thesmokingguns · 2 years
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Slightly nsfw minors DNI 18+ to be safe
It’s all or nothing.
Tonight is the night where our Newlyweds will be spending their first night together. After a long night of getting married to a stranger they will have to navigate the marital bed, learn routines, and finally get some time to talk to each other and figure out some of the reasons that they were matched. Will things get hot and heavy? Or will we find a new revival of the meaning of bathtub gin?
Find out tonight of Married at First Sight..
Nora leaned against Nikki, he had her high heels in one hand, her hip in the other. Both of them leaning against each other, this quiet over them as they both thought about how they were going to be in a room, alone soon.
“I can feel your heart beating.” Nikki whispered it in her ear, watching the way Nora turned, looking up at him. It was in her eyes, this sudden worry about something that he didn't want her to worry about.  “I’m looking forward to getting to know you more. Learn more about that beautiful mind of yours; I’m sure it matches the beautiful outside.” Nora’s heart fluttered as she turned, wrapping her arms around him as they kissed.
The camera crew was thinking about taking a bet about which couples would consummate their marriage tonight and it seemed like easy money to put it on NIkki and Nora doing much more than talking.
Nikki pushed open the door to the suite, reaching for Nora as he guided her inside the room. The couple stepped inside together. Nora expected to feel shy, but she was more aware of the cameras now. A moment she had expected to be alone she could feel the lens peering at her, almost sucking out some of the intimacy.
“Let me help you out of the dress. Do you have pajamas? I can give you my shirt?” Nikki ws speaking softer now, he was aware of the shift in Nora. The way that she was giving looks at the camera almost unsure of what to do with them there.
His confidence made her breathe, nodding her head as Nikki’s fingers slid down her neck, moving to start undoing the buttons on herdress, moving his lips down so that she could feel him breathing on her skin. He laid kisses across her shoulders as he started to help her undress, hearing the soft way her voice caught in her throat.
“Can I have your shirt?” Nikki smirked, nodding his head as he moved his head to nod towards the bathroom, Nora moving in there with him close behind.
She was turning to him, looking at him as he started undoing his vest and moving on to the dress shirt he was going to dress her in.
“It feels weird with the camera.” she whispered it, the pair of them being alone made her feel a little bit better but she craved a cigarette, something to do with her hands to calm herself down. It was hard now for some reason, after it all being so easy.
Nora worried about the high of the wedding and being around people was fading. What if she was uncomfortable around her husband? But just as quickly as the doubt appeared Nikki was reaching for her hands, his fingers turning the ring there as she looked at him.
“Nora. The cameras will leave. After this whole experience they will be gone. We will have more time just you and I then you and I and a whole film crew.” She smirked, nodding her head. “Here.” He was shrugging from his shirt, laying it on the sink for her. “You can get ready for bed out here and I’ll keep the cameras busy out there.
He winked at her as he walked out, not knowing how she wanted him to stay.
Nora took out her hair, washed off her makeup and smirked as she slid on Nikki’s shirt. It was still warm and smelled like him. As she inhaled her husband's scent she smirked, touching her lips as she felt the smirk.
The camera crew would eventually leave and it would just be her and Nikki. She just had to make it through maybe an hour of filming and then Nikki was all hers.
Opening the bathroom door she looked at Nikki. He was only in a pair of black briefs. Pushing his hair back as Nora watched him, wearing his dress shirt that she was swimming in. Nikki was very attractive in a suit but shirtless Nikki in briefs was, chefs kiss.
“Hey hubby.” Nikki turned, his eyes on his wife as he blinked, mouth opening and closing as he looked at Nora.
No makeup. Hair combed out. His shirt on. Nikki was ready for the cameras to leave now.
Nora rushed across the room to him, wrapping her arms around Nikki as she still felt a bit shy, now more than ever since they didn’t have all their clothes on and the air was thick with need. Neither of them kissed, both knowing that was going to break the dam and they wouldn’t be able to stop once they started.
“I usually don’t wear a ton of makeup so get used to this face.” she joked. Nikki tilted her face up, looking at the green golden specks in the center of her eyes.
“Gladly.” Nikki was leading them back to bed, helping Nora in, smirking as she pulled the comforter up and turned instantly to where NIkki was getting in. He liked how interested in him she was. How she felt like home and it was just a few hours into getting to know her. What was a lifetime going to look like if he was this happy so soon?
Nikki touched her hip, smirking as Nora pushed herself closer, legs tangling with his.
“How does it feel to be a married woman, Mrs. Sixx?” he picked up her hand, kissing the wedding ring there as Nora watched him, this look of absolute joy on her face, “Because I already love being your husband.”
“I’m glad, Nikki. I’m glad that it was you at the end of the aisle. It feel like-”
“It was meant to be.” he finished for her, seeing the way that Nora nodded, her eyes slightly watering as she felt him rub her cheek, “I can’t wait to get to know you more.” he was whispering, both of them wanting privacy and just falling into each other.
The camera crew knew they needed to leave. They had another couple coming up to bed that they needed to film but they wanted to see if there would be anything else that would happen with the couple.
“Can we pull you for an Interview?” Nikki looked over his shoulder, the first flash of annoyance on his face but Nora was squeezing his hand, calming him down. He knew that she was thinking that as soon as he went he could come back and the cameras would leave.
Nikki was in another room, bathrobe on as he sat in front of the camera. He was trying to focus as they set up but all he could think about was Nora, wrapped up in the comforter, giving him a look as he walked away to let him know that she would be waiting for him to come back. He was very aware that he was going to sleep with his wife tonight. He had a few questions about the logistics of it.
Was she on birth control? Was it going to be soft and easy? Or fast and furious? How was her love making style? What was her body like? Where did she want to be touched? Did she like to be held after or did she clean up and fall asleep? Could he hold her after, tell her how he felt about this whole situation?
“How are you feeling about Nora?” Nikki looked up, the mention of his wife making him smile. His heart was beating, thinking how easy this day went with her. How everything he had been worried about dissipated as she ran down the aisle towards him, falling into his arms.
“I think the experts picked my soulmate.” The crew all looked at each other, surprised that he had said that after only about eight hours with his wife. “Everything I was worried about before this is gone. It’s like the only thing I’m worried about now is if she’s okay alone in the room.” He was thinking of Nora, hoping she was waiting for him and not asleep.
But if she was he’d crawl into bed and hold her. He craved the weight of her in his arms.
“Soulmate?” The producers were smiling, thinking of ratings and excited to share the footage with the three experts who had picked these couples.
“Yeah, there's something about Nora that just…I can’t explain it. I..I’m going to go back to my wife now, actually.” NIkki was standing up, ending the interview as the camera crew looked at each other, shocked.
“We should probably go film Duff and Mathilde now.” someone piped up and they were packing up, ready to set up in the room. Another camera crew was filming them leaving their reception at that moment.
Mathilde and Duff walked through their friend holding up sparklers, their hands entwined as the pair of them smiled at each other, looking at each other with shy smirks as they were sent off by their friends and family.
It felt real now. Their marriage, their wedding, everything.
Like their wedding night, which they both were walking down a hallway to share together.
Duff was thinking about there being a couch in the room or maybe a chair so that he didn't make Mathilde feel uncomfortable by sleeping in the same bed as her. She was already picturing it being a sleepover but where you stay up all night, noses  touching as you lazily kiss each other discovering a whole world of someone else in the smallest part of morning.
In the room Duff looked from the bed to his wife, biting his lip as he nervously tried to think of what to do. But Mathilde was moving past him, squeezing his arm as she went.
“I’m going to get ready for bed, can I meet you there?” her eyes on him as she flirted, making Duff nod, swallowing hard as he thought of his wife flirting with him.
He had a million girls flirt with him. Life of a rockstar where girls would come backstage and plenty of things had happened. But suddenly with Mathilde his mouth was dry and he had no game. He was worried about what she would think of him if he moved too fast. He didn’t want her to be hurt so he would take his time. Get to know her, do this all right.
He was lost in thought when the camera crew asked  to interview him, pulling him to an adjoining room for an interview. His hands were shaky, so much expectation laid at his feet now. And he was going to have to talk about it.
“How does it feel to be married?”
Duff thought about the question, taking a second before he answered the production crew. Mainly because he wasn’t sure how he was feeling since it was like a tornado of emotions that he was going through. It seemed like every few seconds he was feeling something else, thinking about something else.
“It feels good. We just met but Mathilde is so kind and fun. I can see why we’re matched and.” Duff blushed slightly at this, feeling like a kid again with what he was about to admit, “I have a crush on my wife. I mean, how could I not?” Mathilde was the type of gorgeous men did double takes for, giving themself whiplash over.
But it was more than her beauty that had captured the blonde bassist's attention. It was the way she touched his hand when he was overwhelmed, how the softness of her smile calmed him  in a way that the prescription drugs he had been diagnosed with were supposed to do but never seemed to actually work. Mathilde was the presence in his life that he had been seeking since childhood. That good thing in the world people talk about but never manage to actually find. And yet here Duff was, married to her.
Yes, Mathilde was beautiful but it was more than that, something that was special about her that he needed. She completed him in a way that he hadn’t realized he needed and he was excited to see where or if he fit into her life.
Izzy was going to lose his mind if the cameras didn’t fuck off. He was very aware of the stress that he felt with them there and he was running the risk of his cigarettes running out if he didn't make it to the luggage in the suite he would be sharing with Vialou. As he thought of her name he looked up to find her, his eyes scanning the crowd where he found his wife, taking another shot of whatever she was drinking swinging in circles as she danced with her friends and family.
She looked happy, like she knew some secret to life that Izzy couldn’t understand and he envied her ability to be so calm as she danced and just had fun. Vialou had a passion for life that Izzy wanted to tap into and enjoy with her.
Standing up, he moved to where his wife was spinning, sure  to fall over soon from the amount that she was drinking. BUt as he moved closer it was like she sensed him and reached out for Izzy, wrapping herself around him with a delighted smile paying on her features.
“Izzy, darling.” she was moving, making him dance by proxy, which he very much did not want to do. BUt maybe this was what he needed to be able to  have a happy life. Maybe he needed to dance.
But then Izzy realized that he did not ever have to dance and he did not want to be caught dancing anywhere. He glanced around, grabbing Vialou’s hand and pulling her towards the hallway as she smirked, following him.
“We should go to our room. It’s late and we’re traveling in the morning and should try to get some sleep.” He was trying to be realistic but Vialou had no care for reality. She wanted to have fun and laugh with everyone. It didn’t matter that she was getting married on a reality TV show because everything that she was going through was real.
“One more dance.” She was trying to get him to dance with her again but Izzy was thinking of how they had to wake up by 8AM to start filing again. Vialou was going to have an awful hangover as it was and Izzy needed to make sure that he could get her from the home.
“We can dance upstairs.” he would do anything to get her to leave their reception and it seemed to work because Vialou looked at him, her eyes suggesting something that made Izzy realize he had phrased it entirely wrong.
Vialou grabbed his hand, tugging him close as she kissed him, surprising Izzy and making him redden as he felt the eyes and lens of the camera on him. When he pulled away Vialou smirked at him, fingering his tie as she held him close.
“You’re shy. I hope you don’t keep that up in bed later.” Izzy had enough of that. He was wrapping an arm around Vialou, guiding her from the ballroom where they were having their reception towards the elevators that would take them upstairs.
Vialou was direct and sexual. She had this ferocity in her that Izzy craved like a wild animal craves its next meal, needy and to live. But her directness also threw him off when they were being filmed. He wanted them to have this intimacy in private.
“Lou, please. Can we talk tonight about this?” she looked at him, eyes narrowed in annoyance at her husband. Her gun soaked thoughts made his words sound like he didn’t desire her. And her confidence was instantly shaken by this. Something that Vialou hadn’t experienced before. She was always so good about knowing what she wanted and getting it.
They were on the floor of their suit, the silence between them being filmed at deafening volume by the camera crew. Vialou stopped as he opened the door, Izzy looking at his wife over his shoulder as she crossed her arms.
“You need to carry me over the threshold. It’s about the spirits and safety.” Izzy looked at her, realizing he wasn’t joining and stepped back over. She was lifted easily into his arms, pressed against his chest as he turned back into the room, carrying her into  their suite.
Izzy was walking with her held against him, Vialou holding the lapels of his jacket as they looked at each. She felt like he was going to kiss her and her heartbeat, thinking maybe she reached too far and he was attracted to her. But Izzy was setting her onto the bed, the rose petals someone had done in the shape of a heart breaking apart as Vialou watched her husband take a step away.
She wanted to scream at him, throw something at his head. Vialou did not like how Izzy was making her feel. Not one bit of her feeling desired and hating how she felt the strangeness between her and her husband. Vialou had been so sure that there had been a spark when she had kissed him for the first time. So sure that everything was coming together. And now he was making her doubt it all.
Getting up she went into her luggage, grabbing the black negligee she had planned to wear to bed with her husband and the flask full of gun she had packed, pushing past where Izzy was silently undressing, turning as she bumped into him, stepping away by her cold glare.
This was not going how he expected it to.
Mathilde was wearing a white cotton short set with ‘bride’ in blue silk stitched to the chest. She moved to the bed, looking at Duff who was wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He itched the back of his head, looking from her to the bed.
“I can sleep on the couch if it makes you more comfortable. Or if you want to sleep in the bed we can put pillows between us so that you don’t feel like we have to do anything.” he was nervous about tonight and she could see it, moving to her husband as she grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the bed and pulling aside the bedspread.
Duff watched the ease as she shifted across the sheets, patting beside her as she laid down, looking at him scampering into the side beside her. Their eyes met and he grabbed her hand, holding it in his, half to feel calm and half because he wanted her closer to him, wanted to touch her in some way.
“Hello husband.”
“Hello Wife.”
They exchanged cheesy smiles at each other. Both of them knew that the cameras were there but they didn’t seem  to care about them when they were together. It was like the world was theirs and they just wanted to spend their time with each other.
“What’s your favorite color?” Mathilde asked Duff. She wanted to start the night by asking about what small things he liked, building upon these little things to make a bigger happier base for their lives.
Mathildde wanted forever with her husband and it was important to her that she put in the work to get that forever. Marriage was not easy and there would be plenty of turmoil to come , especially in the expedited process of this marriage.
“I’m color blind.” he said with a small sad smile , “But I guess I can be romantic and say the color of your eyes, or the color of your lips right now in this light.” he moved a thumb up to touch the soft velvet plushness of her lips. She smirked at the gentle way he touched her, the way that her eyes watched him and how she liked when he bent down, laying a  gentle kiss on her lips.
“I like when you kiss me.” Mathilde whispered out the confession to her husband, softly like she was giving him a secret that he couldn’t help but smile at that. Being intimate, even if it was just kissing, felt personal. To do it with a stranger in bed on your wedding night?
Duff felt good about his marriage at that moment, he felt happy with his wife and the life that they could have together.
He looked up at the camera crew, smirking as he slid out of bed. Mathilde watched him as she imagined what it would be like to fall asleep in the middle of kisses with him. Getting up to open the door for them.
“We have an early start tomorrow, see you then.” They all exchange smirks, nodding in a way that was knowing as they headed out for the night.
They had seen couples requesting private time before and it always led to scenes that they couldn’t film or private thoughts that weren’t theirs to capture and they were sure that was what was happening.
Duff turned back, looking at Mathilde in bed and smiled at her with a smirk as he locked the day behind him.
“Hello wife.”
“Hello husband.” Mathilde reached for him as she welcomed him back into the bed, feeling his hand slide down, resting on her hip as she looked at him with eyes shining. “Can we talk more and kiss more?”
“We can do whatever you want.” Duff was leaning down to kiss her again as he said this, starting off by delivering on one of the things that she wanted.
Nikki opened the door, looking toward Nora who was pushing herself up on the bed, on her knees. His eyes were on her, locking the door before he threw off his bathrobe, letting it flutter uselessly to the floor as he reached out for his wife. Taking her in his arms as he kissed her, deep and needy as she moaned against his lips, letting him push her back into the thickness of the mattress.
Nora rolled, smirking as she straddled Nikki. She reached for his hand pressing it on her stomach, guiding it up as she looked at him. He watched her face as his hand pushed up the warm skin of her stomach, the other hand that she wasn't guiding following the path the pair had followed until it was grabbing her breasts, holding them as she breathed unevenly out, mouth trembling as she felt the thickness of his erection pressing against her through their underwear. Her hips were rolling ever so softly as she let Nikki cup and pinch at her breasts.
“We are wearing too much.” Nikki could agree with her words more. He was pulling at teh dress shirt he had been wearing earlier that day, groaning as he looked at Nora, sitting atop him in just the thin white lace of a thong.
The way he looked at her, his eyes scanning her as he took in the way his wife looked. The way her body was on top of his. He knew what he wanted and he knew what she wanted but so much was going through his mind, he didn’t know where to start.
But Nora did.
She was sliding off the bed, standing in the sparse lamp light that cast her body in romantic shadows. Nikki is sitting up to watch her. How she hooked her thumbs into her underwear sides and pushed them down with a shimmy of her hips, stepping out of them as Nikki looked at her again walking towards him with careful steps where her hips danced left than right in seductive motions.
“Your  turn.” she dropped down in front of him, eyes on NIkki as her fingers touched the waistband of his boxer briefs, pulling them down. Nikki looked at her between his legs and the way Nora sucked in her bottom lip before her tongue came out wetting the bottom. She was resting her cheek against his thigh, rolling her neck to take a soft bite of the flesh there, teeth marks imprinted as he watched her smirk, turning her head back to his cock.
Nikki reached for her, not believing that he was giving up a blowjob as he brought his wife into bed with him, had her straddling his thighs as she wrapped her arms around his neck, readjusting as her legs moved, knees back on the mattress as she looked at him. Then he saw it.
It was just a flicker in her eyes as she looked at him. Nora was afraid.
“I want to take my time with you, Nora.” Her eyes softened , looking away for a second as she tried to figure out what to say to him, feeling the warmth of him against her thighs. The weight of Nikki on her body as she felt him against her, grounding her.
She turned looking back to him as she smiled, more forced now. Nikki hated the forced way she was smiling, feeling guilty for making his bride uncomfortable.
“Can I tell you…the truth?” she asked it soft, quietly.
Nikki reached for her hand , fingers entwining as he made sure he was close to her. Feeling the way her heart beat as he laid a kiss on her shoulder, tasting another on her collarbone before his eyes were on hers again.
The one word made her smile at him, breathing out slightly unsteady as she thought about how much she wanted this man to make love to her, make her feel better about all the things that had happened to her in the past.
“I want you, Nikki. That I want to make very clear before I say anything else. That I’m burning up for you.” he smirked at this until he saw the way her lips corners were a soft frown, “I haven’t been with someone in…almost two years.” she whispered it out and he froze, looking at her knowing there was a reason for this, wanting to ask more but also knowing that Nora would say as much as he needed to know.
“We have a lifetime. We don’t have to rush anything.``He was genuine with this, Nora knew that but she shook her head, biting her lip as she raised her hand to cup his cheek.
The gentle way that she held him, her fingers so soft against his face as she looked at her husband the way Nikki knew would lead to their relationship furthering emotionally. He looked at Nora and knew he could fall in love with her. Knew that their similarities were compatible and he was looking forward to finding out their differences, knowing that those would compliment each other as well.
“We’re not rushing anything.” Nora said, her thumb running over his lips, “We’re right on time.” She moved to kiss him then, drawing Nikki in and making the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign NIkki had hung on the door useful.
Vialou looked at her gown that was thrown over the bathroom sink. She had felt gorgeous in her gown, beautiful and powerful all from a bit of cloth. She had felt really like a bride, despite the unusual circumstances that she had earned that title in. She had been so excited, so content feeling like she was supposed to be right where she was at the moment when she was with Izzy, being kissed and feeling like this was where she was most meant to be.
Now, Vialous sipped heavily from her flash, extending her legs so that they draped over the bathtub and sinking down further into the porcelain tub.
“Fuck ‘em.” she paused, turning her head at the idea, “‘Cause he ain’t fucking me.” Vialou found herself quite funny and giggled at this. A small snort of laughter came from her lips as she held her hand to her mouth.
Vialou had bought herself quite the ensemble for her first night as a wife. Her black silk negligee with a high slit, lace trimming the bottom of the night gown and matching the long gloves she paired with it and the choker. She felt dangerous and gorgeous, sensual and mysterious. Desirable to a man who seemed to not desire her.
“His loss.” she spoke aloud, jumping slightly when there was a knock on the door. Turning and looking at the door Vialou pulled her legs back into the tub, sinking down so just her eyes were looking over the porcelain of the tub. “Go away.”
“No.” Izzy’s voice was strong and he was annoyed the camera’s were capturing this. He wanted to have the privacy with his wife, craved and needed to have the time alone with her and he couldn’t because these fuckers wanted to film everything.
Izzy was going to need to find a way to calm down because he was so stressed from the whole process. His bride was obviously displeased with him, having locked herself in the  bathroom for the last hour. He was failing as a husband in the first 24 hours and he couldn’t stand it.
“Vialou, if you don’t come and talk to me I’m going to break down the fucking door.” Izzy hissed. He meant it too, not caring that he was probably coming across as a crazy person on TV because he knew that it had been difficult for Vialou to be paired with him.
His wife, who liked to dance and laugh, married to a man who was private and still as a board, who gave out smiles as rarely as the sun had eclipses. Maybe the experts had gotten it wrong or maybe, maybe he had to break open a fucking door and deal with a hotel bill for a damaged room to show his wife that he was a fool.
His shoulder hit the door: once, twice, three times until it gave way and he saw Vialou, head back and drunk as she looked at him with all her hair pinned up, looking like a vixen in all her black lace and silk.
Izzy’s shoulder hurt, throbbed from pain but not like his cock that ached when he saw his wife looking like that. The black lace of her gloves, the low cut of her nightgown, all that skin that was just begging him to explore it.
“Husband.” Vialou slurred the word out, snapping Izzy out of the stupor that he was in to see her. It smelled like gin and lust in the bathroom but there was a light from the camera and he knew that he couldn’t just be the crazy person who broke doors open for a stranger.
He sighed, moving to Vialou, reaching down and picking up his drunk wife from her bathtub she was soaking herself in gin in. She looked at him, drunk and annoyed and she was sure that if she hadn’t drank so much she would have slapped his hands away, told him to not touch her but Vialous had drank enough to just glare instead.
Izzy carried her past the cameras. Not bothering to glance at them as he moved to lay his wife in their marriage bed, tucking her in as he moved, shutting the lamp off and bathing the room in darkness as the producer and cameraman groaned at Izzy. He wasn’t going to make this easy for them.
“You look absolutely stunning, my Vialou. Try to get some sleep so I can enjoy you in the morning.” Izzy kissed the side of her mouth, Vialou feeling dizzy closed her eyes, smirking as she realized that Izzy had noticed what she was wearing and found her attractive. At least her husband did like her, even if he was an idiot.
Izzy settled down in the chair across from the bed, looking at his wife who was sure to have a terrible hangover in the morning. He watched his wife, not trusting himself in bed with her and wondered what the next eight weeks with her would bring.
Next time on Married at First sight. Three more of our couples who said ‘I do’ share their first night together as man and wife. Will old  love stories be revisited and will new love stories begin? Find out next time.
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shalapogus · 7 years
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Hannah looking stunning, and I. I'm so happy I could be here to celebrate this day with you and your mom Hannah you've always been my little sister. 💖🏵💖🏵 #wedding #cousins #maidofhonor #lilsis #herdress #boatwedding #everythingwassobeautiful #fellingblessed #fam
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ethelynnarvaez15288 · 5 years
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chic baby blue prom party dresses with train, fashion backless evening gowns, simple elegant gowns from HerDresses https://ift.tt/2KHQal7
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ohclassicswift · 5 years
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andredesignz · 2 years
HerDress Jamaica Video from Video by Andredesignz on Vimeo.
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blogdavybarbutatoue · 7 years
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On démarre la semaine en B&T, bon courage à tous 😉 Pour commander il suffit d'aller sur le e-shop www.btbarbutatoue.fr @Regrann from @kevinbarbuink - #barbershop#barberlifestyle#barbu#hipster#france#modelephoto#menstyle#tattoo#photography#chapeau#portraitphotographer#piercing#blackandwhitephotography#amiens#studiophotography#herdress#maximehomme#debardeur#live#celibataire#girl#sport #barbu #tatoue #beard #bearded #inked #ink #beardlife #inklife #beardlifestyle #pogonophile #vetement #clothe #tshirt #debardeur #sweat #casquette #btfamily #rock #rocknroll #bracelet #shambala #koolbijoux #sudouest #bassindarcahon #gujanmestras #iganatattoo #iganatattooshop
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