#henren my beloveds
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911 + Text Posts pt304/?
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tevanactually · 2 months
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rosetterer · 26 days
the thing with gerrard is gonna go 2 ways: one, tommy shields buck, slowly moves in front of buck if gerrard is close and/or tries to keep gerrard away. or two, buck is protective of tommy, cause they have opened up to each other at some point since they started dating, and buck hates gerrard and will do anything to make sure tommy feels safe. either way at we get a ‘thank you for taking care of me’ kiss and we win!
also if gerrard does end up being the interim captain, for whatever reasons, while bobby is recovering, i hope karen drops by and kisses hen every lunch/dinner. and that tommy drops by and gerrard keeps finding buck and tommy making out in various area of the firehouse. oh and that chim and eddie speak in korean and spanish a lot!
whether it's buck being protective of tommy or tommy being protective of buck (or the best case scenario: both), if this happens, we will have won :) It'd be so sweet.
I hope all the queers in 118 just make out in front of that captain until he has a heart attack
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captain-hen · 1 month
the cardinal rule of the 911 core couples is that they must engage in Shenanigans together and be Silly together...otherwise they're not meant to last. it's a law actually. sorry.
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queerweewoo · 9 days
as somebody who had a fucked-up childhood, as somebody who had absent parents, as somebody who has experienced multiple traumas, as somebody who survived a fire, as somebody who lost someone and is still trying to deal with that loss, as somebody who lost someone and wanted someone to blame, as somebody who grew up in the welfare system, as somebody whose parents fucked up big time, as somebody whose own teenage child pulled away from them, as somebody who has made huge mistakes, as somebody who is fully grown yet still very much figuring themselves out, as somebody queer who only actually fully came out later in life, as somebody with an alive father who craves a father figure in their life, as somebody with daddy issues, as somebody who just wants to have fun with someone lovely, as somebody who dreams of having a partner in life who really truly sees them, as somebody who knows there are so many others out there just like them, as somebody who feels and feels and feels and feels—oh man 9-1-1 s7e10 all fall down sure was An Episode.
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feral-peacock · 2 months
Columbus Day means nothing to me and I get it off every year. Tonight is the 100th episode of 911 and I have to work both today and tomorrow??? That just doesn't sit right with me.
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butchdiaz · 2 months
henren baby henren baby henren baby henren baby !!!!!!!!
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noticethings · 12 days
one fam down Diaz and Wilson to go. Let's fix everything fuck this
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moonlightperseus · 1 month
okay like i want to preface that i do not have anything against the storylines that they are doing, i’m straight vibing with this season, having fun. i just want to say it’s a little frustrating to me that 911 keeps tacking on these buck and/or eddie centric “surprise” scenes at the end of an episode because then it becomes the big talking point of the episode after the fact and a lot of the other stuff that happened in it falls away to the sides a bit
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ikpwecanfly · 2 months
YES encourage the adoption of Old we kids. You go henren
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subtlehaz · 1 month
what if Eddie is just rolling up to the jewelry store bc he needs his St. Christopher medallion fixed/ cleaned or he’s buying something for abuela and just happens to spot engagement rings and we get panic attack 2.0 and when he’s out of it he sees Shannon’s ghost?
anyway we’re getting single eddie gay eddie end of s7 trust
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tevanactually · 29 days
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mangacat201 · 1 year
Hahahahahahaha. And here we go again, clowning for another year! LOL.
Is it weird that what I’m maddest about at the episode was that they hit EVERY.SINGLE.HOLLYWOOD.CLICHE on the birth scene and then had the gal to give Buck that line about how he’s a professional.
HOT WATER AND TOWELS BOY? (And not even boiled water too, I mean wtf, LOLOL)
(and I am also looking at you Howard Han, but I’m leaving that down to general befuddlement because an ambulance just fell on you)
Anyway. I can’t believe this is the moment they finally got me with the sperm donor storyline. Because to me, it’s not about Buck not getting the family he so badly wants anymore (look right next to you, buddie, I beg of you, but I digress) or choosing a healthy place for himself to keep the kid in his mind (dad vis a vis donor) - I finally understood the assignment.
Buck has had to face the fact that he was chosen to be made, not to be loved, but for a purpose. A purpose that he couldn’t fullfil through no fault of his own, but that has haunted his life forever before he even knew why.
Now he CHOSE a son to be MADE for LOVE.
That’s it.
That’s what it was all about it. It doesn’t matter that he had to give him up (and he’ll get to be in his life for sure one way or the other, so I’m not actually worried about that anymore). The legacy he’s leaving to that little boy that is part of him is getting to grow up being loved the way Buck should have and deserved to grow up being loved.
And now he can let go of that trauma.
He doesn’t have to be anything for anybody.
He can go figure out who he is now without that expectation. He got to say goodbye to the spectre of Daniel and he got to say goodbye to the couch that was chosen for him. And yes, even though he’s still stumbling into a relationship again without really being ready (in the sense that he still hasn’t figured out how he feels about his death) at least he’s actively asking for help choosing for himself. And hell, maybe that’s not too bad a thing. Cause that’s what Natalia does right? Helps people choose how to live their life purposefully and meaningfully and offer companionship along the way. (And maybe she learned something too of the experience?) So Buck can grow a little more, gain the confidence to figure out what it actually is that he wants and then ask for it. CHOOSE life.
Maybe Eddie actually choosing to do the dating thing, to LEARN how to do it, properly, in a way that doesn’t put pressure on him, that’s just figuring out, is a good thing too?
People, hell the show itself, has been talking about how he’s had to mature too fast. Grow up skipping past a lot of milestones, hell his OWN SON is roasting him for his game like a peer instead of an adult. Maybe Eddie has to take that step first to play, to experiment, to just be - in order to also figure out what he wants. When you first start dating things are very serious (Shannon), sometimes you mess up because you haven’t figured yourself out yet (Ana), then you just try to find your footing and have fun with each other and learn (I can see that happening with Marisol) and when you’ve learned your lessons, made your mistakes, had your fun... you’ve matured enough to find what you’ve been making for a long, long time (Buck).
So yeah... typing up all this stream of consciousness I seem to have talked myself out of being mad at were our boys ended up? Funny how that goes.
And yes, this had the feel of a possible series finale that they pulled up very well and that tied up a lot of things (I’m looking at you beautiful beautiful people, Bathena, getting your cruise, dreadful hawaii print and all, and Madney continuing to build the life they choose, growing healthy together which is so fun to watch and Henren finally with a dream they’d all but given up in reach) - but a show does only keep our attention if it leaves its characters some road to go (room to grow or rope to hang themselves, your pick, lol). So since we are actually getting another shot to see them back, I am hopeful now.
So... tldr, I actually want to thank the fandom community here, all the smart, witty, compassionate people digging for the deeper meaning way past what the writers probably intended or even knew was there themselves. Y’all spread your takes and I know whenever I’ve finished watching I’ll go here and find something to explain to me why I shouldn’t be mad about stuff or how I missed that hidden parallel or how someone agrees with my view and I always come away in awe of all the thoughtfulness that goes into all of it.
My little pocket friends, we live to clown another day, here’s to a summer of meta, fix it fic, season 7 spec - this has been my first season in real time, it was an honor and a privilege.
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buck2eddie · 5 months
rewatching "tomorrow" and god this episode gets me everytime 🥹🫶
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all--and--more · 1 year
I would give this episode A HUNDRED stars if I could. SOOOOOO GOOOOD
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feral-peacock · 2 years
@ 911 writers you've opened the Pandora's box of using mother fucking ship names in episode titles. I now fully expect a Madney Begins Again. And a Buddie Begins. Maybe a Bathena Begins Again after something big or better yet just a Bathena Begins flashbacking to the time skip before season 2 idk. All I'm saying is you better not have started something you don't intend to finish.
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