#hera 2781
skygemspeaks · 6 months
Jarra, in the main Earth Girl trilogy: I hate my parents for abandoning me at birth, I don't need them in my life, there's no way the Tell clan wants me to join them, they'll take any chance they can get to be rid of me
Jaxon in the Drago series: I will stand in this transit hub for days on end, sleeping only when my body physically forces me to, just on the off chance that Jarra comes through on a school trip and I can find her and bring her home, because everyone in our clan is being eaten alive by guilt at the thought of one of our own growing up alone and unloved. i've never seen her before, but i know that i'll recognize her when i see her.
Gemelle in the Drago series: I will try over and over and over and over again, year after year after year, to hack into the Hospital Earth master genealogy computer to try and find Jarra's new identity and where she lives so we can bring her back home to us
Drago in the Drago series: we have to fix the earth solar arrays because if Earth goes power dark during a solar storm, jarra's going to suffer. what if she's in europe and she has to deal with blizzards and snow without any heating? what if she's in australia and she has to deal with the blistering heat without any air conditioning? i need to learn about more kinds of earth foods and earth culture so that i can know how jarra's living for when i meet her one day. i need to watch all these vids so i can know how she's being treated by hospital earth. hospital earth is my mortal enemy for how they've torn my family apart, one day i'll make them pay. jarra's on the same planet as me right now. jarra might be watching the same news channel as me right now. i can't believe some bigoted norm is sabotaging the earth solar arrays to make the citizens of earth suffer, my baby cousin doesn't deserve this
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carolinedbook · 2 years
[PDF/ePub] Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) - Janet Edwards
Download Or Read PDF Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) - Janet Edwards Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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Sol 2781 is the third of three full-length novels set immediately after the novelette length short story Hera 2781.Major Drago Tell Dramis is celebrating the fact that the saboteur has been caught, and the Earth solar arrays will be safe now. The arrest of a member of the main board of Hospital Earth has consequences though. As Drago hits orbital levels of fury, and declares his own personal war against Hospital Earth, he?s hit by even more unexpected problems.There?s a joke that says one birth member of the Tell clan attracts trouble, two birth members of the Tell clan invite minor disasters, while three is the critical mass that triggers cataclysmic events. As the danger mounts, the question is whether Drago and his two cousins, Jaxon and Gemelle, can prove an alternative theory. Are three members of the Tell clan really the critical mass that resolves cataclysmic events?This extra-long novel concludes the Drago Tell Dramis 2781 sequence of Hera 2781, Hestia 2781, Array 2781, and
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goodtobegeeking · 2 years
Hera 2781 And Hestia 2781 by Janet Edwards (book review)
Hera 2781 And Hestia 2781 by Janet Edwards (book review)
A good Science Fiction writer will have spent time building worlds and making sure that the technology aspects are, if not accurate (who knows what developments are around the corner) are at least plausible. Once the story the developmental work was designed to support has been told, the author has a number of directions they can go in. A new idea may require a whole set of different parameters…
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skygemspeaks · 6 months
your jarra breaks up with fian au is something im soooooo excited about (have been since you first started talking about it)!!!! it's just such a brilliant idea especially since fian gets a bit ehhhh to me as a character (especially once the amazing raven comes in!!!!) is there anything new you've thought of adding to it since reading the drago series?
I'm glad you're excited for it! It's something that's been on my mind ever since I first thought of it, but the main thing that's been putting me off actually writing and posting it was that I knew I was missing a lot of context before, since I hadn't read any of the extra content.
Fian continues to annoy me, and at this point idk if I just have a negative view on everything he does because I already disliked him, but that one part in Earth Prime with Jarra's skintight made me SO upset. Jarra's body had "developed" during her time in the regrowth tank, to the point that it caused the skintight to be smaller in the chest area, and the stretching of the fabric made her breasts more visible. And instead of informing Jarra about this, Fian just decided to enjoy the view? Wtf? He said that he didn't think it would matter because she usually wore a robe over her skintight but....he has to know there's always a chance others will see her in just her skintight. In literally the first book during the Solar 5 reacue, the two of them and Cassandra 2 were around each other in just their skintights when they were resting.
This au is so self indulgent for me because I'm just working out all my frustration with Fian in it and gushing over Raven the whole time 😂 Also, I haven't decided yet if I'll introduce Dalmora into the relationship but I think I might.
Anyways in regards to your question, yeah there are a few things I was thinking of adding to it, after having read the Drago 2781 series. There'll be multiple povs from Riak and Drago, and I'm hoping to find a way to bring Jaxon and Gemelle into the story because I love both of them so much.
There'll be a couple mentions of what happened during the Hera blockade, since we know that Raven's a big fan of Drago, and I feel like that might have to do with it 😂 Raven having more knowledge about the Tell Clan I think would really help Jarra come to terms with her Betan heritage a lot easier and would help facilitate a closer relationship with her family.
Also, we all know I'm on that doting grandfather Riak agenda. On God I'm gonna find a way to bring it up early on.
Oh and Playdon's thing with Jerez is really cute, I might throw in some hints about that too.
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skygemspeaks · 7 months
i'm reading hera 2781 and wow, it's painful seeing the open hostility between drago and jaxon 😢 since i've already read zeta sector 2788 i know that they eventually make up, but jeez, this is getting difficult to read
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