#hes my gay little knight..... always loyal and always devoted
clerichs-xi · 1 year
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my son mikhail heliotrope who loves @sprouthaven's boy gabriel <33 we mades them togethers
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trashtheater101 · 5 years
Been meaning to make this for a while: Free list of skele-prompts! No credit needed (although I’d love to read it if you make one, maybe drop me a note?), and feel free to change ANY of the details or ships. This list is meant to ✧INSPIRE✧ not restrict. 
These are largely old ideas that I realize I’m probably never going to get around to writing myself and thought I’d share. Mostly Papcest, but there’s some left open for Fontcest and Sanscest, and you can always change it up. I probably forgot some, so I’ll add to it as I remember them.
RoyalMoney (Poppy/Cash)
Poppy is a wealthy, and unbearably bored Nigerian prince. Kept safe and sound, a prisoner in the castle by his overprotective brother, Poppy is allowed only limited contact with the guards or servants, and nothing at all with the outside world. When a thief breaks in through his bedroom window (captured easily by the Great Prince Poppy! He’s sheltered, not helpless!), Poppy can't help being intrigued… [His brother can shove it; He’s decided to keep this one.]
Fellcest (Red/Edge)
Red is a scientist. Or at least he used to be. He’s studied the wonders of the universe, tested the limits of time-space, and even broken through the divides between worlds. […none of it compared to learning the way his brother reacts to flirting.]
SpicyHoney (Edge/Stretch(Rus))
Edge is a loyal knight, through and through, and Rus is the true heir to the throne. Edge is determined to protect him no matter the cost. Even now that the kingdom has been overthrown and they were barely able to escape with their lives. Even now that they must keep moving, and live in hiding, lest Rus be captured and executed. Even though Rus is used to being pampered and spoiled, and Edge is the only one left to treat him with the sort of devotion and reverence that a true prince deserves. [Originally a Edge x Anyone, but the pouty, stubborn prince kept morphing into Rus, soooo…]
Edge and Stretch are stuck in a car together for a long trip, and expect to bicker the whole time. Unfortunately 5 minutes in one of them accidentally confesses. Neither are prepared for this, and now the car ride is spent dealing with THIS instead... oh dear… 
Stretch needs to get a physical. Cool, no big, even doctors aren’t sure what to do with a pile of bones, so no point in being embarrassed, and—bonus!—most don’t know how skeleton magic works, so he gets to skip the more invasive stuff. Except—wait—this time his doctor is a skeleton? A really hot skeleton?? And since Stretch is missing so much from his chart, he’s getting a THOROUGH exam??? ...great… [Bonus points for Stretch aggressively flirting to hide his nerves, “w-wow doc. i don’t usually spread my legs before the first date, haha. guess you must be special.”]
SpicyBBQ (Edge/Slim)
Edge’s new lamia is a dominant type, strong, and eager to breed him. But Edge isn’t inclined to submit, and he’s pretty sure he knows exactly how to tame his horny pet. [Succeed or fail, both are tasty~.]
MapleBlossom (Slim/Papyrus)
Slim is the lead singer/guitarist/drummer in an up and coming band. Hanging out at an afterparty of one of his shows, some cute little groupie, or a fan, or whatever, catches his attention when they start chatting him up. Slim is charmed, and while he’s got a pretty firm rule about not fucking the fans, he’s gotta make an exception this time. He’s gonna rock this groupies world. [Except that Papyrus isn’t a groupie. Or a fan. He was just invited along by a friend and thought this stranger might want someone to talk to. But boy is he flattered by all the attention! Is this… flirting?!?] 
SweetMoney (Sugar(HT!Pap)/Cash)
Taking his first ever train trip to the big city, Sugar ends up sitting next to a stranger. Cash seems friendly enough on the ride, but when they get off he refuses to leave??? He keeps insisting it’s too dangerous for someone like Sugar to be alone in the city, and that all well and good, but Sugar’s pretty sure he has a stalker now??? Blood had warned him about this… oh well… For a stalker, Cash is awfully charming. 
Edge x _______
Edge is an Alpha. All the Papyruses are Alphas, so of course he’s an Alpha. He is the most Alpha-y-est Alpha to ever Alpha, thank you very much. And as long as he keeps taking his Alpha-supplements, surely no one will be any the wiser. But the supplements can only repress his instincts so much when he’s surrounded by so many fine, aggressively-dominant Alphas. And let’s be real, how long would it really take a group of Alphas to notice an Omega in their midst? [Easily could be one-on-one, but this prompt is feeling pretty gang-bang-y to me~] 
In hindsight I think I may have seen this idea around before (so let me know if it’s already a thing…), but Edge as a Heinz Doofenshmirtz-(Or like MegaMind, Dr. Horrible, fuckin.... Team Rocket??)-style villain! Over the top dramatic! But also pretty ridiculous... But definitely EVIL!!!!! But also is he though??? Red is his henchman. His love interest can be the Hero, but also could be his usual kidnapping victim, or the cute skele from the laundry mat, or I suppose his henchman, or a brand-new unique dynamic! 
Loud Top Edge. That’s really all I’ve got for this prompt. It really didn’t have to be under Edge specifically… you could make it anyone, but I was thinking of Edge. ...as just... a… noisy… really verbal top... yeah...~<3
Papyrus x _______
Someone has been stealing apples from Papyrus’s apple orchard, and he is determined to catch the culprit! [Well, it turns out the culprit happens to be very attractive and that is a whole new, very different problem!]
Papyrus x _______/Sans x _______
Undertale is Universe 0. It’s the base, the original, the one every universe is spun off of. As such, there is some sort of general law of attraction pulling all the copies towards their originals. Or at least, that’s Sans’s theory anyway. That would explain all these Sans’s that keep hitting on him and—don’t think i don’t notice the rest of you making passes at my bro-! are you looking for a b a d  t i m e ? 
Bonus Lamia prompt
[A]’s lamia goes into a submissive heat. No matter what they do, however, [A] can’t seem to satisfy them. A quick google search reveals their lamia is looking to be bred with eggs, but—uh—[A] can’t produce eggs, and neither of them really want kids yet anyways, and—hey, you can buy safe to insert pseudo-eggs!—Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you just what you need~ 
- - - - -
A list of loose themes and thoughts. Poke through and see if anything catches your attention. Or maybe mix some together? (Conveniently numbered for a random number generator!) 
1. Bitties
2. Asleep on shoulder
3. Shopping trip
4. Bandaging after sparring 
5. Broken down car
6. Attractive salesman
7. Trapped in a box~ 
8. Good old fashioned temporary amnesia 
9. Is that a dog in your jacket? 
10. “If you touch him I will END you...!”
11. Crossover
12. Lamias
13. The meal was unrecognizable...You eat it anyways. 
14. Classic fairytale, but with a twist! 
15. A more obscure fairytale. (With all the ‘wtf??’s they tend to entail.)
16. “Please tell me you meant to do that...”
17. Ectoboobies
18. “God, you’re so hot… You look hot! SWEATY! Do you want a drink!?!?”
20. Borrowed pajamas
21. Candle light
23. Someone not normally collared: collared~! 
24. “Sit down and shut up! ...I’m going to serenade you now.”
25. “What will it take to make you realize I’m no good for you?” 
26. Running out of water
27. Physically shielding from harm
28. Can’t stop staring
29. Broke something important
30. He only ever acted like this when he was covered in dust…
31. Well... people always say you should marry a doctor
32. “I think I’m falling for you” 
33. “Guess you fell for me~” 
34. A bad vacation
35. Missing the bus 
36. A WAY too fancy restaurant
37. Good morning kiss
38. That’s probably a serial killer chasing you tbh. 
39. Lost & alone… 
40. Annoying Dog is secretly a matchmaker
41. A goodbye note
42. Freezing cold
43. A slow dance after the lights go down
44. Exploring
45. Hey! You’re that actor/singer/etc I like-! Why are you grinding on me!?!? 
46. “I failed you…”
47. A non-traditional Heat symptom
48. Soul-bonding: the aftermath. 
49. 2 dudes sittin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cause they’re very gay and sorta nervous and-gosh-it sure is hot in this hot tub… 
50. Flowey: “Okay, look. I don’t normally give advice but…”
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captainshyguy · 4 years
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites? :o
ooo tysm!! :’D i have already answered this one here, but i love talking abt characters i love, so im happy to do so again! i think i’ll choose tied/second faves from the respective fandoms here ehehe 
for reference, last time i talked about quirrel, captain rex, and dimentio! 
hollow knight- sheo 
this was a tough one, i love a lot of the hk characters, but none reach the level quirrel does for me, so i had trouble choosing between sheo, mato, the stag, and ghost x] anyway! i really like sheo, he has a very calm, but thoughtful and enthusiastic presence about him, and i wish we got a little minigame where you could do some art with him eheheh, i could sit in his hut for hours, he feels like such a friend! i wish he wasnt such a pain to reach everytime, but at least hiveblood can help with that. i like his fight visually, even if i think thematically, he did give up his time as a nailmaster, and it feels odd to be fighting him at all, even as a last hurrah. and his design!! his paint splattered apron is a lot of fun, and it really helps distinguish him from his brothers! of course, i cant go without mentioning the nailsmith! the happy couple achievement really warms my heart, seeing how he’s painted the nailsmith, how both of them are feeling less lonely, more invigorated and happy is so nice! not many characters get a happy ending in game, so im really glad they did 
tcw- waxer
its the dad!! innocents of ryloth is still my favourite clone wars episode, and waxer is 100% why! he wears his heart on his sleeve, i love how he disobeys direct orders to do what’s right, everytime without hesitation. like, he sees a young, starving girl run off into a droid infested area and immediately goes after her because ‘im not gonna let the droids get her!’ she shows him and boil her ruined home and he gives her the one toy that’s still left, he hugs her and tells her its going to be okay, he gives her a lil nose boop, pats her head!! waxer’s so kindhearted and good at his core and i wish we got more of him, 10/10 most huggable clone 
mario- captain shy guy 
luigi im so sorry for shafting you again, but i think he’s a pretty typical answer, and i’ve been thinking abt captain shy guy a lot recenty!! 
i wasnt expecting to love minion quest as much as i did, but the second they gave captain goomba someone to bounce off of, i fell in love, and captain shy guy is the PERFECT person for it. he’s so snarky and blunt (also with those hidden shyness and self esteem issues we see in the cutie battle contest, getting pretty bad stage fright) but he’s pretty smart, and it contrasts fantastically with goomba’s airheadedness, but bright enthusiasm. but of course!!! the best thing, is despite this, despite this! captain shy guy is so, absolutely loyal to him beyond it all. sergeant guy trying to convince him to change sides, but refuses because captain goomba is ‘good people’ telling koopa and boo that goomba has ‘always had it in him from the beginning’ and ‘reminds [him] of lord bowser’ throwing a turnip at ludwig of all people, the second he insults captain goomba, and declaring to goomba, for everyone to hear ‘i’m with you until the bitter end’ like!!!! the loyalty!! the devotion!!! captain shy guy is abrasive, and not afraid to call goomba out, but he’d also do absolutely anything for him and THAT my fellow gays is PEAK ROMANCE 
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shegoestolondon · 6 years
2 months in
as of today, 2 months feels like an incredibly short period of time, and yet i’ve just started my seventh of ten weeks of class. i’m 70% done? i only have three weeks left of going to modules and interacting with my professors? absurd. absolutely absurd.
what’s happened in the last month? a short list:
tried my first g&t – strawberry flavored, AKA tasted like those quirky “alternative fruit-flavored” toothpastes that dentists offer when they clean your teeth
got to tour dad around london for about a day!
turned 21
went on backstage tours of royal albert hall and the national theatre
found out my dog passed away :(
took my first trip outside of the UK (prague!), where erica and i (and, for another 24 hours, dad) walked many miles, saw many churches, and ate much good food
confirmed that mom will come visit me at the end of this month :)
the reflections i’ve pulled from this sampling of events are not necessarily that connected – in fact, as i attempt to map out this reflection, i already feel doomed to a rambling and unavoidably disjointed product by the end. but that’s never stopped me before, has it?
i’ve been thinking about family. nothing all that concrete, no startling or surprising realizations, but a steady and constant sense of appreciation. i’ve always been one who needs some space, whether temporal or physical, to reach a deeper understanding of myself and my experience, and being an ocean away has only reaffirmed that. mom and dad, i love you so much. i won’t lie, it feels liberating to be on an entirely different continent from you, but at the same time i really enjoyed taking dad around london, and i’m so excited to bring mom to some of my favorite spots in the city. haydn, your happy birthday text to me made me laugh out loud, an honest-to-god cackle. you’re really funny, and smart, and witty, and i hope you’re having a senior spring that leaves you content and fulfilled. to fenway: i still haven’t quite wrapped my head around the fact that you’re in another place, now, and honestly i don’t think it’ll feel real until i come back home. wherever you are, i hope there’s a nice place to swim and plenty of smoked salmon to eat.
i’ve been thinking about devotion. the knights of king arthur’s round table would bend over backwards to stay loyal to those they loved; queen victoria blew the entire budget for a new building on erecting a golden statue of her husband in what would become albertopolis; clementine churchill wrote the most precious, endearing letters and postcards to her husband throughout her life; prince albert made the handrails for the staircases of royal albert hall the perfect height for queen victoria’s 4′11′′ frame; hozier wants to be the weapon with which his baby sets fire to her enemies; the way henry fonda looked like he was drowning in the everything that is barbara stanwyck in the lady eve made my heart stutter.
i’ve been wondering whether we really are destined, at least in part, to walk in the footsteps our parents took before us. i’ve been wondering whether i’ll ever outgrown the overwhelming need for everyone i like and admire to like me back. i’ve been wondering how many pages i’ll end up reading this semester outside of my required class readings. i’ve been wondering whether i should cobble together an honors thesis proposal. i’ve been wondering how strong the FOMO will be when ivy film festival rolls around and i’m stuck thousands of miles away.
speaking of iff, like last time, here’s a list of the films i’ve seen recently:
The Revenger’s Tragedy: for having a rather dark premise, this movie was fricking hilarious. it’s also magnificently entrenched in locality like i’ve never seen before in film, steeped in the past, present, and future of liverpool.
The Lady Eve: henry fonda’s character in this film is possibly the dumbest bloke i’ve ever seen on screen, but barbara stanwyck is dynamite, sharp and flirtatious and scheming in a way that has me more than a little in love.
Of Love and Law: a touching documentary about a gay couple in japan that has their own law firm; a not-so-subtle reminder that i’m rapidly forgetting my japanese.
i hope you all are faring well – if not thriving, then at least surviving and on your way to thriving. if you’d like, please ask me questions! whether or not they’re related to being abroad! (the link will reveal itself if you click the box with the arrows on the upper left of the blog.)
as always, sending you all so much love <3
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CAN WE TALK ABOUT PEARL (Spoiler warning!)
Can we please talk about Pearl and how significant it is that she has the most singing lines in the extended theme song, especially after “A Single Pale Rose”?
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So, here’s my thing. ASPR implies so much, but what I’m most interested in is the relationship between Rose/PD and Pearl. Yes, as suggested by the gif above, Pearl’s always hinted at Rose being “more” than Rose. Rose’s sheer abilities compared to other Quartz soldiers were a huge tip-off, thinking back on it. Rebecca Sugar did a fab job putting millions of tiny hints that Rose was always a little more than just a Quartz soldier who decided to screw the rules.
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But, ignoring all that, let’s talk about Pearl (like we totally haven’t been since this dang episode came out).
So, besides the implications of how healthy Pearl and Rose’s relationship was, because of Rose’s ability to command Pearl to do things--because, despite her many mistakes, I don’t think Rose ever intentionally abused that ability--it really seems to me like Rose and Pearl are in love when they concoct this plan.
Rose as Pink Diamond is multi-faceted (hah, get it??). Steven sees her as a spoiled brat wanting her own colony in Jungle Moon; he sees her make excuses about colonizing earth in Can’t Go Back; and he sees her eventually create the plan that would lead to her new life as Rose, but would also cost the lives of thousands of gem soldiers in A Single Pale Rose. Obviously, looking back, we can figure out that by Can’t Go Back’s timeline, PD had seen the worth of human beings and used her Rose Quartz persona to attempt to dissuade the Diamonds from colonizing earth. 
So, I just wanna refute all these arguments that PD was selfish and was trying to hide everything and escape responsibility. Pink Diamond was a young, spoiled, initially selfish brat who wanted to be as important as the other Diamonds. She went to earth, saw their beauty and their worth, and decided to try to save it. PD attempted to save the earth through subtle means, initially; she figured the Diamonds did not care about her because of the way they treated her (see Jungle Moon), so they wouldn’t care if a colony of hers failed.
Like a lot of teenagers, Pink Diamond was very self-involved and didn’t realize how her actions would affect the people around her. That’s a little bit cowardice or deliberate selfishness; but that’s primarily the folly of youth.
So, when she sees these plans aren’t working, that the Diamonds will insist on PD succeeding in colonizing earth, she figures her death will make the Diamonds lose interest. Again, thinking like the self-involved teen she seems to be, she’s assuming that the only reason the Diamonds care is likely because, as long as PD is alive, they have a stake in the earth colony. A lot of teens think their parents wouldn’t care if they disappear.
Now, for the point of this: Pearl is PD’s pearl. Pearl is PD’s confidant and knows everything that PD has been trying to do to liberate this planet. At one point, Pearl told Connie and Steven that Rose made her feel like she was everything.
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Because Pearl wasn’t some renegade pearl who pulled a Kaiba, flipped everyone off, and walked off the job. Pink Diamond, her master, encouraged Pearl to be different than what she was used to; she inspired Pearl to be a renegade, to learn to fight, to think and speak eloquently, to everything. Everything that Pearl is now stems from the freedom Pink Diamond gave to Pearl. Everything Pearl believes in comes from Pink Diamond’s beliefs.
And after Rose’s, er...death?...Pearl has struggled to find herself in a world where no one is around to tell her to be someone. She made this mistake with Connie and Steven, where she defined herself as a loyal knight to Rose Quartz (a title that Rose apparently gave to Pearl). She struggled again when she tricked Garnet to fuse with her, and told Garnet that she’s just a pearl and she needs someone to tell her what to do--which hinted both at a pearl’s function in homeworld and at the fact that, even as a renegade, Pearl needed Rose to tell her to be a renegade.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgseUOceeok (Pearl and Garnet make up)
And it’s a fear that follows Pearl, because she feels incomplete without a master telling her what to do. It’s something that’s always been hinted in Pearl’s character, as far as Rose’s Scabbard.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dknVBPvQAc (”I think you’re pretty great”)
But since that episode (and possibly before), we see the common motif of Pearl covering her mouth whenever it seems like there’s a secret about Rose that Steven has uncovered. Now, obviously, we know that a Diamond’s command to her Pearl is final, and PD’s last command to Pearl has forced her to remain silent for millennia. The clip above, where Pearl is devastated after finding out she didn’t know all of Rose’s secrets, ends on a really interesting note; while Steven is happy and thinks he’s understanding his mother and Pearl more, Pearl’s face is not content at the end. Even with all her smiling while she told old war stories, and with her maybe feeling some catharsis after talking to Steven, there’s this haunted look on Pearl’s face that always bothered me and didn’t make sense until ASPR.
Because that’s the point that Pearl realizes that as much as she loved and devoted herself to Rose’s cause, Rose didn’t love her back and Rose wasn’t perfect.
Don’t get me wrong; I do not doubt that, at the time, Rose loved Pearl. When they were making plans to rebel and when Rose encouraged Pearl to change and grow the way Rose wanted to (because its heavily implied that Rose is fascinated by and wanted to emulate human growth), I do not doubt that Rose loved Pearl very much. But, Rose/PD at this time was young and foolish. She didn’t realize that her love for Pearl wasn’t healthy, because she didn’t realize how dependent on Rose’s approval Pearl was.
And maybe she did, later on. The gems have proven that although they do not change physically, their characters can change drastically.
In the years between the rebellion--and, we see Pearl’s perspective most, but I don’t doubt that Rose was just as devastated--and Rose falling in love with Greg, Rose probably did a lot of growing up too.
And some might argue that she didn’t grow up enough, because she gave birth to Steven without giving him any way to know the dangers he might encounter because of her actions. But...that’s the point? As much as Rose may have grown, she didn’t really grow emotionally by leaps and bounds until she interacted with Greg. The gems were mostly stagnant and stayed to themselves. Even the other men Rose would occasionally hook up with would leave--which is why Pearl never saw them as a threat.
But really, what kills my heart here is that as eloquent as Rose seemed to be, she always failed to communicate when it mattered most.
She never talked to the Diamonds honestly.
She never talked about Bismuth.
She never talked about her past.
She never talked to Pearl. 
Like I said, I don’t doubt that PD thought she loved Pearl, but when that love became affection, it seems as though she never thought to talk to Pearl about that. Pearl believed herself to be PD’s most prized possession and closest friend/lover. But Pearl never got the memo that PD’s feelings had changed until Greg came along and made it obvious. How much more must that have hurt Pearl, who was there for PD for everything, to lose PD like that? Because she says it wasn’t Greg in “Both of You”; it was the fact that Rose fell in love with Greg that hurt her. She loved Rose enough to let her go, but she didn’t know she wasn’t in the running anymore.
(I’m getting to the point folks, hang in there)
Pearl singing the majority of the extended theme is so interesting to me, particularly after ASPR, because nothing in there is about her and what she wants--and the only person who could possibly understand her is Steven.
Garnet wants to exist in a world where she can be her grand, gay ol’ self (well, lesbian, but the alliteration!).
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Amethyst wants to protect earth because it’s her home, and it’s the only place that considers her perfect.
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Pearl...she just wants what Rose wants. She wants what her Diamond wants. What else can she want when she’s weighed down with Pink’s secrets and cannot speak for herself when she really, really wants to?
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The real triumph of A Single Pale Rose? It’s finally a weight that Pearl can unload from her shoulders, that will finally allow her to follow Garnet’s advice and stop living for Rose. It a weight that she knew Steven would understand, because at one point, Steven thought he needed to live up to everyone else’s expectations based on what they knew of Rose Quartz; now, Steven has realized that he’s amazing all on his own and the only expectations he needs to live up to are his own (oh man, but that’s a whole other hour long post).
Pearl’s made progress since way before ASPR (remember when she punched Peridot??), but Pearl could never get over her feelings for Rose because Pearl based her entire identity on Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (”It’s Over, Isn’t It?”)
Remember how snobby she’d get around Greg about how much more she knew regarding Rose than Greg? 
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Because Rose’s confidence in Pearl was a symbol of love in Pearl’s eyes. But then, Pearl grew up and understood that Rose was complicated and imperfect; Rose may have loved Pearl, but not the way Pearl loved Rose and not in any way that Pearl needed.
And that’s why we see Pearl try so hard to say something to Steven in the episodes leading up to ASPR; that’s why Pearl is so damn clever, cleverer than even her conscious self, that she figured out a way to tell Steven without breaking her Diamond’s command.
Pearl’s figured out that she and Rose were young and made many mistakes; she figured out that Rose made a mistake in keeping Steven in the dark about her real identity; that’s why Pearl had Steven go in her pearl to find the truth.
Steven already figured out what Pearl had been steadily learning, after all, and she knew Steven was mature enough to understand.
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Now Pearl’s got to find her own reason to live on earth and A Single Pale Rose was just the culmination of many things--Rose’s real identity, Pearl’s role in the whole debacle, the reason why the gems were all destroyed so viciously, etc.
And what I love most about Pearl is that, even within the confines of forced silence, Pearl found her voice. Pearl decided that the truth needed to come out one way or another, despite her Diamond’s orders.
I don’t know if they’ll create a new, expanded version of the theme song, but if they do, Pearl better up in there singing about how she’s so fucking renegade, she even disobeyed the master that set her free.
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Hell yeah, you have.
Now let’s work on that Jasper redemption arc.
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clerichs-xi · 1 year
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my son mikhail heliotrope who loves @sprouthaven's boy gabriel <33 we mades them togethers
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