#hide your kids/hide your wives/hide your/husbands cause he's coming for everybody
ontgerunway · 1 year
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Toji looks so menacing, I love it.
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inkjetpaladin · 7 months
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Hide your wives, hide your husbands, hide your kids cause he's coming for everybody !
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venactricisfics · 6 years
Negan X OC, Smut, Oral, Negan-like language. 
Prior Parts: Unexpected  What’s Life without a Little Risk Unbelievable 
@negans-network @neganmorgan @mypapawinchester@jeffreynegan @ask-kakashihatake
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“When you go out there keep your mouth shut and just go along,” Laura says going through the rules of pick ups. “There’s fucked up shit that happens on the road. If it needs to happen just let it. Negan’s calling the shots. His word is the rule. Arat’s his number two today.”
“Do what he tells me no question, got it. Why aren’t you joining the pick up crew today?” I holster my gun and glance up at her hoping I wasn’t fucking everything up by tagging along.
“Simon has us setting up the outpost again. Hoping I get to be the head bitch in charge out there for once,” she laughs.
“Good luck with that,” I pull my hair back in a ponytail, “Anything I should keep an eye out for you?”
“I’m good. I gotta list of shit Carson is looking for. Just remember those assholes are the ones that killed Paula, Michelle, Donnie and Primo. They will try to convince you to help them. You look sweet so they’ll try. Just be careful,” she gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Alright?”
“I will, and you too. But you know Simon better than me,” I give her a grin.
“You know as well as I do how that itch needs to be scratched. You better get a move on.”
“I know, I don’t want to get left behind,” I head down the hallway and out the factory doors.
“Well hello to you,” I try to hide my smile at the sing songy voice of Negan’s as I step out. “Can’t get enough of me huh, sweetheart?”
“That and I’m coming along,” I glance up at him.
“Well, that tickles the shit outta me. I always wanted a little road head when I go to these things,” he smirks.
“You’re making me regret ever sucking your dick,” I respond.
“Guys are all ready to go, boss,” Arat says from behind me. My face turns a bright shade of red. I didn’t want anyone really to know that Negan and I were. Did. Hell, I don’t know what we are but I wasn’t ready for the entire Sanctuary to know.
“Don’t be silly,” he drapes his arm around my shoulders leading me in the direction of the truck, “we both know how much you loved sucking my dick.” He looks out over the group after sliding the truck door open for me, “Let’s head the fuck out.”
His words did little to change the color of my face back to its natural state but I was glad to find a seat in the back, behind the drivers, so I could regain a small piece of my dignity. “How is anyone gonna respect me if you keep telling them how good I suck dick?”
“That is a damn fucking fantastic skill, I couldn’t do it,” he chuckles, “I respect the shit out of you.” I grip the back of Arat’s seat as the truck lunges forward. “Do you respect her, Arat?”
She glances at me in her rearview.  Ninety percent of my interactions with her were strictly business. She is fierce. And fiercely loyal to Negan.
“I’ll let you know after today,” she offers me a slight smile, “I don’t have a use for her dick sucking skills.”
“Thanks,” I lean back in my seat as the road becomes steadier, quieter.  Giving me a chance to think. Or almost before Negan’s voice chimes in again.
“You should be in the lounge letting me take fucking care of you and not out here doing the fucking hot as hell work. I only do it cause I know the bullshit brigade feels more confident when I am at the fucking helm.”
I narrow my eyes at him curiously, “You asking me to be one of your wives? Cause if you are there’s no fucking way.”
“Well, actually I the fuck I was. Why wouldn’t you want to be in the lap of luxury letting your loving husband,” he gestures to himself, “take care of your every need?”
“Look, I like fucking you,” it didn’t matter at this point, Arat already knew, I wasn’t sure who knew or what but the cork couldn’t be put back in the bottle. “I want to keep liking fucking you.  I don’t want it to become my job.”
“Fair enough,” his grin widens, “You wanna come on collections and fuck some people up, I will be fucking ecstatic to have you there. If you wanna stay in your bed watching Lifetime movies, you can. I will not have you working for points anymore.” His final words firm, unyielding.
“I….” I stop my words short realizing I’d won at least the battle, if not the war.  He’d given me freedom from being his wife but also leaving the door open for possibility. “Thank you.”  
“Any fucking day I get to catch a glimpse of that fine ass of yours,” he glances back at me, a wide grin on his face, “is a good goddamn day.”
“I hate to interrupt your date,” Arat peers in the mirror again, “you get the list of meds Carlson needs?”
“I got it, he doesn’t seem to need a lot,” I pull the list from my back pocket.
“That’s your job for today, make sure Carlson’s list is taken care of,” she replies, “continue with your whatever the hell you two were doing.”
“Thanks, better than standing around and looking pretty,” I give Negan a wink, “How much further?”
“I look hot as fuck carrying Lucille on my shoulder,” he replies, “It’ll be another hour.”
“You look hot all the time, who are we fucking kidding,” I replied leaning my head against the window, “I’m gonna try to sleep until we get there to scare the shit out of some townies. And you can be the big bad wolf and blow all the shit down.” He chuckles, “I’ll give that shit some thought,” he reaches back giving my leg a squeeze, “rest need you on your A game. Unless you want to help me rub one out.”
“You have two hands,” I yawn closing my eyes.
I’m jarred awake when the truck comes to a stop. “Well good morning, sunshine,” he grins back at me. “We /are/ here.” I sit up rubbing my eyes as the sign comes into to view, ‘Alexandria’.
“Nice place,” I look at the sign as he hops from the truck, “I always wanted to live in a gated community.” I take his hand letting him help me down.
“I better go ring the fucking bell,”  he gives me one of his killer grins then saunters over to bang on the gate with Lucille.
“Little pig, little pig let me /in/,” he sings. I shake my head and smile, moving up to stand near Arat, watching as the gate is opened. I couldn’t hear what the smug man on the other side of the gate said, “You /better/ be joking,” he responded, “Negan, Lucille, I know we made one hell of a first impression.”
“Who’s that?” I whisper to Arat when another man walk up behind the first. His sad blue eyes cast down in fear.
“That’s Rick,” she responded. “The prick responsible for this shit show.” I nod watching as Negan postures for the man. Swinging his bat into the skull of a dead asshole that was stumbling toward the open gate.
“Alright everybody, let’s get started, it’s a big day. You see that what I did, that was some /service/,” Negan says to Rick. I furrow my brow as he hands the other man Lucille and walks into the community.  I draw in a breath watching the terror and confusion on the townies’ faces. “Let’s get this over with,” I mutter.
“Arat!” Negan barks. And she follows with an order to move. The tension so thick between us and them it could be cut with a knife. Negan watches as I walk by leaning in to speak to Rick loudly, “Damn I have /not/ decided if I like watching her coming or going best.”
“I can still hear you,” I call back to him over my shoulder.
“That is because I was using my outside voice,” he grunted turning his attention back to Rick. I can’t help but smile to myself as I walk out of earshot.
“Is this the infirmary?” I ask one of the citizens. She nodded rolling her eyes at me before walking away. I walk up the steps and feel a hand grab my ass. Davey. Creepy fucking Davey. He always looked at me like he wanted to eat me. My eyes sharp as I turn back to him, “You touch me again and I will break your goddamn hand.”
“Bitch, you think because you’re fuckin’ the boss that makes you shit?”
“Actually,” I narrow my eyes at him, “I know it does. Now keep your fucking hands to yourself if you want to keep them attached to your body.”
“Whatever,” he pushes past me and opens the door to the house.
“Dr. Carlson needs more gloves, antibiotics, pain meds if they got any.  Amber’s mom needs anti inflammatories,” I feel wierd looking for shit for Negan’s wives. But I push that to the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t let myself get jealous over them. Hell, he’d just given me the freedom to do whatever I wanted. I’m sure there’s some kind of catch. There’s always a catch.
“Put them back!” I walk out from the supply closet seeing a kid with a patch over his eye pointing a gun at Davey.  
“Hey, kid,” I move in front of him, in hindsight, it was probably a stupid thing, “put the gun down.” The kid points the gun over our heads and fires a shot, “You said half our stuff. That’s more than half.”
“I know the deal. And I sure as shit wanted to shoot that asshole at least twice this week, but if you shoot him, shit is gonna get so much worse before it gets better, put the gun down, I don’t want to have to carry this shit out by myself,” I lock my gaze with the kid’s.  Raising them only when the door swings open behind him and the guy, Rick, walks through the door, followed by Negan.
“Carl, put it down,” Rick urges.
“They’re taking all our medicine, he said only half,” Carl responds raising his gun up higher.
“Really kid?” Negan swaggers in stopping beside me. Still smiling as he looks from the kid to me then back.
“You should go,” Carl says, “before you find out how dangerous we all are.”
“Pardon me young man. Excuse the fuck out of my goddamn French, but did you just threaten me?” he asks, “Look I get threatening Davey. But I can’t have it. Not him, not me. And sure as shit not her.”
“Carl, just put it…” Rick starts to say.
“Don’t be rude Rick, we are having a conversation here,” he cuts his eyes back to the boy, “Where was I, oh yes your giant man sized balls. No threatening us. I like you. And I don’t want to go hard proving a point. You don’t want that. I said half your shit and /half/ is what /I/ say it is.”
I watch them trying to keep myself from trembling. I knew in my gut Negan wouldn’t hurt the kid. But I couldn’t get a read on the kid or Rick. I wasn’t sure how far off the rails they actually were. This seemingly terrified people broke into the satellite station and killed twenty people in their sleep. They were the enemy. Not us.
“Do you want me to prove how serious I am /again/?” Negan continues with the boy. He sighs and hands the gun over to his father. Negan grabs it from him, “You have an absolute ass-load of guns and this little emotional outburst has made crystal clear. I can’t allow that. They’re all mine now. So tell me, where are my guns?”
I let out a breath when Rick leads them from the house. “Pack this shit up, I’ll be back.” I take the steps after them two at a time. I slow my footsteps when I catch up with them.
“You alright, baby?” Negan asks.
“I just needed some air. Too much of that manly bullshit in there,” I shoot him a wink, “I want to take a look at the guns.”
“You got it. You can help Arat with the inventory,” he grins, “I’ll give you first grab at one for yourself.” I can’t help but smile. The garage door rolls open in front of us. I lock my gaze with that of another terrified woman.
“I was expecting you,” she said her voice as shaky as she was.
“Olivia, show them the guns,” Rick stated.
“The armory’s inside,” she starts back down the hall.
“You take care of all of this?” I ask, looking at the shelves then back to her.
“I keep track of it all. The rations, the guns,” she replied.
“Don’t let me stop you,” Negan said, “Take her and the boys and show ‘em the goods.” I follow Olivia and Arat down the hallway to the next room. It was packed almost floor to ceiling with every conceivable firearm.  Olivia hands me the register, “I keep a log there.” Her hand shaky as she shows me the list of what weapons were gone out with people on runs.
“We’re not here to hurt you,” I hop up on the desk, “we’re here to keep your people from hurting us again.”  I push the inventory list to Arat. “There is a fuck ton of weapons on that list everything looks organized.”  Arat checks off each weapon as the men load them and carry them out.
“How can you be with a man like /that/?” Olivia whimpers motioning her head in the direction of the garage.
“I could ask you the same question,” I hop down and walk outside. I bite my lip grabbing a desert eagle from a stack of guns that was being carried out by Daryl.  “This is the one I want.”
Negan laughs, taking the gun from me, “This gun is as big as you are.”
“Are you saying I can’t handle something this,” I give him a smirk, “big?”
“Oh baby, I know how well you can handle big things,” he places the gun back in my hand, standing behind me, “How well have you been taking care of my guns?” his eyes turn to Rick then motions for me to fire. I point at the window and squeeze the trigger, knocking the shutter off its hinges.
“Feels good,” I hand him back the eagle, “Sounds good.”
“Baby, you trying to get me all hard and shit while I’m trying to have a discussion with my boy, Rick?”
“I wasn’t exactly trying,” I smirk pulling my .22 from its holster and replacing it with the more impressive weapon.
“Please don’t…” I turn my eyes hearing Olivia whimper as Arat shoves her up the steps.
“We don’t do that, unless /they/ do something to deserve it,” Negan states.
“Yeah,” she replies, “I went through their inventory and they’re short a Glock 9 and a .22 Bobcat.”
“Is that true?” Negan looks at Olivia who nods her head.
“The inventory is correct,” she replied.
“That’s good but also not good,” he states, “You’re two handguns short. I don’t enjoy killing women. Men, I can kill all the livelong. But Olivia, my dear, at the end of the day this was your responsibility.” My mouth opens to protest but then closes again, remembering who is actually in charge here. I couldn’t make him look weak. Not in front of these people.
“We can work this out,” Rick pleads.
“Yes, we can,” I respond, trying to hide the frustration in my voice.
“And I’m /going/ to right now,” Negan catches Olivia’s arm, “Guns were your responsibility and you screwed up.” He cuts his gaze back to Rick, “Find them /now/.” I watch Rick rush off to their church to meet with his people.
“What are you gonna do?” I ask softly, as we sit down on the patio chairs.
“I’m a man of my word, sweetheart,” he responds, “If the guns aren’t here Olivia is gonna pay the price.” I close my eyes nodding, “Alright.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Olivia, why don’t we mix up some lemonade? Get your mind off of it. If your friends are smart they’ll give up the guns.”
I tremble stirring the mix into the water looking out the window as the water turns from clear to yellow. Davey again harassing a girl. She couldn’t be more than sixteen. I look down feeling my stomach churn, my eyes watering when I carry the pitcher back outside.
Negan looks at me his normal grin fades slightly when he sees my face. “I’m fine.” I mouth, hoping there is some truth to the words. The people became more than just the enemy when they were scared shitless. The people here, most of them don’t look like they could survive five minutes outside of these walls. But they killed our people, I reminded myself.
“What you got for me Rick?” Negan’s voice interrupts my thoughts. Rick hands him a bag with the missing handguns in it. “Funny how a little ‘Holy shit! Somebody’s gonna die!’ really lights a fire under everybody’s ass.”
“Which one of your people almost killed Olivia?” I asked.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” he answered meekly.
“It’s a hell of a place you got here, Rick,” Negan says as we finish loading up. “You sir, are special.  We’re coming back soon. And when we do you need to have something interesting for us. No more magic guns.” Negan cuts his eyes to me with a smirk, “Let’s get home. I wanna fuck my girl before and after dinner.”  I shake my head with a smile, climbing up into the truck. I watch from the seat as he smacks a walker in the head with a candlestick. He grabs Lucille from Rick and climbs up in the truck after me.
“Jee-sus, that was one hell of a fucking tense ass shit trip,” his lips turn into a devilish smile, “Hurry home, I am hard as hell unless she’s changed her mind about that road head. It’s gonna be awhile before she blows me.”
“I haven’t changed my mind. You can wait an hour,” I move from his seat to mine in the back as the truck moves down the road, I give him a smirk, “I hope I can.”
“We’re home,” I’m not sure how long I’ve enjoyed hearing his sing songy voice.
“Good, I’m horny and hungry,” I smirk as I hop down from the truck, avoiding locking eyes with his. “I haven’t decided which itch I want to scratch first.” I open the Sanctuary doors and walk inside. I could feel his gaze follow after me before his footsteps. He catches my shoulder spinning me around pushes me against the wall, “You don’t get to say shit like that and walk away.”
“I don’t?” I rest my hands on his sides, “I was just stating a fact.” My eyes dark as I look up at him, “I was hoping you’d be the one to solve all my problems.”
“You know I will,” he smirks lifting my chin, his lips press fully against mine. I open my mouth, my tongue dancing with his. I could feel the kiss deep in my core.
“Are you gonna fuck me against the wall in front of everyone?” I break the kiss, glancing around as half the factory was looking at us, “Or take me back to your room?”
“Day-um, girl, you almost made me forget where I was,” he scoops me up throwing me over his shoulder, “The rest of you shits back to whatever the fuck you were doing.” I giggle as he carries me down the hall. He pushes open his apartment door and kicks it closed behind him, wasting no time before dropping me on the bed.
I raise up to on my elbows watching him, “I wouldn’t have objected to being fucked against the wall.” I glide my tongue over my lips, “The secret is already out.”
“I give two shits if they know,” he lowers the zipper of his jacket dropping it on the arm of the leather couch, “especially if it makes you mine.”
I toe off my boots and pop the button of my jeans, “I can’t be your wife, Negan. Not like them. I don’t /need/ you to take care of me.” I lift my hips and push my jeans down as he tugs his shirt over his head.
“Fuck, this shit isn’t supposed to be fucking complicated,” he groans moving to the bed.
“It’s less complicated when you are inside me,” I sit up fully on the bed, my hand rests on his bearded cheek and I pull his face to mine. My leg hooks around his hip and I pull him flush against me. His cock hard grinding against my damp panties through his jeans.  I smirk against his lips as I tug his belt open, dipping my hand inside his pants, stroking him long and slow.
“You are a fucking tease baby,” he groans against my lips. “Since I laid eyes on you this morning you’ve been teasing me.”
“I didn’t mean to,” I shift so that we’re laying beside each other on the bed, my hand still stroking his member. “I missed you though,” I suck softly on his lower lip, then trail kisses over his jawline and down his neck. Moaning at the taste of his salty flesh. I push him to his back, smiling as he relinquishes control. My lips nibble and their way along his chest and over his stomach. His cock twitches in his pants as I press a soft kiss through them.
“Goddamn,” he utters, “I fucking missed the fuck outta you too.” He kicks his boots off and pushes his pants down, chuckling as his now free cock almost hits me in the face, “he needs your attention, baby.”
“Does he now?” I swirl my tongue around the head. “I guess I’ll have to give it to him.” I groan wrapping my lips around his head. Suckling soft, slow, savoring the taste of him. Negan’s hand reaches down stroking my hair. I take him deeper, my hand moving down massaging his balls. My lips tight and my tongue skims along his shaft, teeth grazing slightly. His grip on my hair tightens. I groan moving my mouth faster up and down his length. I slurp and suck as he begins to thrusts. I let the tip hit the back of my throat with a moan of my own. I could feel his cock thicken, twitching as he gets closer and closer.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he slows his movements, giving me back the control I need, I stroke and suck as he releases in my throat, I suck and lick and swallow each satisfying drop. “Goddamn, shit, fuck, that was good.” I smile over at him as I fall to the bed beside him. “I fucking mean it,” he looks at me, “you make me see fucking stars everytime you suck my dick. It’s fucking magical.”
“Thank you,” I watch him smiling, his pants still around his thighs, “I am glad you enjoyed.”
“I more than fucking enjoyed,” he pulls me to his chest, “Give me a minute, fuck, for my legs to work again.” I can’t help but chuckle. “You can’t fucking tell anyone that you are my fucking kryptonite.”
“Stop,” I press my face into his shoulder to quiet my laughs, “I am hungry. What do you have to eat in here since you can’t walk and take me for a proper meal?” I stand from the bed. I tug the hair tie from my hair and let it cascade down my back. He reaches down pulling his pants back up.
“I got whiskey,” he chuckles nodding at the bottle of jack on the table in the corner, “and salted nuts.”
“Is your plan to starve me into submission?” I turn back to him smiling, “I am already here.”
“I hadn’t thought about that,” he sits up pulling me into his lap, his hands gripping my hips, “I can’t have you starve though. I like your ass just as it is.”
“We can go down stairs grab a tray of food from the kitchen,” I lean back against his chest, “But that would require pants.”
“I am not fucking ready for you to get back in your pants. I /just/ got you out of them.” He gives my tit a squeeze over my shirt.
I groan at his touch, my hips rolling slowly in his lap, “How do we solve this problem?”  He reaches over grabbing his walkie and calls for Fat Joey, telling him to bring some food up.
Negan wraps his arm around my waist to stop my movements. “Fuck, if you ain’t already tryin’ to make my dick hard again. I sure as shit don’t want Fat Joey walking in while I’m pounding into you.”
“I never figured you to be the shy one,” I tilt my head pressing my lips to his, “So, what do you want to do until dinner comes?” He lifts me up and drops me on the bed then plops beside me.
“Let me just have a fucking look at you,” he lays on his side and I turn to face him, “you sure you don’t wanna be my wife? You’d look hot as hell in a black dress and heels.”
“Hell no,” I push my hair out of my face, “I hate wearing dresses, can’t walk in heels. Don’t want someone to just take care of me.”
“I want to fucking take care of you,” he says, “keep you out of the shit show.”
“I can handle the shit show,” I rest my hand on his face, “I can take care of myself. Wouldn’t you rather I be with you because I want to, not because I feel obligated to? I can be yours if you want me,” I lock my gaze with his, “I just can’t be one of them.”
“Shi-ot,” he responds, “you drive one hell of a fucking bargain, baby.” He presses his lips to my forehead as his hand gropes my tit. “You are /mine/. If you keep giving me head like that I can bend the fucking rules.”  
“You are all about the rules though,” I lift my face to his pressing my lips to his, “thank you.” A knock at the door interrupts the kiss. “Dinner.” I smile as he rolls from the bed.
“Fat Joseph,” he chuckles as he opens the door, “/my/ girl wants me to feed her before I fuck her so get your ass in here with her food.” My face flushes a pink. He looks over at me, “Why you acting all bashful now?”
“Yes, sir. Negan,” he brings in the tray of food in and sets it on the table. “Anything else you need?” Joey looks from Negan to me with a dumb grin on his face.
“Don’t look at her,” Negan barked, “Get the fuck out.” He slams the door after the man.
“Looks good,” I step from the bed taking a carrot from the plate, “I used to hate eating cooked carrots.” I chew then swallow, “But now I love them. Guess a lot changes at the end of the world.”
“Come over here and sit down with me,” he pats the seat next to his, “I fucking need a closer look at those titties.”
“I was having trying to have a moment with you,” I take a seat next to him, picking up another piece of carrot.
“Nobody likes carrots,” he chuckles picking one up and taking a bite, “except fucking rabbits.” He gives my thigh a squeeze, “I think I like you better without pants. If you won’t wear a dress just a t-shirt that clings to your titties like that is fine with me.”
“I like you better without pants too. If you want to walk around the Sanctuary in just your underwear so will I,” I grab a fork and jab it into the mystery meat on my plate.
“I am the leader of the Saviors,” he grins, “and you’re my...what are we gonna call you.”
“Lover, Queen,” I smirk straddling his lap, “Goddess. Baby. Light of your life. Any one of those work for me. Or we can not have a label.”
He chuckles, sliding his hands along my thighs, cupping my ass, “I like you even more when you’re sitting in my lap like that.” He grinds up into me. I groan leaning in to kiss him.  My hand reaches between us tugging at the button of his pants to pull his cock out again. Without breaking the kiss he lifts my hips up pushes my panties aside and grins against my lips. “I love how fucking wet you get for me.” I line him up with my warm wet entrance and sink down fully on his length. “Jee-sus, baby,” he groans into my lips as I take him all the way in, “I almost forgot how fucking fantastic your pussy feels.”
“Shhh…” I moan as I start to rock my hips, my fingers clinging to his shoulders for balance as I move. His grip on my hips tightens and he thrusts up into me matching my movements. Rock for rock thrust for thrust we move together. I moan when his hand moves between us rubbing my clit causing me to squeeze tighter around him. Move faster. I groan when he lifts me laying me on my back on the couch and drives his cock hard and deep inside my warmth, hitting the spot that makes me come undone. My thighs tighten as they start to tremble around his hips and my walls pulse around him. “Fuck, Negan,” I cry out as I cum, my eyes dark as they fix on his. He pulls out stroking his cock a few times before releasing on my shirt.
“Goddamn, shit,” he chuckles his pants still almost on and covered with my juices. “I like that shit.”
“I know,” I tug my shirt up and over my head after adjusting my panties, “here’s the evidence.” I giggle tossing it in his direction.
“You did not just throw your cum covered shirt at me,” he lifts me up in his arm and swats my ass with his palm.
I squeal, “It’s your cum. Take me to bed now. You have successfully warned me out.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckles and carries me over to the bed. He drops me and tugs off his clothes and climbs in beside me. “Rest now.” I tuck myself in his side and close my eyes. Feeling right next to him.
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Chapter ninety four
So I've decided to pick this back up or rather post the chapters I had written about a year ago but hadn't posted yet. I started a new blog, put this one in a new coat so to speak, where I'm rewriting every chapter on here and making them better. It's a lot more depth and a lot more development. The next 14 chapters that I'm about to post have been written about a year ago so if they're some inconsistencies it's because of that.
“Long-time no see.” Guy chuckled, hugging me as we were led to our place in the restaurant. “mm. we’ve been quite busy.” I chuckled, before moving around the group to give them all a hug, the wives and girlfriends joining their husbands.
We’d been joking, laughing and catching up for a while when Guy approached us with an idea. “WWTW is setting up a new expedition, any interest?” he asked with a laugh. “always up for a challenge” I chuckled, looking at Harry. “Me to.” Harry agreed. “when would it be?” harry asked. “in a year and a half.” Mark said, both Mark and guy were now a part of the WWTW team, having done each expedition ever done.
“We’ll have to discuss it, but I’m sure one of us could be a part of the expedition.” Harry agreed. “only one?” guys asked. “we can’t disappear both guys.” I explained with a chuckle and they understood that both of us now were part of the Royal family.
“who knows, a royal baby might be on the way then.” Mark teased; pulling a face at me. “why is everybody so adamant about the fact a royal baby will be here soon?” I questioned with a laugh.
“ooh, come on. Harry has never hidden the fact that he wants kids and you’re married for nearly six months now.” Guy explained. “we have a very busy year guys, I doubt it will be this year.” I let them down. “You’d think they want us to get pregnant.” I looked at Harry in amusement. “It would seem like that, Merida.” He agreed, kissing my lips.
“it seems like everybody is waiting for me to get pregnant?” I said, half frustrated and half amused. “Don’t listen to them. we know what we’re doing. There’s only two people in this relationship and that’s us. it’s our decision Merida. Don’t worry about it.” he comforted me, running his hand up and down my arm.
“Mmm.” I muttered, turning onto my back. “hey.” Harry said sweetly, leaning his head on his hand, looking at me. “tell me?” he asked, his other hand pushing my hair back. “don’t worry about it.” I said, I knew keeping my mouth shut probably was the best idea, but I remember our last break up, the things he’d thrown at my head, I hadn’t forgotten about it.
so reaching up, I pecked his lips and whispered: “Goodnight love.” , before turning on my side, my back to him turning the light off on my side.
“Goodnight merida.” He sighed defeated.
I had said goodnight to finish the conversation, but my mind was running wild. We’d had this discussion; sure I’d love to have kids. But I was terrified at the prospect of it all, it’s not like I had gotten best example of motherhood and parenthood.
It terrified me. I didn’t want to give my kids the same childhood I had gotten, I knew in the back of my mind, I wouldn’t but still the doubt and fears were there. Harry was softly snoring beside me, I couldn’t get to sleep.
I needed some space, some fresh air. So I got up as quietly as I could, took the first jeans and sweater I could find and walked downstairs, pulling on my coat and left the house, walking towards the gardens attached to the palace, not our garden, but the one’s everyone visited when they visited KP.
It didn’t have all good memories, it had been where my excuse of a father had tried to make his move, where he’d been shot. Where my stepfather had been arrested, waiting his trail in Jail.
But none the less, this way my hiding spot. Another gazebo, little hiding spot had been added on the other side, my now often hiding spot where I could relax, I wanted to go for a walk through Hyde park, but I couldn’t do that, so the KP gardens would have to do for now as I walked through them to the bench.
I knew I probably wouldn’t end up like my mom had done to us. I wanted my kids to have a great and happy childhood. Being a part of this family was sure to make that true, but what about me, I didn’t want nanny’s raising my kids, essentially I’d be doing the same like mom had, dumping my kids to do things.
‘work’ I tried to tell myself, and sure if they would stay behind with a nanny it was so because we had to work and there were sure some to be some times where they would be staying home, while we did a tour.
‘why did I have to be so messed up?’ I thought to myself, pulling my legs up to my chest.
I didn’t know how long I had been sitting there. The cold having wrapped around me like a blanket. When I heard the voice: “I knew I’d find you here.”
“am I getting that predictable?” I asked, looking up to see Harry standing in front of me. “I just know you well.” He pointed out, sitting down next to me and pulling me in his body, only did I know realise how cold I really was.
“God, you’re freezing?” he stated as I shivered. “come let’s go inside, we’ll talk there and don’t tell me to not worry about it.” he immediately pointed out, pulling me up, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we made our way back to our place.
“Now will you talk to me?” he asked, when we settled on the couch in the middle of the night, both holding a cup of steaming hot tea. “Whatifi’macrapmother?” I said in one breath; but he’d gotten what I said, having gotten used to that when I didn’t want to talk about something.
“You won’t be.” He said, squeezing my knee, pulled up to my chest. “How can you be so sure about that?” I questioned, looking at him.
“I know cause you’re my wife and I know you’ll do a brilliant job and b cause of what you’ve done for Nathan and your other siblings.” Harry explained. “I don’t know.” I said, dropping my head against my knees with a yawn.
“just go with the flow.” He said, usually my mantra, and then I started giggling, maybe the exhaustion from this week catching up or realising the ridiculousness at this, from my entire new life the prospect of becoming was more worrying then becoming the Queen consort of the current Duchess.
“what are you laughing at?” Harry chuckled. “from all the things I’m worried about it’s motherhood.” I said, between laughter and Harry joined me soon afterwards, realising the situation. “guess you’re right.” He laughed. “so becoming a mum is scarier than being part of the Royal family?” he asked.
“guess so.” I chuckled, meeting his eyes, leaning my head on the back rest. “You’ll be great, and if it makes you feel any better I promise to kick your ass if you don’t.” he chuckled, caressing my cheek. “thanks.” I whispered.
“Always Merida, you know that, just promise you’ll do the same to me. I don’t know how I’ll be doing.” He chuckled, caressing my cheek. “Promise, guess we’ll have to figure it out together.” I noted, intertwining my hand with his resting on the backrest.
“we will” he said, more sure then I was, but I guess we’d just have to wait and see. “Come on, let’s go back to bed. Your grandparents are expecting us at noon.” He said, taking my cup of tea out of my hand and placing it on the coffee table, before pulling me up with him in and up to our room.
“why didn’t they tell us the entire bunch was here, I thought this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, instead we’ll be put in front of the firing squad.” I muttered as I got out of the car, by the sight of the cars, nearly everyone from my family was here, neither gran or gramps had said anything about it.
Liz would be happy as well’ I thought to myself, sarcastically. She was on her way with Nathan and even Mia and Glen were joining them, wanting to come to the countryside. I didn’t know how the arrangement would work, they’d be lucky if they still had a room.
“come on, it won’t be that bad” harry chucked. “yea, cause we’ve had so much time to catch up with them, this is the first time I’ll see gran and gramps in two weeks, don’t let me get started about the rest and if Daniel doesn’t keep his mouth shut, I’m not standing in for the consequences.” I told him as he and for now Jim and Kenneth laughed.
“You want us to come inside?” Jim joked. “No, I think Andrew and Aidan have already checked the place.” Harry chuckled. “alright.” They chuckled, before they started walking to their converted cottage.
“ready for the torture, why couldn’t we just go to Honiley.” I pointed out, looking back at Harry as I had started making my way to the back door. “Oh no.” I stopped in my tracks. “another thing they’ll have something to say about.” I pointed out. “Some have been there at Christmas.” Harry pointed out. “yea, like four people, no one else.” I told him, walking after him.
“come on, let’s go. Before you decide to run off to Honiley.” Harry joked, taking my hand and pulling me inside. “I hate you” I stated, following him in. “it’s us.” Harry announced. “no turning back now.” I muttered, trailing after him as we made our way into the kitchen which had just fallen quite.
“good day all.” Harry said, entering the kitchen. “hey guys.” I said, looking everyone in the room. Going over to gran and gramps first to kiss their cheek. Then I moved on to mom and the rest of the bunch. Mom, Danial, Mark, anne, Jeff, Evelyn, Steven, Marcus, Stephanie, Jode, Kathy and Joseph, even my gramps bother Andre was here. He normally came once a year at the big BBQ in august.
“What’s this, reunion?” I chuckled, looking around the kitchen, sitting on the kitchen counter. “something like that.” Gran chuckled. “and why didn’t you say anything. We could have gone to Honiley.” I said, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “come on, we haven’t seen you in a while yet.” She objected. “Where’s liz and Nathan?” Gramps asked. “on their way. We wanted to let him sleep in. and I hope you have a spare bed over, cause Glen and Mia are coming over as well.” I told gramps. “The room next to yours should be free for them to use.” She told me.
“Great.” I smiled, happy they wouldn’t have to go home again. Glen hadn’t met every one of this bunch yet, he had been on tour the last gathering. Who knows they might turn around and go back to London when they saw the amount of cars here.
“So how is George?” Gramps asked, looking at me. “better.” Harry and I chuckled, thinking back at the only thing that could keep him still, Nathan being part of it, but he was on his way here. “he thinks cause he’s back home, he’s invincible. Kate and Will have their hands full.” Harry explained with a chuckle.
“and you two had a busy week unexpectedly?” Anne pointed out. “it was alright. Had quite a bit of fun.” I replied, chuckling, looking at every one of them. “Gran have you told them about the horse show?” I asked, they had also gotten invitations, they would be sitting together on the left of the Royal box with the friends and family of the Middleton’s and half of our teams at the office and a couple of organisations of us.
“yea, everyone will be staying here.” She said. “good. A small bus will come and pick you up when it’s time.” I told them.” You won’t be here?” mom asked. “no, we’ll be there already during the day and we have dinner at Lunch with the family, before we head down to the arena.” I explained.
“should we wear something special?” Evelyn asked. Harry looked over at me and snorted. “don’t laugh at me, your family is doing this.” I accused. “What” Mark asked. “it seems that none of you read the invitations,” I pointed out, “I had the same question at my apartment.” I added.
“just look on the invites.” I said, already getting tired of this and starting to regret and letting them come.
“Sorry I’m sure this isn’t what you guys expected.” I said, sitting in the small sitting room on the upstairs floor, the only place we apparently could get some privacy. “don’t worry about it.” Glen assured me. “maybe we expected a calm weekend, but I have to admit, I haven’t laughed this much in a while.” He added. “still.” I added, looking between Mia and Glen.
“Don’t worry about it.” Mia assured me, placing her hand on my leg. “tea for Glen.” Harry said, handing him a cup of tea, hot chocolate for the ladies.” He finished, he’d been willing to face the rowdy bunch downstairs. “Liz here yet?” I asked, looking back at Harry. “no.” he smiled. I was getting slightly worried, she’d send over two hours ago that she’d be here, but she still had to show. “I’m going to call her.” I said, pulling out my phone.
“where are you?” I asked, when she picked up. “just driving down the driveway. There had been an accident, it was crazy.” She explained. “mm.” I muttered. “tell me later. I’m just glad you’re okay.” I smiled.
“It’s quite to be with that bunch?” she asked. “we’re in the upstairs sitting room, I was getting crazy.” I said. “great.” She muttered,
“I didn’t know you two had done a shoot?” Mia asked out of the blue as I put my phone down. “how do you even know that?” I asked with a chuckle. “Daphne said she read it online.” Mia explained. “not a word has been said about that.” I noted.
“something about a visitor in KP having seen you doing a shoot.” She explained. “great, so far for keeping things hidden until the end of the month.” I commented, snuggling into Harry’s side, much like Mia was doing with Glen.
“What is it for?” Mia asked. “vanity fair, there’ll be an exhibition at the portrait gallery later this month.” I explained; looking at them on the other couch. “can’t wait to see those pictures.” Harry chuckled from behind me.
“why’s that?” Glen chuckled. “you’ll see.” Harry smirked down at me. “that reminds me.” I sat up, remembering what Glen had approached me about. “you asked me about headway, right?” I asked, sitting up.
“yea,” he replied. “David, our senior advisor agreed, saying something about it being good business if one of the royals got an Irish organisation.” I explained. “So you’ll do it?” he asked, hopefully. “yea, told you I would if they were okay with it.” I chuckled. “great, they’ll be very happy with that.” He smiled at me. “you’re welcome.” I replied, sitting back against Harry’s chest.
“I love you.” he whispered in my hair, “I love you to.” I said, turning my head to the side so I could look at him and peck his lips. When we broke away I saw that Mia and Glen’s lips were locked as well and I was happy to see that their secluded week in honiley had helped them.
“So what does this mean?” he asked. “Gabby will contact them sometimes this week, set up a unofficial visit where I’ll probably go to Dublin meet the organisation, see what they are, get a feel for all of it and then we’ll plan an official visit before it gets announced I’ll be the Patron.” I explained, having memorised this process by now. Before the month was done I would be introduced to three of my chosen engagements, I had already done an unofficial visit with them and then in April I’d get another 4 of my organisation, each different from each other, but that’s what fascinated me.
“thanks for doing this.” He thanked me with a smile. “don’t mention it, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting off, you’ll be joining me as the ambassador.” I told him with a chuckle. “don’t mind, I’ve been in their place.” He smiled.
“You know being up here isn’t so bad.” I snuggled in Harry’s chest, glad to escape the big crowd, my life was filled with big crowds as it was, when I had time off I just wanted to see as little as possible, sure they were family, but they particularly knew how to drive me up the walls.
“maybe we could go out for a ride when liz gets here.” I suggested, looking at Harry, before looking at Mia and Glen, both of them rode as well, but didn’t do it quite often. When I saw them doubting it I tried to usher them: “Come on, it will be fun, we’ll take an easy ride. Just to relax and be outside for a bit.”
“Okay.” They agreed after looking at each other.
“now we have to take it easy.” I muttered, looking down at the rope in my hands. Nathan had begged to join us on our ride on his pony he’d gotten at Christmas. So I did the same when I learned to ride, attach a rope to it’s bridle and hold on to it, while riding Arion, who for once was behaving himself and was taking a caring position next to his friend. Him Aslan 1 and Aslan 2 were getting along rather well.
“I still can’t believe those two called them both Aslan” I muttered, Mia chuckling on my left. “what did you expect, have you told them about?” she nodded her head. “No, we’re not telling them until a day before we go. I doubt any of us would get any sleep.” I objected, giving her a warning glare that she better not tell him about the premiere and seeing the exhibition of Chronicles of Narnia.
“wouldn’t dare.” She said, holding up her hands. “you better, he sleeps at yours the most anyway.” I chuckled, although technically I hadn’t officially given the apartment to anyone, they shared it between them all. It even surprised so little fights happened, they were basically living in each other’s pockets.
“you know André rieu is coming to the albert hall, what do you think?” she suggested, right before my birthday last year we’d gone to see him as well, back in Stockholm. It would be great to see him again, this time in London.
“that would be great.” I smiled. “just the two of us again or are we taking the hubbies as well?” I chuckled, looking ahead of us where Glen and Harry were laughing and talking. Liz had decided to stay behind.
“what about the four of us, I know Glen loves that type of music, it helps him relax after drumming and all.” She explained. “I’d love to, maybe go to dinner, before like we did last year.” I suggested. “Sounds like a plan.” She agreed. “It’s my treat for my birthday.” I told her.
“you sure?” she asked. “yes, I am.” I told her. “I can’t believe it’s almost a year we’re engaged; it feels much longer than that.” I admitted, thinking back to our time in Africa. “I can imagine, time flies since your wedding.” She agreed. “it does, but maybe it’s got something to do with how busy we’ve been.” I commented.
“Maybe it is.” She agreed.
“You’re an idiot.” I muttered, looking at my husband. “always insulting the husband” he chuckled, shaking his head with amusement as we sat around the long dining table.
“I can’t help it Maddie asked me to have breakfast with her.” I muttered. “I know merida, just teasing you.” he smirked at me from across the table. “And in case you forgot we’re having dinner with them on Tuesday.” I reminded him, and I immediately realised he’d forgotten about it by his face.
“Of course, how could I forget.” He muttered, raisin laughter from Glen and Mia set next to us.
“dinner with a princess.” Daniel said, meaning to be an punch, only now did I realise the table had fallen quite. “as far as I know you’re having dinner with a Prince and Princess.” Harry retaliated, turning my face in the direction of Mia and Glen I barely managed to contain my laughter.
‘well done love.’ I said to myself. It apparently shut him up for a second. “she’s not a official one.” He dared, turning my face around to make sure nothing escalated I looked at harry with a begging look just to leave it alone, but he didn’t. “No, that’s why her official occupation is stated as Princess of the United Kingdom. She’s as much as a princess as Kate as Eugenie and Beatrice. She’s very much a princess on official documents.” Harry said through seething teeth, normally he wouldn’t push our titles, we both were what we were after getting married.
Harry had been a prince for his whole life, me a princess since I got married to him. We didn’t like to use our titles, we were just Liv and Harry. But I had noticed when people insulted me for nothing having a rightful place in the Royal family, he would quite seethingly reply, just as he did now.
“and it’s not like anyone will be asking your opinion.” He spat out as an afterthought. It seemed that though he had been a father figure to me when I had been younger, he certainly and nearly despised me. Seemed my mother’s partners were intended to be that way.
“Leave it love. He’s not worth it.” I said, nudging his leg under the table. Gran seemed to notice it was time something happened so she got up. “Mia you want to help me and gran?” I asked, sitting next to Harry. The two of us got up and made our way to the kitchen.
It had always surprised me how close Glen and Harry had gotten, but then again as I had said to Mia. Glen and Harry were very similar to each other and I hoped he could calm him down a little.
“Don’t listen to what he says.” Gran immediately said when I entered the kitchen. “I’m not. I think I might take Harry for a walk after this though.” I told her. “maybe you should between dinner and dessert.” She agreed.
“we’re just a bit on edge this week, don’t worry about it.” I told gran. “Why, did something happen?” she asked. “Not really. We’re just tired I guess from this week and the rumour of me being pregnant all the time doesn’t really help.” I explained, resting on the kitchen island.
“and then there are morons like that.” I pointed out, nodding my head back to the dining room. “we thought we were going to have an easy weekend, with just us, but it turned out to be the opposite.” I explained, looking at gran. I didn’t want her to feel about it.
“they just asked if they could come over, we didn’t think you’d minded” gran said looking down. “gran, normally we wouldn’t but it’s just that we were expecting a easy non hectic weekend.” I sighed, pulling on the oven gloves to get the dishes out of the oven.
“gramps and me would understand if you went to honiley.” Gran said. “we’ll stay, we’re here now, but next time a little warning?” I asked her. “we will;” she smiled, as I started walking in the direction of the living room, Mia behind me carrying an oven dish as well.
“Will you get Nathan?” I whispered, pulling back from placing the dish in front of where we sat. “we’ll go and get him.” Glen smiled getting up. “thanks guys.” I smiled between them.
by the time I had placed half of the bowls on the dining table together with Liz, Mia and gran. Just as I sat down on my chair. Harry and Glen came down in stitches and Nathan had a very innocent look on his face, to innocent. “okay, what happened?” I asked, trying not to laugh along with them, they had very infectious laughter.
“I wanted to talk to George.” Nathan pointed out shrugging his shoulders, sitting next to me and between liz.
“yea, and?” Liz and I asked in unison. “here take a look at it.” Harry chuckled handing me the IPad, I immediately noticed that Twitter was on and logged in on the Kensington Palace one.
“ooh no;” I muttered when I saw what happened. I started laughing as well as I handed Liz my IPad. “they didn’t.” Liz laughed, handing it to Mia. “they did. I think we should call Jason to do some damage control.” Harry laughed. “I’ll call Kate to get George of twitter.” I laughed, pulling my phone out.
The rascals had both been on the page of KP and send tweets to each other, for both being nearly 6 now, they surely knew how to work with that stuff. not that you could make out what they had written, but you could see it had been in reply of each other.
“he’s going to delete all the tweets and send an apology out.” Harry came back, still laughing. “can I talk to George now?” Nathan asked, looking up at me. “I think you already did.” I muttered, pushing back my phone.
This would be one of those things they never lived down.
Dinner turned out to be alright, Daniel gave his occasional dig, but each time Harry would get a warning kick under the table, I’m sure he would have a bruise. I had mastered the entire dig giving and being able to hide it and did exactly that, some got it, others didn’t. but laughter was all around the table, definitely when we explained what George and Nathan had done, they weren’t even together in the same room and managed to create mischief.
“Glad I’m out of there for a sec.” I sighed as we made our way through the garden and our usual bench. “Me too Merida. But I think you kicked me a bruise.” He pointed out with a snort as he rubbed his shin.
“sorry, I didn’t want you to go in on his taunts. That’s what he wants, love.” I told him. “I know merida. I just couldn’t help it. he had no right to tell you that you were lazy and be nasty about the fact that you had breakfast with Madeline.” He stated, pulling me in the crook of his arm. “I know love.” I agreed, rubbing his leg.
“but be careful what you do. He’s an opportunist. I’m an idiot for only seeing it now, he could easily go and tell the papers lies about us.” I told him. “I know.” He sighed, kissing the top of my head.
“lets just ignore him, like he isn’t there.” He suggested. “fine by me.” I snuggled into his body. “so far for our quite weekend.” He chuckled. “Don’t.” I warned, with a snort. “even a weekend with George would have been easier.” I pointed out.
“probably.” Harry agreed rubbing my arm up and down. “at least here it’s quite.” I snuggled in his side. “glen was happy when you told him.” Harry smiled. “yea, I’m glad I could do that and he knows about the organisation and he’s been in some of their shoes.” I pointed out.
“yea he does, he’s a good friend as well.” He replied. “he is.” I agreed. “you okay with us going to the concert just the four of us?” I asked, looking up at him. “yea, It’ll be nice, just to be the four of us.” he claimed.  
“here you guys are.” Mia yelled, when I saw her cross the bridge over the pond, Glen behind her. “yea, needed to get out.” Harry and I chuckled in unison. “it’s nice out here.” Glen pointed out, looking around the garden. “It is. It’s our spot I guess.” I stated, looking up at Harry, as they sat down on the other remaining bench.
“you want us to leave you alone?” Mia asked. “no, it’s alright.” Harry smiled. “it almost feels like were on holiday.” I pointed out, the silence around us, the garden, the water running in the pond.
“almost.” Harry snorted. “I don’t think we should expect to go on holiday for your birthday this year.” He smiled, looking down at me. “me neither, that’s when the craziness for Gran’s Platinum will start.” I agreed.
“in April already?” Glen asked. “unofficially yes, but May is the time it all really starts.” Harry explained. “the horse show?” Mia concluded. “among other things.” I answered.
We kept sitting in the garden relaxing, the four of us together. Each one of us had gone inside to get drinks, but other then that, none of us wanted to face the big group. Nathan had come and say goodnight, but no one else had come to bother us. I’d seen that my sister was getting cosy with Steven again, gran’s brother’s stepson.
Thank god it wasn’t to cold. It was well over midnight when we went back inside and up to our rooms, some were still awake, others had already gone to bed.
we stayed at my grandparent’s place until Monday morning, when we headed back to London, all of us needed to go back to work. Glen would travel to Dublin for the week to see his son and speak with Headway already.
“so how is he?” I asked, siting at the kitchen table at Will and Kate’s, Will and Harry were already in the office, setting up something new about preservation of wildlife, giving kate and me some more catching up time.
“surprisingly he feels great. He’s still careful, more so than before. But he is getting back to his old self. I guess being younger made it better.” She concluded.
“and then there’s this weekend’s trick they pulled.” She laughed. “yea, they’ll never live that one down. Has Jason done some damage control.” I asked. “yea, he has, but everyone at the office finds it very amusing.” She laughed.
“you should have seen Harry, we wer just about to start dinner. Glen and Harry came down in stitches. I thought he was playing games on my IPad not hack Kensington’s twitter account.” I laughed.
“yea, I figured the same, until you called.” She laughed. “those will be the death of us.” I pointed out, getting up to make some more tea, we always felt at home in each other’s place. And more times than not, we’d cook together if we could, we had a secret entrance to each other’s place and were living right next to each other, why not.
“we should probably head over to the office.” I said, filling our cups. “yea, Maria arrived last night, we didn’t want her to come back early. Let me just say goodbye to the kids, and I’ll join you.” she said, getting up.
we went to say goodbye to Charlotte and George and headed to our offices. Harry and Will were on the left side of the hallway in the upstairs old apartment of Diana and Charles and Kate and mine were on the right, our private secretary next to each one of our offices. The rest of our team was scattered over the first floor where we were sat and the second floor.
The first floor had been turned into reception rooms, dining rooms and meeting room for official occasions.
First I went into Gabby’s office, her new hired personal assistant sitting next to her. Miguel had said I needed a personal assistant to help me with my wardrobe and stuff, but I just didn’t feel like it so instead I got him to take a new personal assistant for gabby. Daphne, Natasha and Kate could help if I really needed help.
For the next hour we went over the schedule of the week. “I’ll be flying to Dublin, this week?” I asked, surprised how fast everything had gone. “yea, tomorrow after your visit of the Science museum and British Science association, you’ll take a plane to Dublin, everything is already planned, you’ll be there for three days, meet the people of Headway, do an unofficial visit and then the official visit. Miguel has asked me if you’d be willing to have dinner with the President at the residence, it wouldn’t be official of course and then there is this art gallery in Dublin, we thought you might be interested in it, to make your days a bit fuller.” Gabby explained as I looked at her with my mouth dropped open and leaning forward.
“a bit fuller, couldn’t you put the unofficial visit and meetings in one day and the next day we do the official.” I suggested. “haven’t thought of that. But we still can, maybe you could do something more, you’re a day extra there.” She suggested. “okay, I guess we better start looking at organisation I’d like to be involved in then.” I suggested, getting up.
so for the entire midday, we worked on my unexpectedly visit to Dublin, we decided on two more organisations with kids and added the national Irish gallery after confirming it would alright I’d visit.
“How come I’m doing an overseas visit on my own already?” I asked, storming into Harry’s office, freaking out about the entire thing. On our tour I had Harry by my side, supporting me every way and it’s not like I didn’t trust to do it without him, maybe it was.
“Miguel is confident you’ll do great.” He muttered. “I wish I could go with you Merida.” He said and I saw it bothered him as well as he got up and walked over to me, sitting me down on the couch in his office.
“Do you want to do this?” he asked. “I promised Glen I would, I don’t mind about going to Headway, but I thought I would make a quick and quite entrance the first time, not like this.” I explained. “I know merida.” Harry said, taking my hand in his;
“but do you want to do the three days?” he asked. “the three days are planned, its not up for discussion, I just.” I sighed, dropping my head, most of all I was scared to mess the entire thing up.
“you’re just what Merida?” he asked, lifting my chin. “what if I mess up, you’ve always been there, guiding me and now.” I admitted. “You did without me last week.” He pointed out, making me shut up about that fact.
“But not overseas, I know this isn’t a tour, just a short visit, but still. Miguel even set me up for dinner with the president.” I rambled, avoiding his eyes. “what was Sweden?” he asked, ‘shit’ I’d forgotten about that for a second.
“I’ll admit I’d rather have you not go alone to another place. Ireland hasn’t been particularly good with our family, but if there’s one that can change that, it’s you. you speak Gaelic and you’re brilliant with any sort of people. I have faith in you. you’ll come back beaming like you always do having done amazing.” He assured me, taking my face between his hands.
Sighing I tried to convince myself everything would be alright. “and Glen will be there for Headway, won’t he. So you won’t be completely alone.” He tried, “I guess so.” I muttered.
“What are you doing this afternoon?” he asked. “normally I’d read over tomorrow stuff and start looking at organisation for us to see in Asia, but it seems I’ll be picking out dresses and packing.” I told him, sarcastically happy.
“sounds like fun.” He chuckled. “you’re not helping.” I chucked, slapping his thigh softly. “there’s my wife.” He smiled, resting his head against mine. “just do what you always do, be yourself.” He instructed me.
“I guess, I’ll find out if I can do this or not.” I muttered, “you will. Come on let’s grab some lunch to take your mind of things.” he said, getting up and pulling me along with him.
“everybody has been notified we’ll be travelling with 7 people including you.” Gabby told me as I way looking for dresses and stuff, in hope they would be delivered tomorrow morning and go with me to Dublin tomorrow evening.
“7?” I asked, our team in New Zealand alone had been out of seven, excluding our PO’s of course. “yea, you, me, Lauren, Jane, Liam, Kenneth and Aidan.” Gabby summed.
“why does Jane have to join us?” I asked, referring to her assistant, I liked her so far, but I didn’t see the reason behind so many people for only 3 days. “we need to get her used to this, before this summer’s big tour, I don’t want to throw her to the lions immediately.” Gabby smiled, in a way she would get me to agree, she knew me way to well.
“fine.” I muttered, to her amusement.
“are you sure everything will even get here in time?” I asked, nodding to my computer. “yea, I’ll make sure of it.” Gabby assured me. “you better or I’m going in my jeans to the president’s house.” I threatened.
“you wouldn’t?” she chuckled with a raised eyebrow. I raised my own eyebrow in return and nodded her head. “you would.” She concluded. “don’t you know me by now.” I questioned, amusement in my voice.
“I do.” She confirmed. “has it been announced yet?” I asked. “no, I just send the mail now.” She said, hitting a key on her computer. “now I’ll put it on twitter.” She chuckled. It seemed the word Twitter would cause some amusement for a while thanks to the rascal duo.
“Good?” she asked, turning the computer around for me to read. “HRH The Duchess of Sussex will travel to Dublin to meet a handful of organisations.” I read the first tweet. “yea, sounds good.” I said, looking over the screen, she tweeted the announcement before adding a second part.
“HRH will be travelling alone to Dublin for three days starting tomorrow evening.” Was the second part. “the organisations The Duchess will visit is Headway, Temple street hospital and Festina lente.” Was the third part.
“on the second night HRH will meet with the Presidential couple of Ireland at his official residence for an informal dinner.” Was the end of the announcement? “Well there’s no going back now.” I stated.
“Like there ever was.” Gabby teased and I threw a pen at her head. “why does another overseas visit get announced so far and the one’s to Ireland so late? “I asked, remembering that Charles visit had only been announced the day before as well.
“Cause the one’s who don’t want you there can’t plan something on such a short notice.” Gabby explained. “it’s not like I haven’t been there. I’ve been there 3 times as a guide, on Autumn’s hen party and for an art exhibit. I’m sure I’ll survive.” I told her.
“You weren’t part of this family back then.” She pointed out. “well, according to you, nothing will happen.” I quipped.
“very true.” She teased. “it’s glen.” I said, picking my ringing phone. “guess I forgot to tell him;” I chuckled. He didn’t know I was coming over yet and all the three lads were over there right now, visiting family.
“hello.” I answered amused. “why didn’t you let me know?” he laughed. “is it that out already?” I asked, surprised the news had spread so quick.
“sorry, it’s been very busy since this morning when I was informed of the fact.” I told him, throwing an amused glare at Gabby. “Don’t blame me, blame Miguel.” She laughed, getting up. “who’s there?” he asked laughing. “Gabby. We’re going over the schedule for the trip” I explained, when I heard other voice over the line.
‘who’s there with you?” I teased. “the lads, they’re having dinner at my parent’s place.” He pointed out, I remembered them telling us they sometimes had dinner over at each other’s parents place.
“sounds like fun;” I laughed. “and thanks for making me show up.” I heard someone yell in the background. “who’s that?” I asked. “Dan, you’re visiting Temple street hospital and a couple of artists here always go there on Christmas and during the year, they’ve all been called and asked to show up.” Glen explained.
“ha.” I said, laughing. “well, looking forward to that.” I chuckled. “so did you call to reprimand me, I apologise I was so busy and didn’t think to let you know.” I explained.
“no, our families would like to meet you after hearing so much from us and now you’re coming here.” He suggested. “Glen, I don’t know.” I said, looking up at Gabby. “I know you’ll probably be protected like crazy here, but we’d really like to introduce you as our friend.” He explained, he had a way to make thing sound very good.
“I can’t the first night.” I told him, thinking of dinner with the president. “I know, dinner with the president.” He said in a feigned tone like Daniel had. “don’t start.” I warned.
“so will you have dinner with our families?” he asked. “how the hell am I supposed to meet the family of you three, I know you have big families. “ I explained, not getting how that would go, I knew they had quite big families. “Well, one of Dan’s sisters owns a small restaurant and we’d all go over there.” Glen explained.
“I can’t promise anything. I’d have to get it past everyone but if they’re okay with it. yes, I’ll meet them.” I agreed. We ended the call not to much later and I continued working.
“it was an honour to show you around, Ma’am.” the guide of the museum said as we made our way to the exit, I’d gone around the British Science association which was connected with the museum and had a blast in both places and I was sure about my decision to become a patron to both organisations.
“the pleasure was all mine, I had a blast.” I told her as we walked up to the directors of both organisations, they had walked out in front of us as I talked to the guide. Science had always been something very close to my heart.  
“Your Royal Highness.” The three of them said after each other. “I hope you had a great time in both places.” One of the bosses said. “yea, very much so. Looking forward to another visit.” I told them.
“we’ll gladly welcome you back.” The other said. We said our goodbye’s before I got in the car and we drove back to KP.
“please be careful and listen to the guys.” Harry begged as we were saying goodbye in the entrance hall. “I will, don’t worry.” I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I mean it. I want you back here on Saturday morning in one piece.” He said and I saw the worry in his eyes, given the history between the Royal family and Ireland, maybe it was a fair worry.
“I promise you, that I’ll behave more then I’ve ever done and I’ll listen to the guys. I promise.” I said, pecking his lips between each word. “thanks, that gives me some peace already.” He smiled.
“or maybe it should worry me more, knowing you.” he chuckled. “for once I’ll keep my promise and behave.” I promised and for once I would if it would give him some peace.
“thanks. I love you, don’t ever forget that.” He whispered, resting our heads together. “I know. I love to hun.” I smiled, playing with the hairs at the back of his head. “wish I could make love to you again.” He whispered. “wasn’t the shower enough.” I teased, nipping his lip.
“don’t tease Merida.” He growled. “I’ve got to give you something to look forward to when I get back.” I teased, nipping his lip again.
Gabby opened our front door and told us to hurry up. “I have to go. I’ll see you Saturday morning.” I promised, closing the gap between our lips in a passionate lock.
“go and come back.” He smiled, squeezing my bum. “don’t tease.” I repeated. “I have to give you something to look forward to.” He repeated in chuckles. I kissed his lips one last time and walked out he’d never let me go otherwise.
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So that was the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. please let me know what you think. 
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