myersbprd · 1 year
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with @herrnarkejaponica + continued from here!
It was in moments like this that John was reminded just how much he missed the recreation of mechanical work: determining how all of the pieces would best be slotted together, watching them function precisely as he had hoped afterwards, discussing the details with someone who understood them. Although this wasn't bound to become routine, he was glad to feel that little spark again. He was rather curious if a similar sense was harbored in Heisenberg's work, and how it was different with the cadou in-play, yet he didn't expect that such a question would be appreciated coming from him. Perhaps it was one that would be deemed too familiar, too invasive —
Suddenly, the thought was disrupted by a start as Heisenberg gripped John's lower jaw. His gaze widened with surprise, yet there was no explanation to be found in the one across from him, concealed by the very pair of dark glasses he had acquired himself. For a split-second, as the hold slowly tightened, the question arose in his mind of whether Heisenberg's intended to try and crush his jaw ( using the hand he had advocated for, what an amusingly macabre irony that would be ). However, John found that the notion didn't linger. Injuring him would still be detrimental to the possibility of future outings, that certainly hadn't altered in the past few minutes; but what if that ceased to be true? Devoid of that reassurance, would he be apprehensive that Heisenberg would harm him?
Perhaps it was John's own actions that were louder than his predilection for overthinking. After all, he wouldn't have passed unnecessary hours in conversation, pushed for an allocation of more freedom, or spent his own time musing over the prosthetics and convincing Manning to fund them, if he truly believed that Heisenberg desired to hurt him. He held so much empathy and hope inside him that at times he felt suffocated by it, by the feeling of wanting to do more and be more and fight for all of it at once — but he wasn't a doormat who acted on it when he knew it would only be used against him. That was what left John certain that, even if he hadn't consciously acknowledged it, the dread of trepidation wouldn't creep down his spine should the failsafe between them no longer existed. Regardless of the facets of Heisenberg that were hidden from him as if they were locked tightly behind a door and maybe always would be, he wasn't afraid. He hadn't been for a long time.
As the intensity etched across the face watching him faded and Heisenberg spoke, John's eyebrows rose. Was that what had prompted the prior expression, the endeavor to see what this new hand could feel? He supposed it made sense, though he wasn't sure it fully answered the internalized question. Nevertheless, the revelation pleased him, and a subtle grin of his own lilted his lips. "Good." John's fingers reached up to grip the temple of Heisenberg's glasses and tilt the frames downward until their eyes met without barrier. "I hoped it would, whatever that counts for."
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shireentheunburnt · 1 year
Mun's favorites
Favorite colors: Purple, black, blue, red
Song stuck in your head: Love Runs Out - OneRepublic
Last song you listened to: Guess Who is Back - BACK-ON/KODA KUMI
Three favorite foods: Pizza, mussels in curry sauce, prawn curry
Dream trip: I would love to take my family to Disneyland Paris one day.
Anything I want rn: My daughter to be happy.
Tagged by: @redemptioninchaos (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @breakbcnes @herrnarkejaponica @myersbprd @fantasywritten @thecassandradimitrescu
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exparaguas · 1 year
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When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams - this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness - and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be! - Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Dr. Luis Serra Nevarro of Resident Evil 4 Remake Independent RP Sideblog
| mainblog: @herrnarkejaponica | mun: Morphy (they / them) |
| muse & mun 21+, open to NSFW | AU, crossover, & OC friendly |
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TMA Eye reference sheet
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hematichero · 3 years
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“Are you... related to Douglas?”  Heather sure as fuck didn’t know where she was, and this guy didn’t seem great either.  This wasn’t the right weather either. Fuck skirts.
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shireentheunburnt · 1 year
Muse Preferences
Rules: Bold which your muse prefers, out of the following pairs
peace or war
sun or stars
flowers or trees
Crescent moon or full moon
streets or skyscrapers
rooftops or balconies
ink or glitter  
life or death
order or chaos
candle or bonfire
ocean or sky
leather or silk
sweet or sour
overstimulation or under stimulation
book or letter
soft or coarse
fight or flight
spoken or written
silver or gold
playing cards or tarot cards
circles or angles
cramped or vast
checkers or chess
Tagged by: @redemptioninchaos (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @thecassandradimitrescu @xinchargeofthetvax @myersbprd @herrnarkejaponica @fantasywritten (The Devil)
+Anyone who wants to :-)
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
what darker love do you embody?
Your Result: love like a wildfire.
all encompassing. you would burn the world down for them... but, the same fire you use to warm them, will also burn them. you love too strongly. you love until you set everything ablaze, destroying what you managed to build together.
Tagged by: @blccdharmonyx (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @herrnarkejaponica @neithergodsnormen (Melisandre) @firemine @canonfoddcr (Duke) @thecassandradimitrescu
+Anyone who wants to :-)
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
seasonal aesthetics.
𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑.     a chill right down to the bones. tobogganing. teeth chattering. sleeping all day. sitting by the fireplace. spending time with family. layered clothing. seeing another’s breath. loving the cold. a state of inactivity. cold hands. blistering winds shaking the closed windows. a bookcase full of brand new books and all of the time in the world to read them. cable knit socks. a bitter remark. a log cabin in the middle of nowhere. hating the cold. full-length windows to peer out of. pale skin. deep conversations. watching the snowfall. sharp edges. hot cocoa. smelling every candle in the store. a wild snowstorm. melancholy. lighting candles around the bathtub. snow globes. expressing yourself but never finding quite the right words. the softest of blankets. liking, but not loving something or someone.
𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆.     the smell after it rains. being in control of yourself. a soft breeze blowing your hair. lightning when it strikes. cherry blossoms. bright mornings. the first sign of hope. the relief of finding something you lost.  paris in the spring.  birds chirping. the art of growing. a kiss on the cheek. the clap of thunder. a tornado in the valley. smiling at a stranger. planning. saccharine pinks. making promises. trying something new. hugs when you need them most. a bee sting. sitting on the steps of the met. coming inside drenched from the thunderstorm. picnics on a red checkered blanket in the new sun. that feeling you get when you put on a good dress. a long hike. rushing when you can take your time. going to the gym, training at ungodly hours. excitement for what’s coming. becoming yourself. rain boots.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑.     lanterns lit around a campfire. seeing the sunrise like it’s the first time again and again. melting ice cream. the warmth of sun rays upon the skin. fireworks. the feeling of never wanting something to end. beach days. the lone blow-up floaty left in the pool, drifting with the warm night's breeze and nothing else. music blasting at 3AM, loud and proud. palms trees on sunset boulevard. longer days and shorter nights. wanderlust. nights spent staring at the stars. sand castles. road trips. blood orange sunsets. leaving the laundry to hang outside. flowers in bloom. sneaking out of your room late at night. pure contentment. barefoot in the sand. the street lights coming on. the sound of the ocean in a seashell. freshly squeezed lemonade. loose clothing. a cannonball into the pool. sunflowers. the hazy pink before dusk. relaxation.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋.    the leaves changing colors. a heavy backpack. the smell of old books. eating until you’re stuffed. deep, dark woods. the silence in loudness ( the loudness in silence ). abandoned houses. ripped jeans. crunching leaves beneath feet. feeling like you’ve been somewhere before. sitting at a bay window. having endless amount of work. charcoal drawings. screaming into a pillow as loud as you can. pumpkin patches. creaky floorboards. accepting that some things do have to change. museums. small talk. being ignored. procrastinating. a door slamming shut. going to bed early. baking pies. the fear of walking alone in the dark. feeling completely and terribly lost. a twig snapping. crisp, cool days. belly laughter after crying. converse. foggy mornings at the shoreline. writing a daily entry in a journal. a lonely day.
Tagged by: @blccdharmonyx (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @oathofpromises (Jill) @herrnarkejaponica @inkribboned (Heisenberg) @ofvalyriansteel @xrealmofmanymusesx (Hades)
+Anyone who wants to :-)
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
Twin Lakes
Quiz introduction
The town is Twin Lakes, NM. The story has been repeated a thousand times in a thousand ways in this place- the old house, the graveyard, the woods, the lake. Missing. Dead. An accident. A thousand dead bodies, a thousand victims. They play out their parts as the horrors unfold and when its done they do it again. The people here are haunted in more ways than one, and evil seeps like poison through the veins of this idyllic small town, building and growing until now. The point of no return. As it always does. Except this time, YOU are in the story. Can you fix what has not been fixed? Can you prevent the inevitable? Can you end it, once and for all? Find your role. Play the game. Who knows? Maybe luck is on your side this time.
Your Result: The Martyr
Deep down you knew from the second you woke up what was going to happen. You don't forget, not like the other's do. You know the cycle, and the shape of the thing that moves you, the being playing with your town. You gave up on trying to beat it ages ago. Instead you play it's game. You provide hints and clues and advice, you hold them as they mourn and rage and die. You are the cheerful friend, the innocent. You kill yourself for them, over and over and over. Jumping in front of the bullet. Taking the hit. Distracting the monster so they can get away. You set yourself up to be the sacrifice, the lamb to the slaughter, the bait. You do this, this undefinable kindness and self sacrificing work, all without a word of complaint. All to give them a chance. All to let them live as long as possible. All to fuel their revenge that makes them cold but stronger, strong enough maybe to stop it all. Hope is futile but you persist. Despite it all, you persist. Your sacrifice is not in vein, martyr. Never in vain.
Tagged by: No one, stole it from the dash :-)
Tagging: @myersbprd @boyofwar @thelordslight @herrnarkejaponica @fantasywritten (The Devil)
+ Anyone who wants to :-)
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shireentheunburnt · 1 year
Rules: List Five Comfort Characters And Tag Five People. This is in no particular order.
(Other than Shireen)
1. Little Lady Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez from Little Misfortune.
2. Tina from Bob’s Burgers.
3. The Doctor from Doctor Who (primarily Ten, but Eleven and Twelve are special to me too).
4. Ianto Jones from Torchwood.
5. Prue Halliwell from Charmed.
Bonus - Tara Maclay from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Tagged by: @heartstoppedsoufflegirl (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @myersbprd @herrnarkejaponica @redemptioninchaos @breakbcnes @guardedgalaxy
+Anyone who wants to!
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myersbprd · 8 months
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favorite tea: pu-erh tea.
favorite coffee: so many, but he really does love an americano.
favorite sweet snack: butterscotch hard candy.
favorite savory snack: french fries ( with an ungodly amount of ketchup ).
favorite flower(s): chrysanthemums, especially red ones.
favorite color(s): blue and green.
favorite fruit: limes.
favorite vegetable: spinach.
favorite season: winter.
favorite time of day: early morning.
favorite kind of weather(s): when it's cool but not too cold, and the sun is out.
love language(s) to give: physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service.
love language(s) to receive: physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation — really, if he knows a particular love language is significant to the other person, then it will mean a lot to him to receive.
specific niche love language: remembering/noticing small things, and letting the other person know he noticed them ( whether by incorporating them into what they do in the future, giving them as gifts, etc. ).
favorite hobbies: mechanical work, reading, swimming, stargazing, listening to music, rock climbing, learning languages, horseback riding.
favorite book(s): his favorite book is the catcher in the rye ( though a large reason for that is the fact that he associates it with his uncle, since the copy he has is one of the only gifts the man ever gave him; he regularly carries it around with him to this day, and it looks it ), but he really enjoys nonfiction and biographies.
favorite movie(s): rear window.
favorite song(s): he really can't narrow it down ( though i do have a list of ten songs that he likes here ).
favorite musician: similar answer to the above! i will say that he tends to listen to a lot of indie rock and alternative groups/singers.
favorite animal(s): horses.
favorite insect: dragonflies.
favorite terrain: anywhere that'll allow him a clear view of the night sky is automatically a frontrunner.
Tagged by: @shireentheunburnt ( thanks so much! ) Tagging: @legaciestold @wiedzmacienia @thelonelyherothing @thedefinitionofwarlock @herrnarkejaponica @electrichedonia @spirit-x-ing @mcmcntomorl @bladedflower @assassincraft @ofrcgency @sayitan + whoever else wants to do this.
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myersbprd · 1 year
which greek gods are your parents?
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Zeus & Eurynome
Oh, sweet forgotten Charity! Your father was crowned king of the gods, and your mother a Titaness sworn to Olympus. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by strength, gentle certainty, and generosity. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of your sister Graces and the untouched lands as you grow into your power.
tagged by: @wiedzmacienia ( thanks so much! ) tagging: @shireentheunburnt @spirit-x-ing @legaciestold (ellie) @technxlogic / @vilisus @thelonelyherothing / @thedefinitionofwarlock / @herrnarkejaponica / @electrichedonia + whoever else wants to do this.
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myersbprd · 2 years
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your result: palm.
you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
tagged by: @shireentheunburnt ( thanks so much! )
tagging: @thelonelyherothing​  @thedefinitionofwarlock​  @herrnarkejaponica​  @electrichedonia​ @bprdmyers  @rebelthree​  @swanxlegacy​ @spirit-x-ing​ @firemine​ @xsalvaticn​ @xheartpages​ @kiantrev​ @multimuse-online​ @caelistisregina​ @khozmoh​  @sayitan​ @technxlogic​ @sapiened​ + whoever else wants to do this.
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myersbprd · 2 years
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Breaking Point  
They've been through so much, the one you love. They have suffered, and endured, and gone through hell and back. Maybe they've come close to breaking, maybe they've danced on the edge of sanity. But you've always been there to pull them back before they go too far. Alas, blood stains their hands as they put pressure on your wounds, the life fading from your eyes. Even now, even in this moment, you offer them whatever comfort you can. You're so proud of them, you love them so much. You know that they can get through this. Nothing could ever convince you otherwise. And yet, as your heart stops, their world shatters. You were the only thing that they could not afford to lose, and now their only goal is vengeance. Once they achieve that? Chaos will do.
TAGGED: @spirit-x-ing​ ( thanks so much! )
TAGGING: @thelonelyherothing / @thedefinitionofwarlock / @herrnarkejaponica @historiestold / @choselight / @zcrxel / @bprdmyers @xsalvaticn @shireentheunburnt @kiantrev / @spiiinninginfinity @technxlogic @caelistisregina @doyl1st @multimuse-online @frozenintimc @khozmoh​ + whoever else wants to do this.
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myersbprd · 8 months
which type of protagonist are you?
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most of what i can say here is sheeesh….yikes…..ouch…. so you don't have a savior complex, because you understand that's toxic. you're not here to save anyone: you're here to heal them, with or without them knowing, because you love so much and care so deeply and you're very stubborn about it. there's no one on this earth that you wouldn't give a helping hand to--but it's called a burden for a reason, because this isn't a one-person job. as a protagonist, you're determined and selfless, but as a person, you probably need a break. heal yourself for a little, okay?
Tagged by: @shireentheunburnt ( thanks so much! )
Tagging: @legaciestold / @wiedzmacienia @thelonelyherothing / @thedefinitionofwarlock / @herrnarkejaponica / @electrichedonia @spirit-x-ing @sayitan @mcmcntomorl + whoever else wants to do this.
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exparaguas · 1 year
This is an independent roleplay (RP) sideblog for Luis Serra Nevarro from Resident Evil 4 Remake.
As this is a sideblog, all likes and follow-backs will come from my mainblog, herrnarkejaponica . All asks from this blog will be sent on anon and 'signed' with the username.
If you are a personal/non-RP blog or an RP blog not writing in a roleplay thread with me, DO NOT REBLOG THAT THREAD. I tag all my RP threads with “#rp”.
If you are a personal/non-RP blog or an RP blog that is not directly mentioned in a headcanon post, DO NOT REBLOG THAT HEADCANON POST. I tag all my headcanon posts with “#headcanons”.
For the rest, please read my Rules (linked above).
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