#heric hood
herichood · 5 months
Now you say he's bad, a bad boy who doesn't care
You say he's sick, but it's sick to say he doesn't care
Yeah, he doesn't care
Heric don't give a sh*t
Good boy gone bad, with a heart that is black
You say he's sick, but it's sick to say he doesn't care
Yeah, he doesn't care
Heric don't give a sh*t
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Daughter of the honorable thief – Harry Hook x reader – part 2
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Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
h/c- hair color
e/c- eye color
h/l- hair length
s/c- skin color
y/n- your name
clothing reference:
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Harry sighed as he entered the cafeteria, he quickly surveyed the room, taking note of where his sister and friends were sitting, noticing that Gil was missing from the group, shrugging it off, Gil was probably just getting out of literature class and that was quite a ways away from the cafeteria.
Harry crossed the room to the lunch line, and grabbed a tray, quickly loading it with corndogs, grapes, strawberries, Doritos, chocolate pudding, and root beer. Shuffling out of line, he quickly made his way over to his crew, wincing as he sat down, the pain killers did nothing to help with the soreness.
Uma frowned at the sound and gave him a look ‘do you want me to do something about it?’ Harry shook his head, he didn’t want Uma to get in trouble for using her magic…even though she couldn’t technically get in trouble for it, just because she was fairly new and a vk, people would accuse her of evil and try to send her back.
Harry huffed and started to eat, before Evie ran in she quickly scanned the hall, before spotting them and rushing over, “Harry! Uma!!”
The two turned and looked, surprised, Evie never sought them out unless to dress them in her new outfits, but this evie didn’t look excited, just scared and worried.
“what is it blue?” Uma grumbled, raising her brow, evie skid to a stop, panting slightly before blurting;
“Gils been cornered by some jocks and he’s outnumbered!” Harry bolted up, ignoring the screaming of his head and limbs, “where?!” Harry rushed past her, hearing her turn and follow him, “east hall! Last I saw they had him pinned!”
Harry quickly made his way to the east hall, as he arrived, he saw gil being pinned with his arm pinned to his back, Gils shouts of pain as it was twisted and the boys laughed as they jeered at Gil.
“come on say it~!! Unless you want your arm broken~!”
“Im sorry! I didn’t hear you~!”
Harry had enough, red encased his vision, to hell with the ‘vks cant fight’ rule, Gil was worth being sent back over.
Harry bolted forward, slamming his shoulder into the one pinning Gil, planting himself between them, raising his fists and sneering.
“oh look whos here~!”
Heric, son of Hercules, smirked, sending his fist towards Harry’s face, Harry quickly stepped right and Gil spurred forward, catching Heric’s jaw with his fist and sending him to the ground. 1 down, 5 to go.
Miliana, Tinkerbell’s daughter, squeaked as Calvin tried to trip up Harry and twist his ankle, she had once been terrified of the son of Hook, but he had shown her that just because he shared the name, did not mean he was his father, now the Scottish boy acted as an adopted brother.
Miliana squeezed her eyes shut as Harry dodged him, but was punched in the gut by Cory, son of cubby, and keeled over, but quickly regaining balance and socking him the nose, blood spurting from Cory’s face, tears filling his eyes.
Miliana turned to ally, daughter of Alice, and muttered; “let’s go get fairy godmother, this is going too far”
Alice nodded, turned tail and bolted for FG’s office, Miliana quickly patted her cousin’s shoulder. Patton, Periwinkle son, turned and rose his brow, Miliana gestured to the brawl, and he nodded, shedding his jacket and ramming into Calvin, slamming him to the ground.
Quickly turning, Patton placed himself behind Harry and Gil, creating a triangle. Nathanial, son of Nibs, snarled and socked Harry’s cheek, cutting his skin with the auradon ring all Auradon boys wear (as far as I know, every single scene with any Auradon boy has that golden ring).
Harry growled and twisted his hips, swinging his leg into the red-haired boy’s side, hitting his kidneys. Nathanial hissed and kneeled over, holding his waist, before Harry right hooked him, his rings breaking the boy’s skin, sending him tumbling down to the ground.
Calvin, recovered from his fall, grabbed Timothy and Gavin, sons of the raccoon twins (as far as I know they don’t have names, they just call themselves the twins), and the three rushed harry and slammed him against the wall, Harry grunted from the force of the slam, internally wincing from his head screaming in pain and begging for him to stop and rest.
Calvin brought his fist back and swung it forward, sending it in Harry’s stomach, Harry’s body tried to bend forward but the two boys kept him pinned against the wall, not letting the shock wave of the pain diffuse.
Calvin smirked and brought his fist back, Harrys eyes winded and he knew he had no leverage he had two fully pinning him and a third holding him down with one hand, Gil and Patton were occupied with the others he didn’t have an out, he closed his eyes and waited for an impact.
Harry was released suddenly and he let out a pained groan and slid down, cracking open his eyes, he saw Gil rush to his side and kneel down next to him, worry in his eyes. Harry waved him off and slowly stood to his feet.
He could hear the boys try to place the blame on him and Gil, saying that they were just walking to the cafeteria and the two ambushed them, they demanded the two be sent back to the isle, Harry and Gil froze, neither of them wanting to go back to the place where their parents could use them like puppets.
But FG just frowned and held her hand up, prevented the boys from speaking any further.
She turned to harry and Gil, raising her brow; “boys? Would you please tell me your side of the story?”
Harry recounted that Evie had rushed into the cafeteria and had told him that gil had been cornered and Heric was about to break his arm when he got there.
Heric, now awoken from his blackout after Gil got his jaw, tried to rebuttal the claim, but Miliana quickly spoke up and backed up Gil’s claim.
FG turned to Evie and raised her brow, Evie nodded and confirming that the boys had started it with attacking Gil, and Harry and Gil had just used self-defense.
��Alight, Children!” she clapped her hands together, a soft spark of blue smoke emitting from them for second, before she spoke once more, her voice louder than it was a few moments ago “this is an official announcement, if attacked or provoked, the villain children are permitted to fight back, with the highest consequence being detention. Those who attacked them will be suspended, or at the most extreme, expelled. That is all.”
FG nodded and gestured for the boys to follow her, before turning to Harry and Gil, “have Uma heal those injuries up, they look nasty”
They nodded, slightly surprised at the suggestion of Uma using her magic to heal them, and quickly made their way back to the cafeteria, stopping when they say (y/n) sitting with Uma and Harriet, Ginning and laughing.
Harry and Gil shared a glance before shrugging and walking over to the three girls. Uma and Harriet glanced up and paled, both jumping up and rushing over to them, Uma cupping Gil’s face and Harriet tittered over Harry like a worried mother hen.
“holy shit you two! What happened?!” Harry winced as Harriet prodded his cheek, blood leaking out from the broken skin.
“some gakit cunts cornered Gil and I had ta go in and help em out”
Umas eyes widened in fear, “you dolts!! You’re gonna get sent back for fight-“ Harry slapped his hand over Umas mouth, chuckling softly, “don’t worry Uma, FG announced that the VK’s are allowed teh fight back when provoked, ya know, self-defense”
Uma breathed a sigh of relief, good, now they couldn’t get in trouble for protecting themselves.
Uma started to push them out the cafeteria to the nurse’s office. “well come on you idiots, get to the nurse’s office to get those-“ Harry once again interrupted Uma, “FG said ye could heal us up, ya know…with yer magic~!’
Uma stopped, Fairy Godmother….suggested magic?! Uma shook the weirdness away, she had her boys to worry about.
Uma focused and clutched her necklace, her eyes glowing turquoise.
“by the power of the sea, heal all your injuries”
Teal smoke shadowed Harry and Gils cuts and bruises and they disappeared in a wisp. Harry’s head moaned in relief for the spell had also healed his head injury.
Harry plopped down next to (y/n) who had resumed a conversation with Uma and Harriet. “so (y/n)” Harry called, (y/n) paused and turned to him, raising her brow “what made ye come over teh our table?”
The (h/c) girl sighed and took off her cap, ruffling her hair. “ the preppy spoiled brats here don’t like the way I dress, im not preppy enough for them, nor do I dress like pastel preppy princess. So they make sure I never have room to sit with anyone, I saw Uma and Harriet sitting here and I thought ‘hey they might let me sit’ and they did so here I am!”
Harry snorted, seriously? Wow for the children of ‘heroes’ they sure were judgy and harsh. Harry smirked “well yer welcome teh sit with any of us when ye want, ye seem more someone wed like hanging out with”
(y/n) grinned, plopping her hat back on her head and turning back to her food, starting to dig into her (favorite lunch) before a disgusted snort came from behind them
“Ew! (y/n)?! what are you doing with these…boorish pirates?!” Ariana, the cousin of Audrey, stood behind them, dressed in pastel blue with pink highlights, her honey blond hair in an intricate braid, disgust clear on her face.
“ugh, come along, let’s get you to some more…civilized company” Harry, Uma, gil, and Harriet made a face, offended at her tone and words, but Ariana ignored them and tried to grasp (y/n)’s wrist and pull her away, but (y/n) burst out laughing before she could.
“pftt HAHAHA!!” tears streamed down (y/n)’s face, she gasped for air, holding her stomach.
“Oh~ that’s rich~! You seem to be under the impression that I actually give a fuck~!”
Ariana balanced and gasped, spitting her words, trying to convince (y/n) to come with her and be perfect.
“but they’re thieves!!! They-“
“stop right there princess” you growled out, voice and face dark, standing up to her full height, glaring at the princess. Ariana paled and squeaked.
“you seem to forget who my father is, Robin Hood, king of the thieves. So that’s means im a thief too,” (y/n) gave a dark shit-eating grin and spoke in a quiet voice where only Ariana and the four pirates could hear her.
“if you insult them you insult me, fair warning you spoiled brat, I don’t hold back, especially with entitled assholes who think they own the world, now get lost” Ariana nodded and bolted, her heels sounded on the floor as she hysterically ran off.
(y/n) took a deep breath, calming herself, before sitting back down and resumed eating her food, before she looked up, seeing the four pirates staring at her in shock and awe, “wha?”
Uma shook her head, “nothing, just never seen an Auradon kid act like that” once more (y/n) burst out in laughter, quickly calming herself, grinning at them, sipping her (fav soda/drink).
“well I ain’t exactly an Auradon kid, after all, my dad was almost sent to the isle”
Gil gasped and leaned forward, eager to hear why “really?! Why?”
(y/n) snorted, a slight grim look in her eyes, “my dad is one to look out for the little guy ya know? Steal from the corrupt rich and give to the poor. Ya know all that stuff, but he tried to steal the crown jewels, to sell it and give to those who were still in a funk.” (y/n) shrugged, but her eyes were still grim, Uma whistled, a grin forming on her face.
“wow, never thought id hear of an honorable thief before now, but I did!”
(y/n) giggled, the grim look leaving her eyes, looking down at her food with a smile, before reaching into her pocket and withdrawing
Ariana’s wallet.
“do you think she’s gonna miss this~?”
The four pirates stared at (y/n) in shock, their jaws dropping, holy shit.
“what?” (y/n) snickered, waving around the blue diamond crested wallet, leaning on her hand and smirking.
“Just because we’re in Auradon, doesn’t mean I’ll be goody two shoes~”
—end of part 2—
Comment or message me for part 3
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