#hhhhh i love feral dragon zhongli
frogchiro Β· 2 years
Srry for bothering you but If you don't mind can you do hybrid dragon! Zhongli pls πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ? Take ur time tho if you're busy !! 😊😊
hnnnn whenever i read dragon hybrid zhongli i think about him in his peak years as not zhongli but as morax, the ruthless, strongest archon, the lord of geo and a menace to everyone around.
he's big, all 7ft 3 of pure muscle and strength, his stone hard muscles almost seem to pulse with geo energy, the veins on his dark arms like rivers of molten gold along with the sparse scales on his torso and the prominent horn on top of his head, almost like a crown. his strong dragon tail swishing behind him when he's particulary annoyed at someone and his sharp gold eyes glowing with barely contained anger.
j-just imagine being chosen specifically by the lord of geo to be his little wifey out of all the available options an yet he chose you, the sweet little daughter of a minor god.
imagine wearing the finest of silks, the tiny white dress complimenting your features beautifully as you lounge on your husband's lap like a prized pet, mewling softly as morax's sharp claws runs over your skin and grabbing, almost playing with the soft flesh of your full hips as he listens to the droning of some minor gods pleading their case for protection from the lord of geo.
zhongli barely stiffens a snarl as he listens to the same boring speech over and over again, his only entertainment being his little wifey laid out all open for him in his lap and all the thoughts that appear in his head about you all naked on all fours in your shared bed, presenting yourself to your god whimpering from overstimulation and begging him to breed you and give you a clutch of eggs.
zhongli couldn't help but growl loudly, successfully interrupting the people beneath his throne as he abruptly stands up with you clutched tightly in his arms as he makes his way into your chambers to act out on his fantasies with you, his little mate, in the middle of them.
'don't you worry little one, by the end of the night you'll surely be heavy with my seed. can't wait to greet out clutch soon enough~'
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zhongrin Β· 5 months
Rin can I send you a zhongli brainrot. Corrupted zhongli based on karma. You know xiao's karmic debt symptoms imagine it with zhongli. Imagine Zhongli, whose mind has been consumed by the karma. Imagine this feral dragon man in a dragon mask hunting you down like prey.
yes, always!!!
and hhhhh oh good gods.... karmic!zhongli.... hurting from all the souls he killed... ough.... see, considering what karmic debt did to xiao in canon, for me karmic!zhongli is just.... pitiful. he's haunted by the lives he's taken and yet he puts on such a serene mask that you don't suspect anything's wrong. it's a heartbreaking sight for sure.
HOWEVER, eroded zhongli, on the other hand.... eroded!zhongli is one of my favorite headcanon branch for yan!zhongli and i love love love the concept so much because we know canonically how much effect it has on adepti and dragons alike, how much it can distort one's perception to the point that it changes one's memories.
eroded!zhongli could be downright delusional sometimes, and oh how it hurts to see your once humbled and gentle husband revert to his none-the-wiser self that's brasher, instinct-driven, and a whole lot more bloodthirsty - but even worse. because this time, he can't seem to listen to reason at all. and even if you succeed in taming him one day, everything seems to go up in vapors the next day. the struggle of watching your loved one slowly sinking into madness and there's nothing else you could do but cradle him close as he scrambles to drag you down along with him, talons digging into your form like a lifeline, black sclera highlighting dull ambers that shone with both unspoken horrors and the stare of a devout follower looking at his only salvation. was it out of sheer desperation? was it survival instinct coming into play? did he remember the times how you would always comfort him when he was at his lowest? ..... no matter.
at least this way the geo dragon won't be lonely.
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