#herz lore
solarkness · 2 years
Relatively low shitposting
This is definitely accurate Magic the Gathering lore
No headcanons, OCs or anything involved no siree
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"Okayyyy Zey! Now, one last time, what do you do if I'm not here when you get out of school?"
"U-um... Don't leave the building, and... Call you, and... Stay with my teacher...?"
"Yay! You got it perfect! Aw, you're gonna do great little man!" She bent down and booped him on the nose, smiling.
The boy gave a small smile back, looking well... Happier than she had ever seen him look. It was progress, she would take it.
Before she could stand back up though, he rushed forward and hugged her. "....Miss Lilliko..?
....Thank you..."
She smiled more softly, hugging him back. "...No problem. Now!" she stood back up, patting him on the head. "Off to school with you, mister! And IIIIII gotta get off to work!"
He smiled up at her once more, before walking off into the elementary school, looking nervous (as he usually did).
...He just hoped that people would be as nice as Miss Lilliko said they would...
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ouroboros-hideout · 2 months
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Vlad Volkov 03/???
Bist du ohne Herz geboren Oder hast du es verloren? Hat man es gebrochen? Von fremder Hand gestochen? Einfach so verschwunden? Hab gesucht und nichts gefunden Alle Tage Leid und Schmerz Du hast kein Herz
Some lore under the cut. And a b/w version, because I can't escape the noir.
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Vlad is known and respected for achieving his mission by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences. Even death cannot stop him. During his career with the police, the KGB and the SovOil Secret Police, he lost his life three times and has been brought back from the dead time and again by technological progress. This earned him the nickname “Firebird”, a phoenix that rises again and again from the ashes. Yet he always seems to lose more and more of his humanity. The first time Vlad died, he was shot directly in the heart. Whether he became the cold-hearted monster as a result is probably a matter of interpretation.
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scrunkalicious · 29 days
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Sorry thatz 2 white haired white women thatz insane
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miss-mossball · 1 month
That and what his fav food would be 030
Comin right up girl 💚
Facts about Dean:
Dean’s robot build is the Nordlicht Labs ‘knockoff’ version of the Docile(Which is a knockoff of another line) He’s not one of them, but he’s built to be a lot like them, almost like a younger (nicer)Flour.
His body has a metal exoskeleton, with silicone ‘fleshy’ parts to replicate skin where appropriate. Dean has far less nerve endings or programming that would cause him to feel his body, since he wasn’t built with the intention of sadomasochistic sex like all the Docile were.
Dean was built with the intention of housing the soul of a person, to give a second life supposedly to a sickly boy who grew up as a test subject in the facilities.
The boy in question:
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The experiment didn’t really work, Dean’s personality is almost entirely different than the boy he was before. Not that.. anyone complained.. He had no family to mourn him.
Dean is very soft and clingly, and he imprinted quickly on the head of the scientist facility, Sara Nordlicht. He hangs around her family quite a lot as a result, occasionally tasked with keeping a close eye on Iris
He lives in the science facility itself, as many of the employees do. He has a very simple apartment in a wing made for robots
He keeps a chinchilla in his small apartment
Um he doesn’t actually know he has a person inside him, so he wanders feeling aimless and like his whole identity hinges on what he can do for people. They give him little odd jobs and turn a blind eye to him mostly. No one talks about what happened.
He knows May, Middy and Flour pretty well. May is like a distant older sister to him. Flour scares him. Middy is a close friend of his, and they often go to school together when she’s in finer repair to be able to.
Dean goes to Herz academy as a means of following Iris around, as well as a way to socializing him and Middy
OOC fact: Dean was just meant to be a male body for Dosy to use freely who ends up developing into a younger brother for her. He actually dates back pretty far as a concept
In one brief version, he was made to be Dosybear’s ‘husband’ for the current story, but again, got little-brother zoned by her.
i don’t have a lot on him yet that I feel confident in, sorry ;<; I’m basing him a little off Shinji Ikari from Eva, so he can be a bit of a wet blanket sometimes.
Bonus: favorite food is probably uhhhhhh pudding parfait. He doesn’t really need to eat human food, he usually just grabs a can of battery acid (the equivalent to an energy drink probably)
I hope this is funnn forrr youuuuu wehhhhhhh sorry if it doesnt line up to anything I’ve told you about him, I can never remember my stuff about Dean
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
Why do you care so much for the Saporians.
Because I see the potential in their story that was only vaguely hinted at. There were two Kingdoms, they were at war. Why? We don't know. They supposedly united into one, but there's a ruined castle near the Sundrop Monument in season 3 and no mention of the Royal Family. On the big unification celebration day, there is only one banner; Corona's. Where is Saporia's? Why is "Saporia" spoken with such vitriol? Why would General Shampanier stop fighting when she saw King Herz Der Sonne's confession if she wasn't even reading it before that point? She was already in, she didn't need the map. Why are the Seperatists so angry? Could it be because the love story is a lie, General Shampanier was a prisoner of war and Corona DESTROYED SAPORIA?
I love the Saporians because I hate how the show only used them as bit-part villains when they have so much to them. They invent, they have magic, they're forced to live in hiding, I wish we got to see more of them and to see what Varian saw, how he got to be so comfortable with them, the moment Clementine told him about when she watched Rapunzel and Cassandra play with her cart and accidentally erase Rapunzel's memories, which was CLEARLY alluded to by them smirking at each other before drawing Rapunzel's attention to the wand! I want to know why Varian felt perfectly comfortable with Andrew and Clementine in his lab, but every time Rapunzel or anyone in her friend group is in his lab he watches them like a hawk and gets nervous and can't relax. I want to know why Andrew didn't just drop Varian over the side and instead hesitated for ten seconds, maybe longer if Pascal didn't slam into him, and then DIDN'T LET HIM DROP AND INSTEAD HELD ON TIGHTER TO PULL HIM BACK ONBOARD WHEN HE GOT KNOCKED OVER.
There is SO much to them, and we only saw a glimpse. And I hate it, and so I make it my personal mission to expand their lore.
Why were they at war? According to my lore, Zhan Tiri manipulated Herz Der Sonne to attack Saporia and Saporia fought back. General Shampanier fighting him was her trying to get through to someone she thought was a friend.
Why did Zhan Tiri cause it? Because Saporia was protecting the Sundrop Flower like the Dark Kingdom protected the Moonstone Opal. Someone pointed out that Saporia's sigils resemble the Sundrop Flower, open in the original sigil and budded in the Seperatists of Saporia sigil, and this strongly supports my lore.
Why did Andrew call himself Hubert? Because Cassandra demanded his "real name" at swordpoint and he gave her the name of a character from a Saporian children's tale. Every other time he shows up, he is "Andrew".
Why did Andrew not kill Varian? Because he actually CARED about him.
What happened to the Royal Family? They fled with who they could when they got attacked and Andrew is the last Crown Prince of Saporia.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Der renommierte Synchronsprecher Neil Newbon betritt die Welt von Dungeons & Dragons und verkörpert den mächtigen Lich-König Vecna im neuen Trailer zu Vecna: Eve of Ruin. Diese Rolle steht im starken Kontrast zu seinem vorherigen Charakter, dem charismatischen blassen Elf Astarion aus Baldur’s Gate 3. Mit seiner tiefen und eindringlichen Stimme verleiht Newbon Vecna eine schaurige Präsenz, perfekt für die Rückkehr des ikonischen Bösewichts in dieser hochriskanten Kampagne. Ein Blick auf Vecna: Eve of Ruin Veröffentlichungsdatum: Geplant für den 21. Mai 2024, setzt Vecna: Eve of Ruin einen monumentalen Meilenstein im Dungeons & Dragons Universum. Diese Kampagne wird Spieler herausfordern, das Multiversum zu durchqueren und Vecna davon abzuhalten, Gottgleichheit zu erlangen und die Realität neu zu formen. Kampagnen-Highlights: Ikone Schauplätze: Spieler werden bekannte Reiche wie Ravenloft, Spelljammer und Greyhawk besuchen und sich mit legendären Charakteren und Feinden messen, um die Stücke des Stabes der Sieben Teile zu sammeln. Spannendes Gameplay: Einführung von komplexen Mechaniken, die die Macht von Geheimnissen nutzen, um Spielern strategische Vorteile gegenüber neuen und erschreckenden Monstern zu bieten. Abenteuer für Erfahrene: Beginnend auf Stufe 10 und ausgelegt, um Stufe 20 zu erreichen, verspricht die Kampagne epische Schlachten und narrative Tiefe, was es zu einem aufregenden Erlebnis für Veteranen macht. Die Bedrohung durch Vecna Vecna, der danach strebt, seine Lich-Form zu überschreiten, plant, das Multiversum zu dominieren. Die Kampagne beginnt mit den Erzmagiern Mordenkainen, Tasha und Alustriel Silverhand, die einen Wunsch-Zauber wirken, der die Spieler ungewollt in diesen kosmischen Kampf verwickelt. Dieses hochstufige Abenteuer wird die Spieler durch verschiedene Ebenen führen, um Vecnas heimtückische Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Wichtige Merkmale: Dominanz im Multiversum: Vecnas Quest ist nicht nur auf terrestrische Macht beschränkt, sondern erstreckt sich auf die himmlischen Reiche und stellt sogar die Götter vor Herausforderungen. Strategischer Kampf: Die Einführung eines neuen mechanischen Untersystems, das Geheimnisse nutzt, verbessert die taktischen Aspekte des Kampfes und macht jede Begegnung einzigartig herausfordernd. Warum sich in Vecna: Eve of Ruin stürzen? Diese Kampagne ist nicht nur ein weiteres Hochstufen-Abenteuer, sondern ein reiches narratives Erlebnis, das in das Herz des Dungeons & Dragons-Erbes eintaucht. Mit Neil Newbons erschreckender Darstellung von Vecna erwartet die Spieler eine fesselnde Reise voller Gefahren, Geheimnisse und dem Potenzial, das Gefüge des Multiversums selbst zu verändern. Vertiefende Erkundungen: Für diejenigen, die tiefer in die Lore eintauchen oder sich auf die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen in Vecna: Eve of Ruin vorbereiten möchten, können zusätzliche Ressourcen und Geschichten auf D&D Beyond gefunden werden, wo Fans Charakterhintergründe, Details zu Monstern und vieles mehr erkunden können. Bereite dich auf das ultimative D&D-Erlebnis vor Mit seiner fesselnden Erzählung, komplexen Spielmechaniken und der Möglichkeit, legendäre D&D-Schauplätze zu erkunden, verspricht Vecna: Eve of Ruin ein unvergessliches Abenteuer zu werden, das selbst die erfahrensten Abenteurer auf die Probe stellt. Mach dich bereit, Vecna in einer Schlacht zu begegnen, die das Schicksal des Multiversums bestimmen wird. Beginne jetzt mit den Vorbereitungen für die Veröffentlichung im Mai 2024! Verwandte Spiele-Neuigkeiten Während sich die D&D-Gemeinschaft auf Vecna: Eve of Ruin vorbereitet, fängt eine weitere bemerkenswerte Veröffentlichung das Auge: die Ankündigung eines neuen Brettspiels mit Rayman, das 2024 debütieren soll. Dieses Spiel verspricht, all den Spaß und das Abenteuer von Rayman auf den Spieltisch zu bringen. Entdecke mehr über diese spannende Veröffentlichung auf GameForest.de. Für zusätzliche Informationen und um auf dem Laufenden über Neil Newbons Rolle als Vecna zu bleiben, besuche GamesRadar.
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games-und-lyrik · 10 months
Das Schwarze Auge und seine Games
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"Das Schwarze Auge" (DSA), eine Perle unter den Rollenspielen, hat seit seiner Einführung in den 1980er Jahren eine treue Fangemeinde aufgebaut. Als eines der beliebtesten Rollenspiele im deutschsprachigen Raum, bietet es eine faszinierende Welt, die Aventurien, die Spieler in ihren Bann zieht. Doch nicht nur am Spieltisch, sondern auch in der digitalen Welt hat DSA seine Spuren hinterlassen. Die Computerspiele, die auf diesem Universum basieren, ermöglichen es den Spielern, in die vielschichtige Welt von Aventurien einzutauchen und einzigartige Abenteuer zu erleben. Übersicht der DSA-Videospiele Im Laufe der Jahre wurden verschiedene Videospiele entwickelt, die auf dem DSA-Universum basieren. Diese Spiele reichen von klassischen Rollenspielen bis hin zu Strategie- und Adventure-Spielen, wobei jedes seine eigene Interpretation der Welt von Aventurien bietet. "Drakensang" - Eine Neue Ära der DSA-Spiele Ein herausragendes Beispiel ist die "Drakensang"-Reihe. Mit „Das Schwarze Auge: Drakensang“ wurde 2008 ein neues Kapitel aufgeschlagen. Dieses Spiel bietet eine tiefgehende Story, die sich eng an die DSA-Lore anlehnt. Spieler können ihre eigenen Helden erstellen und sich in eine Welt voller Magie und Intrigen stürzen. Die Fortsetzung, „Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit“ und das Prequel „Phileassons Geheimnis“, bauen auf dem Erfolg des ersten Spiels auf und erweitern das Universum mit neuen Geschichten und Herausforderungen. "Das Schwarze Auge: Blackguards" - Eine Wendung zum Strategischen Ein weiterer wichtiger Titel in der DSA-Spielreihe ist „Das Schwarze Auge: Blackguards“. Dieses Spiel unterscheidet sich von den traditionellen Rollenspielen, indem es einen stärkeren Fokus auf strategische Kämpfe legt. Spieler führen eine Gruppe von Anti-Helden durch eine düstere Kampagne, die von moralischen Grauzonen und schwierigen Entscheidungen geprägt ist. ©Daedalic Entertainment. "Satinavs Ketten" - Ein Abenteuer in Aventurien „Das Schwarze Auge: Satinavs Ketten“ ist ein faszinierendes Point-and-Click-Adventure, das Spieler tief in das Herz von Aventurien, der Welt von "Das Schwarze Auge", führt. Veröffentlicht im Jahr 2012, erzählt das Spiel die Geschichte von Geron, einem jungen Mann, dessen Schicksal von düsteren Prophezeiungen überschattet wird. In diesem atmosphärisch dichten Spiel navigiert Geron durch eine Reihe von Herausforderungen und Rätseln, um einen Fluch zu brechen, der sein Leben bedroht. Die Geschichte ist geprägt von mystischen Elementen und dunklen Wendungen, die typisch für das DSA-Universum sind. Die Spieler werden von der detaillierten Grafik und dem fesselnden Gameplay in ihren Bann gezogen, während sie durch eine Welt voller Magie, versteckter Geheimnisse und unerwarteter Begegnungen reisen. „Satinavs Ketten“ bietet nicht nur eine tiefgehende Geschichte, sondern auch einzigartige Rätsel und Herausforderungen, die den Spieler sowohl fordern als auch begeistern. ©Daedalic Entertainment. "Memoria" - Ein Juwel im DSA-Universum "Memoria", veröffentlicht im Jahr 2013, ist ein fesselndes Adventure-Spiel, das sich in das Universum von "Das Schwarze Auge" einfügt. In diesem Spiel, das sich durch eine beeindruckende Erzählkunst und tiefgründige Rätsel auszeichnet, folgen die Spieler den verschlungenen Pfaden zweier Charaktere: Sadja, einer Prinzessin aus dem fernen Süden, die sich darauf einlässt, eine Heldin in einem großen Krieg zu werden, und Geron, einem Vogelfänger, der versucht, einen Fluch zu brechen, der seine Freundin in einen Raben verwandelt hat. Diese beiden scheinbar unabhängigen Geschichten verweben sich auf geheimnisvolle Weise und enthüllen allmählich eine Geschichte, die weit über ihre individuellen Ambitionen hinausgeht. "Memoria" besticht durch seine detailreiche Grafik und ein Gameplay, das klassische Point-and-Click-Adventure-Elemente mit der faszinierenden Welt von DSA kombiniert. Dieses Spiel ist ein Muss für Fans von Rätseln und tiefgründigen Geschichten sowie für Liebhaber des DSA-Universums. ©Daedalic Entertainment. Mobile und Browser-Spiele Neben den großen Titeln gibt es auch kleinere Spiele wie Browser- oder Mobile-Games, die das DSA-Universum für unterwegs zugänglich machen. Diese Spiele bieten eine leichtere und zugänglichere Erfahrung, sind aber dennoch treu zum Geist von DSA. Spielmechaniken und Grafik Die DSA-Spiele sind bekannt für ihre Komplexität und Tiefe. Sie bleiben den Regeln des Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiels treu und bieten eine Vielzahl von Charakteranpassungen und strategischen Möglichkeiten. Grafisch haben die Spiele eine Entwicklung durchgemacht, von den pixeligen Anfängen bis hin zu moderner 3D-Grafik, was die immersive Erfahrung verstärkt. Fazit Die Computerspiele, die auf "Das Schwarze Auge" basieren, bieten eine reiche und vielfältige Erfahrung, die sowohl Fans des Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiels als auch neue Spieler anspricht. Sie ermöglichen es, in eine Welt voller Abenteuer, Intrigen und Magie einzutauchen und das reichhaltige Universum von Aventurien auf eine neue Weise zu erleben. Egal, ob man tiefgründige Geschichten, strategische Kämpfe oder einfach nur ein Abenteuer in einer faszinierenden Welt sucht – die DSA-Videospiele haben für jeden etwas zu bieten. Weiter geht es zur Website von Ulysses Spiele Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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heleizition · 4 years
Me: I wanna draw game of thrones AU fanart! Also me: Has never watched, read, or consumed Game of thrones media and has no idea what I'm doing
lmaoo ur so valid !
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zoskas · 3 years
why did people like driftceptor again
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starrpcrk · 3 years
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1 / 6 of my brawl starz ocz : mal !!
• mal is -- like her name suggestz -- malware humanized . she knowz her way around fighting as she has knowledge on every brawler . she is pretty important to the lore as well, but shhh !!
• shez in her trio of computer based characterz . in game, they're just called the malware trio .
• she has not too much health, but not too little . she has a normal speed and has one long-range shot .
• normal attack (loading..) : a beam that freezez an enemy and takez a 4th of their hp .
• super (malware) : when activated, she shootz a laser at her target and removez their super if it is charged . a small message is shown on screen if the enemy triez to activate their own super after she used herz .
• gadget #1 (pop-up) : dragz in any opponentz, so she can attack them .
• gadget #2 (free prize) : upon activation, she swapz placez with a randomly selected person .
• star power (glitch) : her main attack splitz into three, with the power of each shot removing double of the enemy'z hp .
• star power (it'z a deal !!) : her main attack healz a bit of her nearby teammatez .
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Saporian, Part I
Everyone remember this?
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The map to Herz der Sonne’s lost treasure. Written, quite strangely, in Saporian. (More on that particular bit of lore later.) But what this presents us with is an opportunity to actually take a look at (a reconstructed version of) the language itself.
We know exactly two words in Saporian, as far as I know: zarothay “banana” and zarotho “suffer an eternity of doom”. So working out precisely what the vocabulary or even phonology may be is…not really something doable at the moment. But, we know that this:
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means something like “Here lies King Herz der Sonne’s lost treasure.”
(Why a map would specifically call it lost is a little weird, but maybe there’s a nuance in Saporian that I’m missing…)
In particular, though:
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These two syllables pop up again and again across the map. Each of them pops up separately elsewhere, but it’s not impossible to suggest that these two together might mean “treasure”.
There are too many different glyphs in too compact an order to suggest an alphabet, but the glyphs aren’t variable enough to suggest a logographic system—there’s too many repetitions of the same symbols in different contexts, and while, yes, they could be logographic, they also seem a little too simple. (Mind you, I may need to eat my words on this one at a later date.)
If the two glyphs above do mean “treasure”, then we can look for their use elsewhere. For example here:
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On some part of the map is an expression which reads, “All who claim the treasure shall be made to suffer an eternity of doom”. This particular segment a) looks about the right length, and b) contains a use of one of the portions of the hypothetical word “treasure” right at the end. Why is this relevant? Because right next to it are a set of two dots, which could be used to mark a variation in spelling. (Punctuation is unlikely, as these two dots appear in only one other segment at the end, and a few times in the middle of sentences.) And if that is the case, then we can potentially reconstruct the last three symbols as ZA-RO-THAY+O (a verbal variation). Which means we have our first reconstructed syllables in Saporian—and that the word for “treasure” almost certainly begins with thay-.
(…what the heck am I doing?)
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ash-etherwood · 7 years
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this is @razuu‘s mentally stable semi-immortal penguin and his gf (ghost friend). they kind of have problems i guess..... (ask me to help you with your mystery horror romance and i will make it as silent hilly as possible ;-D)
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne
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So now we get to what is, in my opinion, the best episode in season three. However, it’s still season three, so that’s damning with faint praise. 
Summary: Rapunzel tasks the kingdom with refurbishing the throne room. While breaking down a wall, they find a map to the Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne and Rapunzel decides to set up a race to the location. The teams, which consist of twos, are only allowed to look at the map briefly before the start of the race. However, Rapunzel's partner, Feldspar, brings a copy of the map with him and he warns her that the treasure is cursed. 
Why Are You Just Getting to This Now? 
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It’s literally been months since you defeated the Saporians. Edmund had to have time to travel all this way to Corona and you’ve rebuilt an entire village since then. We’re talking at bare minimum three months or more. 
Who just leaves a gapping hole inside their home for three months? Where did you conduct the government’s important business during that time? Is there any other structural damage to the castle or the town outside from previous battles that you’ve just left unattended? I understand that rebuilding Old Corona is important but those villagers have been evacuated and living elsewhere for a year and a half now since Queen for a Day. It wasn’t a priority, but this is. 
Also this episode has to come after The Return of the King and Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf because Red, Angry, and Hamuel exist. It can’t just be slotted in somewhere else in order for it to make more sense. The writers genuinely planned for Rapunzel to be this disorganized and didn’t think to give a logical reason as to why. 
Also Why Are You Conscripting Regular Citizens Instead of Hiring Professional Contractors?
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Unlike Old Corona, which is a full on community that would require multiple building projects going on simultaneously and therefore could use volunteers, this is a single government building. It’s Rapunzel’s job as leader to make sure that that building is kept maintained and up to code. It’s her responsibility not the regular average citizen’s who has their own jobs to do and zero experience with construction.  
Rapunzel is literally forcing these people to be slave labor for her under the pretense of ‘community’. She’s taking their time away from their own busy lives, forcing them to work a dangerous job, and not compensating them for that time, effort, and risk. And no, they’re not just volunteers at this point; because as acting queen, no one can safely say no to her nor can they just leave even when they’re clearly annoyed and fed up at having to do the work.  
Lastly they’re untrained. They lack the skills and tools to this job. You need an architect, you need a safety inspector, you need actual carpenters and masonries ... maybe even an interior decorator... The point is you need trained professionals and part of being an administrator is using government funding to hire these people in order to make sure the work gets done safely and efficiently and create jobs and keep money circulating through the economy.       
Rapunzel may not mean any harm. She might just be oblivious and untrained herself. But this is terrible leadership and the show never points that out. It never has her learn how to be a better a ruler so by the end of the series you don't feel she’s earned that title of Queen and you fear for the kingdom’s continued existence.   
So Why Is This Here?
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Why would there be a Saporian map to a king of Corona’s tomb hidden in the wall? What’s the story behind this? 
Yes we know his wife was Saporian, but that doesn’t explain anything. Why would she need a map on the wall to her own husband’s resting place; assuming he didn’t out live her himself. Why would said map be carved into the wall of Corona’s castle and not written on a scroll? Why is it in Saporian when they don't speak that language in Corona? 
Like I could come up with explanations and create this whole backstory for Herz Der Sonne and the first Saporian/Coronian War, but at this point I’d just be doing the work of the writers for them. They’re the ones who introduced this lore and had it inform plot points and character motivation; and then failed to explain any of it to the audience and adequately have it all connect back together in a way that makes sense. 
The Moment When You Realize This Whole Episode Exists Because Zachary Levi Enjoys Doing an Ed Wynn Impersonation 
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Ok time to explain some behind the scenes Info.
This is Ed Wynn. 
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As you can tell from the gif above, he’s famous for voicing the Mad Hatter in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. He’s also done a whole bunch of other stuff and was well known even before working with Disney, but the Mad Hatter is his most well remembered role today. 
Many actors, particularly voice actors, like to do impressions of him because he has such a distinctive voice. Including Eugene’s VA, Zachery Levi.  
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Now I don’t know if the character of Feldspar was created specifically because the creators were inspired by Zachery Levi’s impression, or if they had this character already planned out and just casted him in the role since he could do it and it’d save them money. Either scenario is plausible and not unheard of in animation. But the long and short of it is, as a shoemaker, Feldspar is intended to be a parody of the Mad Hatter. That is why the character exists. 
Now as I said, this isn’t unusual for animated tv shows. Quite often you get main cast members to voice secondary and/or one off characters because it’s convenient, efficient, and doable when working with audio recordings. Also quite often voice actors will do impressions of other famous people to flesh out these background characters. It’s also not out of left field for these secondary characters to get an episode of focus if they’ve been around for awhile and keep popping up in the story. 
What is unusual, however, is to focus on said character in the final season when there are a bunch of other more important characters with unresolved arcs that need the screen time more. It’s an incredibly odd decision to highlight Feldspar here when we still got Varian readjusting back into society, Red and Angry settling into their new home, and Edmund running around off screen. And while some of these character feature in the episode, they’re just there for the jokes not for any development. 
What’s a “Sap Pond” and How Does That Even Work?
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Ok its a fantasy world, I get it. But the franchise does try to have a distinction between the magical and the mundane. Or at least pretends to try and have a distinction. There’s to my knowledge no such thing as a ‘sap pond’, and if such a thing does exist I doubt it’s an actual deep pit full of tree sap as shown here. 
If you want characters to still be surprised by out of the ordinary occurrences and have the supernatural world be separate from the regular world; then you need to have the mundane world grounded in our known reality. Nature needs to function as real world nature would. If something exists in your world that doesn't in ours, then you need to either explain it or have the characters responded appropriately to it. 
But You’re a Prince Now?
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Look, I’ll buy that season one Eugene didn’t have unlimited access to the royal treasury as he and Rapunzel were still new to their roles and their relationship. But it’s been over two years since the movie ended. 
Since then Eugene and Rapunzel have lived together, shared finances together, and currently are co-acting rulers of the kingdom. He’s also a bonified prince in of itself on top of being practically married to princess/queen. 
Yeah I said it. Part of what makes season three so frustrating is that Rapunzel and Eugene are functionally married at this point, they just haven’t gone through the ceremony yet, and there’s no stated reason for why they keep dragging things out.  
This is why we get out of place jokes like this that no longer reflect who Eugene is now as a person and feel like they belong back in season one or the even the movie itself. 
I can understand if he wanted to join in the competition because it’s fun, but he’s not poor. Neither he nor Rapunzel needs the treasure. I’m not sure even Lance needs it because as Eugene’s best friend/adopted brother he’s piratically nobility at this point as well. 
Royalty and the rich are not and never will be underdogs show. Stop trying to make them such. 
So Why Feldspar Again? 
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This is such a half assed plot point. 
Remember Rapunzel literally pulled out a book earlier to translate the map.  Xavier not only knows the legends about the Saporians, but also keeps a book of magic lying around, and the Saporians are the only human people who have functioning magic in the show as part of their culture.    Varian spent a year living and working with the Saporian leader, and knows how to decipher ancient scrolls written in dead languages.  And said Saporians, are being currently held in the dungeons of the castle.  
But you’re telling me that only a random cobbler can read the warning clearly written on the map? 
They give some bullshit reason as to why Feldspar knows Sapoprian but it doesn’t matter. It’s a forced and contrived excuse to get the character involved in a plot he has no business being in. The story fails to justify the use him over the other more prominent characters who have closer ties to this particular subplot. 
And We’re Suppose to Believe That Herz Der Sonne Was a Good Guy?
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Why would a benevolent king who supposedly brought peace to a warring land have a doomsday curse involving zombies? Why would said king be enshrined a tomb that’s not native to his culture? What even is the treasure and why be buried with it? 
There’s clearly more going on here regarding Corona’s past and the treatment of the Saporians as a people in their own right, but the show never does anything with it. Why introduce these complexities and world building if you’re not going to tell a story with them? Why have the Saporian subplot at all in a series already over stuffed with villains if you aren’t going to have them challenge your protagonist and have her grow into a more mature person? 
I’m not dunking on the series for being ambitious nor for having flavor text to help flesh out the world, but it so aggravating that there’s no follow through on the show’s set ups and narrative promises. If you’re not going to give the needed focus to something then just don’t put it in. Cause once it’s aired you’re committed to it and the audience is going to hold you to account. 
I haven’t seen plot mismanagement this bad since the 80s; back when cartoons had to battle network syndication, episode commissions instead of contracted seasons, and could be canceled at any time without prior notice. Now there’s still plenty of bad practices going on in the industry, especially as the move to streaming messes with things, but Tangled does not have the same excuses as say Johnny Quest, Dungeons and Dragons, or even Gargoyles did. 
How Do You Even Know That Would Work, Rapunzel?
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No seriously, how does Rapunzel know that putting the treasure chest back on the pedestal will stop the cruse? That hasn’t been established yet by any known source of information. Heck no one knew what the curse actually entailed until it was activated. Except for Xavier who oh so conveniently didn’t say anything until the last moment. If anyone should have the knowledge to on how to end the curse it’s him. But nope we gotta make the Rapunzel the infallible hero who is always right for no logical reason.  
I don’t know how to explain this to you show, but perfect is boring. No one wants a flawless protagonist who can do it all 24/7 without any help whatsoever. And it becomes down right annoying to watch a hero who is clearly flawed still put upon a narrative pedestal as if they weren’t. 
So Why is Varian Suddenly Useless In This Fight?
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This entire climax is about showcasing the ‘power of teamwork’ by having the characters use their various skills sets and work together to defeat the enemy. 
Except for Varian. 
He’s treated at best as a spectator to the unfolding events and at worst as a damsel in distress. 
Varian. You know the guy who is the series most competent and threating antagonist. Who brought an entire kingdom to it’s knees, twice. The only other character besides Rapunzel herself who could and does hold his own against other major antagonists, including super powered ones.  
If this was just a one off incident, I’d just shrug it away as him being a glass cannon; insanely overpowered when well prepared but easily out of his depth when not. But that’s not what’s happening here. 
Season three constantly nerfs Varian’s abilities, same as they did back in The Alchemist Returns, and there’s three reasons for this. 
The first is to try and stop him from overshadowing Rapunzel and Cassandra. The writers don’t want to give him any more story focus for fear of him being more popular the the two girls. Which is a ridiculous and petty reason to write a character OOC but there you go. 
The second is the on going issue of making Rapunzel needlessly the center of any and all solutions to every problem regardless of her level of involvement in the initial conflict. Yes, it’s her show, but she’s still not the whole world. Other people exist outside of her and it’s not fair to anybody when the writers ignore that simple fact.   
Last is the writers sacrificing established character for a joke. And as already pointed out, even in this very review, Varian’s not the only character to fall victim to this. It’s just bad writing. Yeah the joke might be funny in the moment but you run the risk of jarring you’re audience’s immersion. In a series like Tangled where you’re constantly asking the audience to suspend their disbelief, humor needs to be firmly rooted in the characters natural behaviors and must evolve to match any character development.   
Why not just have Varian throw a chimball or two, run out cause he wasn’t planning on fighting anybody that day, and then have the other characters rescue him? It’s not that hard to work in a joke while still being respectful of the characters.  
So What Does Anybody Learn From This Episode?
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Yeah the other characters learn some vague lesson on teamwork and getting along or something, but they’re not the focus of the episode. What do Rapunzel and Feldspar learn? 
Unlike some people I don’t mind Feldspar’s existence. When’s he’s kept as a background character he works. In fact he’s one of the few townspeople who do work as intended, because he’s representative of the everyday citizen who’s often on the outside looking in on these fantastical events and therefore gives insight into what’s going on and the populous’ opinions on things without being a major player in anything. 
That's fine, needed even, and I don’t mind him getting a single focus episode to gain a greater insight into how this world works or even flesh out his character more, but that’s not what we got. Feldspar doesn’t grow as a character because of this episode. I, as the viewer watching, learn nothing about him nor his life that I didn’t already know. This resolution with him resolves nothing cause it’s a ending for a conflict that was never established beforehand.  
In fact what even was the main conflict of the story? Rapunzel being annoyed by Feldspar? Ok and..? Did she need to learn not to be annoyed by him? Was that a thing that needed to be addressed? Hasn’t Rapunzel already put up with annoying people before now? Was was this deficiency of character actually solved by this one interaction? Has she learned to be more appreciative, attentive, or open minded of others? 
If you tell me it’s Rapunzel’s show then I expect Rapunzel to actually learn shit! 
I expect the external conflicts to tie back into her interpersonal conflicts. If the external conflict does not do that than there better well be a another character who gets that focus instead without her hogging the limelight. 
This Dynamic Adds Nothing
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They set up this friendship with Varian and Xavier and it doesn't go anywhere. It never comes back into play and we never see them interacting on screen together again. It also undermines a future plot point that’s coming up later. 
More over it doesn’t further either of their characters. 
Xavier is still an extraneous exposition fairy. Turning his flat characterization into a one note joke does not erase that fact. Giving him a kid to tell stories to doesn’t explain his place in the narrative or give him purpose to the story. We still don’t know why he has these connections to magic nor how he knows all the this lore, and he doesn’t push the plot forward. 
Meanwhile Varian maybe lonely but that doesn’t mean he needs yet another mentor figure in his life. We already have his father, who we barely see him interact with since coming back, and all his other ‘friends’ are way older then him already as well. Rapunzel’s the closest in age to him and she is constantly condescending to, well everybody, as she pretends to be more mature than she actually is. There’s no one in the story who Varian is on equal footing with, and no Angry and Red don't count as they’re far younger than him. 
I don’t know what this series has against teenagers but it showcases some very unhealthy depictions of them; ether by constantly infantilizing them, traumatizing them while subjecting them to parentification, or just flat out ignoring their existence all together. 
Teenagers exist and they need to be treated as teenagers. I don’t know how to put it more simply than that. Teens aren’t children. Teens aren’t adults. They’re teens. And when writing for them you need to understand that difference and acknowledge that they have a completely different phycological development and placement within society to anybody else. That’s why the category of adolescence exists separately from childhood and adulthood in the first place.   
So to tie things back to the first point. The concept of Xavier and Varian having a friendship is not a problem. But as with so many things on this show, it’s the surrounding context and lack of follow through where the issues arises. 
Varian needs a friend his age, who is his equal, more so than a mentor; if indeed Xavier is even intended to serve that function as he doesn’t do any real mentoring. This should have been an opportunity to bring Faith in and establish her better. In fact it’s reasons like this why she should have been a bigger character all along but we’ll get more into that as we get to her only ‘focus’ episode. 
It’s fun seeing all the various character interactions and unique team ups. Also the humor does work. The jokes do land even if they do bulldoze through established canon. Plus seeing Rapunzel actually annoyed by shit going on around her is always entertaining as it humanizes her. If watched in isolation from the rest of season three, this is an enjoyable episode. But that’s it’s core problem. I shouldn’t have to find filler to keep me going in the last leg of the show. 
This was pretty short comparatively speaking with the rest of the ones I have to write for S3, but longer ones are going to come out more slowly just due to real life and time. As always though you’re support is helpful in keeping going, and if you feel like you can donate to my Ko-fi and leave a tip there. 
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zonerobotnik · 2 years
Okay, I was just going to ignore and delete this, but someone just sent me a question asking about certain things I tend to put in my stories, such as Ruddiger being Regulus, Andrew being nice, Kline existing and being a True Seer and Moon Varian being unkillable.
There were some other things said, but let's just talk about these points.
First of all, I try to stay consistent with my fics. Fics made after a certain lore being added will have that lore in them, and fics that were made before it, if it's not too late to add it, get it included after the fact. These are things that make my fics recognizable, my "brand". So, yes, I will keep using my established lore in my fics. If my friends also want to, with my permission, they may. For example, DisneyChick2020 has the Saporians being redeemed in one of their fics because that's made from an RP we are actively doing. But, for the most part, it's just in my fics. I don't go into other people's fics saying "Hey, actually, the Saporians are nice and blahblahblah". No. While I do point out that the Herz Der Sonne book and the Saporian War story has enough plotholes in it to count as swiss cheese in the comment section of my own fics and during conversations with people that aren't in the comment section of THEIR fics, I don't demand people do the same thing.
So, let's get into the points they made.
Ruddiger being Regulus: I KNOW that this isn't canon. Hell, according to canon, Demanitus only had three students and Zhan Tiri took them all, but at the same time they also said at some point that Demanitus' and Zhan Tiri's forces battled. Which means that Demanitus had more students and Zhan Tiri had more than three followers. Looking over the series, the people in the woods that turn people into birds glow a very familiar green when they are defeated, when Cassandra breaks the teapot. Now, this could be nothing, Demanitus also glows green when he uses his powers, but half the Demanitus stuff is pretty much debunked in season 1 and season 3 and even earlier in season 2. (He claimed to not be a sorcerer, but his device was clearly science and magic, and in season 3 we learned that Demanitus used a mind-swapping machine to swap with his pet Vigor, he didn't actually turn himself into a monkey like he claimed in the maze.)
Anyways, I am aware that Ruddiger is not canonly a human turned into a raccoon, but I am not the only one to do this, with one example being him being Zhan Tiri's brother before, not her student. So, leave Regulus alone, okay?
Andrew being nice: I have explained this before, but every chance that he had to be a detestable person and kill people, he didn't. His first appearance, he was Cassandra's long-distance boyfriend that had an ulterior motive (so did Cassandra) and when he got what he wanted, he didn't kill the witnesses. In fact, he wasn't the one to remind Cassandra about the book, she reminded him.
"But, Zone, he tried to stab her in the back!" Okay, look, I know nothing about how to fight, but even I know that raising your sword high to strike someone is a really stupid idea. Even without the shadow alerting her, she would have detected him. If he wanted to stab her in the back, he would have stabbed her low, right around the tailbone, to incapacitate her and possibly put her in a wheelchair for life. But, leading up to this, he let them see his necklace and the very recognizable Separatists of Saporia insignia, never mentioned the book after the initial explanation of how they met, and even questioned Cassandra on if it was even possible to get to the book at that hour. Once all excuses were out of the way, he was ready to take the book and go, but mission rules state to kill all witnesses. When it came down to it, though, he couldn't. He attacked her in a way she would easily detect and, when Rapunzel distracted Cassandra, turned the tables after being held at swordpoint and made the girls, the Captain of the Guard's daughter and the Princess of the Kingdom he wanted to overthrow, chain themselves to the pedestal and then took the book and left. He had them chained up, important people that killing them would surely cripple Corona for a bit, and he let them live. He was too gentle to kill them.
They get free and come after him, he fights Cassandra, but never kills her despite having many chances to. He gets arrested and locked away. Time skip until Season 3.
Rapunzel returns to find out the Saporians and Varian have taken over. Andrew is hardened by prison and a better fighter, but Varian is comfortable around Andrew and the other Saporians, even making a silent, smirking in-joke with Clementine in reference to the Wand of Oblivium, which Rapunzel had dealt with before, implying she knew the story and had told Varian about it. This implies that Andrew and the Saporians had been treating Varian well.
They fight Rapunzel and her friends and Raps and Co lose but escape and are found by the Resistance. The Saporians go out right after they are knocked outside, but fail to find them and correctly assume they were found by the Resistance. Things become tense and even Varian is speaking stiffly as he works. But, let's rewind a bit: No one died or was even hurt during the earlier battle. We later learn that Varian had them promise to not seriously hurt anyone (Feldspar's behavior implies that he DID allow punishments), but if they were as mean as people believe, why would they bother keeping the promise? Why would they later try to reason with him, with Andrew taking the lead with that attempt? And when Varian turned on him, they lock him up and don't hurt him in any way. (Aside from the emotional damage from embarrassing himself in front of everyone after such a dramatic speech. Even Rapunzel was disappointed in him. 😒)
After escaping prison, Rapunzel and Varian go to stop the Saporians and they fight them, with Andrew eventually grabbing Varian and holding him over the railing of the ship, reminding him that traitors don't live in Saporia. However, despite the proclamation, he hesitates to actually drop him, to let go and watch him fall to his death. He hesitates long enough for Pascal to knock into him and he never lets go, even when he's knocked off-balance. He had the opportunity to kill, knew he had to, and didn't. Yes, he cut the rope and everyone ended up going overboard but Varian and Rapunzel, but that still gave them an opportunity to not die. (Especially if you follow my hc and they have wind magic).
So, yes, Andrew isn't a terrible person, and was clearly pretty nice since Varian was so comfortable with him and even was okay with him and Clementine being in his lab while he wasn't watching them - to compare, when Eugene came into his lab in "Cassandra's Revenge", he watched him warily the entire time and was very tense around the Coronans compared to the relaxed confidence with the Saporians when he's first seen with them.
So, yes, others may hc disturbing, abusive things, but canon says otherwise and I agree that Andrew is not abusive or overly violent.
Let's move on.
Kline: Dude, Kline is not a dues ex machina. He has knowledge about certain things, but he doesn't have all the answers of the universe. He's not freakin' Bill Cipher (who is also in my lore as being involved with Zhan Tiri until she decided to go her own way and yeeted her connection to him), he's just the most accurate fortune teller that is a lot less cryptic than Demanitus/Vigor. And even if he does know things, he cannot share it without the permission of the Cosmos.
Moon Varian can't be killed: He's a God. Gods can't be killed unless they are made mortal. This is something that Disney's "Hercules" made very clear. Varian and Rapunzel cannot die unless they have lost their powers in some way, down to the last drop. Zhan Tiri and Cassandra would have been unkillable without losing the Moonstone, too. I don't even know why you are questioning why Varian can't be killed, why someone trying to kill him would turn him into a full God, with his powers activating and destroying whatever was trying to kill him. You cannot kill a God. When Hercules was dying, his Godly powers came back in full, even in the Underworld itself.
Now, the reason I didn't just reply to your comment with all of this is because it was, frankly, very rude. And instead of lashing out emotionally, I decided to take some time, write this out, and reply this way. Also, doing it this way prevents dogpiling.
I hope this answered all your questions.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Das mit Spannung erwartete Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ultimania wird ein wahrer Informationsschatz für Fans der Serie sein. Dieses 752-seitige Handbuch taucht tief in die Feinheiten von Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ein und bietet erschöpfende Details zu seinen Charakteren, der Welt und den Mechaniken. Mit der Veröffentlichung am 12. April 2024 avanciert dieser Leitfaden zum umfangreichsten Ultimania, das bisher veröffentlicht wurde, was seine umfassende Abdeckung des expansiven Inhalts des Spiels unterstreicht. Was bietet das Ultimania? Umfassende Abdeckung: Von Charakterprofilen, Weltgestaltungs-Details bis hin zu Kampfmechaniken, dieser Leitfaden deckt alle Aspekte von Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ab. Fans können sich auf detaillierte Karten, Item- und Gegnerführer, Mini-Spiel-Strategien und vieles mehr freuen. Einblicke der Entwickler: Exklusive Interviews mit den Spieleentwicklern, einschließlich Tetsuya Nomura und Yoshinori Kitase, bieten einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Spielentwicklung und komplexe Details, die zuvor noch nicht enthüllt wurden (GameSpot). Atemberaubende Kunstwerke: Der Führer präsentiert Schlüsselkunst von Aerith Gainsborough in The Forgotten Capital, die einen entscheidenden narrativen Moment hervorhebt und die emotionalen und thematischen Tiefen des Spiels symbolisiert(finalweapon.net). https://youtu.be/wiW8xng1AC0 Warum ist es ein Muss? Das Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ultimania ist sowohl für neue Spieler als auch für Serienveteranen unverzichtbar. Es verbessert nicht nur das Gameplay, indem es strategische Tipps und detaillierte Spielmechaniken bietet, sondern bereichert auch das Verständnis des Spielers von der Geschichte und ihren Charakteren. Dieses Ultimania agiert als definitive Ressource, um das Spiel vollständig zu erleben, ausgestattet mit Lore und Geheimnissen, die jeden Fan der Franchise begeistern werden. Verfügbarkeit und Preis Der Leitfaden wird zunächst auf Japanisch verfügbar sein, eine englische Version soll folgen. Er ist mit 38,00 USD ausgezeichnet, was seinen Premium-Status als umfassender Führer widerspiegelt. Interessierte Käufer können das Ultimania über verschiedene Händler vorbestellen, einschließlich des offiziellen Stores von Square Enix(Play-Asia). Vergleichende Einblicke Ähnliche umfassende Leitfäden, beispielsweise für Pokémon Go und Warzone, bieten ebenfalls detaillierte Spielstrategien und Einblicke in die Entwicklungsarbeit, dienen jedoch deutlich unterschiedlichen Spielerfahrungen. Solche Leitfäden unterstreichen die Bedeutung von maßgeschneiderten Strategien und Hintergrundinhalten, die das Gesamtspielerlebnis verbessern, ganz ähnlich wie es das Ultimania für Final Fantasy VII Rebirth zu tun beabsichtigt. Abschließende Gedanken Das Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ultimania ist mehr als nur ein Spielguide; es ist ein tiefer Tauchgang ins Herz eines der beliebtesten Rollenspiele der jüngeren Geschichte. Es verspricht, eine unverzichtbare Ressource für Fans zu sein, die alles, was Final Fantasy VII Rebirth zu bieten hat, vollständig erkunden möchten.
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