#heronclan cats
aposterous · 9 months
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Back at it again with my ClanGen game! You might remember me talking about ClanGen. You may naturally assume I've picked it up again recently and decided to draw my clan's ten founders, and that I spent a few days to a week making this. And you would, naturally, be wrong. I started this in February. I drew the first eight cats. All that was left was Morningpaw and Creekpaw. But I just. Stopped. And forgot about it. Until a month or so ago, when I FINALLY drew the last two cats. And then I forgot about it again until a week or two ago, when I finished it up, and I'm now posting it.
These cats are from HeronClan, a fanmade Warriors Clan that lives by the sea. They are the Clan's founders. You might have noticed the 2:3 adult to child ratio, which was an accident, and resulted in Rowanstar getting four apprentices: Wolfpaw, Webpaw, Morningpaw and Creekpaw. I can only imagine what that must have been like. Mouselarch was the only warrior at the beginning, too. I'm now in the 30-somethingth moon, and the Clan has wayyy more members now; I'm thinking of drawing another list of cats once I get to Moon 50, but we'll have to see.
Here are the traits/skills of each cat, so you can get a bit of a feel for their personalities:
Rowanstar: calm, unusually strong fighter
Toadheart: careful, great teacher
Skystripe: faithful, great hunter (pain)
Mouselarch: strange, good teacher
Wolfpaw: patient
Ganderpaw: ambitious
Hillpaw: ambitious
Webpaw: loyal
Morningpaw: compassionate
Creekpaw: cold
I started this game before the experience system changed, so that's why the apprentices don't have skills yet.
Anyway, I've been procrastinating on this thing for long enough, so here it is! Enjoy.
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echoes-in-echoclan · 8 months
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Guys, I'm so so sorry I legit considered resetting on this moon, but then I thought about it. We really don't have a good a proper StarClan guide in the comic lore because the original one is used for HeronClan plot. So why not have Rippleclaw be the new StarClan guide? Plus his kit is the medicine cat! Also there are some future plot moments that do come from it that are. Super heart warming <3 his death is not in vain, he will return a lot!
Moon 0 
Moon 27 - Moon 29
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tearwolfe · 2 years
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lilyburst is ripplefoot's sibling, making them aunt to lionpaw. lionpaw looks a lot like her.
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moodbroads · 6 months
heyall! posted this in a discord server recently but i wanna get yalls thoughts >:D me and my friend are making a new server bout clans who live in a coastal forest and so i just wanted to put this poll up to get yalls opinions on names n stuff
theres gonna be about 3 clans but the 3rd one is still in thought so heres some random quick sketches of the other 2:
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clan 1: a dried out cove which is shallow with water at times (about ankle-high for reg cats) that has an old half-sunken ship within sand in the middle. it was abandoned by twolegs quite a long time ago when they found this land, the clan was thought to be founded by some of the cats on said ship
clan 2: these cats live on a cliff that overlooks the ocean and rely on the tide and moon to get food and materials such as seabirds to eat and seaweed to make their dens
we also lookin for suggestions for what clan 3 should be about too cuz we practically brainded rn /j
for some lil surrounding info: theres gonna be a coastal town with a fishing biz some cats steal from, an abandoned railroad with an old train thats a popular home for rouges, and some old clan ruins that nobody remembers the name or history of exept for a few elders (;
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heronclanhq · 1 year
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HeronClan medicine cat, Brackenfeather, when all his clanmates keep slipping and falling from rocks for some reason
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Ganderstar is a long-lost descendant of the half-clan Smokebriar, littermate to Dovelake/star.
She has the blood of Wildclan, Heronclan, and Dangerclan in her, however these ties are so far detatched that she would never know about it. Ganderstar, formerly known as Gander, was a kittypet from a town that has appeared a few miles down a long thunderpath from the territories. She enjoyed the little things in life, but always longed for something more. So, when she met some stray cats with a thirst for adventure, she proposed to them the crazy idea of escaping the town. These cats were hesitant, but knew of cats who would want to follow her, so they set her up with those cats, and the rest is history.
Upon reaching the old territory of Wildclan, an ancient clan that was brutally wiped out in just a few nights by a mystery killer, she had a feeling that this was where they had to be. They set out in different directions, trying to find a good camp location in this sparsely wooded area. She went away from the river, and encountered a wolf in the woods, who tore out her eye. She was saved by her groupmates, but unfortunately one died in the fight. She nearly died as well, waking up in starclan where they proceeded to grant her the nine lives she was apparently owed for deciding to come all this way.
Granted a newfound knowledge of clanlife by her ancestor, Dovestar, she made her way through the woods with her friends, and they found the old camp sheltered in a grotto near the edge of them. Excitedly, she jumped onto the Highlook, and declared their new group to be the reborn Wildclan. For the medicine cat, she chose Spiral - who chose to be named Sparrowlight - and for her deputy she chose Kitty - who chose to keep her name.
Excitedly, she renamed the surviving cats, and then dismissed them to help set up their camp.
This is the point at which we meet these cats - right as they finish setting up camp.
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floofyboi57 · 2 years
I’m bored so- I’m gonna talk about my warrior cat OCs
So cause I was disappointed in the murder mystery plot of ASC, I kinda just…plucked it from there and reworked it into this- Don’t know what I’m gonna call it- there’s a lot of talk of a big storm that happened prior to the story’s events so possibly incorporate that? Idk- but here are the main characters
Blackpaw - newly made medicine cat apprentice of Jayclan who took an interest in the medicine cat den as a kit to get away from family problems. Murders begins happening within her clan and as a medicine cat she feels responsible, despite her mentor and older brother telling her that’s not the case.
Flamefrost - young warrior of Heronclan, and proud of it. Embodiment of Heronclan’s god complex. Really looks up to his grandfather, Mothstar, even though he probably shouldn’t. Little shit but he gets better I swear
Poppypaw - a young ex Kittypet abandoned by her mama’s Twolegs, she’s dropped off near the forest that harbors the clans. Witnessed a murder and then gets adopted by Thrushclan’s leader, Birchstar. Baby protect her at all costs
Lightpaw - Thrushclan’s medicine cat apprentice. Only one in Thrushclan who believes what Poppypaw saw so she gets to play detective.
Ask me questions if you’ve got any I want an excuse to talk about these sillies some more
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ceruleanthing · 6 years
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Warriors: Fallen Forest
Coming soon.
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echoes-in-echoclan · 3 months
Wait is Ringstar Krestalstars brother? 😨
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They were close. Closer than close. They were thick as thieves, attached at the hip, where one went the other was close behind. They were rarely on different patrols, if they were separated it was as if one of them had gone blind and the other deaf. And when they were together it was as if they could do the work of ten cats. They'd return to camp with their tails held high, side by side, jaws full of prey. Not a single stretch of the border would go unmarked, and in battle it was as if they were one cat.
The elders used to shake their heads and chuckle to themselves. "One day they'll lead the clan together." They'd joke amongst themselves, watching the two brothers spar in the HeronClan camp clearing. "The only question is who will be leader and who will be deputy."
--- "I would have made you my deputy." Kestreltuft spoke, causing Ringtail to stop in his tracks and look over his shoulder.
"I would have been a terrible deputy." Ringtail scoffed playfully, a weak smile on his face.
"No, you would have been amazing." Kestreltuft returned the weak smile. "I would have wanted no other cat to serve by my side."
"I have to go. You know I do." Ringtail said after a moment of heavy silence, his ears drooping. "If I lost her, Kestreltuft, I think I would die."
"Then go to her."
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echoes-in-echoclan · 14 days
I noticed that the two heronclan cats are popstars croonies how are they feeling?
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echoes-in-echoclan · 9 months
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nO Kestrelstar is sick again... Poor dude can't get a break
Also a new cat! Silkbounce, the HeronClan medicine cat!
And we're almost at the one year mark for these cats! They've been out there on their own for so long... They need friends, I'm sure a two man clan gets lonely sometimes
Moon 0 
Moon 10 - Moon 12
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echoes-in-echoclan · 8 months
Will we ever get to know what caused kestrelstar and raggedghost to be kicked out of their old clan?
There have been hints here and there but I guess it's time for me to spill the beans
Popstar and a group of other warriors in HeronClan decided that Kestrelstar wasn't the rightful leader. They managed to convince rogues to launch an invasion in the middle of the night. They killed a bunch of cats, and Popstar blamed it all on Kestrelstar's inability to keep their clan safe. A lot of the senior warriors were in on it so they were able to successfully convince the clan to kick Kestrelstar out.
Of course Kestrelstar did nothing wrong, he had no idea the clan was conspiring against him. The only crime he was guilty of was the crime of not realizing what his clanmates were planning. Upon leaving the clan he kinda realized what was up and now holds a bit of a grudge against his old clanmates :( Also the fact that StarClan allowed him top keep his nine lives says something about what they think about this whole situation
Anyway here's some bonus art
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echoes-in-echoclan · 9 months
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Another HeronClan cat revealed!
Also I'll never stop drawing Raggedpaw small, he's itty bitty in my eyes
Moon 0 
Moon 3 - Moon 5
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echoes-in-echoclan · 9 months
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Our HeronClan baddies characters!
Brownburst is the deputy and Clawstripe is the one who gave Raggedpaw his bite wound in the first moon.
So some fun facts, the cats of HeronClan are all like. Actually dead in the generator. That is because I killed them off before realizing what I wanted to do with the plot. In hindsight I realize it would have been smarter to just exile them :")
Here's the sprites for our problem children <3
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echoes-in-echoclan · 7 months
How do you think HeronClan will react when (or if) they discover they wrongly exiled their leader on the word of traitors? And if HeronClan knows their old leader still has their lives, what was their reaction to that?
If they were to figure out they'd be incredibly apologetic! Especially the ones who weren't in on the scheme. They'd see the nine lives thing as absolute proof of the traitors wrongdoings and offer Kestrelstar a place in the clan again.
Of course he'd deny going back, he has his new clan that he has to take care of. Although he understands that some HeronClan cats weren't in on the scheme, there are some sour feelings remaining.
So all in all, they'd be very sorry! But as long as Popstar and her cronies hold seniority in HeronClan that won't be happening anytime soon.
And between you and me, I doubt StarClan gave Popstar nine lives.. She might be playing some things up..
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Born half Heronclan, half Wildclan, Dovekit chose to leave her mother and sister in Heronclan and live with her father in Wildclan as soon as she was weened. She never liked Heronclan, as their "pick yourself up" attitude was hard for her with her malformed hind leg and tail. She'd been born with them both twisted, and no one knew why. They didn't take her seriously, though, and she was left living in pain for her first month and a half of living. When she moved to Wildclan, she was given a small daily amount of poppy seeds, which helped her pain immensely.
Through her apprenticeship, she and her sister often met at the gathering hollow with a tom, Kelppaw from Dangerclan. They trained together, and the sisters both began crushing on Kelppaw. She let Smokepaw, her sister, take him as a mate when they all became warriors, convinced she would find someone she loved more soon. Moons passed, and Dovelake remained alone, while Smokebriar had kits with him and lived her life to the fullest. Dovelake started getting desperate, so she settled with a tom who she never even liked in that way, but who liked her. She had a single litter of three kits with him, but noticed Kelptuft was starting to act strange around her clan. By the time her kits were adults, she was deputy. And by the time she was leader, her clanmates had begun to disappear.
When she realized it was her brother-in-law who was killing her clanmates, she quickly confronted him, but it was too late. He was too deep, and he couldn't stop. He took her life once, and then went on to kill her kits and mate the next day. Enraged, she confronted him one last time, and he made sure to take every last one of her lives. The last of Wildclan's cats either dispersed or died by his claws, and the other three clans were so horrified that they exiled Kelptuft and preserved the old Wildclan territory in the memory of the clan that had been lost.
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