#henley reeves x reader smut
jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter II
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“Sutton? Sutton?”
Sutton heard the voices, as fuzzy as they sounded. Her vision was still spinning. She felt herself moving, standing on her feet. Her legs lifted with a weight she never felt before.
“Sutton, honey! Please!” Henley’s voice choked out. 
“No.” Sutton felt the words leave her throat, not sure if they actually made it past her lips.
Sutton felt the cool sensation of the doorknob in her hand. She felt her wrist bones crunch as she turned it, every involuntary movement suddenly aware to her. She heard the crash of a door behind her, her body turning to lock the door. Her body slid into a sitting position on the floor, the soft feeling of the mattress hit her back. Arms wrapping around her legs, she felt her body suddenly fall to the side.
“Maybe it will all go away,” Sutton whispered to herself, her eyes closing, “and Henley won’t leave me.”
“I can’t leave her alone,” Jack stated, getting up to follow Sutton after the door crashed shut.
“No, Jack,” Henley told him. “Let her sleep through this.”
“Excuse me?” Danny yelled, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. “You’re going to leave without actually speaking to Sutton? Your cousin? The one person in this room who loves all of us unconditionally?”
Henley huffed, wiping at her tears. “Maybe it’s for the best, Danny.” She stood, moving toward the door. 
“Like hell it is!” Merritt exclaimed, standing in her path. “I told you I respected your decision, Henley, on one condition- give Sutton the closure she deserves. If you walk out this door without doing that, I promise you, that girl is never going to speak to you again.”
Henley turned around, tears in her eyes once more. She looked at Danny, his hands in a ball in front of him, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite her better judgement, Henley sat beside him. 
“I’m sorry,” she told Danny, her voice small. When Danny didn’t look at her, Henley placed her hands on his. “Danny, I have my reasons. I’m not doing this to hurt Sutton.”
Danny swallowed, shaking his head. “What reason could be great enough that you would leave Sutton, Henley?”
Henley glanced at Merritt and Jack. They nodded, signaling her to tell Danny the truth. Henley huffed. “I want more, Danny. There is more to life than magic and secret societies. I want to find someone who loves me the way that you love Sutton.”
Danny looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I-I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean.”
Henley chuckled lightly, smiling to herself, amused by Danny’s inability to see how great his affection for Sutton is. “Danny, how can I find someone who loves me if I’m in hiding? You and Sutton have known each other from the start of this crazy journey. What am I supposed to do? Tell the guy, “Oh, by the way, I robbed a bank,” on the first date?”
“You know,” Merritt interjected, “that’s really like a fifth date thing. Even better, I already know your history!” He opened his arms for a hug. Jack laughed.
“Anyway,” Henley said, rolling her eyes, “it’s just not possible. After watching you and Sutton these past two years, I have really fallen in love with the idea of having someone to love me, maybe even a family.”
“But, we are a family,” Danny stated, not even registering what he was saying
Henley put her hand on her heart, tears threatening to fall once more. “You will always be my family.” She looked at Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “You’re all my crazy, messed up, criminal family.” They all chuckled. “And maybe,” she looked back at Danny, placing her hands around his once more, “maybe someday, we will be a family in that official-type of way.”
Danny looked over at her, a smirk crawling across his lips. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
“Sutton? Sutton?” 
Sutton threw her hands over her ears. She was hearing the voices again. A hand touched her shoulder, forcing Sutton’s eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful,” Danny smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the floor beside her.
Sutton rubbed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked, sitting up beside Danny. 
“No, baby,” Danny stated, moving the hair out of Sutton’s face. He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Danny took Sutton’s hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You need to hear Henley out.”
Sutton lifted her eyes to Danny’s. “Did she tell you?”
Danny nodded. “She has her reasons, Sut. Just listen.”
Sutton sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Danny’s neck. “But are they good reasons?”
Danny gave a slight chuckle, running a hand up and down Sutton’s spine. “Better than I would have thought.”
Sutton leaned back, studying Dann’s expression. Deciding he was being sincere, she pecked his lips. Danny helped Sutton up off the closet floor, wrapping her tightly in a hug.
“Whatever it is,” Sutton spoke, “it won’t change us. Right?”
Danny was caught off guard by her question. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Never.”
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jb3islife · 5 years
A Magic Trick Gone Wrong (Horsemen)
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Request: Reader is in the hospital after a magic trick goes wrong and the Horsemen are concerned.
“Imagine…”: You are a Horseman and a magic trick winds you up in the hospital.
 “I can’t just sit here and wait like this,” Henley said, shoving herself up from the chair. She made her way over to the receptionist for the umpteenth time in the past six hours.
The other Horsemen watched her careful, their eyes following her movements. Fixated once again on the lips of the receptionist, they whispered, “Damnit,” in unison.
Henley’s shoulders slumped farther yet as she sat down in her seat. “She said there are no updates since I last asked.”
“Maybe if you wouldn’t ask every fifteen minutes, they would tell us something,” Danny whispered.
“Fuck you, Danny,” Henley snapped. “At least I’m trying to find out what is happening behind those doors to (Y/N)!”
“You two need to relax,” Merritt pointedly stated. “Why don’t we go for coffee and some food? I think we all need a break.”
“What if (Y/N) wakes up?” Jack asked, groggily rubbing his eyes. When he removed his hands, his eyes were bright red with dark circles becoming even darker underneath.
“I’ll have the receptionist call for us over the intercom if there are any updates,” Henley stated simply, rubbing Jack’s shoulder as she walked over to the counter. The nurse kindly agreed to her request.
In the hospital cafeteria, the group ordered their food and slid into the seats of their table. They ate in silence, taking sips of coffee every so often. Once finished, the team sat, the steam from their coffees seeming to speak the conversation they did not want to have.
They had practiced it hundreds of times, making sure everything was in place. It worked every time, (Y/N) safely escaping with no issues. It was too easy that the Horsemen were not sure if the audience would believe it was actually magic.
“What happens if they find the escape fake?” (Y/N) asked, whipping her hands on her pants.
“They won’t,” Henley consoled her. “You make it look easy which makes them think it really is magic.”
“Besides,” Merritt spoke, “who is really going to question the Horsemen at this rate?” The group laughed, the tension slowly rolling off them.
“Let’s go, my money makers!” Arthur Tressler called from the stage. “Time to get you all looking pretty for your audience!”
The Horsemen waved to Tressler. “Anyone else want to punch him in the face?” Jack asked, a fake smile plastered where his usual real, pleasant smile would be.
“Face?” Danny questioned. “I was thinking along the lines of kicking him right in his-“
“Woah!” Merritt exclaimed, hands shooting up in the air. “A little too graphic, even for me, Daniel!”
That night, the stage was set. Everything throughout the night was leading up to this point in the performance- (Y/N)’s escape.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Danny’s voice echoed, “it is now time for the moment you have all been waiting for!”
The audience’s cheers roared throughout the building. (Y/N)’s heart pounded to the beat of the roars. Adrenaline was already pumping through her veins along with her nerves. Shaking out her limbs, (Y/N) continued to listen to the words of her fellow Horsemen.
“This is a new trick we have been practicing for some time now,” Merritt explained.
Danny continued, “This is a trick you need to think about before you judge it.”
“Hey,” Jack’s kind voice whispered behind (Y/N). “Nervous?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “What do you think, Wilder?”
Jack smiled, the light bouncing off his beautiful teeth. “I know you have everything under control. Just stay calm like I know you can and everything will be fine.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Thanks, Jack,” she said, pulling him into a tight hug which Jack gladly returned.
“If you can all put your hands together for the bravest of our group, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Henley announced.
The lights shifted over toward (Y/N) and Jack. The two waved toward the crowd. Jack helped (Y/N) into the standing wooden box. As she stood inside, Jack gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. “You got this.”
(Y/N) breathed in and out deeply, nodding her head. Jack closed the wooden door, locking it tight.
A crackle came from above the Horsemen. “Will the family of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) please come to the waiting room? Thank you.”
The Horsemen looked at one another knowing that this could go either way. Regardless, they hustled to the nearest elevator. When they reached the floor, they rushed out, meeting the receptionist who pointed them toward the doctor.
“The surgery went better than expected due to the amount of burns (Y/N) suffered,” the doctor explained. “Right now, she is sleeping. She may be asleep for a little bit yet but you are more than welcome to go in and stay with her if y-“
There was no waiting for the rest of the doctor’s spiel. The Horsemen were getting in that room and not leaving until they saw (Y/N)’s eyes open. When they entered the room, the escape artist was hooked up to IVs and other machines. (Y/N)’s body was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.
As if it were planned, the Horsemen each swallowed back their fears. (Y/N) was alive, yes, but she would not be the same when she woke up.
“How are we going to help her when she wakes up?” Jack spoke, his voice cracking.
Henley wiped her tears. “We are going to take a break from magic, that’s what we will do.”
“How is that possible?” Danny asked, his voice filled with concern for both the plan and (Y/N)’s life.
“I have a plan,” Merritt spoke. “We do the last show as it is written out.”
“No way!” Henley and Jack yelled, angered by the fact that Merritt would even say such a thing.
“Hear me out,” the mentalist begged. “The last show has us going into hiding. The world thinks (Y/N) is dead from a magic trick gone wrong. Jack was supposed to “die” anyway, so we can go on with everything as planned.”
“And what about (Y/N)? Where will she be this entire time?” Jack asked, concerned for his best friend. The team sat in silence for a moment, knowing fully well that (Y/N) would not be able to be alone.
“Go now,” a small voice spoke. The Horsemen looked up. Despite the bandages and the amount of pain she must be in, the team saw (Y/N) smiling back at them.
“(Y/N)!” the Horsemen yelled, crowding around her bed. They were careful not to touch her out of fear they would hurt her.
“As much as I love you all,” (Y/N) spoke, “I need you to go and finish the plan. Jack can come get me when his part of the plan is over.”
The Horsemen chuckled. “You never stop thinking about magic, do you?” Merritt asked.
“Not as long as I have a family like you guys,” (Y/N) smiled.
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jb3islife · 7 years
Love is Only an Illusion (J. Daniel Atlas) Masterlist
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Masterlist
Imagines (Requests Information)
Daniel Atlas
I Didn’t Have the Balls
Sure As Hell Try (smut)
Merritt McKinney
Here Comes the Plane
Frustration, Smutnation (smut)
Dylan Rhodes
100% The Father
Dominance Turns Me On (smut)
Jack Wilder
Tails Mine, Heads Yours
A Magic Trick Gone Wrong
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jb3islife · 7 years
Tails Mine, Heads Yours (Jack Wilder)
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“Imagine…”: Meeting Jack while playing “tails left, heads right”.
 You walked aimlessly through the streets of New York. Your destination was not very specific as you were playing the “tails left, heads right” game with yourself. After turning a corner, you flipped the coin. Left you turned. You flipped again. Right this time. After a few more flips, you were walking through Central Park.
 “One last flip,” you muttered to yourself as your eyes darted between the Nature Observatory and Shakespeare Garden. You flung the quarter high in the air, watching it with anticipation as it flipped over itself again and again.
 Just when the quarter began its descend downward, a hand flung out above your face, grabbing the shiny object out of the air.
 “Hey!” you yelled, your head snapping into its proper position. Your eyes locked on a pair of dark chocolate brown eyes. The man standing in front of you had a boyish face, and an even more boyish grin plastered across is, showing you a set of perfect white teeth.
 “You play that game, too?” the man asked, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing as he rolled the coin between his fingers expertly.
 “Tails left, heads right?” you questioned, the smirk on his face making your own lips for a side smile.
 He nodded. “I prefer tails right, heads left but same concept,” he chuckled, meeting your eyes. He held out his hand. “I’m Jack.”
 You studied him for a moment, taking in the all black outfit he wore, complete with a black leather jacket. You wondered how someone could wear such an outfit in the unusually warm New York weather. Snapping yourself out of your study, you extended your hand. “(Y/N).”
 His fingers latched around your hand, slightly pulling you closer to him. You felt the hard material of the quarter in his palm, taking it with you as you extracted your hand from his group.
 Jack smiled at you lightly. “Is that your lucky quarter or something?” he joked, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and shoving the other into a back pocket.
 You bit your bottom lip as you tried to hide your smile. “It is now,” you spoke, the words rolling off your tongue with more confidence than you ever remembered speaking.
 You bit the inside of your cheek nervously as Jack looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. “I love a girl who isn’t afraid to speak her mind,” he laughed.
 Jack’s laugh made you laugh, the action relaxing your body. “So, which did you get?” you asked him, holding up your quarter.
 Jack shrugged, his hands extending in a “Who knows?” motion. “I didn’t get a chance to toss it. I saw you and just had to stop your choice, just in case you were extremely religious about finishing your game.”
 Again, you laughed. You could not remember the last time you felt your chest heave so much with laughter. “I can’t decide if I want to slap you for being such a flirt or let you drag me along with you on your journey.”
 Now, Jack laughed at your joke. “I’m hoping it’s neither and you let me take you somewhere.”
 “Like a date?” you blurted, possibly too quickly.
 “If you want to call it that,” he blushed, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck.
 You looked down at your feet as one absentmindedly drew invisible circles in the grass, the green blades bouncing back up with each passing. The quarter rolled between your fingers, your mind thinking about how long you should wait to give him an answer.
 You looked back up at Jack whose own head was tilted downward as he played with a quarter of his own. He was biting his own lip, his nerves showing.
 “I’ll make you a deal,” you said, Jack’s head shooting up to look at you. His eyes widened in anticipation for what you may say. “Tails yes, heads no.”
 Jack smirked. “How about tails my apartment for takeout of your choice, and heads your apartment for takeout of your choice?”
 You smiled, this game become your favorite already. “My choice of food either way? I’m game!” you exclaimed, your quarter soaring into the air just as a light breeze blew across your face.
 This time, Jack let you catch it. You flipped it onto the back of your hand, showing it to Jack.
 “So, what would you like for your first meal at the House of Jack?” Jack smiled, rubbing his hands together.
 You smiled at him, grateful to not be going to your tornado-torn apartment. “I love pizza,” you told him.
 “Wow, you already know the key to my heart,” he winked, taking your hand in his as the two of you begun walking.
 “Oh, I know the way to more than just a man’s heart,” you winked back, but quickly threw a hand over your mouth and mentally cursing yourself for saying something so utterly stupid.
 Even so, Jack laughed. “Not that I don’t want to, but I’m hoping to keep you around much, much longer than one night.”
 Your heart fluttered in your chest. It was as though it had grown wings like a butterfly, flapping those wings furiously to escape and land in Jack’s rough hands.
 “What?” Jack asked you. “Did I say something weirder than you?”
 You shook your head, a blush creeping up from the base of your neck. “No, of course not! Your weirdness doesn’t beat mine.”
 “Stick around. You’ll see some pretty weird things!” Jack said, kicking a rock off to the side of the grass when you reached the pavement.
 You giggled, enjoying the feeling of another’s company. It had been months since you held a conversation with someone for longer than five minutes, and you planned on savoring every second. “So, Jack.”
 “So, (Y/N),” he echoed, flashing a grin at you.
 “Tell me something you love.”
 He took a quick glance at you, scratching the back of his head. “Magic,” he threw out.
 You gasped, coming to a quick halt. “Me too!”
 “Oh, this is going to be the beginning to something great!” Jack smiled, wrapping his arms around you in a strong hug that you never wanted to leave.
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