#hermes x oc
naphali09 · 1 year
Family War (A Blood of Zeus Oneshot)
Olympian gods x OC
I could feel the cold stares of Hera to her husband and his other children. The dinner tasted hideous with the atmosphere since I could feel the tension. I felt that the gods do this for my sake.
I’m always away since I have to go and guard the gates of Olympus. Moreover, I had to visit my father. However, I treated the gods as my family since I had worked with them after I knew about my role as the Flame of Olympus. I treated Hestia as my own mother since she taught me a lot about controlling my powers.
I missed those days where two gods had a disagreement, but it ends up with an agreement without any bloodshed. If there is bloodshed, no other people being involved.
Recently, it would be very different.
After visiting your father and listening to his stories about the events, I had this voice inside that there would be a civil war between Hera and Zeus, Ares and Hermes and Apollo, and the other gods outside of Olympus. Heck, I had this gut feel in me that the titans are involved.
I decided to cut the awkwardness in the room since it has been killing me.
“Hermes, have you gotten the cream and lotions that I reserved from Penelope,” I asked, smiling.
He gave me a soft smile as he quickly stood up and carried the package to me. I recalled that I requested him to get my package from Penelope. I inspected the package to check for tears or cracks. It felt like I underestimated Hermes’s abilities to keep the product safe.
“Sorry, I was just checking it since it took weeks to have it made,” I let out a sigh.
The messenger and the god of travels gave me an understanding smile. He put a hand on my shoulder. It was a reassuring one.
“Thanks, Hermes,” the smile I let out warmed him.
Ares looked like he was about to strike. I prepared my powers and hand just in case everything would go to havoc. It would be dreadful and haunting that the blood of the gods would taint their and mine food.
"I'll be going to my room." I announced, bowing.
Hera smirked evily. It was for my sake to leave. I couldn't handle the awkwardness. I had the sudden urge to leave Olympus and go back to my hometown.
"Let the competitions begin." Those are the statements I heard before I closed the door of my room.
What competition?
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image-thot · 3 years
A Song of the Gods - Chapter 9
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Alyx had made it to the crossroad between her temple and Ares, she was about to step when a strong wind gushes past her. It wasn’t until Hermes called out her name that she realised it was him.
“Alyx!” Hermes shouts rushing to her “are you-” he stops mid-sentence when he noticed the blood that had stained around her mouth. His hands came up to cup her face, eyes full of concern. She was panting eyes full of fear, her hands clutched to his clothes.
“Hermes” it was almost a whisper as she spoke, her eyes glancing down from his gaze. He stroked her head unsure of how to go about comforting her, but he knew that this wasn’t the place to do it. Gently picking her up, he begins to speed back towards his temple.
Entering his temple he rushes her to his bed, he gently places her down and retreats to obtain a slightly damp washcloth. Alyx moves to sit as he kneels before her gently bringing his hand to her face before wiping away at the blood.
“Are you hurt?” He whispers avoiding making eye contact with her.
“Only my pride,” she mumbles out, he knows he doesn’t mean to but he lets out a chuckle and she gives him a glare.
“Apologies,” he says placing the washcloth on the ground. “Did ares do this?” He asked softly.
“Well it was more me than him.” she speaks eyes coming to meet his “I feel like a fool.”
“Well to say that you sometimes aren’t one would be lying” He tries to speak in a light tone in an attempt to lighten the mood. She lets out an annoyed groan, gently pushing him away from her as she stands to move away from him. He wraps his arms wrap around her, bringing his chin to rest on top of her head.
“Your jokes are not funny love,” She says leaning back into him with a sigh.
“My jokes are always funny.” He chuckles placing a kiss atop her head. “You want me to steal his hammer?” Alyx lets out a short quiet laugh.
“You wouldn’t dare” she turns in his hold, giving him a brief smile.
“You doubt that I could?” He asks smirking down at her.
“Oh, you could. But that may just cause more problems,” she says placing a hand on his chest and leaning up to place a kiss on his lips. Hermes eagerly returns the kiss, flinching back at the strong taste of iron on her lips. She glances away from him, feeling disheartened by his unintentional rejection, sensing her distress he places a hand on her cheek.
“Do not fret, I know something that will lift our moods.” And with that he was gone in a flash, she had no time to question or stop him. She knew he was about to do something that would cause more strife.
She was left to pace his room, should she of told Hermes the full story? He seemed to have an idea of what had happened but lack of the normal impulsive reaction he usually had. Not to say going to steal Ares war hammer wasn’t impulsive, but it seemed to tone down. ‘Maybe he’s trying not to draw Heras attention’ she thinks letting out a sigh. It didn’t take him long to return, he had a smug look upon his face like he had somehow pulled off the most daring thing in history.
“That was surprisingly easy.” He says placing the hammer against the wall.
“As most things that get you killed are.” She states turning to face him, “I hope that is the only thing you did.”
He lets out a chuckle, coming to stand by her. “You almost sound as if you pity him.”
“It’s not him I pity.” she sighs out moving her hand to gently touch his “I fear what could happen to me.” He intertwined his fingers with hers bringing that hand to his lips to gently kiss.
“I’m sure you will be alright,” He says as his eyes come to land upon the vambraces. “I’ve never seen these before, they new?” He asks his fingers gliding over smooth golden metal as the lilac detailing slightly glows in the lighting.
“Yes, well they were from Ares.” She says looking down at them. “I was going to throw them away.” Hermes hand trailing from her arm to her waist pulling her flush against him.
“Don’t, you can use them to taunt him.” He chuckles leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips but is met with Alyxs hand blocking the move.
“I don’t want to taunt him.” She says with a huff “He may be in the wrong and causing grief, but that doesn’t mean I want to go out of my way to antagonise him.”
“If you didn’t want to antagonise him, then you would be with him right now.” He speaks with a sly smirk “and not me” he adds bringing both hands to rest on her waist as he leans in to kiss her. She had given up in her protest, allowing her hands to wander to the back of his head dragging her fingers through his silk-like hair. The kiss was gentle at first, but as Hermes hands trailed down and he gently nibbled on her lower lip, she couldn’t help but feel something was wrong.
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