#her mum was an Uzumaki and mei has three chakra natures in order to use lava release AND perform the kiri water jutsu
x-authorship-x ยท 1 year
Good morning, Torship! ๐Ÿ’›
For your title prompts game, how about: veins full of lava (dissolving my bones)?
Hey Ellory~ โœจ
Mei had been raised with water Jutsu on her tongue and the ground trembling beneath her feet. To have an earth-nature was rare, in these islands, but Mei climbed the ranks, honing her strength and gaining a reputation until no one could dispute her right to stand and fight. Until 'Earthshaker' was a name on the lips of both allies and enemies.
They didn't realise that crimson hair wasn't all her mysterious mother had given her, not until it was too late.
Mei crushed the old Kiri beneath her heel, cracking the island is two and destroying the corrupted leadership that had tortured them all for so long. Then, and only then, did she finally allow the Uzumaki chakra in her chest to pour outwards in a burning stream of heat.
Her revolution didn't end with an uprising; it began with the red dawn and the blaze of lava as she crafted their island anew.
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