juliag13 · 1 year
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I absolutely adore this painting done by Johfra Boss. It’s more than a painting to me. It’s an adoration, a prayer, a state of being, and more I have no words for. Sometimes in deep meditation I feel exactly like the woman seated, absorbing all the knowledge and qi he has to give me. I had a vision of this the other night in fact it was so powerful that my jing energy shot up my spine like the two snakes rising and pure ecstasy followed. Gods I love him and what we do together. 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽
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juliag13 · 1 year
Hello friends! I resubmitted an edited more polished version of the Hermes and Jay myth and lost all my previous votes. 😣 I didn’t realize that would happen. If you can please go and vote again for it if you like it! Thank you in advance! Here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/dionysia-ta-astika/713554887578943488/hermes-and-the-jay-by-j-johanan-one-day-hermes
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