#hibari is amused
social-muffin · 4 days
Yua's turn! What's her favourite fashion aesthetic? Does it inspire her often or does she like to experiment around?
I assume it's because they're both gang leaders, but is there any other reason why her and Sana are rivals? Do they not get along? I imagine them bickering during fights lel must be quite the duo
Has she ever taken on Hibari? Who'd win in case of a fight (if it's even plausible)?
Hi again Myell! Thank you so much for all these Asks! 🫶
Asks for Yua! 💞
What's her favourite fashion aesthetic?
Let me give you two examples of styles she favors!
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Yua's favorite fashion style to wear is on the left! She is a delinquent girl, after all. Long skirts, cool belts, fingerless gloves. She sometimes tries to play around with her uniform, but Kyoya is very attentive, so she mostly sticks to a variety of subtle accessories.
But the style she admires the most is very feminine, flowery, pink and cute! Not necessarily just Lolita styles, but this was a good example of what would make her gasp out loud!
Does it inspire her often or does she like to experiment around?
Yua is constantly experimenting, not just with her own style, but with all of her friends, too! Kyoya may stick to plain, boring outfits, but the others love when Yua helps them style an outfit!
Yua draws inspiration from her own fashion likes, as well as the person's personality and usual style!
Is there any other reason, besides them being gang leaders, why her and Sana are rivals? Do they not get along?
They aren't rivals because they're gang leaders actually! Their gangs are neutral towards one another. Yua and Sana are rivals in a private sense. They personalities are almost perfect opposites. Yua is reserved, polite, business focused and no-nonsenss. Sana is much too friendly, crosses boundaries sometimes, likes having fun and likes teasing his colleagues.
They're friends as well, as they do care about each other, but their personalities conflict so often that they frequently argue and fight and, ultimately, declared one another their arch rivals!
It's a rivalry Kyoya kinda admires. Build off of trust, conflict and understanding one another. They won't change for each other, so they're friendly rivals!
Has she ever taken on Hibari? Who'd win in case of a fight (if it's even plausible)?
Yua does spar with Kyoya on occasion! So far, Kyoya has always won, no matter what silly rules he made up to make it harder for himself. Yua is simply too soft to attack him with her killing intent. ^^;
Sometimes Kyoya will see her use a move in a fight, realize she's never used that move against him and get sooo mad he'll involve himself in her fight to attack her about the injustice!
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what-the-fic-khr · 7 months
Hibari for earl grey and chai tea pls
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hiiii anon!!! all good, thank you! weeeee everyone suddenly wants to know how they spice up their relationships lol. but these were fun, thank you!!
character/s: tyl!hibari kyoya, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: the second one is intentionally written to come off suggestive in the narration and dialogue lol
prompt: tea prompts (coffee, chai tea)
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coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
hah. ha. well, not in the most… convenient way…? not that he’s ever had to worry about his partner cheating on him or being unfaithful, and usually walking around publicly as Hibari Kyoya’s partner you’d skip a lot of people trying to hit on you. but I think he’d still get… unnecessarily…. competitive? he knows he’s stronger, he knows he’s better, this other person can eat shit. it’s all very stupid truthfully lmfao
Their nervousness was getting worse the longer this conversation went on. You were trying to steer it into something that would help comfort him, but Kyoya’s presence was like a wall. Unmoving, unfaltering.
“Oh, the time…” You looked up at Kyoya for a moment. “You’ve got to go, don’t you?”
Kyoya nodded once. “Yes. A meeting.” Your expression flattened when he held the other’s gaze evenly. “A Guardian meeting.”
The flaunting of his title seemed to work a bit, because the man you’d been talking to flinched a little. You could almost hear Kyoya snort in amusement over the reaction, so you grabbed his arm, tightly.
“You should get going, then. Don’t want to be late.”
“It’d be a shame if someone held me up, huh.”
“O-Oh! I’ll let you get to it then, Sir!” You smiled warily as the man in front of you bowed his head and left with a quiet goodbye in your direction, waving.
Once he was gone you turned to smack Kyoya’s arm before doing it again for good measure. “What’s wrong with you? Cut it out.”
“It’s kind of funny, isn’t it? I wonder how they’ve survived this long.”
You turned him and forced him down the hall with a loud noise. “You’re like a mafia anomaly to these people. Stop scaring people for no reason.”
“They’re scared because they know I’m stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
right. so, you’d know how to fight already by his standards. I think for shits and giggles he’d just give you his weapons. just let you go to town learning them, and I bet he’d probably think that’s soooooo attractive, sooooooo cool and sexy. he’s a stickler for the rules (the ones he likes following, at least) so he wouldn’t do anything too reckless, but fighting is right up his alley, so letting your learn with something apart of him is the way he’d go about it
You seemed to do well, getting yelled at and commanded into things, because your next swing at the dummy took the wooden head off it’s stiff shoulders, letting the heavy ��thunk’ echo in the training room.
“Yeah!” You threw your hands up, gripping his tonfa tightly. “Got his stupid ass head off!” You turned to grin at him, eyes wide and sparkling. Chest heaving with adrenaline from training. Very clearly expecting praise.
Kyoya sighed softly, head tilting, but he watched you with amusement. He waved a hand at you, instructing you to come closer, and you came immediately.
Once close enough, he lifted a hand to pet you on the head once. “Good job. Now go destroy the others and I’ll give you a reward.”
The way you visibly lit up, practically vibrating with excitement, was almost endearing. He waved you off and you ran off with a laugh, lifting up a tonfa threateningly. They looked good in your hands.
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reborn-wakeup · 1 year
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I’m really amused that an intimidating Hibari Kyoya who keeps the whole Namimori at bay allows a little birdie to nest in his hair
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
just a few things that amused me: chapter 1087 spoilers
It's a serious chapter, and Oda's serious about us all realising the threat of Blackbeard and his crew and affiliates, but just a few frames from me:
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A couple of weeks before the 5 week recuperation period, Grus was put out that Garp hadn't mentioned that he, along with Koby, was the future of the marines.
He asks directly. I like that. But poor Prince Grus. 😁
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Garp gets severely wounded by an invisible Shiryu, and Koby wants to take the blame because he states that Garp protected him (which he probably did). But Garp's response is for Koby to "Don't flatter yourself"...Shiryu having had Garp "in his sights the whole time", which also seems truer.
Really, if these three guys had headed to the ship, Garp would have less to worry about and the ship would probably be safer, but messy kinda humans and co. make up the world of One Piece.
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And the first strip above is funny—Kuzan obviously having been treated similar to Garp's rearing (or not) of Dragon and Luffy (that's only kinda the funny part), and Garp invading his personal space and time in the way he did Sengoku's, once Kuzan was made an admiral.
But that familiarity makes the words leading up to the battle between Garp and Kuzan below cut! Man. Especially considering Kuzan...
...saved Smoker. Was gonna say, well, he's obviously not part of SWORD. But then I remembered about Smoker. Hmm.
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There's Tsuru's granddaughter, right? . And Tashigi gets the caretaker's role again (for Hibari, Akainu's granddaughter, possibly)? BUT, if Garp is captured again, or Koby and co., fingers crossed she gets a more active role. But it makes me wonder when you see characters like:
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Maki from Jujutsu Kaisen or even
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Power from Chainsaw Man (and others),
how Oda feels about really having let the ball drop with his female characters. Not all of them, but he set up so many great characters, and what do you think happened? Editorial interference? Oda liked the concept, but not the manifestation? Too difficult to draw? After all, he's just learnt how to draw sexy bums, apparently, which is why we're getting so many (female) bums in the manga lately.
From Sandman on Twitter:
New SBS: Oda: We see many drawings with angles of butts. In a future island, I tried to make a different design from the present day. I ended up with a costume that shows butts. I researched how to draw sexy butts. It's fun to draw butts now because I can draw them well.
I don't hold out hope for him. JKK and CSM are in no way perfect, but it's a better balance.
Then again:
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Maybe Tashigi and Shigure will easily deal with this! Fingers crossed. Or maybe this is when Smoker makes an appearance.
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Do you think that Kuzan might've rushed in as a protective measure? In that, he wasn't protecting the small fry, but was protecting Garp from them, even though they sent each other flying (although, possibly out of the way of harm?). Seems the horde is closing in on Garp, though. With Prince Grus standing by to fight them off.
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Also, Perona and Moria are still floating and lurking around!
My quick few frames are never a quick few frames!
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khr-guilded-cage · 2 months
I still havent gotten over my Gokudera is a Spy Theory, this fic I read once put this in my head and its lives rent free here
"Gokudera Hayato arrived at Namimori, at May 19th, exactly 20 hours after Reborn receive transmission from Sawada Iemitsu of Vongola, division CEDEF, regarding new Guardian and... guide in mafia world." The corner of his lips quirked upwards as if the thoughts amuse him. "By accepting the mission, that means you agree to be Sawada Iemitsu's mole. Getting close to me in order to dictate how I should behave. A tool to shaping me into puppet leader." "I don't—" "Are you sure?" Tsuna raised an eyebrow. "May 27th, first report to Sawada Iemitsu. Stating how the confrontation go. Status of report: left untouched as it was short and nothing dangerous of yet. May 30th, you receive a message how you should befriend me and act upon it. June 10th, you report to Sawada Iemitsu about my relationship with Yamamoto Takeshi and Hibari Kyoya. Status of Report: Altered to omit the names. June 18th, you watch how Reborn trained me in firearms and noted it. Status of Report: Heavy Tampering. June 23rd, an accident involving Bank Robbers, weaponize 5000-pages book, and a broken ankle. Status of Report: Erased. July 13th and July 19th. Report regarding my grades and exam result. Status of Report: Mild Tampering." "That was six reports. Six goddamn reports. Care to explain?" "B-but your father ask for it..." Stammered Gokudera, only to squeaked weakly when Tsuna leveled a glare at him. "H-he just worried..." "Worried?" Repeated the brunette... before he chuckled. There's something wrong in how he chuckles. Something that is hair-raising. "He was worried? Weird. Because I know for a fact he was never come visiting, and always late in stuff like his and my mom's wedding anniversary, birthday, and the likes. And if he truly worried... why he didn't just call? Vongola is rich, right? International phone bill would be cheap then. Barely a dent in his personal pocket money."
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
🔥 and 🌈 :3
🔥 and 🌈 :3
Aww, thank you for popping into the inbox with these! Is it a cheat if I ask what your answer would be, because I’m so very curious?! Honestly, both this requester and any of you lovely followers – if you wanna share your answers to these questions with me, I’d be more than happy to hear them 😊 (Also, as a side note for the requester - Myr has my entire heart but Jesus, is Lidija just frigging adorable. I love her character design so much! And this ask served as a great reminder to finally follow you instead of just occasionally popping into stalk!)
🔥What would be your Flame type?
This is a really interesting ask! I had to really stop and think about it. I’ve had people say I’d be either Rain or Sky, and I feel super flattered by Sky especially because I don’t think I’m that special at all! Rain is indeed a possibility, but if we’re just going fighting style alone, which the flames are supposedly based off…exposing some rather unsavoury parts of me. I’ve never hid the fact I have a rather…iffy past and have done some bad things. I was really a ‘delinquent’ in middle high school who hadn’t learned to control a very violent temper, lashed out because I couldn’t deal with my own trauma, and thus did a LOT of fighting that I really regret and feel a lot of shame and guilt around, especially since I’m very pacificist now. That being said, because of that experience, I know my fighting style enough to admit that, horrible as it makes me, it was all fists and feet and any dirty tricks went as long as it meant you could get walk away from the fight. So, long answer to say that, based on that alone, I’d most likely be a Sun Flame.
🌈Who’s your favourite Arcobaleno?
Oh, this one is so hard for me to answer! I really do love them all, in their own little special ways. I’ve been on a real Reborn kick lately and think he’s both amusing and really intriguing. The mystery there really gets to me. Verde’s intelligence is astounding and his viewpoint of the world intrigues me. Luce was incredibly sweet and I don’t think the Arcobaleno’s would have come together as a group without her, but she’s also a really tragic figure in a way and that complexity really appeals to me. Fon’s an enigma and his relationship with both Hibari and I-Pin really makes me love him all that much more. Colonello and Lal are both hilarious, bad-ass, and their personalities make me root for them in any situation. Viper seems to have so many sides to them that weren’t explored that makes me want to pick their brain apart.  But I think, at the very bottom of it, I always have a little bit more preference towards Skull. Not only is he a f/o of mine, but I always root for the underdog, plus his aesthetic appealed the most to me!
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hibari · 1 month
One version of HibaHaya (1859)
-by Muffin
Hibari has just finished his end of the day patrol, when an entirely unusual sound catches his attention.
Yes, the music room is in this hallway, but it's been seasons since the music club dissolved! Who is in there playing the piano?
It's... A beautiful sound.
Obviously played with much skill and experience.
Hayato was fully enveloped in the flow of his music, when the door slid open abruptly, completely taking him out of his focus. He twitches and glares towards the door immediately, a sharp retort locked and loaded, but...
The look Hibari gives him... What's that supposed to mean?
The moment passes and Kyoya walks in like this is just another room he owns. It might as well be. Especially with how confidently he unlocks and opens one of the closets, pulling an old violin out into the afternoon daylight. He tests the strings, considers the sound and judges it tuned enough.
They make eye contact again and Kyoya smirks all the same, though he doesn't know why he's doing this. It just feels like the right thing to do...
"Think you can play the Anthem?"
Hayato scoffs and returns the smirk with easy confidence, though his heart is aflutter in his chest. What the hell is happening?
"Oh please. That's child's play."
Other Headcanons
The first time Hayato successfully plays the anthem, Kyoya ends up smiling happily and Hayato finds himself blushing inexplicably! Kyoya has a nice smile.
This becomes a regular thing. Usually it's Hayato who starts it, when he can't accompany Tsuna home. But every now and then, Kyoya is in the room before he arrives, supposedly maintaining the instruments or taking stock of what needs to be re-bought. They don't mention that the room doesn't need maintaining what with no Music club existing.
Kyoya adores the anthem, so they play it often. But he's pretty open to accompanying Hayato on other songs. He just needs a music sheet to do so, as the violin is not something he's practiced in a long time.
Hayato will never admit Kyoya's singing voice is just as nice as him playing the violin. It's a damn shame the only song Kyoya wants to sing is the Anthem...
Kyoya will never admit he's as captivated by Hayato's expressions mid-song, as he is by his music. He's never seen this punk look so content and peaceful before...
Then, when Kyoya is away from school, Hayato finds a pink rose on the piano and he doesn't know what to feel. Sure Kyoya has praised his skill on the piano before. Always in passing, never with purpose, but this?? This is unexpected to say the least!
Hayato stops coming to the music room because this is too much too fast! Kyoya is actually unhappy and confused about it. The violin is locked away again.
Years later, Hayato mentions the pink rose in passing and Kyoya expresses confusion. He didn't do that. The only other conclusion is that it must've been one of Hayato's fangirls. Kyoya is more amused than he is upset, clarifying he would've left a light red carnation over a rose.
A pale red carnation symbolizes admiration.
They begin to play duets together whenever they all get to spend a peaceful evening together. It's Tsuna's favourite thing to see and he's not alone. Everyone notices these two have grown closer and it's nice.
Kyoya still insists on playing the Anthem and as time passes, Hayato is horrifyingly starting to see why he likes it.
Suggestive Headcanons
Sometimes, after particularly intense songs, there would be a heavy tension in the air. It only happened once or twice that the tension snapped. Kyoya moved first and Hayato was pretty surprised to find that he's an excellent kisser. Though Kyoya left the room immediately afterwards, so that was something they never talked about again.
Those particular songs now have a tension that lingers in the air for both of them, even when they aren't playing the songs themselves.
Kyoya sometimes remembers that Hayato tasted like strawberry cream buns, which inexplicably becomes a snack he indulges in occasionally.
Hayato sometimes remembers what it feels like to be cornered, grabbed and looked at like he's the center of someone's universe, even if just for a moment.
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sakumichiblog · 22 days
Hi, hi! I hope you don't mind if I send in 2 questions for both Iroha and Anri's ships (I'm curious, hehe)
How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Thanks for the question! And sorry it took so long to answer it :,)
How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
We've already had time to answer that question! https://www.tumblr.com/sakumichiblog/760494716049620992/would-it-be-too-much-to-ask-all-of-the
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Hibari & Iroha: Nicknames... A difficult question, Iroha doesn't really like giving nicknames, it's easier for her to call him by his first name, so for her Hibari was "Hibari Kyoya", "Hibari-san", "Hibari-senpai". Trying her best not to call him by his first name, but Hibari's predisposition for nicknames is much stronger. Let's not talk about the fact that in the beginning he called her herbivore, over time it morphed into "rabbit". Irohi's last name simply sounds like Usagi no Mimi, which translates to "rabbit ears". Apparently Hibari found it amusing. He also called her “little one”. They then start calling each other by their first name although Hibari still continues to use nicknames sometimes.
Mukuro & Anri: At first Anri called him the same as all the other guys (when she learned his real name), i.e. by his last name. In time, during Varia Arc, she started calling him by his first name, but the future Anri called him Kuro-chan and Little Owl? Mukuro, on the other hand, has a huge number of nicknames for Anri: he called her Mrs. Han, but more as a taunt. Called her "birdie" because she reminded him of a caged bird. In the future was nicknamed "little mouse" because... Owls eat mice. In the future he also addresses her by her first name, but he doesn't give up nicknames either, Mukuro still likes them.
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thehandworld · 1 month
“How many shots would it take for you to sleep with Hibari?” (to Gokudera)
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That was quite an amusing question as he wondered about it. I mean, depends if I will die or not because of it. After all, Hibari was between the list of don't mess if you want a nice, relaxed day. I would probably do that without being drunk tho. As the storm shrugs. But I would need that Hibari wanted to do that.
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dearcat1 · 1 year
Hello! I just wanted to say, I've finished part 11 of the Hidden Sky series, and have a somewhat amusing tale to tell.
I've finished it yesterday noon, and went through my updated bookmarks before bed where I read a Bleach fanfic, and somehow my brain mash both in my dreams.
It was a jumble of dimensional travel thanks to Byakuran (is he even in Hidden Sky??), Ichigo and Karakura gang going to Namimori, and then falling through a wormhole back to Karakura, feat Tsuna's various elements.
Some highlights include: Cloudy Sky Ichigo harmonizing with Xanxus, causing Tsuna to be so fed-up because now his flower-and-dots drawing dosent look symmetrical anymore; Uryuu as a Cloud, Orihime as a Sun and Chad a Rain, all harmonized to Ichigo; Bianchi/Orihime, Takeshi/Chad and Uryuu/Hibari bonding; Kisuke as Ichigo's Mist right-hand punching a hole through dimensions to get back to him because when Ichigo awakened flames so did all of Ichigo's Elements back on their dimension. I think Ichigo had around 14 of them, through dream-me came up with different people everytime I tried to count.
It also included Ichigo dragging Xanxus and Tsuna back home to present them to his sisters like a giant cat bringing dead mouses, very "see I made friends are you proud".
Genuinely interested in hearing what flame you'd peg the Karakura/Soul eaters, tbh! I'm quite sure I've read a Bleach/KHR fic from you, but I cannot remember what flame types were assigned.
Hi!!! Ok, so I just answered this. It's literally my previous post if you want the full explanation but long story made short, at this point I'd go with:
Ichigo as either Lightning or Sky, Shinji or Yoruichi as Rain, Rukia as Lightning, Kenpachi, Renji or Grimmjow as Storm, either Kisuke or Chad as Sun, Kisuke or Aizen as Mist, Byakuya or Yoruichi as Cloud.
Also, cloudy Ichigo just falling into another dimension with a feral Kisuke just ripping reality to follow gives me life. And Ichigo casually returning to his own reality so that his sister can see he's making friends he didn't even need to fight to make friends with? Omg hahaha so cute.
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queenharumiura · 5 months
6996 and 6918 for the khr ship
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting||
Will also state that anything involving Mukuro may not be very good because I have a tendency to avoid him. So I apologize in advance if I have some things wrong.
[Answered here]
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! 
A tinier readmore
So I’m neutral to it while also somewhat hating it. Most of it comes down to who the characters are. Why neutrality? I… enjoy the aesthetics. I like the eye candy.
For why I’m also kinda hating it personally… I muse Hibari on another blog. The guy would find a way to get to my dimension and bite me to death for even suggesting a ship with Mukuro and I’ll respect that. Lol Not only that, I’m very SQUINT about ships including Mukuro because I see him and Chrome as a duo, a pair. If I see him with anyone else, I just can’t seem to accept it. He is cheating and he’s going to jail for a thousand years! (Yes, I’m biased)
I’m truly tired and I just want to make this quick, lest my Hibari muse will bite me to death. At the end of the day, Hibari respects Mukuro for his skill and ability to fight using his skills, but he also sees Mukuro as a cheat because of the way he used the Sakura blossoms against him. That was the biggest offense to him, to take him out of commission based off a weakness like the Sakura blossoms. He hates and disdains the fact that Mukuro had brought him to his knees at a point. We know how anger is one of the driving forces for this guy, like pushing his body beyond the limits to bite his enemy to death or to ensure that he won’t lose. Fuck the poison trying to take him down, he’ll go beat the shit out of a tower himself and free himself from the pain of the poison. He AINT waiting.
He's a self-sufficient guy who operates on his own (but can work alongside others if he must). Mukuro is and likely will always be that sore and ugly blemish that Hibari won’t ever forget because of how it impacted him. We know that canonically his loss was such that he went and studied about how to look past illusions and such so that he ended up becoming able to use some mist flames himself due to his understanding of it. Man was so angry about that loss that really damaged his pride he was like nah bitch. I’m not losing to an illusion like that again, fuck that.
It would be difficult for him to put down his pride to even engage in any kind of interaction on a positive note with Mukuro to be frank. The man is a lil… on the petty side. He’s got a lot of pride and he won’t let transgressions go. HE hates to owe people things and it’s the same for humiliation. Mukuro would obviously not want to be humiliated, and he comes off to me as the kind of guy who would forever hold it above Hibari’s head that he had bested him before with his ‘cheap party tricks’. Just forever pissing Hibari off, and with how prideful he is, I think it would be extremely difficult to have him set aside his butt hurt to even consider a ship of romantic nature with Mukuro.
I could possibly see Mukuro enjoying to tease Hibari because it’s like smacking a hissing cat who has swatted at you before. Getting under the skin of such a prideful guy is both amusing and also a pride thing like that’s right, I was able to best you, I am the one that you just can’t stand, that is telling of my skills. It says that I’m superior to you (Hibari would disagree, obviously). It’s the kind of dynamic that I see of them and that isn’t very conducive to an actual ship in realism. I just don’t really see it. Hibari is incredibly stubborn even in the fact of literal mortal danger. He will not stop to get what he wants and it’s usually due in part with his pride and his sense of duty to himself. Mukuro cares for himself first and foremost and he is not above messing with people for his ideals or desires. They both would clash a lot.
I’m cognizant of the fact this is a pretty popular ship and people tend to like it as a hate ship, and I suppose it works if you look at it from a lust born from tension kind of a standpoint and not consider emotional connections and romance in the mix. In that case, yeah, I suppose it could work. They would continuously try to best the other, get the upper hand, get excited when they start to make the other submit to them. Things like that.  The thing is though… I don’t really consider that a ship? At least, it’s not a kind of ship that I would enjoy on a personal level. It makes for wicked awesome art most of the time, admittedly. I just don’t personally like it myself because I will feel more of the hate than I do anything else and then I can’t really get into it.
Though, the point that I wanted with this ship game was to talk about romance-based ships and not—ships that don’t involve romantic feelings. So yeah, I don’t ship it. Hate ship? Again… it gives us some good food to enjoy, ehehe. But yeah. I don’t ship it.
As I don’t ship it, I will not have the section where I consider cute ideas/scenarios. The cutest thing I could think of would be someone being bitten to death and Hibari just proudly celebrating his win. Whoops.
I would like to end things off by saying that this is just how I see things from the perspective of how viable a ship could be in canon settings from my understanding of things. If anyone reading this personally ships the two together, by all means! Have fun! They are both beautiful guys and the most wonderful of eye candy. I won’t lie, I love looking at the art.
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social-muffin · 8 months
Am trying to become more active again, so!!
To any Hibari fan that reads this, reblog and tell me a childhood headcanon you have for our boy!
I'll go first!
I think Hibari was a shy, but easily amused kid. The type to chortle when someone slips on ice. That Schadenfreude often got him in trouble with the kids at playgrounds. So he got into his first fight when he was 5 years old, which he did lose because five kids ganged up on him at once.
But no worries! He got his revenge the next week, when he brought ice cream to share with everyone except those kids. Which, bonus headcanon! Hibari would 100% do good deeds by accident whenever he gets tunnel-vision about getting revenge on someone else.
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ravarui · 6 months
🐰 // Hibari for Shanks bc of course she would sdfgk
Bunny meme Accepting @rcmancedawn
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The request to close his eyes for a moment is met with an arched eyebrow before he complies, allowing her to do whatever she had in mind.
He can hear her giggling when something is put into his hair and the laughter of his crew isn't far behind. It makes him curious, but he waits until she gives her permission before he opens his eyes again. Reaching up into his hair he can feel something soft and....he let's out a loud laugh when he realizes that the young commander just put bunny ears onto him.
He leans his head to the side, an amused expression on his face. "How do I look?"
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hiriawrites · 11 months
disharmony. 5/??
Chiyohime is only slightly surprised to find that Hibari Daichi works fast. From what she's observed, the Hibari clan is chock-full with hypercompetent people; so it's not a shock that the Clan Head has to be even better.
By the time the meeting ends, Matsu has been returned to them, and they've eaten the lunch offered. They're bundled up into a car with a few members of the Clan and Kusakabe Shinsuke, Hibari-san's right hand, and driven back to the house to get their things to spend a few days at the Clan Compound while they get Okaa-san the help she needs.
It makes the warmth in her hum in pleasure.
(The warmth that Tsuna no longer has, it makes something in her burn. Tsuna is hers. How dare that old man interfere! He had no right! She wants to find him and burn off the hands that took away a part of Tsuna she's not even sure he can get back.)
Arriving back at the house, the Clan members hustle them up to their bedroom to gather their things for their stay at the Clan Compound while Kusakabe-san stalks through the eerily silent house in search of Okaa-san. The warmth is practically dancing in delight by these turn of events so she doesn't fight them keeping her away from the upcoming confrontation. Chiyohime shifts Matsu into a better position and one of the Clan members squats to be her height.
"Would you like me to hold your sibling while you gather your things?" They ask.
Chiyohime gazes at them suspiciously then slowly nods and hands over Matsu warily. They settle her sibling comfortably in their arms with an ease Chiyohime finds herself envying. They stand, Matsu still lying contently in their arms and she nods to herself and quickly moves around the room gathering her things. Tsuna has gathered his things together and then bounces off to the bathroom to pick up the stuff kept in there.
Zipping her bag closed, she puts her bag with Tsuna's then packs another one with a few books and games. If they're to be friends Hibari then she needs some kind of icebreaker. Looking back at the Clan member, Chiyohime huffs to herself. She forgot to ask their name.
"What's your name?" she asks.
"Sugimoto Asashi, Sawada-chan," they answer.
"Hibari-san wants Tsuna and me to be friends with his son. You have any advice?" she inquires.
Sugimoto-san quirks a small amused smile and she narrows her eyes angrily at them. Their smile grows bigger and she huffs in annoyance.
"Hibari-kun is very direct and doesn't abide by weakness. My advice for you is good luck because you're going to need it."
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hunty627 · 1 year
New upcoming genie girls.
Ninja genie girls: Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyu, Hibari, Yomi, Hikage, Mirai, Haruka.
Genies of the amusement club: Akari Akaza, Kyoko Toshino, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, Yui Funami, Ayano Sugiura, Chitose Ikeda, Sakurako Ohmuro, Himawari Furutani.
Genies of Kadic academy: Yumi Ishiyama, Aelita Stones, Sissi Delmas, Milly Solovieff, Tamiya Diop, Emily LeDuc, Naomi N’guyen, Heidi Klinger.
Lucky star genies: Konata Izumi, Kagami Hiiragi, Tsukasa Hiiragi, Miyuki Takara, Patricia Martin, Hiyori Tamura, Minami Iwasaki, Yutaka Kobayakawa, Misao Kusakabe, Ayano Minegishi.
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fightingthetides · 1 year
[PAY] Sender pays for receivers meal ( dino for hibari :p )
Taken from meme from my other blog (lol): [x] ||Accepting?|| You would send me a meme from another of my blogs, and you know i'd find it too amusing to pass up lol
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"I suppose a price must be paid if you wish for company." How hungry Dino must be for company to have found Hibari who had chosen to dine at a restaurant by his lonesome. The restaurant knew Hibari as a semi-frequent regular, and he preferred to be seated alone and away from others.
As such, when Hibari walked in, the young man was normally escorted to a spot in the restaurant void of other diners.
"I'm sure you've been told to not bother a dog who is eating." Which is to say, Dino would be made to pay for ruining Hibari's peaceful meal by joining arbitrarily. How rude, to invite yourself to one's table.
Kusakabe has been notified to locate Romario for an after meal fight. Hibari wouldn't be accepting any refusal to fight.
Woe is any mentor who had Hibari as a disciple.
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