#here you go asjdjasdha
How about a s/o who showers Goro in unconditional love?
Ohhh boy, do I have a lot of things for this... asndfhjkas;;;
Parts that involve spoilers will be under a read more
- Akechi sometimes gets nervous before TV appearances. S/O is there to calm his fears by holding his hand and telling him how great he’s going to be. Gives him one long smooch on the cheek before he goes on stage and he has the confidence to fight an army.
- Whenever he accidentally breaks something or messes something up of S/O’s, he gets very down on himself for it. He apologizes several times, but S/O counters by telling him it’s okay. Of course, they’re a bit upset, but nothing could ever stop them from loving him. They forgive him almost immediately (It does depend on the situation though).
- Every day he comes back home from a hard day at work, S/O treats him to a whole evening where he can have them all to himself. They never leave his side and tell him multiple times how proud they are of him and how he does such an amazing job. 
- Whenever PDA wouldn’t cause tabloids to go nuts, S/O holds his hand like they’re stuck together like glue.
- S/O randomly compliments him during the day, either come up to him at home on a day off, or send him a text message while he’s at work. 
- They get so gushy and mushy that he has a hard time keeping his face from flushing red. When he’s unsuccessful, his coworkers are confused and/or intrigued... ;p
- This boy doesn’t know what he did to deserve S/O. At all.
- S/O can’t explain it either. They just feel so strongly about him.
- They would also fight anyone for Akechi. Both literally and metaphorically. Even God himself.
- Holds Akechi when he’s crying and/or when he’s awaken from a nightmare and/or cannot sleep. Just basically they hold him.
- Never stops telling Akechi how much they love him. It just comes in constant waves.
- I’ll let you choose who sings this to whom  (I’m thinking Goro as a small thank you to S/O for all they do ahsdkjsdhasd;;;;)
- They totally get married and grow old together. And Akechi eventually forgives himself and let’s the past be the past.
- (my mind is blanking so much rn omggg i have a lot of thoughts i have for this but there just gone;;;;)
- Spoilers below ;;x;;
- When S/O finds out that Akechi is behind all the mental shutdowns, they are really taken aback at first. He is definitely sure that they aren’t going to love him anymore, so he just packs a few things and runs away (as in moves into a hotel room on the other side of Shibuya).
- They hunt him down and hold him in their arms while sobbing.
- “I-I’m sorry I didn’t know you were in so much pain...!! I’m so s-s-sorry, Goro!”
- He asks if the relationship is over because they found out his secret. They respond with a quick “NO!” and continue to smother him with love.
- “I’m going to nurse your heart back to heath and give you love for as long as you need.”
- This is so much of a shock to Akechi that he starts crying to. He is so thankful for them sadsjhsaads
- If they are a Persona user too, when they see him in the act in his black mask outfit, they aren’t afraid, just shocked.
- Before Akechi can escape, S/O grabs onto him and pulls him closer.
- “When I said ‘I love you,’ I meant all of you. Even the parts of you I didn’t know about...”
- Just S/O holding Goro in his black mask attire and/or Goro holding them in his black mask attire, letting them rest in his lap or on his chest. Jus t holding them and looking down at them with such love and confusion as to why they love him so much;;;
- What a tragic couple they would make. S/O is a pure, innocent and kind person, while Goro is a damaged, lost without love and attention boy (Kinda like Bruce and Betty, but just with how S/O tames Goro’s anger
- BONUS: S/O has the same powers as Chidori from P3 and resurrects Akechi at the cost of their life;;;;
- Also, S/O would help him face Shido, no matter the danger that lie ahead. They would and always will fight for Goro’s happiness.
- When Akechi’s in prison after the events of P5, S/O visits him as much as possible. They bring him cake on his birthday and all sorts of things on random days. Spends Christmas there with him, too.
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