keep-on-trying · 1 year
I can't believe my first reaction to Wing's transformation animation was "PRISM GOT FUCKED OVER" asfkjhfskjhfskfshfjskfskjsfsfkj.
No srsly Wing's henshin is super good I love it a ton, like I might actually like it over Sky even if Sky's is animated by the well liked Itaoka, like Wing's henshin actually fits well with what Sky's animation set as a standard, and that makes me feel so fricking sad for Prism because her animation is just.... it's not good. It's incomplete. She disappears in "jump" scene. Neither Sky or Wing do. She lacks animation at the final part that shows shoes, hair, back, etc, while Sky and Wing have movement involved. Her final card has very akward transition from pastel pink to sudden blue, while both Sky and Wing are smooth transitions to same color background.
Like I really really wish Prism's henshin can get fixed and upped in quality because next to both Sky and Wing: I cannot say it's good at all. And I hate to see that since she's supposed to be Sky's equal. Animation doesn't agree at all with it. No I'm not saying the animator is bad at their job, they've done GREAT henshin before. HOWEVER, I am convinced Prism's animation is incomplete and suffers from production issues or something. And I hope Butterfly won't suffer the same.
Ok, Rant over, today's HiroPre ep was really good and I love love LOVE Tsubasa aka Cure Wing. He's great. Really good. And I cannot wait to see how he and Ageha end up becoming a duo ♥ Also Princess Ellee is waaaaaaaaaaaay too special of a baby to not be sus of being someone else than a baby sgjsfhfgfsjhfgssfh.
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