#herbert would be the most insufferable PTA parent ever lol
godlizzza · 11 months
Fic request if possible? - I want to see Middle aged herb get into some argument with a PTA mom over the funding of the science program or something, I like to imagine he’d deny fighting tooth and nail for that kid to get a proper science education but we both know he would 😂
Ty (no rush on it if you’re busy, sorry to bug ya, love your work)
"Now then, onto the point of school funding. I- Yes, Mr. West?"
"It's Dr. West, Carol, try to get it right. Now, what I want to know is, why is there even a suggestion to blow half the budget on- what was it? A patio?"
"It's for refurbishing the auditorium to make it suitable for the children to perform plays. The current deck has a weight capacity that would limit class-wide performances."
"That's absurd. How can you even suggest that when the science lab is in its current state? I've seen run-down meth labs in better condition."
"Oh, my goodness..."
"Dr. West, please try to keep your language appropriate."
"What did I say? I didn't even curse."
"Does anyone else have any propositions over the budget, or-?"
"I wasn't finished. As I was saying, there can't be any question on funding decks until the lab is fit for students to actually learn the sciences in a productive way."
"Excuse me. I can appreciate that you're advocating for your chosen path, doctor, but what about the other subjects? Like the arts? My daughter, Molly, is an aspiring actress. She needs a suitable auditorium to perform in."
"Little Polly can do cartwheels-"
"It's Molly."
"-or the chicken dance wherever she wants. A child actually wishing to develop their education past the preschool level needs the proper equipment."
"Ms. Chairwoman, I don't appreciate Dr. West's tone."
"And I don't appreciate hippies dragging down the average IQ of the next generation."
"Alright, everyone, let's try to keep things civil-"
"I'm being perfectly civil. Brenda's the one who can't control herself. It's no wonder little Dolly can't even count to three unassisted."
"Her name is Molly you insufferable, little-!"
"Ms. Chairwoman, I don't appreciate Mrs. Gibson's tone."
"Okay, enough. Meeting adjourned. Dr. West, may I have a word please?"
"Oh, hey, Honey. How'd the meeting go?"
"Swimmingly. Though, for some reason, several people made complaints about me."
"What? I was simply advocating on the behalf of those children and their right to a proper education. If some of those parents had it their way, those kids would be doing nothing but finger painting and singing about butterflies."
"You know, maybe you should sit the next meeting out."
"Dan, you're a bystander in all this. Indifference is the true enemy of progress, you know."
"Uh huh, sure. Now, why don't you sit down and I'll make you a nice cup of tea, huh? How does that sound?"
"What a dear you are. I knew there had to be some reason why I married you."
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