#hes a gay icon lbh
deadkins · 2 years
Same anon as before- I'd definitely love to see marvel kin assignments,,
I can be pretty aloof but when you get to meet me I'm just a weird and awkward creature. My friends consider me their nb mom friend or at the very least an uncle that's 'alright'. I love alt aesthetics and I collect taxidermy. Fav thing to do is info dump on literally any subject that isn't useful. (/hj?) Hope this helps.
Hi, anon! I'm so excited, this is my first kin assignment. Okay, given what you've described of yourself, I'mmmmm leaning on--
Matt Murdock, which may be kind of a typical suggestion but! I think that the vibe of weird and awkward perfectly suits him. Also, he’s canonically kind of a mom friend, but if a very Catholic character doesn’t fit your vibes, I totally get that. Another suggestion that I hesitate to make at risk of sounding boring is Peter Parker! Simple as, Peter is absolutely weird and awkward but loveable. He looks out for his friends and he’s got a ton of special interests. 
As for a less popular suggestion, perhaps Robert Drake? There are things to love and hate about Bobby’s character but I think that’s what makes him so interesting. He’s very human when all is said and done. He can come off as awkward or silly but he tries his best to do what’s right and he’s grown a lot over various depictions. 
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ultfreakme · 5 months
Hello, Riki...if you don't mind me asking (again), after re-reading SVSSS, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Thanks if you want to answer....
Top five favorite characters!!!
Shen Yuan: Obvious, he's hilarious, love this stupid man. Our wonderful protagonist who gives deep insight into the people he's surrounded by. I love watching things unfold through his POV.
Luo Binghe: Again, probably obvious. I loved how unhinged he is, he doesn't care, and he doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't care. He has a single goal and by god he'll achieve it even if it means literally destroying the world.
Liu Mingyan: Spreading false stories, writing RPF about what is essentially teaching staff in her school and schoolmate, spreading heresies, and stealing Luo Binghe's harem via saucy mlm fanfic all the while giving the most Top energy. The woman you are <3
Shang Qinghua: Love it when he loses his shit. Iconic of him to actually fucking scream at Mobei-jun He's such a twisted little man I want to dissect him.
Shen Jiu: I've been funny with the rest, but Shen Jiu makes me hurt so much. He's been through way too much and he wasn't able to fight it. Left behind, falling behind, talents wasted, manipulated and turned into this cruel, awful person. He's just a very sad character.
Favorites scenes!
Shen Qingiu v Tialang-jun and Zhuzhi Lang in the Holy Mausoleum. The scene where he's in the Mobei Clan chambers, bloody, broken, but his gaze is cool as he awaits his opponents was so badass. Him in the entire Holy Mausoleum is so cool!!! He's so awesome!!! When he says he's going to make the place fight for him??? Protagonist Halo was on SQQ in that moment!
"What's you name?" "Six Balls" "What does that mean?" "When I was born my Pa said I weighed six balls".
The Shen Jiu flashback scenes, the very first one we get when SQQ sees a young Shen Jiu tied up and glaring while he's trapped in the Qiu household. That scene's pretty chilling.
The Heavenly Demons discussion where Luo Binghe's asking how to make a person like you and Shang Qinghua's like "act pathetic!"(inevitably sealing his own fate as MBJ begins to look at his human subordinate VERY differently)
When Yue Qingyuan at the end of the novel tells SQQ to go to LBH, and SQQ describes it like his past(YQY) is one side, while his future(LBH) awaits on the other.
Special mention; Shang Qinghua saying that the best stories are gay<3 Damn right they are
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dvarapala · 2 years
okay no i lied i’m not shutting up about this so good afternoon and welcome to my tessa talk, in which i (tessa) talk about the indian characters in marvel and dc that could have and should have been used in their live action properties, if only the (mostly white, and mostly men, lbh) people in charge cared enough.
let’s jump into marvel first!
do you know who shri is? in the comics, she went to the pan-asian school for the unusually gifted and has powers that point towards her being either durga’s reincarnation or her avatar.
pom pom was shri’s classmate and has, you guessed it, pom poms made out of organic matter that she generates herself. and she can bind and ensnare people with it.
do you know michaela ladak? fashion queen. mutant who can solidify her own spit. which is a bit of a strange mutation but you know what? aim right and you can take someone’s eye out. knows ice man.
jackie chopra? canonically the daughter of the character played by the dude who also played jon snow in the eternals. helps him wield the ebony blade. if eternals has a sequel, i’d like to see jackie be a part of it.
raz malhotra? giant man. took over the mantle from hank pym, i think? gay. iconic. is dating this guy named isaac in the comics, iirc. he could easily take over from scott lang if/when he retires.
radha dastoor, aka haven. rich. genuinely kind. deserved better writers. deserves her own movie. and the same goes for her brother, aloba. google her and her backstory. you’ll know what i mean.
dinesh deol is an inhuman who lost both of his hands after he gained his powers. now he has two metal hands which he made for himself - very impressive - and tries to get a handle on his magnetokinesis and his other abilities.
shakti haddad can trash your nervous system. she can also track you down if you have powers. which is why her code name is cerebra. she can also kick your ass the regular way because she’s trained in martial arts. in another universe, she can reveal everything about you through mere touch.
paras gavaskar doesn’t just rock the purple, but also a retractable exo-skeleton suit. also, he had the right idea when he coined ‘indra’ as his super hero name. i, too, would name myself after the armorer of heaven after my mutant powers - granting me armor - manifested. he’s a vegetarian and, according to the yearbook, reliable and all around a good boy.
pavitr prabhakar is an alternate version of peter parker. but, you know, indian. worries a lot about his place in the universe. worries that he’s but a reflection of peter parker. has a cool outfit. especially the earrings. someone should hug this guy.
karima shapandar is more machine than person. has been through a lot of retcons. deserves her own d+ miniseries detailing her life and job. had a relationship with neal shaara for a while.
neal shaara can convert heat and generate solar energy. i don’t know why he picked thunderbird as an alias, but okay.
rina patel has bonded with venom in one universe, is called ms slip in the marvel noir universe, has time powers in another universe and has recently made an appearance in the comic book world in which she works against the champions if i remember correctly. in any case, i would want to see her in her prime hero days in which she interacts with the new warriors.
shilpa khatri is a recent addition to superhero canon. called out the pay gap in india. actually did something about it by using her technopath abilities to drain said rich people’s bank accounts and give back the money to the people said rich people screwed over. one of my favorites. is in either a flirtationship or an actual relationship with gentle aka nehzno abidemi and yes, they’re my otp.
raani jatwinder is also another favorite of mine. mutant. lives/works in london. technopath. has cool hair.
qureshi gupta should be played by sunny parwar if/when that character gets introduced. nicknamed pinpoint he can, you guessed it, teleport. has cool teal colored hair.
parul kurinji’s alias is zero/one which is badass. she can shapeshift her limbs into whichever weapon she needs whether this is energy projection or force fields or something else entirely. she can fly just a little bit and has minor time based abilities, too. 
sapna is my absolute favorite. a little cutie pie who can speak every language ever and controls demons. get her in a doctor strange movie asap!
sati is a superhero in india, named after brahma’s granddaughter. she can fly, has super strength, is basically invulnerable and has declared herself it’s protector.
skanda is either a god or a hero. or maybe both. also a protector of india. his code name is a cool mythological nod, too.
krista marwan kind of got the same treatment that radha / haven did. seriously, what is it with marvel? why do they have such a hard on for this?
garabed bashur is a deadpool villain, has electric telepathy or something. his code name is black box which is cool.
rana mousabi is a secret agent, an excellent shot, a fashion icon because she looks cute in her hijab and has matched it to her outfit whilst in the field. according to the wikia, she’s dead, but hey, let her live her second and best life in live action, am i right?
all of them are indian characters that marvel easily could have used in their live action properties. a couple of years ago, i read the comic that shri and pom-pom were in (a prelude to thanos arriving on earth) and i was so excited that i tweeted at the writer whose name i forgot (to this day i still don’t know why a white man was writing asian and black characters but okay) but whose reaction i can still recall because i got the most lukewarm response ever back.
so let’s shift it over to dc because i cannot believe we only got brainy in supergirl who got his happy ending and made it to the end without dying (yes i will judge them forever and a day for killing off jack spheer and william dey). 
what about jinx? who is most decidedly not gray skinned and pink haired (looking @ you animated series!)
or roshana chatterjee? ace queen who is super powerful but also kind. is part of a cool looking superhero team.
or kiran singh, who canonically has powers on raven’s level to the point where her powers of light make raven uncomfortable. she’s been a part of the teen titans. and to this day i still think that turning her into a slab of rock is bullshit. so reverse that and give her a show of her own.
arani desai, aka celsius. part of doom patrol. which, i must admit, i haven’t seen but a quick google search reveals she was in the show. but she was only in one episode. and i think she’s one of the first - if not the first - dc superheroes to be of south asian descent so i think they should do better.
aruna shende, shapeshifter, actress, stuntwoman. born in the slums. took the name of a male mythological figure. her powers manifested when she was young. helped batwoman out once (!!) and then vowed to use her powers for good. according to the wikia, her parents were never quite sure of her gender and so i am just gonna throw it out there: genderfluid aruna shende who’s out there living life and saving people.
chandi gupta, aka maya; a member of the european justice league. (as a european, i didn’t know that was a thing, either ;P) does archery like a badass. (@ green arrow: hello??? why’d you never take her on as your protege, huh?! why didn’t she ever meet speedy and/or red arrow, huh?!) has energy construct powers. can grant herself and other people abilities. has super strength and speed.
ava, aka freak, was born in india, became a host to an alien at some point which granted her prehensile hair, part of doom patrol at some point, is cute. 
jaina hudson aka white rabbit is a gotham city sociallite and villainess who deserves a better defined power set and a better look because come on? a brown woman becoming lighter skinned when she uses her powers? can you say whitewashing?!
queen cobra is part of black adam’s entourage and i hope she’s in his movie, at least. her get up is really cool.
kali gari is on the list because she may be a villain but she has cool powers.
levi kamei aka the new swamp thing. the swamp thing show got cancelled. perfect time to reboot it but this time, with levi (and his brother jacob) at the center.
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sparatus · 6 years
yknow how in my sidebar pic on desktop saren has shades pushed up on his forehead?? lbh he never actually wears those for their intended purpose. he just keeps them on his frontal plate for the #aesthetic of it. saren arterius is a gay fashion icon and cares nothing for silly things like eye safety when they compromise his #look
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sodrippy · 6 years
shreya im watching Merlin for the first time bc it's on tv and also I know Tom hoppers bare arms are gonna show up at some point and I'm so surprised at how GAY the whole thing is I was like I know some ppl ship it but ppl ship loads of stuff that just isn't there but those fucking two are literally taking turns saving each other's life and just fighting who's gonna sacrifice himself for who?? they didn't even try to play it off it's just IMMA DIE F U s2 here I come ps: finish black sails bitch
babe wait for it the whole show is SO gay you wont even BELIEVE i mean lbh its gay from the get go iirc one of the early eps in s1 has merlin all writhing in a fever calling out arthurs name 10000 times to Save His Life somehow like....sis.....its gay!!! also hello the ICONIC intro ‘i could take you apart with one blow’/‘i could take you apart with less’ i mean...make of that what you will amiright... blease come back and tell me ur thoughts as u continue watching im dying rn just thinking about it...im 99% sure one of the showrunners literally out loud irl said that arthur and merlin are a love story dont quote me but im like. fairly certain he said something to that effect so.p.s. i CANT finish it, theyre all sad and depressed and billy’s gonna become evil or something i dont care!! i just want to see my fashionable soft boy mr. 3008 sunglasses rackham rule the seas and be rich ok i dont want this 
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