#hhh why this is so cuuuute
dailycykesquill · 7 months
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remverse · 4 months
Hhh why is Mist so cuuuute
Mist paused mid chew then pointed at Saide "She made me that way."
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chockfullofsecrets · 6 years
BNHA: Having Fun
Rating: Gen
Summary: The teachers are having a night out at a karaoke bar and Midnight is determined to make sure that Toshinori has fun too.
Wordcount: 1037
A/N: in which i started out wanting to give All Might a hug and my brain decided to personally victimize me with mean ler Midnight. have fun guys.
“Hello, stranger.”
Heels clacked against wood flooring as Midnight approached Toshinori, hips swaying with each pace in a way that made it look as if the world was bending around her. “Ah, Kayama-kun!”
“Oh, good, I thought you might pretend you didn’t know any of us.” She slid into the chair next to him, casting a pointed glance to the other end of the karaoke bar. Thirteen was balancing three shot glasses on their gloved fingertips, Hound Dog and Cementoss steadying their arms as Ectoplasm tipped the drinks one by one into Present Mic’s waiting mouth. “Although I can kind of see why. Anyway, what are you doing all the way over here? If Eraser notices that not everyone is participating, he’s going to use it as an excuse to get out of singing.”
Toshinori smiled cheerfully up at the stage, where Snipe was warbling along to a translated version of ‘The Tennessee Waltz’. “I am participating! Snipe asked me for a suggestion of a country song.”
“Then participate over there! I bet you know all kinds of party games!”
They both watched as one of Thirteen’s glasses tumbled to the floor, Hound Dog catching it midair between sharp teeth. “I think they already have a game figured out, no?”
Midnight’s eyes narrowed, businesslike. “I didn’t know All Might was shy.”
“All Might isn’t.”
“Oh? In that case, I didn’t know Yagi Toshinori was a grumpy old man.”
Toshinori huffed. “That’s hardly fair. I’m having fun watching from here, don’t worry.”
“So you need a reason to make an entrance, huh? I think you also need some cheering up. Come here!”
Toshinori froze as he was dragged sideways into a full embrace. Absurdly high heels being of no use when she was sitting, Midnight had to get up on her knees to hug him properly just under his arms rather than settling for a mid-chest squeeze; as thankful as he was to not have pressure on his scar, the motion put her beaming face much closer to his than he’d expected.
His glacier-still body blazed warm with embarrassment as Midnight went one step further, peppering messy kisses all over his hollow cheeks. “K-kayama-kun!” he stuttered, half laughing as he tried to duck away. One of his hands was pressed involuntarily to his mouth - she was well within blood-spitting range, and he would never forgive himself for ruining her no-doubt expensive dress. “I get enough of that from All Might’s fans!”
Midnight smacked one last kiss on the tip of his nose and leaned back a little. “You have a cute laugh,” she observed. “It sounds very different from your All Might one. What else makes you laugh like that, Yagi-san?”
“Oh, uh - I don’t really know-”
“Think!” Midnight commanded him, hugging tighter and jostling him around a little. Yagi was feeling vaguely dizzy from the contact, wondering if she had accidentally released some of her perfume, when she stilled suddenly. “Oh. Ohhhh.” It was hard to tell with her face this close to his, but it looked like she was smirking. “Aw, Yagi-san, you’re going to regret giving me time to think about this.”
Chair creaking beneath her, she released him and shuffled back a little - definitely smirking, then. “You have a really cute ribcage, Yagi-san.”
Toshinori blinked, hunching a little as he wrapped a protective arm around himself. “Is this - is it part of a joke?”
“Oh, no.” Midnight assured, grabbing one of his skinny arms and tugging it back to expose his torso. “I mean it! Just feel those little stick-out ribs - they’re like xylophones!” She inched back in, trailing a single nail lightly over the rib closest to his underarm. “You really should eat more, I could practically feel them poking me through your shirt.”
Toshinori tried to hold still, he really did, but he couldn’t help but squirm involuntarily from the sensation, narrowed down into the lone edge where Midnight’s finger was scraping over defenseless taut skin. Midnight’s eyes brightened.
“You’re shivering, sweetheart,” she purred. “Did I find a sensitive spot? Are my nails making you feel… silly?”
“And now you’re stuttering.” Her smile was growing wider by the second. “Ugh, I’m trying to be mean but you’re just too cuuuute!”
“N-noho - Kayama-kun, please, please-” His brain kept catching on that word - what was he supposed to ask for?
With Midnight already on her knees, it was the work of a single moment for her to swing her leg over both of his and box him in. “Please what?” she teased, still tracing his ribs with her left hand as her right fluttering threateningly to his other side. “Please tickle all those cute little cackles you’ve been hiding out of you? It would be my pleasure!”
Somewhere behind them, Present Mic grabbed his namesake and started belting out a catchy song that had all the other teachers hollering along, some more drunkenly than others. A dim corner of his mind was counting his blessings for the tuneful yet ear-splitting distraction as Midnight proceeded to menace his ribs with pinches and squeezes and light traces of the curved bones that made him think it was almost possible to catch his breath even as he dissolved further into hysterics. “Hhh - HAHAHAAAAAHA - eheehee! IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAN’T! Please, pleheese, i’m sohohOORRY!”
“Sorry for what?” Midnight wondered, scrubbing her nails carelessly across the backs of his ribs. She seemingly hadn’t noticed his scar, maybe chalking it up to yet another oddity of his physique, but she’d taken great pains to examine and tease every panicky word that spilled from his mouth. “Are you sorry for being so tickle-tickle-ticklish? Oops, does saying the word make it tickle worse?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll use different words. Kochokochokocho~”
She finally stopped as the song came to a close, almost as if she were trying to hide his ignominious lapse from the rest of the group. Toshinori was pathetically grateful, considering how he’d resorted so quickly to begging. He slumped forward, every muscle as loose as if they’d been physically disconnected from his brain. Midnight winced as his forehead thudded against her collarbone.
“Poor, silly, ticklish All Might,” she cooed, tugging lightly at his bangs even as one hand rubbed between his hitching shoulders. “At least now you look like you’ve been having some fun.”
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space-kitten-606 · 6 years
Idk why but saeyoung just nonchalantly changing a babies diaper has me feeling some kind of thing..? Like slight butterflies? Idk, I can imagine him talking to the baby the whole time, just joking around without a pause, "ahh, you're so cuuuute!!! Little cute wittle baby~ *sniff sniff* erg, stinky little baby! You ready to fly to the spaceship? Woooosh~" and maybe joking about it being gross, but not actually being phased at all? Why is this giving me butterflies?? God6 help
W-wait. This happened before...are you...is that a typo...? Or...or are you referring to me...to me as...as God6?? I- always thought it was a typo?
Hhh yes, right??? I love me some domestic Sev, not gonna lie. Just reading this almost had me squealing because.....cUTE!!!11!1!1!1!1!
LIke...you just know he'd love his kid so much??? He'd be so incredibly happy and grateful that he actually gets the chance to love and care for his own child??? I'm almost in tears this makes me way to emotional asgdkdhsksjsk
Also just imagine sitting on the couch next to him after a long day with your child and he just seems so....pleased with everything? And he smiles at you and you just....that's the father of your child....your husband......???? And you can tell just by looking at him that he's thinking the exact same thing about you?????
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