#hey what if i changed my major and my career path so i didn't have to write ever again. so scared
dykeofmisfortune · 11 months
how to open scary thing on computer
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cryptidfuckery · 5 months
Hey so you don’t have to reply to this but I’ve been having a career crisis lately and considering other vocational paths. One of these careers just so happens to be hair. I was wondering if you could tell me what made you want to become a hairdresser?
Ohhh this might get long but
First things first my mom is a hairdresser. Me becoming one wasn't a case of "I'm going to take over my mom's business" because she's been a sole proprietor booth renter for probably over 30 years now. She doesn't run a salon with other people under her, it's just her and her clients. If I worked under her I would have just been taking money our of her pocket.
But my mom being a hairdresser definitely influenced me! Getting to watch her work and own her own business my whole life helped me understand exactly what to expect out of the industry, and what I would have to do to be successful.
But me actually deciding to become a hairdresser started with me being absolutely miserable in my third semester of college. I loved studying sociology, but school and I don't mix well. I also realized that while I loved what I was studying, I didn't have any real interest in the professions usually associated with what I was majoring in. (Didn't want to do any kind of counseling, hate math so no stats work, research was the most enticing but too close to how school works and I Know would have been Miserable ultimately)
So one day being absolutely miserable and stressed around finals I sat myself down and forced myself to think about what the next 5-10 years would look like. I realized that if I stayed in college it would be to finish, find a job in my degree, then eventually when I have the time and money again I'd go to cosmetology school. (At the time I thought I was going to be a makeup artist. Holy shit fuck that noise. Not for me.)
And it just kind of clicked for me. Why am I spending all this money on a degree i (while I loved) did not really want? Especially when I could finish cosmetology school in under a year with less money than 2 semesters of college would be? Especially since you can start making money directly out of cosmetology school and continuously build after that as you gain more clients.
My final advice is this. There is a hairdresser for everyone and there are clients for every hairdresser. Genuinely the best thing you can do is be yourself and the right people will find you. And then they'll give your their friends, who like you too because you're their kind of people. And you get to choose absolutely what the fuck ever you want to specialize in. You can do exclusively color. Exclusively cuts. You can choose what style of cutting and coloring you want to learn from and you can completely switch that in the middle of your career. You can exclusively do texture treatments (perms, keratins, etc) if you're okay with so many chemicals in your body and bad smells! You can specialize in rat haircuts, which I honestly might try to do. (I have not done one yet. Someone let me do a rat haircut on them. Please. Rat haircut.) You can do everything! Also don't forget barbering!! Whole different school with different subsets and specializations, but many many cosmetologists cross over into both as well! I plan on eventually also acquiring a barbering license so I can truly be a one stop trans chop shop (mainly so I can offer my trans girlies clean shaves between electrolysis/Lazer appointments (iirc one can and cannot. I cannot be fucked to check rn)
So. Yeah. I think trades are absolutely the way to go right now in this economy. We provide services that everybody wants or needs, from hair to plumbing to carpentry to welding to auto mechanics to nail techs. There will always be a broken toilet, an oil change, a haircut needed.
Watch out for pandemics though. Woof.
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brain-rot-central · 6 months
Good morning, I'm having mushy personal thoughts
I was throwing around the idea of a possible oneshot/other long fic with Mia the other day. Like Tav/Astarion as adventurers but the events of the game never happened. They're lifelong friends and A just happens to be a vampire with a shitty backstory as to how it happened. But he's like all well adjusted to it now and uses it to his advantage etc
And then Mia suggested something like "hey you don't have to make this BG3 related, it can be actual fiction. You write really well. You don't have to box yourself into just BG3"
And I went
I guess it's my imposter syndrome acting up whenever someone says something like that but I'm still in the mindset of like "nah my writing isn't good enough to post on AO3" which is why the majority of my library is here on Tumblr. I don't feel like I belong there; AO3 is only for the really good people. Which I am not. At least to me. And I don't mean to be disrespectful of the grace and the support I've been given by this community; it's all entirely received and I feel it and I cherish it. It's just challenging to change that sort of mindset. But I'm trying.
I would probably never think to actually try writing professionally but tbh I'm at the point where thinking about doing my current career full-time until I'm like 70 makes me extremely depressed so idk I guess now would be a good time to try?
I had a thought the other day too after our discussion where I used to feel a certain kind of way in my 20s, like a whole mess of creative energy all vibrating at the same time and I would try my best to keep it locked in a box and contained and never let it slip out because why bother allowing your creative side to flourish? You didn't choose that path in life. Ignore it, it's not to your benefit. And I would get extremely sad about it and just sit there and go "idk why I'm so sad I should be happy"
And idk it made me really emotional thinking about it because that's what those feelings were. And I remember how creative I used to be in my teens and then over the course of my 20s I just shoved it further and further into a box and kept adding chain after chain over it, effectively trying to suffocate it because I didn't choose it as my career path so it has no use to me. Like literally just trying to kill off that part of me because it doesn't help with efficiency. Turning myself into a machine, essentially.
And now that I'm writing again it's like taking the chains off and allowing the box to pop open every once in a while and idk I feel really fulfilled. It's made me realize just how much of myself I've had to (or forced myself to) sacrifice over the last 10ish years and yeah. It's just nice to reconnect with this part of myself again.
I just wanna thank everyone again for their support. It means so fucking much to me.
The girl who hides in the corner because she's told herself she can't hang with the cool kids.
Thanks for lending your hands and showing me otherwise.
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sassenach082 · 6 months
i'm curious: since mav is bradley's legal guardian (permanent, I assume) does that mean he's probably on shore assignments (or top gun, i guess) for the majority of his naval career instead of what he does in the original canon (quits top gun, never goes back to teach after that first time, presumably is on deployment a lot before he gets in trouble for something and gets put in the test pilot program?) that's an interesting prospect to me since it seems similar to a lot of pre-tgm fic, where mav just... like, stayed at top gun after '86, and never left, but obvi in most of that, he didn't have a kid to take care of. i mean, things probably change a lot after bradley... maybe cuts ties in the 00s?? if the pulling papers things still happens, but with all the family support and no mention of carole ever explicitly telling mav in the beginning about not letting bradley fly, i'm also curious how that plays out too since it's also probably v canon-divergent. and also — how do u think ice's career trajectory goes? ive seen many takes on how he got to compacflt lol
Hey nonnie! Whew, buckle up, I have a lot of thoughts.
They're going to be at Top Gun for a while, but they won't be staying there. Ice will come back later on, but Mav will be doing other things. This is going to be long and rambly so if you want to read (and aren't bothered by vague spoilers) more under the cut!
With wars coming up they're going to be shifted around back to active duty flying, particularly in Desert Storm. Mav figures out a way to make it work but he refuses to let Ice go without him, and Bradley gets it because he's a military kid. They also aren't going to always be together; actually, they spend quite a few years apart, which is going to hurt my heart to write.
They try to stick to the West Coast. I don't know how much you know about the Navy, but the two main hubs are San Diego and Norfolk, Virginia. In real life they shifted Top Gun out to Fallon, Nevada, but since in the canon of the movie it's still in Fightertown it will be staying there. Most Naval Aviators on the west coast are actually stationed at Lemoore, a base in the middle of California which is a bit of a shithole if my cousin Jay is to be believed, lol, while the east coast aviator hub is Oceania, Virginia. Aviators go through cycles of on a ship, leaving a ship, and then into fleet replacement training to go back on a ship. As soon as my cousin the aviator gets a good night sleep I'm going to pick his brain more about it. If anyone reading this is an aviator or knows one hit me up! I adore my cousin but talking is not his superpower. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Anyway to answer your question it's going to be a bit roundabout. IRL you have to have a plan for your dependents in case of deployment and Mav gets it figured out with Ice's help as for who will watch Bradley which will be a whole other can of worms but I don't think Mav or Ice are the type to watch their friends go off to war without them. I haven't fleshed it all the way out but Mav is going to CHOOSE the test pilot path, mostly because it keeps him close to Bradley, and he's going to be doing some special ops shit because in my brain that's literally the only reason the kids in the movie have no fucking clue who he is even though they've all been to Top Gun and walked past his picture EVERY DAY in the atrium, haha.
He's still Mav so yes he will still be pissing off Admirals.
As for Ice, I haven't figured out exactly how I want to get him there I'm still doing research. I do know that they have to command ships so at some point he'll get a carrier most likely because he's Ice and who the hell better to hand a carrier to, in my opinion. He leaves the sky fairly early in his career if you look at the whole span of it, partly because flying is something he loves but doesn't define him like it does for Mav, and this way he can keep Mav up there doing what he loves while he also gets to climb the ladder. It's a lot of politics which I hate so I'll be grumpy about having to research all that shit but I mean COME ON, it's Ice. Of course he gets a fucking Fleet. I also headcanon that the Joint Chiefs are beating his door down and he's just like that Obama eye meme saying THEN PERISH because he likes being able to go to the ocean to escape them.
Anyway back to the Navy, not sure if you or anyone who is into Top Gun knows this, but Ice is quite literally AS HIGH as you can go in the Navy. There hasn't been a Fleet Admiral (with the five stars) since Nimitz died in '66 and has only ever been held by four dudes: William Leahy, Ernest King, Chester Nimitz, and William Halsey Jr. (names you may recognize if you know your WWII Naval history but I digress). So basically four-star Admiral is IT, like that is the top of the ladder, unless you get asked to join the Joint Chiefs of Staff and work directly with the president. Tom likes to be in charge of things so I think the Joint Chiefs would be hard for him - they have no direct control over the Navy at all and it's a desk job in Washington D.C.
Maybe one day he could become the Secretary of the Navy, but I don't know if I can see Tom doing that, tbh. They have to be 5 years removed from military service at minimum. So I dunno. Still up in the air as far as Tom! Right at this moment he's being an asshole on an aircraft carrier in 1987, so there's that.
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bloodiedbeloveds · 7 months
Rotating BDTA-John in my head, and it's leading me to ask... why does he paint? And why paint, rather than write or sing or something else?
this is a really good question! it prompted a long conversation, but we didn't come to an agreement, so here are various perspectives.
"Having left the education system as a form of rebellion, it seemed obvious to him that he must pursue an artistic career of some nature. I think he is a painter because he has isolated himself from the world in trying to hide his inhuman nature, and it is easiest for him to pursue a career path where he is not required to make many public appearances and where he is expected to be somewhat skittish and eccentric. As a musical performer, he would have much more difficulty hiding his wings."
“honestly he probably could have been a writer and it wouldn’t have changed much, to tell you the truth the others are giving all these sensible watsonian explanations but i’m 95% sure it’s because we like describing fictional works of visual art”
“shut up it absolutely would have changed things, him being an artist adds to the epistolary form by contributing even more implied content— in the same way that there’s all these interpersonal interactions which must take place but aren’t written down, the descriptions without the presence of the actual images add to the sense that we as readers are not getting the full story. this is especially blatant in we never really learn, with that image description”
“my take is that he has to be some sort of creative for this story to work, because so much of it is about perception & a lot of his Issues are about how he makes so much goddamn money by drawing his deepest traumas and people eat it up. but actually we started thinking about this because of the trends in modern poetry publishing. so that could’ve worked. so i think it’s mostly for the epistolary stuff”
“he could not be a singer because part of his tragic backstory is having loved to sing as a child but having that joy taken from him because he didn’t sound human enough. the simple childhood pleasure of singing a duet with yourself strangled by shame and self-hatred and despair”
“there's also a historical explanation for this— BDTA (the first fic, not the series as a whole) was written as a reaction to some AUs we had with a friend & to the subsequent acrimonious parting we had with them. it's actually kind of spiteful; we wanted to write something better and more interesting than they ever could have come up with. we've moved beyond that in writing the rest of the series, but john was a painter in the AUs with which BDTA is in conversation, so he's a painter now."
"okay this has no precedent, i'm just making this up, but it's super convincing + sad + creation is about constant reinterpretation, so bear with me. john, as a child, was very sad and fucked up and coped with his alienation from his peers + from childhood as a whole via a) reading too much and b) drawing too much. so by the time he's a teenager he's already fallen into the pattern he exhibits as an adult of drawing tortured eldritch characters as a form of emotional self-harm, and when he drops out of college + loses access to his previous viable career path art is both his only other major skill + something he can't stop doing even if he tries."
"honestly, this is making me interested in a take on BDTAverse where john is a fiction writer and alex is a freelance artist. (hey, you know what would be super fucked up? if The Photo hadn't been released, and alex drew for magazines and people kept asking him to draw john's suicide attempt)"
"anyway! i think he paints as a compulsive thing, because he has so few emotional outlets, and doing art about it has been pretty much the only way for him to manage his feelings for a lot of his life. (he learned, as a child, that there are correct emotions to have and if you don't have the right ones people will be mad at you, so talking about it has been out of the picture for a long time.) and once he doesn't have other career plans, well, he's going to be painting fucked up stuff anyway, might as well sell it"
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lilacsolanum · 7 months
I'm really feeling grateful for the unspoken rule in fandom that if you don't like a fic, just click off. It's free and it's a hobby, so there's no need to leave a critical review. Every now and then I'll see people whine about that, which. Wild. But like. Hey, don't.
In 2020, I lost more than just my job. I lost my entire life path. I lost the future I had planned for myself. I worked in the service industry, and that industry will never, ever be the same. It might look like it's snapped back from the outside, but it hasn't. Obviously, everyone life changed permanently, a literal global level of shift, and I'm not exactly special. Myself and my family and friends all came out of it healthy and I'm so grateful. Still, man, for me more than most people I know, shit was like the Thanos snap. One day, half my life was gone.
I had two choices: despair, or make the best of it. I've been called to performing my entire life, but never pursued it due to self-doubt. Well, when I was unemployeed and desperate, I suddenly decided to jump into audiobook narration with no plan and no training. And somehow, I got gigs. I started working with an author who was on the verge of blowing up, who didn't have the budget to find a trained professional at the time so used someone with potential who would work for an appropriate payrate. I recorded my first series giving 200%, which is 100% more than anyone wants to listen to in an audiobook narrator. I'm incredibly proud of my first efforts and invested the money I made in coaching and equipment upgrades, but as the author's fanbase grew, so do people's expectations of the narration.
It's been uhhhhhhhhh a wild ride. I'm so grateful that I got lucky, but also, do not recommend this situation to anyone. While I am improving and growing, most of my books are a little rough, and the one star reviewers are fucking LETTING. ME. KNOW. All caps, rage filled, terrible spelling and b'grammar'd passionate reviews on every audiobook retailer imaginable are out there for me to obsess over in at my low points. Which is often. Remember when I said I suffer from crippling self-doubt? Mama I am dragging my stubborn ass through this accidental career pivot of mine out of spite rather than pride. It's not fun.
They have a right to speak their mind, as most of them paid for the book! So if you hate it, go off! But still! Sometimes I combat that by reading comments on my fanfiction. The majority of comments I receive on AO3 are positive with a few mild exceptions, and those are easy for me to shake off because of the support I've received. The positive comments motivate me to improve my writing just as much as the negative comments on my acting do, except being positively motivated makes that improvement go faster and a more pleasant journey. It's a nice, safe place for me. I don't appreciate the culture of no negative comments because I don't accept that negative criticism is a part of putting yourself out there creatively. I accept it very much. I appreciate them because I AM a professional creative and people pay for products I've produced and have every right to express their opinions on it and it's so important I have a space where I don't have to deal with that.
So thank you, those who suppress the urge to leave negative comments on fanfic. And thank you to people who leave kind reviews. You never know what someone is going through, and my god, kind comments on my fic inspire me to work even harder as a performer, because one day, I want to receive equal positivity for both ventures. Thank you for fueling my ambitions with kindness.
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lunaevangeline · 3 years
It's always been you with Oikawa Tooru
words: 2.2k+
warning: hurt/comfort and suggestive at the end
He never knew how much you mean to him until he left you with a clench on his heart.
Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and you have always been a childhood friends. Living in the same neighborhood, going to the same school until high school, and doing things together have been your daily routine. So something felt missing when you, Iwaizumi, and he had to be separated to walk on a different path after graduation.
When you have to let him go to pursue his dream -until who knows when he will come back-, you sobbed at the departure gate (Iwaizumi is actually about to cry too). And there before he goes, the three of you hug each other, "I too will miss both of you", Oikawa said. Iwaizumi hiss at his statement, "I won't miss you, hurry up and just go dumbass!", Oikawa chuckles and promised he will make a regular chat and call before he left.
You smiled, waving at him entering the departure gateway but you cannot hold back your tears after he fade in your eyesight. Iwaizumi sigh, patting your back gently to soothe you, "Why don't you tell him before he goes, y/n?". You shake your head, "I won't Haji, it wouldn't work and I will get hurt", thinking to yourself that some things are better left unsaid.
Iwaizumi exhales a sigh again, thinking how both of you are so helpless, "You can always come to me if you need anything you know?", he rubs your head gently. By that, you smiled at him and said thanks. Both of you go back home in silence, lost in your own thoughts. You can't ignore that the atmosphere has been changed since Oikawa left. But maybe it will just need some time for both of you to adjust.
You continue your life without him, getting busy with college and extracurricular. You attend the same college as Iwaizumi, pursuing your long dream major. You still have Iwaizumi to get lunch together in some time, and as promised Oikawa keeps on contacting both of you. Sometimes you do a video call together, just to do chit-chat and regular update, or sometimes it would even lead to a deep talk until conspiracy theory (you know who start this). And as your life goes smoothly you assure you're okay and that's enough.
Although it has been his long-life dream to go abroad, pursuing a career as a professional volleyball athlete, he never knew it would be this hard, emotionally. Outside the volleyball club, his life has been revolving around you and Iwaizumi. He never specifically thought about this change as it flows like everything will be the same.
He doesn't know what does it takes to go abroad, besides learning a new language he thought you can still keep in touch using technology. However it feels worse, the more he contacts you, the more he misses you, and the more you exchange chats and photos, the more he is anxious. How can it be?
Maybe it's just now when he can't have you there, when you didn't come to give him cheers, that he realized something is missing. Oikawa is so popular, almost all of his school years. He never thought about girls because he already has a bunch of girls cheering him from his fans club, but your cheer feels different. And he thought he will miss you as much as he miss Iwa, but why does in reality he miss you more? Aren't you just a mere childhood friend to him?
Oikawa has been experienced in dating. Because almost every week he got confessed. Having a bunch of girls who want him feeding his ego. And why not he try to date because everyone does that during high school right? But it's not seldom that the girl asks him to break up. Oikawa will just let it slide because the one who wants him is her and why does he have to put much effort into her. He thought someone date just to look cool, to be able to say "Hey my boyfriend is the volleyball captain of Seijoh you know?", to brag to their friends. Because until high school ends, he has dated many times but never had a bond with any of them.
Oikawa never knew the feeling, until one day when you and Iwa video call him during the freshman party and he see you get hit up by a boy. He never knew his blood would boil to see you at that state and Iwa decide to end the call to help you out though. It keeps bugging him, and after all this time he realized that he always needs you. You're the one who knew him completely, who has been there even when he was in a state of vulnerability, you embrace all of him.
Then, a year past and you have been a sophomore. The summer break is coming and as you and Iwaizumi have been planned for long ago, after saving money from part-time and working as your professor assistant, you and he are going to visit Oikawa as a surprise.
After all this time you finally can meet him, you smile giddily to yourself during the flight. Iwaizumi smiles to find you happy and said, "So, you're going to tell him this time?". You shake your head, giving a sincere smile to him, "No, Haji. I will always support him but that place is never mine". "Until you will never know until you try. But of course it's up to you, y/n. Just do what your deepest heart wants", Iwaizumi assures you before continuing to sleep for the long flight.
From the airport, you and Iwaizumi go straight forward to the gymnasium, where a regional volleyball match is held. From the bleachers there you see Oikawa wearing a blue jersey and getting a bit tanned. He's as good as he's always been, from his posture you can see he grew stronger and sturdier. And you cannot get enough of how he serves, sets, and spike the ball. Just like in Seijoh, he's been ruling the court.
Oikawa felt he hears familiar voices when you and Iwa cheer for him. He thinks it must be him who's been overthinking lately and missing you helplessly. But it's that time when he gazes accidentally to your seat, finding you and Iwa cheering at him. He's stammered and for the first time, he feels impatient to end a volleyball game.
After the game and team meeting, he left the court in hurry and find you that's been walking through the hallway to the court, searching for someone just like him. And in a second, he decides to drag you to one of the warehouses, sneaking like a high-schooler.
You almost yelp at the action, but he covers your mouth from behind. You, who still don't know who drags you, start to think that this country is not safe. Because it's only been several hours and you're already got kidnapped. And your second thought is it must be Iwaizumi's fault to let you go alone, pushing you to talk to Oikawa.
But to your surprise, this 'kidnapper' has a familiar touch and voice, "I missed you, y/n. Sorry for dragging you here", he hugged you from behind. After pulling his embrace, you turn your body to face him, you found Oikawa, the man that you've been searching for, standing there still in his jersey.
"God, Tooru, you almost got me a heart attack!", you scold him but then soften your expression and smile "I miss you too, Tooru". He never knows how much he missed you until now he can once again meet you directly, he pulls you into a hug once again, like he has not gotten enough.
"You don't have any idea how much I've been thinking about you and how much I've missed you", in a more pleading way he continues to say, "Please stay here".
You, who have still don't have any idea what does it means said, "No please, I don't want to stay in this warehouse because it's freaking hot. But if you mean you want to hang out, Haji and I will stay for a week here! So we can hang out somewhere outside your training schedule!" you grin at him, but his face somehow looks unhappy and burdened by something.
"No, I mean yes, uh I mean I want you to stay here with me..", he frustrated with his own words. "Okay Tooru, I'm confused right now, please rearrange your words. I will hear you out okay?", you chuckle, it's been a long time you don't hear his whine and you think it's a cute part of him.
He inhales deeply and exhales, never been in his life he is being the one who confessed. But here you are, making him cannot think straight again and he can't endure himself any longer. He grabs both of your hands, with his brown eyes piercing into your eyes, "I love you, y/n. I don't know since when but I've just realized the moment we got apart."
When you hear those magic words, you can't content yourself again, you start sobbing, all your feeling that you've been endured overflowing, "Uhh you're late, Tooru."
Seeing you cry to his confession and hearing the answer, his heart drops, "Oh no, it's okay if you already seeing someone. But if in any case they hurt you, I will wait for you", you know by these words that the man is already head over heels to you.
You chuckle in your sobs, "No I mean, you're too late. I've been love you since so long. It's always been you, Tooru", you smiled he can see there's a pink shade on your cheeks and he can't believe you will reciprocate his feeling.
With teary eyes he embraces your figure, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for taking so long. I must have been hurt you so much", you can feel remorse in his tone. Now it does make sense why he never found you dating any boys during middle school and high school, although you've been asked several times by some boys. And how lucky he is, getting you to choose him and always him.
"It's okay Tooru. It's okay that now we have each other", you assure him. It would be a lie if you say you didn't hurt. When since middle school your friends ask you to deliver gifts and love letters to him, when you see him smile chockyly at his fangirls cheering, or when he tells you about his new girlfriend.
But it was worth waiting, that you finally can have him in his best state when he is mature enough to decide what he wants to do with his own will. And when he's mature enough to suppress his ego. With how sincere you can feel his words, you believe that this man is going to treat you well.
After the confession, everything goes by instinct. He cups your cheeks while one hand hugging your waist. You lean your hands to his nape, playing with his brownish soft hair. Then you close your eyes, allowing him to take a lead and by that, you met his soft lips. Your first kiss was soft and cautious, heart pounding uncontrollably. On the other side, Oikawa felt butterfly flutters in him, wondering if you can hear his loud heartbeat.
After the kiss, you murmur shyly, "It was my first kiss". Oikawa was astonished by your shy figure, how beautiful you are with your flushed face. "Then, may I have it again, Princess?", he asked, you nod as a response. He leads you to a deeper kiss and now you wonder what makes you dizzy, is it the hot summer temperature or the man in front of you.
And in the middle of the kiss, Oikawa nibbles your bottom lips, asking for an entrance. You allow him with hesitation because up until now you always wonder why people love to french kiss, it looks disgusting and you always cover your eyes at the scene. But finally, you know that it actually feels good, or maybe because it's Oikawa who kisses you.
Oikawa finally breaks the kiss, enabling you to catch a breath. But he won't stop there, rather he trails a kiss to your jawline and neck, you squirm at his touch. "Baby, you never know how much I wanted to touch you all this time, all over my dream", he whisper seductively, before continuing to bite your neck, getting you to grab his hair and moaning his name.
Your moan is an ecstasy for him, it will just get him a desire to tease you more and more. But your good time finally ends when you hear a coughing sound from the other side of the wall, "I know both of you are still having fun, but can we get lunch first and check in to the hotel?".
Oh no, it's Iwaizumi! You almost forgot that you left him. You and Oikawa finally get out of the warehouse, finding Iwaizumi grinning at both of you. You just can feel your cheek heated by the memory in the warehouse.
Oikawa grins and hugs your shoulder, "Sorry Iwa-chan, she's mine now" and puts a peck on your head. Iwa rolled his eyes at the sight, "Tch, gross." Then, Oikawa leans in to whisper "Guess I will visit you tonight, to continue where we left." "Tooru!" you flustered and smack his shoulder, while he just giggles in response. Iwaizumi sigh, "Guess I have to leave the hotel tonight then".
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I am once again, asking about your ocs
And I am once again giving you a background character that is very essential to my lore and its functionality, but never actually makes an appearance due to timeline or general "neither the Fabulous Killjoys or The Girl and the Ultra Vs have a reason to meet them" reasons.
Anyways, his pen name is Blackbird and he was the Sandman of Dreamland 20 years before Mr. Sandman landed in the position! His Dreamland was very different from the Dreamland I usually talk about due to the time difference, rather resembling a sprawling suburban town with something of a mild rat infestation than the sterile streets of Battery City. He was the first and only Sandman to record anything about the position or even just the dimension in general inside a book which despite the ever-changing nature of the dimension it resided within— Blackbird called it his "dream diary" because, well, it was a diary documenting Dreamland, a place only accessible to the Sandman when they are sleeping or generally unconscious.
Outside Dreamland, Blackbird was a pretty unremarkable person. He was assistant manager at a somewhat large marketing company, and in a happy relationship with his girlfriend of 5 years! They met when Blackbird was first hired at the company he worked at, his girlfriend having begrudgingly accepted an intership at her father's request, as an economics major post-graduate who was looking for a career path to pursue. Every day they clocked into work at around the same time, so they greeted each other at the front desk of the lobby quite often and, not much later, they also began talking in the break room as well.
Blackbird was absolutely smitten by the time her internship finished and so, his heart was shattered when he returned to work one day after taking sick leave to find her gone. Moreover, his boss wanted to have a private meeting with him that evening, so you must be able to imaginge how unbelievably shitty that day felt for him. And then just like that it stopped being shitty. His boss called him in because his daughter, Blackbird's girlfriend, had asked him to as she felt bad he wasn't there to exchange goodbyes, but she'd landed a better job somewhere else and her father was the only person who she knew could get in touch with Blackbird and ask if he'd meet her somewhere on the weekend.
Weekend rolls by, they meet up, exchange numbers, and it takes a little while more for Blackbird to work up the courage to ask her out on a proper date, but he does in a really "hey, I really like you and have for quite some time now, so date?" and is almost imediately hit with a "oh thank god, I meant to ask you out on a date for the past x times we hung out, but didn't want to make you uncomfortable" from his girlfriend and that's how he knew it was true love /lh.
The reason I'm bringing his girlfriend up is because a lot of the things Blackbird found out about Dreamland were because of her. He found out that the Sandman can bring other people's consciousness into Dreamland. He found out that if someone is around a Sandman enough, they will also gain a small level of control over Dreamland. He found out that while Dreamland as a whole is near impossible to change, fast travel is possible and so is changing small sections of it. He found out what happens when someone spend too much time in Dreamland also, although looking back on it he really wishes he hadn't...
* Crash course on Dreamland and the Sandman: Dreamland is a sandbox dimension that exists between Death and the Witch's Realm, maintained by people who take on the title of Sandman. The Sandman is not an inhuman entity such as the Witch or Destroya, but rather a randomly selected person (not necessarily a man) whose presence within Dreamland is meant to stop the dimension from collapsing in on itself.
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
hi ana!! i love your blog and everythin you post ^^ i was wondering since you mentioned this before askdjfh you work in pr? what is that like? can you share where you work or your experience so far? i'm sorry for being so nosy but i'm going to college next year and one of my options is pr too so i wanted to know what that's like.... thanks! take care <3
hey!! omg you're going to college next year..... you're a BABY 😭 good luck bean i hope it's everything you want and more!!
and dw it's not nosy i'm glad you're reaching out!! it's important to deep dive into the career you wanna study before choosing it - otherwise you can end up regretting it. i do work in pr and i've worked in this field for about a year and a half now, it's honestly my favorite thing ever!! <3 right now i work for a global firm called [redacted] and it's the best job i have ever had. but sadly i didn't exactly study this career path (i majored in poli sci and IR) so i'm afraid i can't offer much insight into what college is like for this field.
what i can tell you is that pr is a REALLY diverse field. it's not all fancy high end brands or celebrities - literally any industry in the world has a pr side. so that's a bonus because you can adjust it to your specific interests and go into pr for technology, or for the food industry, or music or whatever you like!! that's the beauty of it. another thing is that it's a lot of work. a lot of grunt work tbh. when you start it's like being back in school, you write a lot and you make a lot of ppt presentations, etc and it can be a bit tiring. you also have to be someone who is comfortable talking to people, whether it's on the phone or through email or whatever. you need to be able to NETWORK. so i don't think this is a field for introverts tbh. if you're social and know how to work people then that will definitely help you.
personally i love working in pr and i think it's a field that you can make a difference in, like you can actually have an input in how companies and people behave and how stuff plays out in society. if you wanna make a change and help people out that's something that can definitely happen working in public relations. that's why someone that studied political science and wanted to be a diplomat for the UN like me ended up here tbh.
i hope this was helpful at all?? dhkfjhkgj thank you and i hope you have a great day <3
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radio-charlie · 3 years
hey charlie. i just want to show understanding towards what u have to contend with and what ur life has necessitated u to be in order to survive or carve a place for urself or to feel worthy of existing as urself. i know u hold a lot of pain (wow understatement) and that expecting or wanting u to not need to contend with it is foolish. i don't want to treat the path ur life has taken and the challenges u have to face on that path to be less legitimate(?) of a human timeline. u know what it mean? like not all of us can just put our focus into only contending with the societally canonical conquests of academic/marital/career success and not have to deal with anything else. paths having to deal with far messier things have a place in our human tapestry so i don't want to ask u not to live the ways u have to live. and i also can't be an authority on what u need or need to do.
and i also wish that u could cut urself some major slack and focus on ur own nourishment more. not suggesting u check out of any work u feel like u need to do in this world, but maybe looking for communities to invest ur work into who invest back into u? bc charlie u are not going to be okay and u are not going to make nearly as significant of an impact on improving people's lives if u don't take more consideration of what u need in order to sustain ur own vitality. u're burnt out trying to straighten out the bad-faith-fraught world of reactionary sjw philosophy and idk, i'm not sure that that's all that different from rearranging deck chairs on the titanic hoping that'll help it not to sink. u're a cognizant and responsible crewmate charlie, and i hope u find a ship that u don't have to tear urself apart to keep afloat. there's gonna be a ship and a crew strong and spacious enough to hold ur heartache and make space for ur blunders, that's not going to need u to hold all the burden in order to not fall apart. and then u can contribute to something that stands strong and provides people sturdy transport, rather than spend all ur days cobbling back pieces of a ship that is getting increasingly unsuitable to hold anyone. we need intuitive men who aren't strangers to the messiness of truth to nourish themselves so that they can nourish others effectively.
alright. that is what i wanted to say. ur level of thriving matters u know? to God and to those of us who can see the essence within u that wants to express itself but can only do so properly if u give more of a shit abt what u feel. it matters to the people in ur future who will need u to be resourced and fully grounded in order to feel safe relying on u. now i leave this to u, and it is up to u know if what i said is fair or not. my suggestion is to take ur time considering this, and to not take this message to mean u're being obligated to rush through any choices and changes. i simply wanted to say what's on my chest. i respect ur timeline and ur judgement. i wish u well.
hey anon. i was quite surprised to receive this, because i didn't think anyone would write me smth like this. thank you for taking all that time and effort, and thank you for like, giving that much of a shit about what's going on with me, that you would give this thorough, thoughtful and honest feedback on the way i'm doing things. i might have to reread it a few more times before i can really understand the implications of everything u said and decide where to go from here, especially re: finding a new community, but it means the world to me that u care this much and have tried to see me in such a kind light where other ppl just sort of dismissed me for their own convenience ig.
tbh some of the ppl i work with for sj stuff are really good friends and "colleagues" (we're not officially in the same org but we do work together on projects), but i think they too are so burnt out from everything that none of us can be much support to each other, although there are plans to go for group hotpot when it's safer to dine out heh. we've had some good rant sessions abt the state of socmed sj here, which is sadly where Culturally Irrelevant Learnings for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Bangsar-Mont-Kiara proliferate. ah anyway not going to talk ur ear off about that, it won't be anything you haven't already seen on this blog probably. i'll be keeping what you said in mind, and might even print it out when i get home. thanks again. i owe u one
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sellingmysoulforbts · 5 years
You're having second thoughts about your career choice. BTS x Reader Reaction
Genre: mild angst, fluff. College AU. Gender neutral.
Warnings: strong language, self degradation.
as requested by @erraticsoul
A/N: I just wanna say that it is okay to change your career path. You're really young when you are forced to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life and we sometimes make mistakes. The most important thing is that you are happy.
Kim Seokjin
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He was there for you, every single time you needed that extra support. This madness began when you started having trouble with some of the subjects that you had to take in college. Thoughts like 'how can I become a professional if I can't solve this simple exercise?' clouded your brain. Jin came on time only to find you crying over your homework.
"Tell me, how am I supposed to do this my entire life?"
"By giving your best, like I know you do, and if that's not enough then it's probably not what you should be doing" he would answer.
Then he proceeded to tell you one of his terrible jokes about the subject your having trouble with. Like if you weren't having it with chemistry he'd go "hey, are you made of copper and tellurium? 'Cause you're CuTe" and if that didn't work, he'd always come to you with a new plate he's made in class because he definitely a culinary arts major.
Min Yoongi
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He was confused, like he didn't get how you felt at all. Since he was really young he new what his goals were and started working really hard to achieve them. You, on the other hand, have thought about every single career path, none of them seemed to completely fulfill you. Like you went from wanting to be a model to a rocket scientist in the span of two months, so you knew as soon as you filled that application form to enter college, with whatever career you had landed eyes on at the moment you weren't going to stick to it. Yoongi would try so hard to help you find something you like and would like doing for the rest of your life, just like he did.
"Okay, how about being a teacher?" He suggested one time.
"But I'll have to know the subject first, so what can I teach?"
"Never mind" he said.
He would just enroll you in a bunch of classes that have nothing to do with your current major, just to see if you'd like any of it.
Wanting to become a producer was his lifelong dream, the feeling he got every time he got a step closer was something Yoongi wanted you to experience as well, so he'd never give up on you.
Jung Hoseok
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He would be the one to notice and call you out on it. Hobi was a dance major, so he had practice almost every day and you'd come, even if it was late or skip classes to see him. At first he didn't think much about it, and he appreciated the effort you were putting into the relationship, but then you stopped coming like once a week or just skipping a class to have lunch together and began coming like three times a week, and he would see you around campus with friends when he knew you had class.
"Hey, I saw you today walking out of campus" he said one day, after he was done with practice and you were still there.
"Oh, really? I didn't see you, I'd have said hi. At what time did you see me?"
"While you were supposed to be in class" he answered, trying not to sound mad.
"Yeah, the professor cancelled it last minute, so I didn't really have time to tell you" you genuinely thought he was jealous because you were hanging out with boys, but he wasn't. You'd you really be here so late if you were cheating on him? No, and he knew you would never, but he was concerned.
"And has he cancelled classes all week, and last one?" He inquired.
His tone gave away he was implying that you had been skipping class for the whole month.
"No" you answered softly.
"Is everything okay?"
"No" you answered again. He took your hands as a way to show you his support. "Why?" "I just don't feel happy anymore, like when I first got in I was so sure this was what I wanted and now I find it hard and I'm really stressed. I've been looking for other career options and I might change majors so I guess I lost interest and just stopped making an effort to pass" you shrugged, he kissed your hands.
"It's okay. We're still very young and I want you to do something that makes you happy"
Kim Namjoon
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You. Felt. Dumb. You were having such a hard time in some classes, and not understanding anything your teacher said. At first you just worked a little harder and visited your professor to ask some questions, but seeing your classmates getting good grades or putting a minimum effort to understand, made you feel out of place and dumb, like actually stupid. Namjoon was an extremely intelligent human being, and that's no secret. He was an English major, and an outstanding student.
He was going to surprise you, you had been busy all week with schoolwork and he knew how hard you worked so he gave you your space, but it was Friday and he missed you like crazy. He didn't expect, when he walked into your apartment, to see you crying over your homework. Like actually balling your eyes out. Your brain was so chemically imbalanced at the moment that you barely felt arms wrapping around your sobbing form.
He managed to calm you down a little bit, and finally asked what's wrong.
"I can't do it Namjoon, I actually am incapable of doing it. I'm just a stupid piece of shit who can't even solve her homework. Why am I even trying at this point? I'm going to fail because my brain does not have the capacity to understand this subject" you basically yelled out and broke down crying again. He was so pained to see you like that and hearing that horrible things from your mouth broke his heart.
"Shh, don't say that baby, you are not dumb" "of course you'd say that, mister my IQ is 148, I only get As with minimum effort. I've being working on this thing for a week. A WEEK, and I can't do it. My teacher is sick of me for going every single day to ask him something." You were getting angry at this point, not with him but with yourself. Maybe throw in your parents as well for making you this way, but not at him, never at him, even though your words proved otherwise.
"Baby, look at me." He said. You shook your head embarrassed at your attitude.
He squatted right in front of you and took your face in his hands, dried your tears and smiled.
"You are not dumb, not because you have to work a little harder does it mean you're less capable of doing something. Besides, you're so far from stupid. When I look at you I see a wonderful human being, smart and kind, and that's what I love about you. Your perspective on the world, and your unique way of understanding things." He told with a sincere voice and that made you smile a little. "Also, I do put effort into my work but I like what I do so much that I doesn't feel like it, now tell me, do you like what you're doing?" He asked. " I don't know anymore" "okay how about this? Let's take a break right now, we go grab something to eat, we get back, cuddle, watch a movie. Just relax and not think about college for a while. And we can discuss this in the morning with a fresh mind."
Park Jimin
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He was mostly sad, you didn't choose this for yourself, it was your parents dream. He would just try and comfort you, by hugging you and whispering words of encouragement. You were sad, angry and scared. You couldn't do what you wanted because your parents didn't support you but you also didn't want to disappoint them.
"I'm so sick of this Jimin, I don't think I can keep doing this." You said one day, you had to study for your upcoming tests but finding motivation was hard.
He couldn't fully comprehend your dilemma, his parents were super supportive.
"I know baby, but the semester is almost over."
"And then comes the next, and one after that, and on and on, not to mention the years ahead of me of working in this" you wanted to cry, just let out your frustration.
"Hey, how about, you start taking classes for what you really want, until you build up the courage to talk to them." He suggested. "I don't know I'm so scared." Your voice broke a little. His caring instincts kicking in immediately, so he hugged you. "It okay, I'm sure what they want is for you to be happy and have a safe future financially, that's why you're here, but you can prove to them that you'll succeed doing whatever you want, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. I believe in you, and besides I'm quite thankful to your parents for picking that for you or we might have never met."
"You're right" and with him by your side you had the motivation you needed.  
Kim Taehyung
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It was hard, Tae, your boyfriend, always seemed to have more free time, and enjoy his college experience way more than you did. He was one of the few things you were grateful for, during your time in college. The little study dates you had were like the only way to get you to open a book, and they were a 2x1 deal for him. Taehyung was an art history student and it required to read a lot so he could do his school work and spend time with you. You weren't irresponsible or anything but you started to wonder if you chose your career right, because the lack of motivation was really dragging you down. You were in the coffee shop you usually went with Taehyung to study just contemplating how you wanted your life to look in ten years, when he came.
"Hey" he said. "Hi" you answered still a little distraught. "Did you order?" You nodded in response. "Is everything o-" he started but you soon interrupted him "how did you know what you wanted to study?" "well my school took us to a museum for a school trip once, and I was fascinated by the art, but also intrigued as to what led the painters to do such masterpieces and I guess I got hooked on that. Why?" "I'm just not sure with what I'm doing,I never had a revelation moment so I just went with what sounded the least unpleasant at the moment" "Well how about we finish here and we can go find some counselling for you?" "You think I should change majors?" "Baby, when was the last time you felt happy and satisfied with your work and what you learned?" He asked and you grew quiet at that. "Exactly. What you do for the rest of your life has to be something that you enjoy and you're clearly not enjoying this." So you did just that, found help to discover what makes you happy.
Jeon Jungkook
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I mean he would be kinda disappointed that you didn't told him first thing and that he had to discover it for himself. You were thinking and rethinking if you had made the right choice, so you turned yourself into a little help from the internet, trying thing from quizzes all the way to astrological birth charts, of course when he wasn't around.
As you were spending the weekend together doing homework and watching movies, he stumbled upon a word he didn't quite know the meaning of. He was studying animation, and taking classes for film production, but he was trying to do some homework for an English class.
"Babe, can I use your phone real quick? Mine ran out of battery" he asked. "Sure, what for?" "I just want to Google this word" he said and have you that bunny smile, you handed him the phone unblocked, not worrying in the slightest. He got it,and quickly clicked on the  navigator, as he was about to type he peeked at your search history, things like 'how to choose your major', 'how do I know if I made the right decision','best careers based on your zodiac sign' that last one made him chuckle but he was generally preoccupied, because something was definitely wrong. He made a mental note to talk to you about it. Jungkook quickly made the research and completed his task. He then approached you, to give it back to you. You were just in the couch reading something, as he handed you the phone with a smile you sensed something off. "So, what's the best career for a virgo?" He wondered. It took a minute for it to click. "Kook…" you trailed of, not sure as to what to say. He sat down next to you. "Why wouldn't you tell me?" "I just- I was.. am so confused. I believe I chose what I did for a reason but now I'm not so sure and it been going on for a while. I guess I didn't want to bother you with stupid problems like that." You told him. He just shook his head. "That's why I am your boyfriend, so you can come to me with whatever is bothering you and we can fix it together cause we're a team, and it works the other way around too." "You're right, sorry" "It's okay, but promise me you will from now on" " I will, I promise" you smiled at him and he answered back "now that that's out of the way, let's find your perfect major" and with a kiss on your cheek, you then proceed to go through a lot of lists and quizzes a lot of websites suggested, together.
a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long but the scenario really hit home and I got distracted, anyways i hope you enjoy it and like it. 
gifs not mine
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moonlightcrossfire · 5 years
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Hey guys! I know it's been a quite while I haven't posted anything here, it's just I've been through extreme moment of indecisiveness and doubt with plenty plenty plenty of breakdowns, hesitation and fear.
Fear of what? Of not being able to get myself together and make everything move through the correct path. If you're a huge procrastinator, a reluctant soul that has that hidden glow that's afraid to step outside, hope this helps you and be your sign to get your shit together.
Don't you ever get that feeling in your insides that makes you feel strange? Makes you feel there's something wrong? Or most likely, can it be a sign that'll push you to change your life?
I got that feeling that twirled my insides and let guilt build through me and sneak into my blood, it was screaming that I was wasting my time and indeed I was. Then, I automatically smiled and I felt clips of my future self flashing in front of my eyes, I realised back then that I didn't want to be that girl who spends her day in her sweatpants watching TikToks or scrolling through Instagram watching people reach places when I know I can reach the same places, does it make sense?
PSA: Sweatpants will always be the greatest piece of clothing ever made for women.
When I got that vibe, I knew my energy wouldn't lie to me. My mood changed real quick, from depressed and doubtful to someone who's sure of what she wants to do and where does she want to reach.
In a night full of stars, here's how I decided to change the way I lived:
1. Wake up early everyday, even on weekends.
All those who know me know that I run to my bed as soon as the clock says 9:00 PM, sometimes 8:30. They'd be like, "What makes you go to bed so damn early?" "The night is still in its beginning, at its finest, why would you want to sleep now?" Etc etc.. and my answer would be that I'm exhausted or I don't like staying up late, boring answers I know, it's just the way it is. However, it's been scientifically proven that sleeping early and waking up early increase your life's longevity, and sleeping for less than six hours will make you susceptible to illnesses. The health benefits of sleeping early are endless, do your research! The point is, waking up early doesn't only have you ready the day with positive energy but it makes you more organised if you're a busy person occupied with school, career, hobbies or interests. Take advantage of sleeping early!
2. To Do lists are your new best friends.
The best timings to write your to-do lists are either before you go to bed or after you wake up. To Do lists are known for keeping you on track, it helps you plan your day and accomplish things you postponed to go out with your friends or ignoring what you gotta do to finish another episode of your favourite show and end up forgetting what you have to do. Get a journal or a planner and take it EVERYWHERE you go, jot down reminders, appointments, chores, anything that won't make you forget your duties. By doing that, you'll feel responsibility has grown to be a part of your existence, neatness and organisation as well. Personally, in my To Do list I writ down tasks that I believe I can finish in a day. For example, doing homework, writing a new chapter for the new project I'm writing, make character maps, take pictures for my VSCO, write excerpts to post on MoonlightCrossfire, etc etc. When I write my first to do list I tried my hardest not to procrastinate, it was quite difficult not to procrastinate but I accomplished 70% of what I wouldn't have done if I was on my phone all the time. So, start writing your first To Do list right now!
3. Read affirmations, pray, set goals.
I've heard that reading affirmation boosts your mood to a certain extent. I believe it's what law of attraction is about. For who doesn't know what Law of Attraction is, it's the law which uses the power of the mind to translate our thoughts and turn them into reality. Specifically talking, if you think positively, the positive things will come to life. Reading affirmations such as calling yourself beautiful or believing you can do whatever you want to do or striving to love yourself more and being grateful for whatever God has given to you will make you see thing from a bright perspective. Try calling yourself beautiful in front of the mirror, our conscience will hug you and warmth will contaminate your skin.
Praying for a beautiful day or a better life or a respectful job or a happier self by means making your relationship with God a genuine relationship even if you aren't religious will turn your tables. Whenever you get the chance to pray, do it for yourself before anyone else.
Setting goals whether they're near goals or future ones will make you feel more stimulated by clinging more to them as passion eventually strengthens, that's when you know that you should never give up on things you find your peace of mind into and unleashes your true self to.
4. Focus on your education.
I'm an average student, my grades are like rollercoaster, I reach high highs and get unfortunate grades, it's pretty normal. I maintain a good score by giving my best to subjects I love and find myself flexible in studying such as literary subjects, as for scientific subjects however I don't mind a passing grade. When you study the subjects you love and feel like shining in them, you'll study them with so much effort yet so relaxed because you are aware of your abilities in these subjects. On the other hand, the subjects that you feel like you study them for the sake of passing, you need to build a mentality that you know passing these classes will bring you closer to achieve your dreams. You have to know that the path to reach your dream life will be full of thorns and and barriers to reach the sunshine and butterflies.
5. Eating healthy + moving more.
Sleeping early isn't enough for a drastic life change if you sleep with a mouth full of chocolate or a bag of chips or a burger. I'm NOT saying you should kill your evil cravings, but try to do a little bit of swapping. Pinterest is full of recipes and swaps that will statist your craving and at the same time revives you instead of slowly killing you. I've realised that a little bit late and I felt something blocking my throats that I won't eat as much McDonald's as I used to, but we have to let go of things that makes us happy sometimes. (McDonald's is the love of my life :/) Healthy food isn't as bad as people make it look like, we convince ourselves that they're not flavourful to run back to fast food and satisfactory foods.
If you're a lazy person like I am that moves from a couch to another and considers it a workout, you might want to read this. Doing chores will have move automatically and as you move you are helping your body become more flexible, you burn calories and you feel lightweight. At school or work or stuff, try to walk as much as you can, it keeps you alive.
Last but foremost, when I write my to do list, I write a water tracking list that makes sure I drink 8-10 cups of water a day. Water is your life saviour, it keeps you hydrated, helps you lose weight, keeps you in the bathroom so you won't get involved with bullshit and drama + it clears your skin. Who said detox water isn't recommended as well? Water with lemon and mint is my favourite water detox combination, you can add pomegranates too!
6. Limit distractions and use of electronics.
Your series can wait, your friends can wait, your lover can wait, your family can wait but your future doesn't wait for you. Why? Because you chase your future, it is not your future that chases you. It is preferable to limit the use of electronics while working or studying. I'm teaching myself to get used to not be on my phone a lot, I'm teaching myself to focus without looking at my phone and surrender to surf social media, I'm teaching myself to resist it. You should learn resistance, too. Try to use your electronics when you're 100% done with all your tasks on your to do list, you won't have anything to carry on your shoulder and you can check your friends' posts and stories or watch some celebrity tea.
Ever since I downloaded Spotify I made different playlists for different moods and I honestly love them all and vibe to them with my heart like I can't explain how I am passionate about my music taste. The fact that people make fun of the music I listen to because I don't listen to what they're used to listen to, not because the music I listen to makes me superior, it's just a matter of taste. When you listen to music you love, your happiness hormones boost your body, mind and soul. When your body, mind and soul are full, your creativity becomes limitless. I listen to music pretty much all the time specially when I'm writing, it gets me in the mood and I get so inspired by the stories every song holds. If you're a lover of music, you're forever young.
To sum up this blogpost, planning your life out and finding yourself and getting your shit together are major keys to reach your purpose. It will make your life much easier, enjoyable, satisfactory and pleasurable. Who doesn't want that? Then, learn to live your life the way you want to live it. They say you only live once, right? Live by this motto.
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