#hermitcures... or sth
riacte · 7 months
hermitgals precure update: geminitay backstory edition
it was so hard figuring out a mid season precure backstory, so in the end i defaulted to the milky rose route LMAO.
gem used to be a fairy living in the hermit kingdom, she stayed there after the fall. the citizens of the hermit kingdom grow nervous without their king and the genesis block, but since they have the power of cooperation and hope, they manage to keep things running. they still want to contact their lost king. so they decide to choose one among themselves to be a messenger and find ren in the human world. gem volunteers and everyone chooses her. they bless her with powers and she gains a human form.
meanwhile, the four cures + gang are struggling. since the genesis block occasionally grants them wishes by fixing (creating) certain items, such as repairing cleo's transformation tool and bringing pearl back to life, all of them decide to wish for a new cure. they summon their greatest strengths and hand them to the genesis block in the hopes the block can combine their strengths and form an ultra-powerful cure. the genesis block glows, everyone's hopeful, but then nothing happens. they sigh and dismiss it.
some time passes. human gem struggles to get used to the human world. her wits and willpower keep her going. knowing she has an entire kingdom depending on her, she hunts for ren and co.
the cures struggles even more and gets their asses beat. gem witnesses the fight. she finally sees king ren and iskall, and she also sees the precures fighting tooth and nail to protect the genesis block. she's very touched by outsiders fighting so hard for her kingdom. she's overcome with a strong will to fight alongside them, to fight to protect her kingdom, to fight as not to let down everyone back home because she's their sole messenger.
the genesis block hears her wish and grants her transformation. geminiSLAY. gem is canonically extra powerful because she's blessed with everyone from her hermit kingdom— she's carrying everyone's combined wishes. she completely wrecks the bad guys. everyone's staring at her in awe, and gem is suddenly embarrassed and drained. she doesn't know how to approach them, so she runs away. but at least she knows where the cures + fairies are.
meanwhile, the gang believes the genesis block has combined their strengths to form the new mysterious cure. they're eager to meet her. gem transfers into the cures' school and everyone's like :) ooh transfer student! that's nice— wait. ren and iskall also sense there's something weirdly familiar with this new girl (because she's a fairy like them).
they confront gem and she tells them everything. gem also learns the strength-combining thing they tried with the genesis block, and how everyone has high hopes for her because she's supposedly the perfect cure with no weaknesses. this stresses her out, but she doesn't let it show and she's just happy to find king ren.
gem struggles in the next fight, which comes as a surprise. gem admits she's just an ordinary girl who wants the best for her kingdom. her perceived strength doesn't belong to her, she just borrowed it from her people. she says she's sorry for disappointing the gang because she's not the perfect cure that came from the genesis block. she has her faults and weaknesses.
while the genesis block didn't exactly create gem, it gave her the power to unleash her strength and transform. she had enough willpower and bravery, she only needed a little push. so in the end, while gem is technically a chosen one, she's also just a brave girl venturing out into the wild unknown with so much on her shoulders. it's important to note that the genesis block didn't grant the four cures + fairies' wish for a perfect cure, it granted gem's wish specifically.
ren, iskall, and gem eventually establish a connection between themselves and the hermit kingdom, and they can exchange updates. the gang teaches gem about the ways of the human world <3 and that's the legend of the great gem. (she's also better at retaining her human form compared to ren, she rarely changes back to her fairy form)
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