#hi cupid hi confetti cannon
containedconspiracy · 4 months
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anzulvr · 1 year
How would first kiss with Karma look like?
♡ Karma x reader, oneshot! ♡
Korosensei is DEFINITELY playing a part in this.
He’s dragging the entire class down with him too.
It’s like the same vibe to what they tried to do with Karasuma and Irina. ( Where they’re over here trying to play Cupid and matchmake people.)
Neither one of you will admit to the other you like eachother so they take it into their own hands
The first Step of Class E’s plan was set in motion, Korosensei had handed everyone a personalized pop quiz.
He made sure to give you math questions he knew you’d struggle with because that’s Karmas strongest subject.
He did the same with Karma giving him very complicated questions on (your favorite subject but anything other than math).
He pulled Karma and you aside asking you to tutor eachother.
Karma would be helping you in math and you’d be helping him in (subject).
You were both pretty confused because Korosensei could help the whole class study at once if he wanted to but neither of you said it since it was a good excuse to hang out with eachother after school.
Step 2 was up and done by the time you were headed to Karmas house to study.
Thanks to Itona and Ritsu they’d gotten a couple of tech tricks down their sleeves ready to go.
You start working on the assignments and after a few minutes of talking the song double take by DHRUV starts lightly playing in the background.
“Can you hear that?”
“..yeah what the hell??”
Step 3 is set in motion
Sugino is in charge of dimming the lights and so he does 😭
Then [favorite flower] appears in your hand.
Korosensei put it there at mock 20, he also shoved Karma towards you.
Muramatsu and Hara were in charge of dropping rose petals down the stairs.
It’s so awkward and Karma gets back to his spot so quickly.
Now both of you are visibly embarrassed😭
“I swear I don’t know where any of this is coming from.”
“This has to be Korosenseis way of messing with us.”
You both start looking around, then, lo and behold Rio and Fuwa fall out of the cabinet they were hiding in.
“Rio I told you you were taking up too much space!”
“I was trying my legs were hurting!”
Korosensei gets out of his hiding spot to frantically checking to see if they’re hurt.
Since their cover was already blown the rest of the class came out of where they were hiding.
It was actually pretty impressive how so many of them managed to hide in silence for long, minus the way Rio and Fuwa fell, everyone had been really sneaky.
You look around and notice Korosensei had a camera on him, Maehara took a step forward getting out of the curtain he was hidden behind of and winced when he realized he accidentally pulled the rope that was attached to a “Congratulations on your Relationship!” Banner. (They couldn’t find one in store so Sugaya designed it and Ritsu got it printed out.)
After seeing Maehara messed up anyway Okajima pops one of those little confetti cannons when he notices everyone turned to look at him he goes “sorry the urge was too strong I really wanted to do that.”
Everyone starts frantically apologizing like:
“We shouldn’t have done this we’re sorry for being pushy!”
“Yeah- also Karma we ate the brownies in your fridge, planning this was a lot of work.”
Except for Terasaka and Hazama both of them are just like “You’re telling me we were dragged here for nothing??”
Nagisa is the last person to say anything “We were being pushy I know- but we only wanted to help you out since you like eachother.”
Before you can reply they’re out the door. (They were too scared to hear anything Karma had to say)
The second they leave you both are laughing so hard and just poking fun at the whole situation.
“What where they even going for they made it seem like a proposal—”
“Right! I thought I was imagining things until Rio and Fuwa face planted!”
After a while of joking back and fourth you decide to bring Nagisas apology up.
“About what Nagisa said… you like me?”
“what about you- do you like me?”
“Hey! I asked you first.”
“I thought it was obvious I do.”
Karma leans closer to you
“Can I?”
You kiss him and *click*
Korosensei was at the window with the Camera still, he flew off fast when he realized the flash was on.
“Huh maybe they’re plan wasn’t as stupid as we thought.”
“Do you think the whole “im sorry” act was apart of the plan or just a happy accident?”
“Happy accident? I take it you liked the kiss then?”
“Shut up.”
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
what? a beautiful wedding? pt. 4
a/n: wow, this is the last part! thank you for all your support on this little series, i’ve had such fun writing these💓 you know the drill by now, we’re following this au and part 1, part 2, and part 3 are linked!
In a disorderly clump, the entire friend group as well as various other family members and friends (of both brides) walked to the outdoor venue. Stephen looked around the garden with wonder, drawing on the back of Anthony’s hand with his thumb.
“This is pretty,” he murmured, simultaneously thinking aloud and talking to Anthony. “I think an outdoor wedding would be nice, weather and seasonal allergies permitting.”
Anthony nodded. “Can you imagine you’re about to say ‘I do’ and you sneeze because the pollen count is too high? I’m sure it’s happened to somebody before.”
“Good thing Christine is a med student and has the foresight to take allergy medicine, and Hope is somehow lucky enough not to have allergies,” Stephen replied.
The couple took their seats, continuing to hold hands as they waited for the ceremony to begin.
“I think an outdoor wedding would be nice,” Anthony said. “My mother used to say that she imagined my wedding in her rose garden.”
Stephen didn’t miss the fact that Anthony’s voice dropped at the mention of his mother. “Natasha’s wedding wasn’t there, was it?”
“No, she always dreamed of getting married in Paris, like we know she did. But Mom was always proud of her roses, and she always hoped one of us would get married there,” Anthony explained.
Stephen saved this information for a later date, wrapping an arm around Anthony as his face fell. Stephen kissed him softly, trying to prevent him from spiraling into old and upsetting memories. He didn’t want to see the love of his life upset, especially when he felt somewhat responsible.
“I’m fine,” Anthony murmured, leaning slightly against Stephen. His words said one thing, but his body language (looking around somewhat nervously, playing with his sunglasses in his hand) said another.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen whispered. “I love you.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong!” Anthony assured him. “And I love you too.”
Stephen kissed him again. “Why didn’t Natasha come today, by the way?”
“Hope didn’t invite her. Not to be meanspirited, or anything, but they’ve never met.
“That’s a little weird, given that she’s your half-sister, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know if Natasha would have come if she got invited, honestly,” Anthony replied. “She really never liked being around this many people. Even still, she wanted to show support and her way of doing that is through gestures.”
“So is yours,” Stephen said with a smirk.
“Yes, but Natasha is much more lowkey about everything than I am. In fact I think she’d agree with you that islands are weird wedding gifts,” Anthony said. “How else are you supposed to tell people you love them, if not with a grand gesture?”
Stephen’s heart clenched. “You know you’re far too precious for this world, it’s really unfair. I’m lucky you’re mine.”
“Feeling possessive, are we?” Anthony asked, giving Stephen a little, good-natured shove.
“Not really, just introspective,” Stephen replied, as his phone began to buzz. “Oh wait, drama in the groupchat.”
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The seat switch occurred just before as the organist announced the arrival of the brides. The brides and their bridesmaids would be walking down the aisle in two parallel lines, tailed by Hope’s niece as the flower girl. Christine’s father, ordained specifically for this day, was the officiant (while Hope’s father would emcee the reception) waiting at the end of the aisle. It was a beautiful arrangement, and the entire group was happy to see both of their friends radiant and glowing in the afternoon sunlight.
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Even Pepper, from her place behind Christine, had a peaceful smile on her face. Peaceful was the perfect word to describe her, as it seemed she had found a way to make amends with her feelings. She was even the first one to toss a bouquet in the air when Christine and Hope shared their first kiss, and wasn’t that nice?
“I always underestimate how loud you can actually be,” Stephen teased, wrapping his arms around Anthony.
“I’m not being that loud!” Anthony was indignant, despite the fact that he was practically shouting. “It’s just important that you can hear me over the music!”
“I can hear you fine, and beyond that I’m listening to you,” Stephen replied. “So talk, you have my attention.”
Anthony was interrupted by Sam, forcing himself behind the couple. “What are you doing?”
“Hiding! Didn’t you see the texts? Bucky is after me with the confetti cannon!” Sam said. “I need you to cover me.”
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Anthony smiled wickedly, continuing to hold onto Stephen even as he faced Sam. “Fine, but I need a favor from you. See Rhodey and T’challa flirting over there? I need you to run past them, leading Bucky behind you while he’s chasing you, and somehow knock them into a corner.”
“Fine I’ll do it, just hide me for a minute!” Sam pleaded.
He continued to stand behind them, periodically looking around for Bucky.
“Why would anyone hide behind you? Even with this startling amount of hair gel, you’re tiny,” Stephen teased Anthony.
“Uncalled for, on so many levels!” Anthony replied. “It’s not that much hair gel! Besides, you try dancing the night away while maintaining immaculate hair.”
“I don’t need to try, I’ve perfected it,” Stephen quipped.
“Where’s Sam? Has anyone seen Sam?” Bucky had the confetti cannon slung over his shoulder like a bag, his hands forming a makeshift megaphone as he dramatically searched for his boyfriend.
“I’m making a run for it!” Sam yelled, sprinting to the left.
Bucky appeared as quickly as Sam had sprinted away. “Where did he go?”
Anthony simply pointed to the left, returning his attention to Stephen. “Have I told you how nice you look today?”
“I wouldn’t mind hearing it again,” Stephen replied. His mind drifted back to earlier in the day, to lazy kisses being traded as they prepared to leave for the wedding. It felt like it was days ago when Anthony grabbed Stephen’s shirt collar and kissed him in their closet. Even though Anthony generally preferred hugs, he never shied away from an opportunity to kiss Stephen.
He knew he was grinning like an idiot when Anthony caressed his face and whispered, “You look great, Steph.”
“That’s high praise coming from you,” Stephen preened at Anthony’s words, leaning in to kiss him.
“Hmm, and you do love my praise, don’t you?” Anthony whispered against his lips.
“I love all of you, if you don’t already know that,” Stephen said.
“I love you too,” Anthony murmured, leaning in for another kiss as someone clinked a glass.
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“May I have everyone’s attention please?” Carol asked. “Wow, lots of PDA here tonight, huh? Anyway, it’s come to my attention that some of you want to toast to the happy couple, and since dinner is about to be served I figured now is a good time for some toasts! The dance floor isn’t going anywhere, everyone return to your seats!”
In an even less orderly clump than before, the wedding guests returned to their seats. Excitement buzzed in the air as people whispered to each other, finalizing their toasts.
“Now, who’d like to go first?” Carol asked, once everyone was seated.
Rhodey’s hand was up before Carol could even finish her sentence, and no one opposed him going first. Clearly, a lot was on his mind. “I’d just like to start out by saying congratulations to the both of you, I couldn’t be happier! I wanted to actually give you your wedding gift now, although this is directed at Christine. Why, you may ask? Because she was the only one who thought me and T’challa were together where the rest of our friends have assumed we’ve just been pining for each other! Christine— you were right, we’ve been together since February.”
Anthony stood up immediately. “You mean I’ve been trying to play Cupid for nothing?!”
Rhodey took a bow as all the wedding guests clapped.
“Thank you Rhodey, this might be the second best early wedding present I got today!” Christine declared with a wink.
Stephen followed her line of sight, confusion on his face. She wasn’t winking at Rhodey...
Christine winked at Pepper.
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morbidcorvids · 4 years
I just read ur halloween fic!! And it's adorable!! Can I also request a prompt? This is their highschool years btw and its about Hizashi, Shouta, Oboro, Nemuri, Kan and Tensei having a halloween party and also having a contest on who could have the best costumes! And the two winners would be going on a date. This was set up by Nemuri, Oboro, Kan and Tensei cause they know that Shouta and Hizashi had been dancing around each other for a few years and they wanted to help. So yeah XD Hizashi goes as Hatsune Miku! Which as he likes to call it, Present Miku! XD
Happy Halloween! I’m sorry this took *forever*, but it became much longer than anticipated. I loved the whole idea of Present Miku! Hope you enjoy!
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!
Title: Present Miku
If only he had put a bit more effort into his costume, his friend Kan wouldn’t have felt as personally offended. 
“You know, you could have at least bought one from the dollar store instead of wearing your black curtains as a cape,” Kan remarked, crossing his arms. 
Shouta shrugged as he sat down next to Oboro, “I wasn’t going to come in a costume, but Nemuri warned me that if I didn’t dress up then she would make a scene on my birthday.” 
“What type of scene?” Oboro asked, getting comfortable on the couch as he opened his tenth candy wrapper for the night. 
“She didn’t specify, but honestly, I‘d rather not know,” Shouta responded, laying back on the couch as he gestured for Oboro to grab him a candy from the bowl. 
Even if it wasn’t his original idea to attend the party, he had to admit, Tensei’s house was pretty impressive. From the moment he stepped onto the front gates, Shouta felt out of place with his cheap cape and DIY fangs. As the gates opened, he could see the massive garden filled with colorful plants and fancy statues. There was even a mini pond with lily pads that ran probably the bluest water Shouta had ever seen. 
As he approached the huge double doors, Tensei was already waiting for him with that flashy smile that captivated everyone in class 1-A. With the best grades in the class, and being a descendant from a family of heroes, it was no wonder he became the president of 1-A. 
When Shouta first arrived at class 1-A after transferring from General Studies, he hadn’t expected such a warm welcome from the president. The one from General Studies displayed a high ego and God complex that was unbearable most of the time. Tensei let Shouta feel included the second he entered his new classroom, and introduced him to Hizashi and Oboro - his current two best friends. 
As Tensei let him inside the house, he was greeted by an ecstatic Nemuri, who was wearing a scantily clad Poison Ivy costume. Already seeing Tensei’s detailed costume of Link from Legend of Zelda and the custom made Poison Ivy outfit from Nemuri made Shouta feel like the odd one out with his poor excuse of a costume. It didn’t help immediately getting berated by Kan for “not putting effort into his Dracula costume”. Though he had to admit; he completely forgot about Kan’s attendance and how...insensitive it would be to come with a poorly done Dracula outfit. Kan’s family, who all have similar quirks that deal with blood, practically venerate the Draculian lore. 
Kan was dressed as a chef, claiming the film Ratatouille inspired him. Shouta just rolled his eyes at the explanation and walked towards the living room. His eyes scanned the enormous living room, finding Oboro sitting down on a couch that probably cost more than his parent’s apartment. 
He currently sat on that same couch, waiting for the last person to arrive. He sighed as Oboro’s white wings hit him in the face again for the fifth time. His friend opted to dress as an angel, and his explanation was even worse than Kan’s. 
“Well, for one, I am an angel. Two, I am really feeling like acting as Cupid today,” Oboro stated, fluttering his eyes as he smiled at Shouta. 
Shouta groaned, “are you sure it isn’t an excuse to use your clouds as a substitute for pants?” 
Oboro cackled as he handed Shouta a piece of chocolate. They began talking with Kan about the scariest experiences they had with the supposed supernatural. Kan was in the middle of explaining the footsteps he used to hear walking back and forth on his apartment’s hallway at 3 in the morning when the lights were suddenly turned off. 
Shouta looked at Oboro in confusion, who stared back at him with the same puzzlement. Rays of lights invaded the room as a certain pop song blared through the speakers. Shouta winced as he covered his ears. The loud music sort of reminded him of someone…
Tensei appeared from the entrance of the living room, looking unfazed. He turned on the microphone he was holding, which let out an unpleasant howling noise. Tensei smiled apologetically, and sighed before using the microphone to speak. 
“People of Halloweentown, get ready for the greatest pop star of our generation. Please receive the wondrous, fantastic, fabulous, talented, and amazing: Present Miku!” 
Nemuri released a giant confetti cannon, which sprinkled all across the room - blinding Shouta. Of course, Shouta thought, Hizashi would be one for dramatic entrances. 
Hizashi suddenly appeared with a microphone on his hands, and began lip-syncing to the song that was still playing from the speakers. Kan leaned towards Shouta and Oboro as he covered his ears. 
“What song is this?!” He yelled, yet Shouta could barely hear him as the song blasted through their ears. Oboro laughed hysterically as he moved to the beat of the song. 
“It’s a Hatsune Miku song!” Oboro replied, “I think it is called ‘Desert Wolf’!” 
“Is it the vocaloid girl he is obsessed about?” Shouta asked. His ears finally adjusted to the loudness that invaded the room. Someone would have believed he was prepared to be bombarded with sound, considering he was friends with Hizashi, the classmate with a Voice quirk. 
Oboro smiled widely. “What do you think?” he said, pointing at Hizashi. 
A long teal hair tied in pigtails adorned Hizashi’s head, falling to his hips. He wore a grey shirt that traced his waist with a black skirt. Shouta’s eyes lingered towards the bottom, where Hizashi posed with thigh high boots. 
Shouta had to admit, Hizashi looked really nice. 
It was clear that out of everyone here, especially Shouta, Hizashi put the most effort into his costume. He even had the clothing piece on his arms glow a color similar to turquoise. His tie had his name ‘Present Miku’ engraved on the top, with small pins of Hatsune Miku attached. 
Shouta caught Nemuri glancing at him, wiggling her eyebrows. He couldn’t help the slight blush that crept on his face as he looked away. 
The song soon ended, and Hizashi bowed, receiving applause from his friends. Oboro and Nemuri clapped loud and sincere, while Shouta and Kan clapped rather unenthusiastically. 
Hizashi proceeded to plop down in between Oboro and Shouta, putting his arms around them as he hugged them tightly. 
“Happy Halloween you two!” He exclaimed, flashing his brightest grin. 
“Took you long enough to arrive,” Shouta grumbled, leaning towards Hizashi’s embrace. He’s used to Hizashi’s shoulder being his personal pillow as he took a quick nap. 
He didn’t notice the way Oboro and Kan exchanged knowing looks to one another. They looked back to Nemuri, who nodded once in agreement. She approached the center of the room - heels clanking loudly. 
“As you know, there was supposed to be a costume contest,” she reminded, looking at Shouta with those disapproving eyes again. 
“The two people who win will get to go on a ‘fake’ date inside that door,” Nemuri explained, pointing her fingers at the closed white double doors at the right side of the room. 
“Tensei decorated it so that it may seem as authentic as possible.” 
“Authentic to what?” Shouta asked with his eyes closed, still leaning on Hizashi. 
“To a date, Shouta,” Nemuri replied with a smug smile, “so let’s start with the first lucky winner!” 
“Why do we need to do this now?” Shouta complained, “and also, don’t you think it is weird to make two people go on a forced date?” 
“Shut up, Shouta,” Nemuri scolded, being one of the few people that isn’t afraid to argue with him. His intimidating look might work on his classmates, but his upperclassmen friend isn’t threatened by those judging eyes. 
“Alright, remember not to vote for yourself!” Nemuri added, “pick a paper and once you write down your pick, just place it on this bowl.” 
She gleefully walked towards Tensei and sat next to him, writing down a name with her personal calligraphy pen. Shouta sighed as Hizashi passed him a piece of paper and pen. Might as well get this over with. 
He stared at the paper for a moment, remembering the details of everyone’s costumes. He didn’t even know why he was analyzing the costumes when he already knew the answer. 
He carefully wrote Hizashi’s name, tracing back the letters as he finished. He rarely got to write his friend’s name, yet it felt so familiar to him. 
He placed his paper into the bowl, and leaned back on the couch as he waited for the last person to cast their vote. Once Kan, the last one to vote, slipped his paper into the bowl, Tensei grabbed it and started counting. 
As they waited, Hizashi was acting as the DJ for the party, though it mostly consisted of Hatsune Miku songs. Shouta stood up once to grab a piece of pigs in a blanket. As he ate the small party appetizer, he sneaked a peek at Hizashi, who was dancing to the music with Nemuri. Shouta never knew Hizashi was talented at moving his hips. His heartbeat began quickening-
“I have counted the votes!” Tensei announced, beaming in front of his friends. 
“The winner is…” he began, and Oboro began tapping the table to mimic drums. 
“Present Miku!” 
Hizashi squealed, jumping up and down with Nemuri. 
“Can’t wait to see who will be my date!” 
“I feel like I know who,” Nemuri answered, looking straight at Shouta as she winked. What was she trying to say?
“Let’s not waste time and pick the second winner!” Nemuri sang, already picking up her piece of paper. 
“Wow, someone is excited,” Shouta joked in his deadpanned time. Nemuri stuck her tongue out at him before handing him another piece of paper. Shouta sighed again, but this time louder than before. 
Hizashi was busy talking to Oboro to notice Shouta next to him. Shouta wasn’t listening to their conversation - too busy thinking on who he would pick. I mean, it isn’t a hard choice. Just pick the second best costume. 
Still, there was something impeding him from writing another name. He knew it was just a stupid date that meant nothing other than a way for his friends to tease the ones that got chosen. 
Whoever got chosen meant they were going on a “date” with Hizashi. Shouta couldn’t explain why he felt an aching in his heart as he thought about it. 
He brushed off his thoughts and wrote Kan as his answer. He didn’t know why he chose Kan, since he was sure everyone would probably pick Tensei. The speedster definitely had the second best costume at the party.
Maybe it was the thought of seeing Hizashi and Tensei having a happy date at the other side of the room that swayed his decision. He knew Hizashi wasn’t interested in Kan, especially after that time Kan told him about the pet tarantula he used to have as a kid. 
Tensei, on the other hand, always seemed to make Hizashi smile with his stories about his baby brother Iida. 
Shouta could never make Hizashi smile the same way. 
Shouta felt someone flick a finger on his forehead, bringing him back to Earth. He turned to see Hizashi smiling fondly at him. 
“Shouta, are you done?” Oboro whined, “I want to know the next winner!”
Shouta hadn’t realized he was the last one left to place his vote. He quickly stood up and dropped his paper into the bowl as he ignored everyone’s stares. 
“Are you ready to know who your date is?” Nemuri teased Hizashi. The blonde man simply raised his thumb in excitement as he jumped up and down his seat. 
Tensei didn’t take long to count votes, considering there were only six of them. Shouta just sat there, wondering how Tensei felt about receiving most of the votes. He knew he wasn’t going to win, so why did he keep feeling this pain on his chest? 
“Guys, the final vote has been determined!” Tensei announced, standing up from his chair. Shouta briefly caught Nemuri giggling with Oboro and Kan giving a nod of approval to Tensei. 
Now that Shouta thought about it - the four had been acting very suspicious throughout the night. 
“And the winner is,” Tensei started, gesturing for Oboro to do his dramatic drums. 
Everyone in the room cheered, except for two people. Shouta didn’t know how to process what had just happened. He just gazed at Hizashi, who was noticeably pale. 
He was probably expecting someone else. 
“I can’t believe my two best friends won!” Oboro shouted, “don’t try to have too much fun inside there. Got it?”
Shouta noticed Tensei helping Hizashi towards the other room. He noticed the loud hero unusually quiet - blindly following the blue-haired man. His vision was obstructed by Nemuri standing in front of him with a deceiving smile on her lips. 
“Are you ready, big boy?” 
“Nemuri, I don’t know what is going on but this was definitely a set-up,” Shouta blurted, “and I don’t like it one bit.”
“Sure you don’t, grumpy cat,” she replied, “c’mon, your date is waiting.” 
Before he knew it, Nemuri shoved him inside a dining room. The table only contained two chairs and was decorated with a white tablecloth and a rose in the middle. The plates already had a small meal, which included a portion of lobster. 
Hizashi was sitting down, looking back at Shouta with an apologetic smile. 
“I’m sorry they put you through this,” Hizashi said, “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
“It’s fine,” Shouta answered a little too quickly. He was still shocked over the obvious setup from his friends. Why would they want him and Hizashi to go on a date?
Did they realize his feelings for Hizashi? Was this a cruel plan to get his feelings rejected by his crush? 
He ignored his thoughts and sat down on the empty chair. The two stayed quiet for a long moment, nervous to even stare at each other. 
Shouta broke the silence, “I don’t know why they chose me. I had the worst costume out of all of us.” 
“I think you look cute!” Hizashi blurted out, blushing deeply as he realized what he said. Shouta’s cheeks also turned into that dreaded crimson color. 
“Shouta…” Hizashi began, hesitance in his voice. The ravenette focused back on Hizashi, trying his best to compose his pumping heartbeat. 
“I guess I feel a bit more confident in this outfit, but I just wanted to say…” Hizashi continued, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Hizashi just say it,” Shouta ordered, eyes fixated on Hizashi. 
“I like you, Shouta!” Hizashi exclaimed, covering his mouth with both hands after he finished. 
Shouta’s eyes widened at the revelation. His mouth dropped open in shock and the room grew dead silent. Both lay eyes on one another; fear of uncertainty emanating from both of them. Shouta lowered his arms, trembling as he grasped for his utensil. 
“I- I like you too, Hizashi,” Shouta confessed, staring down at his plate. 
“You- you do?” Hizashi cautiously asked, thinking he heard wrong. The silent teenager liked the loud one? Oh, the irony that is love. 
Shouta nodded slowly, playing with his fork. He was surprised when Hizashi began to giggle loudly. 
“I think I should take you on a real date!” Hizashi proclaimed with excitement. Shouta chuckled lightly, still a bit timid over the whole ordeal. 
Shouta was never one to celebrate Halloween, but this year’s would definitely be unforgettable. He was celebrating it with his closest friends. His only friends. 
But best of all, he was spending it with Present Miku - the best pop star in the world. 
“So what do you say?” Hizashi asked eagerly, awaiting Shouta’s answer.
Shouta just beamed at Hizashi - showing off his DIY fangs. 
“I think I’ll like that.” 
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