#hiccannamonth prompts post
fuckyeahhiccannamonth · 3 months
HIIIII HICCANNA NATION, long time no post!!!
Sooooo long story short, a bitch overcommitted HARD last year, and had like 17 Hiccanna month posts that I completely ran out of steam to finish. And then because I felt so guilty I didn't finish THOSE, I also didn't reblog all the incredibly awesome posts the rest of y'all made, and I'm really sorry for not giving my people the love and appreciation they deserve!!! And then, of course, my life from like October through like March became an absolute shitstorm, and I got semi-threatened with eviction and then friend-dumped by one of the most important people in my life D: It was a whole Ordeal™️, and sadly, my brain was too fried to think about my favorite awkward blorbos 💔
BUT BY GOD, THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO GET MY LIFE TOGETHER AND PULL THROUGH FOR ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THIS FUNKY LITTLE EVENT COME TO LIFE!!! I WILL finish reblogging all of last year's Hiccanna Month posts before the end of this month if it kills me!!! And by god, I WILL have this event again, because it's what y'all deserve!!! I don't have the spoons to post much of my own stuff this year (except maybe some leftovers from last year lol), but I'm going to be more on top of my shit about hyping anyone and everyone who decides to participate :3 I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't tell you how happy it's made me that you all have made this event for my little rarepair OTP bigger and better than I ever imagined 💚🧡💚🧡
I am, however, following suit for some of the other RotBTFD ship months and cutting down from one prompt a day to two per week for 8 prompts total, with an overarching theme for each week. I honestly don't have the spoons to do a prompt every day this year, although for future Hiccanna months, that could change. The two-a-week format seems to work better for a lot of people anyways, since I've gotten feedback that 31 prompts in a row is, er…pretty overwhelming, to say the least ^^; So two prompts a week for this year, and we will see if people like this format better!
@gryffindorkxdraws a tag for you, as promised 🩵
AND NOW, the prompt list!!! Apologies for only giving you guys a couple weeks of prep time—I know it's usually more ^^; But y'all know I'm flexible about late submissions, and it's totally fine if you submit for Hiccanna month after July! And who knows??? If I'm feeling spicy, I might tack on a bonus week for the first week of August 👀👀👀
WEEK 1—MUSIC Special thanks to @lovestrucklyuniverse for suggesting a focus on music from Hiccup and Anna's movies—I'm enamored with that!!! Of course, these prompts are just suggestions, and if you'd rather make something inspired by a pop song, alternative rock jam, or Eurovision ballad that reminds you of Hiccanna, then have at it!
1. For the Dancing and the Dreaming—A re-imagining of our favorite Viking wedding song with Hiccup and Anna! They're certainly the sort of people who would do all manner of impressive feats and grand gestures to win each other over, but the joke is on them—they don't need to! Sometimes, pledging love and devotion is enough, and there's no need to slay monsters or gift troves upon troves of treasure to prove yourself worthy of someone.
2. More Than Just the Spare—One of my absolute favorite things about these two is how they rise above being overlooked and underappreciated and accomplish some truly spectacular things. This prompt is all about Hiccup and Anna showing that they can be more than anyone ever expected them to be—preferably together, while being madly in love!
WEEK 2—MOVIES AND TV Let's be real—we've all dreamed of seeing Hiccup and Anna interact (and adorably butcher flirting several times) on the big screen. Whether it's through an epic Disney-Dreamworks crossover (god, we all wish, right?!) or imagining Best Awkward Blorbos in your favorite TV show, this week is all about Hiccanna slaying in visual media!
1. Romcoms—Have you ever watched a romcom and gone "You know what would make this better? If it was about Hiccanna!"? Furthermore, have you ever watched a romcom and gone "Well shit, this is literally just about Hiccanna!"? Well, now's your time! Make something inspired by your favorite Hiccanna-coded romcom, or a romcom you desperately believe needs more Hiccanna energy in it! Or, hell, make up a brand-new cheesy romcom plot for these two and make us all swoon 💞
2. Dramas—We forget it sometimes, but not everything in these two dorks' lives is sunshine and rainbows. Hiccup lost a whole-ass leg! Anna almost froze to death! They both grew up lonely, friendless, and (relatively) isolated from their communities! For this prompt, take your favorite drama and Hiccanna-ify it—or aplify the Hiccanna you already see! It can be any subgenre you want—coming-of-age drama, period drama, weird avant-garde indie drama, you name it! Subject those guys to some Dramatics™️ and let us see :3
WEEK 3—LITERATURE AND TEXT PROMPTS This week is all about something so many of us long to have an excuse to do--write about the blorbos! Whether you're looking to try your hand at fic for the first time or you're coming back to add more much-needed Hiccanna into our ever-sparse internet ecosystem, these text prompts will hopefully get your fanfiction juices flowing. Pick your favorite(s) of the four for each day, and write away! If you want to try and do all of them then have at it, but don't stress yourself out!!! I wanna make sure this year's event is as chill and no-pressure as possible, since I know a lot of options can be overwhelming, especially for Anna and I's fellow ADHDers! And if you don't want to commit to writing anything, or writing just isn't your strong suit, that's okay too! Use this week to make something based on any literature that brings Hiccanna to mind, or any literary world you'd love to see our favorite awkward ship in. Happy creating! Also HUGE shout-out to @lilandraws for helping me narrow this down from 40 fucking prompts, because when I tried to just casually make a list of text prompts I liked, I got, um...a bit carried away ^^; Also for giving some absolutely hilarious commentary that singlehandedly got me through the workday, bless 💚💚💚 And thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompts themselves!
1. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) “Two bros, chilling in a small bed…” b) “Someone just handed you a cat?” c) “Sorry I tried to kill you.” “It’s fine, but next time you should try harder.” d) “Takes one to know one.”
2. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) He had prepared himself for all the different ways she could reject him. But what he hadn’t prepared for was for her to actually say yes. b) “Want to hear some random facts about geese?” c) “What are we?” “Human. At least I hope we still are.” d) “I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.” “And what are you going to do about that?”
WEEK 4—COMIC BOOKS And now, for the ultimate kick-ass combination of visuals and literature—the visual novel and comic book!!! Since Hiccup and Anna are, fundamentally, animated cartoons (as much as they are much more to all of us!), it seemed fitting to wrap up with this one :3 This week is all about comics, and what epic shenanigans and hijinks can come of Hiccanna-ifying them!
1. Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU—One of the things comic books and visual novels do best is exploring fantastical scenarios and limitless possibilities. The iconic superhero AU is probably the most well-known, but your options don't end there! Do you have a favorite comic about guys on spaceships exploring the galaxy and battling aliens? Or a comic about a party of DnD-style adventurers taking down an evil wizard? Throw some Hiccanna in it and let us see! The sky's the limit, and really, you don't even have to stop there! (Note: Using AUs for ANY of these prompts is real and valid and encouraged, so don't feel like this is the only place where you can use wacky AUs! This is just the one where they have a special focus/emphasis. But AU away whenever you like—Hiccup and Anna kinda require an AU to even be able to interact, so it sort of comes with the territory!)
2. Favorite Comic Book Adaptation AU—Many of us have been lucky enough to see a comic we like be adapted into something else, and can say with confidence that the adaptation kicks absolute ass,, whether it be a movie, TV show, novelization, video game, or whatever else! Like with the previous prompt, superhero comics might be the first thing to come to mind. Of course, I'd be delighted to see Hiccanna in the world of the Spiderverse, Invincible, or your favorite DC or Marvel movie, but keep in mind these aren't your only choices! Something like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World or Netflix's The Sandman would be a totally valid option as well! Have fun and go crazy :3
Aaaaaaand that's all for now! Tag those posts with hiccannamonth2024 or hiccannamonth24 so I can see them and reblog, and happy Hiccanna month-ing! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with and shower all my love on it 💗💖❤️‍🔥 See you next month!!! We will go through all of July…and beyond >:3
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
Your ever-determined Hiccanna month hoster person, Fuckyeahhiccannamonth 💚
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It's that time again!!! I am pleased to report that I'm going to be hosting Hiccanna Month again this year since I got so many lovely submissions in 2022 :3 I have, however, decided to bump it to July this year since I've been busy with a new job and other adult stuff and have only just now come up with a prompts list ^^;
This year is all about Putting Those Guys In Situations: Alternate universes! The way it's gonna work is I have an overarching AU theme for each week, and then more specific AU prompts for each day. And then of course a music week, because you gotta have a music week.
The second annual Hiccanna Month is scheduled to begin July 1, 2023 and will go through the end of the month! And beyond! As y'all know, I am more than happy to reblog late submissions--hell, I'll probably be making a few myself ^^;
So without further ado:
WEEK 1 (7/1 - 7/7) - MUSIC
The Great Escape--Boys Like Girls
Stranger Things--Kygo
Rebel Girl--Angels and Airwaves
She Will Be Loved--Maroon 5 (although I personally prefer the Runner Runner cover in my playlist)
WEEK 2 (7/8 - 7/14) - FANTASY AUS
Norse Mythology
Fairy Tales
Studio Ghibli
Pirates and mermaids
WEEK 3 (7/15 - 7/21) - SCI FI AUS
Star Wars/Space travel
Time loop/Time travel
WEEK 4 (7/22 - 7/28) - MODERN AND MISC AUS
General Modern AU
Historical Romance AU
Role Reversal AU
Performer AU (Actor, Band, Dancer, Social Media, etc.)
Coffee Shop AU
July 29, 30, and 31 are all free spaces to make whatever you want--prompts you missed, prompts you didn't get to last year, anything!!!
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
See y'all in a month <3
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Hiccanna Month 2022
HELLO, MY DEAR HICCANNA NATION! It is my absolute delight to tell you that just within the couple of years I have been on this hellsite, I have gathered enough hype for my funky little rarepair OTP that people were requesting...a Hiccanna event??? And who was I to say no???
BEHOLD! The first-ever Official Hiccanna Month, scheduled to begin June 1, 2022 and will go through the end of the month!
So without further ado:
WEEK 1 - TEXT PROMPTS 1. “Let’s be pathetic together” 2. “You said you needed a distraction” “So where is it?” “You’re looking at it” 3. “This is you thinking rationally?” 4. “What’s it gonna take to make you smile?” 5. “I can’t stop crying” “I’ll be strong for the both of us” 6. “I don’t know what to do” “We’ll figure it out” 7. “You’re not alone”
WEEK 2 - WAYS TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" 1. With a hoarse voice, under the blankets 2. Loud, so everyone can hear 3. When the broken glass litters the floor 4. As we huddle together, the storm raging outside 5. A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips 6. On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair 7. In awe, the first time you realize it
WEEK 3 - ALTERNATE UNIVERSES 1. Fairy Tale AU 2. Studio Ghibli AU 3. Steampunk AU 4. Modern AU 5. Sci-fi AU 6. Pirate AU OR Vampire/Werewolf AU (couldn’t decide, so do whichever one you like better!!! Or both!!! Live your best life!!!) 7. AU Free Space
WEEK 4 - MUSIC 1. TSwift (I couldn't pick just one TSwift song for them so this is basically a TSwift free space XD) 2. West End Kids--New Politics 3. Read My Mind--The Killers 4. Teenage Dirtbag--Wheatus 5. Anna Sun--Walk the Moon 6. Walking the Wire--Imagine Dragons 7. FREE MUSIC SPACE
June 29 and June 30 will be FREE SPACES!!! Go hog wild!!! Do whatever you want!!! Be completely uninhibited!!!
When posting, tag with #hiccannamonth and #hiccannamonth22 so I can reblog from here :D I’m very excited to see what everyone comes up with!!! Literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related! Hit me with your most adorable Chocolate Dragons fluff and give me the dopamine rush my burnt-out 20-something body is in desperate need of!
See y’all in a month <3
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