#her loyal mutt muse
comm-caribou · 2 years
Chapter Twelve: The Lost get Found:
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none (let me know if I missed any!)
The gunship lowered enough for him to launch the AT-RT out the back. He drove forward, letting the walker run a few paces as to not eat the ground like he had done in the past.
There was so much chatter in his ear from the Commander and his posse. Safe on the ground, he switched to holocomm, seeing them all practically fighting over themselves to talk.
“When you find her,” Cooper explained, “contact us immediately.”
“Don’t move her if she’s hurt!” Boomerang scolded, “you could cause more damage!”
“He knows that,” Mirage said quietly.
“Just making sure,” Boomerang fretted.
“There’s a lot of unusual wildlife out there,” Cooper continued with the briefing, “you and your squad need to be careful.”
Three more AT-RT joined him, sitting patiently waiting for his okay to move.
“Tracks sent you the coordinates of the area we were,” Coyote said, “best you comb through that there. We also sent Hound the last known location from her now unresponsive comm.”
“Commander, you have anything to add?” Cooper asked him.
As if woken from a trance, Hardwire turned to the holo-comm, and said, “please, just find her, Sergeant.”
“Yes, sir,” he responded, closing the call.
Juliette Trix had been their General for close to three months now. She was their longest running General, and he never met her.
He caught glimpses of her when she first arrived in full armor, but never got the chance to say a word to her before Hound was hurt. Then, they’ve been gone for long while helping Hound with his recovery, and she’s been nowhere since they returned.
“Ready, Digger?” Calico asked.
Digger turned to them, smiling under his ARF issued helmet, “ready as I’ll ever be.”
“My jet pack. How could I forget my jet pack?”
As she grumbled to herself, Juliette dragged herself from the indent in the ground where she landed. If it weren’t for her armor, she was certain she’d be dead instead of with a sore, possibly broken leg.
She lost her comm in the fall, and wished she knew where it was so she could call someone.
“Maybe they’ll send Fury,” she said to herself, “good, sweet reliable Fury would come for me. Or Shadow, he’s pretty loyal too. Maybe, Coyote? Definitely, Cosmos. All my precious pilots would come for me. I bet they’re flying around now.”
She put her head down, taking a labored breath.
“I wish someone else was here to talk to.”
Mutt hopped off the back of Hound’s walker, kneeling down to the ground.
“What’s that?” Hound lowered the transport down.
Mutt picked up a mess of metal and wire, “broken communicator. Has a heart etched on the back.”
“That’s her,” Calico chuckled.
“You say that like it’s so obvious,” Zombie remarked.
“Do none of you watch her?” Calico scoffed. “I find her quite entertaining.”
Digger sighed, “and you say that like she’s a side attraction.”
“Aren’t we all?” Calico mused, “I imagine when this war ends, because we don’t have any rights and are considered property, they’ll put us in a zoo.”
Digger rolled his eyes, “can you boys focus?”
“A zoo?” Hound asked Calico.
“Or a museum,” Zombie proposed. “They’ll display our dead bodies and all sorts of war junk for civvies to gawk at!”
“We also could be auctioned off,” Mutt laughed, “for the cheap price of one trillion credits, bring home a clone trooper today.”
They all laughed, except Digger.
He clapped his hands, “cut the morbid jokes. We got to find the General.”
“Sir, yes sir,” they all straightened up.
Mutt climbed back on the back of Hound’s AT-RT.
“You know,” Hound began again, “I hear she’s rich.”
“Hound.” Digger warned.
“I’m just wondering,” Hound said, “do you think she’d buy us? Like clones? If we were up for sale, would she?”
“She’d definitely buy Cosmos,” Calico snickered.
“Maybe just her pilots and a few other friends,” Mutt mused. “Probably not us.”
Digger scanned the ground, “you boys stupid?”
“Rude,” Zombie retorted.
“No, seriously,” Digger continued, “this is the same girl who tracked a trooper across Coruscant to save his life based on a rumor she heard from some gossiping Corries. She wouldn’t have to spend any of her credits because she’d just break us all free.”
He stopped, looking to the ground at something shiny. He lowered his walker, getting off as he got closer.
“What’d you find?” Zombie asked.
Digger picked up a purple stone wrapped in wire, attached to a silver chain. It was in a hole in the ground, the size of a person.
“Calico, you notice everything,” Digger turned to his second in command, “did the General wear a lepidolite necklace?”
“Yup.” Calico nodded, “she’s always fiddling with the thing.”
Digger looked around, “fan out, she’s close.”
Her hand frantically pat her chest and around her neck.
My necklace! Where’s my necklace?
She felt a tightness in her throat, and tears welling up as she looked for her necklace. With it gone, she now had nothing but memories of Fang, and they were slowly fading away.
A sob escaped her, as she lowered her head crying.
“Sweetheart, why are you crying?” Fang lowered down beside her, turning her face to him.
She felt silly for crying, but still.
“It’s my buir’s birthday,” she wiped her eyes.
Fang brushed her cheek, “I’m sorry, what can I do for you?”
She thought for a moment, “can we go make a cake?”
“I’m not that good at baking,” he smiled bashfully, “but I’ll try.”
He gently dabbed under her eyes, and kissed away any remaining tears.
Mutt and Hound went off together, Digger sent Zombie with Calico, and he went off on his own, holding onto the purple stoned necklace.
“Lepidolite,” he chucked, “a lilac colored stone located on more tropical, warmer planets. Technically a mineral.”
“Thank you for the lovely facts,” Hound said into the comm.
“Pop quiz,” Digger scanned the area, “what are its healing properties?”
“Digger, you’re such a nerd,” Mutt teased.
“Wait, wait!” Zombie exclaimed, “I know this one!”
“Tell us,” Calico hummed.
“It’s on the tip of my tongue,” Zombie continued. “Something balance. It’s the balance of… of…”
“Careful, Zombie,” Mutt laughed, “your brain is starting to smoke.”
“Shush your mouth!” Zombie laughed, “I give up.”
“Emotional balance,” Digger smiled, “it helps with emotional balance.”
After a second, Zombie said, “I knew that.”
“Did you?” Calico teased, “did you really?”
“Wait, something’s moving,” Hound cut in. “We’re checking it out.”
Digger paused, looking back down at the necklace.
I wonder who gave it to her? It looks handmade.
He brought it closer to his visor, admiring the shades and colors.
What an interesting little General we have.
His eye got drawn past the stone, to a shimmer of gray in the middle of a field.
“Found her.” Digger turned his AT-RT, “head to my position.”
“Copy that,” Calico quipped.
She lost track of how long it’s been since she fell, and the pain just lingered now.
Hope was dwindling as no gunships flew by.
They’d be looking for General number seven soon, and I’ll be just a memory.
She looked to the stars, thinking of the mural her troops painted. A memorial for their fallen, but it was presented to her like a gift.
Please put my star up. I want to stay with my new family.
Heavy foot steps approached her.
She tiredly turned her head, buir?
Machinery hummed and groaned, then lighter footsteps came closer.
Above her, white armor stood over her.
Fang? It can’t be…
She felt too tired to speak. All she could manage was reaching her hand up to them. Her eyelids felt just as heavy as her limbs, fighting to close on her and pull her into darkness.
They knelt down, taking her hand in their’s as she blacked out.
“Hello, Angel.”
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Like/Reblog for a starter with Oliver aka “2298”
The third oldest out of a wolf demon pack, meant to be a possible heir to the legacy before he turned out to be the runt and weakest of the family. After being constantly put down and berated by others in the pack and his own family, he had finally snapped and killed his family and various others in his pack before being detained. He spent a few years in prison before he had been broken out by Lamia who took him in as her loyal guard dog. While he has some free reign to go place to place, he still must return back to her every time she calls and he still goes so willingly to show his loyalty and love for her.
Full bio found here
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lockawayknight · 3 years
@yellowfingcr sent 💀 to walk in on my muse killing someone [accepting!!]
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“Oh! Heysel, ‘ello!”
It’s been mere milliseconds after spotting the scholar wading through the crystal clear waters of the Crucifixion Woods’ threshold, but Creighton’s inner puppy is already wagging its tail at the sight of his friend — yes, his very bloodthirsty, very flesh-starved puppy, meat and bone dripping from its smiling maw. Exactly the mutt Heysel tends to treat the most. Oh, and its entire self is wiggling at her arrival.
The knight’s current victim has already been bloodletted, staining the waters crimson around his ankles — quite a stark contrast in morality to the friendly wave he gives his fellow Finger as she approaches. He may be a mass murderer, after all, but he’s also still a loyal knight. And Heysel is one of his most sacred lieges. His motions are excited — near-erratic. He sways from side to side.
Smiling from beneath his mask, Creighton lifts his victim by the collar of their gambeson tunic to show his comrade, the gory display seemingly saying, Check it out! “Think I get why y’like huntin’ ‘round ‘ere,” he says. “The prey’s aplenty.” Like two cheery coworkers having a casual convo around a workplace water basin. “Hey, y’wanna do the honours with this one?” He offers her the carving knife he had intended to use cut out his victim’s tongue, blade first.
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iamdunn · 3 years
FoxFire Re-ignited Day 1 Fushimi Inari Shrine
Tomoe Meets Nekotsune
A Kamisama Kiss Fan-Fic
Written by
AJ Dunn
Tomoe mused himself as he relaxed in the palanquin Onikiri & Kotetsu prepared specially for this human convention. One of the few times he could present himself in his fox demon form without scaring the sensitive humans. He smirked as he sipped sake from his eternal cup. He never would have considered such festivals had that wretched human girl not tamed the fire within him dragging him to such horrendous things. Nanami was gone now and Tomoe was free to be feral once again. 
Humans scampering about in costumes depicting the ancient demons and spirits now thought to be a mere myth if only they knew that many among them were in fact real demons, oh how they would scream. The thought boiled in his veins. Many came by his palanquin for photo ops and he managed to ruin every picture with a ball of foxfire, unbeknownst to them of course. 
“Master Tomoe, you should walk around.” Onikiri prodded him. He waved an annoyed at her as if to swat the will of the wisp away from him. 
“Master you are missing all of the fun.” Kotetsu chirped. 
“It hasn’t been fun since she was robbed from me.” Tomoe snapped. “Nanami would have enjoyed this, but I will spend the rest of eternity alone now.” He sipped his sake feeling less satiated by it as time drew on. He stood up as another group of fans came to get selfies with the less than obliged fox demon. He leaped with grace from the palanquin over the heads of the group forming in front of him. 
“I suppose I shall amuse myself with their feeble attempts to copy my likeness,” Tomoe said as he strode into the thicket of humans in yokai costumes. This cosplay convention had begun as a feeble attempt to draw American tourists to Japan. Kyoto was the perfect setting for this as the Sojobo on Mount Kurama would have approved. Kurama himself dawned his “Fallen Angel” ensemble to perform for the masses, while he loved all of the attention he got from the girls, he never forgave Tomoe for failing to protect Nanami. The stupid mortal girl was a danger to herself from the beginning he wouldn’t have to be held responsible for her weakness. The crowd was thick with variations of the demon costumes from Tengu, to Inugami, but what haunted Tomoe most was the many interpretations of Kitsune, the fox demon. The nine-tailed fox spirit had been popular for many years but has constantly changed into this meek cowardly loyal dog. He scoffed. If they want a mutt then they should dress as the inugami instead. Sea Dragons, are they serious. The thought. 
“What a purrfect foxfire kimono you have on.” Tomoe heard the voice swirl behind him as he spun to see dared speak to him let alone touch his garment. “Mmmm It looks paw sitively amazing on you… it’s a shame.” Tomoe drew back unable to speak. The audacity of this wannabe prancing about with nine fake white tails adored to her back, her red and orange flamed kimono, and metallic claws. However, what irked him more was the feline ears adorning the short spiky white hair and the feline half mask covering her mouth. Though the craftsmanship and the realistic fangs impressed him, what sort of demon costume was this?”
“How dare you address me.” Tomeo lept back as the girl reached a clawed hand toward his face. 
“It is such a shame. That kimono would look so much better on my bedroom floor.” She spun away from him and slipped through the crowd before he could respond. Heat welled up in him as her words fell upon him weighted with such inclination.  Had her words invoked such a temper in his skin, having not felt the embrace of a woman since dear Nanami fell victim to that hateful creature.
His feet moved forward propelled by some unknown force to follow this creature who had enticed him so. Finding her wasn’t hard as the flaming Kimono was the most unique garment in the entire hall. Her feline presence drove his sensibilities into flames he had to know more. He reached a hand out laying it on her shoulder. Her head turned ever so slight gazing upon the clawed hand. Her eyes shifted up to meet his without fully turning to face him.
“Yours is the most inaccurate of all the costumes here.” He said harshly. “You look more like a feline than a fox demon.” 
“But of course I do,” She smirked at him. “I didn’t come here to be a copy CAT,” her smirked became a grin as she turned to face him. She threw her right arm into the air before offering a bow before him. “I am Nekotsune. The Flaming Feline Cat Spirit, at your service.” Her gleeful tone threw him back again as he watched her elaborate introduction. He smirked at her as her eyes met his again. Suddenly, as if looking into a mirror he saw it. There was something behind her mask, something her eyes spoke that belied the joy in her voice. His heart throttled in his chest as she gazed into her hazel green eyes. Despair that mimicked his own. How can she smile with her eyes while carrying a pain that made tears well up in his eyes? 
Suddenly loud rock music began to play and Tomoe recognized the hateful voice as Kurama began to sing. The girl reached up to her ears in pain her head cowering below her shoulders as she turned and ran through the crowd. Tomoe tried to catch up to her, but she was gone. He felt an emptiness he hadn’t felt since the day Nanami had been murdered. Torn from her as if a piece of his own soul had been sheared from his very being. Tomoe forced his way through the crowd until he was left standing alone in the darkest parts of the hall. He looked back and forth unsure as to where she had gone. He heard the click of a door closing on its own. He turned to his right and followed the sound. 
“Master Tomoe, Master Tomoe?” Onikiri and Kotetsu flew through the sky nearly crashing into him. 
“Out of my way,” Tomoe yelled as he ran past them. He ran through the double doors into an empty hallway. There was no sign of her. 
“Master Tomoe.” Kotetsu finally caught up with him again. He was carrying a piece of paper. “She dropped this.” 
“Who did?” Tomoe collected himself and stole himself back to his palanquin as if nothing had happened. His heart fluttering as his mind washed over her face again in his mind. 
“The woman you were talking to,” Onikiri said handing him the paper.
“YOU WERE SPYING ON ME?” Tomoe fumed as foxfire welled up around him as he sat in his palanquin. He was about to stand up before Onikiri dropped the paper. He starred at it as it lay on the floor of the palanquin. It appeared to be a map of Fushimi Inara Taisha, the Shinto Shrine. There was a handwritten note in the top right corner. DAY 1. It was dated for tomorrow. He snubbed his nose into the air then took another sip of his sake before tossing a ball of foxfire at the note. Onikiro snatched it before the fire caught it, stuffing it into her shirt so Tomoe wouldn’t know it had been rescued. 
Despite the pain in her legs and feet, AJ rose from the bed and hobbled to the bathroom to wash up. She had only been in Japan for two nights now, the first day she pretty much slept off the fatigue that came with traveling from her home in Oregon to Tokyo Japan then taking the jet train to Kyoto. An itinerary that took her 7 years to instigate. Her condition worsened day by day and she knew that if she didn’t fulfill her own death wish, she’d never rest easy in the afterlife. Seeing the shrines of Kyoto had been her dream, her mount Everest of goals knowing that she had been losing her ability to walk since she was 9. Charcot Marie Tooth disease wasn’t a forgiving neuromuscular condition, and it wasn’t alone. Her body, 40 years old, is now plagued with numerous conditions that robbed her of her ability to even breathe without choking, walking without stumbling, even laughing. Her muscles weakened day by down, now the migraines were a plague she couldn’t shake even with prescriptions medications. Last night’s adventure to the cosplay convention was a tempting distraction from her itinerary. Being able to dress up in yokai cosplay was fascinating and she didn’t want to offend the people of Japan by misrepresenting their folklores, so she invented something entirely her own. She would be documenting her anonymously for her online support group. She hadn’t expected to meet such an attractive fox demon fan. Everything about him attracted her. His eyes, his blue foxfire kimono, even his voice. He was the most authentic-looking creature she had ever seen. He even haunted her dreams. 
She slapped her face as her mind wandered again to the statement she had made about his kimono looking better on her bedroom floor. She wasn’t quite herself when she was behind the mask, or maybe that was more her than she had ever been. It was freeing to be able to talk so openly. She had never been able to talk to a stranger with such disregard for embarrassment or rejection. She finished bathing then pulled on her AFO’s. The hard plastic braces supported her feet and ankles but heated her calves. She had to wear knee-high socks underneath to prevent rashes and irritations. They were the most uncomfortable piece to her ensemble. She slipped on her kimono and tied the OBI, which wasn’t as easy anymore as it had been when she first made it. Then once her hair was spiked to perfection she clipped her feline ears into place then pulled the half-mask over her mouth. She inspected herself in the mirror. Luckily her Kimono was long enough to hide the braces on her legs, she didn’t want anyone to notice. Unsure of how she would be received. Since she was a teenager anyone who found out about her condition either treated her like a contagion to be avoided or as a liability to be denied participation. 
She opened her notebook to the second page. DAY 2 was written in the upper corner. Shock fell on her as she realized her DAY 1 map was gone. She flipped to the first page, it had the full map of Kyoto shrines on it outlining the shrines in order from the Fushimi Shrine to the Kifune shrine. Each day she would visit and explore a new shrine, indulge in the cultural festivities, all the while video blogging it. Today she was meant to tour the Fushimi shrine but the map of it was gone. No matter, she would buy one at the visitor booth when she got there. 
She had barely entered the shrine when she began to feel chills rising up in her spine. Chills like last night when he came up behind her. His scent was sweet and alluring like honey cakes & sake. She shuddered, forcing away the image of his eyes peering into her, the thoughts of him haunting and distracted her from her mission. She turned on her camera, a tiny thing mounted invisibly on the bell collar she wore around her neck. 
The thousand Torii gates led up the mountain. This tour would take all day, for her. 2-3 hours just to hike up and back at a regular pace, for someone without restrictions, however, she planned to lunch at one of the many restaurants there. Kitsune Udon was her choice for lunch and maybe some tea. 
The wind blew as she began the hike. She had been studying the map as she held it tight with both hands. This was never a good idea and she soon realized as the toe of her shoe caught something heaving her forward face first into… nothing. Did she stop falling buy why? It took her a minute to realize that there was an arm around her waist coming from someone standing directly behind her. She was pulled back so suddenly, her back landing firmly against a tall pillar, a person. Glancing over her shoulder she could see the man who held her. His short dark hair was tousled as if windblown. His face was stern with a bit of stubble. His eyes looked familiar to her, as did the smell of sake, but nothing else about him seemed familiar. 
“Watch where you are going.” He said firmly before releasing her. She nearly stumbled forward at the sudden separation from him. She felt cold and distant in his departure as he walked past her entering the trail leading up the mountain. She stuffed the map into her notebook then tucked it into her belt and began walking up the trail. His pace was quite a bit faster than hers and she soon lost sight of him. It didn’t take her long before the fatigue in her legs began to burn through her whole body. She forced a few more steps before she simply couldn’t take another. She found a bench slightly off the trail and sat down. Looking out over the path she had just come. She lasted longer than she expected. The burning in her legs became a tingling sensation as if the burning was stripping the sensation from her legs leaving them numb from the hips down. She groaned as the feeling slowly began to return to her legs. 
“You’re not even halfway there, are you giving up so soon?” a voice came gruffly from behind her. “How weak.” Anger fumed up in her as she could hear the unspoken words, the words her mother would have said if she were still alive. ‘You can’t do it so give up now.”
“MMM, rushing such an adventure would be Catastrophic.” She quipped, she loved her cat puns. She heard him scoff behind her but he didn’t leave. 
“Why are you here?” He stepped closer to the bench staying behind her. “Dressed like that.” 
“Do you find it offensive?” She asked smirking under her mask. 
“What? NO.” He nearly shouted. “It’s just, unusual for someone especially a foreigner to be dressed like that.” 
“How do you know I am a foreigner, is my Japanese not purrfect?” she stood up. She turned but he was gone. She made her way back to the path and continued the climb. It wasn’t long before the fatigue came back to her legs. She could smell the savory scents filling the air, she must be getting closer to the restaurants. She could almost taste the Udon. She found the line quite long and stood there. As desperate as her legs pleaded for her to sit she didn’t want to lose her place in line and willed herself to stand her ground. Her knees began to wobble and lip as she fought hard to remain standing. The burning was now giving way to the familiar sensation of tingles and soon numbness would take over. She sighed, she knew it was too late, she wouldn’t be able to move her legs to walk to a bench. Her knees were gone now as she felt her body slip to the ground. She threw her hands out in front of her trying to catch herself but she stopped. Once again, an arm and a familiar scent surrounded her. 
“Pathetic.” the voice once again from behind her. This time as he pulled her against his body he held her firmly as the feeling began to return to her legs. It was only a few minutes, but it felt like a lifetime as her heart pounded heavily in her chest. ‘Had she forgotten to take her heart medication again?’ Soon she could feel her legs again and attempted to step forward letting him know she was okay. 
“Thank you.” She whispered
“Shut up.” his voice was quiet with a feigned harshness. She glanced over her shoulder and saw him looking away. “Keep moving your holding up the line.” She giggled then stepped forward. 
“Kitsune Udon and Oolong tea please.” She asked once she reached the head of the line. She lifted the side of her kimono slightly to reach the thigh pocket of her leggings. She thought it was the safest place to put her wallet. 
“Make that two.” the voice from behind her came as a hand reached over her shoulder to offer the money to the cashier. They handed him a plastic paddle with a number on it. She looked up in surprise but before she could object, his arm was around her shoulders pulling her to the closest empty table. He sat in front of her but didn’t look at her. 
“Why are you doing this?” He asked without looking at her.
“Doing what?”
“Stop talking your voice is annoying.” he gruffed tossing a glance at her without turning his head towards her. 
“If it’s so annoying, why do you keep asking me dumb questions?”
“They’re not dumb questions, your just dumb.” he shot her an angry look his hand flat on the table. “It’s clear you can barely stand let alone walk and here you are hiking a trail.” She laughed at him. His angry expression softened. 
“I’m doing it for a fundraiser.” She smiled. The waiter brought out a tray with two large bowls, two teacups, and a kettle of tea, they set the bowls and cups down then poured tea into each cup. His face relaxed as he sat back. His face appeared disinterested but his eyes remained on her. He couldn’t stop looking at her, watching her, wondering what would possess a person to put their bodies through so much pain and agony. 
“What fundraiser?” he folded his arms over his chest as she poured sugar into her teacup. “Aren’t you going to take off that ridiculous mask?” She reached up to her ears and released the mask lowering it to her lap then she began to sip the broth of her Udon. His heart thudded for a moment as he stared at her lips. Her face was unmasked by makeup. Her cherry pink lips were bare of any lipstick or gloss but something remarkable, something… he shook it out of his head. 
“Each day, I will visit one of the many shrines of Kyoto, documenting my adventure.” She tapped the bell on her collar. “And each day I post the said video on my vlog, and my viewers pledge money to the CMTA Research Center.” Anger filled up his demeanor and he hunched forward his hands back on the table.
“You’re filming me? NOW?” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll edit out all of these encounters with you, as I block out the faces of the strangers that I pass.” She said slurping up the noodles with a fork. He watched her hands and she fumbled with the fork. It was clear she wouldn’t be able to use chopsticks as her hands could barely hold the fork. He settled back into his seat shifting his face to look away from her. He reached out to his cup to sip from it not moving on his bowl of Udon. 
“What is CMTA.” He asked quietly?”
“I thought you wanted me to stop talking because my voice is annoying?” She watched him fume again.
“Just answer the question.” he huffed then began to spoon Udon broth into his mouth.
“Charcot Marie Tooth Association, it’s an organization devoted to helping people with CMT strive for a better life and a hope for a cure.” She said before eating more of her Udon. He glanced up at her not impressed with her short answer. 
“What is CMT?” 
“A condition of the peripheral nervous system and results in the deterioration of the nerve and muscle tissue throughout the body.” 
“Is that why you are so weak?” his blunt question was met with a laugh. 
“You could say it was the first stone on my grave.” she laughed again.
“So, you’re dying?” He felt a sharp pang in his chest, she laughed again. 
“We all are.” 
“Speak for yourself,” he announced. 
“Right, because your a fox demon?” she teased. 
“Yes, Wait, what makes you think that?” He said sharply. She pointed to her hair.
“You still have a bit of white from last night just there.” He hadn’t realized the color of his hair had begun changing back. It was too late to fix it, now if had she’d notice and realize he actually was a demon. “What’s your name?”
“Shut up and eat.” he picked up his chopsticks and began slurping up the noodles.  “Do you intend to keep going?”
“All the way to the end.” She said then returned to her food. 
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solastia · 5 years
Feels So Right  | 2
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Word Count: 1,493 (I know it’s pretty short, but I literally wrote this on my phone at work. The next chapter will be longer) 
Summary: Yoongi’s falling in love with his neighbor. She’s beautiful, talented, has the same sense of humor, great taste in music - and she’s married.
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, domestic violence(all from the male OC, not our main characters). Infidelity. Eventual smut.
Notes: Commissioned by @ehn-ee-elle
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Yoongi stared at the cast-covered right hand of his main guitarist, feeling a lovely blend of various emotions that ranged from shock to utter despair. He loved the guy, he really did, but at this moment he wanted to do nothing more than beat him with the nearest object available. 
“The track is due in two weeks. That thing stays on for how long?” Yoongi glared at the offending vibrant pink cast. Who over the age of twelve picks that color for a fucking cast? 
The guitarist shrugs sheepishly, “About six weeks. I’m sorry, man.” 
Yoongi sighs wearily as he runs a hand down his face. 
“I know, it’s not like you bashed it up on purpose. Just make sure you get your notes together for whoever I find to fill in for you.” 
Once he’s alone in his studio again, he drops his face onto his desk, groaning loudly. Sure, he was the best producer this company had - in his own humble opinion - but even he can acknowledge how impossible finding a guitarist with similar skill would be in two freaking weeks. 
But that’s a problem for tomorrow Yoongi. Today Yoongi is going home. 
He had just started putting the finishing touches on his dinner when the first notes of an acoustic guitar trickled through the thin walls. He held his breathe for a moment as he tried to make out what she was playing, since he could usually base her moods off of that. He snorts as he identifies the upbeat tones of Here comes the sun by the Beatles. She’s obviously in a good mood and her prick of a husband is probably “away on business” again. 
He’d become friends with Y/N during the past three months of her living here, at least as much friends as they could be when the only time he could interact with her was when they were walking their dogs or when her husband was away. He guessed the man was the type to get jealous really easily, probably due to knowing from personal experience just how easy it is to cheat. Not that Yoongi believed she ever would; if anything, she was too loyal. 
Still, they’d managed to maintain an odd sort of friendship after finding out how much they had in common. They had similar tastes in music (for the most part. He was still highly offended that she liked The Chainsmokers), a similar sense of humor, same taste in television...he could go on. There were times when his traitorous mind whispered words like soulmates in his head, but all he had to do was remember that shiny gold band on her finger to shut that shit down. 
Yoongi sighed went back to finishing up his stew. He had other things to worry about right now other than his idiotic crush on a married woman. He was just pulling out the side dishes he was going to have for dinner when she suddenly switched songs to something fast and complex. He wasn’t sure what it was but he thought he remembered hearing it on Pirates of the Caribbean. He grinned as he imagined her fingers flying on the strings, maybe sending him a little grin because she was damn good and she knew it.
Yoongi groaned aloud at his stupidity when he finally realized it, because he’d been freaking out all day about finding a guitarist when the answer was literally right next door. He quickly packed up his dinner, glad that he always made extra to take for lunch the next day. He packed it all up in a bag to lug next door and called for Holly. 
When he knocked on the door he didn’t have to wait long for the music to stop and for Potato to start barking at the door like the little asshole he was. His Holly would never. 
She opened the door and her expression quickly went from confused to happy, making Yoongi preen a bit on the inside that he was the one to cause that smile. 
“Yoongi and Mr. Holly! To what do I owe the pleasure? Was I being too loud?” 
“Nah, you know I don’t mind the music as long as it’s actually good,” Yoongi smirked as she giggled, then lifted up the bag in his hands. “I made a lot of dinner. Thought since you were alone today I’d save you from having to cook.” 
Her eyebrow quirked as she gestured for them to come in, Potato already running circles around Holly. 
“How’d you know it was an alone night?” 
“You played “Here comes the sun.” You always play an upbeat Beatles song when he’s out of town.” 
“Huh,” she mused, like the fact that her husband being out of town making her happy was news. Yoongi wished he could say something about what that meant without coming off like a nosy dick. 
“So what’d you make me?” She peers cutely over his shoulder as he pulls containers out and begins plating. 
“Galbi Jjim. Just don’t let the mutt know he’s eating his namesake when you’re sneaking his potato bits under the table.” 
“I would never,” she grins, turning to pull out silverware and glasses. 
“Your dog is not a fatass by mistake.” 
“Potato, cover your ears. You don’t need to hear this slander.” 
Yoongi snorts and brings to heaping bowls of stew to the table, purposely ignoring the giant wedding photo above it. He’d already inspected it a few too many times; his wayward imagination often envisioning himself next to the beaming beauty draped in ivory lace. 
He smiles softly as she enthusiastically eats the food he made, every now and then releasing a pleased moan that made his pants feel a little tight. 
“There’s dessert after this too. A walnut tart and some good coffee if you want.” 
She finishes chewing as her eyes narrow. “Wait. You mean the Saint Helena Coffee that I distinctly remember you saying you wouldn’t even let your own mother try? Min Yoongi, why do I get the feeling this is a bribe meal?” 
“Can’t I just make you a meal without wanting something?” 
“If this was just the meal I would have never suspected. But your $200 a bag coffee? Never. Spill.” 
Yoongi sighs and grins sheepishly. “Fine, you caught me. So...I’m a producer, as you know.” 
She quirks her eyebrow and waves to signal ‘go on you slow asshole.’ 
“My main guitarist messed up his wrist and is in a cast for six weeks. Problem is, we have a track that’s up for review in two weeks that isn’t anywhere near finished, thanks to my own perfectionism. I need a guitarist and you’re incredibly talented. Be forewarned that I’m kind of an asshole to work with, because everything has to be just right, but I would really owe you. Oh, and of course I’d pay you.” 
Her eyes were wide with shock as she listened, finally stuttering out,” I just play as a hobby, Yoongi. You literally make stuff for famous people.” 
“If that’s your only worry, I can tell you right now that your skill is on par with anyone else working with me. I’ve heard you play Jimi Hendrix effortlessly. A simple ballad is going to be no issue for you.” 
She sighs and sends him a grin as she shakes her head. “Do you have the sheet music?” 
Yoongi smirks triumphantly and jumps up to grab the notes from his bag. He hands them to her, watching anxiously as she looks them over. Finally, she nods and glances up at him. 
“Seems easy enough. When do you want me?” 
Yoongi sighs in relief. “Whenever you’re next available. Tomorrow would be ideal. We can see how it sounds in the studio and figure out if you need time to practice. If we’re lucky we’ll be able to record in one take, but knowing myself I wouldn’t count on it.”  
She nods, “I can do tomorrow. Should I bring my guitar, or use the one there?” 
“Yours is good. You should use an instrument you’re familiar with.” 
“Good. Now I believe you owe me expensive coffee.” 
Yoongi laughs as she tugs him into the kitchen. 
“That I do.” 
As they enjoy their dessert together, Y/N spends the time asking about the song and trying to get a feel for the emotions behind it so she would know how to play. Yoongi did his best, describing the sense of melancholy and wonderment behind the words without giving himself away. Words of adoration and every other emo emotion that Yoongi felt poured onto paper. 
Words about her.
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eldridgecandell · 4 years
Griffin: Does your muse have any priceless possessions?
“Duun,” Josiah spoke crisply, keeping his distance from the gore soaked form of Cheryl Duun, the stone axe in one hand still pulsing with Drust death magic and fury.  The inquisitor’s shoulders heaved with heavy breaths that soon were releasing into exhausted sobs as she lowered the axehead to the brick floor with a heavy clunk.  The blue light disappeared with her madness.
“Cheryl, are you alright?”  Josiah asked again as he now edged close to her, one pistol holstered while the other was reloaded in an involuntary motion of caution in the face of the unknown.  His hard gaze was shadowed by his glinting glasses in the low light of the sewer lair as he stopped a few from his colleague to gauge her control.  “Are you cool?”
A simple nod was all the woman could offer as she leaned on the axe to keep her feet, it was all Nubern needed as he turned his back on Cheryl.  She would need to collect herself and the the commander still needed to be verified.  A few quick quick short steps would close that distance once more between himself, the tidesage, and witch hunter.
“Is he alright?”  Josiah asked with that same crisp tone.
“Ask ‘im your self,” Sara replied with a slight smile to the pistolier and then down to the prone Candell.  Josiah crouched beside him and offered his hand to Eld, the older man’s hand coming to grasp and squeeze weakly.
“I’m not dead yet.”  Eld croaked as he looked up to the spectacled ranger.
“You got lucky.”  Josiah replied monotonically, but still offering a strong squeeze in return to his mentor.
Eld snorted and shakily reached up to his head to touch the mass of bandages and gauze that Sara had wrapped his scalp in.  “I’ve had worse.”
“You lie.”
“He doesn’t,” Cheryl cut in as she reached them, her face was wiped clean but still bits of the fallen dark one clung to her gear and hair.  “Should have seen him after the barrows.”
Eld sighed and squeezed again at Josiah’s hand, “Help me up.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,”  Sara started but sighed as Eld ignored her and swayed up to a sitting position between the foursome.  “But what do I know, I’m just carrying medicine and bandages.”
Cheryl smiled weakly to her friend and offered her own hand to help the sage up to her feet, grip firm and squeezing in thanks.  She knew it was a lot for Styrnlock to be here.  Sara would be grim a moment before letting a weary smile come to her face and nod to Duun before the three looked down to the sitting witch hunter.
“So, what now?  Do we head back up?”  Sara broke the awkward tension that befallen in the quite wake of the gruesome happenings.  Cheryl and Josiah looked to each other, unsure of how the rescue was supposed to really end.  
“We keep going,” Eld said from his place on the floor.
“What?”  Josiah spoke for once breaking his usual emotionless rhetoric with confusion and surprise.
Eld rested a hand on the black head of Bandit as he sat there, his hand ruffling the fur between his ears as the hound gave him a nuzzle with it’s large snout.  Color and vigor returned to the witch hunter as he used the dog to stand up again, his painful visage retreating with the presence of his loyal companion.  “We keep going.”
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All three companions looked confused and stunned, at the constitution of the older man as he stood up and at the sight of the black mutt of Candell’s.  Where did he come from?  Had it been there the whole time?  Why had it never been seen or noticed?  Why was he standing?
“Hey,” Eld’s sharp voice cut through the confusion of his younger companions, the black dog standing beside the witch hunter as a silent guard and support for the witch hunter.  “Gather your gear, she wasn’t the only one.”
“But, you, how?  Eld?”  Cheryl started as she stepped aside for the man and his dog as they stalked over to a bit of cloth on the ground.
“But what?”  Eld spoke over his shoulder as he slowly crouched down to pick up his tattered tabard, his fingers gently running over the wool and through the tears much like Nimueh had.  Behind him the hound turned to stare back at Cheryl with it’s off putting and otherworldly black eyes.  Depth-less, vast, and dangerous as the massive dog stood protectively between his master and the three shooting them a look of warning.
Cheryl shook her head, her memories clouded and hazy as the dog locked eyes with her.  Bandit had been there.  He had held off the other children of Nimueh, he was just late.  Late but not forgotten.  Right?  Rubbing a hand to her weary face, Cheryl would wipe at her eyes again as if to clear the cloud of confusion with a physical motion.  “Not-nothing, Eld.  I’m sorry.  Yes, yes we have to clear the rest.”
Eld would nod as he stood and slipped the cloth on again, his hands smoothing it out as he ran his palms over his chest and the still clear symbol of tome and sword.  A snort given as he looked back to the three and then Josiah.  “I know, it would be foolish for me to ask.”
Nubern drew one of the pistols and offered it stock first to the older man who nodded in thanks to the younger hunter, the sandalwood firm and grounding in his grip.  Eld was more of long-barrel man, but hardly a stranger to short arms.  “Thank you, inquisitor.”
Josiah straightened his shoulders some and drew his other pistol with a nod.  “For the Order.”
“For the Order.”
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colleenmurphy · 5 years
@writervega​ allow me to introduce the newest muse in honor of Mr. Oldman. Prepare to see a few posts about him and a certain green eyed girl. Imagine a get together with Harvey. * = snippets about my dear dad. 
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Full Name: John Lee Pettimore ( III )
Parents: John Lee “Big John” and Sue Faye ( White ) Pettimore 
DOB: February 24, 1942
Zodiac - Pisces 
POB:  Mountain City, Tennessee ( that’s in Johnson County for ya’ll out of staters )
Occupation: Mechanic ( legally ) / Moonshiner & Crop Grower ( illegally ) 
Armed Services: Army ( served two tours in Vietnam }
Specialities: Trapping, ‘shine brewing and he’s noted for his green thumb. 
Vehicle: ‘69 Charger bought brand new before he went Over There. Shot coated black by his cousin Dwight. 
- Volunteered on his birthday to go into the Army because given his last name he’d have ended up in either the county jail or getting drafted or perhaps six feet under in the family plot.*
- Knows the hollers and back roads better than anyone in Johnson County maybe even the state of Tennessee. 
- He had the bright idea one night to extend on the family business. He gets care packages from a few buddies with connections in Columbia and Mexico. Chances are if you’ve enjoyed a bit of herbal libation it’s grown by him. 
- Upon returning home from Vietnam he smuggled a rather large supply of the pre dried opium cured stuff in two sets of large stereo speakers undetected. Along with three very large coils of hemp rope. *
- Never gave much thought about marriage or kids until he met a nurse down the VA. She served right around the same time as he did. She also makes the best sky high brownies he’s ever had. 
- Often wonders what his life would have been like had he not been born with the name he has. Or if he’d just been born middle class. His girl assures him that his name his plenty good enough and being middle class isn’t all that great. 
- Hasn’t been caught for the still or the growing operation but does have a fair few speeding tickets on his driving record. 
- Took his CDL and passed on the first go and now the wheels are turning about making his operation a bit larger.
- Has a mutt named Duke he ended up with as payment from one of his customers. He’s had him since he was a pup and he couldn’t have a more loyal companion.
- His other hobbies include, tracking, fishing, and gardening. Although canning is not his forte. 
- He did drive a rig for a fair piece of time. ( two months )  Until a ten point buck decided to launch itself at the shiny new trailer and end up stuck in it horns first. Needless to say he was sacked, even thought it wasn’t technically his fault. There was an upside to that, he ended up with more venison than he could shake a stick at.*
- His bride was born in Kentucky, and after meeting her family he saw first hand that she had been raised with even less than he had growing up. But like him she was of resilient stock.
- Once dreamt of winning the lottery and getting out of Mountain City but now that he’s seen the world he’d just as soon stay where he’s at. 
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tartareus · 5 years
who is della? she's so hot. is she canon?
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          hello, hello ! how do you do ? okay so, first lemme say YAAASSS, she's a piece of work isn't she ? i love my dramatic baby witch so much sidse babett knudsen - she's not only gorgeous but also ??? very talented ??? off to the main question, then !           i am so sorry for not having all her info up yet - truly, life has been crazy these days! either way, i will throw here some stuff that makes it plotting/rping with della rather easily.           yes, she is canon - but not from caos netflix series ! if you note, in my muses directory i have placed her under the comic books character ( alongside with edward as well, but that's another story ) due to the fact that she was originally from sabrina the teenage witch comics && later got a small role in the chilling adventures of sabrina comics.           here's the short intro about her character from the sttw comics wiki: "Della, the Spellmans' head witch. A strict, short-tempered authority figure, Della does not approve of Sabrina using magic to help others.", she's usually showing up in the early comics and plays a similar role to a high priest to be honest, however it is much more of a desk job - really.          in tcaos comics she is not present in most volumes, but she is the one responsible for sabrina's dark baptism ( which, my friend, is  A LOT different and DARKER than the show ), in fact, she is the one who conjures satan himself ( with the blood of the goat that was sacrificed by sabrina ), there are also some allusions to her and other witches being taken by the dark lord - but imma head out and def not touch in this subject at all rn lmao           now she is never known in depth by the canon source material, which is a shame considering she is, at least in the sttw comics, responsible for sabrina's witchy conduct and training too. also, she won miss hex appeal in 1962 ( which we are led to believe that is some sort of beauty/hex contest ? ), which is cool once you ignore how painfully sexualised she was in the comics.          in the original comics, she was very mean to mortals, and did not accept sabrina mingling with them unless it was to hex them - which, btw, was one of the weekly tasks she gave brina. she was also very good at teleporting, and did so often times inside the spellman household, she apparently did not mind showing up at random ass times outta the blue and scaring the living shit of sabrina lmao, she was sharp but actually cared for sabrina.      in the caos comics, however, she was very religious ( in fact, she is pretty much dressed as a satanic nun, horns and everything, and although she wears a lot more of clothes, she is still portrayed as some sort of sexy vamp but again, i am not going there ) and truly mean to sabrina - i mean, once the whole dark baptism went to shit thanks to harvey and madam satan's interference - calling her a mutt ( i hated this ) for being half mortal, and pretty much commanding the coven to hun and eat sabrina's mortal boyfriend before he had the chance to tell anyone what he had witnessed in the woods.         i gathered as much info on her as i could, and worked my way into the tv series canon - ofc there are some major differences but other than that she is pretty loyal to the source material. here are some things to be noted:
apparently she is very strong conjurer ( in the tcaos comics at least ) and a quite talented at hexing people
sabrina said she accidentaly created the twist, you know, the dance, after hexing a mortal that was dancing twist and shout
her familiar appears to be a puma ?? its actually a wild feline, idk what it is to be frank but i know it is not a normal, house pet like, familiar - its feral.
she wears a lot of capes and overdresses a lot in contrast to the other characters, in fact the only time in the comics when she wore normal clothes was when she was retiring and was wearing her nightie
she is very easily annoyed, it seems, and quite strict with everyone ( including sabrina’s aunts )
she’s also always on time “a witch in time, saves nine”
in my portrayal, though, i have given her some other things to be aware of:
she was classmates with hilda, almost flunked at bubbling had it not been for her
since they have the high priest over what originally was her work, i have kept her title but amplified it - since in the tcaos and in the sttw comics she was shown to be close ( if not an actual member of ) the witches council, i have given her a job under them, she oversees some covens around the globe and reports to the council. i hc that there are plenty of head witches for all over the world, but they all report to rome
btw i hc that the council is set mainly in rome, in a sort of vatican organization where the elders and most powerful warlocks and witches are members. they decide the stuff.
she has  a werewolf fur coat, made from a rabid werewolf that tried to kill her.
her hair was originally pitch black, but she keeps it crimson red because she likes the colour best
her relationship with zelda is rocky due to their academy years - hilda was harrowed quite badly by her own sister and this marked della
della is an orphan, and as such has no last name - well, she had one but her family was so old and into the conjuring business ( where, according to the tcaos comics one should never reveal their full name to a demon ) so that they ended up changing it a lot. she likes to make up stories about the possible heritage she has tho - so dont believe her if she claims to be descendant from merlin or from the bathory countess
she is tasked to investigate the murders and the issues in greendale, which is where i usually start my interactions
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dreamtofbluebirds-a · 5 years
Glasmar Muses
Below are characters specific to the Impressive Title fandom. Niche as it is, this was the roleplaying group I grew up with and thus I’ve chosen to mirror these biographies over onto this About page. Lineage was not included in order to keep things more brief.
In short, these are for tagging purposes as well as to give people an idea of what character I may be referring to.
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g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | None / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Wolf
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He is a chaotic presence, shifting wildly between being laid-back and approachable to being uncivil and rude. Authority is hard to achieve over him, as is respect, for he often challenges it. He and his brother grew up under a malicious father who ultimately pitted them against each other--a fight Hati won, and will never forgive himself for. He lost half of himself that day and remains deeply traumatized due to that. Quirks include refusing to speak eloquently despite being capable of it, overeating, increased aggression and being particularly careful with youths. This, of course, only applies to the youths of someone he's neutral or positive with; anything less and he's not beneath killing. A good trait for living in a pack, a bad trait as a loner. His high intelligence is safeguarded behind many thoughtless actions and self-sabotaging behavior, but as a friend, his loyalty is second to none... so long as he's allowed to speak his mind.
Glendale Mercer
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Caliver, assorted other prides / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | His humor tends to be a little 'boyish' and nonchalant or even sarcastic, but it veils his sharp wit and ability to play two sides of the same coin. He's a loyal friend to some and a devious infiltrator to others; his allegiance isn't easily earned. He started off with a strong attachment to his sister Apa and founded a pride with her before later abandoning it for Meurtrier. Time passed as he grew in cunning and usefulness until he eventually took the side of Caine Caliver, one of very few to have earned his respect. Redacted, he was revived via the will of the gods; this has been changed to having used an unknown number of his nine lives to survive during a nomadic period. He acted as a trader for some years, bartering for services or goods, or stealing what he wished for.
Abyss Crimson
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g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Demonic mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | She is a cheerful girl. Easily mistaken as young or immature, she's typically the first to be optimistic during any hardships and the last to speak ill, but she's fiercely loyal to her family. Similar to her mother, she's incredibly small and most of her siblings dwarf her in size. Despite her weaknesses, she shows strength in her resilience and would follow her friends and family to the end of the world.
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Zeitgeist / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Jungle Najurean
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | One of the last Jungle Najureans, a rare cousin to the known Najureans, Emeriss is a wise and friendly feline. She's prone to adopting small orphaned animals and raising them as her own, letting them free once they can survive on their own. She helped lead Zeitgeist for a time and had her one and only litter of cubs there. She'd had a single cub before, but he passed away some time ago and she rarely speaks of them. Since the pride disbanded and she lost contact with Raidius, she became a guide through dense jungle so others wouldn't get lost, but the want for such help diminished and so she's moved on. Keeping a relatively good relationship with the lesser animals afforded her greater reach, and she soon came to learn that Emerald Clan still lived in their distant and lush home, and set off to join them.
Erebus Crimson-Donovan
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Young Adult / p r i d e | [Info needs double checked] / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Demon, vampire, bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Absolutely a creature hailing to the logic of 'the ends justifies the means', he's typically on the more unsympathetic side of things. He believes that the strong may do what they wish with the weak, but he also values ancestry unless a person was proven weak. In that way, he might come off as valuing cubs or the 'untested'. He's not particularly oppressive with his opinion so he's more inclined to debate it.
Noxol Delirious
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard
/ m a t e [ s ] | [Info needs double checked] / p e r s o n a l i t y | Noxol is a feline of few words. His sense of humor might've improved over the years, but his natural state is to speak only when spoken to--often this will irritate his brother, Fexol, who enjoys talking. He was born from a demon and mortal pairing, raised as the eldest between himself and one other cub from the next litter, Fexol. His parents' communion was not meant to be, and his grandfather Sigma swore to purge them all, sending his other son Naberious, known as Federal, after them. He overwhelmed them, killing the lovers and blinding the then adolescent Noxol in an eye, and upon Noxol's escape he chose to take Fexol, a cub, as a prisoner. Some time passed as Noxol conflicted with himself over what to do. He was not strong enough to beat Naberious, much less Sigma. He met Maya Crimson and began a family after falling for her, finding comfort in her embrace. Sigma soon arose again however, catching wind of him after Fexol managed to escape. He was unable to capture Noxol. This was a blow to Noxol, who in the events, had been turned away by Maya as his sense of duty to his brother and revenge toward his paternal family brought him far from her and the life he'd created with her--and she could only wait so long when no word was given. He sought a new family briefly, siring cubs from a female named Shard, who was slaughtered upon birthing by Naberious. In his grief, a calling had been sent to his father's spirit, who helped pull Shard from the abyss but did not have strength to do more than carefully nurse her back to health before returning to the long-lost relic his soul had coalesced into; a twilight sword. Noxol would have a meeting with both Shard and Maya later after the cubs had grown, but all three would go their separate ways in the end. This began a quiet era for Noxol, who having failed in his relationships, turned himself towards getting stronger physically and emotionally. He learned of the spirit world, or the between-worlds as he calls it, and made visits, killing demons and wraiths. This evolution was slow-going and soon he found himself revisiting where his parents had died so long ago. Here he found Reym's relic, something demons sometimes turn into upon their departure. Sigma was a collector of these and yet this had eluded him. In the between-worlds, Reym had formed into a sword, black as night and a faint ruby hue in the reflection, and silver at the hilt. Noxol understood Razor's intention the second he touched it. End corruption, save lives, protect his children. And to this he had sworn his life, and so he continued to fight, the corruption he faced leaving him slightly altered as no mortal or partially-mortal being was ever meant for this fight. He grew horns. Noxol grew strong and faced off with his father's side of the family time and time again until, eventually, slaying his grandfather and freeing his brother at last. He proceeded to spend more time cleaning up the demon-infested realms, teaching Fexol how to fight and control his powers, before finally bringing them back to the mortal planes to live the rest of their lives as protectors. As can be imagined, he takes this quite seriously, but even he has grown tired of living one fight to the next. It's time to move on.
Fexol Delirious
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard / m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Fexol is an incredibly shy feline, preferring softer voices and a gentle touch over anything else. Mirroring Noxol's story, he was captured by his Uncle and used as bait to draw Noxol back. Much of his time there was mired in slavery and other terrible things, causing him to be incredibly avoidant of arguments or any authority. He ran away from Sigma's control a few times, meeting his previous mate in his terror-killed freedom. When he was freed by his brother, he spent some time learning how to control his power and put it to good use; he's a defensive soul and can increase his defense for a limited time while also sporting a naturally high regenerative ability, making him the most unlikely tank to exist. A few quirks were impossible for him to entirely overcome. He has trouble hunting due to feeling bad for lesser creatures, typically only eating fish because he was once told 'they do not feel pain' and the fact they usually can't talk. He's expressive and tends to have his ears a little lower or his stance, and remains a bit too gullible to some things--just, not when something obviously crosses his morals. He also can sometimes forget his filter and casually mention dirty things, not unlike how a child might. He frequently attempts to break or remove his small, budding horns. Hurt his brother or anyone he cares about and he'll prove as difficult as a wall to move. The same applies to random creatures he feels bad for, sometimes--don't take him on a hunting trip.
Valen Donovan-Faire
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Blitzkrieg / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Hellion mix
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Sharp-tongued and without much patience, Valen tends to expect little and to be left alone. She spent a little time in Meurtrier as an adolescent assassin, then reunited once more with her mother and moved to Blitzkrieg. She's been on her own now for a little while.
Impurity Saint
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/ g e n d e r | ♀/♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Abyssus Scion, Chavliodontas / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He's sassy and cunning, and prefers male pronouns. He led a pride for a short time and due to being unable to find new members, they disbanded before he returned. Impurity then chose to stay with another pride for a time with his previous mate and cubs until, once more, fate moved them onward. He is speciesist to a degree, speaking highly of his kind and showing extra effort in such relations, but he rarely discredits effort from other species. In his travels he came across Emeriss who was heading for Emerald Clan and chose to travel with her a little ways, eventually growing interested in likewise joining the clan.
Perseus Donovan
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Gruppe Von Morder / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast and vampire mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He truly believes strict adherence to strength and intelligence is the only way to succeed. He believes blood is tied to these things, and had left Meurtrier while young to learn blood magic from an old feline. By the time he returned, he found the pride led by another--and they didn't live up to his expectations. For a time, he hung around the mountains far from their furthest scouting parties and came closer to watch the pride of one of his sisters, but this too disbanded and he returned to his studies. He considered most of the old world he'd known as being dead and passed. Prides as he saw it had grown soft from lack of conflict and the known world was tame, so when he stumbled upon Gruppe Von Morder and heard their ideals, he finally swore his loyalty to another.
Pyre Phantom
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Sicarius / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Pyre tends to not take others seriously, making him difficult to handle in a pride and usually requiring at least one fight to knock sense into him. In addition, he doesn't care for the idea of a singular 'mate', preferring to breed and date openly. He sadly lacks the ambition to lead anything so he lives as a roving male... at least until he find a pride willing to accept such an individualistic creature as him.
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Secura tends to be motherly and concerned, protective of cubs and youths alike. She often hung around just outside of pride territories and brought back lost cubs or helped find homes for abandoned ones.
Vivian & Charlotte
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Aodha Ild / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | African Lioness/Elemental Lioness
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | 'Violet' as they're used to being called, are in fact chimera twins. They were born with two heads fused down the middle and sharing the same body, thus the left side is Charlotte and the right is Vivian. They rarely differ in opinions and are generally kind. They're interested in how the world works, but due to issues when moving, they cannot risk going too far from home. Each side represents a half of their body's movement, making them unable to fight or engage in athletic behavior, but they work together well enough that it'd be hard to see issues from them walking. They're often heard talking quietly, especially if moving, because they can't operate without communicating what each side is doing.
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NAME: Silone
• EYES: blue | green | brown | hazel | grey | gray-blue | other
• HAIR: blonde | sandy | brown | black | strawberry blonde | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other - dark red brown
• BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
• SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
• GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
• SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other - too young to think about it. | doesn’t like labels
• ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• SPECIES: [human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | Other (Mutt/Dog)
• EDUCATION: GED | [(junior) high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | [other]
• I’VE BEEN: in love | [hurt] | [ill] | [mentally abused] | bullied | [physically abused]| tortured | raped | [brainwashed] | shot
• POSITIVE TRAITS: [affectionate] | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | [creative] | cunning | determined | [forgiving] | [generous] | [honest] | humorous | intelligent | [loyal] | [modest] | patient | [selfless] | [polite] | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | [fun-loving] | attractive | charismatic | calm
• NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | [shy] | [fearful] | greedy | [gullible] | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | [insecure] | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | [emotional] | vengeful | [anxious] | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parents  | lives with significant other | [lives with a friend] | drifter | homeless | lives with children | [lives with her brother] | depends on verse | Other
• PARENTS/GUARDIAN: [mom] | [dad] | adoptive | [foster] | grandmother | grandfather | sibling(s) | sister(s) | [brother(s)
• RELATIONSHIP: [single] | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse
• I HAVE A(N): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | ptsd | mental disability | physical disability | verse dependent?
• THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self harmed | starved themselves | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | [killed someone] | [had someone try to kill them ]
Tagged by:  @shotagiveyoupain
Tagging: Anyone
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RP Wishlist
Because why not, y’know?
Cute loving fluff
Have my muses just fuckin CRY
Hi I really love Tristan and he’s new and I want to use him a lot so literally anything
I love Scott and I want him to have someone to talk to
Alex deserves a girlfriend, she needs it
Child verses, baby muses are always super fun in any rendition
Literally break my muses, destroy their happiness
I got a crime au that’s fun and lowkey angsty so yeah <3
Experiment aus are always fun when you got non-human muses
My touch-starved/self conscious muses finding love
Ok I want Tristan and Alastor to have boyfriends, they need to be cared for
Hey you wanna be adopted by Angie??? She’s a good mama
Same with Kat, I want them to take care of someone
Literally soft threads that are fluffy and cute that turn into the saddest and most angst ridden things, please it’s so fun
I want my muses hurt either physically or mentally and would love for someone to help them get better like I love these kinds of plots
Casey and Elliott need to have damn friends
There’s probably more but like this is what I was able to think of while I was in a funk. So if you’re interested in any of these things or just in general wanna start something, either message me or like this post and I’ll message you.
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Muse Interview
(sadly they’ll be answering separately, unlike my other combo accounts. They’re apart, after all, lmao)
Tagged by: I stole it from my other blogs
Tagging: @pyrocicle
“uh-huh. our mother named us.”
“i belong to my master and brother, howl. but i can’t find him, so... besides! i’ve got my mistress! i love her!” @pyrocicle
“mmm... yes, but... i don’t want them.”
“i-i don’t know what that is, but i’m sorry, i’ll do better.”
"i don’t have any.”
“my master. our mother is still alive, but...”
“i am the pet.”
“i don’t like... the voice in my head.”
“i love to dance! master loves when i do it, too! i also smoke.”
(He stress-knits)
“lots of people...”
“you could say i’m a puppy.”
"uhm... master wishes i wouldn’t smoke, but... it helps.”
(he has OCD and is paranoid about certain things, leading to obsessive lock-checking and other such habits)
“my master, of course! also, my mistress! oh, and my captain! he’s very cool!” @r0astet0aste
“i like anyone who’s good to me.”
“uh-uh. never did.”
"umm... no, i don’t think so.”
He whimpers. “never finding my master...”
"this outfit is what my master likes me to wear. especially the midriff sweater, he knitted it for me~! <3″
“i love my master! <3 and dove!″
“mmm? i don’t understand the question...”
“uhm... nothing, right now. because my world is... uhm, besides, i’m the puppy. finances aren’t my business.”
“whoever wants to be my friend can be my friend~! <3″
“it’s yummy!”
“barbecue sauce! or whiskey.”
“wherever i’m with my master! but i also love muffet’s.”
“just the people i love!”
“uhm, i never measured... people tell me it’s a little on the big side!”
“either one sounds fun!”
“someone who can keep my mind off of things. someone kind! someone who will love me for who i am and not... be scared of me. or think i’m weird for my needs.”
“just being a puppy. and i like being strangled with my collar.”
“i’m a bottom sub! every time!”
“i’ve been camping a lot recently. i prefer a bed, but anything is okay!”
“no, i was having fun!”
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dreamtofbluebirds · 4 years
Below are characters specific to the Impressive Title fandom. Niche as it is, this was the roleplaying group I grew up with and thus I’ve chosen to mirror these biographies over onto this About page. Lineage was not included in order to keep things more brief.
In short, these are for tagging purposes as well as to give people an idea of what character I may be referring to.
g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | None / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Wolf
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He is a chaotic presence, shifting wildly between being laid-back and approachable to being uncivil and rude. Authority is hard to achieve over him, as is respect, for he often challenges it. He and his brother grew up under a malicious father who ultimately pitted them against each other–a fight Hati won, and will never forgive himself for. He lost half of himself that day and remains deeply traumatized due to that. Quirks include refusing to speak eloquently despite being capable of it, overeating, increased aggression and being particularly careful with youths. This, of course, only applies to the youths of someone he’s neutral or positive with; anything less and he’s not beneath killing. A good trait for living in a pack, a bad trait as a loner. His high intelligence is safeguarded behind many thoughtless actions and self-sabotaging behavior, but as a friend, his loyalty is second to none… so long as he’s allowed to speak his mind.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Caliver, assorted other prides / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | His humor tends to be a little ‘boyish’ and nonchalant or even sarcastic, but it veils his sharp wit and ability to play two sides of the same coin. He’s a loyal friend to some and a devious infiltrator to others; his allegiance isn’t easily earned. He started off with a strong attachment to his sister Apa and founded a pride with her before later abandoning it for Meurtrier. Time passed as he grew in cunning and usefulness until he eventually took the side of Caine Caliver, one of very few to have earned his respect. Redacted, he was revived via the will of the gods; this has been changed to having used an unknown number of his nine lives to survive during a nomadic period. He acted as a trader for some years, bartering for services or goods, or stealing what he wished for.
g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Demonic mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | She is a cheerful girl. Easily mistaken as young or immature, she’s typically the first to be optimistic during any hardships and the last to speak ill, but she’s fiercely loyal to her family. Similar to her mother, she’s incredibly small and most of her siblings dwarf her in size. Despite her weaknesses, she shows strength in her resilience and would follow her friends and family to the end of the world.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Zeitgeist / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Jungle Najurean
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | One of the last Jungle Najureans, a rare cousin to the known Najureans, Emeriss is a wise and friendly feline. She’s prone to adopting small orphaned animals and raising them as her own, letting them free once they can survive on their own. She helped lead Zeitgeist for a time and had her one and only litter of cubs there. She’d had a single cub before, but he passed away some time ago and she rarely speaks of them. Since the pride disbanded and she lost contact with Raidius, she became a guide through dense jungle so others wouldn’t get lost, but the want for such help diminished and so she’s moved on. Keeping a relatively good relationship with the lesser animals afforded her greater reach, and she soon came to learn that Emerald Clan still lived in their distant and lush home, and set off to join them.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Young Adult / p r i d e | [Info needs double checked] / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Demon, vampire, bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Absolutely a creature hailing to the logic of 'the ends justifies the means’, he’s typically on the more unsympathetic side of things. He believes that the strong may do what they wish with the weak, but he also values ancestry unless a person was proven weak. In that way, he might come off as valuing cubs or the 'untested’. He’s not particularly oppressive with his opinion so he’s more inclined to debate it.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard
/ m a t e [ s ] | [Info needs double checked] / p e r s o n a l i t y | Noxol is a feline of few words. His sense of humor might’ve improved over the years, but his natural state is to speak only when spoken to–often this will irritate his brother, Fexol, who enjoys talking. He was born from a demon and mortal pairing, raised as the eldest between himself and one other cub from the next litter, Fexol. His parents’ communion was not meant to be, and his grandfather Sigma swore to purge them all, sending his other son Naberious, known as Federal, after them. He overwhelmed them, killing the lovers and blinding the then adolescent Noxol in an eye, and upon Noxol’s escape he chose to take Fexol, a cub, as a prisoner. Some time passed as Noxol conflicted with himself over what to do. He was not strong enough to beat Naberious, much less Sigma. He met Maya Crimson and began a family after falling for her, finding comfort in her embrace. Sigma soon arose again however, catching wind of him after Fexol managed to escape. He was unable to capture Noxol. This was a blow to Noxol, who in the events, had been turned away by Maya as his sense of duty to his brother and revenge toward his paternal family brought him far from her and the life he’d created with her–and she could only wait so long when no word was given. He sought a new family briefly, siring cubs from a female named Shard, who was slaughtered upon birthing by Naberious. In his grief, a calling had been sent to his father’s spirit, who helped pull Shard from the abyss but did not have strength to do more than carefully nurse her back to health before returning to the long-lost relic his soul had coalesced into; a twilight sword. Noxol would have a meeting with both Shard and Maya later after the cubs had grown, but all three would go their separate ways in the end. This began a quiet era for Noxol, who having failed in his relationships, turned himself towards getting stronger physically and emotionally. He learned of the spirit world, or the between-worlds as he calls it, and made visits, killing demons and wraiths. This evolution was slow-going and soon he found himself revisiting where his parents had died so long ago. Here he found Reym’s relic, something demons sometimes turn into upon their departure. Sigma was a collector of these and yet this had eluded him. In the between-worlds, Reym had formed into a sword, black as night and a faint ruby hue in the reflection, and silver at the hilt. Noxol understood Razor’s intention the second he touched it. End corruption, save lives, protect his children. And to this he had sworn his life, and so he continued to fight, the corruption he faced leaving him slightly altered as no mortal or partially-mortal being was ever meant for this fight. He grew horns. Noxol grew strong and faced off with his father’s side of the family time and time again until, eventually, slaying his grandfather and freeing his brother at last. He proceeded to spend more time cleaning up the demon-infested realms, teaching Fexol how to fight and control his powers, before finally bringing them back to the mortal planes to live the rest of their lives as protectors. As can be imagined, he takes this quite seriously, but even he has grown tired of living one fight to the next. It’s time to move on.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard / m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Fexol is an incredibly shy feline, preferring softer voices and a gentle touch over anything else. Mirroring Noxol’s story, he was captured by his Uncle and used as bait to draw Noxol back. Much of his time there was mired in slavery and other terrible things, causing him to be incredibly avoidant of arguments or any authority. He ran away from Sigma’s control a few times, meeting his previous mate in his terror-killed freedom. When he was freed by his brother, he spent some time learning how to control his power and put it to good use; he’s a defensive soul and can increase his defense for a limited time while also sporting a naturally high regenerative ability, making him the most unlikely tank to exist. A few quirks were impossible for him to entirely overcome. He has trouble hunting due to feeling bad for lesser creatures, typically only eating fish because he was once told 'they do not feel pain’ and the fact they usually can’t talk. He’s expressive and tends to have his ears a little lower or his stance, and remains a bit too gullible to some things–just, not when something obviously crosses his morals. He also can sometimes forget his filter and casually mention dirty things, not unlike how a child might. He frequently attempts to break or remove his small, budding horns. Hurt his brother or anyone he cares about and he’ll prove as difficult as a wall to move. The same applies to random creatures he feels bad for, sometimes–don’t take him on a hunting trip.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Blitzkrieg / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Hellion mix
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Sharp-tongued and without much patience, Valen tends to expect little and to be left alone. She spent a little time in Meurtrier as an adolescent assassin, then reunited once more with her mother and moved to Blitzkrieg. She’s been on her own now for a little while.
/ g e n d e r | ♀/♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Abyssus Scion, Chavliodontas / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He’s sassy and cunning, and prefers male pronouns. He led a pride for a short time and due to being unable to find new members, they disbanded before he returned. Impurity then chose to stay with another pride for a time with his previous mate and cubs until, once more, fate moved them onward. He is speciesist to a degree, speaking highly of his kind and showing extra effort in such relations, but he rarely discredits effort from other species. In his travels he came across Emeriss who was heading for Emerald Clan and chose to travel with her a little ways, eventually growing interested in likewise joining the clan.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Gruppe Von Morder / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast and vampire mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He truly believes strict adherence to strength and intelligence is the only way to succeed. He believes blood is tied to these things, and had left Meurtrier while young to learn blood magic from an old feline. By the time he returned, he found the pride led by another–and they didn’t live up to his expectations. For a time, he hung around the mountains far from their furthest scouting parties and came closer to watch the pride of one of his sisters, but this too disbanded and he returned to his studies. He considered most of the old world he’d known as being dead and passed. Prides as he saw it had grown soft from lack of conflict and the known world was tame, so when he stumbled upon Gruppe Von Morder and heard their ideals, he finally swore his loyalty to another.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Sicarius / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Pyre tends to not take others seriously, making him difficult to handle in a pride and usually requiring at least one fight to knock sense into him. In addition, he doesn’t care for the idea of a singular 'mate’, preferring to breed and date openly. He sadly lacks the ambition to lead anything so he lives as a roving male… at least until he find a pride willing to accept such an individualistic creature as him.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Secura tends to be motherly and concerned, protective of cubs and youths alike. She often hung around just outside of pride territories and brought back lost cubs or helped find homes for abandoned ones.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Aodha Ild / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | African Lioness/Elemental Lioness
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | 'Violet’ as they’re used to being called, are in fact chimera twins. They were born with two heads fused down the middle and sharing the same body, thus the left side is Charlotte and the right is Vivian. They rarely differ in opinions and are generally kind. They’re interested in how the world works, but due to issues when moving, they cannot risk going too far from home. Each side represents a half of their body’s movement, making them unable to fight or engage in athletic behavior, but they work together well enough that it’d be hard to see issues from them walking. They’re often heard talking quietly, especially if moving, because they can’t operate without communicating what each side is doing.
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ask-recon-mode-blog · 6 years
(ง'̀-'́)ง (PROJECT AU)
@ask--zed​ ||Send me (ง'̀-'́)ง to engage my muse into a fist fight.
Ashe’s head snapped to the side, her HUD outright flickering away for moments before it stabilized itself. Turning a tired eye back to the PROJECT-Loyal Mutt™ she snarled as she threw herself at him entirely, toppling him right over. Thanks to the EMP smoke she had dropped, that rendered their most deadly of skills and abilities useless, hampering them - it left them in this rather childish struggle, slugging at each other without too much purpose.
“Give it over,” She cried, voice trilling in all kinds of pitches, as she had straddled him, punching in between his optics, “I saw that Spaghetti-Chip first!” 
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igsy-blog · 7 years
reTHG: The Hunger Games - Chapter Three: Many partings
(Last week I forgot to respond to one of the more interesting prompts: how many times would my name have been in the reaping at age 16.  I’m the oldest of six siblings, so my number is pretty impressive.  I started to do the math on it then realized it was complicated because I had two siblings born during the ages of 12 and 15, so my numbers changed.  Also, my birthday is July 30, so I would have just missed the reaping the year I turned 12; I had to factor my younger siblings into that equation, too (both siblings born in the latter half of the year, after the reapings).  Anyway, I would have had 7 family members for the first three years of my reapings and 8 for the last four.  By age 16, that would have meant (with tesserae) 8+8+8+9+9 ... 42.)
I’ve spent the first half of the week taking care of a sick hubby and the second half down with one of the most hellish colds I’ve ever had, so this might be a bit scattershot.  I read the chapters in bed, trying to dictate notes on my ipad.  LOL.  My ipad understood me perfectly every time I called it a POS, but the rest is near gibberish.  Let’s see what I can piece back together:
General musings on Chapter 3 - Why don’t more tributes try to escape?  Interesting contrast between Prim, who can’t learn how to hunt and Madge, whom Katniss actually teaches to shoot, later.  
I think that, because we were talking about how Katniss describes things - or not - her lingering over the velvet of the couch in the Justice Building stood out to me.  Velvet is both a bit luxurious and, to contemporary readers, a bit old-fashioned, especially in terms of furnishings.  But here it is not just an interesting tactile fabric - and comforting to her, because of its texture - but a reminder that Katniss’ impoverished life has meant she just doesn’t have the vocabulary for everything.  Velvet - a remnant of her mother’s more prosperous past - is one of the only fabrics she knows by name.  In Catching Fire, it’s also the first fabric she can call to mind when trying to converse with Johanna (CF Chapter 15).  And then in Mockingjay there is a surprisingly similar scene (I hadn’t noticed the similarity before), in which Peeta bites down on a velvet pillow to manage stress (MJ Chapter 23).
Katniss’ feelings about her mother and depression is really better explored in more depth, but I always feel so much for them both here.  Hits home.
It’s funny how both Peeta and his father sort of silently express unrequited love through carbohydrates.  Though, if he’s carrying cookies around anyway … maybe to give to one of his sons in case they get reaped? (Or perhaps he had time to grab a few and run back over to the Justice Building? - although, no, presumably he said good-bye to Peeta first.)
Madge and Gale.  These are the really interesting farewells from this chapter.  With Madge’s good-bye and insistent gift of the pin, you get maybe the strongest hint that there is an existing rebellion and that the mockingjay is a pre-existing symbol for it, and that Madge has some knowledge of it.  You can explain this away by saying that perhaps Madge just really wanted to honor the memory of her aunt, who died at the same age.  But Rue’s response to it later (“That’s how I decided I could trust you.” THG Chapter 16), and the swift adoption of it by both the district and Capitol rebels hint at a deeper history.  (Also, if I recall correctly, there actually isn’t any mention of Maysilee wearing the pin when Katniss and Peeta watch the video of the 2nd Quell.)  But Katniss - reflecting on the anti-Capitol symbolism of the bird later - reminds us of the previous rebellion and the mockingjay being the literal child of this one failure of the Capitol during the war.
I love this part of the story, which touches quickly on a lot of different things that are going to be so important and/or meaningful later.  We learn here about muttations, the genetic engineering of living creatures into weapons, and how the rebellion turned one of these creatures - the jabberjay, a distortion of the mockingbird - back against them.  This is, in so many ways, what the Capitol keeps on doing to the district children in the Games - turning them into weapons against each other, and tools of oppression over their own homes.  In turn, the Rebellion now takes the disfigured remnants - the Victors - and builds a resistance movement with them.  It is without exaggeration that, eventually, Katniss and Peeta will recognize each other as tools for the warring sides and label each other mutts - and that they will both finally call themselves mutts.     
I love the description we get here of her father and the lesson of the mockingjay - the resiliency of nature and the beauty of song.  It is so sweet - knowing that Katniss figuratively becomes the Mockingjay - learning how fond he was of them, and in turn of their respect, reverence for them. At this moment, she conflates her father with the mockingjay, a protector … and the pin itself, against the dark green fabric, reminds her of the woods - the place both of safety and defiance; the place to feed oneself (to not succumb to prescribed hunger) and to shout about the Capitol.  Katniss becomes the image of the pin that she initially imagines as her father and this is - not a hint - but another suggestion about the pre-existing rebellion and that Katniss may also be a child of it.  (On more important matters, this sets up why Katniss is able to believe Peeta’s story, later, of how he came to have a crush on her.)
Briefly back to Madge - mentioned in another thread - whether or not she has an actual role in the current version of the rebellion, she fills an important role in the story as the carrier of the rebels’ symbol from one generation to the next.
Now to Gale.  Here we can see the immediate effect of his introduction of a sexual component in their relationship (even if the suggestion is just in her head).  She says that maybe there is nothing romantic between them, BUT … she steps into his arms and she describes him in sensual terms (in a similar scene in Mockingjay, this storyline will close).  There are two small, equally important, separations that occur here.  First, she separates from him bodily, even as she steps into his embrace - from thinking of him as her other half, as being one person with her in the woods - and this causes her to look at him differently.  His body was familiar to her down to the sound of his heartbeat.  Now that they are parting, she actually feels his heartbeat, lean and hard-muscled.
So, there is potential between them here; it’s been sparked into being on the very last day of her normal life.  What happens with this awakening is that it becomes an early point of comparison between him and Peeta in her head.  Long before she allies with him and plays her part of the star-crossed lovers strategy, she sees Peeta through eyes that have been opened up by her new understanding of Gale: “... I push the whole thing out of my mind because for some reason Gale and Peeta do not coexist well together in my thoughts.” (THG Chapter 15)  That’s the moment she understands (on some level) that they are sexual rivals.
The other separation is the small crack that is now revealed between Gale’s and Katniss’ feelings about the arena (as she will later put it, theory that must be translated into actions).  Gale encourages her to embrace her ability to win the Games, citing her prowess as a hunter.  In a conversation that will become more weighted in MJ, he asks her how different it will really be to kill people instead of animals?  She admits that it won’t be - if she could forget that they are people.  Her “problem” is that she will not be able to do this.  And this argument will widen into a gulf between them later.
Just a quick aside for a line I never really noticed before, but grabbed me this time:  “We have to stand for a few minutes in the doorway of the train while the cameras gobble up our images.”
Headcanon about Haymitch.  Before diving into Chapter Four … what is my favorite headcanon about Haymitch?  Well … I think he was a very reluctant rebel.  Not that he wasn’t loyal to it when it came to him, but he’s not naturally a rabble-rouser, nor one who would necessarily choose to work in teams.  A drunk is a horrible liability to a secret organization; so much so, that sometimes I’ve contemplated that he really wasn’t.  But there is too much evidence to the contrary.  I do think that, having lost what he lost, he would have been perfectly content to drink himself into oblivion.    I think the prior winner from District 12 was probably a fairly early winner of the Games and died within a few years of Haymitch winning.  I think Haymitch made some game attempts to mentor his tributes for the first few years, but gave up when he sensed that he would never get a winner (and I think he was somewhat disgusted at never getting tributes who, like him, were “fighters”).   I like to think of Chaff as the person who saved Haymitch from full-on, disastrous carousing in the Capitol after his tributes were dead.
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