#drago tell dramis
skygemspeaks · 7 months
for drago, the hardest part about the alien contact programme isn't keeping the aliens a secret from everyone
the hardest part is not being able to tell jaxon that he got to meet jarra
hey jaxon, did you know jarra has her pilot's license? you should've seen the way her face lit up when she sat in my fighter for the first time
hey jaxon, did you know she has your laugh? the one you've always been so self-conscious about. it lights up her whole face and it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
hey jaxon, do you know how smart she is? all those famous historians gathered together, so self-important, so arrogant, so sure in their expertise. and yet, out of all of them, your baby sister was the one that came up with the idea of evacuating the citizens of earth to Ark.
hey jaxon. she's so, so very lonely. she grew up feeling abandoned and unloved and the anger is eating her up inside. and no matter how many times i tell her, she doesn't think the clan could ever want her. she won't believe how desperately we've been yearning for her all these years. hey jaxon, i know you still blame yourself for that, but i need you to forget about that when you meet her, okay? jaxon, you have to show her that she's one of us, and if she can find it in her heart to forgive us, we promise to never let her go again.
....hey jaxon. i met your baby sister, and she's everything we ever dreamed she'd be.
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jextell2514 · 3 months
drago tell dramis has such pretty privilege honestly
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carolinedbook · 2 years
[PDF/ePub] Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) - Janet Edwards
Download Or Read PDF Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) - Janet Edwards Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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Sol 2781 is the third of three full-length novels set immediately after the novelette length short story Hera 2781.Major Drago Tell Dramis is celebrating the fact that the saboteur has been caught, and the Earth solar arrays will be safe now. The arrest of a member of the main board of Hospital Earth has consequences though. As Drago hits orbital levels of fury, and declares his own personal war against Hospital Earth, he?s hit by even more unexpected problems.There?s a joke that says one birth member of the Tell clan attracts trouble, two birth members of the Tell clan invite minor disasters, while three is the critical mass that triggers cataclysmic events. As the danger mounts, the question is whether Drago and his two cousins, Jaxon and Gemelle, can prove an alternative theory. Are three members of the Tell clan really the critical mass that resolves cataclysmic events?This extra-long novel concludes the Drago Tell Dramis 2781 sequence of Hera 2781, Hestia 2781, Array 2781, and
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mattgill · 2 years
Read Book Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) PDF -- Janet Edwards
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avahughesstuff · 2 years
Read Book Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3) PDF -- Janet Edwards
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[*] Read PDF Here => Sol 2781 (Drago Tell Dramis #3)
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acestired · 3 years
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Thank you, Janet Edwards @janetedwardssf for two more novels set in portal future. Finally after waiting for months we will meet again with (already) legendary Drago Tell Dramis, and learn more of Tell clan and Beta sector culture. Knowing Drago I can certainly tell that it would be the ride full of adventures. I’m so excited to meet more of Jarra’s family and for more of Portal future content
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skygemspeaks · 6 months
Jarra, in the main Earth Girl trilogy: I hate my parents for abandoning me at birth, I don't need them in my life, there's no way the Tell clan wants me to join them, they'll take any chance they can get to be rid of me
Jaxon in the Drago series: I will stand in this transit hub for days on end, sleeping only when my body physically forces me to, just on the off chance that Jarra comes through on a school trip and I can find her and bring her home, because everyone in our clan is being eaten alive by guilt at the thought of one of our own growing up alone and unloved. i've never seen her before, but i know that i'll recognize her when i see her.
Gemelle in the Drago series: I will try over and over and over and over again, year after year after year, to hack into the Hospital Earth master genealogy computer to try and find Jarra's new identity and where she lives so we can bring her back home to us
Drago in the Drago series: we have to fix the earth solar arrays because if Earth goes power dark during a solar storm, jarra's going to suffer. what if she's in europe and she has to deal with blizzards and snow without any heating? what if she's in australia and she has to deal with the blistering heat without any air conditioning? i need to learn about more kinds of earth foods and earth culture so that i can know how jarra's living for when i meet her one day. i need to watch all these vids so i can know how she's being treated by hospital earth. hospital earth is my mortal enemy for how they've torn my family apart, one day i'll make them pay. jarra's on the same planet as me right now. jarra might be watching the same news channel as me right now. i can't believe some bigoted norm is sabotaging the earth solar arrays to make the citizens of earth suffer, my baby cousin doesn't deserve this
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skygemspeaks · 7 months
reading the drago series is SO funny because, like, you get to know all of jarra's relatives and you're like...yeah, yeah that makes sense why she turned out Like That™
none of these bitches know how to deal with their emotions, and it shows.
the only reasonable ones here are riak and madrigal, and that's because both of them married into the family.
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skygemspeaks · 5 months
Forgot to post this here last night, but chapter 2 of earth girl fic is now posted, and we have a drago pov!
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skygemspeaks · 6 months
AKDJDHSJSK wait stop i just realized
Before jarra meets gemelle, i can just imagine drago pulling her aside and BEGGING jarra not to tell gemelle about him deliberately antagonizing fian by flirting with her
Drago only just got back on polite terms with gemelle and still isn't allowed to talk to royal without gemelle there
He doesn't want to lose his talking to jarra privileges either, even though the flirting thing was (ostensibly) done on orders from his commanding officer
Also, given how protective gemelle is of jarra, the chances of her breaking drago's nose if she finds out about the flirting are Not Zero
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skygemspeaks · 7 months
i'm reading hera 2781 and wow, it's painful seeing the open hostility between drago and jaxon 😢 since i've already read zeta sector 2788 i know that they eventually make up, but jeez, this is getting difficult to read
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skygemspeaks · 6 months
🥺the ending of the drago 2781 series was absolutely lovely!
i wasn't expecting to get as emotional as i did when renton mai was announced as the general marshal, given i already knew going into it that he was going to get the position. over the course of this series though i've come to really like him as a character, so it felt like a very well deserved win for him
though i think that the post script was really the cherry on top of the whole thing. it was confirmed that betha married ethan and laird! and they're still married during the main earth girl series!!
i wonder if she knows that riak is married into the tell clan. that would've been a fun revelation.
it feels a little bittersweet to be done with this series now (hard to believe that it's longer than the main earth girl series!!). anyways, now i've only got earth prime left to read, as well as the two exodus novels, though at this point i think i'm just going to stick with the plan to wait until we have more news of when the next book is coming out. i'd rather not start it before the series is all published, and given it's gonna be completely unknown characters anyways, i'm not too keen on starting it
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
So what if, when Jarra is 14, someone calls her a corward for not contacting her parents. IK in canon she doesn't but here she does it out of spite. Because Jarra is the queen of spite in some ways. Just fourteen year old Jarra being suspoius of these people who actually want to talk to her? And maybe doing somthing about the abusive science teacher or somthing. IDK just Tiny!Jarra getting to spend time with her famly and messing up all the plot bc i have no idea where this would end up going.
I love that, and she absolutely would do it out of spite lmaooo.
Just her talking about how she doesn’t understand why any of the other kids would contact their parents because they were the ones that dumped you after all, and one of her classmates calls her out on it, telling her to get off her high horse and stop being so arrogant, because the real reason Jarra isn’t contacting her parents is out of fear.
And Jarra, who doesn’t let anyone call her a coward, goes against her better judgement and decides to contact her parents.
And just like in canon, she finds out they’re military, and of course she’s still hurt, and she still wishes she weren’t abandoned, but she starts coming to terms with their decision, she realizes that the choice had been a difficult one for them as well.
Things start off rough for them, because Jarra is suspicious, and not only that she also sees what Issette is going through, with a dad who doesn’t want anything to do with her, and a mom who’s always promising to come visit her and then changing her mind. So Jarra keeps her distance for a while, and her parents understand. They don’t push her to be more affectionate or open.
Jarra tries not to get her hopes up when they promise they’ll come visit her, because she knows just how easily they can change their mind.
But they never do. They try their damnedest to show up for their regular visits with her, and whenever something comes up at work that means they can’t make it, they make sure to explain clearly why they aren’t coming, and reschedule their meeting.
They send her mails regularly, getting to know her and her life. And Jaxon is a young recruit at this point and doesn’t have the kind of freedom his parents do, but he makes sure to keep in contact with his baby sister, because there’s no way he’s going to let this chance slip past him. He sends her mails whenever he can, and he spends all his shore leave on Earth, getting to know Jarra and taking her to amusement parks, buying her presents, exploring zoos, listening to her archaeology rants. (Sometimes he brings Drago with him, who imprints on Jarra and becomes a second big brother).
Jarra is wary of him at first because she knows he was a big reason she had been abandoned, but she comes to adore her big brother to the ends of the Earth.
Over the years, every member of the Tell Clan comes to visit her at least once, even Dragon, and she comes to know her family, comes to be friends with her cousins, comes to look up to her big sister Gemelle. Hardly a week passes without at least one member of the Tell Clan showing up at her Next Step.
Cathan is a little bitter about it, but the rest of her friends are so so happy for Jarra, and it doesn’t hurt that her family is always so polite and respectful of them, and are just genuinely cool people. It even convinces Maeth to contact her clan.
At 16, Jarra is presented to her Clan in a private ceremony, with only Candace and her friends from Next Step there to watch.
And at 17, Jaxon is the first one that Jarra tells about her plan to infiltrate an Asgard history course.
At first Jaxon is worried about her motivations, but she tells him it’s nothing to be worried about. She just wants to see what Norms are really like. All her life, she’s despised them, because of the way they talk about Handicapped people and the way they abandon their babies and the jokes they make. But after getting to know her own family and seeing what genuinely good people they are, she wants to see for herself if other Norms are as bad as she always thought, or not.
Jaxon is a little apprehensive, warning her that Norms have a lot of built-in prejudice against the Handicapped, and she’ll encounter a lot of difficulties, but she insists that she wants to do this. She wants to go onto that course, she wants them to know that she’s Handicapped, and she wants to show them that she’s just as good as they are, and that there’s nothing wrong with handicapped people.
Despite his reservations, Jaxon supports her fully, because he can never say no to his baby sister.
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
Just read you replies. I totally agree with your thoughts on HE. I acutally got around to drabling Drago and arceolisgists and that actually came up in his not quite defense but sort of reply. Because I can really see that. I am also now seeing Jarra demanding Drago take her up in his fighter and him acutally doing it (without Fian around to party poop) and then getting lectured. This Jarra totally starts to learn the betan dialect. I can see her trying to talk to Lolia and Lolmack here as well.
Oh god are you kidding me? Drago would neeeever risk his baby cousin’s life by taking her up into orbit. One, he loves her too much, and two, he doesn’t want to get murdered by Jaxon’s or the rest of the clan’s hands. 
I really like the idea of Jarra learning betan dialect though!
Imagine that first scene during the meet and greet. Jarra stands up and announces proudly that she’s an Earth Girl, and everyone watches in stunned silence, before the jeering starts. Jarra just ignores it and takes her seat, unaffected. Lolia and Lolmack share a look, slightly impressed. They approach Jarra respectfully, not because of her clan (which they don’t know about yet, because her name is still legally Jarra Reeath until the honor ceremony), but because she’s pretty brave to come onto a course of norms knowing how they’ll treat her, and also because they want her help. They don’t know anything about Earth culture, and they want to learn so that they can help Lolette as much as they can. In secret, they tell her about their daughter, about why they came onto the course, and they ask her for her help.
Jarra is ashamed, because at first she had been wary of them after realizing they were from a gutter clan, but she really comes to admire the lengths these two are going to in order to keep their daughter. They become close friends, and Jarra’s the only one that Lolia and Lolmack talk to without any condescension and who they actually seem to respect.
Then one day after class, Jarra’s sitting in the hall with them and the rest of Team 1, and she gets a call on her lookup.
It’s Drago and Jaxon, who are currently at the same base and who’ve just found out that they’ll be going on shore leave soon. As soon as Jarra picks up the call, they start babbling at her in dialect, so excited about seeing her again when they come to visit, and wanting to meet her school friends and see where she’s studying and just having fun together. They only have a few minutes to talk and let her know when they’ll be there and get the portal codes from her before they have to leave again.
When Jarra hangs up the call, all her friends are staring at her like she’s grown a second head.
Krath, ever the tactless one, is the first one to speak. “I didn’t know Earth had a dialect!” he says. “I thought you just spoke standard Language!”
“We do,” Jarra confirms.
“That was Betan dialect,” Lolmack speaks up, and he looks totally dazed, like he can’t understand what’s going on. “I understood most of what she said, though there did seem to be some planet-specific slang that’s different from what we have on Artemis.”
He shoots Jarra a confused look, and she laughs sheepishly. “Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that my family is from Beta sector,” she says. “Our clan hall is on Zeus, and I’ve been learning dialect from my brothers whenever they call or visit.”
“But Jarra, I thought you grew up as a ward of hospital Earth,” Dalmora says, curious.
Jarra shrugs. “I did. At 14, wards of hospital Earth are given the option to contact their birth families if they want. I took up that option, and I was one of the lucky few whose family actually want a relationship with her.” Then, she looks down shyly and her smile becomes delicate. “When I was 16 they even presented me to the clan.”
There’s a watery gasp from Lolia, who looks like she’s about to start crying any second now. “Oh, is that really true Jarra?” she asks, voice hopeful. “Your clan really gave you full membership? Lolmack, do you think-?”
Lolmack places a hand on her arm. “Don’t get your hopes too high, Lolia. One single clan granting membership to a Handicapped baby isn’t going to help us. In fact, it’s more likely to make them lose status.” And then, his gaze turning suspicious, he says, “Besides, Jarra doesn’t have a clan prefix in her name.”
Jarra shrugs again. “My parents gave up all guardianship rights to me when they made me a ward of hospital Earth. Under Hospital Earth law, I wasn’t able to change my name until I turned 18, and since my name will be changing again when the honor ceremony happens anyways, we decided to keep my Hospital Earth name until then. Under Beta sector law though, my name-”
“Honor ceremony?” Lolmack cuts in, his voice sharp. Lolia’s eyes have gone wide. “And your brothers mentioned something about shore leave during their phone call. Jarra...is your clan in the military alliance?”
“Yeah,” Jarra replies nonchalantly. “Like I was saying, my name has been Jarra Tellona Feren since my presentation ceremony.”
There are twin gasps of horror from Lolia and Lolmack, and they immediately jump back as if they’ve been burned.
It takes Jarra almost half an hour to get them to stop speaking to her deferentially and stop calling her noble born.
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
So normally I'm an au person for eg but have you consdiered. An Earth Girl/ES EF musical. This would be after ES. Jarra is horiffed. There are songs. About her love (canon for fian, but could be au as well). Playdon has a song about how he didn't expect this to happen- it is a duet with Rono after the rescue. A6T1 has a song together as well. It is suprisingly well reaserched and repectful. Just full of feelings. Jarra just hides on fortuna- everyone learns the songs and sings them too her.
Its gets worse though (for Jarra). Beta takes offense about how romance-centric the musical is and then there is a Tell-side version, (in happy au there would be parents singing a song for their lost daughter but they get to see her, if not that whole story played as a tragedy and serious with hope end). not only does this one go after HE for not letting family go with kids, it is also hopelessly dramatic as well. Psych division loves this since it gives them so much support. Jarra (for all her hiding)
there is also epic poetry in Beta sector. Like the Odyssey but instead about Jarra reuniting with her family. The musicals are hopelessly soppy but the poetry recitations are bad as well. (Her family notices that for all Jarra is embarrassed, she never actually denies her feelings). Also, Candace is not in this bc pro parent confidentiality. Instead there is an oc pro parent. Jarra isn't sure what to think of this. Thankfully there is not an oc p!Dad. that was well known enough he just wasn't in the story
Back to the musical- I just find this too funny. The scene during Jarra’s adoption ceremony when she speaks- That becomes the entire Tell family singing about loss and pain and forgiveness, it ends with a Jaxon and Jarra duet. Drago is so popular that he gets his own song about the first time he saw her in the mess (the flirting thankfully doesn't make it in, that wasn't quite widely known enough). Torrek gets a song about loss and finding out his g daughter is gone. It is the saddest song in show.
oh my god nonny, this au is galaxy brain!!!!
I especially love the idea of getting a version of the story from the Tell clan’s pov. Everything about it is just hilarious and amazing, and the thing about Jarra and Jaxon is making me all teary eyed.
I need to read this fic!!!!!
But also what about Raven’s part in all this??? If we’re sticking to canon, just imagine the audience highkey shipping Raven with Jarra and Fian as a triad and they’re all a little embarrassed about it at first, but looking at it like this from an outside pov they’re forced to confront their feelings about each other and Raven joins their relationship
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skygemspeaks · 5 years
I don't think (want) Jarra to be with Fian. Now I am wondering if she likes Dalmora more without her inital hesitation and they end up not quite together because of Dalmora's culture but getting close to it. IDK maybe Fian ends up with Petra and they work through her problems together so that doesn't come up later XD. Also picture Solar 5 with her knowing her parents/grandpa. Or the award ceremony where like every Tell Clan member who isn't in quarentine shows up. Just how proud of her they are.
Okay I forget if I’ve mentioned this before but like, my ot3 is definitely Dalmora/Jarra/Raven because they would be sooo cute together! Jarra has an obvious crush on Dalmora from the very first book, and Raven’s absolutely smitten with her from even before he meets her in person.
The award ceremony after the Solar 5 rescue would be super emotional because like, this Jarra knows that’s her grandfather up in space, likely about to die. She knows that it’s her grandfather piloting Solar 5, and it’s his life at stake if they fail to save them. She fights that much harder to be allowed to keep working when she gets hurt, and when she wakes up later at the settlement, Torrek is going to be sitting at her bedside, with half the Tell clan clamoring outside, trying to get in. She starts sobbing as soon as she sees that her grandfather is okay, and she collapses into his arms.
Later, at the award ceremony, Drago almost gets kicked out of the stadium because he won’t stop cheering for Jarra, and she almost dies of embarrassment about how extra he’s being.
Gemelle and Jaxon can’t make it to the ceremony, and Drago rubs it in both their faces for months afterwards that he was at the ceremony and they weren’t able to. He doesn’t know how close he gets to death by their hands.
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