#jack wilder x reader imagine
heliads · 1 year
I would like to request a one-shot where the female reader is a paramedic and Jack from Now You See Me has a crush on her and keeps doing things that result in minor injuries in the hopes that she will be the one to patch him up
i will love now you see me (and dave franco) until the day that i die
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If you were going to thank the Four Horsemen for anything, you’d owe them a great deal just for getting you out of yet another boring workplace training. Other people across the world can love the magicians for the money they scatter across their performances, or the thrill of getting into one of their exclusive shows, or just to appreciate someone getting one up on the FBI. There are many reasons to be a fan of the Horsemen, and yours has to be the most mundane.
In your defense, you’ve been hideously overworked for what must be years at this point, and at least this is one afternoon you can relax. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to become a paramedic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate a bit of down time when it comes to you.
The marvelous performances of the Four Horsemen don’t usually involve a whole lot of injury, but ever since one of the original shows ended with an FBI agent getting tackled by fifteen people under deep hypnosis, it was determined that having a few paramedics around couldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Usually, the shows are in lavish places across the planet, but this time, they announced that they’d be putting on a display right in your city.
You were excited when you first heard the news, much like anyone else. Even if all tickets sold out within a few minutes, just the thought that the world famous magicians would be so close to you was thrilling. There could be magic right in front of your nose and you wouldn’t even know it unless they snapped their fingers. Maybe they’d cross your path without you realizing it. Maybe they’d even stay next door to your home.
Your schedule was filled during their performance, so you knew there wasn’t a chance that you’d actually get to see a second of their show. There will always be YouTube videos, someone uploading a grainy video from the nosebleeds of whatever venue hall the Horsemen have decided to occupy, but it wouldn’t be the same as being there in person.
You’d assumed you’d be distracting yourself from thoughts of whatever exquisite show was going on down the street with some lovely mandatory trainings. Unless your squad was called upon for an accident, you’d have to content yourself with lackluster meetings and the like. 
That was the case until you got the call that you’d actually be at the event hall. In a professional capacity, of course, but still, it was closer than you thought possible. The city had decided that it would be a good thing to have a few medical professionals on hand just in case something happened. There had been a handful of faintings and a small stampede at the last show, so you can understand why you and a few of your coworkers were called out here.
Most of you will be staying outside near your ambulance, parked just out of view. One or two paramedics are stationed inside, but you’re all going within the venue now just to get a feel for how the place is set up. Odds are nothing major happens, but it’s still fun to peer around and imagine what might be going on later that day.
The show won’t start for another hour or so, but the Horsemen are still kind enough to greet you and point out the major entrances and exits. You aren’t allowed to look around too closely, of course; half the fun of the magic is that no one knows it, not even the medical staff, but you can guess at the areas they’re keeping from you and what that might entail.
In all honesty, you’re kind of distracted from peering too closely behind various curtains by one of the Horsemen. Although you’ve never been to one of their shows before, that didn’t stop you from picking out a favorite:  Jack Wilder, the cutest, or so you tell your friends between bouts of laughter and over drinks.
And, by all twists of fate, he seems most interested in you. He stutters twice over his one-syllable first name, and tries both to shake your hand and hold it, too. He got distracted when you smiled at him, you think, but that didn’t stop the rest of the Horsemen from shooting each other knowing glances, especially when Jack insisted that you be one of the paramedics to stay inside the venue. Just in case, you know.
The rest of the Horsemen file away to their dressing rooms or wherever they go to practice their tricks one last time, but Jack sticks around a little longer. The other paramedic staying in the venue with you opts to scout out the surrounding hallways, but you take the seat Jack offers you and he sits down too, grinning like he’s the audience and you’re the main attraction.
“Don’t you have to go back with the rest and rehearse your show?” You ask, teasing him lightly.
Jack shakes his head a little too quickly. “No, no, I’m good. Always good. Besides, if I did that, how would I get to know you?”
You laugh. “I suppose that’s a good point. Do you flirt with all of the paramedics you meet at your shows or just me?”
“Only the prettiest ones,” Jack grins, “although you’ve blown any competition out of the water, I can assure you that.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up when he says it, and you look away quickly to regain your composure. “That’s nice of you to say.”
You can still see the ghost of Jack’s smile out of the corner of your eye, blinking in your mind like you’ve stared too long at the sun. “I only speak the truth, of course.”
He looks like he has plenty more to say, but Daniel Atlas appears at the corner of the stage, looking irritable and tapping the watch at his wrist. “We need you, Jack. Quit flirting and help us, will you?”
Jack groans. “Always such a control freak. I hate to leave you alone like this.”
You swat him lightly on the shoulder. “I’ll survive somehow. Go handle Daniel.”
Jack grins again, but he’s still looking disappointed. “Can I talk to you after the show, at least?”
You make a face. “I don’t know. We’ll probably handle any injuries, if there are any, then head back pretty quickly.”
Jack’s brow furrows, thinking something through. “Alright. Okay. That makes sense. I’ll be sorry to miss you, though.”
You smile up at him. “It was nice to meet you, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he says in a rush, standing up quickly when Daniel shouts for him again.
You let yourself sit there for a moment or two longer, giddy over the undivided attention of one of the prettier boys you’ve had the pleasure of meeting, then head back out of the performance hall to go find your other paramedic. They’re a friend of yours, have been for a while, and so they greet you with a raised eyebrow and a question about if you’ve managed to secure a second date with your little magician for later that night.
You roll your eyes, but inside your heart can’t help but do a slow loop in your chest. He’s certainly charming, the Horseman, you only hope that his affections were genuine and not him trying to set up a trick for later that evening.
You’re able to peek through a window to see most of the show, which is as stunning as all the critics claim. You head back to the ambulance once the performance, tending to a few minor injuries like people forgetting insulin or getting their hand stuck in a door on the way out. You’re assuming it’ll be another ordinary day until you look up and see Jack standing in front of you again.
He grimaces at you, embarrassed. “Managed to slice myself open a little during the show. Would you mind patching me up, Doc?”
You reach for some bandages behind you with a grin. “Too cocky with our tricks, were we?”
Jack nods, feigning sadness. “My pride may never recover. Can I get a kiss while you’re here? You know, to help with the healing process?”
You arch a brow. “I don’t think that kissing an open wound would be all that sanitary. I can’t recommend it.”
“What about here instead?” Jack asks, tapping his cheek. 
You laugh at the hopeful expression on his face, then, in a rush of adrenaline you expect just as little as Jack, lean forward and do as told. The look in his eyes could trick any girl into falling for him, and if you hadn’t already had an inkling of feelings for him, perhaps you have a little more now than before.
He’s pulled away soon enough, but you don’t think you’ll ever forget that day. It’s certainly a memory you’ll treasure for a while. All’s well that ends well, though, and you’re in the ambulance driving back soon enough, staring out at the road zipping by you like you’ll be able to sight him again if you just look hard enough, just want him enough.
You don’t know how long the Horsemen will be staying in town, if they haven’t already left, yet one week later, the news starts blaring headlines about how the magicians’ next show will be here again. Here, in your city. In your reach. It seems impossible– they don’t repeat locations without a good reason, but yet so it is.
You insist a little quickly on being a part of the paramedic team to cover the new venue, even though the times don’t quite line up on your schedule. A few days’ time finds you waiting by the ambulance after the second show of the by now very famous Horsemen, looking around with too much foolish hope. 
You’re about to give up on the idea that you’d ever see Jack again– who were you kidding, after all, thinking that he’d be interested in you more than a passing crush on a pretty face– and then there he is, heading quickly down the stairs, walking directly towards you.
He holds up his hand, and you can make out a small dash of blood before he’s excitedly telling you about how he managed to cut himself again, can you believe that, and how are you anyway? Jack didn’t see you in the venue, only two other paramedics, and he was starting to think that you weren’t coming until he looked out and saw you.
You listen to his delighted wave of words, then speak once you’re able to. “This is a pretty small wound, Wilder. I’m assuming you would be able to patch it up by yourself.”
Jack’s face falls. “Shoot, you’re right. Wait, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
You laugh when he turns to run, grabbing his hand so he can’t leave. “Are you going to go back inside so you can make a worse wound? That’s absurd, you know that.”
Jack’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly, caught in the act. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. No magician would ever fake an injury.”
“Not even to talk to a paramedic they like?” You ask, the picture of innocence.
Jack chuckles. “Well, maybe in those circumstances. I feel like it’s understandable, though. I don’t want to distract you from your work, you know, but I do want to see you. A lot, actually.”
You haven’t let go of his hand yet, you realize, but you find that you don’t really want to. “Alright,” you tell him, “How about something else? I’m free for dinner tomorrow night if that works with you.”
Jack’s eyes light up, fireworks in rowan wood. “That’s perfect, actually. I’d love that.”
Someone appears behind him– Henley, fresh from their show. “Are you two finally going out? Good, he insisted on switching the location of our second performance to be here again because he couldn’t ask the first time.”
Jack turns around, expression dawning with horror. “You said you weren’t going to do something like this. You said.”
Henley just grins. “I couldn’t resist.”
“I’m just glad you moved the second show,” you smile, “I was worried we wouldn’t be able to talk again.”
“We’re going to talk a lot,” Jack promises, “I just need Henley to apologize for interrupting.”
“Not a chance,” she says gleefully, much to Jack’s dismay.
They’ve been lingering for a while now, so you’re not surprised when Henley starts to head away again. Jack looks between her and you again, knowing that it’s time to go.
“Text me,” he pleads, “we’ll set this up, alright?”
You watch him go, and it takes a few minutes before you realize that you don’t have Jack’s number. When you reach in your pocket for your phone, though, you notice a playing card stuck to the back of the case. It’s the Queen of Hearts, and there’s a number scrawled hastily on the surface. 
You laugh to yourself. Falling in love with a Horseman certainly won’t be boring, but who would want that? You have Jack. The best trick was winning him, and you’ve come up with the best hand. Nothing could make you happier.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
now you see me tag list: empty for now!
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hermionegalathynius · 9 months
Found Family (4/?)
So I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive reactions this story is getting. I just want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to like or reblog or comment my work because it means the world to me.
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Danny Atlas x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing — read at your own discretion.
Part 3
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  “Hello New York!” Danny exclaimed, stepping forward and greeting the crowd. They screamed. 
  “Thank you so much! Hey, it’s great to be back! And have you met our newest Horsemen, the May sisters! Y/n and Lula!”
  The audience cheered louder and you and Lula waved, bright smiles on both your faces. Danny grinned back at you with a wink. 
  “Feels good right?”
  You nodded, “Yep.”
  “Pretty good,” Lula said, walking across the stage, “Pretty good.”
  Danny turned back to the audience and started to calm them, “Thank you, thank you.”
  The cheering quietened.
  “Um, okay. We want to talk to you about your privacy. What does your privacy mean to you?”
  “Because apparently to Owen Case, it means absolutely nothing,” Merritt continued.
  The audience looked around nervously. Your smile widened as you moved to stand next to Danny.
  “No actually, Merritt, it means less than absolutely nothing,” you said before addressing the audience, “You see, Owen’s mocked your privacy. He’s scorned it.”
  Danny nodded, running a discreet hand down your back and loosening the tension in your shoulders. You tried not to blush in front of an audience of people. 
  “Right,” he continued, “and we’re not just talking about the things that you already agreed to when you signed probably without reading the terms and conditions of Octas 1 through 7.”
  “So,” Lula began, “Before we start the show, we had Owen agree to a few terms of our own.”
  You grinned at her, proud of her for reaching this dream. She looked so comfortable up there, talking to the audience. You were glad to be able to do it with her, too.
  “So everything that he had once considered private…” Lula trailed off.
  Your heart dropped to your stomach as her mic cut out. One glance at Danny told you he understood and he quickly walked over to Lula.
  “Yeah, everything that he once considered private is now…” his mic cut off too.
  “Shit,” you whispered, not bothering to mind your language as you assumed yours had cut off too. 
  The screen behind you flashed and white noise filled the theatre. People screamed. 
  “Oh my,” a computer-generated voice echoed through the room, “As the Horsemen like to say, magic is about controlling perception.”
  You gazed up at the shifting face that appeared on the screen. Someone grabbed your arm gently and you turned to see Danny. 
 “Y/n!” He exclaimed, “Are you alright?”
  You swallowed, fear piercing through you, “I… yeah. Yeah I’m okay. What’s going on, Danny?”
  He shook his head, “I don’t know.”
  “You see them as the champions of the truth,” the voice continued, “but are they? Or is that just another one of their illusions?”
  “Shit shit shit,” Merritt was saying as he and Lula joined you and Danny in the middle of the stage, “Where’s Dylan?”
  “And Jack?” Lula added. 
  “So since they clearly love secrets, let’s reveal some of theirs.”
  “Danny, everyone, get off the stage,” Dylan’s voice crackled through the coms, “Jack, go with them. I’ll see you at the meet up point.”
  Danny’s hand moved down your arm and gripped yours. You squeezed his fingers in response.
  “Let’s go,” he said, pulling you off the stage behind him. 
  The four of you began running, the voice echoing behind you clear as day. 
  “Do you recall the death of Jack Wilder? What if I told you he’s not just alive, but he’s actually right here.”
  Jack’s alarmed face under his security cap was displayed on a screen you passed as you ran out of the backstage area.
  “Dammit,” you heard Danny mutter. His hand was still firmly clasped around yours. Normally you would be bothered by the tightness, but adrenalin was coursing through your veins and you were just that desperate not to lose track of him in this chaos. 
  “And do you know who else is here? The FBI. Let’s let them in, shall we? And now for the big reveal…”
  “Where’s the door to the roof?” Danny called to Jack as the younger man joined the group running to the meeting point. 
  “Take the next left then up the stairs,” Jack said. 
  “There’s a fifth Horseman, and he’s the biggest criminal of them all. FBI agent Dylan Rhodes.”
  The five of you punched through the door to the roof. 
  “How the hell could this happen? I thought Dylan had everything under control!” Merritt yelled.
  “Yeah. Apparently he didn’t,” Danny said, quietly frustrated in the way you knew he could get.
  Merritt whirled on the illusionist, and something in his expression told you Danny wouldn’t like what he was about to say. 
  “Maybe you’re the leak, Dan. Where’ve you been sneaking off to?” Merritt demanded. 
  Danny let go of your hand and advanced on the mentalist, “Don’t you dare for a second insinuate that I had anything to do with this!”
  “I’m not insinuating, that’s your-“ Merritt began to retort, but Jack cut in. 
  “Let’s get to the truck, come on!”
  You all ran to the black tube. Danny nudged you in front of him, and you jumped in. 
  Gritting your teeth against the roller-coster sensation in your gut, you crossed your arms over your chest and noted with some curiosity the pulsing sound coming from the gaps in the tube. 
  You could also hear Jack sliding ahead of you and Danny behind you. After a moment you also heard Merritt screaming further back. 
  Then, with a thud you tumbled into a laundry basket. 
  “Wha…” you breathed, getting a split second to gaze around at your surroundings before Danny slammed into you. 
  “Oof,” he said, “Sorry. You okay?”
  You winced, “Yeah. A little bruised, but I’ve had worse. You?”
  He nodded as Lula and Merritt tumbled into the basket next to you, “Yeah. What the hell is going on?”
  “Wasn’t there supposed to be a truck?” Merritt asked, clambering out of the basket. The rest of you followed his lead. Asian people in white aprons started yelling at you, shoving you through a crowded, steamy kitchen.
  “Wait,” Danny said in between being shoved by Chinese chefs, “did you mis-run the tube?”
  “No, I put it in the truck, I know I did!” Jack exclaimed, bumping into you while trying to dodge an oncoming tray. 
  “We’re really not in the truck right now,” you said, stumbling into Danny who reached back and grabbed your hand, the sensation becoming familiar to you.
  “Somebody must have moved the tube,” Merritt said, as you all moved through a set of doors into what looked like a restaurant, “Were we above a Chinese restaurant?”
  “I’m moving, relax!” Lula yelled at the man who was shoving her out of the kitchen. 
  “Okay, why are we here?” you demanded.
  “Why am I frickin’ starving?” Lula asked, staring at the Chinese food everywhere.
  “Yeah, I’m weirdly starving too,” Jack mused.
  At their words your own stomach growled, responding to the smell of noodles and stir fry surrounding you.
  Merritt moved towards the door, popping his head outside. 
  “Something’s very wrong,” you told Danny softly.
  He nodded, brows furrowed, “Yeah, I agree.”
  “At least,” Lula began as Merritt returned, “And I know this isn’t much consolation, but apparently we’re now surrounded by Chinese food. Right?”
  “Guys…” Merritt said and you all turned to look at him, “I think where we are right now, they don’t refer to it as ‘Chinese food’. It’s just called… food.”
  “Shit,” you muttered.
  “Wait, what are you saying?” Danny asked, “How is this possible?”
  A high pitched giggle directed all of your attention to the man with a perm sitting at the table nearest you, facing away with a menu held up in front of his face. 
  “I believe in your particular parlance, the word is ‘magic’.”
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bobawitch · 1 year
The Different Stage (Jack Wilder x Reader)
warnings: fluff, mentions of stripping, suggestive situations.
A/N: i was rewatching the now you see me movies and I am absolutely obsessed with Jack Wilder so I thought I’d write a fic abt it. So in this reader is a stripper, she’s not a prostitute but she pole dances at a strip club and Jack goes in with Atlas and Merritt. Jack likes her and wants to actually get to know her. that’s basically it! Hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 1307
Chapter 1:
It was just another night at the club. You had to work, in fact your hours had just about doubled since your rent went up. Though that’s just how it is in New York isn’t it. Thankfully you had done your last dance for the night and were packing up to go back to your crappy apartment. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun held together by a big clip. You walked back through the drinking area, the dancer scheduled after you had already taken the stage. You looked at her, smiling at her and waving, she smiled back. All the dancers were close, you all had to be to make sure no one got in trouble with a creepy customer. You turned to resume your journey home when you knocked into someone. A smooth male voice hit your ears and you found yourself face to face with these beautiful brown eyes. “Miss?” He spoke and you realized he had definitely said something else. The other two men that were with him eyed you before shrugging and walking to a table. “Oh uh, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.” You said before moving to the side to push past him. He let you leave but watched you very closely as you did leave. Then he found his friends. Jack sat down with Atlas and Merritt, still looking back at the door you had left from. Atlas nudged Merritt with a devilish grin. “Look Jack’s got a crush!” Jack smacked Atlas’s arm, his eyes not leaving the doorway for a few more minutes. “Shut up.” Merritt and Atlas laughed before their night went on.
The next day you found yourself thinking of the man you ran into. You had never seen him around the bar before but he looked so familiar. You tried to push the beautiful stranger from your mind as you got ready for your night. You chose a fan favorite dance tonight, with the fan favorite outfit too. You didn’t enjoy your job but you were damn good at it. You walked out onto the stage after their announcement of your stage name and the music began. It was your most popular song for stage dance, So High by Doja Cat. You slowly strutted to the pole, throwing one leg around and letting yourself swing around. Your arms stabilized you on the pole and your head made a slow circle. It was the first time you actually looked at the audience and when you caught a pair of chocolate brown eyes you nearly stopped your routine. It was the man from the night before. He had come with the other two men again though one was being escorted off for a private lap dance. You let your eyes linger on him as his eyes burned your skin with intensity. You slowly dragged yourself back up the pole before moving to the side of the stage. Fingers twisting together you dropped to your knees at the beat, crawling forward before touching up your torso as the chorus began. Soon you lost yourself in the music, temporarily forgetting about the candy-eyed man. After your performance you had groundwork to do, that of course entailed a costume change and small makeup touch up. Once you changed your outfit and pulled your hair to one side you walked out. You were headed to one of the tables in your area when you were stopped. A man had walked in front of you, causing you to look up. Once more you found yourself in an intense staring match with the handsome stranger. “Uh.. hi.” He said, obviously a bit flustered, You smirked and touched his shoulder, walking next to him. “Hello loverboy.” You replied, beginning to walk away, your finger signaling for him to follow behind you. Upon hearing his footsteps behind you, your smirk grew. You got to the bar and picked up a tray for one of the tables. The stranger finally caught up and leaned on the bar. “So what’s your name… y’know your real name?” He asked. You laughed, “I don’t give my name to customers, sorry sweetcheeks.” “Then who do you give your name to?” “Hm, let me think on that.” You winked at him before moving to the table you were to serve. You set down the drinks, chatting up the gentlemen at the table for a few moments. A few tips were made through that before you walked back to the bar, handsome stranger was waiting for you. “I’m Jack, by the way.” He said. “Alright Jack, you going to buy something or just keep talking to me?” You glanced at him, smirking again. “Hm, how much would a date cost?” His lips cracked into a smirk to rival yours. A sultry giggle escaped your lips before you shook your head. “Dunno, how much you willing to pay? And what do you want me to do for that date?” Out of the corner of your eye you saw him shake his head. You leaned against the bar now, looking at him and holding tense eye contact. His cheeks had gone a bit pink as you spoke but he composed himself as he replied. “No no, not that kind of date.” “Hm, how about I think about that? Maybe I’ll let you know at the end of my shift.” You shrugged, grabbing another drink tray before moving to deliver them. As you began to walk to the table one of Jack’s friends came over, obviously drunk as hell. “Heyy Jack! You found her! Great job!! Hey, how about I pay for a private lap dance huh?” He spoke, smirking at Jack and still blocking your path. Jack began to protest the idea of a lap dance, giving you an apologetic smile. You giggled a bit, his smile was kinda cute. But his friend had already pulled out the money and stuck it in your top string. You sighed, handing your drink tray to one of the other girls to deliver. Jack looked down at you when your hand pressed to his chest. “Well, come on loverboy, a lap dance was ordered.” You wrapped your fingers around his tie and pulled him off. “You don’t have to give me a lap dance, I’m so sorry about my friend.” He spoke in pure panic until you got to the booths for private lap dances. You turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. Hesitant hands found your hips and you smiled. You leaned in, your lips almost brushing against his before turning him around and pushing him into the chair. You climbed onto his lap, your thighs trapping him beneath you. You leaned down to his ear and whispered, “If you want me to stop, just say that.” As your words left your lips you began the dance. Your hips grinded gently in a circle, your hands dragging up his chest. Jack opened then closed his mouth, his hands not knowing where to touch. You leaned forward, pulling yourself up. Your chest was at his eye level yet his eyes stuck onto yours. You brought your hands around his head, playing with his hair. You dragged his head back, leaning into his neck to whisper. “I’m Y/N. And a date sounds nice, if you still want that.” Jack’s hands finally found your waist and he sat you down on his lap, looking at you with a different kind of intensity. “When do you get off?” “11.” “Let me get you food after work.” “You have a deal Jack.” You stood back up and pushed your hand onto his shoulder. Slowly you climbed off his lap and opened the curtain. “See you at 11 Jack.” You winked and walked off before he could get another sentence in.
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How the NYSM2 men would react to your kidnapping...
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Daniel Atlas
Daniel would be the first to take action to rescue Y/n.
He would use his charm and connections to gather information on her whereabouts and devise a plan to get her back.
He would be determined and focused, putting all his energy into finding and rescuing Y/n.
Daniel would be extremely protective of Y/n, especially after her kidnapping.
He would take it upon himself to make sure that she is safe and would go to great lengths to keep her out of harm's way.
Daniel is a strategic thinker and would use his skills in planning and execution to come up with a plan to rescue Y/n.
He would carefully consider all options and weigh the risks and benefits of each one before taking action.
Daniel has a natural charisma that would make him an effective leader in a crisis situation.
He would be able to inspire and motivate his team to take action and would be able to think on his feet to adapt to changing circumstances.
As a master illusionist, Daniel has a talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
He would use his skills in misdirection and sleight of hand to distract the
Despite his confident exterior, Daniel can be emotionally vulnerable at times.
Y/n's kidnapping would bring out a more vulnerable side to him, and he would rely on the support of his team to get through the ordeal.
He would also be more open with Y/n about his feelings towards her, which may surprise her given his usual suave and confident demeanor.
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Jack Wilder
Jack would be the most visibly upset and angry by Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be laser-focused on finding her and would stop at nothing to bring her back safely.
He would be willing to take extreme risks and use his skills in sleight of hand and pickpocketing to get any information that might help in the rescue.
Jack is a master thief and pickpocket, so he would blame himself for not being able to prevent Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be wracked with guilt and would feel responsible for her safety.
Jack is known for his daring and risky moves, and he would not hesitate to take dangerous actions to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to break into high-security locations, confront dangerous criminals, and even put himself in harm's way to save her
Jack is a highly skilled and resourceful thief, and he would use all his talents to track down Y/n's kidnappers.
He would follow every lead, use his contacts in the criminal underworld, and even use his skills in illusion and misdirection to uncover information and rescue Y/n.
Underneath his tough exterior, Jack is a sensitive and emotional person.
He would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping and would struggle to keep his emotions in check.
He would seek comfort and support from the other members of the Four Horsemen, and would be willing to let his guard down and show his vulnerability around them.
Jack has a strong sense of loyalty and would feel a deep connection to Y/n, especially since they have worked together as part of the Four Horsemen.
He would be fiercely protective of her and would stop at nothing to ensure her safety, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.
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Merritt Mckinney
Merritt would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping, but he would remain calm and level-headed in order to help with the rescue mission.
He would use his skills in hypnosis to gather information from people involved in the kidnapping and to aid in the rescue efforts.
Merritt would blame himself for Y/n's kidnapping, even if he had no direct involvement in it.
He would feel guilty that he couldn't use his hypnosis skills to prevent it from happening.
Merritt would use his powers of hypnosis to try to gain information about Y/n's kidnappers.
He would use his knowledge of psychology to get into the minds of the kidnappers and figure out their motives and weaknesses.
Merritt would be the most compassionate and empathetic of the group towards Y/n.
He would be able to connect with her on a deeper emotional level and understand what she might be going through.
Merritt would be the voice of reason in the group, encouraging the others to stay focused and calm during the rescue mission.
He would remind them that their actions could have consequences and to think before they act.
Merritt would also be the most creative in terms of coming up with ideas to rescue Y/n.
He would use his knowledge of hypnosis and psychology to devise unique plans that the others might not have thought of.
Overall, Merritt's skills in hypnosis and psychology would make him a valuable asset in the group's efforts to rescue Y/n.
He would be both compassionate and creative in his approach, and would be a calming influence on the others during a high-stress situation.
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Dylan Rhodes/Shrike
Dylan would be extremely determined to rescue Y/n, but he would also be pragmatic and calculated in his approach.
He would use his position as an FBI agent to gather information and coordinate with law enforcement to ensure a safe and successful rescue operation.
Dylan would feel personally responsible for Y/n's safety, as he had recruited her to be a member of the Four Horsemen.
He would be deeply troubled by her kidnapping and would take it as a failure on his part to protect her.
Dylan would be methodical in his approach to the rescue mission, carefully analysing every detail and potential lead.
He would work closely with law enforcement to gather information and coordinate the rescue operation.
Despite his professionalism, Dylan would be emotionally invested in the mission to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to take risks and make difficult decisions in order to bring her back safely.
Dylan's loyalty to Y/n would be unwavering, even in the face of danger.
He would be willing to put himself in harm's way to ensure her safety and would not hesitate to confront the kidnappers directly if necessary.
As the leader of the Four Horsemen, Dylan would take responsibility for the actions of his team and would work tirelessly to ensure that Y/n is rescued without any harm coming to her.
He would be determined to right the wrongs committed against her and ensure that justice is served.
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Walter Mabry
Walter would initially be indifferent to Y/n's kidnapping, but he would eventually become involved when he realizes that his own interests are at stake.
He would use his wealth and connections to gather information on Y/n's whereabouts, but his actions would be motivated more by self-interest than concern for her safety.
As a wealthy businessman with a history of shady dealings, he is not unused to dangerous situations and would likely prioritize his own interests over Y/n's safety.
However, as he becomes more involved in the search for Y/n, Walter would start to become more invested in her fate.
His self-interest may evolve into a desire to protect Y/n, as he sees her as a valuable asset that he wants to keep under his control.
Walter would use his connections in the criminal underworld to gather information about Y/n's kidnappers and would likely try to negotiate with them for her release.
However, his involvement in the situation may also put Y/n in greater danger, as his actions could draw attention from other powerful and dangerous people.
Ultimately, Walter's motivations for rescuing Y/n would remain murky. It is unclear whether he genuinely cares about her or if he is simply trying to protect his own interests.
His actions would likely be complex and multi-layered, with his true intentions remaining unclear until the very end.
If Y/n were to be rescued, Walter's reaction would depend on whether he succeeded in protecting his interests.
He may be genuinely relieved and grateful, or he may view her rescue as simply a business transaction that he was able to successfully negotiate.
Regardless, he would likely remain a complicated and ambiguous figure in Y/n's life.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 3 years
Imagine the reader being super shy and jack wilder likes her so he drags her along the adventures bcs he likes her
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You close your eyes as you take in a breath, the smell of salt and humidity along with the sound of the waves hitting the boat helping your shoulders relax. A small smile creeps up on your lips just as you flutter your eyes open, your pupils now observing the town on the horizon slowly coming closer and closer. You cross your arms over the stern, your body lunching towards the water.
‘The ride’s almost over.’
Echoes of admiring voices come to your ears, your head turning upward to your left to take a look at the boat’s second floor. Your lips stretch onto your cheeks when you notice a familiar face standing in a crowd, the young giving out one of his cheeky grins as he showcases another one of his “magic trick”. His eyes turns to you for a second, his grin widening as he sends you a wave. It’s enough to bring a heat wave to your cheeks, your head turning back towards the water so you can at least hide your emotions.
When Jack asked you to tag along to one of his “work” days, you weren’t quite expecting him to take you on a boat ride around town. This was different than his usual shows in the park or on the streets, but you were quite enjoying this. People were a little less loud than in town, and the environment let your mind think rather peacefully.
You breathe in and out slowly, your eyes sweetening as you think of the boy. You’ve only known him for a few months, but he’s already taken you to lots of places. He never seems to want to leave you alone, and thus, despite your collossal shyness. Thanks to him, you’ve actually managed to gain a little more confidence in yourself; though, you’ve also gained other types of feelings towards him.
“Thief!” You jump up at the sound of a voice screaming, your head snapping back towards Jack, only to see that he’s left behind an angry crowd. “He’s a thief! Someone stop him!”
“There you are!” You give out a yelp when Jack grabs your wrist as he runs past you, the young man rapidly dragging you across the boat to get to the town’s nearest bridge. “Let’s go!”
You scream when he grabs onto your waist and picks you up, forcing to jump from the boat to land on the bridge. He follows you soon after, grabbing onto your wrist once more to run through the streets this time.
“What...” You can barely think because of the loud heartbeat in your head, the crowd’s screaming becoming quiet as you notice a few people trying to run after you. “What did you do?!”
“Just got our money’s worth!” His head turns towards you with his lips stretched into a grin that cuts off your breath, his free hand showcasing a gold watch. “I can finally take you on a nice date! Are you free tonight?”
Your cheeks heat up in an instant, and you can’t help but feel like your mind was just fried. 
“How about you ask me again later?” You take another look behind you, trying to slow down your heartbeat. “You know? When we’re not being chased?”
He gives a laugh at your answer, his hand squeezing yours as he puts the gold watch into his pocket.
“I’ll take that as a yes!”
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h0nkch0c0late · 3 years
J. Daniel Atlas
Now You See Me x Reader
Summary: at first Atlas just wanted to see her scared when they got on the Ferris wheel, considering her fear of heights. But once they got to the top, everything changed.
"No, no, no, NO! You are not leaving me here with Atlas!" Y/n stated, looking towards Merritt, Jack, and Henley, her finger pointed angrily at Daniel who had a wide smirk on his face.
"Oh, Come on Y/n I thought we were on a first name basis? We've known each other for three years." Daniel spoke up.
Y/n's eyes narrowed as she turned her head towards the man, "first name basis? We literally don't know your actual first name! And plus, you don't even deserve it! I'm absolutely sick and tired of your cocky, know-it-all attitude! And I know I've delt with it for three years but you've gotten especially irritating lately!"
Daniel threw his hands up defensively, "woah Ok calm down babe-"
"Do not call me babe I swear to God I will kill you Atlas." Y/n snapped.
The rest of the group had separated from each other, each going to different rides and leaving Y/n alone with Daniel.
Daniel looked away from Y/n to see the line for the Ferris Wheel moving up, his smirk was kept on his face as he suddenly grabbed her wrist, a thought coming into his mind.
"Hey! Let go of me Atlas! What the hell are you doing?!" Y/n grunted as he pulled her further into the line.
"We ourselves are going on the Ferris Wheel." Daniel said calmly, pretending not to notice her fierce attitude.
Y/n looked at him confused, "what do you mean "ourselves"-" She cut herself off when you noticed that the others were gone, "-oh. God damnit I told them not to leave me with you." She grumbled in annoyance.
Daniel chuckled, a dangerous glint in his eye as they walked closer to the Ferris Wheel as the line moved up.
Y/n looked up at the Ferris Wheel, her gut doing flips as her nerves took over. To say she was scared of heights is an understatement. In fact, she's absolutely terrified of them. She wouldn't have come if it weren't for Merrit and Jack teasing her so much about it. She tried her best to hide it from Daniel, but the uncontrollable slight shaking of her hands didn't exactly help her.
Daniel looked over at her, "oh cmon L/n you'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about, you'll be locked in tight with me right by your side." He remarked.
Y/n's eyes narrowed at him, "oh good, a dream come true. Being trapped up there with you." She responded sarcastically.
He just smirked at her.
She groaned, rolling her eyes and turning her head away from him, looking down at the ground as they moved forward again. "There are so many bad things that could happen. The wheel could break down right when we're at the top, our seat could come loose and fall off, and-and-UGH. There's just so many things that could go wrong." She whined.
Daniel rolled his eyes at her, "you don't always have to be such a worry wart."
Y/n stayed silent, keeping her eyes on the ground, her hands shoved in her sweater pocket. "Im not a worry wart I'm just...scared of heights." She mumbled, so quietly that she hoped Daniel hadn't heard.
Unfortunately for her he had. "You're afraid of heights??? How did I not know this about you?"
Y/n sighed with a shrug of her shoulders, "I just didn't want you to know because I didn't want this to be added on the list for something to tease me about. I already get teased enough by Merritt and Jack, I didn't want you to join in. God I was lucky that you were too busy looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror to hear us."
Daniel chuckled, "oh, you'll be fine. Hey, maybe this experience will help you get over it." He joked.
Y/n glared at him, "If I die on the Ferris Wheel I'm blaming it all on you, Atlas." She punched him on the shoulder lightly.
Daniel smirked, "go ahead. Nothing will go wrong though."
Y/n scoffed as she saw it was their turn to get onto one of the seats and yanked Daniel's arm, pulling him with her quickly and sitting down with a huff.
Daniel chuckled at her for the fourth or fifth time that night and put the bar down over their legs, making sure they were secure.
Y/n said nothing, her eyes focused on her lap as she tried not to look down. They hadn't gotten very far up yet, but the thought was still scary.
Daniel looked at the woman, judging her slightly. "We're not that far up yet. You can look up."
Y/n shook her head, "I don't care. I don't wanna be here in the first place. Especially with you." She grumbled.
Daniel raised an eyebrow, "if you didn't want to be here, Why'd you go?"
Y/n shrugged, "I just...I didn't like Merritt and Jack teasing me so much. And when they said that I would be too much of a wuss to go on the Ferris Wheel at the fair I just-i just needed to prove them wrong. It would have been better if one of them had gone on with me, but of course the douchebags we call our friends just had to leave me with you. GOD and they know how much I hate you!" She said in frustration, though trying not to yell because she didn't want to ruin everyone else's fun who were on the wheel.
Daniel went silent as he stared at her. She really hated him that much? I mean yeah he gets why she wouldn't like him because of his cocky attitude and always wanting to be right but...hate? Was he really that mean to her to make her hate him so much?
Y/n looked up when she didn't hear anything come from him, "what? You finally don't have a snarky remark, Atlas? You've finally run out of things to say?" She challenged.
Daniel blinked, snapping himself out of his thoughts, replacing his stoic expression expression a smirk, "what have I said about you calling me Atlas?"
"You can tell me I can call you by your first name all you want but that won't make me call you that." Y/n crossed her arms.
They were almost to the top, Y/n completely unaware as her focus was on Daniel.
Though they were already close due to the build of the seat, Daniel had somehow found a way to get closer yet not close enough for their noses to touch. "Well, I am very capable of finding ways to do everything. I'm sure I can find a way for you to start calling me by my first name." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
Y/n went silent, her cheeks starting to heat up as she noticed how close he was. They were staring into each other's eyes, neither noticing how the gap between them was getting smaller as they leaned in closer.
But before anything could happen Y/n pulled away, pushing Daniel's chest so they could be farther apart again.
She looked away from him, hoping to avoid eye contact but it's kind of hard when the guy she is now trying to ignore hasnt stopped his staring.
Y/n looked up at the sky, looking everywhere but Daniel and the ground. "Stop staring at me Atlas it's rude." She grumbled.
Daniel shrugged, looking down at the ground he could tell that they were all the way at the top and so far nothing has gone wrong. "Whatever. Hey look! We're all the way at the top and have we fallen out of our seat yet?"
Y/n's head slowly turned and she looked down to the ground, seeing he was right. "...No."
"Has the wheel broken down and made us stuck up here?" He just loved to tease her.
Y/n shook her head slightly, "no b-"
They spoke too soon. As soon as the words came out of their mouths the Ferris Wheel suddenly stopped, making everyone on the ride gasp in shock and surprise. Whispers from some of them could be heard.
Y/n's breath hitches at the sudden stop, her hands automatically finding their way to Daniel's arm in fear.
Daniel looks at her with a raised brow and a slight smirk, although it fell when he saw how terrified she looked. "Your okay, it's fine." He reassured.
Y/n turned her head towards him, her eyes looking at him in confusion, he's suddenly acting nice to her which is very out of character for him.
The tension between them started to rise again as their eyes locked, neither of them being able to look away.
Daniel decided to break the strong silence, "we should kiss."
"Yeah, we should." Y/n agreed, unwrapping her hands from his arm.
And without any hesitation they both leaned in, Daniel cupping her face in his hands as Y/n put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her as much as she could to close the gap between them, though there wasn't much in the first place.
All previous thoughts left the woman's head and were replaced with the thought of how his hands felt against her cheeks, the way she could feel his lips on her own. And, well, which led to some not so child friendly thoughts come through.
They only stopped when they felt the wheel start to move again and cheers coming from the people below and the people on the other seats (well, mostly it was actually because because the two needed oxygen but anyways).
They pulled away from each other smiling as they reached reached ground.
They got out of their seats, holding each other's hands as they caught sight of their friends, who had gathered back to the Ferris Wheel to see what all the commotion was about, to which they saw the kiss between the two magicians.
Each of them had smirks on their faces, Merritt going to say something before Y/n cut him off.
"We don't speak of what just happened. Okay? I-" Y/n started to speak.
Daniel cut her off, "WE don't need to hear any of your opinions, because we know what you're going to say."
Y/n nodded, "now, let's go shall we?"
They all agreed, starting to walk to the exit, Y/n and Daniel behind the group.
Daniel leaned in and whispered into her ear, "do you wanna finish what we started?"
Y/n smirked, "of course I do." She whispered back.
"Your room or mine?"
"Good enough for me."
God I really hoped this all saved 😭😭😭😭 sorry for the crappy ending but I didn't know how to really end it and it was getting really long. Also if you saw me post it before when it had no ending bc it didn't save...no u didn't.
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musicallisto · 3 years
𓂀 — 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚; (jack wilder x f!reader)
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anon requested: For your new year event can I request number 29 with Jack Wilder ( now you see me )?
song: havana (remix) - camila cabello & daddy yankee | 𝄞
summary: "And he didn't know her name, but he would have danced a thousand dances only to hold her for a second, and take the lingering memory of her warm skin back to America with him."
word count: 1.4k words
author notes: I have many, many MANY feelings about the depiction of Latin America as this tropical paradise in the USA’s backyard for (white) americans to enjoy, with local people as extras in the background (or there to either commit Drug Baron Crimes(tm) or be poor I guess), that is so prevalent in western media... and none of these feelings are good. I wanted to write this in a way that was respectful to Cuban people and culture and different from the usual US gaze, but I’m not Cuban myself, so I really hope it turned out alright. please tell me if there's anything insensitive, and if the Cuban slang is accurate!
features: drinking, flirting & sexual tension, some dialogue in Spanish.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐖 corners of the world that the FBI did not, as impossible as that sounded.
Or at least they had assured the Horsemen in the note they left on the dinner table of their Cuba hideout. While every government agent ripped their hair out, scrambling for an explanation as to how in the hell four million dollars vanish out of existence from an unconquerable Bank of America vault, they would be safe and unbothered in Havana… as long as they laid low.
And lay low they did. The first day, at least.
After Daniel had run out of card tricks and everyone had gotten tired of Guess-What-I’m-Thinking-About-Right-Now — a game only Merritt enjoyed, it seemed, the air in the house grew unbreathable with boredom… and Jack’s wallet heavy with possibility.
Besides, he’d heard from Lula when she’d gone out scouting the perimeter, there was a dimly-lit basement, under an innocuous hairdresser salon, that looked a lot like a clandestine bar calling his name — and a good time.
So there he was, Friday night, nine p.m. on the dot, dressed elegantly enough to be let inside while not drawing suspicion, followed by a diluted scent of cologne and the fading light of the lampposts. The heat of the day still sizzled on the pavement when he strode down the stairs and knocked on the door, giving himself as detached an air as he could; judging by the glance he received through the hidden visor at eye level, before he was let in, he had been more convincing as a local than he had thought.
The sweet smell of alcohol permeated the room, all low roof and dark walls, but lit here and there by discreet lamps and thunderous laughter. The music, already, more than the smell, intoxicated him; a sensual sound of salsa which leaked from the brass of the band and wrapped around him like a thick heat. Not far from the bar, the tables had been pushed aside to make room for pairs of dancers; they swayed around like undulating sunbeams, laughing out loud; and Jack could not refrain his smile. Oh, how the others would regret not crashing this party.
His smile, however, waved when she walked past him without a glance in his direction, striding with purpose toward the bar.
He blinked, swallowed hard, resumed his breathing, picked up his derailed heartbeat; but he couldn't take his eyes away from her legs, her figure, her confidence as she marched to the bartender. For a second, he questioned if she had been real, or merely a trick of the light - for surely a bronze and gold idol could not have come alive before his eyes.
Then a surge of panic came over him when she sat on a stool and raised an arm and a smile at the bartender. Regardless of who she was, or even if she was - Jack could not let her go.
"¡Gabi! Ponme un ron con hielo!"
"Ahora mismo, guapa."
"Aseré, ¿qué bolá, Y/N? Ño, ¡cuanto tiempo!"
Trying his best to catch the bartender's attention amidst the tide of joyous celebrations, Jack snapped his fingers and gestured at himself, unsure of what he was ordering - but at least the bartender nodded curtly and disappeared behind the counter. Taking a seat on the stool, Jack exhaled deeply... and found himself face to face with the gorgeous stranger he had been struck by.
His mind went blank once more as she stared at him, the faintest hint of amusement gleaming in her perfect eyes, and it took him an embarrassingly long moment to realize she had asked him something in Spanish - an even longer moment to gather up the flimsy memories he had from high school.
"Uh... Lo siento..."
But she interrupted him immediately with a flick of the wrist and a little laugh, clear and bright like a bell. At least there was no irritation on her traits, just a little bit of surprise.
"Oh, you have quite the nerve coming along because not many people love gringos around here. You better have a solid reason to crash the party."
"I'm hiding from the FBI?"
Her laughter rang out once more, sincere and vast enough to engulf the two of them and make him forget the unfamiliarity of the situation.
"As they all do."
Her finger danced its way up to his arm, agonizingly slow, like a little teasing insect, and Jack gulped hard. Never had he felt more thankful for a drink than when the bartender slid both rums across the table.
"What did you do? Hacked the president's phone and stole the nuclear codes? Plotted a communist revolution?"
"I stole four million dollars from the Bank of America... from a television set. Live audience and all."
She opened her eyes wide, two pearls shimmering with all the laughter and mirth that made him crazy for this unfamiliar country, and what might have been the tiniest bit of amazement, too.
"Really? Any chance I can find this on YouTube?"
"Probably. But please don't look it up, my hair was horrible that day."
She smiled, scoffed a little bit, bringing the glass to her lips — but her unwavering gaze remained on the mysterious foreigner and his alluring uncertainty, like someone who pretends to act all tough and detached to conceal a terrible secret. Jack only noticed she had edged closer to him when she set the glass down, and it was as though the dimly lit air of the basement had rearranged in a pulsating bubble around them, shielding them from prying eyes and the incessant laughter and music — a beating, amber heart.
She licked her lips, and he tried to keep his eyes from lingering on them too long.
"So, tell me. What does one do with that much money, exactly?"
"Oh, I don't know. I guess I thought I'd have a lifetime to figure it out. Moving to a beautiful country... starting a new life... meeting exciting people."
She leaned even closer to him, her arms resting either side of her frame, cupping her cleavage just enough for it not to be completely unintentional; Jack averted his gaze, but his cheeks caught fire at the thoughts that had possessed him for an instant. Who in this damn party thought it would be a good idea to turn the heating on?
"What's your name, mister millionaire?"
She purred in a low voice, yet all he could hear in the clandestine bar was her, the delicious cascades of salsa only playing in the back of his mind; with her head tilted to one side, her perfect lips curled in a devilishly interrogative question, her perfect fingers wrapped around her drink, she was a tigress on the prowl... and Jack had never been so eager to be a prey.
"Jack Wilder."
"Well, Jack... this is my turf. My rules. So I suggest you do precisely as I say..."
Her fingers skipping over the fabric of his shirt, each lingering imperceptibly longer than the last, sending a shiver shooting through Jack's every last nerve... she smiled again. A smile worth turning himself in for. A smile he would send it all to hell just to taste...
"Dance with me."
No sooner had he nodded than she had already leaped on her feet, unbothered by the creases and folds on her tight dress, and had extended a hand out to him. Far from it being broken, the equilibrium of their secluded conversation seemed to have followed her when she rose, as though she commanded the ochre shadows of the bar. Maybe she was much more than she let on. Maybe he wasn't the only one with a price on his head...
And he didn't know her name, but he would have danced a thousand dances only to hold her for a second, and take the lingering memory of her warm skin back to America with him.
He followed her to the center of the room, dazed by the languorous sound of a brass orchestra, and his breath hitched in his throat when she took his hand and placed it on the crook of her hip with a decided readiness.
"If you behave, I might show you around."
The music picked up, and her shadow on the bronze wall behind with it.
Jack was the elusive magician, a slither in the crowd, an illusion and a mist — but how could he behave when he had tangled himself in a dance, a furious heartbeat, a sorceress' nets?
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tagging; @fives-cup-of-coffee @softeninglooks (all my writing)
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Jack Wilder x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1477 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: The others not telling you about the plan to keep it from coming out and you have to deal with finding out he's not dead until after
Someone should have told you.
They should have told you the truth about what they were planning, but evidently, that didn’t cross any of their minds as you jumped into that shoot, with Jack staying behind.
You barely got to say goodbye to him, only giving him a quick kiss on your way out, before the FBI headed up the staircase. You thought you knew what was going on, thought you had a plan, but you were wrong.
The crash could have been heard down the block, and when the car exploded, it was a miracle you missed it.
However, it was only a matter of time before the news of Jack’s death could reach your ears, and once it did, everything else came crashing down around you.
When you agreed to be a part of this whole thing, to be a horseman, you didn’t hear a thing about something like this. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but now that it had, nothing else mattered to you. The magic meant nothing if you didn’t have him.
Nothing mattered if you didn’t have him.
“Why did we leave him? Why did it have to be him?!” you yelled, gingerly grabbing ahold of Daniel’s shoulders as you tried to understand how it had gotten this out of hand.
This was never part of the plan, he wasn’t supposed to get hurt.
“You just have to trust me” he whispered, but you didn’t care for any of that. All you wanted to do was get out of this cab and go do something, but there was nothing you could do.
Jack was dead, nothing was going to change that.
“Trust you? You want me to trust you? Trusting people got Jack killed, I’m not doing that anymore”
There were no words for what you were feeling, nothing you could do to change what you were going through, and you made up your mind. At this very moment, you were over it.
You didn’t care about the eye, you didn’t care about the magic, you didn’t care about any of it. Without Jack, even making magic wasn’t going to even be what it was.
Everything was ruined.
All you could do now was sit here and wait for this whole nightmare to be over. Maybe then, you’d be able to finally catch your breath and just do what normal people did. Maybe then, you’d be able to mourn the man you loved.
It was the least you could do for him, after everything.
It was Daniel’s idea for you to stay behind with the armored truck, tucked away behind a pane of glass that would keep it hidden from the peering eyes of any guards or feds that happened upon it.
They would see the second truck, the decoy, and just assume that it was the one with all the money in it. Then, when Henley, Merritt, and Danny finally finished up the big finale, they would come get you and all the money.
All you had to do now was wait, and really, you had no problem with that.
After the day you’d had, the last thing you wanted was to have to put on your stage persona and make it all okay again. You were more than happy to just wait here, until it was all over.
It wouldn’t hurt anything if you just sat it out.
Besides, this way, you could personally oversee the cash and make sure that nothing happened to it.
In the plans you’d been given, every single detail was perfectly laid out, so that if you followed them blindly, it would go off without a hitch.
Keeping you in the dark had been Daniel’s idea. He didn’t want to risk Jack’s death not looking real, and having his girlfriend perfectly fine after he burned to death would be a definite problem.
You had to think it was real so the public would too.
They all knew how close the two of you were, and as much as it hurt the other horseman to lie to you, it just had to happen that way.
This was all bigger than each of you individually, after all.
That was all you had to keep in mind.
You had been sitting on the floor, cross legged and ignoring the outside world when you heard it.
There was talking on the other side of the glass.
...but that wasn’t possible.
You were the only one who knew the glass was here, so for anyone to be here already meant that something had gone wrong.
Atlas was supposed to page you if things like this happened, but you didn’t get anything. Whatever this was, you were just going to have to deal with it yourself.
Though, when you realized what it was behind that thin pane of glass, dealing with it seemed to be the furthest thing from your mind.
“Step back. I’m gonna break it”
It was nothing more than a command from the other side, something you knew better than to argue with.
However, even if you wanted to, you weren’t sure that you could have. That voice, it wasn’t just one you recognized, it was one you never thought you’d hear again.
It was Jack.
Even thinking about it, you felt like you were out of your mind, because it wasn’t possible.
Crazy or not though, you would’ve known that voice anywhere. It had to be him.
You had no idea what was going on, and your head was spinning, but you didn’t have much time to mull it over before the glass was shattered all around you. It didn’t pose any danger to you from where you were behind the armored truck, but you heard it break from where you were.
...and standing there, in the midst of all that broken glass, was Jack.
You weren’t crazy.
It didn’t make any sense, and you couldn’t have ever seen it coming, but you knew it was him. In your heart of hearts, you just knew.
He was alive.
Jack was alive.
You wanted more than anything to go to him, to say something, to do something, but there was nothing to do.
Ten minutes ago, you thought that he was dead. Seeing as that wasn’t the case, you weren’t really sure where to go from here. It wasn’t something you could have planned for.
“Holy shit”
It was all he could muster up in the moment, but in his defense, he hadn’t been expecting you. When Daniel told him what his role would be in this whole thing, he initially thought he would be alone.
“I know” you shrugged, hoping that this would somehow make you hate this less. You had been blindsided this whole time, mourning the death of a man you loved when he wasn’t dead to begin with.
You felt like an idiot.
Not only that but now that he was here and you had a second chance to tell him all the things you wanted to tell him, you were coming up blank. You had no idea where to go from here.
There just weren’t words for situations like this. It wasn’t like you had an instruction manual for this kind of thing.
“I thought you were dead, you aren’t dead? How are you not dead? I saw you explode” you asked, each question coming faster than the last. You had no idea what was going on, and you felt like your head was spinning.
This was too much.
“I was all part of the plan, did they not tell you?” Jack questioned this time, making that decision from the second he saw your face. He was going to kill Daniel as soon as he saw him.
What would the point of lying to you be? From where he was sitting, you never should have been in this position. You were the love of his life, but for some reason, no one told you that he was alive.
It didn’t make any sense.
“No. Evidently, I’m out of the loop” you huffed, doing your best not to lose your mind over this. You had only been crying your eyes out for days, and planning your life without him.
It wasn’t something you wouldn't just be able to get over, that would be insane.
“I’m so sorry baby, I should have told you” he sighed, gingerly wrapping you up in his arms, pressing a small kiss to your forehead and then another to your lips. If he’d known they weren’t going to tell you, he could have been prepared for this and you wouldn’t have been so blind sighted.
Right now, he couldn’t make it up to you but as soon as this whole thing was over with, it would be like it never happened. Besides, maybe you’d feel better after you kicked Danny’s ass.
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter II
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“Sutton? Sutton?”
Sutton heard the voices, as fuzzy as they sounded. Her vision was still spinning. She felt herself moving, standing on her feet. Her legs lifted with a weight she never felt before.
“Sutton, honey! Please!” Henley’s voice choked out. 
“No.” Sutton felt the words leave her throat, not sure if they actually made it past her lips.
Sutton felt the cool sensation of the doorknob in her hand. She felt her wrist bones crunch as she turned it, every involuntary movement suddenly aware to her. She heard the crash of a door behind her, her body turning to lock the door. Her body slid into a sitting position on the floor, the soft feeling of the mattress hit her back. Arms wrapping around her legs, she felt her body suddenly fall to the side.
“Maybe it will all go away,” Sutton whispered to herself, her eyes closing, “and Henley won’t leave me.”
“I can’t leave her alone,” Jack stated, getting up to follow Sutton after the door crashed shut.
“No, Jack,” Henley told him. “Let her sleep through this.”
“Excuse me?” Danny yelled, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. “You’re going to leave without actually speaking to Sutton? Your cousin? The one person in this room who loves all of us unconditionally?”
Henley huffed, wiping at her tears. “Maybe it’s for the best, Danny.” She stood, moving toward the door. 
“Like hell it is!” Merritt exclaimed, standing in her path. “I told you I respected your decision, Henley, on one condition- give Sutton the closure she deserves. If you walk out this door without doing that, I promise you, that girl is never going to speak to you again.”
Henley turned around, tears in her eyes once more. She looked at Danny, his hands in a ball in front of him, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite her better judgement, Henley sat beside him. 
“I’m sorry,” she told Danny, her voice small. When Danny didn’t look at her, Henley placed her hands on his. “Danny, I have my reasons. I’m not doing this to hurt Sutton.”
Danny swallowed, shaking his head. “What reason could be great enough that you would leave Sutton, Henley?”
Henley glanced at Merritt and Jack. They nodded, signaling her to tell Danny the truth. Henley huffed. “I want more, Danny. There is more to life than magic and secret societies. I want to find someone who loves me the way that you love Sutton.”
Danny looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I-I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean.”
Henley chuckled lightly, smiling to herself, amused by Danny’s inability to see how great his affection for Sutton is. “Danny, how can I find someone who loves me if I’m in hiding? You and Sutton have known each other from the start of this crazy journey. What am I supposed to do? Tell the guy, “Oh, by the way, I robbed a bank,” on the first date?”
“You know,” Merritt interjected, “that’s really like a fifth date thing. Even better, I already know your history!” He opened his arms for a hug. Jack laughed.
“Anyway,” Henley said, rolling her eyes, “it’s just not possible. After watching you and Sutton these past two years, I have really fallen in love with the idea of having someone to love me, maybe even a family.”
“But, we are a family,” Danny stated, not even registering what he was saying
Henley put her hand on her heart, tears threatening to fall once more. “You will always be my family.” She looked at Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “You’re all my crazy, messed up, criminal family.” They all chuckled. “And maybe,” she looked back at Danny, placing her hands around his once more, “maybe someday, we will be a family in that official-type of way.”
Danny looked over at her, a smirk crawling across his lips. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
“Sutton? Sutton?” 
Sutton threw her hands over her ears. She was hearing the voices again. A hand touched her shoulder, forcing Sutton’s eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful,” Danny smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the floor beside her.
Sutton rubbed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked, sitting up beside Danny. 
“No, baby,” Danny stated, moving the hair out of Sutton’s face. He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Danny took Sutton’s hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You need to hear Henley out.”
Sutton lifted her eyes to Danny’s. “Did she tell you?”
Danny nodded. “She has her reasons, Sut. Just listen.”
Sutton sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Danny’s neck. “But are they good reasons?”
Danny gave a slight chuckle, running a hand up and down Sutton’s spine. “Better than I would have thought.”
Sutton leaned back, studying Dann’s expression. Deciding he was being sincere, she pecked his lips. Danny helped Sutton up off the closet floor, wrapping her tightly in a hug.
“Whatever it is,” Sutton spoke, “it won’t change us. Right?”
Danny was caught off guard by her question. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Never.”
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Find the Lady
Jack Wilder X Reader
A/N: What can I say, I enjoy the slight of hand. ANyway, who's ready for a fic of a character no one wanted? - Nemo
Summary: A street magician draws quite a crowd, but it’s not the tricks that they’re playing that catches the public’s attention - it’s how they’re playing it. 
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It tended to amaze Jack at how much people were enamoured by the simplest acts of the sleight of hand. New York was always a good place to find street performers, however good or bad they are. 
“Ladies, Gentlemen, Non-binary folks! If you would gather ‘round.” A person stepped up onto a box, grabbing the attention of the crowd around them. With a smile she spoke again. “Come and watch - a feat of magic!” 
The crowd took much more note of this. Since the Horsemen and their shows, the world in it’s whole had been more eager to see magic first-hand - of any kind. 
“Alright, I’m sure most of you know about the game ‘Three Card Monte’, also known as ‘Find the Lady’,” the crowd rippled in understanding, some cheers going out, and she smiled again. “Well, I say we try playing it, how’s that sound?” 
Jack even found himself smiling with the crowd's enthusiasm. Hell, he didn’t know this woman, but they were holding the crowd’s attention as well as Atlas did. 
“Alright, alright. Here I have a fresh pack of cards, still in it’s plastic wrapping, here see,” she said, handing the pack over to a bystander to their left to prove it before taking it back and ripping the plastic off, “Okay, so I’ll shuffle them… And find myself a Queen… Ah, Queen of Hearts is always a good choice, right?” 
The crowd rippled with laughter, eager to find out where this game would end.
“And then two other random cards, here you pick them.” She said, offering the face-down deck to another bystander. “Ace of Diamonds, and Six of Clubs, nice choice good sir.”
She then stepped off the box, pocketing the rest of the deck, and beckoned those around to move closer. She started to fold the cards longways down the middle, and placed them next to each other on the box. 
“Okay, now watch - this card,” she held up the Queen, “Is in the middle, now you, and you two, would you three watch where the Queen goes? Be the eyes for this crowd?” 
The three she chose nodded, stepping slightly closer, and Jack made his way closer  to watch too. She pulled their sleeves up, and started shuffling the cards - not too fast and not too slow. Even for a passer-bye it’d be easy enough to follow the Queen.
“Okay, now where is she? Where’s the Queen of hearts?” 
The three all pointed to the card on the right, and Jack even was sure it was there too, but his gut told him it wasn’t that easy. She looked up at the three.
“You sure?” she smiled up at the three, then stood up from the box, looking at the crowd. “Do you all think it’s this card?” She asked, pointing to the card and shaking her head while the crowd all agreed anyway. “Well it’s either you’re all wrong, or I’m not as skilled at I thought I was.”
She flipped the card over, revealing the Ace.
“Wrong guess!” She said, and the crowd cheered despite being wrong. “But hey, you might be thinking, ‘Where is the Queen?’” she said, turning over the middle card to reveal the Six. “I’ll tell you.” the last card was flipped over to reveal a new card - the Seven of Spades.
The crowd gasped, then erupted in cheers. She looked around, pleased at the reaction, then locked eyes with Jack himself. 
“You, sir,” She said, pointing to him through the crowd, and the crowd parted to leave a gap between them, “Would you check your pocket’s?”
He frowned, confused, and patted down his pockets, eventually finding something in his back jean pocket. Pulling his hand in front of him, he held a card, fresh out of the packet, and folded down the middle.
The Queen of Hearts. 
“People of New York, that is your Queen!” She said, gesturing a hand out to Jack, casting the crowd's eyes to who they now recognised as the Horseman. 
The attention was off her, and as she sulked away, smiling to herself, she caught Jack’s eyes one last time, sending him a wink. Jack, in his shock - partially from the trick, and partially from the crowd now around him - only had one thing on his mind.
How the hell did she do that?
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heliads · 11 months
Lisa my love! I hope you don’t mind me sending another request (for none other than Jack Wilder again of course) — but how about a Jack x reader meet-cute situation, maybe she’s a barista at the coffee shop he likes to visit, and he definitely thinks she’s more than cute but reader is a little oblivious to that fact. But she doesn’t recognise him at first, (i can imagine a co-worker going “GIRL that was Jack Wilder!” and she’s like “who now?”). Jack ends up becoming a regular and the two get to know each other outside of the coffee shop setting (I’m also imagining he’d try to teach her card tricks and it’d just be so !!!!!! absolute fluff). Sorry, this request doesn’t have a SINGLE coherent thought in it, it’s literally so silly but I love this man bfhvdjhfvdn
anything for the boy
'wake me up' - jack wilder
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Nothing has ever made you want to drink coffee less than working in a coffee shop. Whether or not you’ll actually stop is purely up to your own moral strength, of course, but you’re reminded daily of why you would make such a choice whenever you clock in to your latest shift at your local coffee shop. The sight of so many exhausted people who seem to prefer snapping at you to actually taking accountability in their own lives is depressing, to say the least. 
Still, you keep working there. You always do. It’s satisfying in itself, as far as jobs go, and your coworkers are funny enough that the time always passes faster than expected. It’s not bad. And sometimes, on rare days like today, you end up meeting someone with the power to change your life forever.
The funny thing is, you almost missed him. The shop was crazy busy when he came in. You would find out later that the people were only crowding into the shop and lining up down the block because of him, but you hadn’t known that at the time. You had just chalked it up to word of mouth, maybe enough people had finally appreciated the expert level of care you and your coworkers put into their lattes and decided to show up and see what’s what. 
You certainly hadn’t counted on the cute boy who came bounding through the door of your shop, sending the bell fixed to the top into a commotion matching the hubbub surrounding the tables inside. Your first thought was that he seemed energetic enough that ordering coffee was unnecessary. Your second thought, as he breezed up to you, ready to order, was that you certainly didn’t mind your job anymore if it brought you faces as pretty as his. 
For a complete stranger, he seemed very sure of himself. He had paused for a moment before speaking, as if waiting for you to burst into applause at the sight of him. When it became clear you weren’t going to fall into raptures, he just shrugged and rattled off his order. The words were perfectly cadenced, probably memorized. You wrote it down like normal. Routines can be tedious on both ends, even if two perfect strangers are meeting for the first time. Sometimes, you don’t know that the course of your life has been irrevocably affected until much later. You certainly didn’t know it then.
You had guessed that something was strange, though. You had asked what name he wanted with the order and the young man had blinked at you in surprise, as if he couldn’t fathom the possibility that you wouldn’t know who he was. You’re familiar with the regulars of the coffee shop, so you knew he wasn’t one of them. Still, he seemed so stunned that you didn’t recognize him already. In a good way, though. With the way he smiled at you as he said, “Just Jack, thanks,” you got the feeling that he thought quite a lot about you was good.
Jack’s order wasn’t too complicated, so you were able to finish it quickly, which he seemed to appreciate. Even after he moved out of line to wait for his coffee, Jack had still hung around the counter, eyes nervously darting around the room as if he expected someone to jump out at him. From the few glances you were able to sneak as you poured and mixed ingredients, you almost thought he was right to worry. All these tables of girls kept whispering and giggling to each other, staring back at him with this outright, unusual intensity.
You had no idea why he was seemingly being stalked by so many people, but he was cute, so maybe that would do it. There’s a college campus across town, maybe he was on a varsity athletics team or something. You called his name and several people perked up. No one looked happier than Jack, though, and he eagerly slid over to you so he could pick up his drink.
You raised an eyebrow at his excitement, unable to hide a small smile. “Really looking forward to that coffee, huh?”
Jack had the presence of mind to blush a little. “I just want to hit the road as soon as I can.”
You took an obvious look past him. “I think I can understand that. What did you do, announce that you’d be giving away free kittens or something?”
Jack chuckled, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head. “Not quite. Do you– do you not know who I am?” He gave this pained half-laugh as he said it, like he could tell that saying something like that didn’t make him come off as the nicest.
He was cute enough that it worked, though. Cute and charming. He could get away with anything. Later, you’d learn that he usually did.
“No,” you said, and his entire face had lit up. Strange. “I’m not a mind reader,” you reminded him, “I won’t know your name unless you tell it to me.”
“Well,” he had said slowly, “I won’t mind saying it again. Maybe tomorrow morning?”
You had laughed. “I’ll see you then.”
Jack had all but beamed at you, turning around to smile at you one last time right before exiting the shop. You’d watched him go with a soft smile, shaking your head to yourself as you headed back to get the next customer’s order.
When you started mixing up the next drink, though, one of your coworkers turned to you, practically shrieking in your ear with the force of her excitement. “Am I dreaming, or was that Jack Wilder?”
You glanced at her, confused, as you reached for the oat milk. “Who?”
Your coworker’s eyes widened in horrified shock. “You must be joking. Jack Wilder? Of the Horsemen?”
You had frowned at her. “Like the four that bring about the apocalypse? He seemed nice enough to me, I doubt he’s going to bring pestilence or death upon our coffee shop.”
Your coworker had shaken her head, her eyes flickering briefly shut as if praying for strength. “No, Y/N, the Horsemen are a world famous group of magicians. They’re like, crazy good. During a show, they once robbed a bank on the opposite side of the globe.”
“So they’re criminals,” you muttered, eyebrows raised, “They sound like lovely people, then. Should I check the credit card he paid with? Maybe it was a playing card instead and I didn’t notice.”
She rolled her eyes. “He wouldn’t do that, obviously. They’re like magical Robin Hoods, they only steal from banks and bad rich people and stuff like that. Jack Wilder is a celebrity, if that’s what it takes to get through to you. He’s like, the hottest one of all of them.”
“That I can agree with,” you had grinned to yourself. He was really good looking, and sweet at the same time. 
You found yourself sincerely hoping that he would come back the next morning, although the odds of that had to be low. If Jack really was a world-class celebrity, he’d probably jet across to a new country by the end of the day. He probably wouldn’t stay in one place that long, especially given the questionable legality of his day job. Coming back to the same small coffee shop was practically out of the question.
And yet, when you open up the next morning, you find yourself idly glancing outside the front window every few minutes, constantly checking to see if there’s a cute magician slipping inside your shop. Each peek down the street is rewarded with the sight of faces that aren’t his, though that doesn’t stop you from looking again.
Eventually, you decide that he’s not coming after all and there’s no point in continually craning your neck to see past the people huddled outside the main window, trying to talk themselves out of purchasing a pastry. It is only now, when you let down your guard, that you see someone approaching the counter out of the corner of your eye and announce, as if this were some great, life-changing thing:  “I’m back.”
For anyone else, this would be obnoxious. However, the cute boy beaming at you did make you a promise, so it is quite important that he would be here to honor his word. You end up smiling back at him in silence for a beat too long. It takes your coworker pointedly looking at the line growing behind Jack for you to remember yourself.
“Right, right. Coffee. What can I get you this morning?”
He looks bashfully behind him, as if only realizing that it’s not just the two of you in here, too. “Um, maybe a double shot vanilla latte? Oh, and can you draw something on the top?”
You hum as you write down the order. “Any ideas, or is the art my choice?”
Jack winks at you. “I’d love your number, but that might be too long. How about a heart, since you’ve already got mine?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks, but you do your best to keep your cool. “That’s sweet. Do you flirt with all your baristas like this?”
“Only the pretty ones,” he promises. Maybe Jack’s magic isn’t just in card tricks, but in his smooth moves as well. 
As he turns around to find someplace out of the way to wait for his drink, your coworker openly stares at you, jaw dropped. “What was that?” She asks under her breath, grinning.
You just shrug, although you can’t seem to stop your lips from curling up into a poorly hidden smile. “No idea.”
Jack thanks you for his drink when it’s ready. You weren’t brave enough to give him your number, assuming he was just joking around. He’s a celebrity, you remind yourself. He could probably conjure up Margot Robbie’s number if he really wanted it. He’s not going to go for you if he could have anyone on the planet.
However, when you slide over his coffee and he immediately checks the design in the foam, pretending to pout when he sees no identifying string of digits, you start to wonder if he wasn’t kidding after all. It certainly seems that way when he shows up the next morning, and the next morning, and the next. Jack is turning into a regular, which you didn’t expect. You figured he would sweep from city to city like the rest of the Horsemen, but for some reason Jack seems inclined to stay.
He insists on getting your number about a week later, and says he won’t leave the shop until he gets it. He pretends to handcuff himself to the chair of his favorite spot, pulling the metal cuffs out of thin air and grinning at your surprised reaction. You make him stay there, locked in place, for a few more minutes just to mess with him, but in the end he walks out with your number, and when you leave that night, you find a card tucked into the pocket of your apron. 
It’s the queen of hearts, although the image is less entrancing than the phone number scrawled across the front. Just in case I lost yours by accident, says the note on the back. You press it to your heart, trying to stop yourself from audibly squealing. You had promised that you wouldn’t fall for him, but it’s getting increasingly difficult to keep your word. 
Especially not when you get a text some time later that night:  Get home safe? Then:  This is Jack. Although I hope you wouldn’t be confusing my number with other handsome men who also wanted to see you.
In the safety of your room, you’re free to lightly kick your heels back and forth like a kid with a schoolgirl crush. No other admirers. Just you.
Just the way I like it, is the answer, practically only a few heartbeats after your text. You might actually end up loving him if he’s not careful.
Jack comes in the next morning looking far too pleased with himself. In fact, he even goes so far as to ask when you get off work that day. He says he wants to see you without other customers getting in the way. You remind him that he, too, is a customer, and he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, asking if you want him to be something else. You don’t deign to respond to that, but you think your self-conscious smile does enough talking. He certainly laughs like it does.
Jack ends up taking you out to lunch. He makes you laugh the whole time, looking proud of himself every time he manages to elicit so much as a smile from you. He tells you stories about all the fantastic jobs he’s taken as a Horseman, even attempts to teach you a card trick or two. Several dropped decks later, both of you can freely admit that he’s got more of a knack for sleight of hand than you, but his hands have been over yours in the name of teaching his trade often enough that neither of you much mind.
It’s getting harder and harder to pretend that this is just a game to him. You do ask him once, as he’s dropping you off at your door, if he really does want this. You. Everything. Jack looks softly at you once, eyes containing all the secrets he couldn’t possibly put into words if he tried, and then he kisses you sweetly, slowly, and you know. Jack Wilder could have the whole world in his hands, but as it turns out, the only thing he wants from it is you. He’ll convince you of that as often as it takes. You can’t wait to watch him try.
requested by @hiya-itsamber, i hope you enjoy!
now you see me tag list: @mayfieldss
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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Queen of Hearts
Jack Wilder x Reader
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An impressive first encounter.
His breathe hitched at the first sight of your angelic features. The street lights shining on your glorious cheek bones highlighting your full smile as you faced the crowd.
A crowd which gathered around as you mesmerised their minds with your slight of hand. Your cards being pulled from wallets in back pockets, locked brief cases and even new unopened DVD cases.
You stood atop a concrete step observing the sea of smiling and laughing people until your eyes fleetingly grazed over his. A twinkle in his eye as he stood among the crowd, hands in pockets and hood over his head but you saw his face clear as day. It was him.
You sent a small smile from the corner of your mouth to him and received one back as well. This was your moment to prove what you had. To show those you looked up to that you had the skill to join their group; the Four Horsemen.
You looked down at your watch, the hands indicating you had enough time for a final trick. And you knew just what to do.
You cleared your throat gaining the full attention from the audience below and began.
"Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen, all good things must come to an end. So for my final act I'd like you to pay close attention to this deck of cards and that street lamp above me."
You began moving the deck of cards from one hand to the other, all eyes on you. Displaying the faces of the cards to the audience to prove they were normal you then shuffled them back up and let the magic begin.
Throwing the deck into the street light they appeared inside the lamps casing and the audience cheered. You gave a bow and turned towards the lamp pole.
With one last look out into the audience you swung around the pole, which, at that very moment caused the light to flicker off and on again exploding which sent the cards drifting to the crowd below.
Only they were no longer a normal deck of cards but your signature black cards that glowed in the dark.
A further roar erupted from the crowd as you disappeared into the night.
Escaping to your van parked around the corner you sat at the wheel. An excited adrenaline coursing through you from the show you'd put on. They always left you buzzing.
You lent over to the passenger seat to collect your phone when you noticed a card lay face up. It was the Queen of hearts, but no ordinary queen of hearts card, it was yours only the other side contained some writing. A time and address for tomorrow night.
Maybe this was it, this was your chance to join the Horsemen.
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The next evening you sat in your van outside the restaurant written on your card. An hour early and dressed to kill.
No sign of him yet so you thought best to walk inside and let him find you when he arrived.
After being seated at the table he had reserved you ordered a champagne, slowly sipping on it until he waltzed through the door.
You saw him first. His eyes wandering over the room as the waiter approached pointing him in the direction you sat.
His eyes met yours and a smile began to form on his mouth. You lifted your champagne glass in his direction trying to hide your own. He walked to the table and sat down opposite you, straightening his suit jacket as he did so.
"Your're early." He observed as he checked the time on his watch. His smile still evident as he looked up to meet your eyes.
You brought the glass to your lips again and raised you eye brows, "And your're late," you chuckled as a small blush made its way up his neck.
You both sat in silence as the waiter came and poured some more champagne, handing out the menus as he did so.
"That was quite an impressive act you put on yesterday Miss (y/l/n)." He stated breaking the silence as he flipped through the menu.
A smile etched its way onto your lips and you had to bite the inside of your mouth to stop it from growing.
"I aim to impress Mr Wilder." You spoke nonchalantly as your eyes met over the table.
"Please, call me Jack."
"Likewise, (y/n)."
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hermionegalathynius · 5 months
Found Family (5/?)
I cannot tell you all how much your support of my writing means to me. I’m so sorry this took so long. If I’m being honest, the next part might take even longer (just because I’m busy with college exams and uni applications… the stress levels are REAL high right now) but I want you to know I love reading your comments and I smile every time someone reacts to my posts. Anyway, here we go!
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Daniel Atlas x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, read at your own discretion.
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  “Can’t we all — just once — stay in the same place for more than a few weeks at a time?” you sighed, climbing in the back of the car with Merritt and Danny. 
  “I agree that that would be nice, but currently we have no control over where we go and when. Literally, considering we entered the tube in New York and were spat out in Macau,” Danny said, letting you rest your head on his shoulder tiredly. 
  “It’s all about blind spots,” Merritt’s brother said once the car began moving through the streets of Macau, “When you’re staring straight at something and not see it. Why? Blind spots! We learnt that together, didn’t we, bro?”
  Merritt grunted, staring blankly at the floor. You nudged his foot with yours gently, trying to comfort him. He flashed a small, grateful smile. 
  “Did he tell you that we were partners, once?” Chase continued, “No? I didn’t think so. The ‘Mini-McKinneys’.”
  “Cool,” Lula said flatly.
  “And then one day, we were 12, and Virginia von Welsheim had a very nice party down the street. I had a little tum-tum, couldn’t go. Mer-Bear did it on his own and got a taste of the solo thing, and uh… and kicked me to the curb.”
  “Oh god,” Danny muttered. You nudged him in the side for insensitivity. 
  Merritt sighed, “Chase, you win! I concede. Just tell me how you did it.”
  Chase grinned, “Delivery came to your door about a month ago… a little za?”
  “Za?” Danny asked.
  “Pizza,” Merritt told him, then addressing his brother, “Huh?”
  “Yeah, so what he did, my little womb-mate, is he downloaded all of your private information and my employer had all he needed.”
  You could feel Danny glaring at Merritt for accusing him of being the leak. You rolled your eyes at his ability to hold a grudge. 
  “Thanks,” Danny said to Merritt sarcastically, then turning to Chase, “How did you know how to find him?”
  “That’s a very good question, Atlas,” Chase said, miming locking his mouth closed and throwing away the key. 
  “Okay,” Danny said, frustration bleeding from his tone. 
  “Danny, I swear to god, don’t make Merritt feel worse about this than he already does,” you whispered so only he could hear. 
  “He’s a hypocrite, Y/n,” Danny hissed.
  You just took your head off his shoulder and shifted away from him, too angry to care about how tired you were in that moment. Why couldn’t he just let it go? 
  The car pulled in to what looked like a casino and stopped at the front door. The Horsemen got out, flanked by more armed guards. 
  “Just follow the guards, they’ll take you to my boss,” Chase said with a grin, “Been fun playing this cat-and-mouse with you, broski. Meow.”
  Merritt rubbed his eyes with his middle fingers. You found a grim sort of satisfaction in that. 
  “Have fun at the Sands,” Chase called as the car pulled away again and you were escorted into the casino. 
  “I am so, so, so sorry,” Merritt said to Danny. You watched wearily from behind them, hoping Danny swallowed his pride for once. 
  “Yeah, you should be.” Of course not. “Don’t ever accuse me of betraying us again, okay?”
  You scoffed, quickening your steps to walk past him and get him out of your eyesight. Unfortunately, the guards led you to an elevator where you were forced to stand in the back and watch as Danny walked in and caught your eye, cocking his head at your glare, and resting his hand against the wall. Your heart thumped loudly at the sight, adding to your frustration. God dammit, he was not allowed to look that good when you were angry with him!
  “Do you guys ever think that the Eye is watching this?” Lula asked next to you, breaking the sullen silence, “You know, that maybe this is even what they want? And at the exact right moment they’re going to swoop in, and we’ll be like, ‘Yes! Thank God you’re here! Thank God! Just in the nick of time, Eye!’ And then we’ll just celebrate, and it was all worth it in the end?”
  Silence. You swallowed, still gazing at Danny. 
  “I don’t even really think that either, so… It’s cool.”
  The elevator door pinged, and opened up behind you. Some sort of rock music blared as the five of you turned around. A man stood in front of huge, floor-length windows looking out on Macau. His leg jerked in time with the music as he flicked a playing card back and forth between his hands. 
  You were shoved out of the elevator by the guards as the man turned around and exclaimed, “Ah! Ta-da! So happy to be working with you! Please, come in, come in!”
  The guards shoved you further, and you winced as one of them elbowed you in the ribs, a soft huff leaving your mouth. 
  “Hey! Hands off her, buddy,” Danny said, stepping between you and the guard. You swallowed down the warmth blooming in your chest at his words, desperately trying to cling to the anger you had held for him just moments earlier. It was a pointless exercise, but damn you if you didn’t try. 
  “Wait, sorry, how are you working with us?” he asked, still standing in front of you which forced you to peer at the stranger over his shoulder. 
  “Oh, well, as much as a magician who pulls a rabbit from a hat is working with that rabbit,” the man explained, pulling on a pair of very expensive looking slippers and walking over his koi-pond floor, “We'll be working together. Yes. Allow me to introduce myself.”
  “Yeah, you’re Walter Mabry,” you stated, stepping out from behind Danny. 
  “You died a year ago,” Jack clarified. 
  “Yes!” Mabry exclaimed, “An idea I got from you, Mr Wilder! Fake your death and the world puts its guard down.”
  You glanced at Lula who stood to your left — she seemed just as overwhelmed as you felt. 
  “I’m able to control quite a few companies, including my old partner Owen’s, as a consortium of so-called anonymous shareholders,” Mabry continued. 
  “And that violates how many SEC laws?” Lula asked. 
  “I believe it breaks all of them,” Mabry answered casually. 
  “All of them,” Lula repeated dryly.
  How could everything have gone so wrong, you thought, dread curling in your gut. This man was obviously unstable, and had no qualms with breaking laws and risking going to jail. Who knew what he was really capable of when pushed?
  “You see, you all want an audience. Need one, desperately. It’s quite sad really,” he directed this at Danny who’s jaw twitched in irritation. You gripped his wrist gently, silently begging him to keep his cool, “I, on the other hand, want the opposite of that. I just want to be, and I am, one hundred percent off the grid. You know why?”
  “Yeah, because the grid is for actual human beings,” Danny quipped, making you grip his wrist tighter. He sent an apologetic glance your way, twisting his hand to grab yours. 
  Mabry was infuriated for a total of zero point five seconds before giving Danny a chillingly calm smile, “No, because in a world of total surveillance, the only true freedom lies in not being seen. You can’t control the grid from within the grid. Follow me.”
  He began walking off. When you didn’t follow him he repeated, “Follow me!”
  “Okay, alright.”
  The guards pushed you forward and the five of you followed Mabry as he spoke. 
  “You pulled a hat out of a rabbit,” he said, turning to Lula, “That was very colourful.”
  She sighed, “Almost eight and a half years ago, so, no need to bring that up.”
  You yourself winced at the memory. Mabry was wrong, there had been an abundance of one colour in particular — red. 
  Mabry grinned and instead turned to Danny, “We can’t all be held accountable for our adolescent personas, can we, Magicolio?”
  Your eyes widened and you whirled on Danny who’s jaw ticked in irritation, “Magicolio… that was fifteen years ago.”
  Oh, you were definitely going to use this. It was gold. 
  “Don’t get me wrong,” Mabry continued, very obviously enjoying his main character moment, “Like you, and many others I suppose, who were not getting any sex in high school, I dabbled with it.” Merritt pointed at Danny who shook his head. “But, uh, unlike you, I was able to transition upward towards actual magic.”
  He gestured to the side where there stood what looked like a giant, shiny server, “Science, you may have heard it called. So would you like to know, my friends, just how I got you here?”
  “We know how you did it,” you stated, having figured that out on the ride here. 
  “No you don’t,” Mabry said sharply. 
  “Yeah, you stole our files from the show,” Merritt drawled, “then obviously hypnotised us.”
  “No, seriously, stop.”
  “The strobe was a combo of binaural beats, as well as…”
  “I said stop!” Mabry yelled, grabbing the sides of Merritt’s neck. The mentalist looked down at the shorter man, a little disturbed. Danny gripped your hand tighter, “You might not be having fun, but I am.”
  “You have an unusual way of showing it,” Merritt mused.
  Mabry ignored his comment and stepped back, clapping his hands together and grinning excitedly,” So... How did I do it? Easy. You see, magicians like to control other people's perceptions. In your heightened state of agitation, you saw the simplest cues — Black tube, roof — and your minds filled in the rest.”
  “Shit,” you muttered, mentally kicking yourself for not keeping your head during the chaos.
  “But the tube you meant to go down was 20 feet to your right,” Mabry finished smugly, “Go on, sit down. There's no one
standing in your way.”
  “Don’t mind if I do,” Merritt quipped, settling onto the couch. 
  With slight caution, you followed his lead, Danny plopping down next to you. To your dismay, Mabry squeezed in between you and Lula.
  “Anyway, once in the tube, yes you’re right. Blah blah blah, the strobe contained UV letters pulsing the word ‘sleep’, and this combined with the sound put you into an instant alpha pattern.”
  The image of the flashing lights in the tube resurfaced in your mind’s eye and you tried not to wince at the reality of it. You had been tricked. All of you. Dylan too, probably. Not to mention you were now at the mercy of this clearly unhinged not-dead billionaire with a god complex. 
  “And from then on,” Mabry continued, “it really was just fun, and I can assure you, you don’t know what happened.”
  With that he clicked the remote and a power point was displayed on the screen in front of you. The opening slide was black with the words ‘Our trip to Macau’ in white typing. The next slide cleared everything up. 
  “That’s really creepy,” You stated, cautiously eyeing the photograph of your unconscious self lying with your head in Danny’s lap as he leaned on Mabry who was giving the camera the finger. 
  “Really, really creepy,” Lula agreed.
  “That’s not cool,” you said, shaking your head. 
  “Yep, easy stuff, magic, if you put your mind to it,” Mabry said cheerfully. You wanted to claw his eyes out. This urge was heightened when the next photo showed draped over Mabry’s lap, your head resting on his shoulder. 
  Danny tensed next to you.
  “Alright, that’s enough,” he interjected, “So why are we here then? You know, besides you getting to show off how adorably clever you are?” 
  “Well to start with, the man you stole from last year. Turns out I had invested a lot of money in some of his companies so a lot of what you stole, was in fact mine.” Mabry said, his cheerful tone completely at odds with the accusation.
  “It’s a small world,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. It figured this lunatic was after money. Or revenge. Either was enough to satisfy people like him.
  “Good news is, it’s very easy for you to pay me back! I just need your… skills.”
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bonniebird · 6 years
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Jack x Reader
Requested by @naimalove134
You were apprehensive about the show. Your friend however was convinced magic was real and every trick was witchcraft. Or at  least she almost was. “I can’t believe I won!”
“You phoned the radio station eleven times as soon as they announced the competition. Of course you won.” You commented as you finished getting ready.
You’d both been staying in a hotel to prepare for the show as it was pretty far from home so you both made a weekend of it.
At least if the show is awful I’ll still have a nice weekend. You told yourself.
“Ok, you ready?” She asked excitedly. You nodded and grabbed your coat, enjoying the enthusiasm she had.
“You know these shows are all bunk right?” You said and laughed when she rolled her eyes.
“Maybe but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves.” She pointed out and smiled when you agreed.
The line to get in was long and some people were begging to buy tickets, some were even giving out fake tickets. You pushed past fans and news reporters to reach the entrance where someone was waiting to show you to your seats. “Oh we’re sure not going to get called up on stage.” You muttered to yourself.
The show started and you both began to enjoy yourselves. When the group was introduced your friend started squealing and screeching for Jack Wilder. He caught your eye, smirked and winked when you rolled your eyes at him.
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Towards the end of the show the four horsemen stopped and explained that they needed some help. Your friend of course was ecstatic to be called up by Atlas who led her to one side. They then pretended to search for another volunteer, motioning for you and a man on the opposite side of the stage.
“We couldn’t miss a chance to enchant a beautiful woman like you.” Jack said with a smirk.
“You can try, I don’t swoon so easily.” You said smugly. He raised his eyebrows and smiled.
“Oh I’m sure you don’t.” He said and glanced at McKinney who found the interaction funny.
As you had promised you weren’t impressed by the trick. The science behind it was simple if you thought about it for a few seconds but you tried to enjoy yourself and not let your scepticism show, especially for your friend who was over the moon that she’d ‘helped’.
You headed back to your seat to enjoy the rest of the show, cheering along with your friend who was grateful you’d tried to enjoy yourself even just to humor her.
“Ok I think we should get dinner before we head back to the hotel.” Your friend said cheerfully. You agreed and followed her to grab a taxi. She decided on the restaurant and insisted on paying for the meal as long as you got the taxi. As you flipped open your wallet you frowned, handing over the cash.
“What’s wrong?” She asked as you fumbled with your wallet.
“This?” you said and pulled out a playing card with a number scrawled on it with ‘call me’ added at the bottom.
“You! You got Jack Wilder's number! Oh my goodness!” She squealed and started getting over excited.
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Someone please request for Jack wilder. ill literally love you forever. Ive seen that theres not alot under #jackwilder. SO BE MY GUEST and go crazy with these requests
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 3 years
Can I have a contortionist! Reader who was daniel atlas's assistant but he let her go because she's not what an assistant looks like in his mind. He is basically a douchebag about it
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Henley drops her luggage on the floor before she flops onto the room’s sofa, a groan of relief escaping her throat as she feels the soft pillows on her back. “Gosh, that flight was so long!”
Merritt chuckles at her behavior, sitting on the left emtpy space right next to her feet. “Good thing we now have that nice little hotel room to relax! Thank to our mysterious employer...”
“I don’t know about you guys...” Daniel walks through the room with a large grin, his eyes already looking at the mini-fridge in the corner. “... but I’m starving! I could eat a horse right now!”
“Hey, look!” Jack smiles wildly as he approaches a tiny box set up in the middle of the room, his eyes lighting up as he picks something that was put on top of it. “A new card!”
His three comrads immediately turn their heads towards him as soon as he pronounces those last words, Jack turning the card around so he can read the written words out loud.
“Enjoy getting to know your new partner.” Jack frowns as soon as he reads those words, his eyes turning towards his as-confused teammates. “We’re getting a new partner?”
Daniel chuckles, showing off the empty room. “Do you see anyone else here?-”
He gives out a shriek when the box violently jumps, as if something inside was trying to get out. Jack doesn’t waste a second to step away from him, his eyes wide with fear. Both Henley and Merritt stand up from the couch, slowly taking a few steps back as they observe the box move some more.
“Gah...!” Jack screams when the box opens, the young man taking a few more steps back. “What the hell is that...?”
He rapidly points at a human leg coming out of the box, soon touching the ground a few seconds later. They all silently watch an arm come out next, unsure how a human being could even fit inside such a tiny box, only for to tense up when they see a human head come out.
“Hi.” You say those words with a wide grin, pulling your other arm out as you speak. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Oh-oh-oh!” Merritt’s eyes gleam up as he grins wildly, pointing at you with a certain pride on his face. “A contortionist! That should come handy!”
“Finally, another girl.” Henley’s lips stretch out onto her cheeks, her head giving a few looks to her partners. “No offence, but the team’s had an awful smell of testosterone.”
“Wow, dude!” Jack walks towards with a shaky hand, trying to lower his heartbeat when you take it. “That’s incredible! How long were you in that box?”
“An hour or two, I’d say.” You use Jack’s help to get out of the box, a shiver running down his spine when he sees your arms and legs move in an inhuman way. “Just long enough to get cozy in there.”
You turn your head towards the fourth member of the team, your smile faltering down to an annoyed frown.
“Hi, Daniel.”
He blinks a few times at you, annoyance coming to his features a few seconds later. “Hi, (Y/N).”
“Whoa, wait a second.” Merritt points at the two of you, his lips stretching out onto his cheeks. “I’m sensing a little history there.”
“Yeah, um...” Daniel makes a move with his hand, trying to find the right words. “(Y/N) used to be my assistant back in the day...”
Henley gives out a gasp. “You too?”
“Yeah, I was.” You glare at Daniel, your teeth tightening. “Until he fired me.”
Gasps are heard around the room, his eyes falling onto Daniel as soon as you speak out those words.
Merritt squints his eyes at him. “You fired her?”
“Dude, she literally crawled out of a tiny box!” Jack points at the empty box behind you, confused and in complete disbelief. “She must have been awesome!”
“What?” Henley crosses her arms over her chest, an annoyed look spread onto her features. “She wasn’t pretty enough for you?”
“Um...” Daniel scratches the back of his head, his mouth opening and closing a few times. “Not exactly...”
“He said ‘I didn’t look like an assistant’.” You emphase your words by mimicking air quotes with your fingers, your eyes glaring at the brown-haired man. “Thought it’d be better if I stopped the contortionist act and wore more sexy outfits.”
“Okay...” He gives out a hard smile, frustration spreading on his face. “I did not say it like that.”
Henley scoffs. “Yeah, right. It was probably worse.”
“Oh, will you stop?” Daniel gives everyone an annoyed look. “She was creeping out the customers. If she had listened to me, I wouldn’t have need to fire her!”
“Yeah, keep saying that...” You make a point to walk past him so you can get to the kitchen, your eyes looking him up and down with a disgusted look on your face. “I’m sure it helps you sleep at night.”
His hard smile widens. “As a matter of fact, I sleep very well. Thank you for asking.”
You silently mock him as he speaks, making a stupid face as you do so. That’s enough to bring a snort out of Merritt while both Jack and Henley smirks, leaving Daniel with a frustrated look.
“Are you... are you seriously mocking me right now?” He squints his eyes at you, finding this situation unbelievable. “We’re not five, (Y/N)!”
“Yet you act like you are.” You open the mini-fridge to take a look inside, your hand reaching to pick a water bottle. “You’d better grow if we’re gonna be partners again... unless you wanna fire me again. Oh, wait!” You turn your head at him, a hard grin on your face. “You can’t.”
Daniel groans as he hears his partners snicker behind his back, a flush of embarrassment taking over his cheeks. “Are you gonna be like this the entire time?”
“You mean if I’m gonna enjoy making you miserable?” You walk past him a second time, sending him a wink on your way over to your new partners. “Why, yes, I will.”
“Oh, I love you already.” Henley intertwines her arm with yours, already leading you to one of the other rooms. “Now, please tell me every douchebag thing Daniel as done.”
“Hey!” Daniel screams out that word just as you two disappear, his eyes filled with an unreadable expression. “Hey, I forbid you two to talk about me!”
“Man...” Jack snorts, his arms crossed over his chest as he grins at Daniel. “You’ve really got a bad streaks with girls, don’t you?”
Daniel glares at him. “Save it.”
“Ooh.” Merritt wiggles his eyebrows, sharing a teasing grin with Jack. “The man’s sensitive.”
“Oh, shut up.” Daniel grumbles out those words as he walks towards the room’s exit, no longer wanting to stay around any of them. “I’m going to the bar. Don’t wait for me.”
His teammates laugh at his reaction just as he walks out, the noise still being heard through the door.
The worse thing: seeing you again only brought his guilt back.
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