#resident evil 4 rp
red9 · 2 years
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#   𝑅𝐸𝐷𝟿 .  | an indie, private, and selective blog for LUIS SERRA NAVARRO from the resident evil franchise, featuring an assortment of alternate verses. penned by Grandpa, strictly 21+, est 2021. Heavily affiliated with devilsbaptist | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃.
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exploring such themes as . . . the atoner, the casanova wannabe, heroic willpower, and redemption equals death.
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sunshinevs3 · 10 months
Looking for anyone 18+ to roleplay Resident Evil, oc x canon and doubles are primarily what I am looking for!
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maetheartist · 4 months
Hi I copy and pasted my last rp callout for Resident Evil 4, if you noticed, no you didn’t
Hi there! My name is Mae, pleasure to meet anyone who happens to come across this post- I am a young artist, hopping right back into Resident Evil 4 after the hype died down- yes, I joined last minute, I know… but I may or may have not gotten attached to a certain someone and am down horribly for- Major Krauser - AHEM. BUT ANYWAYS, I am looking for some people to rp with for the drama, romance and ships alike! I am dying to find fellow people who share my interests and are willing to hear me out on the concept ideas I made for Resident Evil 4! But nonetheless, let’s get right into it, ladies and gentlemen! :DD and yes, I rewrote my shit, new rules!
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So here are the rules
Lets start off with requirements and rules!
Self-inserts are welcome!
Have a semiliterate writing style, proper grammar, and use quotations marks.
I roleplay on discord, I will not be role playing anywhere else.
Do not try and convince me to do anything that goes against what I have as my personal rules… if you are a decent human being, I humbly ask of you to please respect my boundaries, and I’ll respect yours!
If you want to have an rp… please send me a writing sample of yours so I can get an understanding of how you write, and see if I wanna work with it. It’s not required! But highly preferred and appreciated!
No Mary Sues or Gary Sues, please, it is literally not any fun if your OC is too OP and has no weaknesses, just no, I will point it out in the RP if it Happens.
No Incest or Sexual Assault themes in role plays, a hard no.
No smut. If there is to be a smut scene in an rp, there will be a time skip to after the scene, no during it, no nada, only before and after scenes, I will NOT be writing two of our characters doing the nasty baby making ritual. 😭
No… but…
No Smut, definitely not… but suggestive and flirtatious dialogue is allowed! If there are to be any sexual scenes to happen, there will be time skips.
No controlling my OCs! but I can understand describing things like rain on their skin and certain pains they feel on their body.
No one sentence or very short replies… but I understand a small sentence or two, but don't do it the whole RP.
Do not keep the whole spotlight only to your character and their ship Partner, it is not Fair.
My writing style is Semi-literate, I prefer semi-literate writers over text talk writers unless it’s OCC.
Don’t what that is? Here!
Semi-Literate example:
The Moon goddess her lake from the bridge, sighing in contentment as she turned her attention to the moonlight reflecting the water’s surface with a soft gaze. "The best place to be for the silence is here..."
Text-talk example:
*Suijin looked at her confused* what do you mean? *She raised a brow*
Stuff I do and prefer!
I enjoy roleplaying fluff, romance, platonic relationships, action, and or comedic stuff!
I accept OC x Cannon, OC x OC and Cannon x Cannon ships! I also heavily encourage self-serts!
AUs are welcome! Though when I say AUs, I mean the fairly common ones like Yandere AU, Enemies to lovers AU, etc, etc. BUT! I’ll always be open to hearing out whatever you bring to the table!
Paragraphs? WHERE?!? Paragraphs are something I am absolutely down for, and I love them in roleplays! Especially when they are very detailed! I do em too and I would love it if someone else did as well!
If you know what Resident Evil 4 is all about… then you already know, violence and gore is definitely allowed, lol. Dark elements too, as long as they fit under the resident evil dark category.
Characters I’m able to play!
Leon S. Kennedy
Ashley Graham
Jack Krauser
Ramon Salazar
Luis Sierra
Bitores Mendez
Lord Saddler
Ada Wong
Ingrid Hunnigan
The Merchant
Characters I’d like you to play, if possible!
Jack Krauser (Top of my list because I’d very much would like to do an OC x Jack Krauser ship, lol)
Lord Saddler
Bitores Mendez
Ingrid Hunnigan
Ada Wong
The roles can be negotiated before an rp, we can switch stuff up depending n what you’d like to rp, I am flexible with who I play as! but I fear the only ship I will not be doing is Jack Krauser x Leon S Kennedy, I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable as I see them with a Jim Hawkins and John Silver relationship, sorry! (I hope someone out there knows treasure planet to know what I mean.)
If you worry about getting responses back to me late- don’t get too worked up over it, we all have lives outside of the internet, and we just have to accept the fact that we can’t always be available! But do keep in mind that it’s good to let your friends online know that you may have to disappear for it bit, it also lets me know you’ll be busy for a bit! :D
If you want to RP with me, that’s great! I rp in Discord as it helps to organize everything, and if you’re interested and would like more questions- shoot me a dm, and I’ll answer when I can, thank you, and a have a wonderful day!
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rp-partnerfinder · 7 months
30/female looking for 21+ partner to do a double-up rp of Resident Evil. I'm specifically looking for someone to play Leon to my OC in Resident Evil 2 with the possibility of moving up to RE:4 and more. I'm willing to play anyone for your side and I don't mind any pairing on your side as well. I prefer to write on Discord but start plotting on Tumblr just so we can discuss triggers and storylines before moving on to Discord. I write 5 or more paras depending on whether we're writing an action scene or where the characters are conversing. I do not write smut but romance will still happen. I'm open to all ideas so please like and I will message you asap!
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exparaguas · 1 year
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When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams - this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness - and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be! - Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Dr. Luis Serra Nevarro of Resident Evil 4 Remake Independent RP Sideblog
| mainblog: @herrnarkejaponica | mun: Morphy (they / them) |
| muse & mun 21+, open to NSFW | AU, crossover, & OC friendly |
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hiddenwashington · 11 months
@coreofgold said : Was that [JOSÉ RAMÓN BARRETO]? Oh no no, that was just [LUIS SERRA NAVARRO (LUIS SERA)], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [RESIDENT EVIL 4]. They are [TWENTY-EIGHT] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{beep beep car clown coming in}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. luis serra navarro (luis sera) [josé ramón barreto]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
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Top Tier Soundgasm Links
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knifefightandchill · 6 months
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xmorguekittyx · 10 months
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His Lamb
what’s a sheppard without his lamb?
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…a oneshot in which Older!Officer!Leon Kennedy would do
anything to get closer to Mortuary Assistant!Reader…
warnings: talks of corpses, groping, dub con, death, killing, blood, spit, bodily fluids, funerals, self harm, dubious acts of intercourse, dubious thoughts, manipulation, degradation, forced intercourse and kidnapping,
:dead dove do not eat:
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“I’ll always look for you, Lamb.”
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“the weather is forecasted that this will be the biggest storm, in Seattle’s history-“, the trees passing faded into hues of blue and green, dabbled by little splotches of clear rain drops, obscuring the paintings the speed of the old jeep make across a stagnant grey sky. “reports of wind speed as high as-“, fingers pressed into the soft flesh, digging into the skin as the voices blend into the background. The whirling of tires heard as the truck approached the small, lit up building. Brick, ivey growing up the sides as the paint flicks off, dark mahogany peeling back showing off a brighter red color, the last stand of not wanting to be forgotten.
much is forgotten, ghosts and shadows left to walk aimlessly. ghosts aren’t just the white, sheet covered spirits that haunt tv screens all across america. they’re here, with me and you, their lips parted in a wail, realizing that they’re being forgotten, cast aside and pushed away. a spark of resentment from the back of their silent throats, pushing silent screams into the void between them and us. bridging that gap isn’t too hard, if you know how to feel the silence. A small laugh leaves her lips as her eyes peer over to the flickering light behind the panes of the front door. pane, pain, what’s behind the door is merely pain, the place the deceased have their final moment. in her hands, they’re prepared to say their final goodbye. her fingers twirling curls, buttoning buttons are the same that once bore latex gloves, inserting a trocar into their body cavity, jotting notes down on her clipboard of any marking along their now cold bodies.
coat now cast along side another, more worn, lay across the coat rack, hearing the jingling of the bell as the wind threatens to push it back open. “Oh, you’re here.”, the voice travels rather dully though the gloomy building, slicing through the air with a soft appearance. “Yeah, I heard we’re in for a rough night.”, her fingers tapped the hook through her jacket, ensuring that it doesn’t slide off, the material slightly damp from the sprinkling rain. “Praying the power stays on. Don’t want to have to call Holman’s and ask to borrow his freezer again.”, eyes slid across the dark oak flooring, to the rust colored accents on an oak desk, then the soles of boots, haphazardly dodging paperwork as they laid heel first into the surface. “Holman isn’t that bad, he’s just…”, her voice wavers slightly, stepping forwards with a pull at her lips, eyes flickering up as if searching the rafters for the word to best describe the said man. “Too fucking touchy with the corpses, that’s what he is.”, the scoff that fell from her boss’s lips wasn’t an unfamiliar sound when discussing other mortician’s in the area. Her head shook, causing her hair to bounce as she gave a soft sound of amusement, “ever the brutal honest, yeah?”, her smile was a sight to the owner of the funeral parlor. causing his own to crack across his weathered cheeks, “yeah.”
“Officer Kennedy is doing the rounds tonight, after Mrs.Kowatch and Mrs.Edmond-“, the two women being murdered oddly close to each other by someone police have yet to identify. Their body’s embalmed right here in this very own morgue. “-they started having officers on watch on this road.”, he waved his hand and pen towards the main road. his eyes still on the mountains of paperwork. “You know, they think the bastard came up this way, said something on the news about him being rural, too animalistic to be someone like you and me- acting like they were mauled by bears or something”, she nodded, half listening- half thinking of which bodies she had to embalm tonight and if she thought she could get them done before the possible outage. “We even embalmed them, I, damn well, know a mauling from a murder!”, his voice carried as she crossed her arms, still in her own head about what tonight would in-sue.
“Ignoring your boss is rude, you know?”, the scoff that fell from his lips had her eyes breaking their stare off with the wall, peeking back at the blonde man. “Sorry, was thinking if i could get Mr. Harriett and Mrs. Jenkins both done before the powers shits out.”, still ignoring the man’s words. “You-“, his offended tone was accompanied by a dropped jaw, teeth white from the whitening pen he kept in his drawer from all the cups of coffee he sipped all shift. “You’re really gonna ignore what i said?”, his brows furrowed, his hand gripping the pen as he half way stood up. “Come on, at least humor me and act like you don’t tune me out.”, he whined, throwing himself back into the chair, nearly flipping it with his body weight. “But then i’d be lying, you don’t want me to lie… do you?”, she teased as she winked over her shoulder, turning her back to him once more as she made her way down towards the hallway leading into the embalming room and freezer.
“-suggest taking shelter now. conditions are expected to worsen as the night passes, again, we urge you to take shelter-“, darkness covers the duo as her fingers lock the cooler door back in place, the buzz of the afore mentioned machine cutting off. “You’re joking.”, she crinkled her nose, her hands coming out in front of her to try and guide herself from walking smack-dab into the doors she’d locked open. Her fingers wrapping around something, it’s temperature far too warm to be the door as she rips her hand back, a yelp coming from her lips. Her foot catching on the stretcher, back hitting the door handle of the freezer as she whines. “You okay back there?”, Ben’s voice carries, “Yeah, just got spooked is all…”, her eyes were barely opened as she looked up at the “warm” things she grabbed, or far awfully like a shirt, maybe her finger had brushed something hard too… it felt odd as she curled her fingers into a fist, still sitting on her ass on the cold tile. “just give it a few minutes, hopefully it’ll-“, the voice carried as the lights buzzed back to life, engulfing the small building in light. “come back on.”, his head lifted from the desk, looking down the narrow hall towards his assistant. “You sure you wanna stay, i’m okay with you going back home for the night.”, his green eyes reflected worry and care, having become close to a confidant to the woman. She scowled, not seeing anything that would’ve felt the way she knew she had as she looked back over towards him, pushing her body from the floor. “Drive back out there?”, her thumb jut out to motion towards the front doors, her feet pushing her towards the man as his hands crossed over his stomach, leaning back to get a better look at her. “Hell no.”, her tone was that of ‘are you crazy?’, to which it seemed some townsfolk thought the two were.
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wind whistled, shutters snapping shut and open, her eyes squint as another strike of lightening lit up the windows. “It doesn’t seem like much work will get done tonight.”, the same weary voice spoke up after moments of silence, causing the seated girl to turn towards him. “Appears not.”, her eyes picked up on a light source, one that didn’t flicker away the moment it came, but stayed, slightly bouncing on the wall behind her boss. “Who?”, her eyes squint harshly, before turning her neck to look out towards the source, seeing the lights quickly shut off. “Probably Kennedy, you know he gets sent all over Timbuktu over nothing, someone probably reported your loud ass yip when you hit the ground.”, Ben’s laughter was not reciprocated as the woman glared at the man who signed her paychecks. “Yeah, yeah… really funny asshole.”, her cheek held up by her fist, facing the door with a pout as she watched the man approach the doors. He cupped his hand over his eyes before wiping the water from them. Blue, sky blue, her new favorite color. Maybe, a he’d seen the cop around a few times. Maybe, even a little more than a couple times. Maybe, she’d been knuckle deep in her cunt, imagining his scruffy cheeks rubbing against her plush thighs as he suckled on her puffy clit. Maybe, just maybe, his name fell off her lips when she fell past the point of no return, lusting after a man who probably thought her crush was childish and that she was no more than a child, seeing as he was in his early 40’s and her, her late 20’s.
“Officer Kennedy-“, the other man steps up from behind his desk, hand outstretched to shake the soaking cop’s. Leon Kennedy, the town’s “Officer Friendly”, as Chris Redfield liked to call him. His dirty blonde brownish hair covering those ocean orbs, his lips curled back into a crude smile. fingers wrapping around Ben’s in a grip tighter than need be. “Ben.”, he nodded, scruff shiny from the way the water dripped from his cut jaw line. his hands shuffling to swap the hat from one hand to the pit of his arm. Leon Kennedy was not your normal officer, he’d been in the force since he was green behind the ears at 21, now 42 and looking liked he’d seen far better days. Blue orbs of the sea and sky melted into a blue so blinding it seemed to draw in anyone who got to close and dark circles to match. He’d had a rough life from the rumors she’d heard, from his parents dying to mob related violence back when he was a kid and then joining the police force and having to shoot a robber the first day, then his girlfriend going missing under suspicious circumstances, seems Leon Kennedy, had a trace of bad luck. It didn’t end there, he was also the first to find the two murder victims that were found in town, one in the lake and the other thrown head first into a trash can. He’s always where trouble is, but it’s just his bad luck, he’d chuckle to himself as he thought about it in the shower the next day. How he always ended up near any dark spot. Murder scene, the one fucking robber who just wouldn’t put down his gun, his girlfriend never being found even after all the years. He laughed, what else could he do?
Nurse the bottle? He did that too. Frequently, actually. He was a damn drunk, what his neighbor calls him when he’s struggling to get his key into the door, slouching against the wall as she walks her chihuahua out into the complex’s grass. A snarl and a crooked grin fall from his lips before the lock wiggles, signaling he was free to enter. It’s a shame she was the first victim. Mrs. Jeanette Kowatch. A pity really, she wasn’t too old, her early 50’s, found in the lake, her chihuahua barking at her as her head was being overwashed by the lake water, crouched figure staring at the bloated skin that hung off her skull. “Yeah…”, he squint up at his superior. “I know her.”, he sighed, slapping his thighs. “Neighbour of mine, Jeanie, Jeanette- something Kowatch.”, he waved down at her, jacket crinkling as he moved. “Bag her up!”, the superior waved his arm, having the team clean up.
Leon couldn’t help throwing stigma that came with his name, “a damn shame; what it is.”, Chief Irons had said in an interview. “damn shame, someone like him had to go through the hell he has. He could be a great family man, probably had it all planned with that girl he had before coming to Seattle.” People pitied the cop and women swooned for his deadly good looks. He was pretty, awfully pretty, for a 40 year old man. He aged like a fine wine, the lines in his face accentuating the years behind his tough exterior. just like every other woman in this town; she too found herself falling for the cop. it was just in his nature to have many admirers. He gave off a dangerous, older vibe and she ate it up anytime he shot her any amount of attention. be it a small “hello” in the near by coffee shop, a flick of his fingers as they passed each other on the road.
“I know you were nervous to drive back home after the power and all.”, his laughter died down into concern as he flipped the jacket over his shoulders, breaking her eye contact with the man’s profile. She looked over at her boss, lips parting as she seemed slightly stunned to be ripped away from her muse. “I’ll be-“, “I’ll take her home.”, Leon’s voice cut her off, before he cleared his throat, his barely visible adam’s apple bobbing. Even if all the bad luck that hung around him like a vice gripping at anyone who got to close, had her hairs standing on end, she couldn’t help but be allured into his presence. “I mean, if you’re okay with that.”, he finished, placing his hand by his side. “Oh…”, her eyes lit up, almost blushing, her cheeks hearing up as she quickly looked towards the floor, her kitten heels shining in the dim lighting that had survived some how after flickering. “That would be okay…”, she whispered, the flush still evident. Ben knew of the shared crush between the two, his smile widening as he straightened the collar of his jacket. “Okay, well, i’m gonna head out. Text me when you’re home and safe, sweetheart.”, his head dipped down to press a kiss to her cheek, almost lovingly, platonically loving. He treated her like a daughter, but flaming eyes didn’t see it that way.
damaged pupils reflecting wonky, disoriented images, lips licked worn the taste of blood and crisp flesh. “Yeah, i’ll get her home safe, don’t worry.”, his voice nearly dropped in tone, eyes no longer tired and worn, but narrows and heated. Ben’s posture came back up into errection. “Didn’t doubt it.”, until now, he wanted to add, having recognized the shift in behavior. His neck twisting with a small pop as he eyes the officer that seemed like he was looking at a 5 course meal rather than someone who was needing his help.
Her love stuck mind hadn’t recognized the rising tension between the men as she tucked her hair behind her ears, pushing herself up right, blushing from the kiss and the words from her older crush. “Text me, alright?”, his eyes stayed narrowed and unassured as he looked from man to woman. His hand rubbing her side, comfortingly. His head tilting to see her face. Her eyes were glazed from just the thought of riding home with the officer who had her breath caught in her lungs and legs curling with pleasure pulsating from between her legs late at night. “Yeah, i will, promise.”, she gave a tight lipped smile, running her hands over her ass, straightening her skirt under her lab coat. “”I promise.”, she repeated at his weary look, who was he to take this moment from her, he knew her crush on the officer. “Alright.”, his own thin lipped nod came when he grabbed the door handle, “Let’s head out.”, Leon ushered her, hand on her lower back as he rubbed in small circles, “Get a pretty girl like you home safe.”, he whispered in her ear, a knowing smile on his lips as he passed the mortician, eyeing him with a flamed glare.
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minutes felt like hours, his computer shoved into the back, his hand resting slightly on the console. the trees, once paintings made by Bob Ross, himself, dull castes with a black looming presence. headlights the only source of light for miles, and for miles to come. The inside of the car was a little cramped, honestly, knees tucked up tight to the bottom of the seat, hands clasped painfully together to refrain from touching anything or him. His eyes set on the road as rain pelted the glass, blurring any and all sight. “Maybe…”, her head looked over the back of the seat, lip pulled between her teeth as she touched them. “We should pull off until it lets up-“, a strike of lightening cracked, the strike landing closer towards the car as Leon let out a huff, blinking quickly to evade the dancing white spots in his vision. “Maybe so, usually it’s not this bad.”, he sighed, hands quickly pulling off onto a spot where there was a gap in trees. “Well stay here, hope a damn limb doesn’t crush us to death.”, he glanced up, scouting the trees as his fingers clicked the seat belt buckle, freeing himself as he leaned up further, as if he could really see anything. “If it does, at least we’ll go quick.”, she gave a tight laugh, her eyes near bugging out as she realized how bad it was. “I hope Ben got home safe.”, she whispered, her chin dropping to her chest.
Leon’s eyes moved from the darkness outside to her, sitting like a school girl, hiding away from him as she stared at her thighs. “I’m sure he’s at home cracking open a bud light.”, he offered some sort of comfort, even if his presence ran a chill down her spine, out of fear or excitement, she didn’t really read into it too much. His lips pulling into a grin, her eyes peeking up at his. “Yeah…”, she whispered, she looked like a lamb, skittish and nervous as he reached his hand over. “Since we’re talking about getting crushed to death…”, his words were airy, like an alluring line of a song. His fingers danced along the line of her skirt, the seem pinched between his fingers as he gazed at the plushness of her thighs. “I should probably tell you this now; i’ve thought a lot about you. Since dropping off those women-“, red flag number one, he didn’t care about the bodies, the people who were passed on, she always used their names, talked to them like they were still here. “-i knew, i wanted to see you more.”, her cheeks lit up, his words too good to be true as she gave a soft smile towards the door, aiming away from him as his hand left her seem to be flipped up and out of place, instead aiming for her chin. “I mean it, little lady.”, his words were saccharine, almost so sweet you could throw up. “Girls like you are hard to find, shy, morbid little lambs, you need someone to keep you in the flock, right?”, “Not a lamb, Leon-“, she spoke through grit teeth, her words more embarrassed than annoyed. she was dude to being called morbid, she worked at the funeral home after all.
His brows furrowed, head tilted with a look of confusion. “Course’ you are, my little lamb, you’ve wondered so far away… where’s your sheppard now, little lamb?”, is words didn’t seem as sweet as they did before, more like a confused lump of words as she racked her brain to repeat them. He… was saying she wondered too far-? Before anything came form her lips, fingers dug between them, pressing back into her throat as she gagged, her eyes wide and teary as she stared at him. Her jaw clicked, threatening to chomp down onto the digits. “I wouldn’t-“, his warning was taken seriously as her eyes fell on a glint of metal from the headlights shining back into the car.
Leon was no more the officer who wanted to drive her home and keep her safe, but a man- honestly a stranger- with a knife pointing the tip as her has her throat swallowed around his fingers. A groan of pleasure fell past his lips, his head tilting back. “Can’t wait to feel that around my dick.”, he sighed, his hand coming from her mouth, lines of sticky spit connecting him and her together, before he wiped the mess onto her lab coat, wiping his fingers around until he loved to his buckle, undoing it quickly as he placed his hand on the back of her neck. “Come on, Lamb, thank your sheppard for keeping you safe.”, he sighed, leaning his seat back. “You apply any pressure with your teeth and i’ll pull them out of your mouth. Got a nice pair of pliers in the truck, pretty girl.”, he threatened, her eyes tearing up more as his cock was pressed to her tongue, the threat taken very seriously as she leaned over the console. Her lips wrapping around the head of his cock as she slowly slid down. “See, got your mouth all fucking nasty so you could suck me off.”, he placed his hand flat on her head, tousling her hair, before digging his fingers into her scalp and pulling her hair slightly. “Don’t block me with your tongue, show some gratitude.”, he pressed down on the back of her head, feeling her let out a whine as her throat was invaded by the tip of his cock.
A gag had her throat clamping around him, his head falling back as he let out a deep breath through his nose. “Shit-“, he groaned, “such a tight throat, wonder if your pussy feels like this?”, he bobbed her head with his hand. His eyebrows were furrowed as his hips snapped up to her lips, pounding the bruised plump skin as her tears hit his thighs. “Shh… pretty girl, you wanted this.”, he whispered, “you wanted me in you, i know… i know…”, his hand caressed her cheeks, before reaching down to her throat, squeezing lightly to feel himself expanding her throat. Her gag was enough for her to pull off of him, spit and tears clinging to her skin. “Look at you, so messy… so pretty…”, his hands held her cheeks, squishing them together. “Need you, baby doll. You need me, too.”, his eyes were soft like someone who was talking to someone less than them. “Don’t you?”, he nodded as he spoke, mouth open and hanging just centimeters from hers as his fingers slid under her skirt.
fingers curling around the seem of her underwear, feeling the slick puddle as soon as he reached the delicious forbidden part of her, rubbing his finger over her slit as she mewled in his hold. “I knew you did… i know, baby, i know.”, her whines stayed that way until his fingers pressing into her folds, sinking one finger into the slick. “Shit, baby-“, he hissed, pulling his finger out to show her the glistening slick that adorned his fingers. “Knew you needed me too.”, he whispered, his lips near her ear, pressing a tender kiss to her temple as she sobbed quietly. “Let me make you feel better, let me make you feel good, Lamb.”, he spoke as he reached down and pulled the lace from her legs, her lifting and shifting to help him. The car was still dim expcet for the white of the headlights illuminating parts of their faces and… parts.
underwear thrown haphazardly as his knees hit the back of her thighs, “Stop- stop-“, she whined, her legs pushing back into his cock, letting it dig deep into her cunt. “You’re backing up on me, asking me to stop? How does that work, sweetpea? You want me to wreck your little cunt.”, his words were like growls. Something she hadn’t caught earlier, probably due to the mints hiding in his cup holder, was the hint of whiskey lacing his breath. his hands reached forwards, running the curve of her spine, “Don’t arch, relax…”, his words soothed her, her fucked out mind too engulfed in the feeling of him over her. Her face flush to the seat as her back bent to his hand. His fingers digging into her sides as he pulled back on her hips, pushing her onto him. his fingers dug back into the supple flesh of her throat, craning the muscle to have her left eye right where he could see it. a blaze of need and fear sparking behind those tears filled, beautiful, pitiful eyes. “Don’t act like you didn’t think about this the entire time you were watching me, sweet heart. Bet your cunt throbbed thinking of taking this older man’s cock in your pretty pussy.”, he putted, watching her as she closed her eyes, a soft pink blush fanning over her skin.
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“Three days have passed since the disappearance of-“, three days since she road home with Officer Kennedy. Three days since she was last seen by her boss, three days since they found her clothes scattered around a road not far from her home. “- authorities are searching high and low for the young woman. Officer Leon Kennedy had this to say.”, the screen flickered with color, Leon Kennedy, the name that had been bustling in town, in Ben’s mind too. “-I cant help but feel guilty.”, his eyes red with tears, “It was my job to get her home safely. I dropped her off at her home, left her there and to hear a day later that she’s missing. I can’t help but feel i’ve failed her.”, he hung his head, sleeve of his uniform wiping at his eyes and snot smeared nose. “If you’re out there, know that in looking for you.”, blue eyes catch the camera. A peek of red catches from his collar, a scratch the side of a thin slice. Even knowing he was being a screen, knowing that his hands weren’t touching her skin anymore, the threat of his words felt like a nail in the coffin. Two pairs of eyes watch the screen. “I’ll always look for you, Lamb. What’s a sheppard without his sheep?”, his lips cracked into a lazy smile, “a stupid, herd led sheep.”, he knew how easy to manipulate she was. Remembering her cries and sobs, thinking about her pretty little tears, it was a shame she didn’t just take what the kind sheppard gave. it was a shame a sheppard like him… a wolf dressed in such innocent clothing, got his fangs into her.
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aviiatrix · 6 months
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❝ aviatrixes had to be daring, maybe even a bit reckless. ❞
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yngai · 1 year
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#YNGAI . an independent , private & selective roleplay blog for ADA WONG of capcom's resident evil . canon-compliant . written by nadiya .
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xrude-boix · 7 months
Hey! My name is Jax, and I'm looking for someone to roleplay with! More than that, I'd like to be friends!
I mostly do OC and self insert, as well as furry RPs, either in a made-up world or a specific fandom/AU. Some fandoms I particularly enjoy are Star Wars, The Mandalorian, & Resident Evil, but I'm always willing to talk about and try others (if I know it, of course). I do both SFW and NSFT RPs, usually a mix of both. (But I can do either, whatever you prefer!)
Must be 18+! MDNI! Age must be in bio! (Even for sfw RPs)
Good grammar (spelling mistakes are fine, I'm guilty of that myself)
Responses preferably more than a few sentences (I like long RPs with lots of detail!)
Dm me to discuss further!(I'm rather new to Tumblr, and nervous, so please go easy on me!)
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rp-partnerfinder · 8 months
discord paladinkeith
Hello and howdy!
My name is keith, im 27 years old, looking for a 1x1, timezone is CST, though my hours are crazy wonky so I doubt it’ll really affect any potential partner whether you’re across the pond or anywhere else lol.
Since i am a little older, i’m only looking for somebody who’s also in their 20’s, rping with teens–even older ones–is a no go for me.
Fandom wise, right now i'm scouring tumblr and discord for one specific rp:
Resident Evil
Leon kennedy x luis serra
I have indeed been bitten by the re4 remake bug!
Im all about plotting, and while i have a few basic plots, id love partner feedback to help build something really cool! Whether thats AU, pre-game, post-game, canon divergence, nsfw or sfw, anything is game.
Conversationally im pretty lax (obvs) but while rping i do need someone at least semi-lit. I only rp in paragraph format (sorry, its just the only style im comfortable with). Also, we all have lives and jobs and such, and while theoretically id like to be able to respond several times in one day, that doesn't usually happen lol. On a low day i might not reply at all, or just once (though this is not common, and i will do my best to let my partner know if it’s gonna be a day like that). Short term or long term is fine, im not picky.
I tend to be friends (or at least friendly) with my rp partner(s), so if its okay I’d like to make a server just for my partner and i to rp in so we can have different channels just for chatting/plotting/rping whatever. Im totally cool with doubling up or both of us playing multiple characters. I know ashley is pretty integral to leon and luis, so i have no problem being her for a scene or something as needed. Same thing with characters like chris or claire, ect. I dont mind taking the role of leon or luis, i dont have a preference– this will be the first time im rping either of them (though ive been rping in general since i was, like, eleven) so the first few replies will be a learning curve for me regardless of trying to get their personalities down and whatever.
My dms are always open!! Pls hit me up with any questions or whatever. I have in the past roleplayed like a billion different anime fandoms (mha, naruto, soul eater, blah, blah) and have had a special interest in the hobbit/ lord of the rings/ warrior cats/ redwall since ever and write fanfiction for the hobbit (bagginshield my beloved), so if somebody reads this and maybe wants to hit me up for something around there, feel free!! Though i will be continuing my search for a serrenedy partner lol
Anyway this is long enough!! Thank you for reading, have a good day/night everyone <3
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ariels5aday · 1 year
y2k / catalogue inspired doc
i made for my most recent muse, ashley graham! since this was a personal project, i have decided (for now) not to share the template but i will be posting templates soon so do keep an eye out!
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silencedhills · 11 months
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231 Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake Main Game icons. Free for use. You’re free to resize and edit them in whatever way you wish. Download can be found here.      
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violetgoober · 3 months
hey !!! looking for people who are up to role play for fun :)
looking for people who wanna roleplay resident evil
preferred games:
resident evil 4 remake (leon kennedy x ada wong) or (leon kennedy x luis serra)
resident evil 5 (albert wesker x chris redfield)
resident evil 2 remake (claire redfield x leon kennedy) or (ada wong x leon kennedy)
or a claire redfield x jill valentine rp :)
looking for angst mainly, but more info will be given if you reach out!!
if we roleplay in tumblr dms i will most likely be slow to respond, here’s my instagram:
insta: violetsreckless
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