mosquito-man-man · 4 months
Here’s a poem that I wrote ‼️ I’m gonna submit this to a writing comp at my school
If any of my moots who also know me on discord see this, yeah I did a lot of editing. So much editing…it’s over now. Probably. I hope. I really hope.
cw for a blood mention in the first stanza. Also implied outing
A Secret
If it isn’t safe, keep the key to your closet
Hold it in your hand
Hide it behind your back
Whatever you do, never lose it
And even if it digs into your skin
Leaves deep red marks that don’t easily fade away
Even when your hand begins to bleed
No matter how much it hurts
Your safety comes first
But comfort can come next
If the key to your closet is too heavy to carry
Too painful to hold
Choose your person carefully
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you know them?
Do you trust them?
Will they unlock your closet?
Will they keep your key safe?
What will you say?
What will they say?
Do you know them?
Do you trust them?
Be careful. Your key may give them a power they never should’ve had.
If your key is copied and traded like cards,
I’m sorry about your secret. I don’t know what to do.
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