harryshmjr · 7 years
@hercolourwasred replied to your post “when will australia get the memo that their songs are too good for...”
He looks like Luke Pasqualino and sounds amazing not fair guys
australia we’re not inviting you to europe just so you could win a EUROPEAN contest pls stop
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hercolourwasred replied to your post “hercolourwasred replied to your post “.” Who made...”
Oh bb :( people are total dicks :( I'm sending you all the hugs!
thanks dear (nice seeing you around here again :) )
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koreanrage · 8 years
hercolourwasred replied to your post:Ugh I’m going to give Shadowhunters a try because...
He doesn’t really feature too much at first, but pops up pretty often after episode 4 if that helps?
Oh thank god because I NEED him to appear lolol. The writing for this so far is not....good. But I’m going to be optimistic and assume first season momentum hasn’t gotten going yet. I’m only one ep 2 shhh. 
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mayonnaisetoffees · 8 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. Tagged by the fantastic @scinscire.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke, when cold. Pepsi if it’s at room temperature.
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I like both, but Disney because Disney gave me Mulan and Moana and The Lion King.
3. Coffee or Tea: Neither, but fruit tea if I have to.
4. Books or Movies: I like both, but when my brain is broken, I go to LOTR and Mulan, so films probably take the biscuit.
5. Windows or Mac: Windows.
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel, but I’ve got a soft spot for BatFam
7. Xbox or Playstation: Don’t mind
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Never played either, would probably enjoy both
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Mornings were created by the devil.
10. Cards or Chess: Cards; there’s more variety. Uno is a battle to the death.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry. 
12. Vans or Converse: My feet don’t fit in converse and I’ve never tried vans.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Never played.
14. Fluff or Angst: Fluff. There is enough shit in this world, I need a hell of a lot of fluff to read.
15. Beach or Forest: Forest. Hands down. 
16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs.
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain. Preferably a thunderstorm, I will sleep like a baby.
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Both. I love cooking so much, but eating out is a nice treat.
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Spicy definitely but not boil your head off like my mum likes. And I have no shame in drinking milk with my meal.
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: CHRISTMAS. I am a big Christmas person. Best holiday. Well, out of the Christian ones. Church is so warm and there’s candles and you get to try and make people smile and there’s food and everyone’s together, I love it.
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold because that’s how I live my life.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation because I hate flying and get travel sick, so it would let me travel.
23. Animation or Live Action: TV Shows, live action, films, animation. But LOTR, Mulan and Star Wars above all else.
24. Paragon or Renegade: Never played.
25. Baths or Showers: Showers because I don’t have to clean the bath beforehand.
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Love both, don’t make me choose, but Iron Man was in the right. And gets treated so badly. And seriously will someone please, please take care of him???
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Both? Both. Both is good.
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they:
“Statistics mean nothing to the individual.” - Dr Cox
“You know what? I was wrong. You are an idiot. My life happens to, on occasion, suck beyond the telling of it. Sometimes more than I can handle. And it's not just mine. Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're too busy with their own. The beautiful ones. The popular ones. The guys that pick on you. Everyone. If you could hear what they were feeling. The loneliness. The confusion. It looks quiet down there. It's not. It's deafening...” - Buffy Summers
“There’s no need to call me sir, professor” - Harry Potter
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter.
31: When You Feel Accomplished: This one time I fit 17 bigass grapes in my mouth
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperbacks. I hate a book that feels new for long.
34. Handwriting or Typing: Typing. It’s easier, and my hand cramps less.
35. Velvet or Satin: idk and idc
36. Video Games or Movies? Films because I’m shit at video games.
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Be the dragon. Obviously. Bro. I’d breath fire.
38: Sunrise or sunset: Sunset. If I’m up to see the sunrise, I’m probably feeling sick.
39: What’s your favourite song? Currently? How Far I’ll Go from Moana. Auli’i’s voice is beautiful. 
40: Horror Movies yes or no: Fuck no.
41: Ketchup/tomato sauce on pasta or not? No. When I was younger, I was partial, but no.
(New question) 42: Favourite film when you were a kid?:
I’m tagging @hercolourwasred, @excalibur-red, @misplacedlemon, @alloverthegaf, @mywitfailsme, @clotpolesonly, @franzwantscoffee, @almimighty @vas-happenin-team and whoever else who wants to do it.
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crimson-creature · 8 years
I was tagged by @tehlus-tits-and-teeth because who else xD
RULES: Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return! Tag backs are allowed, but you mustn’t repeat any of the facts you mentioned previously! The facts can be absolutely anything! Whatever springs to mind!
1. I seem to be unable to maintain anything resembling a sensible sleeping schedule, and so, like a quiet distater of a human being that I am, I’m almost constantly sleep deprived.
2. I have terrible memory when it comes to remembering details of my human interactions but I sure as hell remember a lot of film and science trivia.
3. Tied to my previous point - every time I enter new fandom/get into a new sport/science-y interest I don’t rest until I know all that I can about it to later be able to annoy the hell out of anyone patient enough to listen to my rambling (thank you dad and L for being my best enablers).
4. The road to my heart is through food and I would sell almost anyone to Satan for one corn chip.
5. I dislike doing team sports.
6. I have a lot of books on my list that I want to read, but it’s hard getting back to published literature when you actually have to pay attention to the names.
7. Cooking is not something I generally enjoy doing, so I mostly stick to simple things and it’s driving my mum insane.
8. I’m the family’s designated driver because I don’t drink and I enjoy driving most of the time.
9. I hate locusts or whatever the hell those big grasshopper things are called.
10. I started enjoying japanese right after I passed the last exam and became a free woman. I start hating things with vengeance as soon as I have to learn them, so it’s not such a big surprise.
11. I have an autumn tradition of reading The Fellowship of the Ring, though I skipped it last year, for which I feel really bad.
I tag @hercolourwasred @greenleaves-never @ilovetextingandscones @mywitfailsme @ilovetiramisu ... and really, anyone who would like to do this, consider yourself tagged (for real!)
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aislinceivun · 9 years
hercolourwasred replied to your post “OMG. I just got the notification about Loaded March #15. Please tell...”
As I wrote, I haven’t kept up with it since LM11 but yeah - since I’m crazy loving superepic fic mammoths, and Footloose is an awesome author, this was one of the firsts I’ve fallen in love with :D I’m not a Hive Mind worthy fan, but I absolutely adore all her work.^^
But man, even if I could start re-reading this right now, I wouldn’t get to #15 for about a month at least x’D Haha. Still. It’s pretty awesome that she finally finished this mammoth of a series.
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excalibur-red · 9 years
hercolourwasred said: wow is he butt-hurt or something?? sounds like he was being a toddler ngl, especially if he’s not been talking to you, I mean that’s just unnecessary…
yeah I think he is, and it’s hilarious considering he was the one to call it off.
I don’t know whether he’s actually not been talking to me, but he only ever seems to directly talk to me if he has to, if we’re in a group where several conversations are happening at once he doesn’t talk to me. Which is 100% not what I’d expect from someone who supposedly fancies me? I don’t know if it’s a case of him not wanting to feel like he’s leading me on or something. And yesterday he was at mine and at one point it was just me and him in the living room, but I was on my laptop, and he didn’t try to start a conversation but he might have just thought I didn’t want to be interrupted? Literally nothing about the way he acts makes sense.
But apparently he told his friends about me and that stinks of someone who’s kinda hopelessly crushing on someone idek
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ilovetiramisu · 9 years
replied to your post“I had a song stuck in my head all the way round the Supermarket, and...”
Really Lauren, Barbie Girl
(if your aim was to get this in my head it failed miserably) 
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harryshmjr · 7 years
@hercolourwasred replied to your post “@ahrtsyfray replied to your post “okay that’s literally katy perry’s...”
He's only in the final! Scott Mills (a radio 1 dj) and Mel from GBBO do the semis :)
oh yeah, i know scott he’s funny too i enjoy comments from a polish guy too tho he’s cool
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hercolourwasred replied to your post “.”
Who made you sad only I'm allowed to do that what the fuck who needs to be killed
i’m moving out on march 1st bc my housemates SUCK and I had found an ok-flat. the woman said it was fine, that I just had to pay th deposit, i asked for her account to send the money, she ignored me all day, just to tell me, like two hours ago, that she prefers to look for sb else 
i’m also overwhelmed bc i’m doing two masters and i’m behind in one of them bc it’s too much and i’m just so tired
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mayonnaisetoffees · 8 years
I don’t know about anyone else in the Hive, but pizza still reminds me a little of Lauren...
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the pizza place where i tend to order my pizza messed up and brought me two small pizzas instead of one normal one *_______*
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excalibur-red · 9 years
hercolourwasred said: If you find out when it’s updated could you run down to somewhere like a Mcdonalds which offers free wifi just to download it (assuming it comes out before holiday)? Desperate times and all that ;)
I should be okay if it comes out before my holiday because I have wifi at uni. I’m going to have to resort to desperate measures if it comes out while I’m on holiday. Although I might actually have wifi where we’re staying on holiday, but that would require reading it on my phone, which I’m not fond of but it’s a means to an end. I was hoping for some R&R on holiday but I don’t think that’s going to happen either way, because I’ll be reading it or getting too nervous about it being posted soon, this intermission between parts has been too long, I’m getting edgy. 
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ilovetiramisu · 9 years
tagged by hercolourwasred spell your name with songs and tag ten people
J - Juliet - Lmnt
E - Everybody’s Fool - Evanescence
S - Say Something - A Great Big World
S - Some Nights - Fun.
I - It’s Alright This Is Love - Davichi
C - Cross My Mind - Twin Forks
A - All The Small Things - blink-182
Tagging: anyone who wants to, it’s 3am I can’t do something that requires making a decision...
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veshkrisk · 10 years
hercolourwasred replied to your post “Sleep deprived library update: listening to ‘get shit done’ 8tracks...”
You can do it! Just imagine all the sleep you can get once its done :) <3
Thank you! <3 (I am planning on going to bed right after everything is done on Thursday and sleeping for like 18 hours straight. It’s not natural to be in the library from 8am to 12 midniht for nearly a full week!
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cityelf · 10 years
hercolourwasred replied to your post: Achilles:Step one; protect Patroclus A...
i’ve never left the desperate sobbing stage i just pretend to be at dark humour in the hopes i one day will be….so far it’s not worked but at least i laugh while crying :O
I have cried so much today to be honest it's more a brief span of hilarity before it breaks me again
adoration-to-obsession replied to your post: Achilles:Step one; protect Patroclus A...
should i read this? it’ll break my fragile heart into tiny pieces, but is it worth the pain?
Yes. Do it. It's so well written. And. JUST READ IT.
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