#here's a teeny tiny snippet of prose. i know i said i would never share any but i feel bad for the folks who came here for my aus
starflungwaddledee · 3 months
I wonder what happens during Forgotten Land on AWTDY AU?
oh!! i can answer this one easily, because awtdy au amps up significantly after the events of the alternate version of star allies, and in fact concludes before forgotten land occurs.
so realistically, forgotten land could happen mostly as normal! it is even implied to do so in a tongue-in-cheek way in one of the wrap-up pieces of prose i wrote for the immortality integer.
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though there might be some changes to the way forgotten land would play out, due to the events of awtdy and the lasting impacts it's had on characters, their skills and relationships, and their resilience levels to specific things. but if anything, i think it would go even more smoothly than in the mainline series!
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