#hes so sillyf
carriecorzetti · 1 year
i drew the silly again :-] (gift for @mr-smilesss)
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get goopy get glucky /ref
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sammylovesbendy · 7 months
I’ve started playing batim recently and decided to search on tumblr for related things, and I found your blog! I never had a chance to find these kind of character-centric things in the past, so it’s lovely and cozy to see one ^ ^. Sillyfication is a horror fandom’s greatest attribute
Anyways, as a gift, here are some draw-overs (paint-overs?) of the chapter 2 cutscenes with your Sammy! These were really fun! (Alts are in the pictures)
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dangopango00 · 8 months
Legato x gn!reader sillyfic
Context: College Band AU (ty ari); Ur his fave artist and he doesn’t even know it. Also prompt is “Difference”
A/N: i wrote this a long ass time ago but i wasnt go nna post it buttt legato needs more content so here i am. Ik dropping random au out of nowhere is wicked but sorry lol
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They were different, no doubt about that. They could never be the same. The way they smiled and excitedly greeted him, the way they would pull their hair at the difficult work given to them, the way that they quickly drew their hand back after nearly ruffling his own hair—
“We could never be similar.”
This is what Legato thought whenever they sat across from him munching away at the cheese and crackers he received yet didn’t want. This is what he thought whenever they whined and complained about any minor inconvenience. This is what he thought…but. Even if they could never be the same was it really so wrong that he still wanted them around? Opposites attract after all. Was it really so wrong to be just a bit selfish with their time? He couldn’t care less either way— whether it was wrong or right. Though he still couldn’t rid himself of the annoying persistent thought.
“What are ya thinking about? You look so serious. Did you want some cheese and crackers after all?” They spoke peering over at him.
All he could do in response is scoff, “As if.”
They chuckled a bit at his hasty response and moved to be by his side, looking over his shoulder and just barely resisting the urge to lean on him as he sat on his bed, “What are u listening to?” They peered curiously at his phone which he was covering with his frame.
“You, unfortunately.” He said.
They only laughed at his rude response, “OK that was a little funny but forreal what are you listening to?”
He only moved his phone slightly to reveal the song currently playing at an evidently low volume through his headphones.
They grimaced at the mere sight of the art they clearly recognized, “LUV? No way I didn’t think you’d be the type to…” they trailed off.
Because of their reaction he got defensive, “The type to what?” He asked, already annoyed.
“Nothing nothingggg don’t worry about itttt. I just meant I didn’t think we’d have the same taste I love this artist they’re soooo good” They stroked their own ego.
He only huffed in response not really knowing if he should believe them or not. “Name a song.”
“Name a song from this artist”
They let out a cocky laugh. How dare he ask THEM to name one of THEIR own songs??? The AUDACITY. “Euphemistic. You name one now”
To their utter shock, he started to. Name off every song in their discography. They would be flattered if he wasn’t doing this to one up them????
Then he goes, “How many of those do you know?” THE SHEER FUCKING AUDACITY. Suddenly they didn’t want to lean on him any longer, “Im going to bed. Bye” they said as if they were going home but the two were roommates. They walked to the other side of the room and turned over in the small creaky bed to avoid having to look at the man a second longer. He smiled a bit. They really wouldn’t ever be the same.
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ch0cocrave · 17 days
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c2-eh · 2 years
this only exists because of nic and chubbs and because of what they said in the server couple weeks ago... so i would like to thank them, because i love them a lot and this was nice to do, considering i still have writers block... also this has been done for quite some time, but i was scared to post it lol. it's probably the biggest bs i've ever written without any plot
charlos; ficlet. basically sillyfic. 900 words. T. enjoy <3
Charles adjusted the helmet on his head better, so it wouldn’t dig into his skull. It was his racing helmet he usually used on race weeks, unless he had a special one. They didn’t really have a time to think of something different and significant for this situation, as they wanted to be up to date and answer to the irrelevant and stupid tweets as soon as possible.
„Are you ready? Try to hold the camera up, so you’re fully visible at first and then I will take it away from you,“ Silvia said and lifted Charles‘ arm higher. He has to film himself with back camera, so it’s more convenient for Silvia to take the phone afterwards, which is impractical and stupid. Charles was grumbling because of it for whole 10 minutes and Carlos had to kiss him to stop.
„Copy,“ Charles‘ voice is muffled under the red-white helmet and his voice sounds way too jittery.
Carlos can tell he’s nervous. His visor is still up, so Carlos is able to see his bright eyes moving hastily from phone he’s holding, to the floor and then back up to him.
Carlos smiles at him, just a small twitch of his lips.
He is amused by the whole situation and he wasn’t expecting to lay cards on the table about his relationship like that, but one should never underestimate Ferrari social management‘s unhingedness.
The comments on social medias – mostly Twitter, to be honest – are bit too much lately and PR management decided to take things into their own hands. No one knows how it’s gonna play out, but they are willing to take risks. If not on the track, then at least in the PR area.
„Don’t be so nervous,“ Carlos comes closer to Charles.
With the helmet on, he appears taller, than he really is. Carlos puts his hands on his shoulders, smile present on his face as he looks into Charles‘ eyes. The shadow makes them darker than they really are, but Carlos knows those eyes incredibly well. He could wake up in the middle of the night and recite the essays about the deep green-blue eyes, with central heterochromia, that makes them so beautiful and caledioscope like.
„I’m not,“ Charles lies.
Carlos chuckles and stands on his tippy toes to kiss the top of Charles‘ helmet. Charles‘ arm, that was still stretched out in front of him, fell on Carlos‘ shoulder as he did so.
„If you say so,“ he replies and moves away, to let him finally shoot the video.
Silvia corrects his hand once again with a sigh, presses play from the other side and steps away, but only by millimeters, „hello, Ferrari admin here. I think it’s finally time to reveal my identity. It’s been too long since I’ve been undercover and I am sure, every single tifosi is curious, who is the person behind all this.“
It’s clearly noticable who the voice belongs to, but it’s not like this video is supposed to be serious. Not in the slightest.
Charles is not even the admin, because how could he be? He barely manages his own social medias.
It takes all of Carlos‘ willpower not to laugh, when Charles struggles to pass the phone to Silvia. The camera is shaky and it takes a moment for Silvia to right the angle. This is their 5th attempt and Carlos wants to be done with it, even though his job is to do nothing, only to show his face at the end. Basically, he is willingly looking at his boyfriend making weirdo out of himself.
They are answering to the hate comment, made by someone who claims to be a fan, where they claim that even if Ferrari admin posts Carlos, they “won’t fuck him“. Or her. They don’t really know the gender of the admin.
Charles takes the helmet off his head, his ringed fingers already screaming who it is. If his characteristic voice wasn’t enough. His hair are messy from the movement and his cheeks are red from the helmet pressing to them.
Bright smile is occuyping his face as he says, „and to react to your tweet. Actually, he is,“ Charles smiles and blows the kiss to the camera. He motions for Carlos to step closer to him and Carlos does.
Silvia is looking at them fondly, while holding the phone in front of her face, capturing the moment. Charles smiles at Carlos and then stucks out his cheek for Carlos to kiss. He leans closer and plants the kiss there, with a smacking sound, because Carlos doesn’t really know how to be serious in front of cameras.
Charles face is split with the biggest smile and he turns his head to catch Carlos‘ lips in his own. At first he gives him a light peck, which makes Carlos smile widely against his lips.
They can hear a click of the iphone camera, meaning Silvia ended the video.
„We’re done. It’s gonna be up in an hour. Deal with people you want to know about this in advance,“ she says and leaves the room, with other people at her tail.
„That went well,“ Carlos puts his arms around Charles‘ waist, bringing him closer.
„Yeah,“ Charles giggles and walks him back to the red couch in the corner of the room, little further away from them, „now, are we gonna do what the comment said?“
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Drawings of the further sillyfication of Fleam and Instar by me and my friend Jouta
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Pov Fleam is about to maul you with a broken car stick shift
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Jouta came up with a hc about how splithead (aka in our silly hc world as Mulns) horns that that's where the eyes are located. Two in the front area, one on each side of the head, and one on each tip of the horns on the back. Due to the fungal infection on his horns, only one of Fleam's eyes work and it's one of the back ones. Because of this he's learned to walk backwards so he can at least kinda see where he's going.
And well as for Instar? He's mostly just a wizard shit lord
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If people are interested in our hcs they should tell me in the rbs or comments
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ohyangchon · 4 years
I love Keqing and Zhongli so I just mashed them up into sillyfic 
In which Keqing geeks out on a “con” with Rex Lapis merch, dragging Zhongli with her cuz he obviously is a superfan too 
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