#hes my little guy my babygirl my barkchewing nightmare goblin man
snurtle · 4 months
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Felassan enasalin!
A tribute to my best boy Felassan; he's not gone in my heart, just wandering the Fade somewhere. ; ; Featuring my attempt at Elvhen writing! The sidebar says "Felassan enasalin" -- the other bit is just my signature transliterated. I might or might not make a guide at some point in case other people want to use written Elvhen, who knows.
The Elvhen writing in this is a cipher based on the carvings we see in game + the scrap from Last Flight, stylized with flourishes. Any similarities to real languages are coincidental and unintended! The pose is from a portrait of Henry Woodward by Violet Oakley (1921).
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