juliag13 · 2 years
Hermes and the Jay (edited)
Hermes and the Jay
One day Hermes was visiting the eastern North American woodlands having traveled there out of boredom and in search of new adventures. He was a busy god, always working and answering the call of duty for his many domains. But he had grown bored of running here and there doing the same things and was looking for not rest, no, for he knew not the word. He was searching for new experiences and new companions to delight and entertain him.
In the dappled woods and liminal spaces between field and forest, he met many interesting creatures and was especially delighted by the feathered birds of these places. Them, hearing that he was a god who would often grant boons, were eager to gain the favor of this curly-haired newcomer. So, they eagerly flocked to him, each wanting to impress him with their songs.
Hermes sat on a particularly fine moss-covered stump at the edge of an oak tree clearing, snacked on bramble berries, and listened to each song carefully. And although they sang each of their songs beautifully when he asked them about their daily adventures their lives sounded, well, very routine and quite boring. Cardinal was striking in his bright red coat but his pretty songs grew monotonous. Wren’s trilling tune was delightful but she only cared for finding bugs to eat. Woodpecker had no song at all but Hermes found the rhythms he knocked upon trees very intriguing. He thought his younger brother Dionysus would especially like this talent for drumming.
He sighed then stretched and after granting each one a boon for health and abundance that season he sent them all on their way. After all, he was a kind god and always rewarded those who sincerely sought his favor.
Yet the lord of adventure and mischief was dissatisfied for he had found no one that inspired him or that wanted to leave their cozy nests and hatchling rearing to seek adventure with him. Musing to himself aloud he said, “These birds are quite disciplined and quite boring. I suppose that is the right way to be if you’re a bird. But who will inspire me? Who will adventure with me?”
Hermes, the busy one, searched high and low and even asked a few mammals if they would go on adventures with him but they all scampered off only concerned with the business of survival. He put his hands on his hips and said, “For sure Fox will stop and play with me.” But Fox ran by stammering apologies and complaining about Man with bow and arrow trying to hunt him down. 
Hermes, tired of being bored, sat again on the mossy stump at the edge of the oak tree clearing. “How sad that a god cannot find a proper playmate!” He sighed in frustration and took up another handful of bramble berries for this golden-haired son of Maia was always hungry and he had worked up an appetite while searching.
Suddenly, a strange symphony of clicking, whistling, trilling, jeering, and gurgling sounded from above his head. Hermes, his appetite barely satiated, looked up just in time to have an acorn hit him in the forehead. 
At first, he was shocked. Who would dare hit him, a god, in the face? A gurgling laugh came from above him and before he could stop himself he looked up again and a second acorn hit him in the cheek. Once again the gurgling laugh rang out and Hermes couldn’t help it, he laughed out loud. And once he started he could not stop.
He found it incredibly amusing that someone would be so bold as to drop not one but two acorns on his perfect face. As he wiped tears from his cheeks he heard the strange cacophony again and he called out, “Who is there? Who is so clever to make me, a god, laugh out loud? Show yourself little one and receive my boon!”
A medium-sized bird about the size of a small crow hopped down to sit on a low branch in front of him. She was a plain gray color but had a jaunty crest on her little head. She was brave and bold and this made him admire her already.
“Who are you little one?”, the god asked smiling brightly. He much appreciated boldness and bravery in a creature. 
“I am Jay, Lord Hermes.” She answered in a grating voice and bobbed her head.
“Jay, huh? Why didn’t you come to see me earlier with the other birds of the forest?”
“My lord, my voice is not beautiful like Purple Finch nor bright and high like Cardinal nor happy like Robin’s. I thought not to bother you with my sounds.” The harsh sound of her voice belied her regality.
“Oh. Well, yes, I suppose that’s true. Your song is no song at all but a cacophony of sounds that sound like other things. How interesting!” Hermes was curious, his interest peaked by her uniqueness.
She bobbed her head, “Yes, my lord, you are right but I am bold, brave, clever, and my family supports me. Who needs a beautiful song when you have brains, family, and courage? My worth is not to be found in impressive singing but in clever living.” 
Hermes laughed out loud, “Too true, dear one!” He grinned and held out his finger for her to sit upon. She flitted to his hand and he drew her close to his shining face.
“We each have our gifts, do we not Jay? You are cleverer than most for you know who you are and where your strengths lie.”
“And better yet, my lord, because I do not waste time in singing and trying to outshine my neighbor I have plenty of time for adventure and play.” She fluttered her feathers and let out an amusing whistle. 
Hermes laughed again, quite delighted by his new friend. “Excellent! Then we shall go on adventures together! You lead and I will follow endeavoring to be the best Jay ever!”
With that, the shape-shifting god transformed into a Jay and together they had the best day the god had had in a very long time.
They got into all kinds of fun and mischief. She taught him how to imitate Red Shoulder Hawk to scare other birds away from the acorns, bramble berries, and bush berries.
She showed him how to steal food from other bird caches so they didn’t have to work so hard to find food. This made the god especially happy because even as a Jay he was hungry.
Together with her loud boisterous family, they protected their territory around the oak tree clearing by chasing away Red Tailed Hawk. That was great fun to a god who was never one to shrink from a fight. He also admired the way the Jays stuck together as a family and protected each other.
They followed Man through the woods and warned all the other creatures of the dangerous human with his bow and arrows. It was very satisfying to see this human leave the woods disgusted and empty-handed. Seeing this, Fox waved a ‘thank you’ to Hermes and his friend as they swooped past him. 
In a fun game of hunt and find they searched out and destroyed all  Cowbirds’ eggs that those tricky birds laid in the Jay family’s nests. They were too smart to be fooled by those imposters. You can’t trick a trickster after all!
The Jay family was constantly making a commotion in the forest for no good reason but because they could. Hermes had great fun joining them in making a general ruckus with his repertoire of odd Jay sounds. What a riot it was to scream and jeer and just let loose!
At the end of the day as the setting sun was igniting the western sky with pink and orange flames Hermes and his new best friend returned to the edge of the oak tree clearing. He morphed back into his human-like form and sat down upon the mossy stump one last time. 
The little Jay flew to his finger once again. They had become fast friends and he loved her as his own. She had shown him many things that delighted him, impressed him, and most importantly, they’d had exciting mischievous adventures all day long.
“Thank you Jay for showing me your world and your ways. I had the most fun today and I’ll always remember you, your bravery, intelligence, and your love of fun and mischief.”
She whistled and fluffed her feathers. In her heart she wished he would stay forever in the forest with her. However, she knew he was a god and had to get back to his god life and his god duties.
Hermes brought her to his face and gently kissed her black beak. Then he spoke, “From now on you will be my bird, my minister of mischief here in these eastern North American woodlands and in the liminal spaces between field and forest. I will forever look after you and your entire family, blessing you with abundance and even greater intelligence so that you may flourish and find space for your family in this changing world. Others will not understand your clever mind and misjudge your boldness. But as I love you for it there will be others who will love you because of that as well.”
He tenderly cupped her in his lovely hands and infused her with his love and grace. “I will give you another gift so that humans and others will admire you even if they don’t appreciate your courage.”
A royal blue light streamed from his palms. It washed over her turning most of her gray body into a gorgeous deep sky blue. The light continued flowing down her back creating bold black and white banding on her wing feathers and tail to reflect her personality that could be both light and dark. On her head, her jaunty crest was painted that same royal blue, a color the god loved dearly. He then lined her intelligent eyes with kohl so that they looked even brighter. Next, he drew those lines down both of her cheeks and gifted her with a royal necklace of black obsidian.
He held her out to admire his handiwork. “Yes, that will do. Very beautiful indeed!”
She fluffed her feathers again and let out a happy whistling tune. It still wasn’t beautiful but it was unique and completely hers.
“I name you Blue Jay from henceforth. Fly forth boldly my friend and live a long and happy life filled with courage, family, fun, and mischief!”
The Blue Jay flew off and from the oak trees at the edge of the clearing rose an incredible cacophony of clicking, whistling, trilling, jeering, and gurgling. Hermes smiled, pleased with his newest ambassador in the eastern woodlands of the continent known as North America.
Hermes got up from the mossy log and popped a few more bramble berries into his mouth for his trip back home. He then flew away from those eastern woodlands and liminal places between field and forest to return, refreshed, to his duties as a god of many things.
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cartoonjourneys · 3 months
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unuivrs · 2 years
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2 mimir
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Sannyo kitty cat
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Look at her with all her friends.
by yanagitaaaan
Check out their Twitter
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felidthing · 1 year
i love my kakashi tanktop. i have watched like two episodes of naruto. i just really love ethoslab
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fleatreatment · 1 year
🐺 Coyote Swallows Flea: A Wild Tale 🦟 In the animal kingdom, there are always surprises and peculiarities. One such tale is that of the coyote who swallowed a flea. 🤯 This seemingly bizarre occurrence has captured the attention of researchers and animal lovers alike, prompting questions about the behavior and habits of these creatures. 🤔 Through careful observation and study, experts have uncovered fascinating details about this event and its significance in the animal world. 🧐1. Introduction to the Wild Tale of Coyote Swallowing FleaCoyote Swallowing Flea is a popular tale in Native American folklore. The story has been retold by generations and holds a special place in their culture. 🌵🐺 The story is about a flea that jumps into Coyote's mouth and refuses to come out. Coyote tries everything to get rid of the flea, but it's no use. So, he swallows it! 😱 The flea, being smart, starts to tickle Coyote's insides, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. Coyote's laughter attracts other animals, and they all join in the laughter. 🤣 The story teaches important lessons about humility, pride, and the power of laughter. It also shows the importance of respecting all creatures, no matter how small they may be. 🙌 The Wild Tale of Coyote Swallowing Flea has been retold in various forms, including books and cartoons. It continues to be a beloved story that brings joy and laughter to people of all ages. 📚📺2. The Fascinating Biology of Coyotes: How They Swallow Prey WholeCoyotes are opportunistic predators with fascinating eating habits. 🐺 They can swallow small prey whole, including rabbits, rodents, and birds. 🐇🐀🐦 Coyotes have a flexible jaw that allows them to open their mouths wider than other canids. 🤔 They also have a powerful digestive system that can break down tough bones and fur. 💪 Their throat has a special flap of skin that closes when they swallow, preventing any food from coming back up. 🤢 Coyotes play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations and maintaining the balance of their ecosystem. 🌿🌱 Despite their fascinating biology, coyotes are often misunderstood and persecuted by humans. 🙁 Learning more about these intelligent canids can help us coexist peacefully with them in our communities. 🤝3. Understanding the Role of Fleas in Coyote Diets and EcosystemsFleas are a vital part of coyote diets. They are a crucial source of protein and iron. Coyotes consume fleas in large quantities, making them an essential part of their diet. Fleas are not only important for coyote nutrition. They also play a crucial role in ecosystems. As parasites, fleas feed on the blood of their hosts, which can affect the health of their hosts. Fleas can transmit diseases to coyotes, such as bubonic plague and Lyme disease. Coyotes can also serve as hosts for fleas, spreading them to other animals and even humans. Flea populations can be affected by environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity. Changes in flea populations can have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem, impacting other species. can help us better manage and protect these animals. It highlights the importance of balancing the needs of wildlife with public health concerns. 🌍4. Examining Coyote Behavior: What Motivates Them to Swallow Fleas?Coyotes are known for their peculiar behavior of swallowing fleas. However, what motivates them to do so is still a mystery. 🤔 One theory is that coyotes swallow fleas as a form of self-grooming. Fleas can be irritating and removing them from their fur provides some relief. 💆‍♀️ Another theory is that coyotes are simply hungry and will eat anything they can find. Fleas are a convenient snack that requires little effort to catch. 🍽️ Studies have shown that coyotes in areas with high flea populations are more likely to exhibit this behavior. This suggests that fleas may play a role in the coyote's diet. 📈 It's important to note that while coyotes may swallow fleas, they do not rely on them as a primary food source. Coyotes are opportunistic hunters and will eat a variety of prey. 🦌 In conclusion, while the exact motivation behind coyotes swallowing fleas is not fully understood, it is likely a combination of self-grooming and opportunistic feeding. 🤷‍♀️5. The Implications of Coyote-Flea Interactions for Wildlife ConservationIntroduction: Coyote-flea interactions can have significant impacts on wildlife conservation efforts. Fleas can transmit diseases to coyotes, reducing their population. Coyotes can also spread fleas to other wildlife, increasing disease transmission. These interactions can impact the overall health of ecosystems. Implications: Understanding coyote-flea interactions can inform conservation strategies. Controlling flea populations can help maintain coyote populations. Reducing coyote populations can limit flea transmission to other animals. Conservation efforts may need to focus on reducing flea populations, not just coyote populations. Challenges: Managing coyote-flea interactions presents several challenges. Flea control methods may harm other wildlife. Controlling coyote populations can be controversial. Conservation efforts must balance the needs of all species in an ecosystem. Conclusion: Coyote-flea interactions are complex, but understanding them is crucial for effective wildlife conservation. Further research is needed to fully understand these interactions. Conservation efforts must be adaptive and responsive to changing ecosystems. Overall, managing coyote-flea interactions can contribute to healthy and thriving ecosystems. 🌿🐺🦟6. How Coyote Swallows Flea: Insights from Scientific ResearchScientific research has revealed how Coyote swallows Flea using its unique anatomy and behavior. The Coyote's long snout and flexible tongue allow it to easily capture and swallow Flea. As Flea attempts to escape, Coyote's strong jaw muscles quickly crush and immobilize it. Once Flea is subdued, Coyote uses its tongue to push it towards the back of its throat and swallow it whole. Interestingly, Coyote's digestive system is able to break down the tough exoskeleton of Flea, allowing for efficient nutrient absorption. Furthermore, Coyote's ability to consume Flea is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem by controlling Flea populations and preventing the spread of disease.7. Concluding Thoughts: The Importance of Studying Coyote Ecology and BehaviorStudying coyote ecology and behavior is crucial to understand their role in ecosystems, human-wildlife interactions, and disease transmission. It can inform conservation strategies and management practices. It can also improve public safety and reduce conflicts with pets and livestock. Through research, we can learn about coyote social organization, hunting and foraging habits, and communication. It can help us understand their adaptability and resilience in changing environments. It can also provide insights into their responses to urbanization and human disturbances. Understanding coyote behavior can help reduce negative interactions with humans. It can lead to more effective non-lethal management approaches. It can also increase public awareness and promote coexistence. Further studies can also shed light on the impact of coyotes on other species and the ecosystem as a whole. It can highlight their role as predators and scavengers. It can also reveal their influence on prey populations and plant communities. Overall, studying coyote ecology and behavior is essential for informed decision-making and responsible management of wildlife populations. It can ultimately lead to a better understanding and appreciation of these fascinating and adaptable animals. 🐺 In conclusion, the story of the coyote swallowing a flea may seem bizarre, but it is a testament to the incredible adaptability of wildlife. Coyotes have long been known to consume a variety of prey, from small rodents to larger mammals. However, the fact that they can ingest something as minuscule as a flea is truly remarkable. This tale also highlights the importance of studying and understanding the behavior of wild animals. By observing their actions and habits, we can gain a better understanding of how they survive and thrive in their natural habitats. It is a reminder that there is still so much we have yet to learn about the fascinating world of wildlife. In the end, the coyote's ability to swallow a flea may seem insignificant, but it is a reminder that even the smallest details can reveal important insights into the natural world. 🐺🔍🌍 https://fleatreatment.uk/coyote-swallows-flea-a-wild-tale/?_unique_id=6455c3ffedb71
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Hi babes how you doin' on this fine day🫶
- 🍰nom
I'm dying, 🍰om. I'm dying.
I have homework in english about a book called animalf farm, and I don't understand shit. (I also have to write an opinion essay about learning two languages at school, I hope I'll be able to write it.)
I have homework in german where I have to write a textinterpretation about a fricking poem. (But i think I'll manage to do that.)
I have homework in french about fucking subjonctif and the french language rules are so weird that I don't get a thing.
and then there is also this stupid thing I have to write generally for school and I hate it.
I didn't even start with one thing, and it's all due until the autumn holidays...
but enough of school, I want to write about the tomato can and the greatest estate developer.
If you haven't read the episodes then I won't spoil anything, so please write me again if I should say anything about it or not. I also want to keep going with the analysis of the tomato can because an awful lot has happened.
but how about you? how are you my love? is everything okay? Sorry that I dumped all my stress in this post but I'm currently freaking out a bit...
I hope that you don't have too much stress and that everything is alright.
-your diamond <3
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toxicyaoilover · 1 year
another thing this morning i wanna talk about: the animalfication of kaidou in the manga is actually so good and real to me. the way asou slowly shifts to giving him constant lil fangs and the way his eyes become slits. kaidou is already a really personal character to me and seeing him become a little beastie has been really fun. i love it a lot and i hope it sticks around
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ohprcr · 3 years
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Good boy! (and not so good boy) 🐶🐱
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My rendition of a Sumerian proverb named “the hypocritical wolf” by its modern editor, the late Bendt Alster, which depicts a wolf complaining that he has to take on the herd all by himself: “The wolf wept to Utu (the sun god, who was invoked in times of crisis: ‘the livestock gore, and I am by myself’ ” (urbara Utura er isheshe mashanshe badudu na'e dilinune eshe) #cuneiform #sumerian #animalfables #instaceramica #windowtothepast
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bitacrytic · 7 years
Naughty Fox
“Deweeeek!” Stiles whined as his belly hit the ground for the millionth time when he tried to run away. “Lemme go alweady!”
“Your father said till night fall.”
“I want nuts.” 
“No more nuts, Stiles.”
“But I’m hungwy!” The little fox said, sitting on his hind legs and looking up at Derek with sad, large, pretty eyes as Derek rolled his and huffed.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” Stiles said, pulling his red hood over his eyes and looking as determined as he’d looked the last few times he’d tried to sneak away... as if Derek couldn’t see him.
“I’m your alpha.”
“You’re a wolf.”
“I’m your mate.”
“Not until I come of age.”
Derek couldn’t hide the shock that spread throughout his body. Playing the mate card had always worked with the tiny fox because Stiles wasn’t old enough to know what it meant... what it entailed. But it always seemed to work every time Derek was trying to get him to obey and the alpha bit wasn’t working. He could not believe someone had explained it to Stiles. 
“Erica!” Derek hissed.
“Stop hissing. I’m going to tell my daddy you hissed, Dewek.”
Derek stared down at the tiny ball of orange fur that was horribly hidden in the red hoody and frowned.
“You’re still not going anywhere.”
“Deweeeeek!” He whined again, crawling away, as Derek reached forward and pulled him back.
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juliag13 · 1 year
Hello friends! I resubmitted an edited more polished version of the Hermes and Jay myth and lost all my previous votes. 😣 I didn’t realize that would happen. If you can please go and vote again for it if you like it! Thank you in advance! Here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/dionysia-ta-astika/713554887578943488/hermes-and-the-jay-by-j-johanan-one-day-hermes
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feline17ff · 2 years
Budding Frenemies: The Tale of Faybelle Thorn and The Thorned Rose
By @the-lavender-creator and @feline17ff
AO3 link
Chapter 2: Narrow the suspects
Thorned Rose had a busy, busy day.
She rescued princess Holly O’Hair from Faybelle Thorn, stopped a burglary done by a Cheshire Cat, returned Bunny Blanc and Hopper Croakington II to their human forms after they were struck by an animalfication ray, and released an entire class of students from Rumplestilksin’s basement. That guy has really got to stop holding students captive and making them spin straw into gold for him!
But now that things had slowed down, it was time for a much-needed relaxing hangout with her BFFA, Princess Apple White.
Apple's destiny, like Briar's, was to fall into a deep sleep only to be awoken by true love's kiss.
But, unlike Briar, Apple didn't have to wait for a hundred years to be woken up. She could technically be woken up the same day; her story didn't have any ground rules when it came to that. Briar sighed. She was not looking forward to sleeping for a hundred years. She wasn't looking forward to losing her friends and maybe her family too… but enough of the sad stuff, she had had a productive day and she wasn't going to let her annoying destiny ruin it.
Faybelle also had a busy, busy day. She kidnapped a princess, got her butt kicked by the nemesis of her dreams, ran from the cops, and started trying to track down said nemesis.
She took the scrap of cape fabric to her BFFA, Duchess Swan. Duchess quickly determined the exact materials that it was made up of, and muttered something about seeing a bolt of that fabric and a spool of the lace at a particular craft store.
So of course, Faybelle offered to take Duchess there on a shopping spree. Of course, she planned on hacking into a store computer while there to get a list of everyone who has bought that fabric and lace recently, but Duchess didn’t have to know that.
Duchess eagerly led Faybelle to the fabric shop, gushing about a dress she’s commissioning from Briar Beauty. “- and I just have to provide her a sample of the fabric I want! She suggested this store since it’s the one she shops from for all of her projects, and all of the fabrics they carry are simply spell-tastic! They’ll all look so wonderful on me, I just don’t know which one to pick!”
Faybelle nods along, her thoughts elsewhere. Duchess doesn’t even notice that Faybelle isn’t listening to her.
They get to the store, and Duchess immediately goes to the fabrics. Faybelle follows just long enough to get some information from the tags on the particular fabric and lace used in the cape. After she’s got the info she needs, she trails off from Duchess and sneaks into the back room.
She finds a computer used for inventory, the password written on a sticky note stuck to the monitor. She navigates her way through the system, looking up the data for the fabric and the lace. She writes down everyone who appears as recently buying the fabric on another sticky note, and then checks the names that also show up on the list for the lace.
By the time she goes to find Duchess, she’s got a list of 10 possible suspects.
Holly O’Hair, who couldn’t have possibly been the heroine since she was the one being saved.
Apple White, who couldn’t have been her since she’s too pale and her hair is too light.
Ashlynn Ella, who again couldn’t have been the heroine due to her looks.
Lizzie Hearts, who wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a color that wasn’t black or red herself - but quite possibly could have made the costume for someone else.
And lastly, Briar Beauty. A thrill-seeking daredevil whose entire wardrobe is that shade of hot pink.
One of those suspects is much more likely than the others.
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ameriresearch · 5 years
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Global Animal Feed Market was valued at $325 Billion in 2015. Animal Feed Market estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 4.6% from 2016 to 2024.
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indigodreams · 5 years
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Millicent, Cat Dressed Up "Every morning Millicent harvests Black-eyed Susan daisies to give to her mother. She has a particular fascination with the these flowers and every dress she owns is of the same colors. Sweet flowery little girl." AnimalFancy
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dont-follow-its-ded · 5 years
Heavenf ta Betfy! We might be lycanthropef but we aren't /animalf/! Put a fhirt on! [from SnaggleFugo, frrrrom reasonablydrawn-purplehaze]
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,,I will be exposing my lack of tittiesas much as I want to, whoare you to tell me what to do?’’@reasonablydrawn-purplehaze
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