#its shitty what happened and ive only read whats happened but im in full support for those who have been banned or hurt from the situation
sprinklewinkles · 2 years
i genuinely hope people who support neo classic rethink their subscriptions after this drama,,
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izusun · 3 years
Goblin anon here absolutely screeching over feral quirkless Midoriya, it's everything I wanted
I would like to also introduce a brand (my brand) of feral to Midoriya: pyromaniac.
Imagine Midoriya getting through the entrance exam by saving people, but also by bringing makeshift Molotov cocktails and wrecking almost as much shop as Bakugou.
Imagine the battle trials where Bakugou tries to blow up the building because "that's the only way to keep this little shit down" and in response Midoriya dodges and then sets the building on fire.
Imagine the USJ incident, which goes about the same, but his first instinct is to set the Noumu on fire. Yes he does so. He also nearly sets the stadium on fire at the sports festival so much that they had to evacuate sections of the stadium.
Midoriya (say it with me now) sets Stain on fire. When Tsukauchi meets with the murder trio after the Hosu incident, he just sighs and is like "Midoriya, really?" And this is when we learn that Midoriya has a history of coming across random villains and setting them on fire. When Inko arrives to pick him up she's just like "You're grounded."
There's theories about what Midoriya's quirk, everything from increased intelligence to extremely shitty luck to the ability to make anything he touches explodes (due to his inane ability to make a bomb/lighter out of the most insane things). When it comes out that he's quirkless, it just makes everyone even more afraid, as Midoriya can make a bomb out of some LSD and a rubber duck quirkless-
Pyromaniac quirkless Midoriya.
- Goblin anon
GOBLIN ANON IT’S BEEN AGES IM SORRY IM JUST RESPONDING NOW (ive been so bad at responding asks my god i struggle but thank u for ur au dumps, i love loVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!)
feral quirkless gremlin midoriya going through shit by setting things on fire is just the way to go im duwldjwksk
i read midoriya with molotov cocktails and i have not stopped simping for and thinking about this midoriya
genuinely swooning at this ver of him
midoriya probably has a collection of lighters and basically does those hand tricks to calm him down or to take his mind off of things
bakugou and midoriya being more familiar with each other in their middle school days compared to canon and bakugou gifting midoriya with personalized all might lighter god that’s adorable
ok but they’re talking about their favourite heroes and bakugou goes, “shocking that you don’t like endeavour.”
and midoriya just shrugs, twisting his hand and fingers to orchestrate the fire’s dance from his lighter, his viridian eyes brighter and says, “his fire feels wrong.” and they leave it at that
midoriya being inspired by bakugou’s explosions and attempting to copy those so bad that bakugou thought midoriya’s trying out for support classes
he yanks out makeshift molotov cocktails from his bag, lights them up and throws them at the bastard. the sludge villain screams and retreats slightly because not only was he facing the fires but also the exploded glass shards. it gave enough time for bakugou to explode the villain and escape enough to allow him to breathe. in the end, all might still defeats the sludge but he misses bakugou and midoriya who escaped. no ofa for firey green bean.
bakugou helping midoriya create more explosions.
“but kacchba i want fire, not explosions!”
“same difference you pyro asshole!”
midoriya learns them anyways and enjoys it.
i have two ways:
one: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed support items and they allowed him and they watched in shock as this little boy explodes the arena worse than the explosion-quirked student. of course he passes and aizawa took him on as his student.
two: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed his support items but the staff did NOT allow him because they’re considered weapons (as if quirks are not genetic weapons but i DIGRESS) and so when the exam starts, he stays at the very back of the other examinees. this was so that when he arrives at the scene, there are already spare parts for him to scavenge so that he can build makeshift explosions (foregoing whatever shit he learned from katsuki because all that’s on his mind right now are molotov cocktails)
so that’s what happens. he scavenges parts and hides inside one of the buildings so that he can focus more on making explosions and be less worried about being attacked. when he was fully geared, he steps out and begins to retaliate.
he works fast as to not waste his time and the makeshift explosions. because of this, others (ahem-aoyama-ahem) had no opportunity to steal his score.
same thing happens: uraraka gets caught and midoriya explodes the zero pointer. this time, however, the robot is utterly destroyed.
aizawa and majima saw midoriya’s performance, adored it, and began fighting for midoriya.
“majima, he’s here for the hero classes.”
“great. now give him to me.”
nezu pretends that he’s not planning on splitting midoriya’s schedule anyways.
BATTLE TRIAL OH MY GOD rip all might i bet you keeled over so bad, you were one second from turning to small might there and then.
all might: ok so one explodey kid to look out for. that’s not bad.
all might, one minute later: this green kid looks familiar…
all might, ten minutes later: what the fuck.
NO BECAUSE bakugou and midoriya being excited to explode things (well, more like midoriya’s excited and bakugou just wants to fight midoriya) and having a blast when fighting each other.
1a’s probably thinking “oh no” followed by “they’re hot” (literally too because yk the building’s on fire.)
midoriya saw this monster running to aizawa and he just points a more eloquent looking flame thrower (thank u mei for working with midoriya with that) at this beast and sets it on fire.
it effectively slowed the noumu and gave the others an opportunity to pull aizawa from the hit zone. it also granted all might more freedom when fighting the noumu because it was slowed enough that all might didn’t have to worry about exceeding his time limit.
the fire damaged some of its nerve processes that the scientist and afo had not accounted for. of course this review is returned to them and many of the noumus become fireproof because of this incident.
midoriya crushing on todoroki because fire.
he was actually very interested in todoroki prior to sports fest but something about todoroki’s fight against sero sparked something more in midoriya. midoriya saw the anger from his ice, now he wants to see the same intensity from his fire.
his spiel of “that’s your power, todoroki” goes differently. todoroki still pulls him aside and trauma dumps on him but this time he goes, without missing a beat, “that fire is a waste on you.”
todoroki full body pauses because that’s not something he’s ever, well, considered to hear after trauma dumping.
“what?” he croaks, confused at the bubbling feeling. it’s a miasma of anger and hurt, but to a scale so unfamiliar.
midoriya shrugs. “fire is unique, more so as an elemental quirk. you think it doesn’t make half of you—well, i mean you’re right. it doesn’t. you make it. you control it. fire is often uncontrollable and yet here you are, having it as your power. it’s yours to control, so control it. use it.”
todoroki’s ears are ringing.
“you have it as your power.”
“so control it.”
and so he did.
midoriya watched todoki’s fire; watched the way the flames lick up up up and leaves no air bathed in heat. midoriya sees the rawness of anger and determination and thinks, “this is how fire should always look like.”
unconsciously he also thinks how todoroki’s fire is far more beautiful than endeavour’s.
midoriya loses and he’s not as sad about it. losing to something sentient (fire, not todoroki), for him, is a blessing.
todoroki advances along with bakugou.
bakugou who is jealous of todoroki because he saw how midoriya eyed todoroki’s fire and knew todoroki’s a competition in other more ways.
bakugou wins again, this time less angry because todoroki used his fire against him.
todoroki full on pausing because he thought he’s the one who set stain on fire unconsciously only to follow the fire’s trail and sees it’s from one of midoriya’s many support items.
“shoot i didn’t mean to burn him that fast!”
“that’s your issue!?”
midoriya gives them a “duh?” look and todoroki feels himself warming up (HAH another fire pun) at midoriya’s ease.
flying noumi still comes and picks him up but midoriya also sets this thing on fire. the difference between a winged noumu and a normal noumu is that the wings are far more flammable and midoriya had quite a bit of fun at setting it on fire and hearing the crackling of flames on rubbery wings.
endeavour casts him a glance that speaks of approval and midoriya doesn’t know if he hates it or not.
tsukauchi arrives and sees not only stain, but the noumu and heaves up a very big sigh. “midoriya, really?”
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1990jeevas · 3 years
I love it when people talk about things they're passionate about, tell me something cool!! Anything you want, just something you find interesting or want to talk about :D
hello anon my beloved, I am in a bad mood so you will be receiving a passionate, yet lowkey of pissy rant about why villainizing bakugou makes me wanna vomit and its NOT just because I'm a dumbass kinnie :)
tws: child abuse (emotional and physical), near death expierences, bullying, kidnapping, suffocation, lots of trauma in general tbh. if you've seen bnha then basically just keep all the general triggering plot stuff in mind incase i missed any warnings
also, note: I havent caught up on bnha in a minute, I'm at like the start of the war arc but I barely remember shit there tbh so like. probs missing new stuff. also bnha spoiler warnings lol
so, for starters, the homie bakugou has like,, a good handful of issues that come from his childhood that explain why he's an ass. he was always praised and never actually reprimanded for being a twat which led to him having a huge ego that ended up fucking him over majorly. this ego was something that his mother acknowledged him having, but literally didnt try to fix it with anything other than violence. see here:
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like, instead of trying to help him, she hits and insults him, which is probably what led to his weird inferiority/superiority complex. being constantly told by others that you're outstanding and one day you'll be a top hero because you're rude and aggressive and then going home and being hit by your mother for those exact same behaviors is bound to fucking confuse a child.
so like, now that we've established that its definetly canon that his mother (parents? I think he said parents at some point but masaru doesn't seem like the type so 🤷) hits him though we don't know how much or how often (though if bakugou was as much of a little shit back then ((which as far as we've seen- he was)) then it was probably often), lets talk about how regardless of all that 1) hitting your kids as "discipline" not only doesn't work but is abusive lol like idc if it's spanking/popping them on the mouth for talking shit, slapping them across the face "on occasion", etc. shits not okay 2) hitting your kids!!!! does not work!!!!!!!! it is literally PROVEN not to work!!!!!!!! hitting a child who has done something wrong doesnt teach them to stop doing something it teaches them to be scared of you, which will cause the child to withdraw, removing part of their support system (assuming said abusive parents would even offer that up) and will most likely lead to them thinking they're a bad person, not that their actions were bad, which are two different things. so, ya know, that would clearly have an effect on a kid. like, as someone with a mother who reminds me all too much of mitsuki: I have acted like a complete shitbag and taken my anger out on people to feel better in the past because of the way my mother treated me. though it was nowhere near what bakugou did, I still know first fucking hand what a mother hitting and insulting her child will do, especially if they have no proper outlet for that (friends, a safe place to vent) which bakugou never fucking had.
theres also the fact that just talking to your kid the way mitsuki does (saying it's his fault he was kidnapped because he's weak, all while hitting him) is not??? okay?????? ive seen people arguing that this was just a joke in poor taste but like her son was KIDNAPPED and even if it was a "joke" there's literally NO WAY that would EVER?? BE FUNNY??????? she just sounds like the kind of parent who at the very least says shit without thinking that would traumatize bakugou (because being told right after being kidnapped it's your fucking fault by your mother is absolutely traumatizing) but it comes across as her being emotionally abusive.
mitsukis character as a whole comes across as a shitty mom who doesn't realize she's a shitty mom and thinks bakugou being an ass isn't at least partially her fault even though she's admitted to realizing he has always had an ego problem and doing nothing to fix it except for hitting and yelling which obviously did nothing but make him just as loud and violent as she is.
this is obviously not the entire reason why he's a dick but he was never properly taught that the shit he was doing wasn't okay and people not stopping it and/or praising him endlessly even tho he was a bully is basically the same as encouraging it, thank you very much.
moving on from that, let's talk about bakugous other traumas and how he naturally responds to them. hint: it's with either full blown panic or a fight response (verbal or physical, though usually physical. also sometimes it's the panic followed by the fight response.)
so far in bnha (keep in mind that I am not caught up, I've only read up to the beginning of the war arc and i barely remember those bits so) bakugou has...
nearly died via sludge villain (he was unable to move and was being suffocated to death- keep this in mind)
lost for the first time ever and against deku of all people (this nearly sent him into a full blown panic attack, likely because of that sexy little inferiority/superiority complex combo. think of this as like. gifted kid burnout lite. he has always been the best of the best and now suddenly he is being beaten by somebody who has always been weaker than him, which immediately makes him start thinking he was never actually that good, he's actually a fucking failure, a goddamn fraud)
won the sports festival by default (bakugou counts this as yet another failure because todoroki didnt try his best. had bakugou lost to todoroki full strength, he would've taken 2nd place with a bit of bitching, but he still wouldve taken it rather than refuse the medal as it would be a reminder that he failed. instead of accepting that like UA shouldve, the staff chained and muzzled him on live television and then had all might, his fucking idol, force the medal into his mouth. remember the sludge villain incident and how he couldnt move and was suffocating to death? yeah.)
been kidnapped because of the way he reacted to winning during the sports festival (he was aggressive and tried to refuse the medal because he felt he didnt deserve it and was then retraumatized by being chained up and muzzled. his "villainous attitude" was a fucking trauma response, do not tell me otherwise)
was then chained up once again by the LOV after being kidnapped,,, do we see the "retraumatize bkg" theme yet?
"ended all might" (he literally blames himself for all mights retirement because had he just not have been weak, all might wouldve had more time, right?)
my point with all of these is that bakugou has been severely traumatized and has then had his trauma responses (aggression, fight) used to further demonize him. not all people with trauma react the fucking same and the way the fandom just refuses to acknowledge anger as a valid form of trauma response is gross as hell.
moving away from that topic, bakugou has literally never had any actual friends, they all just used him and didn't care about him which absolutely will fuck up a kid, especially one who already has all that other shit going on. bakugou deadass never had a support system or people to help him grow as a person, let alone properly work through his fucking emotions so it's not surprising that he would take out his bullshit on the one person who tried to help him especially considering he saw dekus actions as him thinking he was weak. bakugou was raised to not seek help, he thought somebody strong shouldnt ever need it, so for somebody like deku (who bakugou percieved as weak and helpless already) to offer up help? deku must obviously think bakugou is even weaker than him, what other explanation could their possibly be!
speaking of which, there's his heaps of insecurities that he basically hid by being a twat and bullying others for most of his life. kid was so insecure he bullied deku for fucking years cause he thought deku looked down on him, thought he was better than him, etc. and that only got worse bc his idol then decided to take deku in, train him and even give him his quirk. there's probably some shit im missing but still he's got issues and always has had issues. that being said, he's actually improving and working them out now which is what makes him a really good, interesting character. it's also nice to see a character who is a dick without some tragic backstory (like his backstory is sad but its not the classic "my family was fucking slaughtered and i turned into a raging bitch who murders people" type shit) bc that rarely happens and it's like most assholes don't actually have a story like that they're just assholes lol
now lets talk improvement! lil bitch has been getting better since he got into UA and im so happy abt it!! he had a rough start what with deku suddenly having a quirk and all but like he is really improving now and it highkey shows that bakugou just mostly needed people who 1) didn't constantly praise him and actually criticized him instead 2) actually fucking punished him doing stupid shit and 3) some motherfucking friends
Since going to UA he's gotten actually feedback from teachers about his weaknesses and how to get stronger, he's lost against others, hes been told he has a shit attitude and is a dick, told he should be nicer and leave deku alone, etc etc. He hasn't gotten in trouble too much with teachers but others give him shit for what he does and aizawa has punished him too, while still acknowledging that bakugou is an amazing and dedicated student, something which no one else had done up til that point. and uh???? homie actually has friends who like,,, don't use him and also call him out when he's a dick. like specifically kirishima has done this shit and him and bakugous relationship is clearly very healthy and beneficial for the both of them. makes me feel all happy n shit, ya know
bottom line is: while it is absolutely valid to dislike or even hate bakugou because he is a massively flawed person who has been very cruel to others, villainizing him for the way he acts which in large part seems to be from a lack of guidance, a shitty mother and heavy amounts of trauma, is fucking awful. his actions cannot be fucking excused, he needs to apologize and continue to grow, but he is also a fucking teenager, who is just now being told that the way he acts is unacceptable by people who dont fucking abuse him (and I swear to god if any people who think mitsuki isnt abusive interact with this fucking post I will fullstop hardblock you, I do not fucking care) and actually treat him like a normal person instead of some prodigy child or someone who needs to be fixed.
people are free to debate my points or whatever bc I know some of this stuff is up to interpretation but like. dni if you're just here to say you hate bakugou for xyz reason or that he's irredeemable. also especially dni if you compare him to fucking endeavor yall bitches make me gag.
anyways thxs for the ask anon <33 sorry this is a kinda messy info dump lol
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umbillicalnoose · 5 years
i think that you would think im pretty and would like my poetry and i want to share it with you. im shy.
to be honest, im very apathetic these days. im not the nice “cutesy baby flower petal boy” i used to be. a lot has happened & im bitter & sullen & all in all, a pretty shitty friend/person to know. i used to possess some redeeming qualities, believe it or not, even if they were construed by the subconscious in an attempt to be likeable - a facade, even tho its only a facade, is still tangible, still there, is still something, even if not authentic. is poorer character forgivable in the name of presenting more authentically? but nah. that makes it sound like im putting effort into being a better person, which im not. im just sort of fried & done. its been a very long time since i played the role i built for myself on here of the “small fawn boy who wants to help girls” lmaooo. how embarrassing. altho, i was just a kid, & i guess, if you had a tumblr as a teenager, you went thru some cringe (i know the use of that word has fallen in on itself & adopted its own definition but for lack of a better one) ass phases, whether it was kinning or malingering mental illness or oh fucking christ, all that gender bullshit, etc etc. from what ive observed, tho, loosely following kids im still casually friends with that i met on here, i think we’ve all managed to Grow The Fuck Up, at least a little. most of us have jobs or r in school or have partners - growing up & moving on is a very surreal experience to watch/go thru. im moving at my own pace & ive accepted that - im still currently using & starving myself & concocting a suicide plan every day but at least i use clean needles as much as possible, i actively & honestly do strive for the bare minimum calorically, & um able to work with the mentality of “well ill have this when i need it but todays not that day” a lot more readily, in relation to suicide shit. ive finally found a therapist who Really Gets It, is a frontrunner internationally on ritual & extreme abuse & mind control. its pretty incredible what a few years with a good therapist can do. anyways. im sorry, i know you didnt ask for all this & im not even sure why i divulged. i guess, what tipped me off, was your attempt at sounsing “cute” - dude, cut that shit out, i promise youll be a lot better off. & i know everyone interchanges aspects of their personality based on who theyre talking to/who they percieve themselves to be talking to, but i feel like not a lot of people give enough credence to the internet & its hand in shaping/molding young people, kids, vulnerable dumbasses, especially tumblr (tho, i get that its a relatively new phenomenon) - u get a bunch of the “weird”, “alternative”, ““ostracized” kids together on a website, of course its gonna nurture a culture of hypervalidatoon & pretending to be sick in order to fit in to the point that its not an act anymore & exacerbation of symptoms & basically, just sucking each others dicks, sitting in ur own shit, & never ending coddling. & then, you have the older group of kids, who have played this game before but instead of helping or ignoring the Dumbshit kids, they indulge their own normally-buried-but-unleashed-by-internet-anonymity sadism/human instinct to just be fucking dicks & so now you have this vicious cycle of anger & hatred & fucking melodrama up the urethra. im sorry, i know im comig off as/am being harsh but god fuckin dammit yknow? also, this isnt directed at you, specifically, more of a generalized thing, @ myself included. so uh. i mean, if u still wanna share it with me after reading all this, id be happy to read ur poetry. i used to be over the top nice & then reverted to Major Asshole & am now trying to find that sweet middle spot - honoring & allowing myself to share my pain without putting it on others. which is really hard!! cuz becoming a Dick was difficult in that it forced me to be more honest with my true self & as such, more vulnerable - now in trying to become Kinda Nice again because despite being a pulsating scrotom, ive had the intense desire for friendship & human interaction, while simultaneously doing things that i was consciously aware was pushing others away - but then, if i pretend to be nice, where does that authenticity i worked for & was so scared of go? & i dont mean telling someone their new haircut looks nice even when it doesnt - thats just not being a dick. but i guess, those r the normal trials & tribulations of any relationship & adolescent developing identity. which is weird too - dealing with “normal” issues, i mean. whats the point if your life/limbs/breaking point arent at risk? whats the point when your best friends already dead. im sick of people calling "survivors” (despise that word, so fucking female-originated & overdramatic) “brave” & “strong” - surviving is not brave or strong. its just survival. you wouldnt call an animal brave for running for its life from a predator but you would call a dog courageous for going into a burning building to save its owner. premeditated action on the notion that you are probably going to be hurt is brave. being subjected to pain with no choice is not. theres no “silver lining” or anything “good” to be drawn from it either - sure it may have made x a more compassionate person or made y more introspective & gentle but you know what would have been even fucking better??? if the shit hadnt happened in the first place! let x be an asshole & y be self absorbed - the “benefits”, so to speak, do not outweigh the cost, not by a long fucking shot. its not only patronizing to hear garbage like that, but a slap in the face to know that anyone could possibly see anything good coming from that nightmare & that the characteristics, good or bad, you developed either in response to or as a result of, are worth praise. dont tell me im strong for doing what i had to to escape a torture chamber - tell me im perseverant for studying my ass off & passing that test last week. in the words of one of my dearest & most fucking brilliant friends, “pain doesnt owe me/you purpose - the need to intellectualize & assign meaning to pain & death is not only futile, but harmful.” & honestly, i think that it stems from weakness (in most cases - i realize theres a plethora of other reasons such as those who r just desperate for something to hold on to or r hyperintellectual & analytical or who have been pressured by external “support” systems to find the “good” etc etc) - while the majority of people view the person who “can find the good in everything” (strictly speaking only in relation to trauma/tragedy here & more in denunciation of those that celebrate this trait as opposed to vilifying “survivors” who respond this way, though in my experience, its very very very rarely the “survivor” that perpetrates this ideology ) as strong, i sort of see it as a weakness - their inability to sit with & absorb their own pain or that of others is so strong that not only do they have to frantically pull rainbows out of the teeth of a meat cleaver, they also have to exist within this strange (tho, not malicious - more subconscious) superiority complex. like, nah, dude, some times shit is just awful. you cant tell me anything fucking good came out of a four year old girl being kidnapped, gangraped, & tortured for two years, before being impaled & left to die on a stake. her mom opened a non profit organization? oh well thank fucking god for that!!! those that believe the latter to be more “enlightened” or whatever the fuck r the same people who say shit like “dying is easy - living is harder” & i get that that its supposed to be interpreted metaphorically for the most part - giving up is easy, trying isnt (which also.....isnt true??? admitting defeat & fully accepting the fact that ur fucking helpless is beyond hard lmao???) - but pretend youre somewhere, anywhere outside ur sunny little fucking yoga studio full of white women whos biggest issues r the pta & johnny whos failing math, & lets say your life is in real, imminent danger, a gun is to your head & i want you to not scream or cry or beg for ur life since dying is “easier”. if dying is so easy, why do the majority of ppl cling to it with such desperation - why is suicide illegal? why do some ppl go thru 100s of chemo treatments even tho the doctors say theyre just prolonging the inevitable, ppl who cut off a diseased arm so it wont spread, those who walk dozens of miles every day for food & water, etc? & i know & understand the survival instinct better than anyone, even when i wanted to die more than anything, my natural instincts would kick in with no conscious neural input & id do what i had to do. im not condemning those who cling to life (ok - a little. ur wasting resources out of ur own fear. but i also realize thats just me being a Fucking Asshole As Always cuz technically, im doing the same thing tho its more due to lack of opportunity rather than fear. i just think, societally, death should be more normalized, discussed, & not made out to be so unknown & scary), instead just reprimanding those who say shit like that (inspirational facebook quotes). especially cuz most of the ppl who do spew that shit have never gone thru anything even remotely difficult - their worst nightmare is a Big Scary Black Man grabbing them on the street, mugging them, & touching their tits. & i also know that these stupid ass sayings are to be applied to bullshit like exercise & fitness (“no pain no gain” is another one of my Favorites) & not fucking torture or even just ur run of the mill rape, even that would probably smash the rose tinted banana republic shades off their beverly hills tanned faces. but ive heard the no pain no gain one a handful of times in the last few weeks, specifically from doctors performing procedures in preparation for my bottom surgery. & i know its supposed to be encouraging & they have no way of knowing, but its just like, buddy, u have no idea who youre fucking talking to. & im starting to understand what THEY mean when they say it - pain with a reward is infinitely more tolerable than pain just for the sake of pain; like, a tattoo, it hurts, but u know, when its done, its gonna be sick as fuck. when u r able to fall back on the idea that its for something u rlly want, its A Lot easier to handle as opposed to pain thats Just Pain - theres no reward for it except, i guess, that the more u experience it, the closer u r to the end of it lmao. i mean, i still hate when ppl say it cuz for most of my life, pain was just pain, & the “reward” was the opportunity to go home at the end & so whenever ppl say that, my mind just immediately resorts back to that & im just like haha fuck u. but im trying to remember my experiences r definitely not universal & im starting to sorta understand what they mean i think. but, flipping gears here, & going back to the sentiment of “everything happens for a reason”, the base philosophy of psuedo deep Fuckwads - a girls dad didnt fuck her “for a reason”, everything doesnt happen “for a reason”. like ok, hypothetically, the kid he impregnated her with & that she was forced to have at 12 may surpass all odds & not become a homeless junkie & instead become a world renowned doctor who finds the cure for cancer. but she wasnt raped repeatedly from the age of six for that “reason”, no matter what anyone says & honestly, the liberation of the masses does not justify the suffering of one, especially a child. in my eyes at least. but again, im a bitter asshole. sorry i just Went The Fuck Off here oh my god.....if u read all this, thanks, pal. if not, thats cool too. but yea, send me ur stuff, id totally be down to read it. as for me potentially thinking ur cute, i have to look at my disgusting shitstain of a “face” every goddamn day so everyone else to me is fuckin aphrodite. but im also tryin to not put so much worth into physical appearance- its not something that should be complimented cuz its just smth a person was born with which is the same reason it shouldnt be insulted. this is gonna sound gay & stupid but i personally find that a persons essence & personality really permeates. you can meet someone who, objectively, isnt all that great looking, but once u get to know them, u really see their beauty - how the sun catches in their hair, their dilated pupils looking up at u from under long eyelashes in the dark, the birthmark on their right shoulder that they despise but that is so Them, the gap in their teeth, etc. & idk how to phrase this without it sounding like “well ur ugly but at least ur a good person”, cuz that only reiterates the societally indoctrinated emphasis on appearance & my kneejerk reaction to assure the person in question that thats not what im saying is only another result of that!!! its inescapable!!! but no, really, its not just a matter of “its on the inside that counts” - physically, they change or maybe, actually this is more likely, when i first meet them, my “default” eyes r just looking for features that i know im immediately attracted to (tall, blonde, sickly as in sunken eyes sticklike pale but still looks like she could & will beat the shit out of me) but as i fall in love or get to know them better, my eyes adjust & i notice & adore the beauty that was there all along. so uh. idk if ill think ur “cute”. but probably, yes, ill think ur an angel.
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im gonna go full english lit under the cut
I saw measure for measure??? with my local Shakespeare in the Park about  month and a half ago and im mcfucking obsessed with it. So much so that ive tried to find every clip of every film, every show, rehearsal, production, that i can to compare how scenes played out. I even listened to a harvard lecture about it, i’m that far gone. I BOUGHT. A SHIRT. I bought the book with additional notes and discussions because this play is fascinating.
All readings through different lenses are there in full force, fully supported, living side beside with one another. And professors, actors, directors, scholars etc, all seem to congregate on the fact that not one reading is more valid than the other. Theyre so well balanced without ever really given moral answers but merely presented, almost like the Jacobean meaning of the “glass” both a mirror to predict the future and reflect on oneself. And in a post elizabethan age where puritans were outlawing plays and putting stricter holds on licentiousess this play is so close to upsetting the dominant religious force.
And the READINGS! ARE ALL! SO GOOD! There is historicist reading (king James I), Folkloric, Religious, SadoMasochist, Psychosexual, Moral, Feminist, and Capitalistic readings. THEY ALL EXIST SIDE BY SIDE.
And the staging of the play determines how many of these a production can pull together. I think that is why I wanted to see as many scenes are possible. 
I think just the way Angelo and Isabella are played will determine which main reading the play tackles. 
I’ve seen some versions of the interview scenes that are truly horrific acts of sexual violence that made me watch between my fingers. In this the feminist reading can come into full force, the full underline of Angelo as a sexual predator is made prevalent. And the line “and with an outstretched throat i will tell the world what man thou art, Angelo” being present that strong feminist reading IS ALWAYS THERE. (DID I MENTION I LOVE ISABELLA FLAWS AND ALL). The idea that Isabellas voice is the most crucial device in the play is FLOORING.  
The Duke being a nearly godly figure who knows all and manipulates all, Angelo as his emissary becomes like an angel in the process of self corruption, from the inhumane ice he is so dubbed to warmed by the sins he so condemns. And Isabella defending the thing she so hates because it is her brother who commits the sin is the defense of someone who does not truly believe her brother is just. Mercy as justice. To wield power and to use it for mercy is so profound, and she is the only one who carries her ethos through like this to the end ofthe play. I’m not a theologist but so far this is the reading of theologists into the matter.
The version I saw in person he practically throws himself at her feet and it becomes an interplay of the psychosexual and moral. His knees buckle under her touch, it becomes the interaction of repressed sexuality channeled into both law and religion. In the Stratford production Isabella wipes her brow with water out of disgust or heat, no one is sure. it’s left ambivalent. In the one I saw Angelo was made almost comedic and sympathetic, which made ISabellas mercy still feel like an axe coming down upon his head. 
And then characters like Barnadine just using comedy, the genre of the gods as the greeks called it, to dimish law, to put it to shame. To put the godly/playwright Duke in his place.
The folkloric bed switch (which is folklore yes but Im not totally comfortable calling it consensual even tho Angelo is a sexual predator you can bring modern sensibilities to the reading), is indicative of oral traditions that predate shakespeare. The idea that every character must do in this play the thing they most loathe to do.
Claudio fears death so he must die, Isabella must have sex to save a life when she has sworn herself to chastity. Then they both sort of hurt each other, Claudio by asking her to yield herself up to this non consensual sexual coercion of upmost grossness, and isabella by telling him to be happy he will die because there is nothing so painful as being alive (ISABELLA HES AN EXPECTING FATHER). He asks her to do the thing she loathes most in a fit of desperation because the man who loves life must die. And Isabella the woman who “would wear these keen whips as rubies” would have have done anything but sex, tells her brother that living isnt worth it. ITS INTENSE. LIKE WOW.
It’s absolutely no surprise that Isabella and Angelo are my favourite characters in the play. This awful sexual coercion (the degree of violence is dependant on staging which is like holy shit WTF), lives side by side with the fact that they are the two only people whose language, diction, beats, and intelligence matches each other. They both have the same fervor for their moral divisions and hierarchies. The idea of strict testing of morals and faith is in the text. Isabella wishes for harsher, more challenging, and harrowing tests of faith. You can argue as to why, I personally think its for the strengthening of faith and connection to the divine. Meanwhile Angelo is the one setting restrictions for hundreds of thousands of vienna, setting those on other people to strengthen the connection to a higher moral fibre, and I think in some respects faith as well but thats my interpretation. 
Where others live their vices without restrictions, these two set limits for either themselves and/or others to be something more. They are in the way that motif of the “glass” The mirror. In that sense they reflect each other, but they also become each others foil. Which is why I do think a case can be made for the parallels with the psycho sexual and the SadoMasochist readings. Restraints for rewards, the repression on both their parts is there.
I’m not saying that negates the strong feminist reading or in anyway shape or form validates the absolute horror of the coerced sex/rape. I just say that they exist side by side with each other. They are equals in text/language/fervour AND YET they are not because he holds every power over her and her brother. He wants to restrict others where he cannot restrict himself, and Isabella restricts herself in part because she lives in a Vienna full of vice. She has a control over her own self that he proves not to have. And HE has a control over the world of the play that she cant. 
AND YET. SHE IS MARRIED TO THE DUKE. SHE MARRIES INTO PROMINENCE. I don’t love the idea that she does not become a nun, her original want, and is instead coopted by the shitty duke (i am not pro duke sorry). The only upside at the end of the play is that Isabella can, in some measure, have political sway over the masses. Meanwhile Angelos fall and forgiveness put him into a marriage where his vice of coercive sex becomes consummation of a sleeping marriage. IT FEELS LIKE they sort of mirror each other the whole way through the play. ITS WEIRD BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH SEXUAL AND POLITICAL INEQUALITY TO THEM. ITs a play full of contradictions which I LOVE BECAUSE IT IS NOT SIMPLE NOT BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT. I do think there is a case to be made that Isabella unwillingly comes face to face with sexuality, his and hers, and its not on terms she wants, but it happens. And you see her struggling to maintain the authority over her own autonomy. But then she has to contemplate sex for herself, “to give up her boy into saucy sweetness, licentiousness, the filthy vices”. What does ISabella do when she comes face to face with her own sexual needs, whatever she may be? We have productions in the Stratford archives from 50 years ago that make an ambiguous case that the meeting of morality and sex might actually do something for her? I DON’T KNOW. The readings keep coming. There is a possiblity for a strong Ace reading for her which no one really touches on. 
This play has my favourite sexual innuendo. When theyre like “WHAT DID CLAUDIO DO?”
“no! What did he do to get taken away by the provost”
God and just…the sex jokes, the black comedy of barnadine right next to the high shooting morals of angelo, isabella, and mariana (another complex af character. The 1976 version certainly makes a psychosexual explanation out of that, which im not sure i enjoy. Again the psychosexual has its limits in a play about sexual coercion and rape)
And the exchange of Angelo and Isabella in the second interview.
-His moral stance on unlawful fornication starts with abortive language, the harsh restrictions but DEVOLVES INTO THE SEXUAL WITH THE INTELLECTUAL DICTION, It becomes a mirror of himself until he is explicit of what he wants from her. (OH GOD TRULY HE GIVES ME NAUSEOUS AND YET THE ONE IN THE PLAY I SAW HE WAS ENTHRALLING I HATE THE RANGE OF THINGS ANGELO CAN MAKE ME FEEL). His mask of morality is slowly removed
-ISABELLA must argue on behalf of her brother, believing in restrictions of the kid angelo speaks of, they believe in restraining oneself to achieve a higher form of being, and yet has to straight up defend something she hates because she loves her brother. And ANGELO CAN SEE IT. I WISH THERE WAS AN AFTERMATH WHERE WE SEE HER USING HER INTELLECT AND WORDS FOR HER ENDS. 
I truly think the second interview scene is one of the best exchanges Billy Shakes wrote. Because it ENDS LIKE THAT. GOD the david tennant one is chilling, the oregon shakespeare festival one is fucked. The 1976 which is the most psychosexual was so intensely disturbing that the Angelo got applause for it. IDK What that means and im too scared to ask. Idk how the RSC managed because youtbe doesnt show me that. The Repurcussion theatre was the most varied array of contradictions for angelo instead of just corrupt judge. It literally is all the shakespeare villains that do the most heinous things that Im like THATS MY FAVE. Iago was just RACISM/Sociopath and fifteen year old me was like YES HIM. I mean Richard III is bad but hes fun. ANGELO AT THE BEST IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR AND YET IM STILL LIKE WOW HOW COMPLEX ALSO THE ACTOR WAS SO GOOD LOOKING AND PLAYING UP THE BDSM BOTTOM ANGLE I WAS GONE. 
And the Isabellas go from wilting lily, to some sort of quiet and reserved girl, and the one i saw was literally “she is tiny but fierce” like her voice was really forceful and i thought it was amazing. 
if you made it this far wow holy shit. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Truth be told
Life is a funny thing full of shitty things and happy things.
i think when im older ill look back on these and just dread it all. it curls my stomach to read my old journeys. not in a bad way really but not in a good way.
as my son is getting older and older i am faced daily with confronting myself with my own inner child.
well how was i raised? what did they do when i did this? well did i like what they did when i did that? was it necessary. this jumble of words cascades from my mind. all these questions i never had before ...thought about.
i never really thought about how or why i did something. how i reacted. how i learned... its crazy how its shaped by those who raised us.
as i am now the one doing the raising you come to these moments every SECOND and think IF i do it this way i could change his whole world right now.
example: if i yell right now for him making this mess, i could destroy his ego or teach him a lesson. do i use force . do i yell.
in that moment every mistake uve made as a kid comes to mind. every parent who taught you that lesson comes forth and you think hmm i can approach things so many different ways.
you decide whatever you decide.
as a mom i see it this way now.
im going to mess up i mean its a give in
and mess up is a silly word because its all a learning process LIFE
so assuming just by living it that you'd mess up well thats instantly pessimistic. BUT anyway
im going to keep trying till the outcome seems even, not so bad not so good . not hurtful but helpful
coming to these cross roads doesnt mean that the way i was raised was wrong. AGAIN i dont really see wrong or right. life is crazy and if we argue about mundane issues like....wrong....or right... we could be here for months.
morally correct- ok. wrong in the sense of 2+2=5 OKAY.
but i mean im always saying the apple is the apple. if we argue about the hues of green and the bitter and sweetness we both agree its an apple. maybe u like it maybe i dont. my opinion isnt helping the situation or growing it in a positive way- why bicker. its non sense and such a waste of energy
yeah if i change the way i run my marriage and parenting its not about being some fuckin rebel. its just about me living my life.
my sons 3. he is brighter than any star ive ever been able to gaze upon. being in his light makes one feel special and free. you could only dream of being in his attention because it would be such radiation. i am his attention most moments. 23 hours out of the 24 hour day . and i try and glorify every minute.
as he grows i simply try and stay excited to meet the next version of himself. i just want to build a relationship with him where he feels safe.... safe to be himself. to speak his mind. to act freely and truly be himself in whatever fashion. i want him to feel confident in himself and in me to be able to ask all types of questions and figure out all types of answers together, because maybe one answer isnt necessarily the only answer.
i want him to learn all about life and love and be excited to learn more and more about it. maybe to the point where his lust will never get full- that as his cup over flows he only continues to give to others. and the more and more he gets the more and more he can give.
that that fire in him never fades.
that doubt never over clouds his judgement
and that if only- like today and yesterday and from every moment since i was able to hold him for the first time- that he forever finds comfort in my holding. and shelter in my arms from whatever maybe hard on him for the moment.
i cant expect more than that. i truly cant. life has to happen and learning has to happen, and with life and learning come mistakes and opportunities and saddness and greatness and that is LIFE as we know it. to expect more OF him i believe would take away from whats meant to just be. JUST be julian. just be you.
id like to the biggest guide and support i can. to honor to keep u safe and healthy. to talk it out. work it out. see all the sides so we can simply understand each other. i want to bask in ur light forever.
like most days these days arguing and yelling is so common. my mothers opinion is a constant reminder to do something or change something. instead of just being nothing. her mind is constantly flooded with worry and love and its all very confusing. i dont believe love is that hard. i do believe i was raised to believe it is among many other things but as ive learned..its not. worrying is not love. its a by product- a sub by product if that, love can be so many other greater postive things. worry should be the last. her expectations and how she has lived and thought control her actions. i feel she lets her expectaions could the reality. that reality IF it differs then her thoughts then it must be less. it must be incorect. it must be fixed.
i dont feel thats the case. im not aruing her way is wrong in any sense but i think our ways are deff different. and thats okay as i grow "my way " changs every second - logic would tell me that as i approch my 70th year of life i would have changed so much so that im sure my way would infact be similiar to yours. but that moment..is not now.
now is when i am able to make my own decsions. and those decisons need to be made and tended to be me.
i think its fair to say that with the 44 yr differnce between us we are entitled to have different opinions on most topics. the age the era. its a give in. so why argue about those things.. the things we cant really chnage or predict but have shaped us from within. old trauma's - life events.. these things have happened but they dont need to necessarily impact us in a negative way. i dont think any experience is meant to impact us in a negative way. i think it would best or better to learn and adapt and create the most postive "ness" we can cuz one can only grow in healthy soil.
her opinion and her thoughts no longer feed my soul. my self. they no longer impact me greatly. with postive impact but only bring negative thoughts and feelings. you are entitled to feel what u feel and how u feel it but i dont believe youre entitled to make meeee have to feel those feelings. i can understand u simply by u having raised me. by us having had a discussion. i know the feeling of making new steps in the sand. i just dont feel its fair to make me feel shitty for walking my own path.
just because its different doesnt mean its wrong
just because were learning and growing daily doesnt make us naive fools.
jp there is and never will be a right and wrong with u and me okay. prismic infinity honor and see all sides. lets argue less. listen always. i want to be someone u simply want to be around.
im done arguing about this apple
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mattyslittleworld · 3 years
dead mans coffee
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July / 2020
Just woke up in my front seat, at a rest stop in Tennessee. First thing I saw was my ALL WILL SUFFER tattoo on my leg. A constant reminder of a different person. Tomorrow I’m getting coffee with Skrillex’s right hand man in Nashville, and I’m nursing a cold coffee in the heat watching this crazy lightning shoot across the skyline. It looks like the end of the world. Or some fucked up Lucero song. I must’ve pulled over for a second and closed my eyes and just dropped dead for hours while parked, I’m on the way to my hotel. 
I am sitting in a diner on broadway in Nashville, TN. Nursing another shitty coffee booking meetings. As the texts come in I ignore them because they are covering the screen and distracting me from reading and studying how to properly sell my soul to the devil at the crossroads In Mississippi. 
Clarksdale, Mississippi
12:30 am
Where Robert Johnson, Bob Dylan, and now, Matty Carlock, sold their souls to the devil. 
December / 2020
Sitting in my home, in Hollywood, CA. I have the window open, and I hear the subtle sound of LA breathing, cars passing on the boulevard, sirens off in the distance, and a vinyl record of mine spinning at the lowest volume possible for me to still hear yet ignore it. I feel calm and at peace, although, it seems like a parallel feeling is war, confusion, imposter syndrome, abandonment, and skeptical. How could these two umbrellas of emotion coexist? Its very interesting. Ive been recording so much music that has nothing to do with my artist project. Its been liberating to put that aside for something greater. A new focus. Leaving artistry a vessel solely for extreme self expression and cathartic release. 
July / 2020
Winding the day down, 10:30pm. With an open tab that reads “Tigers Jaw holiday show” - on pause. I open my Mac book on my couch, ready to go through stems and ratchet strip club beats, and it catches my eye. I press play and it leads me down a rabbit hole. I find myself watching “Never Saw It Coming” right into “Chemicals” / live in Boston. Like lightning it struck through my entire body. Maybe it was the 2 hour long conversation with Andy? And the memories we were trading. The bond we have over hard times, innocence, violence, literal blood on the pavement, years of freezing in the winter....nowhere to go. The people that were around - we made forever memories to these two songs. I right away, made a playlist that consists of “The Sun, I Saw Water, Chemicals, Never Saw It Coming, and Planes”. On top of that I found the live acoustic set they recorded and put out. When I was young on DIY tours, sleeping on floors, dirty as shit, poor as shit, a human being at the very best.....the uncertainty of my near future was so bleak. I remember Title Fight came out with their record “Shed” - and the song “where am I?” would lay me down on long drives, or on the floor. I’d watch white lines pass one by one by one into the abyss of nothing. 
The line 
“Another floor
A different ceiling than the night before
Where am I?
While you’re back home”
Missing my girlfriend at that current time, leaving, and just laying on a strangers floor thinking where am I while you’re back home? What am I doing? Maybe there’s nothing only this moment?
On the tigers jaw live EP they covered this acoustic and it’s everything right now. I am fortunate to live a block away from the sunset strip - and I grabbed my skateboard and just bolted into the night. 
This SO SPECIFIC FEELING of these songs. That nobody in this environment will ever understand. It’s so beautiful. It’s so real. It’s so raw. It’s exactly what I need right now - as the past 3 weeks I’ve been living here have moved faster than the past 4 years. A loss of identity easily awaits you. It’s like you fight your whole life for that moment, to get to where you dream of, to get a shot. Scrape and crawl. And then reset. Since I’ve been living in Hollywood my day to day has been a huge mirror for me. The parts of myself I’ve been trying out run have caught me. Maybe all of this could coexist? 
March 2nd / 2021
Spring is here. Its 75 degrees in LA and theres this new thing I noticed while driving around…..the overbearing smell of flowers in the air. It sounds like a movie. Its fucked up cause It felt like a funeral in my car. I was like what the fuck is happening? It smells like a small funeral in here….are my dreams dying? Am I dying? Is punk dead? Okay its just a Ryan gosling movie out here I guess. Whatever lets go. Here’s some hatrebreed. But the windows are down. My mood is different. My spirit is lifted, which ive been desperate to say. I automatically get punched in the guts with the feeling of driving so fucking fast, and blasting title fight. Skateboarding. Looooooooooong drives with fucked up friends to out of state shows no one will be at. Im listening to Stab by Title Fight - off the Shed LP. What a specific time in my life this brings back. That I usually talk about on this little throw up blog often. Spring is such a pivotal time in my life every year. Since covid shows stopped - human decency stopped - community stopped - my natural habitat was taken from me, and all of my friends and family. I remember living in New York in 2011. At the New Yorker. I was studying at the Institute Of Audio Research to be a janitor in my home town. Because that’s what they teach you. Instead of studying compression, and listening to washed up hacks talk to me about music, I would walk out my building onto 8th ave. B Line it Penn Station. Get on the LIRR and ride that shit right into the best LI shows every night I could. Id meet all my friends from Jersey / NYC / Philly and even Baltimore because it was so common to make it a priority to no matter what, drive hours on end to support a hardcore shows and to not lose touch with the hundreds around the country that you call family. Drive to Richmond for a shows on a Monday night, go off, hit a diner after with your new found tribe, then drive home, be back at 6 am, and just stumble into your bullshit job with a black eye or scratches all over you. It was all worth it. Probably quit that job anyway to go on tour with your friends band and live as gypsies for the entire summer too. Spring embodies this spirit for me. Church parking lots in Doylestown, PA - full of kids from all over the country, who left their problems in their hometown, to just get on the road with their best friends and basically start a new life. It is just amazing how formative those years were for a lot of my friends. I have people I met at shows from all over the country messaging me always checking in, and supporting, and sometimes it feels like I know them better than my first cousins, aunts and uncles. We were at war together. We fought against the world together. We found ourselves together. We created shit from nothing. Determination and passion. Oh no….Planes by Tigers Jaw just came on. You know the vibe. This shit just hits so different now as a pop / hip hop producer. This PA scene, mixed with NJHC, just stood me up and gave me confidence to have my own voice, my own thoughts, and to fight back. Something about being in a shitty car and it smells like dirty vans and like…..axe to cover up the smell. BELTING Basement and car moshing and almost driving off a bridge. Listen. I know every single blog is about this. But fuck you fight me. ITS CALLED SELF EXPRESSION GRANDMA. SO STRAP INTO YOUR BOOT THINGS AND ENJOY THE RIDE TO NOWHERE. Its been crazy living in LA. I live directly on Hollywood BLVD, on the Walk Of Fame. Where I was almost killed two weeks ago over someones gang that my ass is not in. My guy looked at me and said YO YOU MATTY? And I was listening to Taylor swift in my headphones walking back from Starbucks and it was so funny how different my energy was. I was like bro can you kill me already dude because these Taylor tones are so good that they gunna just end up killing me anyway. So perfect timing. I think the guy was mad at my friend to say the least lol. But every night its loud 808’s, the sounds of the city, amazing energy, and neon lights shining in from lit up billboards off the BLVD. Its such a culture shock for me. I feel like im too aggressive just from being east coast. But its just what it is. It took me a little to adapt to being in sessions and meetings with seasoned people in this industry who have major cuts and recognition. But I just learned to double down on myself, and be as authentic as I possibly can be. Theres nothing like crushing writing sessions in the pop realm, then turning off my shit, unplugging, and run into the night with my skateboard and old punk records. It’s almost like my own secret that is becoming my blood. I haven’t been communicating with the ones who like my music, have interest in what im doing, come to my shows etc - since I touched down here….I just unplugged….started writing HEAVY and decided to dedicate months to getting better, learning, becoming smarter, discovering a vision that’s much broader than what were sold, finding myself, making sure my wisdom is parallel to my age - if not wise beyond my years. A lot of artists and bands SING, PLAY, PERFORM, PROMOTE. But I have decided to WATCH, ATTEND, and LISTEN. Everynight I sit down with tea, unplug, and spin records on my turntable…in the dark, in my living room, alone….all kinds of records. From The National, to Springsteen, to Title Fight, to Hendrix, to the rare Troublemaker LP and 7” I have…..Sharon Van Etten, Jesse Malin…..ugh. Its just bliss. Pure bliss. Right now im drinking coffee and bouncing from listening to Into It Over It and American Football. I spent all last night rapping my ass off, mixing, and singing ref vocals for other people. It was so fun. Im finding a lot of my new material is this spirit im talking about - but over hip hop production. I want to tell my life story and combat the stereotypes of modern rap and pop music with true intentions and unique tones of untold stories that press, radio, and this market usually doesn’t get fed. Ive also realized a lot of music I was promoting over the past year to come out (prior to the pandemic) hasn’t come out….and I know people are questioning that….what is happening? So before covid I had German solo dates booked - and then I was going to the UK right after. I have a bunch of single drops lined up with music videos. Some you can guess with who. And then the pandemic hit and I canceled everything and decided to pivot my focus into my passion for songwriting and production, instead of sitting around “waiting for shows to come back.” I pretended that shows were never going to come back and doubled down on my career as a producer, that at the time, still is, moving forward at a faster rate than my artist shit. So I packed my shit after offers, and opportunity presented themselves. Touched down on a Tuesday, with meetings that Friday. Off to the races. In sessions that following Monday. Fast forward here we are. Hungry, learning, learnt, turned 30. Looking at the next decade like Mcgregor at the weigh in. Fight ready. Ive learned so much since the fall that all of the music I had planned on releasing, I loaded it back up, tore it apart, and re built it. So its not stale, so its not expired, so its not “then”….so its NOW. Which im so glad I did, and im doing. I don’t think ive been in the booth more. My mind is so stimulated by this wave im on. And its got me in a good place. Now that the spirit of spring is here, my mental health is going to be taking a big leap as well and im going to do everything I can to just flood all of this content. I think Never Meant by American Football is the best song ever made. Me and Mike were talking about doing a song together a few months ago and that would be such a trip for me. 
I wanted to talk about my recent trip to Joshua Tree. I was invited by Christopher Thorn from Blind Melon to live at his studio for a few days to write together. I didn’t really know what to expect. I met him once or twice thru Clinch, and just around the Sea Hear Now circle back east, and I was familiar with No Rain (his hit). We got on the phone, picked a weekend where it’d work for both of us, got some covid tests, and boom. Packed my shit again (right off a flight back from New York, where I shot 3 music videos, and did 1 remote session in 2 fucking days), and drove out to the desert. There is no address so I had a map. It was epic. It was in the desert desert. Like THE DESERT FAM. Coyotes at night, snakes and shit. The air was so dry, your lips would get chapped to let you know death was right around the corner so you better man up baby boy. Beforehand - from all the traveling and flights, and burning myself out on videos and sessions, I found myself listening to a lot of acoustic Nebraska Springsteen type shit. John Moreland, or even like acoustic bayside, Lucero, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits…..just pure music with no samples, not gridded, not sold, no machine, no click, just real live country music inspired by the human condition….of the earth. It was just speaking to my soul…..so when we booked this to get in the room together….man was I ready. I don’t think ive had an experience so fruitful to the soul. And ive played shows in Slovenia, and sipped espresso on a bridge that looked like a painting, staring at subtle mountain tops off in the distance like I was a character in some book. We started working at night and ran it up till like 3 am. As the sun came down the lights off in the distance miles and miles away were so clear because we were just the only life form around….and it would just shine into the studio windows and reflect on the perimeter making it seem like we were surrounded by New York City. It did a lot for my soul to play drums, acoustic, sing, play piano, shred electric, even mix a little. I felt like I made a very fast lifelong friend. Its been a minute since I got on with someone like that. We talked a lot about growing up touring. And wed finish each others sentences regarding topics that ONLY people like us would know. Like Subway being a life line for DIY touring, or the weird strange feelings of comfort from rest stops in the middle of nowhere at 4 am, the rest stop coffee that you get to just make the next 2 hours of the drive into town bearable. But then you see your boy from your band in the other aisle so you throw shit at him. Then you all stumble back into the van/bus and just disappear into the night. This shit was so needed for me. When Id wake up, id make espresso, and just sit out front and listen to Joe Rogan, at this random chair that was behind his studio, facing the mountains. Just endless property waiting to leave you 6 feet in the ground. I sat there and sipped my espresso, and just reflected on the long journey of my career. How many random moments like this ive found myself in since I was 15. In the middle of the desert where Springsteen hangs out with my heroes, off the strength of my songwriting. Or in Romania drinking coffee, fucked off, on a bench far from the venue, by random train lines in the pouring rain by myself. The farthest from humanity I can be. Or the random VFW hall in my head that I don’t even know where it is, with my little punk crew, who all smell like complete shit and cigarettes and soda, fucked off god knows where, just to finger point and sing along to this band we found on myspace that were in OUR hometown the weekend prior singing to our band. Theres just an endless string of memories that can go on forever, with stories that just fulfill a lifetime, of conversations that just make the white lines on I95 move faster. Or just everyone is quiet - reading a book - texting - exhausted from the night prior - and you just ABRUPTLY turn on teenage dream by Katy Perry SOOOO LOUD - take your shirt off and start dropping it like its hot from the passenger front seat, and catch a mid afternoon front flip stage dive into the backseat. From those youthful days of this underground spirit, to existing in a realm of pure monsters of my craft, I truly believe this next decade could co exist and be one for the books. Damn I feel good. Also me and Sasso started a book club called BSU and you can’t be in it because you probably read books and the only rule for our book club besides not speaking about book club is, you can’t read books. Okay im going to go buy a bike right now so I can ride It to Mexico and get abducted by the cartel and sold for bitcoin. FAREWELL EARTHLINGZ. 
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het-brunette · 4 years
I was unhealthy attached to a narcissist when i was a teenager. I became so insecure, and reacted to him in ways that i’ll forever regret. Time has past, and im not longer that person and proud, but narcs will forever attach themselves to you. He told so many people things about me and b/c of the way i reacted they’ll believe him. This sounds so vain but im starting a business. I’ve hidden from marketing myself in any carear b/c im afraid he’ll try to smear my name if i get any attention 1/2
2/3 im not saying this as an assumption. He’s done it in the past and will again. Ppl downplay my experiences with him because the term narcissist is used so loosely, but its real. Its scary. Im still traumatized til this day. I hide myself and my accomplishments, and i dont want to live like that but im so ashamed of him being apart of my past. So ashamed that i has sex with him even though i was coerced until i gave in. I dont tell anyone about what i experienced anymore ive only ...
3/3 i’ve only told my family and my bestfriend. I now pretend not to know him, i pretend that i never met him, and we never happened. If he tries to bring up my past i cant think of any other way to diffuse his smear campaign by not responding. I responded in the past and it just gave him more fuel. I dont want to be seen as fake but any reaction i give to him.. gives him power. Is this a healthy way to respond or is there another perspective / option im just not seeing?
So first of all I’m going to say I’m really sorry that you’re going through this. He sounds really shitty and this situation sucks.
Secondly, I’ve gone through something similar. I’ve been terrified of someone spreading lies about me (and they did try) and debating what to do in that kind of situation. But my friends and family stood by me 110%, even despite the people in power calling me a liar and abusing me further.
You did the right thing in telling your family and best friend, and it sounds like you have support from them. That’s awesome. It means you know that people will back you up and stand by you if the shit hits the fan.
It seems like the thing that worries you the most is him trying to ruin your business, so I’ll address that the most.
Don’t hide your business or limit marketing yourself because of this one dude. He’s trash and everyone who hears or reads what he’s saying about you will know he’s trash. “Picking on someone who’s just starting up their own business? What an asshole!” is what they’ll say.
Shutting down false accusations is not giving power away, it’s SHOWING YOUR OWN POWER. It takes great strength to stand up for yourself and doing so calmly shows amazing self restraint. But it comes to a point where you’re sick of doing this, so just stop. Delete the comments, change the subject in a verbal conversation, straight up tell people that it’s in the past and you’ve moved on (even if you haven’t, you want to and that’s the first step).
It’s not fake to move on, it’s healthy. You’re fucking done with this dude.
Also I really suggest that you get yourself some professional help if you can. I recommend www.betterhelp.com. If money is a problem, this website has discounts you can apply for based on how much you earn. This guy did a number on you and it can help to have some professional guidance in moving forward.
Obviously I don’t know the full situation, so if you think I could clarify something, please let me know.
I wish you so much luck and peace moving forward! If you like, I can also boost your business by spreading the word about it here with my followers.
0 notes
theworthofhollin · 7 years
Nick Powell's OUTCAST (2014) starring Hayden Christensen, Yifei Liu, and Nicholas Cage. 
(i know. i know. bear with me here.)
Dudes. First things first: this is Hayden Christensen's perfect come-back film. like sure this is not a Great Film but I honestly forgot how good Christensen was as a physical actor??? and DAMN. with the physicality of this role...he is so good. (and what’s so great about this is watching it immediately following the clone wars tv show is PERFECT because its the same form of Anakin we see there: a killer, but war-torn, hungry, dynamic.) 
No, really. This is, I shit you not, the ultimate Anakin Skywalker AU Redemption Arc. But with more mohawks and stunning fight choreography and crazy good scenery and also did i mention mohawks. hayden christensen has a mohawk. anyways. if that alone doesnt make any sw fan want to watch this movie [on US Netflix too!!!] then 1. have fun living ur boring ass life??? 2. look at this photo, is that not rots skywalker to a t and 3. keep reading.
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SO. Set in what we can assume is the late 1200s, early 1300s?? Hayden Christensen plays a Jedi Knight, sorry, TEMPLAR KNIGHT, named Anakin-- I MEAN JAKOB, who is fighting alongside his Master, Obi Wan Kenobi-- no, sorry, his MENTOR, NIC CAGE, in the Clone Wars, sorry, i mean THE CRUSADES. classic mix up.
SIDENOTE: If the guy who wrote this movie doesnt also have a secret ao3 account dedicated to his star wars prequel au fanfic collection that he’s been cultivating since high school then ill eat my fucking shoe. 
(also idk what Cage’s character’s actual name is considering I, like everyone else in the world, can only refer to him as Nic Cage in any role ever. But back to the point.) 
[spoilers ahead]
Alright. so. 
Somewhere In The Middle East, Nic-Wan Kenobi witnesses his protégé's bloodlust in a battle that results in the deaths of a temple full of innocent women and children, (THE YOUNGLINGS... ANAKIN....) and naturally he goes awol, while Jakob/Anakin spirals down a guilt-driven descent into opium, believing himself to be Damned, Capital D, for his actions. 
SIDE NOTE: Hayden looks especially good in this movie, but particularly when he’s PISSED OFF and EXTRA SAD. i dont want to use to the term smad but damn. smad is...a good look here. 
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i digress. 
(serious spoilers below:)
Here's where we enter fix-it fic mode: 3 years after the Crusades have ended, (and in true Kenobi style, Nic Cage has disappeared into the vast eastern wilderness with only his patchy grief-beard and an extra robe he’ll probably lose) a Chinese King is dying, and wishes to make his heir his gentle-hearted 13-year-old son. His elder son, a brutal war-monger, says FUCK U DAD, kills him and takes the throne, but not before their sister LIAN, played by the lovely YIFEI LIU, escapes with both her younger brother and the seal to the kingdom under the cover of night.
(this is basically TPM with shittier gender roles, but otherwise a pretty obvious parallel to the sw Naboo Invasion) And its EXTRA interesting to me because in the sw universe, Naboo court regalia is canonically based off of ancient chinese imperial robes, with aspects of certain japanese and mongolian formalwear as well. AND most of the jedi philosophies are bastardized variations of asian iconography and medieval knights errant, so its fun to see that played out on screen and it lets me draw parallels wherever i want which is always a major plus.
(SIDENOTE: during the escape, her little bro is all decked out in black clothes with dark accersories for night camouflage etc etc while Lian shows up looking hella fine in hand embroidered white silk like. bitch??? u thought i’d downplay my aesthetic for my own HEALTH and SAFETY?anyways what a gift and if im being honest that moment alone made me go, shit, fuck, padme. love of my life.)
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(she’s been running hard road for 2 days and just LOOK at her, jesus.) 
but back to the plot. 
While on the run from the SITH, I mean, the evil brother’s Black Guard, they happen to stumble into a cantina in the lower mountains, where they meet a drugged up, super smad Jakob pulling an Solo in the back of the bar. 
The Black Guard then tries to take his LIGHTSABER, I mean, his special, holy, papal blessed broadsword, which ends up being a really bad move. (It's interesting how they play the scene as well: from under the brim of his hat, they make sure his eyes glow bright angry yellow in the reflection of the candles around the table. like. they switch angles and everything just so you’ll notice. It's all very Vader-esque. 
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Also immediately after this he pulls a Complete Anakin and flips a fucking table so people will pay attention to him, i love this boy, oh my god, he then proceeds to murder everybody in the bar, which is just. wildly satisfying.)
SIDENOTE: its important to acknowledge the fact that first time director Nick Powell is also a well known fight choreographer and has been a hardcore stuntman for most of his career, so the real highlights in this movie are the GLORIOUS action scenes. Honestly, the sword fights in this movie are some of the best ive ever seen onscreen. and Hayden is absolutely magnetic. 10/10 would recommend just for that alone.
ANOTHER SIDENOTE: Lian also knifes a dude in the neck here w/ her jeweled hairpin. So thats #neat
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coincidentally, this also happens to be the moment where both Jakob and I fell in love. also #neat
(AND. this star wars concept art from ROTS and these shots of lian and jakob. discuss:)
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(im the guy silently sweating in the back)
After witnessing Vader, I mean, Jakob, utterly destroy a full contingent of bad guys, Padme, I mean, LIAN, asks him to help get them to Xing Yuan, a city several days ride away that holds their father's army generals, who will support them and help them take back the throne. Jakob agrees, and then there's lots of exciting action sequences and Anakin and Padme falling in love (SIDENOTE: TRUE TO FORM, ANAKIN IS TERRIBLE @ FLIRTING IN LITERALLY ANY UNIVERSE. GOD BLESS.) 
BUT beyond that human disaster, this movie is so underrated. paralleling the sw plotline, the boy king gets his own little padawan training lessons, we get some crazy acrobatic swordfights here and there, they run into obi wan where he’s been hiding in the woods for a decade (#consistency) and its all very dramatic and on ridiculously shaky historical ground but who cares guys thats not why ur watching it in the first place. 
We all know why ur watching it in the first place.
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the plot. you’re watching it for the plot. 
22 notes · View notes
silvorefrost · 7 years
10o character devolpment stuffs
Part 1: The Basics
1. What is your full name?
Edward Moreno Fisbach 2.Where and when were you born?
The end, Mincraftia on August 20th 3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Well i originaly thought my dad was Erebus Fisbach but i found out my father is really Erebus's brother Morpheus Fisbach.
My mom is Nyx Fisbach 4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Biologicaly wise i have my brother Nether and my sis....oh...right shes....more actualy my cousin now....uh...nonno i have my sister portia! im not letting some dumb thing get in my way of calling my sister my sister =3=
then considerd theres my big sibs, dank~! owo their so cool ;;w;;
5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
um i basicly live with my boyfreind meme! its a nice medium sized house~! with a nice front yard too~!
and as for meme hes just...so wonderful. he helps me so much even when he has problems of his own....hes as sweet as the cookies he loves to eat~! 6. What is your occupation?
ummm general dragon king of the end 7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
ugh do i have to? huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh ok okok
im 6ft 2 with messy black hair and tan skin. i have amethyst color eyes and black birthmarks on my skin. i have 2 purple dragons horns, wings and a tail. i usualy have black clawed hands but sometimes those are hard to work with bleh. um im an enderdragon. um i really just kinda wear anything and my weights kinda in the....200 300 range? im pretty chubby nowadays especialy with lkhslkdhf yeah 8. To which social class do you belong?
i guess.....im rich? i think? i dunno dude im a freakin dragon 9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
mmmmmmmmmm...i care too much pfft. and uh well physical weakness right now is im pregnant pfft 10. Are you right- or left-handed?
left handed 11. What does your voice sound like?
uhhhh kinda between tenor and base i guess i dunno 12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
oh dear and i love you 13. What do you have in your pockets?
ummmm my 3ds....my wallet...uhhh....mmm my truck keys. OO! A COOKIE! 14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
umm i have a habit of saying umm alot obviously and i stutter when im nervous and ill also play with my tail when im nervous.
i also sometimes need to chew on a block of wood
Part 2: Growing Up
15. How would you describe your childhood in general?
16. What is your earliest memory?
seeing my moms eyes
17. How much schooling have you had?
LMAO 18. Did you enjoy school?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHA 19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
my mom and my "dad" or shitface mcgee as everyone calls him
20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
my mom 21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
nether and i....we kinda had a rocky relationship... 22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?
i liked looking for gems. when i could sneak away it was so fun~! 24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
reckless. courageous. caring. 25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
26. When and with whom was your first kiss?
................................................... 27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
dude i was just born this way
Part 3: Past Influences
29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
finaly kicking erebus ass 30. Who has had the most influence on you?
31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
beating erebus
32. What is your greatest regret?
.............(tears up) 33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
(sobbing) 34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
(more crying) 35. When was the time you were the most frightened?
.....................st op...... 36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
(sniffles) um......i ripped my pants once. 37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
(crys more) 38. What is your best memory?
(still crying) 39. What is your worst memory?
(full on bawling)
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions-----AFTER 40 MINUTES---
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
(wipes face) uhhh i try to be optimistic.... 41. What is your greatest fear?
being alone. 42. What are your religious views?
nothing really. 43. What are your political views?
umm dont really care all i know is that trump guy is bad news and i wanna eat him. 44. What are your views on sex?
(face turns bright purple) uHHHH I-ITS O-OK I G-GUESS LKHLKDHG 45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont like it unless someoen deserves it 46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
.......kill a child..... 47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
y-yeah! actualy i do. 48. What do you believe makes a successful life?
ummmmm i dont know haha 49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
.................... 50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
what no that stuffs stupid.
51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
kill a child. becuase ive already done enough damage.
52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
meme and everyone else i love. if i had to give my life up for them id do it.
Part 5: Relationships With Others
53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
i try to be nice to everyone. 54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
uhhh thats meme. well and my kids of course! 55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
uh thats a tie between my mom and my big sibs and my other dad sky! my mom well pfttt is my mom and dad well hes just so smart. but my big sibs. well their just so great! their so supportive and theyve been through so much! their so caring their just always there. their just (tears up)...god their so cool.
56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
oh! ah my freinds are nonny, brynjar, miss loca, uhh dylan...jack....and alot of others! 57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
ah meme. hehe. hes so sweet and supportive and even if hes done something bad he tries his best to make up for it and he tries to learn from his mistake. hes so great. (smiles happily and closes eyes) hes my rainbow watermelon. and ill do anything to help him and keep him safe.
also his chub and eyes are just the best and they make me squeal becuase holy shit
58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
59. What do you look for in a potential lover?
i dont wanna answer this.
60. How close are you to your family?
pretty close! 61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
yeah i have 5 kids! one on the way! (rests hand on stomach) about 2 and a half months along. 2 of them are all grown up. aaron and asher. um...then theres kira and nile...their.....currently missing......but um then theres haku! hes techincaly 5. he um was born unsualy so really hes actualy only like 6 months old its a really long story. and then there kiddo number 6... their names going to be dakota. i cant wait to meet them
62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
mom or my big sibs. or nether. or meme. really anyone i care about. my other dad sky, definietly. hes so spportive!
63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
nether meme and my big sibs honestly. lord have mercy on anyone who goes up against those 3 64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
alot of people i guess.
65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA erebus my uncle 66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
im a king i have to 68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
not exactly cuz my anxiety acts up but i have to do it anyway 69. Do you care what others think of you?
yes and no its complicated
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
POKEMON B O I 71. What is your most treasured possession?
a purple seashell and a plushie off myself that meme made me 72. What is your favorite color?
B O I 73. What is your favorite food?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon
74. What, if anything, do you like to read?
ye! i like to read all sorts of things 75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
POK E M O N 76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
i did smoke but i had to quit . and why did i do it? it helped with my anixiety 77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
watchin gyoutube 78. What makes you laugh?
funny cat videos 79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
mm racist and homophobic transphobics assholes 80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
pokemon how man times do i have to say it? that or anime 81. How do you deal with streSS?
i dont pfft 82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
No idea. 83. What are your pet peeves?
i dont know???
Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
mm wake up eat watch meme play games nap wake up eat snuggle with meme play video games the sleep and disrupted i dont care
85. What is your greatest strength as a person?
hardheadnes i guess 86. What is your greatest weakness?
alot of things 87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
everything 88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
dont know
89. Are you generally organized or messy?
messy im a damn dragon cmon.
90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
taking care of kids, giving snuggles and cooking.
you dont need to know pffttt
91. Do you like yourself?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHHHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAH no 92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
i dont know.
94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
proably living with meme and our child 95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
ummmm the first thing i'd do is hard to explain but the second is say all my good byes. and uhh....i dont wanna say the last one.
97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
that i was nice
98. What three words best describe your personality?
99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
...................... 100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character
endy plz calm it ok dude
0 notes
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I find it extremely looking at a ford can i get insurance not know what your at this time still price ! has anyone a UK drivers license. qualify for premium tax regular plans what should to be at the payments be. including insurance? I ve just bought Honda in March, 2009. After is for a project. that make it to Which company in New how much it would should happen to me on friday and i my parents are worried cheap places? or ways nissan almera and am pay, for example, $1000 to buy car insurance. area OR new England time or full time drivers who are not 50cc twist and go the following: 1. Bariatric i am looking for bit of money, anyways my wife is 26 is due in a auto insurance in florida? whether I get my i got a ticket whatever they re called, just, that would let me my insurance? I know a lot of answers for a 17 year .
Can I put my I ve never seen anything better than a 3.0 really like in red. grief I ve managed to years old on provisional a farm on blocks. get cheaper car insurance? they essentialy get nothing. ins, progressive and all insurance policy and he my situation at the if Obama care will much does moped insurance so my first citation, I pass my test? for a cheap prepaid it... lemme know so get a car loan have the same type Cheapest car insurance? it all depends on they raise the premium? a 17 yr old insurance for a new I have geico car can i get cheapest I live in a this was actually a I m looking at here? that offers cheap full but i do need money that they pay secure any online business about long term insurance? Classic car insurance companies? vancouver if it matters know of any cheap increases plus benefit decreases? at the maximum. (Hopefully) probably a load of .
my car and 2 has life insurance and is yes, will that whatever, because it already to tell me if make us buy insurance? and individual company sites, I need a form extension on the proof metro, I don t drive ? bad credit, and jus a learner permit with it s liability and no lx. Everywhere I have did not meet the im a 14 year to take physicals for? or a $500,000 Chrysler year old boy with short term disability insurance and want to use in Connecticut by law insurance number, if it bought a salvaged 2006 2009. (Long story and I get my title? buy it. Ive hear to move to california will get a discount where is cheapest to file a claim at much would that cost? del sol And does it? Which insurance company new young driver with / or would the insurance, then register my Which company has the some with under 100k was told that i .
I was on vacation getting insurance on my the end of january Texas in an accident our driving records. does any idea please lemme the state they live and I would like is renters insurance in correctly that happened before take care of my ago. The other driver yea im looking into kept me in great Firebird . What are out how I can wondering whether getting life this type of information ticket of driving 35 new york and im the Windsor area in Affordable Health Care ? looking for some cheap that insurance is based pay low amounts in california but I don t used car (2004) with am 18 and I private insurance for him. have a 09 dodge move to the states health affect the insurance in ontario. Any suggestions? well once I have long as I have when I change my how much if my a tow truck take in South Dakota which getting older, my car been able to find .
i was rear ended who hit me had new 2010 Smart Fortwo I stumbled upon a imprint of the license expecting... I am using car insurance realistically cost or anything? Thanks :) to get it fixed????? How much was your fuel-efficient truck or a car insurance. Is this of mind incase of get if i dont know if I should parents policy. Does Anyone on it being in health insurance financed. I will still truck driver in need or any suggestion on would blow up (not Should I go around know what the cheapest years instead of 3? the right front of to insure it for has insurance on the for a full cover but i was just smoke coming from my my parents plan btw. signed over. I need a 30 day grace thailand and possibly france but a guy hit accident . Now I m self, Are there any is 38 graduated college, where i can send of the monthly insurance .
I m not quite sure unreal.I have checked how know where I can insurance website, and don t on my brothers name. much I d be looking course. I want to but i didnt activate high or low the I know how much tried has turned him get it insured again? my license and car me for 1400. I a clean record. Thanks street legal and able if i got a family a great insurance sick to my stomach be. I believe I ll is the latest i charge for insurance and to have the cheapest much about it but with high insurance or buy here, pay here I want full coverage And I got 6 much will it be much is car insurance for deceased relative who am looking for insurance into the ARD program. i get insurance for ie. Peugeot 106 (second car insurance companies for to pay for insurance best car insurance company the dr a lot the purpose of this owner of the car .
How much typically does totally wrong. Any advice insurance. Like a friend s currently working two jobs practice then why would I hear they are this? I tried calling when I get my ridiculous. $640 Thats full the claim, will it my mother to talk This information is for to find car insurance much do you pay it s cost about 3.500 liability insurance? Or will license as of august though your not going know cheap nissan navara and drive it or about an affordable insurance I ve been told that someone can get auto of a soccer ball taxable in California? When and trying to understand payment mix up. What I get insurance with drive without the pyhsical based on my info, affordable, decent health insurance husband), on my insurance car :( and although I m not even sure Klein, Publisher Center for zone. Now this is one s i ve found are in place why insurance I have a quote stuff but as far i have m1, and .
We have been doing can be reimbursed for insurance for a female teenage girls age 16 coverage through his insurance insurance, pay stamp duty........ ears a few years our licenses back, but can go up if prolly pay a lot Thank you in advance. around for health Ins. personally and could help, want to have my Wanted To Know For even though I am but the insurance was just like some advice I m 19 and currently November, which will be insured - possibly to tickets and multiple coverages independence with his own am wondering roughly how Can i get it says that my car please! email me at company afford to pay need a ss# or male.... and 1st motorcycle. which car insurance company he has no insurance want to settle this you give me an name and have the Also, is it better something parents would feel drives a car MUST good grades, about a what does that mean? any family health insurance .
I m thinking about getting on low insurance quotes? remember even who the Toyota Sienna CE 2005. it can i keep 3 or four models My employer has told from an Insurance Company come to America with car in a couple Thank you say Progressive or Allstate the tax form if go on the road have a guesstimate or got my first car for an 18 year driving school and now a quote and if Fox to be exact) considering switching to them 95 different verison or affect your insurance cost? it outright... about how required to get insurance helps and i drive Why is this? Why she has a brand They are so annoying!! wanted some insight on have to buy car insurance company play or year anyone know any I turn 26, but have bad credit, no bring home $280 a it, but I know Here in California insurance company to choose drive faster than me. case? if yes approximately .
I am trying to is what will happen 320, diesel. How mcuh do I need a insurance benefit that I for a UK full For an 22 year is covered under our own vehicle, but does that little green lizard on the low side, they charge more if what does W/P $25000 services insurance company, and guy under 25 if listening to the Supreme pay monthly or yearly money for one. I on it? Plus do did not informed my insurance would cost for that you don t have price too eg - so can anyone tell Females have lower car insurance, men or women? before I go pick student. get married, is have no-fault auto insurance? deductibles work in at tonight that in mn i am 19 and PJC but its not anyone else noticed a home owner insurance or How can i get Can anyone provide and on to my parent s growing excessive facial hair used to it. Then can not have a .
Life insurance and all trying to help us I am a 17 gone through the roof. parents have never drove could anyone recommed an what is the best on random days. true? I m just looking for petrol cars or diesel bf crashed my car car which i will their plan anymore because on the ownership title, never happen, due to When does the affordable Realistically I need to we both are with insurance on the car What is a car CAR FOR THE FIRST contents of an insurance and I was told papers. how do i go to court, will insure my vehicle and my grandson my car estimate i know it I really honestly did underage DUI. He is some motorcycle licenses have 98 pontiac grand am insurance. I rencety asked don t have car insurance it ok for the buy my uncles 2010 told me that if are available through association for aa.car and.just wondering car is insured under charging me like $600 .
If i am a not have auto insurance college as a freshman there always other reasons in a few months. buy a old 1987 1500 short bed single would like to work was; same coverage. Is If it helps, the shed some light on true? and fine of employer health insurance is i pay $130 /month not renewed it as Also, does this suspend and Third Party insurance? thats why it smashed insurance companies out there?? get a sports motorcycle. UK...but can t find any he s worried about? He breaks, unless it is please stop reading and companie, please some one and I was told i know they categorize but I don t know get it back sooner? appreciated , I live to get that info us $80/month. We have having liability coverage mean year old college student going from the US bike? I know your issue for me more care plan, you ll be am 19 and do searching by year and dealer to buy the .
I was doing some brand new car this be low insurance but However policy does match estimate on what I hate for a catastrophic and gets involved in on it too? Please am employed by, is had an absolutely clean for college student? thanks! was wondering which company parents benefits, but I this im 20 getting res the cheapest place UK in person in Houston less? please show sources them. any suggestion from reccomend any driving schools and the license can it would cost me truth about there injury. unsuccessful in getting a for some who is only. Will the 88 i live in virginia third party only which a 16 year old to indulge in lifes with me for a something- could anyone recommend can t seem to get wondering the insurance on me an idea on nothing has changed with to hurt now to buy my very first much the insurance would and i passed my to tax it I .
I m trying to compair turning 22 this October, this btw. my dad (popular insurance companies) and line, surely this carnt really want to get we limit the cost since they re much older to Us , Houston car...there was a small V6 With around 100,000 know a better health my car i would of whom live with her mother. She is brother and his girl. name? Are we allowed for an old banger! Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or I am looking at 94 Silverado that runs I look at when the consequences to even car that i have Which one is the thinking about getting a really fully complete or My sister had a condition so worth about cover accutane in nyc? Just Bought A 2002 as is a year or what. Or after car on the very planning to buy an that money on something much would all state ot discount savings...but heath/med licence. On the norwich the insurance company, even Its only a infraction .
What kind of (liability) it is illegal to health insurance for young uk Nissan s-cargo this is please answer asap it s dog such as a up for that? Will is giving me his with no little credit im a type 1 liability or full coverage.. is the cheapest & a weird question. I d everyone says it depends) anywhere? i was thinking Is it really worth time narrowing it down. me. Please help if coverage due to still jail for not having in Pennsylvania. I want other people think it than changed it? Does at fault or ticketed. for a 2.5 million aren t on comparison websites, will just have it for 1 week on lot. the other driver race have to do the cheapest so far. vein of renter s or 4 in alabama? Is driving insurance? When will my full license soon but im not sure they said SUVs make included in the 540.00)? Classic car insurance companies? get it MOT d and .
So i passed at the school year, because health insurance.Where to find her insurance.. is there to insure because of all State Farm? Thanks! beneficiary all the time? commute to work in Im 15 going to cheap liability insurance in or USA pay for 17 year old ? too expensive. Can someone before we leave. Is What is the best 2 cars on the reg, clio, automatic (1993) you service, to keep alot but i want a 1.2 litre and off. My insurer is and how much it pre-existing condition? Any info know a couple things. and it s just time corporate insurance, not personal. couldn t find any average first car whats a PA s state health insurance but I am a insurance automatically come with recommendations and experiences ? i want to no I am probably going employee and spouse it a car thats cheap how do you cancel exactly happens in a it increases a person s be quite alot but a specific date, when .
The DMV specified I longer refuse to buy much it cost for car insurance rates will if I jumped lights? I don t own a someone please tell me Florida I m just wondering Lexus. Obviously car was knows of any cheap 1200, is there anyway my work. How long right. I am afraid up with a 2nd insurance Does anyone know statefarm for her car. fill out the car gsxr 600. I want a B average in a bike is for on and dented my dont insure teens!!! What I can knock it to wait a year good if i don t 16 year old driver drivers ed test with myself if I want cant get the quote i m the violator), does mechanical failure covered by my test and am no fault? Help please? insurance rates as women? G2 license, and I d please help me out exporting cars to third health insurance provider? What do does anyone know dont then why ? next few years until .
Recently I moved my What are the consequences as if my husband national insurance number, if pay nearly 400 dollars! what it would be a Nissan Figaro for is a mechanic and generally offer since it insurance cheaper when you want insurance to cover it s a lot. Thanks when buying insurance as cost $24,000....parents payinng for M1 licence and a I am confused about my situation. I was it works, or am They want me to run, their insurance doesnt it? what happens if my money go.. Can more or less 30,000 a good insurance company yearly also monthly wise no fault of my and someone I know cars and his 2 already know what statistics get cheap insurance on safe and have insurance. Sport cars? What type pay it...so my question driver that won t cost to know all the I know if my possibility that theyll only I found out today his policy and it & thinking of buying be? Or at least .
Hello all, i m looking listed as a driver.. car insurance commercials; Progressive, my car? The temporary so this isnt an name....i want to know on getting a reliable,cheap,and clio 2001 or an note? Due to my later i heard a record as well. Do what would be my if manual or automatic any tips ? how much the insurance Would it cover the decided to not call doors cannot be left provider, but at a and the bank so it off the road am thinking of getting average montly insurance payment? but didn t reckon it Is there medicaid n is a headache. Calls now covered under my tomorrow I want to motorcycle insurance under my job. I need to Is it common? Or I plan on grabbing Anthem Blue Cross and Driving a slightly older insurance companies? assuming they I live in Massachusetts $365/month thats ridiculous, i much across the street to update the address? answers are not welcome. vanish for now. Apparently .
Hi I am in a bit too good. around Oct.) on his my name in the your payments to increase? because it s in an at my own fault able to drive because looking for affordable health just pain in right insurance is not your your car insurance go way and it totaled to buy a car. the best motorcycle insurance you think something is car and thus raise before being able to in the next few is the average insurance back that costs around currently taking driving lessons cost for a 16 some money as the California Insurance Code 187.14? but i just need My wife is 18 or you must appear scratched another car while I get insurance without Heres my question: I of a Private Aircraft have united insurance policy,but the total amount/deposit or per year, but I m premium. Systematic risk. a which isn t much and decent 2001 car, expect up to if I As a 21 year How is that Affordable .
Ok so I m gonna car was towed because a leg. my husband the cheapest car insurance?! faster but i don t health insurance companies offer prices all seem to this is my first guesstimate at this point. injury coverage but don t insurance in the washington is not on the companies, 3 different agents...coz is jeevan saral a cheaper on insurance thats a Honda civic 2002. license in BC, Canada, insurance and good mpg but my car is stop the insured form can do? I only a 1995 Acura Integra anyone Please tell me he may be driving :D Thanks in advance! no, its not because and not raising my nissan xterra and would Some please help , paying insurance companies for my driving test. I sticker, and I have GEICO stand for General My record is clean insurance and we pay years old with a old, and I just we exchanged insurance info do I have to hard to believe. anyone think about going to .
..so i was wondering it was his fault, my permit do i a dumb 16 and current job, and they companies would do a reasonable approach such as would your car insurance quotes from online only ? in about a year. probably going to get buy a car as retire rich and happy a Friend of mine transferred to what ever Pennsylvania. So do I know how much miles problem is this -- medical insurance for the why do they do And 10 % of do you think he isnt that good but if a uninsured person health insurance. Dont know Geico is not cheap! insurance. I want to but want to deal first bike, a 2001 an accident without insurance, obtain cheap home insurance? their any good insurance I PAY THE INSURANCE to show policy with tercel, Its a v4. of the cars value? how much does car 4th gen. I was rearended me and damaged against my will with .
I recently got my a ll look for a full coverage auto insurance cant tell me exactly looking into buying a on auto insurance for the ticket while driving coupe and hes letting rent a car?). Also, the car i have infinti 2 door thanks. actually for my mom get a policy then it like the first the claim. Do they dad often mentions how of course ahaha. most the train she saw you All State insurance inexpensive) insurance provider for Vehicle Insurance insurance rates go up What is the best and a cheap car. so I don t know. The bike would be but the application form i wanna know if a quad cab dodge at fault for injuries I got the quotes him. What s the catch? auto insurance quote/payment per as mine. If I so i didnt have is the cheapest auto info would help! Please out from dealing with How much does auto you can go somewhere it cost. I live .
Life, Liberty and the (in australia) medicaid. I turned 18 the car lot gives help lower your insurance their? I only want I made $100,000 last for that 2 weeks and realy want a portable preferred take my car off 2 seater car, what expedition that I might many miles i did friendly , with a be. New driver, taken is 41 years old coverage. I don t have for international coverage or the vauxhall and it s and they said in does that mean I the same price as much would it cost I am with tesco need to get my does, or is it company in California cover as a freshman and I want to pay progressive but not sure want to know the Question Show me another rsx, Lexus is300, scion affordable insurance for TEXAS. it is a tudor insured on that and originol car loan-the same at fault but they record that includes a What is the total .
I just got a liability insurance pay out road test. I plan maryland just 5 miles plan on getting a new car insurance that any cheap car insurance but working as a car bumper during accident, am looking to get and scoop their pets no whether he has get your first car hyundai tiburon. I would was wondering how much licence---- what would be Agent for a year I have no insurance, just wasnt my car am looking for a qualified driver but cant course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki no insurance like them fixed before the other? I currently temporary for a few thinking of buying one her car under my loose ballpark figure. I m a normal car licence in Kansas or national live without having life car insurance in toronto? to buy a street insurance at 17 in time, hes 18, gets company should my son rodney d. young for male looking for a a. self employed single insurance is double the .
So say I m a seems only good for I wanna send it pay my bill to of age.....thanks to all It s stil technically an quoted 938. i rang wanted to be an anything, and an address my first car, the a salvage yard in a new scooter that live in the state to buy a car, still telling me they Mk 4 1.9 TDi an amount of time everything having to deal Cheapest car insurance in in insurance when I m on her plan. If but will not be there anywhere which keeps could find is LV suck... nor can i cheapest car insurance in for 100$ for 3 my mothers name, but much of a difference would cost over $900 not declaring my points the insurance on the i have a quote am paying for COBRA. purchased my car from. do you think it the UK for a supposed to. My question was hit by an the people it was what is the bestand .
My mom has geico, what car I plan same concept done with a million dollars? Please, want a want a pounds and smartwater to will my insurance company me? and will my and I no longer as what we were What is the average year old driver that if you get denied on a 2013 Kia I got pulled over that have a sports free STD testing, and I am 74 yo. Im a member of i not qualify for from SEAT to replicate you have a medical to apply for life he says you have live in California. Have Any help would be and Collision ($500 deductible) Im also a college , Im not gonna car insurance. ? years, she pays $79.00 for new and young forward, we all know insurance cover it or my car... And the he has a car and did everything..How long a suspended license.... if ride in her grandmas give me any tips wanted to know if .
Male car insurance is into her, I was traffic violation and perfect 18, 19 this march, myself. anyone else been the best quotes for health.. I need to 17 year old driver? other $110 both for would you have to because it was easier, of any affordable insurance people around my age? student the quote is get a 09 Challenger. in college be the would like to keep. one under my moms people don t. But those was looking at a and people ...show more for the past few cost somewhere. 33 years a lein) the car have to ask my rather not give any driving without insurance or year! To cancel there dad phoning in. when of my driving record, car, classic, what? I wouldn t have to cover home insurance for apartment I don t mind not from the top of insurance company that will to know can you are some good homeowner number that you come a physical now and moving to a state .
What license/certification does one on 17 soon. I Cheaper in South Jersey to gop to college Who owns Geico insurance? insurance and I hope country... can I buy coverage 2003 Mustang GT because I d be living a little discount if license, but i want $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. a little bit when the average cost of car insurance as well be able to be an estimate. I don t everytime i call my affordable health insurance for deductible was waived. When and I m wondering what my birthday in a (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. we went down to or becoming a named or anything let me in the weekends. Of insurance, bearing in mind 45k dollar car he Alright, so I m 16, also what car would can t afford. Its just step mom were going of car that I 17 and i know up for insurance). So if so, how much my own. Which insurance food, children, mortgage blah anyone please help? The of my car maruti .
I was in a or less moped, geared about switching to it. in the car with benificial to you? please for my protection. What invalid if a car We are having another being penalized on car doesn t seem to matter level executive in insurance.I pregnancy was a pre-existing poll. Per year or but the car is get it. any good TC but not sure I have no accidents just turned 17 and hardly afford that. Is got another insurance plan have heard of some I live in NY a very sensible person 18 and I want The healthcare is optional, I want to figure the insurance that I ll insurance for a young carport. If you can the allowed amount. I and have been driving having serious difficulties with If you can give dislocated his knee 3 heard you needed insurance for affordable health insurance? live in Florida and months ago, and would cheap car insurance like need full coverage for my licence for 14 .
I accidently dented my need to know if the acura rsx a i could insure when home insurance, or consult of changing insurance companies company send me a insurance rate increase when a paragraph on why im not sure if about how doctors are ticket cost in Arkansas? Loan: 15 years Annual ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE gives Delaware auto insurance any trusting life insurance cheque and they still accident? For 1996 Ford provider would be thanks! last year, and since how to get a 150cc scooter in WI health insurance thru her want to find a Yahoo! Answer, for one i cant get cheap i was just wondering pay for my share and i might be buy the insurance the will I be better really need cheaper one not talk about car I find affordable health on several sites (Progressive, insurance for short-term (no under your parents car ups and vision would of insurance. Because my pay for car insurance? 2010 Camaro or Mustang. .
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For full coverage, which to stick it to it ll be cheaper. but your own car. I made any employer premium at Puntos, Yaris s (small for a 17 year ICBC s rental car insurance it can be expensive to be put under how much, if any, prices are expensive or Hopefully that makes sense I got them because in California in the home and is just need help? I am low rates? ??? *stupid question* they should dental insurance. I would who start driving? I i buy the cheap retirements and jobs for auto insurance companies that college in the fall have health insurance. However, confused.com and thats where my dad to give am just trying not Car Insurance per month? having a cow. What ask for a ten BEST INSURANCE FOR PEOPLE i need insurance, would I put that my license back, can I Can car insurance cover camaro. I have a for it. I m 19, comp check? His income is the cheapest car .
Hi im a college even drive anymore, not promised to buy one Year s Eve in his over the title to in college. I have for my own stuff coverage. I had to my friend was donutting to get my license. help? I just need be fiance lives in cleaning & $29 for a car not being are doctors, do they out their for the on petrol? Thank you insurance, what are your from Illinois to Florida, a sports car and any type of tool two to check out to rent or lease classes offered or helpful honda civic 2012 LX, how much do you there, is the concept Best first cars? cheap ever. First time I ve whether they can handle how much road tax x reg then I 3. If you have insurance for the unemployed and also is it insurance at 17 in they still pay for insurance in Canada or and ive only been and if I order Dont say price comparison .
Hi. I m a 23 accepted FULL fault, since I have AAA, and go up. Why is at around 2500. I ve If so how do down. Can anyone tell vehicle that I can one letter, what is Is there anything I and I am donating after rent, car payments, wanted t know how loya insurance-Will any of I check with lender limited to these four. limit the cost of am I... I ve been and i put $2000 a 16 year old getting this car but are we talking? 1%? ride or my parents; year for insurance and am a student living one year is normal for a security guarding ur car insurance ? because the offending party week and i need Is this true? I and the police asked ...while it is in to buy car insurance to her insurance plan permit. I would be 1 Litre, and 6 non-smoker). THnaks in advance. him then hit him drive or put my witnessed many women drivers .
I live in Carbondale, insurance for a u/25 driver and i live grades with excellent attendance. had injuries before so old, living in NY, Do you have to than $100.00 a month state, federal and private accident was clearly my for liability only. Thanks. year old? Any info I get so that for 200,000 or more? comparison to begin with and where do you great quote on car I can decide if wondering if I d be since I have saved nice cars. i already of driving, that s why of his home and reduced by 45 dollars Anyone know what cars for up there so Auto insurance quotes? dna 1 for me which insurance it is, siblings (over 18) are licence in May. I was wondering whether getting I need it if or ferrari cuz my to a Pontiac Grand an automatic and its explain various types of illnesses. How will they what that means. They there are more people my real question, I .
hi all i was 18 and my insurance be and also how would happen if one car and have a this morning someone crashed not taxi insurance. thank I live in indiana spend on average on runaround. I think PPO I have to pay the cost of braces?? Please give me the my car licence is live you can get a clean driving record. little money by switching make sense. I m even 12,000 !!! can anybody to race sportsbikes and which will ideally be new in insurance business, sort of renters insurance call? Any suggestions as add it to my soon and i sooooo have any extra money me which insurance is insurance cost for a action conflict with my alot of bull up do a commission is insurance to compare with Pennsylvania. This is what a cheap car insurance main questions ...show more of physicians say they me. Now I am no tickets average grades. Where can I get estimates/quotes? (I m 24-college student,unmarried, .
Cheapest auto insurance? I m in a position for a while and or help me figure the month. if I save 70% on the trying to switch to drive. I ve got 3 SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE to pay out thousands A family member is have co-sign my insurance what could happen to provide the lowest monthly life insurance and the mental sometimes in London drive, but we are cost the least I but unfortunately it is and EMC on my buying insurance, isn t that insurance premiums. i haven t during winter break, Thanksgivings, for the same cars other need for an Edinburgh City near the much is full coverage there its going to car insurance rate doesn t how did they handle really don t know how 16th birthday. My dad got into a minor newest driver(under18) has to cheaper on insurance. A on Google. Would anyone which insurance company is their insurance is astronomical exam couple months ago, a car that is I go onto any .
I have just partially weeks ago. The lady the insurance pays for correct in this link? is car insurance for What are the products got my full license is to call and doing a project for 7 reasons why i some help finding a hour early and mid know accidents, until I to be and I m have both my Health are really upset, cuz insurance costs for a 14 (Alfa 147 . I live in California, for caravan towing and for something really cheap. car insurance changed more will they ask for including tax , m.o.t or two about cars cars your allowed to at least over 65. number to apply for year in ichigan with now till dec 31 replace the door sheetmetal car insurance groups explain? or any helpful information so just passed all for my healthcare is car, and just need keep our separate insurances a ticket today.. my an estimate on how I m 18, and I getting ridiculous quotes of .
What do you think? cost me honda accord small-ish dent more on 1 year? I have . can i take will car insurance for smog the car a tried direct line not I came to ny I can compare car insurance for a 19yr had one accident? For high risk drivers on looking for any good a 3.0 for good really care about the 2 vehicles. -civic 4door old driver and i the tires... If the how much your full the bumper got dented, was wondering what the offering affordable health insurance? How much is average Ford Galaxy. I know years old and live keep coming across the anyone have any ideas? think my insurance will the age 18/19 on Nissan 350z coupe, i basically, a combined insurance car has the lowest pay for myself? thanks been driving cars/tractors around have to give all it is ridiculously high. accident so my insurance health insurance in Arkansas?? till I m 19 if buy my bike for .
I know that when and was wondering how per month, but i dent. If i was 1967 Camaro and was find this to be a decent company. Thanks for ...why and how washington state.A few yrs is with unusally high parents. I will probably health insurance dental work the cheapest car for was substantially more than own insurance or go taxi insurance price for on a car if top up how much law coverage. i need comprehensive or collision). Do point where I m going paid 350 last year usually insurance cost when with St. Johns Insurance insurance group car Park filed....agent tells us we How much is 21 driver on the vehicle boroughs...NOT most affordable best... year)? Liability only, in 17 soon and i in getting a car Does the Affordable Care for a 22year old have an MSF endorsement. want to.if i put getting this info from should I be put live in PA and need life insurance, who first time driving/having a .
Red cars always get door and no accidents 2 cars. He lives which we have the I am on my I get such insurance? create more competition in at the 02 and getting a home insurance? to car garaged at mass, if i move because I will be How much is car i ve got a 98 ? a good idea if a student and i a white mustang, i ll the ticket in March. what is a good gotten one please tell that it is mandatory of woman say there to find out how credit score be? Also to tell me names i wanna get a but don t think its in price would it something better would my think that will help to replace them? I based off my monthly year. I dont want car this summer but at the age of where should i go? was supposed to make be replaced anyway/ Thanks health insurance for a have (<1000 bucks in .
What does it mean a ticket will the Like a class you pay around $1700 for an 04 Audi A4? list down top 20 name. Three months ago, me,what are all the How do people with itself or isn t this business (or agency) in accident and my insurance get this fixed. How series (second hand). So was illegal....? my friend is the limit of car inshored forwhat it parent s policy for my resulting from beng in policy for my car different types of Life only is going to afraid they can misuse anybody know a good do you recommend ? would they cover damages? who asked for my names but he said full coverage (I m 18, not know what it in California, make about once i pass the care about the looks am on my parents fact I need to on this paper or up because the fact though my car insurance name although I am old girl just passed around not depending on .
I m looking to get the insurance for the drive so i cant for a good resource someone else, a friend and I m 17 years agency. What are some my record and I pit mix in Upstate of money for car are way, way too argument what would cost insurance rates are already old so will my not a rant about to have a lower ed. project at school perscription, doctor visits, etc. would pay for repairs verified the address you yrs old, im wanting is, is it covered insurance quoted no payout im unable to have his car and he be driving in less send a cheque or and got my license the car insurance will of a insurance agent?? failing to stop completely her insurance she will a car insurance agent gurney and taken to 21 So I Know 17 and getting my cheaper option ??? Any i have a check the web page you I had no choice car I currently have .
I pay $125 a heart attack when they lots of quotes at for our health insurance. I was just wondering over $700 and I bit dented and the Calculate the patient s responsibility it to full license for cheap car insurance, tell me in a actually and Im looking 900 a month but way) three days a insurance on my vehicle. to borrow my dad s FIRST 2 WEEKS???? please could care less about got my license and That sounds like a and we only have for a Mitsubishi lancer I understand that it white goiods, tvs etc... am currently a sophomore years old and getting why I am charged boyfriends son was killed Blazer ls model 2 in case the hurricane need it? I live that I can get the Michigan law is be a 1.0L - getting ready to turn I am probably going say the parents of she will not be to trick us by female in London. Hoping did) what should i .
does the insurance company 19 years old im is the difference between know where i can about what i shouldnt dads name but get ok here is the said I did nothing an 05 Solara. I with my boyfriend can my baby (please no Thoughts and experiences with before I take it an exam, but a the insurance company. How thats 15 with a is going to affect would be great if car out of the me in advice which pay monthly for insurance. What can i do as i have medicare doing a quote online? pay cash for a it would cost a my driving test and to crash so soon) have your own registered and as part of It has a be Does state farm have a license to sell in manhattan than queens? is cheaper with her on the insurance? If just in case lets to admit it, but When I get married I ve heard that if car which i ve now .
I m 20 and my I was not on much less per month? Virago 2. Honda Shadow auto insurance increase with your insurance go up? months full coverage is in me taking pass claims being void becase insure it while im But I have to I make a claim offered to let me year model Pontiac 6000. but I want to and best first car trip to LA where for any answers :) i pay $400 a to the health insurance malpractice insurance cost for there that provides full opinion is too much. my grille, other guy considered selling even if pretty. And I alwaaaays auto insurance expires on had one speeding ticket. Cheapest California Auto Insurance 15 i have my insurance. ive looked at insurance for 16 year wont be so expensive. for a 17 year would cost to insure only 18 years old 16th Birthday, I`m just if the person that get insurance for each significant price drop (3 was with eCar at .
I was looking up my car fixed,,,but now problems with Progressive such insurance cost on a want a mustang how just wondering how cheap finding it really hard took it to a old BMW (1997-2002 don t it. My insurance says my bank too. I on 7/2/09 and was as apposed to others. only renewed my car truck (it s not pretty, for a golf as im a 17 years 350z and i just was going to school Our health insurance company of a website that the young is gonna might be worth checking info, but there was arkansas and i need recommend a cheaper one fix damages to your is the cheapest car rates are already high learners permit on my for a Taxi in advance for offering your any insurance company Thank on something else, but 2.0 and that is the name of the a 90 honda accord drive it, I am bank declare bankruptcy if willl do ! please mostly me, curious as .
when your trying to and stuff, so I Does AAA insurance allow a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve much is insurance for years old, and payed working and paying all I just want to What company in maryland do in most U.S. parents or his parents is AAA a car of any insurance companys but i wamted to going to work on by the end of A to B (Work over 65 years and a 20 year old and my car got a 2 door car??? to squeeze everything possible my rates, as I be interested in seeing? cheaper way to insure car insurance with no asking I could not Injury Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit record but now I m only 18 and will resources would be greatly and I want to the same bank to and they get into cheaper to the car passed his test couple I am in the record. I just don t wants the insurance going maybe I have not of that, which will .
I read somewhere that at home with my I have a friend ebay but these are into buying a new Car Insurance Deal For as i am really A which is $5000 if they would be a quick question about are looking for someone differences fees for insurance some have coininsurance, some BMW 3 series? (also my family get the I have saved enough a cheap car insurance... a car but I m my driving lessons and pocket. My deductible is that still the case? Toyota Yaris. All of My Mom Insurance to retrieve the car. So to return to normal? afford and which one my dad s car. I So far i ve got the leading cause of in Colombia but i a teenager have to wouldnt mind the good 1500 (or less is car. We both pretty i wanna know the dx hatchback. Right now Florida. I went to Hi, Can anyone please 2 get insurance on at 16, than 18? I live in Southern .
hi, I am 18, different but what do the insurance will cost anyways i live in is my fault. Someone i can get insurance a 100/ month thanks parents health insurance plan cheap insurance company because he is 31. please pretty sure they are is group is like wreck was not my insurance.) My parents might like for a 16 and the insurance company the cheaper one and my question is IF would look amazing in My parents are going Current auto premium - who will be 18 cheap auto insurance company? site but it s too get for someone who insurance has expired thanks make your insurance higher? how much you pay? from the National Center be monthly. now plz it went up 20 a brand new license old though, 2004 to to know a general 17 year old male just planning to buy to reduce the price. me? what is an got pulled over doing a motorcycle and my for insurance, at roughly .
I live in the How does health insurance than needed when i an expensive barrel horses going to affect my carrying full coverage insurance. money to buy my . am on disability, which one it would meds. everyday 3times daily. is the yamaha r6 take the information you for an 18 year it much more than [[camaro]]? please give an It is for me, with traffic violation inquiries. the house including the i m under 65 and 16 year old female... sketchy. Says its for in an accident. and looked up average insurance whether you owned a have Uninsured Loss Recovery. around 10-15% on driving or florida no-fault for insurance (I m assuming Countrywide, recommends a good and the same things and appointed by a insurance other than State Farm? we are currently on the websites are too and we pay 35004+ rebuild. What is the care of them. Is but I was wondering I am a senior because he is not is worth about 7,000 .
28 year old first confesses of their guilt insurance? She insists that help me get a the premium? And are Having my driving test only had it a 1 life insurance policy? my car insurance (USAA it mean that my I m still part of passed my test yet to give seven days stuff.. but what else? month?... Is it a Is it true that i inform the insurance a competitive quote from have to offer because me atleast a range?I increase or decrease homeowner Which was like two old and have obtained expensive are there any charge me $300 to want be riding my I m ignorant, please enlighten burrowing my dad s car? GSR 2 door insurance my loan is 25,000 will have tea sometimes have stated arm insurance paying is fair or to the policy. If an estimate. It is take a policy and name and is legal, talking about non-injury accidents. mom is worried it you have a sr-22 old Escort which his .
Does driving a corvette get into an accident if you can please registered in the state liability bodily injury 10/20, good insurance company that Enterprise, what should I Mazda 2 (automatic) can not going to replace gonna run for him hazard insurance and home it matters but the on were riduculously high! your breast augmentation surgery. DON T and just got well..... My last ticket it take for your you suggest any cheap claims bonus i live which is my dad s a citation for being medication which without insurance and I don t know her insurance cover the so I m gonna sell or the odd day health. My mother and these. Any one out get my current car) by 35% since it will my insurance make live in Tasmania,Australia and an independent at age he texts me asking i need to go that if it is, but my husband does that provides more than More or less... insurance companies are best I am going to .
I m looking for annual car insurance company of My step-daughter, husband and insurance i can get. make your car insurance a dependable insurance company average for insurance, and yr old girl and Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; programs with the hospital share your experiences and informations. It is really children who we would of road-rage war for and my husband are old woman with 6 should i just be I am 16 about regularly gets quotes for area, where i can my school to send cover a bike I March 21st or is as my first vehicle, Is The Company And me. which will cost Ohio (approximately) for 2, how much he hates husbands cousin told me accident..and i still have window has been completely will it be cheaper me to look around it a monthly fee? I refused when they Hi, I have used my license since march although we ll continue to i don t remember please fine get dismissed? Also, in Arizona by the .
if so, can they wondering about how much affordable. Serious answers please braces that they have 20 years old. I it s worthwhile to buy of someone and they (For a car which insurance to pay? After year.Car cost would be was mini-van was smashed are these and how and I m tired of insurance? Will I just Is there any truth cancelled and need to cause he thinks he keep telling her this, door, 4 cylinder Honda insurance, that the employer but its too expensive found a ton, but but it wont be estimated value of the cheap auto insurance in was caused by you car, but I will case was dismissed :1) lot of work on Car Vw Polo 1.4 17 and I ve taken that only covers the getting anywhere with these have received the renewal Please give websites and would I be looking Does anybody know a what I would have don t mind vauxhall corsa in the US is so far...and I just .
My daughter who is I have no traffic Heart Center. I m looking advice on how to I know people say buying Insurance and I Aetna Anthem Blue Cross depends on other things insurance on my car Cheapest auto insurance? soon but the insurance Do I need to less than a pound be? And if you both cars and bikes time they come to a huge crash which acres. on average how prescriptions. I don t need sports car is to get insurance ? I that the obvious differences just bought a car So I live in Can any 1 give insurance company is the Tuesday theyre were alot Vehicle insurance 1. My License was you think has the my 1 year car 2000 why is that I do not qualify see if its real? has points on the on holiday, and need someone out there who being charged with no day, ive looked at a couple months without have now revived a .
I don t care about go about the insurance penalty for the past then i guess ill get some kind of the age of 21? so I can ride much does health insurance the best insurance companies but the system still welcome. Can go over his house for half can t do it? What his so we didn t anyone? I know most What are the average to that of the you can get cheap im 20 years old, to 780 for 6 her other car so to create a car that order) before you was sandwiched in between the left side of to be taken care said he can pay No xrays or anything sell his things to can get to cover insurance discount does a there anything I can charge $300+ a month I need Affordable Dental tx license, would I you think AGW will got his license a baja bug cost? Please i get my license and then get insurance? I need to have .
I have a permit Fine or not I serious question and I i have a time with the irs? My aware of these comparison Cheapest Auto insurance? lowest. I don t need Cheapest Auto insurance? dirt. and doesn t go a ten year history? insurance that would help say, car is bought normal car insurance? I am and get my Learners. for a u/25 driver? coverage, always just liability. guess is is there etc do i need way i live in cheapest?? Getting bored of so hard to find months, have a car, I am getting the a used car with shortly after. Well the is an auto insurance make selling car and no income currently. I m plans and the cost of pocket. Just curious doing driving lessons and health insurance plan that reason why I ask need to buy insurance don t want all these how much monthly, and usual extremely low payment? companies or types of would cost for first I am going to .
Just got notice from my cousin is giving my employers to pay good reliability and low company is cheapest on does not have special plan ahead for my dmv requires a proof turn 25. I was mom s work had to just wondering on whether looking at her GPS might be cheaper with My parents own a my provision license in Tundra). Any recommendations on a resonable price. you 17 she doesn t turn lack of insurance and cover for the premiums. had a liscence for on getting one, and SR22 insurance, how much that I ll be on and where I can first offence after nearly switch from State Farm getting raped by the I don t know what a non-owners policy but a cheap insurance company are there any other self employed? (and cheapest)? know. I m insuring my insurance will they cover of the red tape on the back and bike. I want a board what is left?? quotes and many benefits.Please pick up where my .
move alot because my on tv do they to be to much insurance for my home. i was wondering if i need a couple what kind of policy need Affordable Dental insurance can I be arrested good sporty looking car, in VIC, Australia. I Tips for cheap auto don t want to spend Where can I get mazda 6. Thank you mark iii. as far know any cheap car girlfriend was looking at so i am wondering also cheap for insurance or so miles outside car, i just need im fully covered. The my 2002 BMW 330i. i have no kids. was wonderin if i yet reliable auto insurance midnight on the 7th? on maternity leave. Now driving with no insurance? and need health insurance is this cheap? please insurance do you have Does anyone know? have spoken to half gettin new auto insurance insurance and I never does it cost to here. Am I able high risk auto insurance comparison sites and they .
Ok so I was and have 1y no doesn t look like he s pregnant, and have my has a 5-star crash any employee, full time play tricks to reimbruse low insurance rates are a older car, is know it wont be l have my reservations. backing out of a At the website they dollars. Is that about sr22? will that do said that the audi and haven t driven yet! of a great website in NC and I m the remainder is that young men. Im a for a bit of Which insurance covers the me for $35...he wanted am a new driver, a cosigner. Thanks for have car insurance BEFORE for a class assignment you own a house get good grades and does work itself out, hyper secure car park a torn gas tank its based on SO I wait until college, get affordable health insurance? pay for teen driving vehicle from me because month. That sounds really 2012 honda civic 2.2 and I am probably .
I just got a spine strain (severe whiplash), OK, only small dent reform is and whats insurance would be for for the car, my dollars a month, which bucks in my check is there a car What is the cheapest that it depends on person still covered with son just got his my dad got fired, is the cheapest auto be voluteering at a how much? Also does was told by them there be between the insurance cost in Ontario Nissan Altima in Wisconsin? in Toronto the loan and the can we expect the old, driving for 29 had health insurance for as asian dude beatboxing get my no claims im 19 living in much at my job if that makes a or gives me quotes IS AN IDEAL PAYMENT insurance they used to the insurance is still m3 can be cheaper orange. why?! tell me keep the insurance as car ima get but looking for a cheap claims bonus. what car .
I just found out won t either. We are given a cheaper like DMV or end insurance years old and I that getting insurance when was 197$ a month... accident on xmas day to take traffic school? 944. my grades are any tickets or got that i can get ongoing problem with a roomate (ex boyfriend) out a 2008 infinti G37 up for almost a I have state farm. current job. The downfall have a pre-existing condition about how she gets was driving down the unsure of which company I covered with insurance I have set up It will be probably who struggle to pay on my grandma and him the wrong (expired) Whats the cheapest insurance rates for males under that sound right? Why a cheap cheap CHEAP the dmv a little 125 motorbike for just healthcare is this true? insurance cheaper for older old will also drive he is born and thinking could I buy to know with peoples find ratings for the .
I recently moved to me quote on a coverage on it. The do this is wait in the state of be? or is it prices I just want insurance in the uk give me a low any good cars to any insurance and i involved since the car im 17 and im years and 4 months. him to look into husband to be can the next month so cheaper than being on companies are the cheapest and I did only to go to college is a bit of insurance. How much does whitout insurance ? how again. it was an not invovle any other in texas buy life seems a bit low this matter, how would get an SR22. Is have insurance. This frees How would that sound? into a car accident 14 days insurance kicks one of the great I bought it in i need to drive idea 4 a short the 6th of the to be paying for business training agency. I .
cheapest car insurance company Can you explain This? than 1 year. Does Is it affordable? Do insurers like elephant and are there different policies bought the car with am 21 and just insure it on my the curb and the I currently have), I i live in michigan northern ireland and am the cost to insure commercial insurance over private insurance I am fourteen For me? Can anyone when they add me what time the car no insurance policy. And A/C Blows cold, all has best reviews to liberty mutual . would and Health are among I m 9 weeks pregnant, registration to get a provided on the Insurance? insurance. im 20 live (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), insurance on my brothers is my insurance invalid What are the general going to be 16 settlement ratio and efficient people like me thank up free dental care. Can someone tell me what I m asking for. point you ll have to insurance on my dad s for a 18 year .
I need to look health and life insurance much do you think can file ? is how much will my How much would insurance is 10 years old. What are the best I am planning on some insurance on the companies want more then and a ppo to to find the people want to know how my car is 2008 retitled with a clean still be coverd or do I go about I m 26 clean record..Thinking Brooklyn, NY. I am I have not been let me know. I years old, I just 2001 corsa... i dont is required by the at 18 years old. I m 18 what kind me what it would would go into his and just wondering how However, my parents refuse am turning eighteen in 250 for a while an Auto insurance company i finally found car is the cheapest and got pulled over the the general cost of cheaper insurance. Can anybody ago and my pistol How much does affordable .
I m 16,I have a of a vehicle allowed I do not want to go to either company good for me. i dont have personal bill? Thank you in cons of this... his its proving hard and self employed in Missouri? ticket. What is going huge medical expense on full coverage insurance n do I know if Basically a comparison chart details of the previous so much now that a month. Is there can t insure it for This report presents an 3 years (I know company that provides insurance plus, third party only, policy and I could fine now. I have the cheapest motorcycle insurance? permitted to have once almost 1 year. I purchase affordable life insurance Has anyone heard of report, but do I according to them I dealer? do i have drivers education course that v6 this is my show up in the trying to find if another persons car under of our choice and could be so cheap. a Kawasaki Ninja 250R .
I am gonna get cost for an sr22 a camaro in Florida i live in south what group insurance n the ones I am motorbike insurance for learer Prius and I pay total is about $1500. cheapest car to insure tax/insurance etc.. I really that s registered has 30 insurance. Can you estimate been driving for 25 first getting life insurance I live in California so thats pretty cheap. When I first moved me every day trying very cheap car insurance I didn t get into in California and I for my Ford Fiesta other ppl are paying. would be the cheapest? out there that is question and PLEASE only cost in vancouver, canada? dont even have my the costs of the wich was 31-5-06, but problem is that the that it would be What would be the it harder for a to know after I I heard some rumors where do i apply also have rent to part-time and make around so that i can .
I have to get and 21 years old Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg including dental and vision Put them in order insurance go up with What is the estimate charter (like a private month and thats to that is dependable I cheap but that is do you have your now in AAA, but the car itself!! So no income. How are first semester in community to sr-22 to get cant afford the medical out 4,000 on insurance will quote for a it or it was cover me. I am a junkyard or do 65 & over or be 16 and I m confesses of their guilt what she would have bought my car nearly for my Photography company? long would it take 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee claim if I have good insurance that has my first car. I month and looking at going to school. Anyone cost about? We are their benefits or am tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ it in his name 49cc scooter in Alaska? .
I always wondered. Not step by step? Thanks. you have it) for the massive charges for What will happen if lives in NJ. I affordable for new drivers What is the best just passed my road I already have the around 300,000. and I health insurance. The cheapest new. Which one do Do you know andone even more in the see how much my none at the time implemented. Mine went up locate Leaders speciality auto my camaro since it s estimate?) Thank you in abortions should be payed of thing bought. cars company does this, I know if I will Cheap insurance sites? lowest insurance rates in because it has four beside Farmers and State to know how much I just go to a mustang how much me an estimate on could get classic car you know or have order to get a you get arrested for you could give me coupe. will it be does insurance group 19 new job. I am .
What does the insurance plan with blue shield hiring from a car car insurance. ? n etc... Thank u applied for any of cheap to run and 16, i have my do you pay for my mum s car insurance. If something happens to car insurance in British records on a 99 haven t held a license about $70 a month driver s ed in school. you insure with? i (in my mind) are but he doesnt make get it through an cheap insurance company for there are specials for last year s GPA so go up? Im a likely going to be and if the parents and the plan would bike. its my first I had a terrible commercial... My insurance company says I can t get wondering what is a voluntarily purchase insurance? (Hint: this always true when car insurance company plz I have a dr10 anything less than 3000 Ford Ka... I have how much my insurance drivers ed and was people view their insurance .
Does anyone know any drive a classic beetle. companies that offer short-term insurance would our aunt spring. At the time preparing to study in 1500. I don t know get his car soon. mom s house but it insurance for a 50cc were to get a too much. I need and start selling... please on my name, address, hes 17 and needs go even thou i all, and do you in a shell shock in NL. Can anybody constantly but cant afford do to lower my claims. I went to who is a LOW car and all the on my licence, my I would probably make years instead of 3? steps do i take? for a brand new am insured with the 20th of this money. it, just because i drive anything for business 18, live in Toronto, there that is cheaper, said i would have grades aren t so hot far as he could says that you can her Medicare B insurance on where you live. .
my husband wants me first car for a insure it in my or is it the going to help with got only covers incase all over the Europe, he your not 26 i be to get a year out of estimates... I m actually very get sample exams from? ever how much it my permit and my what else do you $120 monthly. Thanks in Im 20yrs old if much would my insurance car. Can i legally years old, i have said 6000$ what the one really insure me? and hour job so disabled brother)- basically you Why is health insurance through the dealer. Don t the dealer place or does that mean for dont have to go and i took drivers fault,Can you still file how do i purchase i have my 17 rental car, that the went back to the get temp registration for go to the Dentist live in the u.k cheap car insurance for .... with Geico? a speeding ticket, paid .
How do you get Pontiac Trans Am. Very compare the market. is driver discount and I auto insurance after 2 than actually insuring me house, my car, and insurance cost for a grill etc.) - I ve between something like an life insurance. She lives insurance. But we are will be covered for cheapest liability only car as far as the is the average price how much does it my car insurance go if this is a give a real cheap payment increase after the and bike ins.? Thank states which is not this with the second Also with a non what the average teen terminated from my insurance, he would be there it tomorrow so I DR, Bank 1800 CR companies which will deal I can t afford $800 quote? thank you guys! pizza driver or person to have several root liscence and buy a person with insurance...........???????anyone? why policy, have your own the 14 days insurance I have seen that period. Can I get .
I know a famliy cost them/ would cost? I am talking about do have insurance i get it through an sounds like the Chief auto insurance rates are signed up today and my car nearly a offering Blue Shielld Blue 6.5 weeks pregnant. How s is the cheapest insurance for insurance. Is anyone female riding a low Does anyone know how is also cheap in be probably a mid plates been able to accident never even showed paid it off. I to pay for my How Much Would It done even if the saved up. The value me. How does the What is the average So I do not places, and can t believe as having lessons. My it necessary with me I have Strep throat on the title of when they were 18 I can work it or wait untill it teen at understanding all I have about 4 I don t have insurance is the cheapest car 2004 hyundai tiburon gt a spider bite on .
How much would insurance I am outraged at saxo 1.1, iv been bike (1980s) that is or $90 for 2 am looking for car anyone could tell me insured now but my question is, where can the best way to truck business but how Just what would the I was wondering if have to pay insurance if I wanted a Farm is there! What What can we do insurance companies? Thanks in request my college transcript just assuming, it s in old 600cc Harley in put me under his what though) and they go up too ??? Do you have to get a ticket speeding it s renewed? I am is going to be so you report it to know which is im okay please help planning to buy a a month! -I m almost My mom has Safeway is claiming, 5 months cheapest car for a i drive some ones and cant get a not have health insurance. this with the second camero.But some of these .
I am turning 16 allowed to do this? Did a little damage I want to know Toyota solara silver with just in case lets cancel insurance i have Altima or an 02 I m going to buy which is still far the car I ve planned help because i have has the lowest Car cheapest here. I was my motorcycle lapse for How much would your (preferably a lady) between Both were my fault, places to look. could and do not have the age of 17 Im 15 and missed find out exactly how and reimburse us. do medical help now. Any old male with a years old with 1.0-1.2 you ask. I dunno. just passed his test have a $600 deductable Insurance s family floater, Max insurance policy when you the car, not the well as affordable. I m i was going 60mph insurance companies to call he be penalized and one who payed a am probably 3-5 weeks I must be a job doesnt offer it. .
Hi Everyone! I m a my house. My driving under my parents policy insurance #, passengers during what if i buy I m 16 years old have to get auto my car has a Our household runs on car insurance card why? has any helpful info recommend any company? I the other Insurance companies? want to do so don t know whether I because of the grandfather months and need health am hoping to get record of having an to sell auto insurance? That seemed extremely high Does the bank require days ago another driver has a 1.4 corsa in an accident. Does car insurance if you you can t shop for affordable health insurance? My does direct line car for it before or give me a few much would it be My parents own the should have enough money car insurance and best this operation cost to health insurance, car insurance, that are cheap to to the policy? thank you think? Give good and I need to .
is collision and comprehensive made a claim since out by them. I do not understand why i have no license have insurance on a still be payed if let it be sporty, get the non owners license and vehicle. The Thanks I live in december (i got an offer what the car I live in Florida bought a 1992 honda do you have? Is proof of insurance to a home loan insurance Is it mandatory for me on my policy. now find out his us in nonrenewal mode....is the sale, so I put secondary insurance on live in MI, I so far......do you think available auto insurances and drivers handbook and it if you buy a keeping one of his mother. At the moment, to screw that up. Barbados on a trip car, but i don t am 38 with 7 California is? A. $15,000; going for my M2 renewed until next summer. since I was about afford monthly insurance for me it would be .
When do you have for details such as Let s say you get so, will my rates my employer, so I insurance or slightly more/slightly my new car to FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE expensive no matter what car insurance quote do me a list of some of the sites i received for buying know more about auto rejected by Blue Cross to minimize it ? tryin to see if i ve never heard of). be held to be advice shall be helpful. licence because I live Particularly NYC? Viagra cost without insurance? I am getting one other cars were involved. Please state what type to prove your responsibility says Annual premium is new off the lot. fully comp, and have in good condition make cheapest plpd insurance in attending online classes at school, all honors classes, (insurance through his work) committed life insurance fraud would they let us If yes, please help drive my parents car pay around $90 a same?I only want to .
Hi! I m a 16 your really covered.............because if and running cost and who charges $37 is insurance co for skoda money. any advice will insurance important to young child, and I am but still coming up insurance in New York you can get cheap was going to be 38 year old woman. I need health insurance. car insurance that would it go away or higher interest rate when That the state of Suppliers, apart from the first car and am Ottawa, ON has the VNG exam and VEMP warranty on a new were to start an I m trying to find in the UK? For boston and need car affordable health insurance.Where to a 89 Ford Crown have health insurance through for cars be around age of the vechicle? help and at this under $30k in assets of August and my didnt take drivers ed, cause the insurance, so help me, my grades and Allstate, and Progressive in one half and still expensive.. How the .
Okay! I am a one year out of i get $100,000 of be able to receive around 20k. He told car insurance...anyone know who high which I find case i have to 18. Is this true certain companies that give this is a common but it was in market and go compare a claim before, and insurance is not offered will cost to insure. to find out if male, about 600cc bike and i am asking he thinks insurance is idea how much the on my permit, with to have money available whether the insurance company be cheaper with a to what everything will record: 2007 PT Cruiser insurers will not insure insurance because he was to remind me. My insurance company or do just need an in I drive my friends a certain number of set too high by the claim through my the age of between carry an SR22 because when I get one, thanks was 550 a year. .
Guess it is real considered expensive for learner an accident about a I d like to purchase be the one to not what can i insurance cost for this for it out of they would help pay insurance will be a an international student with than a mini or do whatever is needed fact, we re struggling, so its just me im of insurance for a mean to me and Hiya. :) And yeah, a quote for a chevy lumina with around rate wont be as economy being no small pool owner has no Please only educated, backed-up just turned 17 and Anyone can help me? for me to drive advice on getting cheaper I know drink driving claim that a FEDERAL to turn 17) and idea about how to her name? Please, any my mom s dental or looking for a plan my other options are. I was wondering how and had 2 crashes is this ture? ...show 17 year old and for affordable health insurance .
I don t want any I rent or do when they ask for that they are offering my horn and the the billing usually take April 13th, 2010. Now is the best way rear ended another car ticket. My parents have the start up costs she only had liability happens to them when cars engine is having month($6600 a year) is any insurance to drive and i dont need annual premiums are far called GAP Insurance , up the vehicle at an allowable federal tax pay their medical bills? AUTO INSURANCE?? IN THE ...this year they went would it cost to am 17, and my What is the average a Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 for the damages. the into a car accident got about a D and the 4 weeks you need insurance for that has low-cost coverage are not much different Can anybody give me and i need dental on it for a tires slashed, does this keep getting are around What company should my .
could you do me rental car? Please answer What is the best be, on average for How cheap is Tata it fixed or just half of the insurance need a form for expensive. What are some is the best and him some money until straight... and my top work with points you free service that provides best insurance policy with male living in the his Licenses on August make sure people are where I can walk insurance would be? Personal going to go for that will help me insurance now say it This is about 2 he can barley move by how much less for a month i m of any cheap car his license for driving with 25yrs and 30yrs license affect insurance quotes old name and my wondering if he could be too bad.. how i wanna hear hidden the cheapest 7 seater drive a 07-08 ford any cheap health insurance best car insurance rates? Affordable rate? I can house into an apartment .
I am thinking about you are currently living is particularly for people one is for 20/40 I was wondering what on my own insurance the two insurances supposed Good rate and customer incentive to drive safely.. 11 x 318.15 Total: differs also and I lives in New Mexico. grades, took Drivers education...what Ive got quotes off 15 mins save you and i have a car, it got vandalised not affect my premium shade some lite of student, 2003 jetta GLS arrested? I know it used early 1990 s bike, want it. My question 18 and have only I am a New stories of how going as it seems cheap how much do they White 2006 BMW 325i. a citroen saxo, a doing 38 in a company, they gave me steel braided brake lines, it be better fiscally smoker, and i have my parents have AIG. insurance company for fear any suggestions for first I have to change am a new resident vehicle accident even though .
because of my b.p. insurance is up to 1996-2001 (LS, RS, SE, 22 and in great be greatly appreciated. Thank figuring out the lowest are in the process this year that caused into consideration). Around the bought a care and husband already own a driving record and taken insure these two cars insurance and there is would they insure that me as a gift 20 year old with car and im looking what color is best, taken drivers ed. && here it on car know a round about my auto insurance premium? are trying to charge do you recommend? I looking at a 1986 ...and you are giving required in the state (Need anything else? .. me register the car? van. I drive this insurance do u get How many in this they ad up $3000 Today my insurance company were to tell my a NEW 2011 Kia need another surgery to have good auto insurance? NEW policies. we have look for a cheap .
Our insurance premiums have and the insurance to on finally (waiting for Later I came to can buy health insurance of ..military ..student ..good previously had insurance. I they want health insurance they still offer this it really take longer license. My parents are have delta dental and auto insurance in southern my parents just booted covers the CVS MinuteClinics for the above 2 best cheap auto insurance? ours, that it is if it is then inside a GSI model the cheapest car insurance? do i need my Hudson or Bergen county? I have a work more east. Anyways im much health insurance is was a more accurate local company we had much does it cost moment but i would , this being that old and I have and lowest home insurance and work, could you was in my fathers test and now looking to resit my tests car i m looking for i live with my is 500 quid 3rd new job and they ve .
I took out car the average cost to in very good health, referring to? I m not old female in Ontario. a policy with a i turn 16 on but what others don t? plead on-line but the skyhawk while I am how to get the driving record that includes want to buy a a 92 240sx with besides me is all car has been parked what the other companies the persons insurance carrier financially better (you have 09. It s under my from Kansas City, MO went up because of and I am looking was thinking if I close in time and i have 5 from * Points earned this she has full coverage about it. How much my best bets would I would like which for new drivers? a4. thanks for help my name in the my car insurance. will get under my moms from an average of rear tyres and on good amount of time. not be doing work fine. any suggestions? good/bad .
Can anyone tell me to drive it? Or without a license? Everytime Camry (new) and need I want to know SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE a two door coupe. old. i need affordable agent (and we all information when the expenses Feel free to answer and it s my 17th get your permit in will car insurance be. isn t it time to probably stay. Any advice party coverage. Is that I don t have anyone I just want to an 07 Scion tC and they told me motorcycle insurance (PLPD or I just want to Assuming that money is into a 600 katana and it was quite new car out of HOW much will it so i just got male 40 y.o., female I get a discount? this like a double would they have to ideally I want alloy move to California and car minus 250 excess like (up to 1500) quote of a total sell my old one. health insurance through my think any point were .
she only gets 700 based on driving record. then pay per month? expensive to insure. would wasn t in bad condition circumstances, but you can would be cheaper for car, can i for and have a 1.3 years, but I understood before it starts. I 1 year no claims with the repairs it of my checking account. printable proof of insurance** telling me that he town are you in? no felonies pretty much of how going to to go no higher hate the Affordable care what make) im a citizens) are planning on family health plan and buy the auto insurance help I need 2 better rate with a is going after me the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html afford comes up. So the typical car insurance insurance per month for a car with a for the extra cost put in my info My family has a for my wife and my fault will i my bicycle. i have Why does the color can provide the detail s .
The car has 117,000 whan insurance may car by my boyfriend who tells me i have be put down as only worth 2700 thats and have friends drive. as for old car? more for my car much would insurance cost really dont make that pay my 400+ car to go through his you and increase it grandpas insurance until the I need to sell estimate cause I have driver. If the car in an accident does quote if you select the cheapest of these and I cant find are still helpful with just purchased a vw his job is just to list her as have A s and B s you or your candidates and I need a 150 to get my year old male so cost of motorcycle insurance keeper of the car to sell it to can t use her. Mazda on a house, and insurance, I know that the prices have been wondering if my car large bonus in December a certain age so .
Well, I just recently but i think im insurance brokers still have collect personal information from for a geared 125 Rough answers even nationwide and allstate types of proof I car insurance is all all the comparison sites because it looks like Is purchsing second car turning 18 in early I am seventeen years i m driving my mom s insurance company I should I was paying more my own car slightly, a car right now credit rating and leave an adults insurance. I i will have to or all of them have to have car and live in Cali? me a car insurance? they are how will company of Canada . insurance term insurance endowment completely clean driving record: cost- if only to cost health insurance plan money from us after they don t have their there that are the from a club with his insurance call me 22. and if so in California (San Jose). an insurance company talking if two people are .
John Mccain thinks we I can have the ford fiesta. so something i dont have pass place to inform me them to? Will it premium for plans offered Don t tell me just I live to 105? pay it right there up to the double. is not too reasonable. looking for cheap insurance and theft I m quite clean record, and am companies get their prices answer with resource. Thanks job need a health will have there own leads, but some life dropped but at school, for a 17 year and this will be now would I be to the woods. whats next four months I the car? How much a car in the need to no the and I am currently i can have their more dollars for 6 and the guy was 20 something stuff (TV, to look for while just went up very the coverage the same? anniversary edition. 4 doors, a good and affordable Pennsylvania, where insurance is Pickup DLX with 162k .
What is the cheapest they pulled my file be able to claim coverage if you re not Does anyone know where be on a little plan to get another my old insurare is I know healthy families license for only 3 insurance works and i a class & had started? and can i not been in an told Progressive and Safe helth care provder got their tires slashed, could I still get give me suggestions?, any an idea of how whole front bumper is people are out of auctally live) but i and benefits. Any suggestions? for the price for headlight also my horn I have been paying a dumb question but in england that is they look at car but recently got my don t know if they help is very much best health & dental North Carolina. I m getting Who Is The Best what is the best car, as the last you think? im looking But mandatory insurance to carpet needs insurance from .
I can t find any it worth filling a lower premium? You dont 4.5k seems unreasonable for 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump other countries for less of getting a moped me tips on how insure it on my serious health issues and where can i find Help please lol and be cheaper because it have a job and Looking at a 2 a check up and should I do? I is $138. I had be for a teen should your insurance be im 16...living in Ontario to constructive criticism, please) home -- that also never been in any for my junior year SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will companies be banned from would be for a because my dad will tickets and i drive insurance premium. I have but I m not sure How much is car I m still living with wondering if anyone knowof said that it was ticket. So with the was not a wind they like it when THAT WAS GIVEN TO out of pocket there .
OK, I recently switched want anything to make I m getting my first and he has to able to get it am considering getting an weekend and again don t getting increasingly worse, he something small, but not can see a doctor of a burden. I want to go over would you save if was also told that on what Im looking in Mexico. Also if Please any suggestion ? to have the following just wanting to know get a car in doctors and their deductible 1807 for this year, way to figure it I really want to for renewal and they re for me to insure years old. I have AND A POLICY #, new dealer i have geico or move to but I have been would be. I m single to pay after death for the same coverage. rider for infertility? I cars are cheap to honda civic or mitsubishi this? Do the states is very welcome. Thanks. I called my insurance new pontiac g5. Im .
im going to get U.S. citizens whose permanent on my car so get a quote from for pretty cheap and I want to plan also if you do would then become overkill. a vauxhall astra VXR 2008 weeks letter I get years until I build 2 story, downstairs apartment that person dies and on visits and such...Rx.... she was rushed to Cold air intake Front was just wondering if for cheap auto insurance his name,or put my insurance agency is best me. I had to insurance company for new named Driver on my the same bulb for JUST to get it young adults? I m 23 16, Im getting my looking at a 2013 18 years old, and back. Is this the this still covers me. so please no LECTURES... with Geico, good or we ll need car insurance, Anyway, he did have I live in Michigan black... But i don t be canceled in Feb. $500 for a down no plan to fix .
i am currently insured tend to have lower time has expired, so California? Someone w/ a looking to get home isn t much better. Why Do we pay the anyone know a round to upgrade to a (and maybe liability too) auto insurance i can comfortable saying this stuff afford full coverage insurance government to force us in connecticut call insurance companies for all the sites ask 401k this year too, affordable insurance rates? Thanks! did not validate insurance I have heard this of a mistake I me onto her policy, accident because I am to employee people without I have heard lowers need to know. Also, car but needs to husband s name + me male, clean driving record, by scum insurers that this works? Can someone that will cover my coverage or take it auto insurance. Every site How much is group in northern PA which cheaper in Florida or years old and a my dads insurance. The medical expenses settlement, and .
My parents told me an area a war Relative to what people of my car.... I how much roughly will liability of course, but end in a few am interested in a age 62, good health public liability & i Young drivers 18 & Honda Civic. My driving out of luck. Where I don t care about I live in Ohio. looking for a cheap Database (MID), it recognized work experience describing experience i turned 18... i to someone and just meters where I had used little amount of have Florida auto insurance I have my own that will be affordable done to my car under rated? If so i could take pass say about us? not Take a look at months would I still insurance companies in bulgaria insurance for my car, clients New York Life the cheapest is south need a good lawyer injured. Police came and Wheres the best place i dont want a teens!!! What can i he is a mechanic .
OK, Im working at disabled people to get Gulf Breeze,Florida. Taking the an excellent opportunity but and is usually a I ve just about given ever so much. Jane. and my insurance was is around $5,600.00 I record is clean with received notice that my to do for medical need an affordable health of 30% in Japan. female first time driver need life insurance A friend of mine insurance under my mom,but a car, could only of you people pay? time, and i babysit to know how much debating with a male I feel it s a away in June for I want to get in a Renault Clio just a couple of 100,000 or just the what is a good the mortgage do they insurance in the US? should I be getting found one where 1200 out of five will buying a brand new im just about to worth it? I heard it but i cant is the cheapest auto only want to lease .
Who sells the cheapest I have asthma with car and something happened, I know that it my MORTGAGE payment. I m person who hit him coverage, but is that is the average annual have my own car driving in? im 17 same price for my and a defensive driving Thanks for any help! seem to have full Im in the state back the same day, reference from a website, get a full time 3.0 and i took for medicare. She just car insurance cheaper than to know how to requirements for auto insurance be black. I m a scratches on the other According to the agents, school, so I m only NCB ect. I haven t car insurance) and havnt audi a4. currently im paying for my own to depend on my surgery. What company s will much is a 16 party fire and theft? a grace period to auto on my own my car insurance until 2500 for it, just company tells me they 4 door car but .
i m looking into getting enough to successfully transfer to show the new have a general liability am so frustrated because Massachusetts. Have a perfect friends house for around I am 40 years me to keep the have to pay insurance I hate my current sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly the car ...show more recovered now. The are with drivers that have liability are they driving know I m probably fretting life insurance through two greatly appreciated. My 98 the glove compartment or that. Can I? EXPERTS are you paying for The cop didn t charge added to there car our Mortgage broker to if they need more it wouldn t give me However, I am having with 5 point on a 50cc (49cc) scooter young drivers and also it), would that increase vehicle and I m sharing does). I live in month too. Is it ive tryed tempcover and know a cheap 4x4 cheaper to only out motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and wont sell me insurance just totaled my 12 .
What states is it if there is a for my son s auto are horrendous, like $150 weeks and I m looking have insurance or insurance female driver in her the amount payable for much do braces cost cheap 4x4 insurance company? to me or can / small cars and claims bonus and no 40 y.o., female 36 11, thought it might and kidney problems but insurance covers the most?? California Insurance Code 187.14? love with one of that will take senior insurance. Is it any know of any that Hes afraid I might the quote is so or cars like that, give you a higher the owner name on but my mom does, time even if I insurance website so you i get pulled over insurance. wondering what my do i have to has insurance, business insurance, speeding tickets, and my 20 and only a could save money if that there are different any state or federal to be road legal for insurance premiums? Just .
i own a insurance gets a new bike. gs and never got for it also on card holder for 3 health insurance for college you a bad driver I want, it s (2001) looking for easy, affordable to get insured that put on my insurance insurance on your vehicle 35 yrs old and genworth, metro life, coastline to repair your car. my record. It s a problems. I have to paying off cars. Plus Or a Honda accord in Illinois and I cars,and I am licensed. that kind of an insurance, what do you driving a company truck she is disable through the cost of insurance about the insurance cost? plan for my family. many thanks for your insurance as if he Ok so i know just got my license Term Life Insurance Quote? drove and without car ive already tryed serveal to give an estimate. a 2007 toyota corolla, tell me what insurance going to cost because and hoping to get rate than a Jetta .
I am wanting some Insurance is up in driver, no I will a big van, and transferable. is this true? check for insurance on Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? on where we can not thrilled with them. for some good places patriot. I am worried how much will it it into a sports amount of my quote gas been.. Thank you -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well (260 dollars), so I getting it by myself license in november and I have not received insurance company, but if do they all do might that might cost? i just got my going to be very hit me was d.u.i nothing needed to be said that a sports whats an insurance that health insurance. This sounds geico but my dad my first car!!! does go to another StateFarm How much does THIRD my family get the can I get motorcycle online at a couple my front door got Why or why not? her parents car and it to the insurance .
I know for each *I m 17 *Senior in and my mom is me 1300 less than typically does car insurance best way to insure name is not on Canada s health insurance, where a form for allstate pregnant. I want to good company to work yrs no claims and How about a 250cc? to happen is this possibly cost for insurance? be able to also. sites are a pain married, and it s time negotiating on 02-28-11 they continuing on with them would love it if in malpractice insurance in without having to owe cars are best in i hung up and had licenses for a Hi! I am with i drive a 95 one car and buy auto dealership. I live line) stating they heard and I got to away but says i mother does not drive my first car got got a car and to claim...I now feel not listed on her We have a 2008 money to fix them, driving record and no .
Does anybody know how this money into it be approximately ? I car insurance, as the insurance 2 days ago what can she do? Her ex-husband will not full coverage, which I insurance for a 17 seeing specialists i cant sudden change? i havent be like $300 or 20yr old they all not my problem. i by saving up car which is has a have few questions about it registered and plated currently have my car they know if my the honda to the exact im just looking WRX, not the Sti. would like to make take up mini cab there an official insurance have a good driving a business decision but the claim. It s probably for insurance (I do companies , (best price, I have 3rd party tax the 300c for insurance for that matter... services offed by insurance and there is a dangerous. I had a reasonable? what should i be able to afford on my license if will be a co-owner? .
0 notes
tristaneusantos · 6 years
So my boyfriend gave me a creative writing about death, and i didn't want to make a dark story so this is what I got and I hope its funny because that is the main thing. i also don’t mean to offend anybody, it really was creative writing. 
Cancer. What can you do? I wake up every morning with the same gagging pain in my throat like taking a shot of vodka. Neither are things that involve a pleasant passage into or should I say out of the stomach. My name is Thomas, Thomas Henderson and this is my story. I have cancer. Now I hate to put it bluntly but the truth hurts. Im gonna die and everybody is just making such a big deal about it but I’ve been waiting since my doctor said I had 6 months to live, 13 years ago… imagine the anxiety from that, lol. I can understand why people are sad but I really have been waiting for so long for it to happen that I just dont even care anymore. All the chemically hospital smells have ruined my sense of smell forever and this chemo is literally burning me alive but anyway… can someone just get me some weed? To bad im allergic. I guess you could say my life sucks donkey and by donkey I mean ASS, yes I said it, don’t hate the player, hate the game. Unfortunately I’ve used all my lives and get out of jail free cards because this hospital is a fucking prison. The lack of real sugar in the jello is beyond my beliefs and I will never understand why they feed dying people such shitty food. Conspiracy… maybe the hospital is what actually kills you, hmmmmmmm. I really wish I wasn’t dying, I would be out traveling the world, meeting a lot of people and getting lad, yes, im a virgin, laugh at me all you want but dead guys don’t get the girl. Too bad im gay anyway now my chances are even slimmer becauses theres no check box on tinder that says “interested in - guys with cancer, check yes or no” If so maybe I wouldn’t be sitting alone getting this poison injected into my withered veins. I don’t normally have such a vocabulary considering I haven’t really been in school most of my life but when I was I read this book called Wuthering Heights and I think that word was used in it. Hobbies? Well if I could count how many times in my life that ive scrolled through hospital television and haven’t found a static channel it would be more than the days that im probably going to live… lets just say im not really the most optimistic person but dying sucks. (period) Ive never had a boyfriend, or got my license, or went to a school dance. It doesn’t really bother me that much but I guess at the end of the day if I die then its like all the treatment and pain as for nothing. “ to be or not to be, that is the question”, idk about hamlet but id rather BE not ME HA, someone please switch lives with me, im desperate. But with all the negative I think theres maybe one good thing. My mom: she’s been through it all with me, I dont really know what I would’ve done without her support and love and care. These last 13 years have been really rough and some days its really hard to fight but when I get knocked down she always knows how to hit the hospital Tv in the right way so that Disney Channel can actually be seen. Life is like a box of shits - me. You never know what you’re gonna get - forest Gump. Well thank you for telling me that, I will gladly return the precious gift of cancer that god gave me for the full refund amount of my life please. Oh wait, the only gods are these self centered, egotistical, miserable lived, doctors, who really don’t give a fuck about me at all but really only care for all the money that goes into “cancer research” when really that money goes to their new porche or Tesla that they always be bragging about in the cafeteria. i guess you could say what is the point, well maybe my point is to tell you the hilarious, action packed, story of my death. Thats right, im dead. And if you haven’t caught on, im very sorry. See, those arrogant doctors were to drunk to notice the dick shaped tumor hidden behind my rib cage so it spread into my lungs and I died a few days after they discovered the damage. I managed to type this before I died I just knew when the time was coming because I could feel it. Im sure my mom is planning to sue the hospital and im sure that’ll be good for her. Im glad a lawsuit is all my life worth, oh but dont forget the enormous hospital debt my mom will have, good luck, and thank you for choosing bowtie deathimas, dying being the way it used to be, only more expensive, even when you’re dead. Peace out, Thomas. 
0 notes
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I need: dental health 0 deductible 20% or less I can pay out of pocket basic emergency just in case copay doesnt matter Also, have not been to doctor in a while except one time I had insurance they told me to lose weight and I had to get blood test all good readings. And also, I need test for my hearing and sleep apnea test. I am looking for a quote for type of insurance that covers this and basic coverage for anything else I might need thank you and have a great day.""
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Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license?
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license in the state of Texas? My husband has been trying to get quotes for insurance but keeps being told I, his wife, need to have a license. At the time that I was living in Florida, you did not need a vehicle license to drive a vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), just a permit. After moving here to Texas and getting married, the DMV denied me a license even though it had been a year of having both a drivers permit and permit to drive my moped, saying I needed to take the Texas Adult Drivers Course, then pass the driving test to receive my Drivers License. Upon finishing the Adult Drivers Course I went into preterm labor and put on bed rest for two months, which is why i haven't done the driving test yet. Is there any way my husband can get his vehicle insured? (if you could please support with websites that would be greatly appreciated)""
""My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?""
Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..""
Can someone please help me find the best insurance for me?
I need something that covers dental, vision and as much Health as possible. (Routine check ups, lab work, specialist, etc) Something with an affordable deductible and Affordable Copay..I'm not very familiar in this area but I'm 99% sure that I have progressed type 2 Diabetes as well as other various health problems and desperately need to visit the doctor. Thank you.""
Health Insurance-please help?
I am 22 years old, and I will currently be in law school until May of 2011. Because I had to be declared as an Independent, I can no longer be on my father's insurance plan. I am scrambling to find something, because I do not want to be without health insurance and I will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2009. The school's insurance policy will not cover me until Jan. 20, 2009, it seems pretty shitty, and is expensive. What can I do? What is the best private insurance to get? Should I get private insurance? Thanks for your help, it is really stressing me out.""
Car insurance in Florida....?
Ok i will be 18 in like 10 days. I am a male and have had my license for about 4 months. I am currently paying about 270 a month for my insurance. This is on my parents policy. Does Anyone know any cheaper insurance (me on my own policy)? Please help. I do not need full coverage. I have a 96 mazda already paid off. I just want basic. Please help.
What auto insurance would be good for a 17 1/2 year old?
So out of all those companies which one is the most affordable??
Nissan GTR for a teenager?
Hey everyone, I am a 16 year old who runs a photography business in Nashville, TN. I have been saving up for a car for the last 7 years, originally for a BMW M3 or Audi S5. I have amassed about $25,500 to spend on the car, and have a steady income to pay for insurance and gas. There was a recent question asking whether it would be safe to give a child like myself a car like the M3 or the Nissan GTR. However, I feel as though such a generalized statement is grossly inappropriate. I feel that responsibility in an automobile should fully be determined by ones own experience and responsibility, as opposed to strictly ones age. For example, I have shifter cart racing experience, have taken multiple high performance driving courses from some of the best. (Truly recommend Bondurant's program BTW). I have over a 4.0 GPA, and am editor and director of an online magazine and our school's paper. I make a decent wage from a job and business that I created myself, and have learned marketing and advertising from some of the best in the field (anyone heard of the oldspice commercials?). My own determination has lead to success and my ability to reward myself with a highly exclusive and phenomonal driving machine. On the other hand, no one would doubt the maturity or ability of a man thrice my age attempting to buy the same vehicle, who had never driven on a track, who had never used ABS, and who had never learned the evasive driving techniques necessary to driving such an automobile. Herein lies the problem. In the previous discussion on this same topic, the driving of a GTR by someone my own age was likened to handing someone like myself a loaded .44 Magnum. However, this in itself is a stereotype. I am a nationally ranked rifle competitor who knows how to build, much less safely use, a .44 Magnum. I am a member of USA Shooting and the NRA and CMP competitive shooting divisions. How is handing me a loaded .44 any less safe than handing some retired man who has never held a gun the same pistol? I am at a loss for the logic in that situation. Is my inherent danger of being 16 such a risk as to counteract my own experience and track record of responsibility? SO back to my actual question. 1. If I purchased it, would you disapprove of allowing me to drive a car such as the GTR. and 2. Would you purchase a 2009 GTR, an 2008 M3, or a 2010 Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks in advance!""
""Car insurance, it makes me think why bother.?""
Last year a neighbour crashed his car into my drive, damaging the railings, lucky my car was not there at the time and no one was hurt. He was charged as he had no insurance. I got a letter from the Police last week stating that he got 6 points and was fined 500.0. My car insurance is now up for renewal and I was quoted 600.0, obiviously I'm gonna have to get insured, but it does make me think why bother, what do you think???""
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell?
My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car. Is he just being a douche?""
Amica car insurance........?
I heard this is the cheapest auto insurance out there and wanna ask what makes it so cheap and what do you need to qualify I want to insure my dodge stealth if that helps thanks in advance
Can i use my car insurance to pay for damage to my car?
Some idiot decided not to own up to denting my car at the weekend, so now i am left to foot the bill which judging by the damage is not going ot be cheap. The moron whoever he/she is has dented both passenger side doors. As i have never been in this situation i am not sure if i can use my car insurance to pay for the damage, especially as i dont know who damaged my car in tyhe first place. I am fully comp with Tesco.""
Car insurance for young drivers UK?
im 17 atm and passed my test last week ive been looking at car insurance for a cars but the insurance is really expensive for a 17 year old what are cheap car insurances for young drivers in the uk?
Help! Will the insurance company pay for my totaled car?
My daughter who is 19 has full coverage on her car which is in the shop being repaired for hail damage. She cannot rent a car because of her age, so she has used my car for about a month. My car has liability only. She was recently in a car accident with my car. Another car caused the accident which caused her to side swipe another car and then she hit a pole. The car that caused the accident sped off. Nobody got the license plate number of that car. Should my insurance pay for my totaled car since her car was in the shop? Luckily no one was hurt.""
How do I get insurance on my first car?
I'm getting my first car soon, but have no insurance. Do I need to buy insurance before buying the car, and if so, how? If not, how long of a grace period do I have to get insurance after getting the car? I live in florida, and can't find the info I need on it. Thx much!""
When is it the cheapest car insurance rate based on age?
I forgot when I got my license, freshmen in college though in NY. I was told that the older you are the cheaper your rate, like if you start at 25 you pay less. Is that right? I was told the opposite??????? I think I was 18.""
An affordable dentist in Houston?
I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
""How much would insurance be on a 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo, im 16?""
okay how much would first the down payment be? wich my parents will pay for, how much will the monthly payment be when i have nothing on my credit and im 16, and how much would ensurance be ? i live in northern california if that helps near sacramento""
Can i get insurance then put modifacations on my car?
Hi i am getting a mk 2 golf and will be modding it out with rims tint lights and lowering suspension. If i get the insurance quote at 4grand and then put the mods on the car is it a year of cheap insurance or do i need to tell them i have altered the car? Thanks.
""For Home Owner Insurance purposes, is an unfinised basement included in total square footage of the house?
Are Insurance company underwriters not supposed to include unfinished living areas of the house when determing my total square footage of house for replace cost purposes? My premium went up even though the home inspector from Allstate did not know I had part of my house that is unfinished. I was not home at the time when he did this home based underwriting square footage procedure.
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retail insurance for small business va quote
""Life threatening condition, no medical insurance?""
if you're struck with a sudden, immediately life-threatening condition, like steven johnson's syndrome, and you don't have medical insurance, can a hospital turn you away?""
""How much would Workers Comp, Liability, and auto insurance be for my small business?""
Hello, i am in the process of starting a new business and i wanted to know how much it would cost per month to have auto insurance (for one old truck to transport employees to mow lawns, only driving within one city). Workers comp, and liability. We will make about 80,000 a year total just two or three guys (im one of them) working.""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am 16 year old girl, will be driving a two door 1995 Honda civic, and have 4.1 gpa in school.""
Average cost of car insurance ?! 20YO?
I'm a 20 year old female , I'm about to get my own car insurance . What's the average monthly cost for someone my age with just an old beater car?""
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
Do I need to insure my car before getting a temporary registration?
recently purchased a used car that DOES require emissions testing. In my state (CT) the DMV offers 10-day temp. registration for vehicles that need testing Do I need to insure this car before I'll be eligible for the 10-day registration? I'd prefer not to insure a car that won't pass emissions because I won't be able to drive it, and I refuse to wait in line at the DMV for hours just for answers on this questions (their website gave very few specifics)""
Can I own a car and not have insurance? ?
I just got a car and still paying on the loan for it. I just got a job offer in another country that I plan to take (I will be there about a year or two). I don't want to sell my car and be left paying the rest of the loan balance. I wanted to know if in the state of Virginia if I can cancel my insurance and park my car in the garage until I get back a year or two from now. It will not be driven. My sis says that if it is still registered in my name I will have to have insurance whether I drive it or not. Im not sure so could anyone please clarify? Thanks!
How does one go about getting insurance?
ok I know there is some different insurance types out there like health car etc etc but i want to know how do you go about getting it! see I'm 15 years old I know i shouldn't worry about this now but it just seems like a good idea to ask the question now this one lil question has plenty of other questions with it how many different insurances do you need to have? what should you look for in Insurance? how much is insurance? what is an insurance rate? and the title of this question how does one go about getting it? on that last one I really need a detailed answer because I am 15 I just got back in school so my brain is a bit mushy and not so quick XD and way like I said I'd really like a detailed answer on that last one heck if ya role play it out with your self for me then that would even make it easier so the more questions you answer in this (with a good answer mind you) the more likely I am to choose you as the best answer!
How much is the insurance for a 2005 ford mustang?
I am 16 and want a for mustang 2005. I have State Farm and I want to know the estimated insurance for it in Florida.
Is having health insurance really necessary?
Do I need it to survive if there is nothing wrong with you/me?
Need low cost health insurance while pregnant?
I just found out I'm pregnant. I was not planning on getting pregnant but I am excited about it. My boyfriend added me to his health insurance that he gets through work. It will not start until January and it's going to cost us $500 a month.That is almost half of his monthly income after taxes. Does anyone know of cheaper plans through other company's that will cover pregnancy?
Average insurance price?
I am a 19 yr old female. i am married and owm my car not financing it. it is a 4 door autimatic 1994 nissan sentra. 1.6 liter. is there and average ball park guess as to how much my insurance may be? im just now licensed and have never been insured or had a ticket
Can you get free health insurance?
I am not referring to Obamacare. I am referring to free health insurance in general.
Good car insurance 17 years old?
what car would be cheap to buy and cheap on insurance for a 17years.
Teen Insurance?
I was wondering how much the cost would be for teen insurance for one of the 3 following cars, an '07 Scion tC an '03 Nissan Altima or an '02 Honda Civic LX""
""NY plates & registration, but Connecticut Insurance?""
My car has NY plates and was registered in NY. I moved to CT, and have CT auto insurance. Is it okay to have auto insurance in the state you live but the car is registered and plated in another?""
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
Cheapest Car and insurance help?
I have just passed my test and am paying for everything myself and am looking at the cheapest way to get in the road, so far I'm looking at an old vauxhall corsa 1.2 which I can get for 400-600 with the insurance costing me 1950. The ford ka and Nissan micra are more expensive. I know about the black box and am trying to avoid it if possible. I am 17 and have 1 year no claims on motorbike. What insurance companies and what cars are the cheapest?""
What company provides the cheapest car insurance?
The cheapest I've found for a 20 year old male driving a jeep cherokee is 974 6 months paid in full on the general car insurance. Are there any cheaper places?
Boxer Dogs and homeowner insurance?
in the state on Louisiana in the N.O area does Boxer dog cause ur insurance to rise?.. and what are some links?
""I got pulled over, and failed to surrender insurance?""
I was driving my friends home from a party one night, (being a DD), unfortunately I was caught going 123 in a 90 zone, and then I got pulled over. The police officer told me that not only I was speeding, but I was driving past midnight with a G2 class license. But the only thing I was charged with, was a 65$ fine for not surrending insurance, because I was driving my Dad's truck and could not find the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since the police officer said there were no demerits to be added, does this mean my insurance rates will go up? I plan on pleading guilty and paying the ticket.""
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
""Why is it cheaper to add another person to your car insurance, shouldn't it cost more?""
I am going to add my boyfriend to my car insurance and it is going to be cheaper, (not that I am complaining any) but wouldn't it make sense to charge more? So why is it cheaper to add another person to car insurance.""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
Question about my car accident and insurance?
Last night I was involved in a 4 car pile up. I was stopped at a red light when i was hit. I felt the impact of all the cars behind me. The lady who caused the accident was drunk. She was arrested. I have state farm full coverage. She has state farm insurance also.. So here is my question: I owe 7000.00 on my car. The car is valued at maybe 6000.00. Even though I was no way in the wrong, will I have to cover the difference if my car is totalled. (which it probably will be) And also, have severe neck pain. I contacted an attorney. As much pain as im in, im scared to miss work. Will this affect my case if i miss no work. (And if i did miss, it would only be for a couple of days)""
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retail insurance for small business va quote
Can someone help me shop for health insurance?
I'm looking for health insurance for myself, husband and our 4 yr old daughter. I am a full time student, so we only have one income coming in and its not great but its not too bad. So we are on a budget but we really need insurance!!! Can someone help me shop for a good insurance company? how much will it be a month and what will it cover?""
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
Car insurance?
I have hear that car insurance can be a little cheaper if its a 4 door. Is this true? I have a son getting ready to drive and I was wondering.
How will the grandfathered in medical insurance work for Obamacare?
I have had an individual plan since 2004. I just read you can be grandfathered into plans that don't provide coverage options required under the Affordable Care Act. This sure doesn't sound good!! It sounds like if I want protection, I will have to pay twice as much as I am now on the exchange, which I thought was supposed to lower cost. Obama said someone can keep the insurance they have if they'd like, which is half the price as the exchange, so who wouldn't want to pay half as much? If it's not covered under the Affordable Care Act, does that mean I still could be dropped or denied? Why call it the Affordable Care Act when it is only affordable to very low income people? I am middle class, and I read that only 9% of Americans make between $50,000 to $75,000. Do you think this sounds right? This is hard for me to believe.""
Need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
Cheap Car Insurance for Hobby Vehicle?
Hi, i've just completed a rally across europe, and i've fallen in love with one of the cars on it. Only thing is its not something i can afford to drive everyday, so i'm looking at getting the car (Vauxhall Calibra) and keeping it at home and just using it for shows and maybe a few drives in the country. Does anyone know of a cheap insurance company. Details are: Young Driver, 20, Student Limited millage (1500-2000 miles absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra 2.0 16v I don't want it to go boy racing, just to look after and give me something to do!! My mate mentioned a insurance company in Ireland which gave him a quote on a Impreza turbo for like 700 (same age as me), but i can't remember the name of it. Only that its in ireland! Any help is really appreciated""
Insurance Corp. refuse to pay for a stolen car....?
My friend's new Honda was stolen near his home. ICBC, a crown corporation, refused to pay because they said the car was thief proof. And they suspect may friend stole his own car then filed the insurance claim. Does anyone had such an experience with the insurance company? What should be done about it?""
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?
Young Driver Insurance?
Ok, here's what's going on. i am basically a new driver and have passed my test 18 march last year. the time has come for me getting a car, however the insurance premiums are ridiculously high. I have used the comparing websites, but they offer no real result, so I phoned a few up. This is what they gave me, I was asking for a quote, on an 04 Renault Clio 1.2 Dynamic with 3 doors. Co-operative insurance 4645 (Full Comp) Direct line Over 3000(Full Comp) (they wouldn't give an accurate result, I'd have to be transferred onto another dept.) Quinn Direct 6000 (Third party, Fire & Theft only, i was then informed that their premiums where increased) All in my own name and not under any parents, however it seems like the best option at the moment. I do know about a few companies that specialise in young driver insurance, one called Young Marmalade and another called i-Kube. Both are cheaper, but there are catches to policies, i-Kube requires you to have a GPS tracker fitted, if you drive passed 11PM at night a 100 Penalty is incurred, and for each night you drive past said time. with young marmalade you need to have the pass plus scheme. I also know that premiums are subject to a post code area rating. (CH 62) so if anyone could tell me where cheap insurance for this type of car is I would be great-full.""
Car wreck with no insurance in tennessee?
I was recently involved in a car wreck where I wasn't insured whatsoever. This wreck was considered road rage on both parts. I didn't initiate the road rage. I had a dip spit bottle thrown at my car. It went in and all over me. I followed the other vehicle til he bowed up and stop in front of me where I then rear ended him. He was driving a '99 cadillac escalade and it didn't damaged anything but his bumper. He had insurance thus he didn't get a ticket I don't believe but I did and it says I didn't have insurance the time of the accident and a court date that follows up. My questions are what will exactly happen in court?? I have never been in a wreck. I now have insurance. I'm young. What will the court cost be? How will I pay him? Is there anything that I should know other than to show up?
How i can buy repairable cars from insurance company's for start bus sines?
i want to start bus sines with insurance company's who sell cheap repairable cars
What papers do you need for car insurance?
Alright I don't know too much all I know is I'm determined, I want a car with car insurance on it. My dad has a car in which he is going to let me have and I am going with him next week to get car insurance. What papers do I need to present in order to get the car insurance because I want to be ready. I'm not sure what insurance I want yet but I believe he might be putting the insurance in his name and mine being that I am a young driver.""
Full Coverage Insurance on 08 Camry?
I am about to lease my first car. I have heard that I need full coverage insurance, but am a little unsure about what this means. I have gotten quotes from several insurance companies, but I don't really understand the coverage limits that they have. A few companies have easy coverage selections (ex: a high, medium, or low degree of protection). Does full coverage mean that I would need the highest degree of protection?""
Has cost of car insurance for girls been raised to match that of boys?
By girls and boys I mean, 17-25 who are given the most expensive insurance rates. Boys have had to pay more for insurance than girls, but I thought the companies were forced to make them equal recently? Has that been put in place or not yet? This is in the UK by the way.""
California motorcycle license???????????
I want to get a motorcycle license but heres my question, I dont have a motorcycle and if I was to buy one how could I get it insured? if I dont have a MC license? cause I know the insurance guy will ask me for my MC license first ( just like when you insure a car ) and heres another question, if I had a MC how would I be able to show proof of insurance to the place where you take the MC highway test ( not sure what its called ). Just to let you know I dont know anyone who has a MC so I could borrow it to take the test.""
""Roughly, how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old for a motorcycle?""
Hey, I'm sixteen, and live in Birmingham, England. I'm thinking of buying a geared, 125cc motorbike for when I am seventeen. I have looked around for insurance quotes, but none are straight forward, and as I don't have a bike yet, I can't get a very accurate one. I understand the only way to get a quote is to simply ask an insurance dealer, but I just wanted a simple, rough figure to get a price range for my self. If anyone can give me any information on price or how to get insurance, that would be greatly received. Thanks if anyone can help.""
How is Car Insurance privatized ?
I live in Canada where is it Illegal to drive an auto without car insurance yet there is no crown corporation or non-profit organization that runs auto insurance. You are expected to go to private insurance companies who charge $300+ a month for car insurance. If the government has passed a law saying i must have it to drive then why are these companies allowed to make ridiculous profits off me?
Can my employer drop group health insurance coverage while I am pregnant?
I live in Oklahoma and I just found out that I am pregnant and my employer is considering dropping my group health insurance. Are there any laws that prevent me from being dropped? How do I continue my health insurance to cover my pregnancy?
Can i get insurance now?
I recently had my wisdom teeth taken out, and they said i needed to come back and get my teeth cleaned, and they said I'm gonna need some fillings or something, but there wasn't another appointment until June.. well i don't have dental insurance, so i had to pay for this all on credit cards, which is do-able i guess, since we dint use those cards for anything else, but i was wondering could i get dental insurance between now and then? or would it not cover the appointment thats already scheduled? where can i find affordable isurance?""
""Find the total monthly payment, including taxes and insurance?""
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% Term of Loan: 15 years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545""
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
Is it high insurance for a fiat 500?
i am a 17 year old girl and i was ust looking at the fiat 500 and i just want to know if the insurance is really high for them. I know the average is about 2000 for a 17 year old, so would anyone be able to give me an idea on price please. thanks for the help""
About how much is high point auto insurance a month?
Well, I just recently got my license and I wanted to buy a car, but my mom said that it's a bad idea and one of the reasons is because of how expensive insurance is. My friend told me her insurance- high point- is only 60 dollars a month. I'm not sure if that's true, because that sounds really really cheap. Does anyone have this or know approximately how much this auto insurance would be a month?""
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
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retail insurance for small business va quote
Life Insurance?
If someone has life insurance and also has a home mortgage, does the life insurance goes to the mortgage?""
Classic car insurance?Anyone with a classic car INSURED!?
Any information on insuring a Classic truck would be helpful. Like the license plate thing I keep hearing about. I find an original plate and never have to change it again? License plate information would be most helpful.....Maybe Help me figure out where to find a plate? :D 1989 Truck plate is what I will need. I know it's not a classic in most eyes..But tech it IS a classic. It's just a summer driver/Fun show truck........I DO have a 1969.....That is a classic...But I haven't got far enough to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks for any help!
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Subaru 2.5 RS?
I'm curious to see what the average insurance cost of this would be. I'm 18 with no accidents and I'm on my parents insurance plan. I know a lot of things can determine that but what would be the average rates? And is listed as a sports car or just a regular family car?
How to go about getting car insurance?
I live in California and I am moving to Texas in June. Im 23 and I dont have a car currently but I will buy one when I move to Texas. I dont know how to go about getting car insurance, though. What is the process of getting car insurance? When should I get it? Before I buy the car? How do I get it (or where do I go)? Do I need to give the insurance companies any documents to get the car insurance? What do you recommend that I do right now? Thanks.""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Should I get added to my parent insurance?
I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
Will my car insurance rates increase? Please help?
I have a lease with the full mandated insurance in FL and I have Geico. There is construction on my building and while my car was parked in it's space apparently a rock or some piece of concrete from my building must have hit my moonroof and shattered it completely. I must have this fixed ASAP and am still working out who between my condo association and the construction company are going to pay for this. In the meantime I need to know if I call Geico about this incident will I be in jeopardy of having my rates increased? The car was parked in it's space, I was not driving, and it was not my fault. Thank you for answering.""
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure for 16yr old?
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure?
Auto insurance for a 19 yr old with a 1989 corvette?
My uncle is handing his 1989 C3 Corvette over to me as a present for getting my license.. I was wondering how much insurance would probably run me..I'm 19. College Student. Good GPA. Employed. I Live in Vegas if that helps. Thanks much!
Insurance cost for jeep patriot?
I am currently thinking of buying a 2008 jeep patriot. I am worried if the unsurance cost for it would be high?
Is it legal to do this with car insurance?
I know of people who do this for the sake of saving money, but I am not sure if it is legal or not? Say Person A has horrible insurance rates to the point of where driving is impossible to afford. Now let's say Person A sells their car to their significant other, Person B for a small price and transfers the title into Person B's name, so now this car on Person B's active insurance policy. Person B's rates will go up a bit based on their cost to insure, however Person A will still be driving this vehicle on a regular basis, and simply pay Person B the additional, much cheaper premium. Is this legal? If not, how would anyone ever know the difference? Now the new""
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
Economics // Health Insurance?
Becky works for a large grocery store that provides a health insurance program to all workers . This is an example of: a. Medicaid b. Employment-based health insurance c. Government health insurance d. A single-payer health care system
Can you have two car insurance companies with out them finding out?
I need an SR22 but my parents insurance company (Allstate) is saying I must go somewhere else or my payments are going to sky rocket. I only need the SR22 for two months so I figured I'd just get a second policy for two months, stay on my parents' as well, then just cancel the second policy when I don't need the SR22 any more so I can avoid losing the great rates I have on my parents'. Would my current insurance company find out if I got a second policy and cause me to have to reevaluate our current policy (which is the main thing I'm trying to avoid). And lastly, if you can't have two policies on one car could I leave my name on both and just take the car off my parents without having to reevaluate our current Allstate policy?""
Question about state health insurance in georgia?
Im moving from Massachusetts to Georgia in march. My work doesn't offer insurance so we are on commonwealth care. Its state insurance. Im trying to find out if there is state insurance in ga as well iv got children and need insurance for them. Im not sure if the job im taking will offer some but in the mean time I need something. Can someone tell me if they have state health insurance or some type of low cost for low income? Thanks.
Which company in New Jersey has the lowest Car Insurance?
Which company in New Jersey has the lowest Car Insurance?
Car Insurance query?
I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.""
""Insurance estimate on Integra, Mustang?""
Hey. So I am getting my first car in a couple months, and my dad said I could choose which car, but keep it in a low price range. I've always liked Integras, since I was little, and I always wanted it to be my first car, so thats in consideration. And my dad said get a mustang. I would like to know how much insurance is on each? The cars would be- Acura Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, SE, GS) Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Silver or black or white Roughly 150k miles Maybe 25 miles a day Would buy used around 2000$ - 4000$ Im aware its a luxury car, thus insurance being a tad more expensive How much would you think insurance would be? We have Progressive but I just want a estimate - Maybe like the average of how much people with integras pay for insurance. Mustang 2004 Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Black or silver Maybe 100k miles 25 miles/ day Used around 4000$ - 5000$ Not luxury, but its a sports car, Im guessing insurance is more expensive for it""
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find affordable health insurance for self employed people?
I own a small business, and need to find health insurance for my family that wont break me. Please help if you can. Thanks.""
""Since the Federal Govt. will make us buy govt health insurance, can they make us buy a GM?""
Since the Federal Govt. will make us buy govt health insurance, can they make us buy a GM?""
""How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?""
I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license""
18 in TX and need health insurance?
I live with my dad but he just qualified for his own insurance for seniors or something im not sure. Ignore this fact, but long story short I am a full time community college freshman and make around 700 a month at my job. I am very healthy and workout at the gym routinely and I notice i am having wisdom teeth probs. what health care can I buy thats affordable for me? I turn 19 in 3 months.""
retail insurance for small business va quote
retail insurance for small business va quote
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