kyokyo866 · 6 months
Hey, sorry, this is a really random ask, but I was a big fan of your youtube channel a few years ago, and I recently remembered your Hetarella game from back then. I absolutely loved that game and how you portrayed Romano! You did the story so much justice, but this is where the ask comes is because- I don't know if you or Lubo answered this in the past but- I'm dying to know who would've been Prince Charming to Romano's Cinderella? Sorry again for the random ask, but thus is going to haunt me if I don't know. I also just wanted to thank you for making so much of my childhood! I still come back to watch my favorite let's plays and your newest videos every so often! <3
Awwh thank ya! It was going to be Gilbert that was going to be the royal Lovino fell for! Also thats real sweet of ya!
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helltalia-inc · 3 years
So, as I expected I know mainly old Hetagames (around 2012-2015) but I found some new one in my search too! A large part of these games have for contributor Kyokoon64 so you will see her a lot in these and all of the links are deviantart links. I didn't verify if all the links to the games works. (I'm not sure I can put links in the askbox but I will try!)
Anyway, there's a TON of hetagame, I couldn't put everything in there. So half of them are Hetagames I know or heard about, some are random I found from creators I appreciate!
Dreamtalia : https://www.deviantart.com/kyokyo866/art/Dreamtalia-v5-3-Full-Game-607028552
HetaSparkle :
Diamantalia (chapter 1 only) : https://www.deviantart.com/kyokyo866/art/Diamantalia-v2-0-Chapter-1-553010389
Lachrymose :
(Hetagame) Cauchemar :
Project Hetaloid :
"Two Young Men Venture Into The Forest And Have A Surprising Experience" :
House of winter :
First Date [Hetalia GerIta Game]
Hetarella :
Heta something :
England’s dissapearance :
Tamago no tankyuu :
Hetafear :
Heta hospital : https://www.deviantart.com/atomic-crayon/art/HetaHospital-Ch1-455391186
While England’s away :
Dangantalia :
Shambles :
Twotalia :
Judge Jury and Executioner (Chapter 1) :
48h :
Snowfall :
The hetalia experiment :
Corpsetalia :
Escape from Siberia :
Licantropo :
Heta X : The end of the world
Hetalia floral orchestra :
Hetalia : World of analogue :
Hetaorigin : Redraw the world :
Wow!!!! This is an amazing list of Hetagames! Thank you so much @chibiclem ! ❤️ I will link this as it is, since you had so much work putting this all together 😊
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birbcake · 5 years
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Hetarella~! I played this hetagame demo again some days ago!!
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kielisjustfine · 5 years
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theotaku18 · 6 years
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Hetarella: Arrival at the ball.
Fan art for Kyo and Dig’s game Hetarella. I really wanted to draw my interpretation of Lovino’s dress. Mine is primarily based on the dress on the sprite. I actually like how the dress turned out!  AND I LOVE THIS GAME!!
….background makes me want to die inside thought.XP
I hope you like it! 
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nekotato · 9 years
Yao wang turned into a beautiful princess thanks to Alfred Fairy Jones to see the Handsome Prince Ivan Braginski
Sadly ivan already had so many princesses on the ball. Yaos biggest enemy was Eduard who shined as bright as Ivans Pipe
And Yao didnt have much time because Alfred said that the magic only lastet till midnight
But Yao managed to bitchfight against Eduard and the caterpillar princess Arthur and won Ivans Heart
But then while they danced so beautiful the clock gonged to midnight and Yao ran away but Ivan ran after Yao but couldnt catch him only the glass shoe remained because yao tripped on the stairs and there was blood everywhere
But Yao managed to get away but had to walk home because Alfred was at McFairy
Then her Evil Stepmother Kiku and Stepsisters Chao and Lien locked her up in a room because they felt like it
Meanwhile ivan searched for his princess in the whole town and would beat up everyone who lied
When He reached yaos house the two sisters Chao and lien lied and said they both were the princess and then they tried to fit into the shoe
But sadly both were too fat to fit in there so he beat them up with his magical pipe of pain and Yao heard him and used her tai Qui and destroyed the door
Then Yao ran down and screamed some Chinese shit and beat up Kiku and then Yao saw Ivan and was like im ur princess and the shoe fit and they got married
The end
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kyokyo866 · 2 years
Kyo, I don’t know if someone’s asked this before and if they have feel free to ignore this, but are you and Dig ever going to play the rest of Hetarella?
i mean, i'd have to finish making it first and im completely solo on coding and the script and ive had a hard time with the script. also all the previous artists are gone so... not to mention i can only do one game at a time since i am but a solo dog
so... i would like to but i cant guarantee since solo projects be hard
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
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Art Stream: All of the cute + Future stuff
So I had an art stream yesterday outta the blue and despite going into it without much plans we got some good mateiral out of it.. More info down below!
So as a warmup sketch, I finished Meryl and August and during the lets play this happened. I dont know why I thought it was that funny but it was. Next I drew @bringmemisery since she hasnt been really feeling well lately so blam! Doodle for her!
I finally got around to making a ‘meet the mun’ picture people have been asking for so, here we go! Short, sweet and to the point.
Next up, me and Lubo have been talking about ‘Innocent World’ where the concept is World and Vanya get together during chapter zero and it’s actually really cute. Vanya basically has to teach him everything about intimacy since World doesn’t know human ways and maaan world loves it a lot. the second picture is, well, reve almost murdered World by locking him in his cabin and lighting it on fire. Luckily in this ending he got out, burned and with a broken arm but he lived. Vanyas both relieved and worried so much.
After that i got asked if i ever drew on dark backgrounds, so I decided to. I drew a chamomile, but the question is, whose blood is it? .. Well it depends on which ending you get.
Next is sorta a joke we had of those ‘lemme smash’ videos, but with Vanya as Ron tryin to hook up with Mundi in the past. There’s so many variations and I love them all.
THIS ONE WAS A REQUEST that I turned into a meme. For those who know me I like to use this meme a lot, so when i got a request to draw jellbean the very weird wolf, I just had to
Got another request of Ada  @cascadiandreams and Mundi  @fakeashenwings to be hanging out together. When i asked what kinda things she liked to do, she apparently likes to put boots on dogs so, poor mutes gonna get that treatment.
But in another try at it to be more serious, I had Mundi and Ada having a lil tea party, though if she doesn’t like tea he’d probably be serving hot chocolate instead. Little sandwiches and cookies to go with it too, and a new dress he sewed just for her. Tea time with Grandma, yaaay.
Last one here we got  is the new title screen for Hetarella. I really wanna try to at least finish this one this year, and I want to do the art myself! I’m gonna be kinda nervous since it’s not too professional but, I wanna do my best!! That and it’s cheaper. I’m kinda really proud how it turned out.
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kyokyo866 · 6 years
Hey hows Dreamtalia 2 going? Do you have the plot planned, like, by bits? Is it going to be the last Dreamtalia? Will it be like open ending (like "use ur imagination for what happened after the end")? I can't honestly wait, I enjoyed the first one soooo soooo SOOOOOOO much, it took my soul. It feels kinda nostalgic like "hey, this year, this awesome thing by two people started and now, it's full version in full awesomeness". I love it so much, all the love and support to you, even irl!
oh lord dreamtalia 2 its.. .well its kinda halted at the moment so i can try to finish other shorter games (like house of winter and hetarella specifically) Though the fully detailed plot iiiis not done. I know the sheer bare bones basics of what happens but not enough to fully fledge  out all the new characters and all the quests. Lubos gonna help me with that part, but we’re more concentrated on other stuff atm.
Open ending? Yea kinda, like u have a basic understanding of the ending but you can come up with how that goes (depending on which ending you get, theres two main ones in the end)
and hnnngghh im so glad you enjoyed it so much, like honestly it still swells my heart to know people enjoyed it so much especially after all the blood sweat and tears that went into it. Im sorry the sequels probably gonna take FOREVER (especially with ya know, me being on my own for it financially wise like last time) but its still a great thing
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kyokyo866 · 6 years
I just finished watching your hetarella demo and I'm so excited for the rest of the game to come out! Your games are my favorite things on YouTube tbh 💕
aaaaaa thank you
its nice to hear kind words about it, especially since i think it might have turned out a flop ;;; oh well, can’t make a winner every time
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kyokyo866 · 6 years
I just realized February is almost here so that means we'll be seeing more Diamantalia soon! YAY!
Actually instead of a diamantalia update, this feb we’re getting a hetarella demo
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
about how much money and time does it cost to make something like Dreamtalia or Diamantalia? An estimate would be nice because I plan on setting aside funds and time to make my own hetagame this summer
It really depends. Hetarella I’m making all of the sprites, art, coding and so on by myself so I didnt pay anything but it’s 2-3 years old and still not done. Diamantalia as a while cost around 400 for the art because it was comissioned and a year and a half to code.
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
which of your games do you have the most fun working on? which is the most stressful? c:
Honestly like House of Winter I think is the funnest to work on. I have so much creative freedom and I get to experiment with new coding for puzzles and how to make a chilling horror atmosphere. Its do fun!! I LOVE coding puzzles I just wish I had more chances to.
Most stressful? Mmmm that’s tough. I think of the projects I’m currently working on I think Hetarella. Mainly because while it’s the simplest what with being basically a visual novel, its also hard to get the right muse and get the story to turn out how I like. It’s frustrating ;;;;
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
Are you gonna show Shiro Yuki Japan again? He looks so amazing! I want to steal him! X3
Dont steal him please that would be quite bad on many level
we cant start it until we finish hetarella but i have so much stuff for it all ready inspiration wise and some scene ideas and which snow white we’re going to be basing it from and aaaa its wonderful hhngngh yay
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kyokyo866 · 8 years
Hey Kyo when are you planning to work on House of Winter/Let Snow again? I'm just curious.
Probably not for a while. Not because disinterested oh no, I’m more than excited to work on it again, it’s mostly just I have other projects I need to concentrate on.
Diamantalia’s first, we had a planned Chapter 1 update for Christmas, and I plan to keep it! We have looots of time. We mostly need to add music, add art and battlers, possibly add NPCs, a-cha-cha so much to do. But they sound easy enough. With help from Lubo we should be able to manage 
After that is Hetarella. Y’all dont really know it because I’ve kept it under wraps so much, but Hetarella’s actually 2/3′s completed. well, somewhere between 2/3-¾. Coding wise I mean, I still need to figure out art stuff. I dont know who the artist will be yet. It is a mystery. BUT because we’ve put that off so much (Its turning 2 since production happened, rip) we really want to finish it and get it out there cuz maaan its been so long and we keep hyping it up. There’s gonna be no demo for it, only full game. yaaaas
By the time that’s done, or somewhere around there we need to focus on the Dreamtalia v.4 update, which will include chapters 17-26 cuz it always updates in March. We get TWO kingdoms this time! eeeee excitement! AND ONE OF MY FAVORITE REVE SCENES EEE EXCITEMENT
AND THEN, AND ONLY THEN will I get back to proper work on House of Winter/Let Snow. Because the bigger projects come first. Though trust me, Let Snow is surprisingly easy to code on, especially since its not fighting based but instead, puzzles and diolouge. yaaay
Sooo, after next march? Sounds about right
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