smile4meimagines · 4 years
first off I want to thank the blog mods for being absolute legends, y’all rock; second I’m sorry for the crudeness of this ask hhahahahaaaa — (NSFW) Kamal getting ‘eaten out’ by s/o or vise versa - Both Kamal and s/o are trans mlm ok thanks hhaaaaa
Mod HB: don’t be sorry! crudeness is not always a bad thing~ 
Mod Gay: Crude ahead, dude!
Kamal with S/O, ‘Eating out’
At first both of you would be very nervous, previously you had both joked about doing it for a few weeks. 
But as soon as you’re both in the mood and that feeling of nerves disappears you’d both have a grand old time!
You would tease him at first, kissing his inner thighs. Maybe biting them softly, humming at his reaction.
You’d then slowly make your way to his clit, gently running your tongue over it. Kamal at this point might be quite shaky (in a good way!). He would ask if he could hold one of your hands.
When he’s really into it he might end up tugging at your hair, he tries being careful when he does this He doesn’t mind if you do the same to him
Kamal doesn’t smell as such but you can tell it’s him, he would taste sweet! Depending on whether you had pre-planned this, he would eat foods that would help down there taste a little better. 
He really loves sliding a hand up to feel your stomach and hips, before bringing it back to further help stimulate you
When he’s the one receiving attention, he loves it sooo much when you leave hickies on his thighs and hip. He leaves him a moaning mess whenever you do it.
The aftermath would include a nice warm bath, but Kamal will start to fall asleep on you. So you better wash up quickly ; - )
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logosbot-tm · 3 years
Don't be afraid of the girl in the mirror.
Yeah she's creepy, but she just wants to make sure that you look your best!!! Give her a treat, sacrifice a person, give her some money, hhahahahaaaa, she's honestly great :)
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norainonmyway · 6 years
Omg bc when I read “ if you need advice or someone to talk to I’m here for you” I instantly thought CANCER
Hhahahahaaaa you guessed right
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thatqueerbxtch · 6 years
Fuck my life
So i used to be @glittery-trashcan but long story short i got my phone taken away and had forgotten my passcode when i got it back, so i had to wipe my phone. Tumblr wouldn’t let me back in unless i changed my password from my email, and i used a fake email address cuz i was lazy so i’m locked out of that account hhahahahaaaa
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simonxwest-blog · 7 years
Txt: oh no, baby, someone thinks I'm not A Real Domme 🙀what in the world am I gonna do??
Text: Aww cause you seem super interested in what some other fucker thinks. Hhahahahaaaa
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