#hes listening to spoiled lemon in the third one :D
pankiepoo · 5 months
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been awhile since i drew these two + ourple fans :]
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color-me-malfoy · 4 years
Trip To Hogsmeade
Draco Malfoy x Shy!Reader
Summary: Draco tries to impress you when the two of you become partners on the trip to Hogsmeade, but exactly how will it turn out?
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“Alright, third-years, gather round, there are a few reminders before we start your first trip to Hogsmeade,” A prefect clapped her hands to get your attention before you left Hogwarts. “We have a few changes so that none of us go wandering around and getting into… accidents.”
Draco worked his way through the crowd of students looking for you, Y/N L/N, the person he really wanted to go to Hogsmeade with.
He twisted and turned through the groups of students, until he caught a glimpse of your hair from behind.
“In order not to have any cases of lost students, each of you must have a partner.”
Everyone cheered at this, but to you it meant looking for a complete stranger to be partners with, because your best friend, Toni was sick and couldn’t come.
Draco smiled unwittingly as he saw you, but before he could start walking, a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He rolled his eyes and swatted the hand away.
“Excuse m- Pansy?” His expression changed.
She was staring at him with a knowing expression.
“You’re going to ask her to Hogsmeade, aren’t you?”
“Wha- What are you talking about-”
He stopped when Pansy raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it.
“Alright, yes I am,” he grumbled.
“So, you do like Y/N L/N,” Marcus peeked from behind Pansy.
Draco stopped, then stuttered, then groaned and flailed his hands.
“Alright, yes! I like her! How about instead of teasing me, you actually help a chap out? Care to give some advice?”
“Well, I know for a fact that girls like surprises,” Marcus winked.
“Appreciated,” Draco turned around and walked away, leaving Pansy and Marcus together.
“You shouldn’t have told him that, Marcus.”
“Yes, I know. I shouldn’t have told him that,” he buried his face in his hands.
While students buzzed here and there looking for their friends, you awkwardly stood by one side. You almost decided to just go on your own until someone made his way toward you.
White hair, Dark-green clothes, and a manipulative smirk?
You must be Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin heartthrob.
“You.” He pointed as he made his way toward you faster.
“M-Me?” You looked around.
“Yes, you,” he rolled his eyes, then stopped about four feet away from you. “Am I right to assume you don’t have a partner yet?”
You huffed bitterly. “Well, aren’t you the biggest genius on Earth,” you looked away.
“If you’d stop being sarcastic,” he snapped in front of your face, “you’ve already got one.”
You looked back up at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “Who?”
He sighed loudly, then gestured towards himself, smiling. “Me! Surprise!”
“Well, I’ve got no one, you’ve got no one, so…” he waved his hands around.
“You could have asked more properly, but alright,” you walked over to his side.
“Then it’s bloody settled! Let’s go to Hogsmeade!” he held his arm out for you to take and the both of you started for the carriages, Draco with a successful grin and you with a confused look on your face.
For the first part of the ride to Hogsmeade, neither of you said a word to the other, because you were still so confused about why Draco chose you, and Draco was anxiously thinking about a good way to start a conversation.
Draco whirled around, and saw two students behind him, their faces covered with their newspapers.
The first student put their newspaper down.
“Pansy?” he whispered. “Were you watching us this entire time?”
The second person put their newspaper down too.
“You too, Marcus? What, are you two going into the spy business?”
Marcus snorted. “You wish, we’re only here to tell you you’re doing it all wrong.”
“What gives you the right to judge?” Draco sneered. “I bet you’ve never even asked a girl to Hogsmeade.”
“He asked me,” Pansy replied. “Besides, has Y/N even talked to you?”
“She has! She called me the biggest genius on Earth!”
“It was sarcastic, Draco.”
Draco stopped.
“I-It was?”
“Draco, she won’t like you if you’re being a sarcastic plonker,” Marcus rolled his eyes. “Be kind.”
Pansy laughed. “Oh, I’d love to see Draco Malfoy, cheeky little bastard of Slytherin, trying to be kind.”
Draco smirked. “Oh, yeah? Try me.”
He turned back around and looked back at you, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers.
Great, he thought. I still don’t know how to start.
Marcus went back to reading The Daily Prophet, but Pansy swatted it away.
“What?” Marcus turned to her.
“I want to see how this ends,” she said, leaning a little forward in her seat as you turned in your seat to face Draco.
“Were you going to ask me something?”
Draco opened his mouth, trying to think of something, then closed his mouth again. “I-I forgot what I was thinking about, sorry.”
“Oh,” you laughed, “happens all the time, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he turned even more towards you. “Anyway, what do you wanna talk about, Y/N?”
“Oh, um, I don’t know,” you scratched the back of your neck, looking anywhere but at him. “How’s your studies?”
“Ah, well, I enjoy it,” Draco replied.
Marcus snickered into his sleeve, while Pansy blinked unbelievingly.
“Did he just say he enjoyed it?” she asked.
Draco realized how fake that sounded, and internally kicked himself for that. “Well, I don’t actually enjoy it, I mean, I hate studying, but it’s bearable,” he rambled.
You laughed and nodded, then turned back to the rolling fields.
Draco buried his face in his hands and turned behind him.
“I almost died listening to your conversation, Draco,” Pansy said as she filed her nails.
“You had to make it straight to the point, didn’t you?” Draco hissed. “Do you two have any other good ideas, or are you just here to gloat?”
“Well, what’s the one thing that’s good about you that no matter how much of a bloody git you are everyone tries to suck you up?” Marcus asked.
“I’m… good-looking?” Draco gestured to his face.
“No, you idiot, you’re rich!” Marcus cried. “That’s why everyone calls you the spoiled brat of Slytherin!”
“…They do?” Draco tilted his head to the side, offended.
Pansy pushed Marcus’s face out of the way.
“That’s not the point! You have literally more money in your hands than what both my parents make in a month!” she explained. “Buy her candy from Honeydukes or something!”
She yelped in surprise when Draco suddenly snapped his fingers.
“Of course! Girls love gifts! Thanks, Pansy, see you!”
The minute the carriage stopped, Draco took your hand and helped you out.
“Where do you want to go?” Draco asked as the two of you strolled down the street.
“Y-You’re asking me?” You looked up at him. “I don’t know, how about Honeydukes?”
“Sure,” he led you into the candy shop.
Your smile grew wider at all the kinds of candy shelved in the tiny store.
“Wow, I feel like Willy Wonka!”
Draco snorted. “What kind of a name is that?”
“Oh,” you laughed. “Willy Wonka’s not a real person, he’s a fictional character. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, have you ever heard of it?”
He shook his head.
“He owns this huge candy factory with all kinds of sweets,” you wistfully recalled, staring “This feels just like it.”
As you looked around at the assorted candies, Draco was anxiously buzzing through the shop deciding on what to buy you.
You were looking at a heap of candy apple lollipops when Draco tapped you on the shoulder.
He was carrying seventeen boxes of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.
“D-Draco?” You gasped. “Hey, I’ll help you! Why are you buying these many boxes?”
He shoved it all into a basket, getting the attention of nearly everyone in the shop.
“I’m buying it for you,” he grinned, and some people were whispering, asking each other who “Draco’s Lucky Girl” was.
“Oh! Well, thanks, but why seventeen boxes?”
“Well, if you buy only a few, it’ll just be Bertie Bott’s Several Flavor Beans.”
“I-I don’t actually need seventeen boxes of these, I’ll never be able to finish them! I’ll just take one.”
“Oh, oka- One?” Draco looked at you, perplexed.
“We-well, actually not one, I’ll buy another for Toni!” You plucked another box and returned the rest to the shelf. “And just a mango starburst and a sherbet lemon-”
“Wait, wait, wait. You come to Hogsmeade for the first time and you only buy these?”
“Well, there’s plenty of food at Hogwarts and I don’t eat much-”
He cut you off.
“I’m getting you one of everything.”
“I couldn’t possibly pay for all that- wait, you’re getting me one of everything?”
“Yes! Didn’t you hear me?” He walked past you, taking every kind of candy he saw.
“I-I… Well, thank you?” You muttered as he came back with three baskets, then led you to the counter. You looked around and saw some of your schoolmates, some staring at the two of you in wonder and curiosity and some others giving you grins. Others drooled at the amount of candy you had in your hands… for free!
Fifty minutes later, after the grueling process of packaging the candy from Honeydukes, Draco was grinning like a boy on Christmas Day as he faced Pansy and Marcus, who were behind them at the line at The Three Broomsticks.
"This is the first time I've ever spent money on anyone besides myself, just so you know," he smirked as he wiped off the sweat on his forehead. "I feel great! What do you think?"
Pansy shared an uneasy glance with Marcus before she sighed and held Draco by the arms, whispering.
"Um, We hate to burst your bubble, Malfoy, but you're doing a terrible job."
Draco stared at her in confusion, then laughed nervously. "You're kidding, right?"
"She's right, Malfoy," Marcus hesitated. "You've been pulling Y/N like a poor puppy on a leash for the past two hours."
"Malfoy, you've got to let her do what she wants," Pansy explained. "We told you to spoil her, not to force her to buy everything. She never wanted seventeen boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans! I mean, did you even ask?"
Malfoy chewed on his bottom lip. "Well, I guess you're right for once, Parkinson," he mumbled.
"Hey, man up, Malfoy," Pansy ruffled Draco's hair. "Besides, I found out from her friend Toni that she likes you too."
Malfoy looked up and grinned. "She does?"
Pansy cut him off. "Wait, before you go buy her the whole Hogsmeade to proclaim your love for her, remember she's still the shyest girl in Hogwarts," she warned.
"Alright," Draco nodded, then turned to check his wallet.
"That's the spirit, Malfoy!" Marcus cheered, then turned to Pansy and lowered his voice to a whisper. "How'd you get Toni Yorkshire to tell you Y/N liked Draco?"
"I made truth potion and snuck it in her food," Pansy winked. "Then I asked her about it and she sang like a bloody bird."
"Is that why she's absent today?"
"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies, Flint."
Draco mulled over their words, until he felt your light tap on his shoulder.
"Draco?" you called.
"It's our turn."
"Oh, it's our turn," he placed a hand on your back and guided you to the front. "One Gillywater with candy ice and..." he turned to you. "What'll you be getting, darling?"
Trying to hide your surprise at the nickname, you cleared your throat awkwardly and looked down at the floor. "A-A butterbeer, please. With a just a splash of milk, thanks."
"Alright, dears," the woman at the counter wrote down your orders, "a Gillywater on the ice and a butterbeer with milk for the happy couple," she winked at you.
The happy what?
You sputtered and let out a nervous laugh.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we're not dating."
"Yet," Draco laughed.
"W-What?" You turned to him with a red face.
The woman chuckled at your reaction.
"Why don't you two go find a place to sit?" she asked cheerily. "We'll bring your drinks over."
You nodded shyly and thanked her. But as you were about to take your wallet out, but Draco put a hand over yours.
"This one's on me," he smirked as he went through his own wallet, then handed a wad of money to the woman. "Go find us a table, Y/N."
You blushed even harder, smiled, and thanked him and the woman one last time before scurrying away to find a table.
The woman watched Draco as he gazed at you.
"You've got it bad for the lass, haven't you, Mister Malfoy?" she smiled as she pulled two mugs from the shelf behind the counter.
"No I haven't," he rolled his eyes.
"Sure you don't, sir," she poured their drinks. "I've seen that look on many a young lad in my days, I know a lovesick boy when I see one."
"Well, congratulations," Draco huffed. "Maybe I do."
"Listen 'ere, 'sonny," the woman placed their drinks on a tray as she spoke, "If I were you, I'd keep in mind that the best way to a lady's heart is... through her heart."
Draco tilted his head in confusion. "I-I don't understand."
"You don't actually make her fall for you by changing anything about yourself, or buying 'er expensive things, the more important things are being a gent to her and letting her be who she is."
Draco nodded his head at her words.
"Thank you Ma'am, I better be going back to my girl," he took the drinks and went around to find you, but turned around to face her. "If things go well, I'll let you know!"
"Here you go, Y/N, your butterbeer with extra milk and a Gillywater for me," he placed the tray down at your table.
"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, Malfoy," you smiled.
"It's nothing, really," he replied as he sat down.
He stared at you as you sipped your butterbeer and looked back up at him with foam on the sides of your lips, and he chuckled at how adorable you looked.
"What?" you laughed. "Do I have butterbeer on my mouth?"
He shook his head and smiled. "It's just... no, it's..."
"I do, don't I?" You laughed as you wiped your lips on the back of your hand. He laughed even harder because the foam didn't come off.
"Let me get it," he took the end of his scarf, leaned in, and pressed it to your lips.
The both of you had blushed positively cherry-red by the time he sat back down.
You mumbled a thanks and drank more butterbeer, shyly avoiding his gaze, and he took his mug of Gillywater, downing half of it in a second.
When he put his mug down, he took a deep breath and looked back up at you.
"Listen, Y/N," he started.
You looked up at him, and he continued.
"I'm really sorry if I was too much for you to handle today. I mean," he took a breath to steady himself, "I was kind of rude at the start of the trip, then I suddenly went quiet, then I went ahead and did… you know… the thing with the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.."
"It's alright, Draco," you reassured him. "Besides, it was kind of fun to see this new side to you even just for a day."
"That's the thing, Y/N," he took your hand in his. "I... don't want this to be just for a day. I really like you, and maybe we could spend more time together… please?" He wasn't sure if it was a question or a sentence. He looked back up at you again, waiting for your answer.
You only stared at him, and his smile dropped until you exhaled lightly, then gave a warm smile.
"I'd love to! That would be great!"
"You would?" he asked. "You really positively would?"
You nodded, and he smiled wider than before as the two of you began to talk freely, laughing as the you told each other stories and talked about life besides school.
When your prefects told you it was fifteen minutes before you would return to Hogwarts, the two of you stood up and returned the mugs to the woman at the counter.
"I'm assuming it went well, Mister Malfoy," she smirked as she took the mugs from your hands. "I hope your first official date will be back here at The Three Broomsticks."
"Oh, I don't know when we'll be able to go back here," you frowned, but smiled after. "But we’ll definitely come back!"
She smiled back, then leaned in to whisper to you. "He's a nice young fellow, dear, don't let him go that easily."
You were startled, but laughed.
"I'll keep that in mind, Ma'am."
The two of you made your way to the carriages, and the two of you sat by the end, where you noticed two students with their faces covered by their newspapers.
Draco rolled his eyes, then said, "Alright, you can stop spying on us now."
The two put their newspapers down and laughed nervously.
“This is Pansy Parkinson and Marcus Flint,” he smiled, then shot a glare at them. “They’ve been spying on us even before we left Hogwarts.”
“We weren’t spying on you, we were just making sure the two of you had a nice day!” Pansy gasped dramatically. “Right, Marcus?”
“I’m not exactly sure,” Marcus laughed. “Anyway, would you like to join us for dinner?”
Pansy leaned forward. “We’d love to hear about your day.”
“Oh, I don’t think you would, I bet you already know all about it.” Draco joked.
The rest of the ride was spent in a jolly atmosphere, you with Draco and your newfound friends, talking and laughing, eating sweets and planning on your next trip to Hogsmeade, which you hope would be very soon.
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melodylandmouse · 7 years
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I dug up some older drawings. All of these should be from middle school. (i.e. between 2009 and 2012, 5+ years ago) Look at me go... making memes way back when Memebase was still the place to be. XD
I remember the context of most of these, so descriptions/explanations below the cut!
Top image: Actually may be spoiling a story I still plan on doing with this one... Basically Mumble and some telemarketer. Saying any more would spoil the stuff, so consider this a teaser. (Illegible handwriting says: “Cogs, Toons and Cogs United, EVERYWHERE!” “Imagine it. I have so much to offer, but nobody can see it. You can make them see it.”) Okay, so that storyline has changed at least a little... I will say this much; the annoying phone robot lies.
Second Row, Far Left: This one was only ever intended to be a meme. Say hello to Benny’s old design, back when he and Flippy actually knew each other (a thing which I’m essentially vetoing in the interest of making Mumble less Sue-ish...). As in yes, that’s Flippy being a bartender. I was an odd child.
Second Row, Middle: Oh God, enter the cringe... I don’t even know. I vaguely remember at one point that I had made a character who was intended to be some weird fangirl who has a crush on Benny or something, but I have no idea beyond that. That might even be the first version of Lemon Drop (haven’t introduced her yet), but if it was, she’s only kept her appearance. The rest of her is ENTIRELY different.
Second Row, Far Right: See previous paragraph.
Third Row, Left: CUTE, I used to randomly sing that line of that song even before I had heard the whole thing because I think I heard it used as a reference in something. And I still sign it from time to time, but now I’ve actually listened to the whole song. xD For this one, I most likely just felt like drawing Mumble in a fancy shirt.
Third Row, Right: The coloring is crap because I just used whatever was in my bag at the time, and I’m pretty sure that I just drew this in Math or some other class at some point. (Most likely math.) It’s actually a full page... And that’s Mumble’s full old design. Just imagine that his weird red arms are maroon and you’re set.
Bottom Image: I DIDN’T REALIZE I HAD DRAWN JULIAN BEFORE AAAAHHHH!!! That’s my Loan Shark, and he’s a sweetheart. :’D Still a character, still one of my favorites. He’s probably not gonna come in for a while, but I have been working his design because I really wanna figure out how to draw him. That’s still Benny next to him. Plus, a cameo from the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who as a pony. Because that was when I was actually obsessed with MLP for a while. Not so much anymore; I was an entire season behind for a year, and only just got caught up a couple weeks ago. There’s actually pony versions of Mumble and Benny lying around somewhere... Probably won’t look or post unless someone asks me to, though.
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