#her REAL issue with seph is she can't help looking at him and seeing what she would have become
beastenraged · 10 months
Seraphim (that six winged thing)
(@hallowed-nebulae, first bit of the chapter I'm working on!!!)
I flex my hands. My bones, my knuckles, feel ready to pop out of place.
Weird, because what I did in that fight against the other 'me' earlier wasn't anything too energy intensive. Physically or magically.
Maybe it's just a response to this...place. This Mirage Arena that somehow feels different from the one I fought in before. It's as crazy and as full as that one, but different.
Someone else rules here. I don't know how I know that, only that I do. That something rumbles in my chest in response to that knowing.
"What'd you think?" I whisper to Xehanort.
He blinks slowly, like a cat. He is so much like a cat, it's never not funny.
"You fought well."
Okay, not what I meant. But I'll take it. I wave Xion over, and try for Kairi too.
"Hey, wanna come over?"
The two shake their heads. "After we're done talking," Xion clarifies.
Oh, they're talking? I wonder about what.
But more importantly, Ven is throwing himself at a tall man with long silver hair. A man that I remember as cameoing in so many games past his original source. Like Smash. So much Smash.
(I liked playing Cloud more. In Smash.)
It's...interesting. That Ven knows a Sephiroth. I don't know know personally, but I...
I watch him, carefully. Seeing those green eyes that have wild animal slits. I know all too well what he very often represents. It's not really about the world-destroying stuff, here.
Because if this Sephiroth was a Jenova-crazy, he wouldn't be here. Interacting peacefully with Ven, treating them like a child of his. Being kind to this world's Xehanort in turn as well.
No, but he's like me, isn't he? Made to be a soldier.
(Made to kill.)
But unlike me, he's a lot better at it. He has to be, to be full-grown here, looking like he does, having that super human strength to carry two very different individuals.
I lick at my back of my teeth. They're buzzing. Everything about me is buzzing.
I don't...like him. Hm. I don't like him, I decide. There's something off about him, alongside the really good at murdering bit.
(Maybe it's because you can't eat him?)
(Look at him! That green he carries is poison to you!)
Shut up, weird thoughts. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
"-is going on?"
Oh. My hands are over my ears.
"Just...noisy. Here." I explain. Gesture to the area.
Xehanort nods. He gets it.
Why is it that my enemy seems to understand me better than everyone else?
(I miss Namine.)
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