#hi i havnt posted on this blog in forever
froggymarsh · 2 years
hi hi ^^ i like your storys and headcannons and i was wonderin if you had any that u wanted to share but havnt yet!
hallo hallo!! sorry this took me a minute to answer sjdkflsjlf
i've got a couple and it got pretty long so all of my rambling is under the cut :D
first off: pixlriffs. he is. my most specialist little guy i want to write him so so bad and then i never do sjdkflsjdf uhm here's a post about my headcanons for him (from my old blog i deleted, i gotta redo 'em one of these days cause my thoughts have changed sjdklfsj) and here are some pixlriffs stories i wanna write:
the second chapter of my one fic i have with cg!fwhip cause gunpowder boys my beloved.
the wedding in empires s1, Pixl has an encounter with Xornoth right before the ceremony and ends up regressing because Xornoth is terrifying and he ends up sending this garbled message to the universal chat saying something about him being late and he's sorry and Jimmy ditches Joel's pre-wedding preparations to help a little Pixl get ready (light angst and a lotta fluff and comfort, cg!jimmy because i love him big brother energy all the way)
empires s2 literally just. little!pixl and cg!joel because i saw these headcanons floating around about the Copper King and his lightning storm shrine thing, and God Joel liking the fact that someone actually went through the trouble of calling upon him (or something idk how to phrase it) but uh- then the world ended, and God Joel misses the Copper King and this little Archeologist reminds him of the King, so he feels. some kind of duty? i guess? to make sure the kid is okay and looked after and idk man just cg!joel cause i think it's fun (i've started this idea here but have no idea how to continue it sjdfklsjf. probably just. oneshots? who knows)
then the third one is an au of an au i cooked up on a whim one day where Archeologist Pixl and Bard Oli are traveling together to rediscover the secrets of the past, and both of them are werewolves. i made pixl regress because that's what i do, so he's just. an oversized puppy and oli has fun cg/big brother vibes and it's just no thoughts all vibes and i may write a drabble or something later
that's all for pixlriffs, next is team rancher!
Headcanons to start off (they're kinda long sorry)
a regressor! not very confident in his cg abilities but he can keep an eye on someone before a "real caregiver" (his words) can come to take care of them
so incredibly adhd coded where do i even start
he is. a liddol guy. probably like 5-8 is his usual range? he's a lot like Big Tango, always ready to jump at the chance to do stuff, but now he doesn't know what consequences are, so uh. keep an eye on him.
not like, constantly clingy, but definitely clingier than usual! he'll jump on you and hold your hand while he's showing you stuff and he's a lot more open to hugs (especially impulse hugs)
he's pretty hyper and runs all over but also crashes really hard, like it's surprisingly easy to get a little tango to fall asleep. (getting him IN bed is a struggle, yes, but once he's there you just kinda pet his hair. and then he's asleep. it's like an on/off switch sdjfksljdf)
will ramble at you forever if given the chance (he only goes completely nonverbal when he's a toddler/infant, one easy way to tell words are hard for him is when he's lightly chewing on his fingers or just. generally has things in his mouth that he then refuses to take out)
he usually refuses a pacifier but likes to chew on teethers and such
he doesn't have a lot of negative triggers- they're usually stuff like being alone in the dark or having a nightmare or wetting the bed/having accidents, but those are pretty rare
nobody can really pin his positive triggers cause he just regresses when he needs/wants to and doesn't try to stop it (which can be good and bad depending on the situation but mostly it's good)
he's really open about his regression! he lets his caregivers know beforehand when he's feeling fuzzy so there's no confusion when he does slip and he never tries to hide his age checks
(except he does try to hide accidents and bedwetting and the like but i'll get to that later)
a flip! he adapts to the situation, if that makes sense. if it's better for him to be small he'll regress, and if not he'll stay big and caregive.
very caregiver coded and idk how to explain that beyond "he's jimmy"
he's a lot healthier about it than other flips cough pixlriffs coughcough and he actually does take time to regress when he needs it, and isn't afraid to be small
on the surface it seems like he hates regressing because one of the most reliable ways to get him down is by teasing and babying him and he puts on a front about hating it but in reality he doesn't mind and even welcomes it
he like. puts his mouth on things? he sucks on things more than he chews on them, likes having things pressed against his lips (this sounds kinda weird but it's a thing i promise sjdklfsjf)
he's pretty clingy, he likes having stuff to hold onto (he'll keep one point of contact between him and his current cg, whether that be latching onto their hand or a piece of clothing or hiding behind them, etc etc)
LOVES huge plushies that are bigger than him, usually can be found lugging around a plushy (unfortunately not the ones that are bigger than him- he saves those for a bedtime nest)
mans will regress if you start crying and he can't help you calm down
something about his friends crying makes him want to cry and he will do his absolute best to make it better and if he can't make it better he'll cry and regress himself
just like tango he's really open about his regression, always giving a heads up when he's fuzzy and while he does try to hide his age checks he usually relents pretty quick and he's never much cared about accidents and bedwetting cause eh. it just happens sometimes, he'll be alright
and now for the stories:
a continuation of this drabble here maybe, idk how to continue it but i'd like to maybe perhaps
something something ranchers reunion, tango regresses out of the excitement of being on a new server and Jimmy immediately goes cg mode. they hang out with everybody, doin the good crossover stuff, and at one point when they’re alone Jimmy gets all sad like “I’m sorry I was the reason we lost” and Tango baps his entire hand on Jimmy’s face (very gently) like. no being sad. we are together again. no being sad. and jimmy just smiles like "alright, no being sad" and they just. *jazz hands* fluff/no angst team rancher my beloved
and the last one: a tango bedwetting fic. for the very first time Tango's found part of his regression that he doesn't like. he's embarrassed about it and not having a good time and i've started this idea in this drabble here but it's just. angst and hurt/comfort and cg!impulse and good vibes and i wanna write it but idk how
and I think that's it! thank u so much for asking :D feel free to ask me about any of this and i'll try to give more thoughts sjdfklsjf
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sprinklewinkles · 2 years
i genuinely hope people who support neo classic rethink their subscriptions after this drama,,
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boydie-boo-boo-blog · 7 years
My Beautiful Family
Morning, so if you read my blog yesterday you will see that i promised to do a blog on my family, im going to try to keep it to a minimum or I'd have a mile long post, but i guess the first person to start off with is my mam, i call her my omma, since im studing korean, but i think omma sounds so cute and she loves it to. I know everyone says this and its so clique but i honesty have the best omma ever, i can't imagine life with out her, shes my isperation and my hero, i don't think I'd be who i am to day with out her, every time i see her i want to sqeeze her shes a total babe man, i'd go on and on forever about my mam but like i said i try to keep things to a minimum. Next up my dad, now even though my dad is super camp he is super straight hahah, my dad is the person in the family we all like to tease and the best thing is he can take it because he has a wicked sense of humour, he can make anyone laugh, i guess thats why im so funny because both my parents are. So when i was 2 my parents got divorced, and a quote i live on is When there is a negitve always find a possitive, the possitve is i got an amazing step dad, amazing step mom and 2 beatiful sisters, 3 other siblins and my step moms and step dads family are Precious but i will get to that. My step dad, but i call him dad, yep i have to dads, but my step dad is married to my mam even though i mentioned my real dad was camp hahah, but my step dad isnt hes a mans man, hes very tuff and strong he gives me tuff kind of love but he loves me thats why i call him dad, most kids who have step dads/mams call them by their first name, but this man raised me and like my mam i couldnt picture life without him. Next my beautiful step mam, diane, i do call her diane, but i only met her when i was 10 so i wasnt quite sure what to call her so i just called her by her first name, but now shes been in my life for so long now im going to have to start calling her mam, I'll rephrase that not have to, i want to. Im guess im luck that i have to sets of parents that love me and i love them back. Next my siblins i have 2 sisters Emily and amber both diffrent but both bonkers, like their big sister is haha, our realshionship is like no other we are their for each other, we love each other and thats the way its supposed to be because sisters are friends for life, i think emilys turning into a little me which os scary hahha but she dosnt like hugs, i love hugs and so dose amber i guess thats when ever we see each other we always cling to each other like magnets aw i love them so much, then i have a step sister who has 3 beatiful daughters, a step brother with an adorable little boy and another on the way and he has a beautiful fiancée, and a step brother who i dont get on with but lile i said with a negitve find a possitive and the possitive is i got a goeorgous god daughter. So lets talk about my step parents family, on my step dads side i have 2 uncles and 1 auntie and god knows how many cousin's, on my step mams side i have 4 auties and 3 uncles, but Autie helen and uncle George are my favorite on that side shush dont tell anyone, the reason this is these people are the most kindest and funniest people i know, my uncle George is always boosting my spirt, i remember his saying the man that ends up with you will be a lucky man, because you are beautiful and have heart like a lion, them words stuck with me ever since and when i feel lonly because im single or of my self esteem is down i think about these words, i also remember something auntie helen said we were standing outside at my dads and step mams wedding, and i said to her well it offical your now my auntie, and she said no darlin i have always been your auntie it dosnt need a marrige to tell you that, im so lucky to have a huge family that loves me. I guess i cant forget the elders, the elders that still remain are my nanna and granda on my dads side, nanna on my step mams side and grandma on my mams side, i dont really see my nanna and granda much but theres somethings ive learnt about ive inherited things off my nanna like i have weird dreams about people i havnt even met, my nannas pyschic so she thinks its something to do with that, we both like to travel and write songs to, my nanna on my step mams side is hilarious, one thing i love is when the grandchildren do something wrong she just taps them and gose stop that but if the parents do something she wacks them or launches something of them eeee its so funny, one week i was cheeky so she tapped me on the arm me and my sisters giggled at each other and my dad said something cheeky in the same night and she through her slipper of him eeeee what a howl 😂😂😂, last but not least, my grandma, my grandma is mental if you tell her that she says no im perfectly sane i have a certificate to prove it and i always say aye but how olds that hahah shes a little buggur but i love her i guess i wouldnt have her any other ways. Yes i have a huge family but i love them all very much, thanks for reading my other fam, tomorrow i think it be nice to do a memorial to my family that are no longer well they are in spirt and in our hearts, lots of love from Boydie xxx
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