#here we gooo~ ♪
zu-is-here · 1 year
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<– • –>
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ichinisankaku · 6 months
Event Translation - Spotlight ~Tsukushi High Side~ (Epilogue: After Party)
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Classmate A: ♪~
Azami: …
Classmate B: Azami, you should sing too.
Azami: Huh? A-aah…
Classmate A: May as well do some rapping, right?
Classmate C: Sounds good! That performance earlier was super sharp~
Azami: No need to talk about it.
Classmate A: Ahaha, we're kidding!
Classmate B: The third years' dancing was also amazing.
Classmate C: I know, right! I wanna do that when I'm a third year too!
Azami: …
*LIME notification*
(…A LIME message?)
Classmate A: Something happen?
Azami: No… it's nothing.
I'll do one song while I'm here.
Classmate B: That's the spirit!
Classmate C: Let's gooo~!
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Kumon: Ah, you came!
Azami: Why'd you call out so suddenly.
Kumon: Isn't it obvious! I wanted us to have an after party together!
Azami: Not that I have any right to say this, but weren't you doing that with your own class?
Kumon: That's a different matter! I wanted to have one with you, Azami.
Azami: After party or not, we don't have to do absolutely everything together…
Or rather, we could've done this in the dorm instead of coming all the way out here.
Kumon: That wouldn't be any different to how things usually are. Plus, having it here really gives it that nice, like… youthful feeling!
Azami: Sigh…
Kumon: Alright! I bought a drink for you too, so let's have a toast!
We've got carbonated orange and grape. Though I was thinking of having a strawberry au lait.
Azami: Stop messing around.
Kumon: Ahaha, sorry!
Okay, cheers~!
Azami: Cheers.
*bottles opening*
Kumon: Puhaaa! So good!
Azami: Why are you drinking it like that… there's no alcohol in here, is there?
Kumon: Of course not!
Hehe, I had so much fun at the festival with the troupe, and I even got to see Shift later!
Ah, speaking of, I got a video of the stage! I've gotta show Director and the others when we get home!
At the after party I was at before, the girls in my class kept talking about how cool you were!
Azami: That's nice of them.
Kumon: At this rate, I wonder if you'll even be confessed to~?
Azami: What!? That's impossible!
Kumon: Huh, I wonder~?
But for real, you were super cool up there!
Azami: …Yeah yeah.
Kumon: And me? How was I?
Azami: …You were pretty good, weren't you?
Kumon: Hooraaay!
Azami: So? How was your last school festival?
Kumon: It was a super fun memory, of course!
[Prologue | Flora 1 | Flora 2 | Flora 3 | Flora 4 | Flora 5 | Flora Epilogue | Tsukushi 1 | Tsukushi 2 | Tsukushi 3 | Tsukushi 4 | Tsukushi 5]
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Electric Twilight~ K B-Ny suit
Finally..... The fan event hold by your dear @twstedstoryshop !! I could finally participate! The concept is giving so manyyy ideass! Thank youuu!!! I hope... I got the vibe right!! I all time wanted to try drawing and rendering optic fiber fabric!!
K. Oswald Junior 101~ SR Electric Twilight
Summon Line: "Welcome, welcome!!♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. Welcome to the paradeeee!♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚" Groooovy!!:We won't stop until the sun rise! Home: Oh you're here too, do you enjoy the Electric Twilight parade? Be shure to keep light up everything! Home Idle 1: Thish ish sho amazing! It reminds me of my hometown so much!* Home Idle 2: That headband ish kinda weird right? Since I already have rabbit ears~ Home Idle 3: My outfit ish from recycled fabric and composite electronic from Wasteland! The little robot AI (Ortho) helped me shew it with hish brother! I gave them free candies! Sham was not angry!! Home Idle - Login: Here your glow shtick! You need to move and dance around with it! It makes neon doodles! Home Idle - Groovy: I don't want the night to end! Why? Becaushe my outfit only glow in the night! Home Tap 1: Cruella helped me brushed my hair! But he gave up to tie it! You know he ish kinda nice~ Home Tap 2: That kind of event is perfect for a date! I wonder if Sham went with shomeone.... I must investigate! Home Tap 3: Did you saw the Shop Keeper with their hat!! They shine so bright! So shparkly! Home Tap 4: I shaw Vargas with his wife and their triplets! Ah look like they're coming toward us! Home Tap 5: I don't usually wear dressh~ It's not bad to move in it! Home Tap - Groovy: Ha ha haaaaa!! Gooo Headmaster! Put your feather out! He's a peacock for this special night! How cool is that hn~
Hope you don't mind that I....changed a bit your original background...No offense please I just wanted to "mold" everything together ç_ç your part is perfect~
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When I said effect and lightning does the job....
Neon suit (night) ON
Neon suit (daylight) ON
Neon suit (no equipment)
*K came from "Wasteland" which is based on a corrupted Disneyland Park!
Fan event~
Electric Twilight concept (c) @twstedstoryshop
K: 3 tickets for Barbie movie!!!
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soupvnova-draws · 3 months
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☆ My card is finally complete for this year's artfight! I'm on Team Stardust! Let's GOOO!!! ☆
☆⋆。°✩ I'm so excited to participate (as this is my first year doing it). If anyone else is joining feel free to follow me here! Good luck to both teams and happy artfight! ⋆。°✩☆
Featured Characters below (with intros, links, and artfight prompts:
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪
First up on the roster, from our (very distant) future, it's ZEMI!!!
Taking up the majority of my brain space, this outgoing DJ is looking forward to jam out for Team Stardust. Zemi can usually be found working on her music or hyping up crowds at parties.
Inventory: headphones, LED glow glasses, candy suckers
What would this OC wish on a shooting star?: "New DJ equipment, some new instruments to learn. ...Success, obviously. Hm... The ability to fly could be cool too.."
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. ♫⋆。♪
Next up is Vivi! (Vividria from the Kirby franchise)
This bubbly lil artist is here to show off her creativity and art skills for Team Stardust! You can usually find her cooped up in the art studio, painting her latest work. She loves making art, making friends, and making memories!
Inventory: art palette and brush, paint, art beret, and stickers
What would this OC wish on a shooting star?: "Oh! I wouldn't need to make a wish to make me happy! Though if I had to, I suppose I'd use my wish to fulfill the wish of my friends!"
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Next up we got- wait- HANG ON! IT'S ME!
Nova Soup is the sona that I use to represent myself. Nova is kind of a void-like humanoid entity. They got a sort of space-witch vibe going on. I love to create vibrant and cute art of all kinds of characters. And I can't wait to show it off for Team Stardust!
Inventory: soup, digital tablet and pen, and a nintendo switch
If I were to make a wish, it'd be for no more art block and for more wishes so I can wish to my heart's content.
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We also got: Nebula! A celestial entity that travels the cosmos. (They didn't know which team to pick. They just chose what resembled them more.)
They have an innate ability to shapeshift. Tending to turn into a human to fit in with them. They're very stoic and hard to read, but they are curious to understand the wonders of the universe.
Inventory: Celestial staff
What would this OC wish on a shooting star?: "I don't understand. Shooting stars do not grant wishes.."
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Last, and definitely not least, we have Wild Dee! The first of my kirby OCs make a grand return for Team Stardust! This colossal dee resides in the woods, often mistaken for a cryptid or giant Awoofy. Wild tends to keep to themselves for the most part. She's docile too..for the most part. As long as she's full on food.
Inventory: Awoofy hide, stone axe
What would this OC wish on a shooting star?: "...."
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foreigndistance · 2 months
[シャニマス] sR [283Pro Hatchling] Hiori Kazano
Revisited a good ol' illumination STARS commu on a whim, here's Hiori's support R card commus, translated!
Translation: meri Proofreading: Ruru Get the Unofficial English Patch here!
A Day-Off Spent with Mano
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Mano: Ah... Hiori-chan.
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Hiori: ...? Mano? What are you doing here?
Mano: I was strolling around. What about you?
Hiori: I was just about to head to the CD shop.
Mano: CD shop... you say.
Mano: Um... is it alright if I come along?
Hiori: Huh? ...Well, I don't mind.
Mano: Yay, thank you.
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Mano: Howaa... This CD shop is fascinating~ They have many kinds of CDs in there.
Hiori: ...It's a CD shop, so it's expected.
Mano: Ehehe... You're right.
Hiori: (...How long has it been since I last spent a day-off with someone like this...)
Hiori: (I'm acting bluntly as usual but... I wonder if Mano enjoys being around me...)
Mano: Howa! Say, Hiori-chan.
Mano: That little boy over there... I wonder if he got lost. He seems to be crying alone by himself...
Hiori: ...We should hurry and take him to the police station.
Mano: S-Sure...! We need to hurry...!
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Hiori: Whew... I'm glad the boy's parents also came to the police station.
Mano: ...Hehe.
Hiori: ...Why did you laugh all of a sudden?
Mano: Well, I was just thinking of how kind you are.
Hiori: ...No, I'm not that nice, really.
Mano: Nope, that's not true.
Mano: After all, when that little boy was lost and crying...
Mano: It was you who said that we should bring him to the police station right away.
Hiori: But that's only natural, right?
Hiori: ...Well, think what you like.
I Want to Get Along Even Better
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Hiori: (Phew. That should be enough practice for today's lesson.)
Hiori: (I should head home soon...)
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Meguru: Ah, Hiori! Good work today!
Hiori: ...You too.
Meguru: Since I also just finished my lessons, how about we both go home together!
Hiori: Eh... Well, I don't mind.
Meguru: REALLY!?
Meguru: Yeaaah! Alright!
Hiori: We're just going home together, why are you that excited...?
Meguru: Ehehe~ Don't worry about the details! Let's go gooo~!
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Meguru: Hmm, hmm-mm, hmmm♪
Hiori: (She's still full of energy after lessons...)
Hiori: ...Is there anything fun about this?
Meguru: Ehh... Of course I'd have a fun time going home with you!
Meguru: Besides, having these lessons together was sooo much fun!
Hiori: (...Fun? With me?)
Hiori: ...Is that so?
Meguru: That's right! Which is why it'd be nice if we could get closer, Hiori!
Hiori: Get closer with me...?
Meguru: And I want to have more lessons together with you too... Then our dancing and singing will also be in sync...
Meguru: Oh, and if we do more lessons together, we'll also be able to walk home together too!
Hiori: ...Well, that's true.
Meguru: Ehehe! Thinking about it just makes me look forward to it more~!
Meguru: Oh, right! How about a friendship hug──
Hiori: No thanks.
Meguru: Ugh... Why did you tell me to stop...
Hiori: ...Don't get too carried away.
Meguru: Boo. It was a good chance for us to become closer friends!
Hiori: ...Because, well...
Hiori: ...Even becoming closer to someone has to be done step by step.
Meguru: Hiori...!
Hiori: ...Come on, let's hurry and go home.
Meguru: Sure!
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