#hh i feel like this is a lil bit of a mess i'm still very tired :0c
omo-goose · 2 years
lil omo thing I wrote a while back, maybe will do a part two with the partner comforting him? we'll see hehe~✿
unnamed character deals with having a new human form
cw for self degrading thoughts and embarrassment (dw he gets comfort in part two if I decide to write it hehe)
It was very late in the afternoon, and he had just been let off his shift for the day. He had been making sure to try to hydrate more recently, as he'd figured out that his human form did in fact need water to keep from feeling like absolute garbage. The downside of this however was him having a very small bladder, not having had to think about bathroom breaks before.
And with his home being a few blocks from where he was, he was growing a little concerned about having somewhere to stop on the way back. His block didn't have many shops, and the few that were there either only had bathrooms for customers or closed at this hour.
As he continued on his way he could feel a growing urgency, and he gritted his teeth, huffing softly to himself. "It's alright, I can mh... hh.. definitely make it home if I just don't think about..." even with just that slight suggestion, he could feel a twinge in his bladder, causing him to freeze in place. He wanted desperately to be able to grab himself to keep from leaking, but felt way too embarrassed. "Shit... hhh... I have to find somewhere... mh... quick quick quick..." He thought desperately, eyes darting around trying to find something, anything, he could use to relieve himself.
But alas, there was nothing. He squirmed uncomfortably while slowly trying to cross his legs in order to hold it a little longer, softly whimpering while trying to maintain control over himself. Hesitantly, he attempted to slowly uncross his legs and move forward again, trying to distract himself from his growing need by focusing on keeping his breathing steady, though it was growing more and more difficult as his need persisted.
After a couple steps, he felt another sharp twinge, nearly causing him to double over, holding himself tightly. "Ngh fuck, I don't think I'm gonna make it." He thought to himself. His heart was beating faster than he thought possible from sheer panic at the realization. "I gotta hold it just... just a little longer please... just a little bit longer" he thought to himself desperately. His face felt flushed from embarrassment, and he could feel tears stinging the corners of his eyes.
He was shuffling forward at a very slow pace, whimpering and groaning softly as he gradually began leaking involuntarily. By the time he was just barely half a block away from his home, he had a visibly wet spot around his crotch. Suddenly he felt his body freeze up and he knew he couldn't hold it any longer. He let out an embarrassingly audible moan as his bladder automatically began to empty. The sound of the liquid spilling onto the pavement made him shudder and fall to his knees, making the already obvious mess spread more.
His hands still clutched at the wet fabric of his jeans as the stream continued pouring from him, he bit back the growing urge to start crying that stung the back of his throat, and stared at the ground watching as the puddle below him rapidly grew. He felt disappointed in himself, ashamed, and embarrassed that he couldn't even make it home before losing control like this "Uhg this feels.. so mh, I.. I feel so.. I can't believe I..."
He grimaced, shaking both from the sudden cold and the rush of anxiousness that filled him at the thought of how his partner might react. Would they mock him? Would they tell him that he's gross? That he should've been able to hold it like an adult? He cringed at those thoughts, sniffling a bit.
After a while he picked himself up; still trying, but failing, to hold back the urge to sob silently in embarrassment, as he made his way the last half block to his home, hoping he could make it past his partner before they would notice his shameful predicament.
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Okay hear me out. Male reader with a bird quirk (probably a relative of hawks) with platonic bakusquad hcs?????and to help you out some of my own lil hcs: Letting Kami preen your wings when he stims because not only does it give him something soft to play with it also feels nice. Mina enjoying messing with you while playing music! Who ever needs a hug hidden in readers wings will get one (its most likely baku needing to calm down just hiding in your fluffy embrace) ive run out of words so here
class 1-a with their chirpy classmate
pairing: platonic!class 1-a x male!reader (he/him)
genre: fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy-
warnings: strong language :)
author's note: this was a nice brain break... also hh i love sero but denki makes me feel all warm and ok bc stimming and it's like?? nobody says anything abt it??? like he just stims and is left in peace?? and i love that idk sorry
also, hitoshi is in class 1a in this (ik he's probably gonna be 1b but sh)
EDITEDIT: this is now part 1 of a quirk request series I've started. the link to that request form is in my bio @ my masterlist and faq link
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being pro-hero hawks' little (half-)brother was definitely an interesting part to your story. having been hidden from the world and only recently noticed because of your acceptance into ua was another. but what most people found interesting was your quirk.
you had fierce wings, too, which meant a pair of [color] wings. because of your other parent, your quirk also granted you a lot more bird-related instincts and behavior. you were powerful, but you were expected to be 10x better than hawks by your pro-hero years.
and that's... a shit ton to take on.
but it was gonna be okay, because you weren't doing it alone.
no, you were doing it with your class, your family, at that point.
when kami stims, you do - in fact - let him preen your wings. it's not the way usually done, obviously (he doesn't have a beak and... it wouldn't be very sanitary-), but they do like gently feeling through them the same way he does with ojiro's tail. it makes them feel really relaxed and becomes a stim for him. he often zones out when doing it, too.
at first, when he catches himself doing it, they force themself to stop and apologize. but then you tell him that you don't mind, that it actually helps you, and yeah he does it a shit ton now, v nice 👍
everyone loves your quirk, but mina LOVES your quirk. when she puts music on, any music that you two like, your feathers ruffle a bit on instinct and you start going between quiet chirping and whistling, something you try to fight out of mild embarrassment. but mina loves it and you grow less and less conscious of it as you two get closer.
the class finds out about it,, it's great to have that verbal approval of their taste when they play their favorite songs.
the same kinda goes for when your favorite people come around. you tense up a little and your feathers fluff up. your eyes dilate and even if you try to hide the smile or your excitement, your body tells them all they need to know. sometimes, though, they get nervouse because you do the same for opponents in instinctive aggression.
one of which is, of course, preening your wings, but it also includes doing some of the same for your friends.
one time you were just watching a movie with the class in the common room and you ended up going through momo's hair. it wasn't dirty, obviously, but you kept going and would let out little chirps of joy. her expensive hair wash just smelled good, yknow?
obviously the rest of the class pointed it out, and when momo giggled and thanked you, you went sll red in embarrassment. it was definitely a new action to you, something you were unaware of.
"a-ah- momo, i'm so sorry-!"
"no, [Name], it's okay! here-"
she made a square of fabric with (obviously) artificial feathers sewn on while you were distracted. you were still embarrassed, but you couldn't help the fluffing of your festhers as you took it.
yeah, you were potentially deadly, but sometimes you were just so sweet and-
when you hug someone, your wings come around in a form of protection. and they're so soft and have a quirk of their own-
you're just-
they're comforting. for everyone.
mina's favorite thing is obviously your reactions with music, but she loves your whistling. it can be funny, like once when you were quietly whistling wap, but it can be really calming, too. you once whistled a dodie song and it was so calming that they just fell asleep against your shoulder.
asui honestly just likes having another person with an animal quirk around, and it's the same with kouda. it gives kouda a better understanding of how to read his bird friends, too. with asui, whenever she's getting too cold, you try to wrap her up in a wing to warm her up. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it always at least makes her feel far more comfortable.
TENYA GETS ANNOYED SOMETIMES. when your feathers fluff up seemingly out of nowhere, the man gets all guarded and shit 😩 he also finds your whistling quite agitating when he's looking for some quiet,, but he does come around and just talk to you about it.
uraraka loves it. she honestly finds your quirk fascinating, and it's a lot of fun to work with her quirk along with yours in traning, using her zero gravity to help support any weight your wings are trying to carry. she's also just very cuddly by nature, so a lot of her leaning into your wings if you have them sprawled out.
yes, boom boom boy comes around.
"yeah, so that's why i- huh-?"
"don't say a fuckin' thing, bird brain... you offered."
"oh, alright-"
he loves your wings, highkey. he stresses the fuck out of himself and gives himself a LOT of anxiety, but whenever it becomes too much, he'll just kind of hide hugging you. he likes when you fluff up your feathers while you're hugging, so do that and he'll basically be on the edge of falling asleep in your hold-
midoriya and todoroki are interesting when it comes to your quirk... sometimes they ask kinda uncomfortable questions, mostly midoriya because he's taking so many notes,
but todoroki just wants to know abt your weaknesses-
"so your feathers take two days to grow back?"
"uh- yeah-"
"so it makes you significantly more vulnerable to my quirk."
"w-wait, hold on-!"
"i apologize for any inconvenience. thank you for answering my questions."
and sero was a lil scared he'd get stuck to you. again. he used his quirk indoors once towards mineta, but you walked right into the way by accident snd it caught your wings. he tried yo pull away, but it plucked your feathers out. h a r d.
he apologized sm 😩 he was so scared of hurting you again JFNXN-
basically everyone loved your quirk. there are dome things that can be restricting at times, though. you can sit without sprawling your wings, but they occasionally fluff out to relieve any discomfort. this catches some people off guard (including iida) which has lead to you being encouraged to just have them out in a comfortable position.
some of them also take a lil longer to trust you-
when hitoshi first meets you, he's quick to point out the fact that you and your feathers hold a sort of telepathic communication, which isn't new info to any hawks fans. tokoyami silently agrees, mostly because hawks is just such a secretive figure. hell, you were one of those secrets until about a year prior!
with time, tho... he can't help it.
you were able to hold back a little more your first year, bUT YOUR SECOND YEAR MADE IT V DIFFICULT-
you were much more like a "hawk" than your brother (yes, courtesy of both of your parents strongly contributing to your bird-liness). because of this, though, n a t u r a l s e l e c t i o n gave your body an actual internal clock for a mating season. you were still a teen, so obviously acting on it soon was never ever a plan, but you started going through the habits of the season.
late winter, early spring. you started becoming rather possessive of your things. you were a lot more aggressive than usual, and you started becoming far more sensitive to any criticism. your anxiety was wayyy up, and the only thing that relieved it was flying.
yes. at night, too.
and one time, you snuck out through your balcony and collected
rocks and sticks. and you brought them back to your dorm and set them out around your bed.
the next morning, when you refused to leave your room, aizawa went in and was absolutely confused. it looked like you had some sort of ritual circle going on, and you were anxiously preening your wings.
it was confusing because things didn't 100% align with bird instinct, but it obviously was completely natural to you.
safe to say that when other students found out, it made it hard to see you as intimidating at all.
kouda helps quite a lot during this time which lasts a little over a week for you, helping direct friends for how to help out.
you borrowed a ton of hoodies during that week. and there was a lot of decorating within the circle. random shit, too, like wrappers from any snacks you were given from your friends.
hitoshi had to chuckle- BFNXN-
but his chuckle made you cry because you thought he was making fun of your "nest"
he almost got his ass fucking bEAT-
But yes.
they love you. much snuggles, yes. a lotta love. 🧍
platonic kithes to their favorite chirp champion :D
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darby-drabbles · 7 years
I think Josie and Andre eventually become unlikely (?) friends in the cowboy au. Josie’s a teacher,, and, she will teach Leia eventually. I generally still imagine her being just a bit too young for that though, except when I specifically picture her being in school. But regardless, Andre’s a single parent forrr, a lil while before Kriss and he isn’t very open about Leia at first in this au. ((he’s scared his family will look down on him for having a baby out of wedlock, he’s already not makin his parents incredibly proud of his life choices ahhhha. :0 And, he doesn’t want random townspeople to gossip and look down on him aND his family bc of it?? Bein part of the mayor’s family put him sorta in th spotlight with some big shoes to fill. He already feels unsuccessful and like they judge him and he’s not good enough. He just wants people 2 leave him an his new baby alooone...)) So, he doesn’t have a TOn of people he can turn to. His only friend with kid experience is Avery and he doesn’t wanna rely on them Constantly. So he gets in touch with a few others for help, before like,,, the majority of people actually start finding out about her. He knows about Josie, she’s the newish teacher at the school, she generally keeps to herself,, though recently she may have a thing with the sheriff,,,, she likes kids and she seems shy but very nice,, she could probably keep a secret and give babby advice.
So one day he comes to her after she’s done teaching. He seems really nervous like he’s hiding something. Josie’s nervous at first too, and kinda wishes Roxy would be here, but he quickly reveals that he just,,,,, has a secret baby daughter staying with a friend right now and he has no idea what he’s doing or who to turn to and he’s terrified pls help. Josie’s a lil surprised but it’s not bad or anything, she doesn’t think less of him or w/e he was nervous about. I just think, based on what little she knew about him and any gossip she’s heard, she saw Andre as sorta,,, rough and intimidating and wasn’t expecting him to be so worried and protective about a baby. So it’s, kinda a relief really?
She’s actually not too familiar with caring for BABY babies and hasn’t been around them much, but she’d love to try and help anyway!! She’d also love,,, to hold? Blease let her hold the small lil bean for a while. :,)c SO The two of them go back and Josie gets to meet Leia and coo at her and hold her while they talk a lil bit before Josie has to head home, but they make plans to have more conversations! 
One day they have the time to talk for A Long Time,, and I think Andre would offer to buy her a drink. (CASUALLY..) He likes drinkin so that seems like the polite thing to do and Josie accepts because THat seems like the polite thing to do. SHe’s immediately grossed out by it an he laughs and apologizes,,, but, it’s fine they keep talking for a while after that. (Andre,,, she’s so obviously not a drinker what were u thinking....) They have a lot to discuss! Despite not normally being very talkative and still mostly keeping to herself, Josie doesn’t actually mind this because he’s not really asking things about her*, which is normally what starts to draw her away from conversations,, even if she knows it’s just casual pleasantries. He’s just, genuinely wanting help and advice for th sake of the baby. She doesn’t mind that at all, she wants to help! (*I mean he might ask some things casually to be polite but he drops it quickly when she doesn’t rly respond, he relates to that very much. Oh u don’t wanna talk about your family? BIG MOOD I’m sorry lemme change the subject..)
Most of th story I picture Leia as a toddler so I mean the town knows about her by now, but, I think Andre and Josie just bonded over that earlier on when she’s just a baby, and they still get together and talk now! Josie wants to keep updated about lil Leia before she gets old enough to really learn things in her class regularly!!! :,)c Soon. Very soon!! Until then, she probably watches over her sometimes for her dad, when she’s not too busy!
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