#hey best friend let’s see those incredibly sharp molars
doctorsiren · 9 months
Overprotective Batman (Edgy)
Vs. Joker who kidnapped Robin(s) for attention and was never actually gonna hurt them
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vanilla107 · 6 years
Smoke and Bullets (Part 2)
Hey everyone! Thank you for everyone who commented and gave kudo's on my first chapter for this fanfic! Please remember to go check out @littleresalu art on Tumblr! It was her drawing that inspired it!
Just a super quick note, I am trying to make it 1920's 'Roaring 20's' historically accurate but honestly, it's driving me a little insane with all the constant research. I don't mind it, but having to check if a syringe was invented before 1920 will make you want to die after researching what women wore in that time period. I will instead use my creative license and bend the rules with regards to clothing and inventions to my will. It won't be huge hectic changes, I just want the girls to wear more lace and look more badass (sorry 1920's but those day dresses were not flattering the image of Catra and Adora).
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Stay healthy! vanilla107 xoxo
Read on AO3
Part 1
She Ra Masterlist
It was a grey day in New Brightmoon and Adora and Catra walked to the bank, their arms linked together. Catra could feel the stares from onlookers and she didn’t hesitate to shoot a glare and they turned their heads the opposite direction.
“Catra, remember what we talked about,” Adora murmured and Catra buried her head into the taller girls neck.
“I know, I just....hate the stares sometimes. It’s like we’re always being judged,” Catra hissed. “Just because we’re female and together doesn’t make us any different from other people.”
“I know it’s frustrating but don’t worry, once word gets out that The Sinners are officially done, people won’t be staring because they’re judging, but because we are meant to be feared,” Adora said as she squeezed the brunette’s shoulder comfortingly.
Catra grinned and the bank building appeared around the corner. They walked into the building and walked straight to the secretary.
“Mr. Francis is expecting us. Adora and Catra,” Adora said and the secretary nodded and pointed them to the banker’s door. Before they could knock, the door opened to reveal the smiling face of the old man.
“Catra and Adora, come in,” he said warmly and Catra gave him one of her rare smiles.
Mr. Francis had been one of the main reasons Adora survived when she was let out of the orphanage. He guided her with what to do with her new found wealth as well as became a sort of father figure to her. Catra respected him for keeping her girlfriend steady while she was still in the orphanage.
The two girls embraced and Catra felt her body scream in happiness.
It had been nine long painful months but she was finally free of the orphanage and a legal adult. And she was finally with Adora, in her arms, where she was supposed to be.
Adora smelt of expensive perfume, a blend of flowers and vanilla, and there was a stark contrast to the softness of Adora’s skin to the calluses on Catra’s. The soft fabric of Adora’s day dress to the hard scratchy fabric of Catra’s threadbare shirt and pants was a sight but the feeling of euphoria was real between the two girls either way. Catra immediately noticed the old man, not standing far from them.
“Who’s he?” she hissed, her ears high on alert.
“Calm down, that’s Mr. Francis. He’s the banker who told me about my parents. He...he’s a good guy.”
Catra was not convinced and she walked up to him, her expression stone cold. Adora fidgeted nervously as she watched them from a distance.
“You must be Catra. Adora has told me much about you,” he said with a smile and she narrowed her eyes.
“How am I supposed to believe that you have Adora’s best interest at heart. You could be lying,” she said menacingly and he nodded.
“All reasonable worries but I assure you Miss Catra, that I only want the best for her. Besides being the family banker, I was good friends with Adora’s parents. It was a tragedy to see the family fall apart and...I could’ve adopted her but...I was scared.”
“Scared?” Catra repeated softly as she looked over to the blonde who was talking to a flower seller.
“I wasn’t sure if the gang would be after Adora next and I...I didn’t want to be targeted. I decided that I would watch her from afar and put her in a safe orphanage. Why do you think I put her in this tiny one right across town?”
Catra nodded slowly and looked at the man once more. She would need some time to adjust to him but she did feel like he meant no harm. His smile grew when she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around. Adora had bought a small bundle of flowers and handed them to Catra.
“For you,” she blushed and Catra accepted them, her expression softening.
If he really had taken care of Adora these past nine months then maybe he wasn't such a bad guy...
“Okay, Mr. Francis. I’ll be keeping an eye on you but...I think we’re going to be just fine,” Catra said and gave him a small smile.
“I know it will take time, but Adora has told me many stories about you. Let’s go back to the apartment and discuss what shall be done next.”
“Oh, but can’t we stop at the clothing store? Catra’s going to need some new clothes,” Adora said as they walked down the cobbled road.
“Adora, I’m fine. I just need to get a job at a factory somewhere and then I’ll be making money-”
“What?” Adora exclaimed loudly and the three of them stopped.
“What do you mean what?” Catra asked and Adora looked at her puzzled.
“Catra, you are living with me. There’s no way I’m going to let you work in a dangerous factory!”
Catra was happy and shocked all at once.
Adora wants me to live with her? She’s loaded after all so it wouldn’t be a problem…
But she was stubborn and a part of her liked being independent. She didn’t necessarily want to depend on Adora for the rest of her life.
“Adora, that’s sweet but...I can’t depend on you constantly. I need to play my part too, even though you are...incredibly wealthy now.”
“Who said that you would depend on me? I want you to live with me because there’s enough room for the both of us. I also...I also have an...opportunity for you and it’s risky but...I’d like you to hear me out. Can we talk about it at home though?” Adora’s tone had shifted from sweet to something more serious and it sent chills down Catra’s spine.
“Okay...but first food! I’m starving!”
“And then the clothing shop and shoe shop!”
Mr. Francis watched the two girls walk ahead and he sighed. Adora's plan seemed reckless and far-fetched but he knew he couldn't stop her.
“Adora...I hope you know what you’re doing. If this girl really is as loyal as you say she is...will she take a bullet for you?”
The three of them settled down in Mr. Francis' office and he shuffled some documents around to make his space neater.
“Okay, so I’m assuming you want to deposit some money?” he said as he sat down at his desk and they nodded.
“How much?”
Adora hid a smile as she handed him the briefcase and he opened it. His jaw dropped and he stared at them.
“Do I want to know which gang this came from?” he asked and they shook their heads as he counted the stacks of money.
Mr. Francis, how do you sleep at night knowing that this money could be tainted with blood? Catra thought.
“Like a baby, Catra.”
Her eyes widened as he smiled and Adora tried to stifle a giggle.
“I know that this money hasn’t come from the most...legal of situations but...I know you girls aren’t bad people. You’re not necessarily killing people for no good reason and even though God might judge me a differently when I die...I’ve lived a good life.”
Catra smiled as he closed the suitcase.
“I’ll put this in the vault. As usual, you are allowed to access it whenever you want.”
He wrote a few things in his finances book and smiled.
“I look forward to seeing you next time girls.”
The two walked out the bank, now millionaires and Adora sighed as she checked her watch.
“We still have a few more hours till the final interrogation. Let’s go to the office and get feedback from Bow and the others,” said Adora and the two walked away. Mr. Francis looked at the couple through the window and he smiled.
"I'm happy you're happy Adora. I hope that today is the day you finally get closure."
The crack of skin against skin was sharp and Bow winced. Glimmer was sure she was never going to get used to seeing people get tortured as she closed her eyes. It was early evening and after torturing the Sinner’s men for the past hour, it was getting tiring.
Adora gritted her teeth as she grabbed a fistful of creased white shirt and yanked Danny forward. She groaned inwardly as some of his blood flew onto her pristine white shirt and black suit. She had just gotten the bloodstains out of them last week now they had to be cleaned.
She shook her head and tried to focus on the matter at hand and got a good look at Danny.
It was a shame.
Danny was attractive enough to possibly find a good job and settle down one day but he unfortunately ended up with The Sinners.
“Where were you the night of my parents murder?” she hissed but he refused to talk.
“Catra, the pliers,” she growled and Catra grinned maliciously as she placed the object into Adora’s hand.
The blonde, who was getting incredibly frustrated, forced his mouth open and jammed the tool into his mouth. She gripped onto a molar and pulled. The man screamed in agony as she ripped out the tooth. She gave him an icy glare.
“There’s still a good mouthful of teeth, Danny. Talk if you still want to be able to chew your goddamn food by the end of tonight.”
Catra watched while she leaned against the mahogany desk, her suit the colour of the blood dripping out of Danny’s mouth. Her amber and blue eyes switched back and forth between Danny and her girlfriend. Adora’s mood change from being her lover to the stone cold crime boss she was never ceased to surprise and frighten her.
The Adora she knew was soft and gentle, like her kisses, smelt like vanilla and her voice filled with loving words only meant for her.
The Adora the gang knew was stone cold steel and if you pissed her off, God help you. Word on the street was that she smelt of the blood of her enemies, had sandpaper skin and her words could tear a human apart.
Catra still wondered how Adora could inflict such pain on a person but...this was involving her parents. The parents who had been ripped away from her when she was a child. She could’ve had a good life. Catra watched as Adora yanked another tooth out of Danny’s mouth, his screaming hurting her sensitive ears.
“Stop! Stop! Please! I’ll talk!” he said, his words partly slurred because of his bloody mouth and his swollen cheek from the punch the brunette had gotten in earlier.
“I’m listening,” Adora said as she relaxed and threw the pliers behind her and Catra caught it with ease and wiped the blood off of it.
“I wasn’t exactly there on the night! I was on look out! I didn’t get told a lot of information, see? I was still a lackey, learnin’ the ropes! But Mista Jaw said we needed to kill your parents. That’s all I know!”
Adora sighed and she walked around the room, slowly. Catra knew he was a dead man already but she watched the scene unravel.
“Do you have a family, Danny? Wife? Husband? kids?” Adora asked slowly and he shook his head.
“No...I...I don’t.” “Do you know what it’s like to lose someone?” she whispered and Catra could feel the room get smaller.
“Yeah, my best friend Glen was killed last year.”
Catra tried not to laugh. She had killed Glen last year. She had caught him stealing from their cargo ships. There was only one way to make sure he never did it again and that meant a bullet to the head.
“Well Danny, I’m afraid this is the end of the line. You were there on the night of my parents murder and you chose to let them die.”
Danny was sobbing.
“No, please! I was weak then and afraid! I’ll be your double agent! I could get inside info from Mista Jaws himself! I’ll give you anything you want!”
Adora sighed as she took out her gun and aimed it at his chest.
“Danny, you’re a well known snake. I always do my research and I know for a fact that the Sinners aren’t you’re first gang. You’ve ratted out other gangs before in favour for your own life. What gives you any idea that I would ever put my own gang at risk, hmmm?”
The click of the trigger made Danny cry harder.
There was a bang and Danny’s body jerked back, before his head lolled forward.
Silence echoed the room before Adora straightened up and placed the gun on her desk.
“Chris, dispose of his body. Freckles, find a mop to clean up the blood. Janny, bring up Mister Jaws from the basement. It’s his turn,” Adora said darkly and the three ran off, leaving only her, Glimmer, Bow and Catra in the room.
“Bow...take Glimmer outside. I think she needs some air,” Adora said softly, traces of the kind and sweet Adora coming back.
Bow nodded and escorted the girl out the door and the door closed with a click. Adora sat down on her comfy leather chair and Catra sat on her lap, her mouth gently brushing Adora’s temple.
“That took too long,” Adora mumbled as she gently rubbed Catra’s bruising knuckles and the feline snorted.
“Well, hopefully, Mister Jaws will have the information you need.”
“That bastard better. I just want this to end.”
“Well...what are we supposed to do after this? I mean all of our stakeouts, blackmailing, practically having the whole of New Brightmoon in out hands...what happens once Mister Jaws is done for?” Catra asked.
Truthfully, Catra had never thought of the future. She was always living in the moment, whether it was taking down other rival gangs, practicing her aim, in the boxing ring downstairs with Bow or just being with Adora. Her life had been secured around Adora’s after she had left the orphanage and she was fine with it. Adora was the reason she lived in a nice house, got to eat everyday as well as find out who had murdered her love’s parents. She had made a promise to Adora and she was going to keep it.
“Well, we continue to rule with an iron fist. We can’t back down now once we’ve crushed The Sinners. We'll still have rival gangs and go on like we used to. We’ll still have our supply lines and as long as there are customers buying...we aren’t going out of business anytime soon.”
“So, nothing will change dramatically?”
“I just...had a few ideas on how we could celebrate tonight…” Catra said seductively as she ran a hand down Adora’s cheek.
“Oh? Like what?” Adora whispered, her eyes flickering to Catra's lips.
“Let me give you a hint.”
Catra kissed Adora softly, her hands gripping onto Adora’s black suit. Adora pulled away hesitantly.
“No...not here. We need to set an example.”
Catra rolled her eyes.
“You are aware that the whole gang knows that we’re together? And y'know, for someone who regularly kills people, you are such a goody goody two-shoes!”
“Still, we need to be professional, sweetheart.”
Catra grumbled and Adora quickly kissed her again.
“Once this is all done-”
There was a knock on the door and Catra sighed as she got off of Adora’s lap and stood up straight.
Adora squeezed her hand before she said, “Come in!”
In walked Mister Jaws, bloody and bruised, with three of their lackeys dragging him through the door. Freckles walked in after, quickly mopping up the blood and exiting the room. Bow walked back in, Glimmer looking a whole lot better. The lackey’s seated Mister Jaws down on the chair and secured his arms and legs to it before standing on one side of the room.
“So, Mister Jaws if you are co-operative you might just leave here all in one piece...what can you tell me about the night of my parents murder?” Adora said she picked up a knife from one of her drawers and got off her chair and walked to stand right in front of him.
He laughed, even though Catra could see it must've hurt his jaw.
“This is what this is all about? Your stupid parents?”
There was a whisper of the lackey's all inhaling sharply. Adora looked at him and she smiled, it was unnerving.
Before Catra could do anything, Adora has pounced forward and cut off his thumb of his right hand. He howled in pain and Adora had fire in her eyes.
“Yes, it’s about them. Now are you going to tell me about the night you murdered them or not?” Mister Jaws was still whimpering in pain and Adora cut off his pinkie finger in response.
“Yes or no, Jaws?” she hissed as he screamed again.
Catra had never seen Adora so angry. She didn’t blame her. All their sources said that he had killed her parents. It was finally time for retribution.
“Yes,” he said weakly.
Adora nodded,“Why did you murder them?”
He blinked as if the answer was difficult to get.
“Why did you murder them?” Adora repeated, her patience wearing thin. The knife hovered over his ring finger and he stumbled for words.
“I...I can’t remember okay! It happened years ago! They were rich and we stole from the mansion!”
Adora put the knife down and she began to laugh.
“A few diamonds and what...a couple thousands was worth killing my parents over? You sick, greedy man. I hope you burn in hell,” Adora snarled.
She walked over to her desk and unlocked a drawer and pulled out a wooden box. She sat down on her comfy leather chair and stared at the man as she took out a cigar from the box. Catra produced a lighter and Adora took it.
She lit the cigar and exhaled, the wisps of smoke making her look almost like a goddess in her leather chair and mahogany desk. Catra moved to stand behind her, her arms draped around the blonde, a grin on her face.
"What shall we do with him Adora?" Catra purred, her breath warm against the shell of Adora's ear. Adora inhaled once more before answering, their prisoner in front of them shaking in fear.
"Easy, kill him." Glimmer and Bow were quiet as they watched Adora smoke the cigar down.
“Hey, you three. You can leave. It’s going to get a little violent in here,” Catra said and the three scurried out, looking relieved.
Catra had no doubt that they were going to tell the rest of the gang downstairs. Adora finished her cigar and reached into the box once more. Bow thought she was going to get another cigar but she took out a syringe filled with clear liquid instead.
“This is one of our dear friend’s latest invention. This type of poison is so concentrated it usually kills someone instantly.”
Mister Jaws looked smug for a minute.
“Can’t even kill me yourself?” he gloated.
Adora walked over slowly, the syringe still in her hand.
“Too bad that this isn’t concentrated. You’ll die a long painful death with one drop of this in your bloodstream. I asked my dear friend to make a special batch for you. You should still be alive for the the next few hours though, withering in pain,” Adora said as she drank in the fear flickering in his eyes.
“No, you’ll regret this Adora! I swear my men will come after you-!”
“Oh you mean the men we all killed? Last night there was a raid on Dock 79. Oh wow, the colour just...drained your face. I struck a nerve didn’t I?” Adora smirked.
“You bitch-!” he screamed.
“You’re done for, Jaws. Enjoy hell,” she said coldly, as she plunged the needle into his artery and pressed down the plunger.
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