#mumble mouse
melodylandmouse · 1 year
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Welcome to another installment of Mumble taking L's in age-old ways! Squashed & Stretched Too Far! ~ Page 6 Full Resolution Prev // FULL COMIC! // Next
Anybody else remember my cringe squeak nae nae comic?? Yeah me neither! (Get caught up with the excitable link above, but beware the 5+ year old art.)
I Cannot promise regular updates given the sheer number of curveballs life throws at me these days, but next page is already half-sketched and I Do plan to finish both this chapter and the next if it's the last thing I do so !! we'll see how that goes HGSDUILHGSD
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m0nochromem0use · 6 months
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cactusflowerfemme · 7 months
Some of you need to get out of the city into nature—real, wild, unspeakable nature—and hear the birdsong proclaiming that God’s creation is good.
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cottonpuffmouse · 11 months
They Cloned Tyrone did such a fun thing with Fontaine’s character. His first reaction is the violent, physical one. YET! He is never portrayed a ‘thug’ or someone who is only capable of violence. He makes his mom food when he eats, he pours liquor into Frog’s cup, he does not threaten any of Slick Charles’ uhhhhhhh workers?
He is violent, yes. But he is not a mindlessly violent man.
I just really enjoyed that all his actions were shown to have thought to them. It’s just that Fontaine’s thoughts lead him to accept a violent action as a solution to those thoughts.
I also just thought him constantly reaching for his piece was very anime in it’s hilarity. Man’s is just always pulling it out while his friends go “NO NO NO NO NO!” Fontaine trying to kill his own clone is as funny as it is miserably saddening.
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ossy-serenity · 2 months
Strings of Fate
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"It amused her to bind him with the same spell she uses to control her rock creatures."
In a charmed, twisted way, Hope seemingly made him forget all the suffering he had endured for so many years.
His incapacity to be strong enough to protect those he loved, all the mental struggles he's gone through,
himself all together
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nervousmonolith · 2 years
"ai generated art" this "ai generated writing" that, why dont you use ai to generate yourself some fuckin BITCHES.
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merakiui · 1 year
me every time mr. michael mouse appears in the mirror at ramshackle: 
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murky-tannin · 10 months
How in the world people get father daughter vibes from Cellbit and Iron I don't know. Trying to see it and there is Nothing
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plushpyromoved · 10 months
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some kind of animal or creature found in the lost and found bin
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merrilark · 1 year
TIL that while Balto is 100% 2D animated, the final animation was lined digitally.
By hand.
With a mouse.
I would have simply perished.
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(OOC: heyyy sorry I haven’t responded to like!! anything today!! I accidentally dragged myself into another fixation and I CANT GET OUT HELP HELP HELDP ME I PLAYED THIS STUPID GAME FOR LIKE MAJORITY OF THE DAY HEEELDPE)
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melodylandmouse · 2 years
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I was like “oh I should post That One Drawing here before forget” and I was GONNA say “I didn’t draw this too long ago!!” but then after struggling to find it for a minute,,,, I discovered that I. drew this last year. like a Whole year ago almost to the month.. so...
My complete and Total lack of all concept of time aside,,,, for the new peeps; this guy is my main!! His name is also Mumble and he’s currently a pathetic little baby man but that’s okay because he’s working on that. And with any luck, I’ll be back to updating the comic that elaborates on that soon. :3c (I’m freaking DETERMINED to continue it and that is a THREAT.)
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m0nochromem0use · 2 months
by virtue of him being in every extracurricular can we infer that riz has become either a band kid or theatre kid or both
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cactusflowerfemme · 8 months
I just want to make the world a little less harsh.
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cottonpuffmouse · 8 months
God I’m such a fool to not be writing Kunikida in love as Kent Davidson in love with Sue.
No, Kunikida will not out right flirt with you. He will wait several months, possibly several years, to ask you out. You would be lucky if you got a few drunk kisses inbetween that. It’s a harsh reality of Kunikida’s character: He Is Methodically Cautious.
But in the middle of a semi-serious meeting, where Doppo has more less been playing hardass all morning, you make a joke about the case.
And he laughs. It’s a quick, ‘blink and you’ll miss it laugh’. But he laughs! It’s funny! He does not scold you about speaking out of turn about the case either.
When he calls you with bad news, instead of straight “Here are the facts as of now:”, he says “I’m sorry. Here are the facts as of now. If you need anything, I will be available after 7PM.” And he means it!!! If you said you needed groceries, he would come with groceries!!! He would demand a small hassel delivery fee but it would be reasonable considering the groceries would be on him.
And perhaps most damningly for a Kunikida trying to hide his affections for you: He trusts you to be competent. Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, etc need to be checked on constantly to ensure their good behavior - (in a day to day setting anyways. In crisis they are obviously perfectly capable. They save their energy I think.)
But you can be trusted to just…do the fucking job.
You have no idea how crazy this drives him. I’m not exaggerating when I say it almost turns him on how he can ask you to perform a task and know, beyond any unexpected issues, it will get done. It’s truly epic for him. You are taking a chunk of the world off his shoulders.
He’ll admit it one day. Dazai will start a weird count down on his desk with a calendar that started in May. Every few months he would turn to the next month and he’d made a big show of it. He started in October. It would now March of the following year. Dazai’s calendar would have you believe it is June.
Life was bad tolerable until about Dazai’s Calendar’s March and Kunikida started acting fidgety around you.
On every mission he stayed close to you, constantly gently bumping into you - like someone testing an electrical fence. He became fond of getting between you and dangerous opponents. Doppo starts ensuring your snacks were bought with your grocery budget - you’ll be never without Matcha tea cakes and berry tea again!
The day the calendar reached May again, Kunikida formal courted you.
When asked about this weird way of counting down, Dazai insisted he was psychic. When that failed, he said his actual ability was to read minds of fussy people. As he was rattling off his third bit, Ranpo insisted.
“A clock would have been better? Because it always ends at 12, your calendar has extra months.”
“I had to account for him adding more of those stupid requirements when he changed the final one,” Dazai said with a grin. “Plus a calendar is what I hand in hand.”
(Last bit for all my fellow “I could never met his ideals”-ers. His ideals would change!! To you!!)
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squisheebugdoodles · 11 months
gotta take a break from art for a bit cuz of hand pawblems again but I am working on some stuff for my commission blog and patreon when i can, though I'm sorry I wasn't able to post more there this month ;; , and i still have some artfight attacks that i hadn't posted yet so I hopefully won't die completely for a bit at least
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