and he's pleading with you to save his goldfish since you're the only vet he's visited that hasn't asked him if he doesn't just want to go and buy another goldfish for three dollars. ✨Word count: 1.4k ✨Genre: fluff, humor ☀️Authors note: I've never really written humor before, I'm not even sure I did a good job so do let me know if it was good or not. Or if you just enjoyed this one shot or not?🥰 Also I am not a vet nor a vet student so take what I've written with a grain of salt lol. I am no expert when it comes to fishes and vet terms😅
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Today was not like any other day at the clinic. It was unusually calm for a vet clinic and maybe you should enjoy the serenity which is often times unusual for you. Your colleagues had gone for their lunch breaks since it was so calm with not a soul in sight and you decided that sorting through the boxes would be a good thing to do now. Sort out what would be necessary to keep and what could actually be thrown away. Your colleague, Sam, had mentioned that everyone always said they'd sort the boxes out but no one had the time nor energy to do so.
"Let's see what we got then." You mumbled to yourself as you put on the radio, enjoying the slow tune of Celine Diones It's all coming back back to me now, the slow piano in the begging matching the calmness as you hummed along while pouring everything on the front desk. Pens, erasers, bobby pins, receipts, pieces of chocolate and much more fell out of the box. You started by going through all of the receipts, some of them were simple lunch receipts that your colleagues must have put in the boxes when they had bought lunch. You threw them all away in the trash can, they were more than a month old and it was hard to imagine anyone really would need a month old food receipt. Next came organizing all of the paperclips, there were way more than you had anticipated but it was nice finally having a lot of them again after going months not figuring out where all of them had gone.
The chocolate you put in a little bowl and put at the front of the desk to give to any owners coming in that might need some extra reassurance or something to calm their nerves as their beloved pet was taking in for surgery or a check up. Just as you were collecting all of the colorful pens to put away in the pen holder you saw outside of the big windows o your clinic a man rushing with incredible speed, you could not help but follow his eyes as he rushed towards the clinics doors, almost slipping past them only managing to stop himself by grabbing onto the door handle simultaneously as he slipped down because of his speed.
The wet pavement and the autumn leaves probably made it even more slippery and from what you could see and hear he had let out a shout in surprise whilst looking down at something he was holding. You started to clear some space on the desk in case he were to enter and just as you looked up again the door flew open and the man who had brown hair and a khaki green autumn jacket on barged in looking around until he saw you. "Help! Please you have to help me!" He said before rushing up to you and putting something on the desk.
"Please help save Mr. Fishy!! I cannot live without him! He's my best friend and number one supporter please I need to have him live longer!!"
You stared at him in shock not expecting him to barge in and hurriedly put a fishbowl on your desk, a fishbowl which had a very sad looking goldfish in it.
"Oh umm hello? Of course I can try and help you? What seems to be the problem with umm.. Mr. Fishy?" You asked him before looking down at the fish to see if you could figure out what the problem might be.
"No please I cannot buy another one for three doll-wait what?! You-you'll help me??" This made you look up at the man who looked at you in shock.
"Of course, we're a vet clinic and while a gold fish usually isn't a part of our visitors I cannot say no to you? I'll do my best to help your fish if you know what the problem might be?"
"Oh thank you thank you for wanting to help him! Everyone I've gone to have just told me to go and buy another one for three dollars. He suddenly started to swim weirdly and he hasn't been eating properly for a few days and I'm really worried. Just please do whatever it takes to help him. He's my favorite fish please and the snails in his tank would be so sad if he suddenly disappeared and the guppys and the discus will all be so sad if he passes away hes like the boss of the aquarium everyones best friend so please please please help him!!" The man was practically leaning over on the desk begging for you to help his fish and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. He obviously cared about the fish a lot.
"Let me take him inside to the vet room and check on him okay? You wait out here and try to calm down and then we can fix with payment and such after it." You gave him a smile as he thanked you profusely before allowing you to take the fishbowl with his little fish he cared for into the other room. As you walked in you put the bowl down on a table and put on some gloves so you can handle the fish carefully.
"Let's figure out what is wrong with you my little friend." You mumble for yourself as you put your hands into the bowl carefully to look closer at him.
It took you a while to figure out what was wrong with the little guy, he was having a case of fin rot on one of his fins, at first it wasn't very visible until you looked closer, you had to remove a part of his fin-nippers and use some anti-fungal treatment to make sure that he doesn't get infected again. When you walked out with the little fish the man stood up and rushes to the counter staring at you with hope.
"You do not have to worry, Mr. Fishy is alright. I had to remove a part of his fin-nippers because he had a case of fin rot. I've given him treatment but what you need to do to make sure hes okay in your tank at home is to improve the water quality in the tank and feed him vitamin c enriched food and he should be good to go."
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!!" He bowed towards you multiple times "What's your name?? I need to have a name for Mr. Fishy's savior!!" He stares at you with grateful eyes.
"My name is y/n. I'm glad I could help you and Mr. Fishy."
"Thank you again! I'm Hendery by the way! I'll pay however much it cost and I'll pay you back for your kindness."
You thanked him and told him he really did not have to pay you back a part from paying the fee. He payed and told you he'd pay you back for sure in the future before going back with his fish and the new food for his friend.
-a few days later-
The doorbell rang as the door opened again and when you looked up from the desk you saw Hendery walking in beaming as he was holding a cup walking towards you.
"I told you I'd pay you back! I got you a cup of hot chocolate! I wasn't sure If you'd like coffee but most people like chocolate so I got that!" He smiled as he handed you the cup.
"Thank you Hendery it wasn't really necessary for you to get me something I promise." you responded as you took the cup
"I wanted to okay? I gotta go but I'll see you around!" He waved as he ran out of the door again and when you looked at the cup you could see he had written a little note thanking you and asking if you wanted to hang out in the future with his number written under a little fish drawing.
You smiled as you took up your phone to put in his number, saving him as Mr. Fishy Hendery before deciding to send a text asking if he was free to hang out next Friday, smiling even brighter when you immediately got a text back saying that Friday would be perfect.
Maybe it wasn't so bad after all to help save Mr. Fishy.
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manctmemories · 6 months
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sailorjisunq · 11 months
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breadcatcreations · 2 years
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Jaemin’s hand was tangled in your hair and he sucked harshly on your neck, “already taste so good angel,” he whispered against your skin.
A soft drawn out whimper leaves your lips. “Jaem~,” you hummed out. “Please”
A menacing chuckle leaves his lips. “Sluts already asking for more, we just started.” Jaemin tugged you closer by your belt loops. He pressed his nose against you neck, inhaling. “God~,” he breathed out. “Your amazing, what did i do in life to get you,” he groaned this against your ear. Biting softly.
You rubbed your thighs together to gain some friction. He notices slipping his hand in between your thighs, holding one of them in place. Jaemin places a kiss on your neck before looking up at you. “Jaemin please,” you whined starring into his deep eyes.
“God I love you,” Jaemin murmured before crashing your lips together, teeth hitting teeth, and tongue on tongue. He trails the kiss down your neck, nipping softly.
Sweet moans and whimpers leave your lips. “Jaemin~~ I want you,” you whined out. Jaemin pressed one last kiss against your neck, looking into your eyes. “All you had to do was ask baby,” his smirk reached his eyes, as he watched you unravel at his touch.
“That’s my baby,” he whispered
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